Thursday, May 30, 2024


Can AI-driven efficiencies address Canada's lagging economic productivity?

A new report from TD Economics says that while advancements in AI technology could help the Canadian economy address long-standing productivity issues, its potential for growth will depend on its implementation. 

TD Senior Economist Rannella Billy-Ochieng’ and Economic Analyst Anusha Arif said in a report Tuesday that AI offers a potential “remedy” to Canada’s productivity issues. The report said that weak investment has contributed to productivity issues, but a larger issue has been the “slowing rate of technological change.” 

“Canada’s unique AI ecosystem provides a good starting position for us to ride this industrial growth wave, but poor adoption policies and weak AI preparedness may derail this opportunity,” the report said. 

“In the more optimistic scenario, the adoption of AI across industries could lead to an output increase of five to eight per cent over the baseline over the next decade.” 

Recent advances in AI technology are now “manifesting with great speed,” the report said, and some experts predict AI to be a key technology “of the next Industrial Revolution.” 

“Generative AI – a general purpose technology with the ability to mimic cognitive skills – has the potential to be one of the most influential innovations of the fourth Industrial Revolution,” the report said. 

“These technologies will change the way we work, and by helping workers become more efficient, will foster greater economic growth.” 

Despite the potential productivity gains from AI implementation, the report highlighted that Canada has a globally competitive AI ecosystem. However Canadian businesses have comparatively poorer AI adoption rates relative to U.S. peers.

“The absence of widespread adoption and commercialization of AI among businesses could stand in the way of Canada fully capitalizing on this nascent opportunity,” the report said. 

The report detailed that Canada’s total factory productivity, which measures changes in economic output that don’t come from increased inputs, began slowing in the 1960s.  

According to the report, total factory productivity has weighed on labour productivity for the past two decades.

TD’s report follows widespread concerns about the nation's lagging economic productivity. In March, Bank of Canada Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers described the issue as an economic emergency

Last month Mark Wiseman, the former Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) CEO, said that while the federal government’s 2024 budget focuses on redistribution, more attention should be given to productivity-related issues. 

More Canadians only making minimum payment on credit cards: TransUnion

A new report suggests an increasing number of Canadians are seeing their credit card balances balloon as the cost-of-living crisis and higher interest rates eat into household budgets.

A TransUnion report published Tuesday said the number of Canadians paying only the minimum monthly amount on their credit card rose eight basis points to 1.3 per cent in the first quarter compared with last year. 

Matthew Fabian, director of financial services research at TransUnion Canada, said many household incomes are not keeping up with inflation and higher interest rates, leaving them to rely on credit. 

"Consumers that have had significant increases in their mortgage payment have made that deliberate trade-off to pay less on their credit card and in some cases, they're missing their payment," Fabian said in an interview. 

"We've seen a higher delinquency rate in credit cards for those consumers that have mortgages than traditional credit card consumers."

Total consumer debt in Canada was $2.38 trillion in the first quarter, compared with $2.32 trillion in the same quarter last year, and down only slightly from a record $2.4 trillion in the fourth quarter.

The report said 31.8 million Canadians had one or more credit products in the first quarter, up 3.75 per cent year-over-year. The jump was mainly driven by newcomers and gen Z signing up for their first credit products. 

The report showed there was a 30 per cent surge in outstanding credit card balances for the gen Z cohort compared with the previous year.

"The younger generation (is) only getting access to credit for the very first time in their life," said Fabian. "They're still learning how to use it, they're still learning what it means to pay your monthly obligations."

Meanwhile, millennials held the largest portion of debt in the country — about 38 per cent of all debt — likely due to higher credit needs as they grow older, according to the report.

"They're in the life stage where they're probably having children, getting houses and have auto loans," Fabian said. "The structure of the debt is shifted where 10 years ago, the majority of them would have had credit cards and car loans."

Fabian said he isn't overly concerned about households falling behind on their mortgage payments because of the strict screening process established by the banking watchdog to qualify for a mortgage.

He also said cash-strapped consumers will typically pay their mortgage first at the expense of other credit products like their auto loan or credit card. 

Even though there are concerns about missed payments among the vulnerable population, Fabian said, "We're still seeing pretty decent resiliency in the Canadian consumer base, especially when you look at how quickly it's grown with gen Z and the volume of credit participation."

He added interest rate cuts, which are anticipated as early as June, can lessen the burden on households over time.

"Our expectation is that the market will start to correct back to normal," Fabian said.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 28, 2024.


Lobby group says emissions cap would cost oil and gas sector $75B in lost investment

A new report commissioned by an industry lobby group on the federal government's proposed emissions cap stirred up strong reactions from both oil and gas supporters and environmental groups on Monday.

The report, by S&P Global Commodity Insights, was commissioned by the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers to examine the impact of various proposed emissions-reducing policies on Canada's conventional (non-oilsands) oil and gas producers.

Its conclusions Monday were used to support the industry argument that legislating an emissions ceiling will inhibit investment and growth, even as opponents argued the report's methodology was flawed.

The commissioned report concludes that if oil and gas drillers were required to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 per cent by 2030, industry could see $75 billion less in capital investment over the course of the next nine years compared with current policy conditions.

The study says that would translate to one million barrels of oil equivalent less of production per day by 2030 compared with current forecasts, and 51,000 fewer jobs by 2030 than under existing government policies.

The findings align with what Canada's oil and gas sector has long been saying — that the federal government's proposed cap on emissions from the industry will amount to a de facto cap on fossil fuel production.

On Monday, CAPP president Lisa Baiton said the new report is proof that a federally mandated emissions cap "should not proceed."

"Declines in production forced on the industry by a stringent emissions cap will result in significant job losses for Canadians, severe impacts on the economy and our GDP, and have the potential to compromise Canada’s energy security and prosperity," Baiton said.

But the federal government has said all along that the oil and gas emission cap will be designed to limit emissions, not oil and gas production.

The government has said the design of the emissions cap will take into account other regulations, such as Canada's commitment to reduce oil and gas methane emissions by at least 75 per cent by 2030, as well as complementary climate policies by federal and provincial governments.

And the hypothetical scenarios the CAPP-commissioned report examines do not use the same targets the federal government actually proposes in its draft emissions framework, released last December.

Under the proposed framework, the sector would have to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 35 to 38 per cent from 2019 levels by 2030. The sector would also have the option to buy offset credits or contribute to a decarbonization fund that would lower that requirement to cutting just 20 to 23 per cent.

“CAPP has commissioned an analysis of a non-existent scenario. Everything in it flows from false assumptions that make it so deeply flawed, it amounts to disinformation," said Oliver Anderson, spokesman for Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, in an email.

CAPP says its sponsored study adds in the projected impact of the federal government's draft methane regulations, which would require at least a 75 per cent reduction of oil and gas methane emissions below 2012 levels by 2030, and takes into account that the policies have not been finalized and remain uncertain.

Environmental groups were quick to criticize the report's methodology. Clean energy think-tank The Pembina Institute said the CAPP report includes only conventional oil and gas drillers and leaves out oilsands production, which accounts for the vast majority of the industry's emissions profile.

The Pembina Institute added that when it comes to methane, which is where the bulk of conventional drillers' emissions come from, significant reductions can be made using already existing, cost-effective technologies.

"Pembina Institute research demonstrates that the proposed 2030 emissions cap can be feasibly met by the oil and gas industry, almost entirely through a combination of methane reductions (which would mostly come from the conventional sector) and the Pathways Alliance’s 2030 emissions reduction plan (for the oilsands)," the think-tank stated in a release.

While the oil and gas sector is Canada's heaviest-emitting industry, the bulk of those emissions come from the oilsands sector — where rising production is contributing to increased to total emissions.

Emissions from the conventional sector, which the CAPP reports focuses on, have been declining since 2014.

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith also waded in Monday, issuing a joint statement with the province's environment and energy ministers in which she referred to the proposed cap as a "reckless gamble that will devastate Canadian families and do nothing to reduce global emissions."

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 27, 2024.


Residential mortgage debt hits $2.16 trillion amid slowest growth in 23 years: CMHC

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. says the country’s total residential mortgage debt totalled $2.16 trillion as of February this year, up 3.4 per cent year-over-year and representing the slowest growth in 23 years.

The federal housing agency said in a new report that higher mortgage costs and uncertainty around the Bank of Canada lowering its key interest rate led to softer home sales and prices across many regions in the second half of 2023.

However, it said the slowdown in mortgage growth could be short-lived. 

The agency expects the rate of growth for mortgage debt to increase amid forecasts of higher home sales and prices in the coming years.

It said an anticipated decline in mortgage rates, along with population growth and increases in real disposable incomes, will likely fuel the turnaround.

"In a context where debt levels have never been so elevated and households are showing increasing warning signs of financial struggle, household debt vulnerability is becoming a primary area of concern," said CMHC deputy chief economist Tania Bourassa-Ochoa in a press release. 

"As homeowners find it more difficult to manage their monthly budgets, policymakers and the financial sector are on high alert when considering risks to the financial industry and the economy."

The report also said borrowers are continuing to opt for shorter-term, fixed-rate mortgages over traditional five-year fixed terms as they remain uncertain of the short- and medium-term mortgage rate outlook.

That's despite "noteworthy increases" in the discounts being offered by lenders on five-year, fixed-rate mortgages in the first two months of this year, which marked a reversal of the trend from the last half of 2023.

"Lenders are foreseeing potential rate cuts by the (Bank of Canada) occurring sooner than they anticipated last year and are seeking to lock in mortgages at relatively high rates," the report said.

Terms ranging from three years to less than five years remained the most popular choice, representing nearly 40 per cent of all lending for newly extended mortgages in February 2024. Variable-rate mortgages accounted for 15 per cent of all lending for newly extended mortgages.

The report showed the national mortgage delinquency rate hit 0.17 per cent in the fourth quarter of last year, still near historic lows, but trending up for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic.

It also highlighted the Big Six banks taking an increasing share of the market for extended mortgages.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, those banks' share grew 11.8 percentage points from last year, driven by increases in refinances and renewals. Other chartered banks and credit unions recorded decreases of 6.9 and 3.1 percentage points, respectively. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 29, 2024.


'We were going to win': Activist kingmaker stages coup at Gildan

Usman Nabi was certain from the beginning that it would end this way — with his firm seizing control of Gildan Activewear Inc. as the company’s directors headed for the exits.

“We’ve always known we were going to win,” he said. 

Six months ago, few people inside corporate Canada had even heard of Browning West LP, the investment partnership founded in 2019 by Nabi and Peter Lee. They know it now, after Browning triumphed in an expensive and high-profile proxy fight at Gildan, one of world’s largest makers of T-shirts and other cheap apparel.  

The battle — which began in December when Gildan’s board sacked longtime Chief Executive Officer Glenn Chamandy — featured lawsuits, conspiracy theories and plenty of mudslinging. Browning West wanted Chamandy back. The board hired a new CEO in Vince Tyra, an ex-Fruit of the Loom executive who’d had a stint as the University of Louisville’s athletic director.

In the end, Gildan spent some US$65 million on advisers, legal fees, severance and other related expenses, according to Chamandy — more than one per cent of its market capitalization. It’s even more than Walt Disney Co. paid to fend off activist shareholders including Nelson Peltz earlier this year. 

The dollar figure is one indicator of how hostile it was. Gildan’s board publicly accused Chamandy of being a checked-out CEO, more interested in his golf resort in Barbados than running a $6 billion public company. But inside Gildan, some executives were quietly organizing on his behalf and urging shareholders to back Browning’s campaign to oust the existing board and Tyra, their new boss. 

The rebellion worked. 

Faced with imminent defeat, Gildan’s entire board quit last week. The departures included former Goldman Sachs Group Inc. executive Tim Hodgson, who was brought in as Gildan’s new chair on May 1 — an unsuccessful attempt to persuade shareholders they could get an improved board without handing control to Browning West and Chamandy.

Now Tyra is gone, Chamandy is back and the directors are the eight men and women chosen by Browning West. All of them received at least 82 per cent of the shares voted in the board election, Gildan said in a statement Wednesday.  

“I think when we approach other public companies where change is required,” Nabi said, “folks are probably going to listen a little bit more carefully the next time.” 

Leadership focus

The Gildan proxy fight was shaped by Nabi’s time at H Partners Management LLC. There, he was part of the team that recapitalized Six Flags Entertainment Corp. and later pushed to replace the CEO of mattress maker Tempur Sealy International Inc. 

Under new leadership, both companies produced nice gains for investors, though in Tempur’s case it took several years for the strategy to work. Browning West is its fourth-largest holder today, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

The experience showed that the quality of the top executives can make all the difference, Nabi said. Lee had a similar mindset. The two men, who both once worked for Lazard Inc., linked up to launch Browning West about five years ago and soon started building a stake in Gildan, which has produced annual returns of more than 18 per cent for shareholders since it went public in 1998. 

Chamandy — who ran Gildan with his brother Greg before becoming sole CEO in 2004 — is a supplier to Walmart Inc. and other apparel sellers. It has steadily built market share by exploiting a cost advantage over rivals such as Fruit of the Loom, a product of what Gildan executives said was Chamandy’s unparalleled knowledge of an intricate supply chain. 

The company takes cotton from the U.S. South and turns it into yarn that’s eventually transformed into T-shirts, socks and underwear by workers in low-wage textile centers such as Bangladesh. Chamandy knows better than anyone how to squeeze costs out of a vertically integrated manufacturing chain, Nabi said, and that’s the key. 

“It’s this game of inches,” Nabi said. “So the first thing you’d know is, let’s not hire someone who has no manufacturing experience, which is what the board did” when it chose Tyra, he said. 

Gildan’s board may have made a tactical error in the way it announced Chamandy’s departure on Dec. 11. The statement gave no explanation as to why the veteran CEO had left and said Tyra wouldn’t start working for two months. The stock fell 11 per cent that day.

It wasn’t until later that the board, then led by former alcohol executive Don Berg, came out with its story: that Chamandy, who’s in his early 60s, had run out of sensible ideas for growth, was proposing risky acquisitions and was stalling the board’s planning to find his eventual replacement. 

By that point, Chamandy had already grabbed control of the narrative, saying he’d been fired by a board that hadn’t consulted shareholders. Several of the largest investors went public with their unhappiness about the CEO change. 

By the end of December, Nabi and Lee had recruited former United Rentals Inc. CEO Michael Kneeland as a prospective new chair for Gildan, and the fight was on. “Our campaign started with a request for two board seats, then it went to five, and then it went to eight,” Nabi said. 

Browning West, which is based in Los Angeles, manages $1.6 billion for investors, including university endowments, wealthy individuals and the partners. Lee and Nabi say they have more than 90 per cent of their net worth in their fund. And the investment strategy is unusual. All of the money is in just six stocks, with the intention of owning them for years.

Under the operating plan unveiled by Browning West and Chamandy in March, Gildan will borrow more, repurchase stock, move additional production to Bangladesh and try to expand its sales of higher-quality products. There are ambitious targets — a $60 stock price by the end of next year, about 60 per cent higher than Tuesday’s closing price. If anything, the pressure on Chamandy is greater now: he’s accountable to a board that helped him get his job back. 

Gildan is Browning West’s second-largest holding, with a stake worth about $350 million. “What that means is, Gildan is extremely important to us as a fund,” Lee said, “but it’s also extremely important to us personally.

Proxy battle cost Gildan US$65M, as investors re-elect Chamandy, new slate to board

The bitter battle over who would run Gildan Activewear Inc. cost the company at least US$65 million, according to its newly returned CEO, as the apparel maker looks to turn a corner after a turbulent six months.

“This is probably the largest proxy fight in history, even more so than Disney, for example, which is 40 times our size,” said chief executive Glenn Chamandy, referring to a high-profile struggle at the entertainment company in recent years.

Shareholders of the T-shirt manufacturer voted to place Chamandy back on its board alongside a slate of candidates put forward by activist investors on Tuesday, capping a months-long leadership battle.

The election marks another vote of confidence for the company co-founder, who retook the helm last week after being ousted from the top job in December amid accusations he was no longer fit to lead the firm.

Chamandy told reporters in Montreal that Gildan's conduct over the past several months showed "poor judgement," causing a stressful period for him, his family and employees at the company. 

“I was a little saddened, I would say, by the way I think the board handled the succession — and handled me personally," he said.

Activist shareholders, including Browning West LP, pushed for Chamandy's return to the apparel manufacturer for months after former Fruit of the Loom executive Vince Tyra took over Gildan's CEO post. Gildan's largest shareholder, Jarislowsky Fraser, supported Browning West.

In a shock move last week, Tyra and Gildan's board stepped down, paving the way for Chamandy's return and for Browning West's slate of directors to be elected.

The US$65-million battle includes severances to outgoing board members and two executives, the company sale process — floated in March and since scrapped — as well as legal costs that include a pair of lawsuits launched by Gildan against Browning West, which were dismissed earlier this month, Chamandy said. That doesn't include his own severance, which he said he never received.

"This board was very entrenched and I think was very abusive to shareholders’ money,” he said of the departing directors. 

Roughly US$26 million of the US$65-million total went to Tyra, who headed the company for four months, and Arun Bajaj, Gildan's former human resources chief, said Chamandy, who called the compensation to his predecessor "shocking."

“They actually got the money for their severance and then left the company subsequently a couple days later, which is really strange,” he said. “From our view, it’s not very clean.”

Nonetheless, Chamandy suggested legal recourse is unlikely: “We’re putting this behind us.”

Meanwhile, the new board slate received “overwhelming support” from shareholders, the CEO said. The precise tally is expected by Wednesday morning.

Leading proxy firms Institutional Shareholder Services Inc., Glass Lewis and Egan Jones had all recommended Browning West's group of candidates be elected.

Gildan had previously replaced five directors in April and said it would back two Browning West nominees.

Browning West co-founder Peter Lee said Tuesday the legal battles cost his firm “millions of dollars.” The Los Angeles-based hedge fund will determine "down the road" whether Gildan might cover some of that expense, he said.

“Overall, justice has prevailed,” Chamandy told reporters. “The shareholders have spoken. This is a new beginning for Gildan.”

However, questions have already arisen around succession plans, given the tortuous saga of the past half-year.

“I’ve got a lot of energy. I’m in my early 60s, which is early 50s in the future," he said.

While Chamandy declined to speculate on when he might step down, chairman Michael Kneeland said, "Obviously, we’ll say three to five years — that’s probably good guardrails, but there’s no set time limit."

Chamandy also threw cold water on the idea of a sale of the clothing maker, which the previous board announced barely two months ago. The chief executive pointed to Gildan's ability as a publicly traded company to raise billions of dollars in capital for investment in garment factories.

“Private equity comes in and they buy the company and they put $5 billion of debt on the company, which is unmanageable," he said. "We're not going be able to reinvest in the company itself and we'll lose our competitive advantage."

Asked about complaints from factory workers in Honduras reported on by the Globe and Mail, Chamandy stood by the company’s practices, saying that most facilities are unionized and subject to periodic audits from monitoring and certification programs such as Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production. He also claimed high worker satisfaction among Gildan’s 44,000 employees and highlighted the whistleblower lines available to them.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 28, 2024.

Property controls a major barrier for grocery competition in Canada: experts

As Canadian consumers have increasingly soured on the major grocers, the country's competition watchdog has turned its sights on restrictive clauses in retail leases that it says are hampering competition in the grocery sector. 

Limiting the use of these clauses could open the door for more independent grocers and smaller chains to compete with the big players, giving consumers more choice and potentially even lower prices, experts say. 

“It would promote some more competition in the marketplace,” said Peter Chapman, founder of consulting firm SKUFood and a former Loblaw Cos. Ltd. executive. 

Grocery prices have increased by more than 20 per cent over three years, and the resulting political pressure has seen MPs order grocery executives to take action. The federal industry minister has said he's courting foreign grocers in the hope that a new entrant would boost competition. 

Meanwhile, the Competition Bureau is looking into the use of property controls in the grocery industry. 

The bureau says property controls, which are terms baked into commercial leases that put restrictions on other nearby tenants and their activities, can be barriers to both smaller domestic companies and foreign entrants. 

These clauses could limit the kinds of stores that can open in a mall, or limit the kind of store that can take over a vacated location. They might also limit other nearby stores from selling certain products.

But experts say limits on this practice would do more to boost domestic competition than it would to pave the way for a foreign grocer to enter Canada. 

"It's not going to necessarily bring a big international competitor in," said Michael von Massow, a food economy professor at the University of Guelph.

In May, the Competition Bureau launched investigations into the parent companies of grocery chains Loblaws and Sobeys over the use of property controls. 

“According to market participants, property controls are widespread in the retail grocery sector, impacting where and how businesses can compete in the retail sale of food products,” the commissioner said in court documents. 

Since large retailers draw traffic to malls and plazas, they have power in their negotiations with landlords to ask for restrictive clauses, said Chapman. 

“Some landlords would say that having a large retailer as a draw is worth restricting some of the other avenues they can pursue,” he said. 

If the grocer’s parent company has ownership in the landlord, it’s much more likely that the retailer will get property controls in the agreement, he added. 

In May, the Competition Commissioner applied in the Federal Court to order Empire Cos. Ltd. and George Weston Ltd. to hand over records about real estate holdings, lease agreements, customer data and more.

The court documents describe Empire's and George Weston’s holdings in real estate investment trusts, or REITs, which count the companies’ own grocery banners as major tenants. 

The REITs have a wide reach geographically, and so property controls often extend past one mall or one plaza, said von Massow. 

Over time, these clauses are becoming more specific as companies like Giant Tiger and Dollarama have expanded into food, said von Massow.

"We're seeing the introduction of new restrictions, because the nature of the competition has changed," he said. 

If consumers have access to several stores selling food within close proximity to each other, they are more likely to go to multiple stores in one trip, cherry-picking deals, said von Massow. By restricting which other stores can be near a large grocer, or what nearby stores can sell, the grocers are trying to be a one-stop shop for consumers instead, he said. 

Sobeys owner Empire said in a separate court application that the bureau’s investigation gives the Competition Commissioner “the appearance of a lack of independence” amid political pressure and criticism over grocers’ prices, and called the inquiry “unlawful.” The Competition Bureau has confirmed that it has filed a motion to strike Empire’s application for judicial review. 

Loblaw previously said it’s co-operating with the review, but noted that restrictive covenants are common in many industries including retail. 

“They help support property development investments, encouraging opening of new stores and capital risk-taking,” said spokeswoman Catherine Thomas in a statement last week. 

Though limiting the use of property controls could promote competition, Chapman said he doesn’t think restrictive clauses are one of the top barriers for potential foreign entrants like the ones being courted by federal Industry Minister François-Philippe Champagne. 

Chapman said the challenges of setting up a distribution network, and of building an economic model that works within Canada’s regulatory environment, would pose much bigger obstacles for companies looking to expand. 

If a foreign grocer decides to enter Canada, they’re more likely to build their own locations or partner with an investor, rather than try and enter shopping areas already occupied by an anchor tenant, added von Massow. 

But the experts said limiting property controls will help independent stores and smaller chains like Dollarama and Giant Tiger. 

If those stores are able to open more locations, consumers will benefit from more choice, said von Massow. 

With consumers better able to shop at multiple stores in one trip and look for deals, that could also boost local price competition on some items, he added. 

If the use of property controls is restricted, "it won't necessarily bring a Lidl or an Aldi in, but it will make it easier for a dollar store to go in and provide a choice for people who are willing to shop around," said von Massow. 

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 29, 2024.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

B.C. miners serve strike notice at Gibraltar copper pit in central Interior

A union representing 550 workers at a mine in British Columbia's central Interior says they're prepared to go on strike if a new contract is not reached by the end of Friday.

Unifor Local 3018 says the workers at Taseko's Gibraltar Mine deserve fair wages, strong safety protocols and equitable treatment on the job.

A statement from the union says despite several weeks of meetings, the company has failed to make meaningful proposals at the bargaining table ahead of the current collective agreement expiring on May 31.

The union says the mine, north of Williams Lake, B.C., is the second largest open-pit copper mine in Canada and the largest employer in the Cariboo region.

The statement says members voted 98 per cent in favour of a strike if a contract could not be achieved before the deadline.

A statement from Taseko says the bargaining process is ongoing and the company "remains committed to reaching a fair and equitable agreement.”

Unifor western regional director Gavin McGarrigle says in the statement that Taseko needs to "get serious" about resolving basic issues to avoid job action.

This report by The Canadian Press was first published May 28, 2024.

BHP, Rio Tinto on fast track with electric haul trucks


PILBARA, May 28, 2024 – Mining giants BHP and Rio Tinto will collaborate to fast-track trials of electric haul trucks, the two companies announced on Monday.

The trucks, built by Komatsu and Caterpillar, will be trialled at large-scale iron ore mines in Western Australia’s Pilbara region.

Ongoing testing, development and refinement of truck and battery design is anticipated with each manufacturer, the companies said.

Rio Tinto’s iron ore CEO, Simon Trott, hailed the collaboration as “bring[ing] together two leading global miners with two of the world’s biggest manufacturers of haul trucks to work on solving the critical challenge of zero-emissions haulage.”

“Testing two types of battery-electric haul trucks in Pilbara conditions will provide better data, and by combining our efforts with BHP we will accelerate learning,” he said.

Meanwhile, BHP president for Australia Geraldine Slattery said replacing diesel fuel would require “a whole new operational ecosystem to surround the fleet.”

“We need to address the way we plan our mines, operate our haulage networks, and consider the additional safety and operational considerations that these changes will bring.”

Report finds almost 50% of mining vehicles

 to be electric by 2044

28 MAY, 2024
WRITTEN BY Aaliyah Rogan

Ahead of World Environment Day on 5 June, IDTechEx’s report, Electric Vehicles in Mining 2024-2044: Technologies, Players, and Forecasts, reveals that nearly 50% of mining vehicle sales will be electric vehicles (EV) by 2044.

The report forecasts the electric mining vehicle market will grow to more than US$23 billion ($34.66 billion) within 20 years, representing a 32% compound annual growth rate.

IDTechEx says the electrification of haul trucks will be key to achieving meaningful emissions reductions in the industry and supporting mining companies to meet sustainability targets.

While the electric mining vehicle market is still in its early stages, many mining companies have shown a willingness to adopt EVs.

Mining giant BHP (ASX:BHP) revealed today that it is collaborating with Rio Tinto (ASX:RIO) on battery-electric haul truck trials in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

IDTechEx reports that haul trucks are among the most critical assets on any mine and currently emit 174 megatonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

The collaboration, alongside manufacturers Caterpillar and Komatsu, supports both companies’ shared ambition of net zero operational greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

As part of the collaboration, two CAT 793 haul trucks will be tested in the second half of 2024, while two Komatsu 930 haul trucks will be tested from 2026 at mine sites in the Pilbara region.

BHP President Geraldine Slattery says replacing diesel as a fuel source requires the sector to develop a new operational ecosystem to surround the fleet.

“We need to address the way we plan our mines, operate our haulage networks, and consider the additional safety and operational considerations that these changes will bring,” she says.

“This is why trials are so critical to our success as we test and learn how these new technologies could work and integrate into our mines.”

Rio Tinto Iron Ore CEO Simon Trott says there is no clear path to net zero without zero-emissions haulage, as such, it is critical to work together and get there as quickly and efficiently as possible.

“As we work to repower our Pilbara operations with renewable energy, collaborations like this move us closer to solving the shared challenge of decarbonising our operations and meeting our net zero commitments,” he says.

According to IDTechEx, the mining industry accounts for 2% to 3% of all global CO2 emissions, with 40% to 50% of this coming from diesel combustion engines of mining vehicles.

Mining vehicles have a wide variety of duties, however, the most intense of those can require operating for up to 20 hours a day. As a result, a lot of diesel is consumed in the process, which is more expensive than electricity and subject to considerable price volatility.

IDTechEx’s analysis reveals that a single 150-tonne haul truck requires more than US$850,000 per year in fuel, while electrification can save more than US$5.5 million in energy costs over the vehicle’s lifetime.

Write to Aaliyah Rogan at

Electric mining vehicle industry’s value to reach $23 billion by 2044

The electric mining vehicle industry is expected to be valued at nearly $23 billion by 2044, according to a new report by IDTechEx.

The analysis points out that large EV batteries and innovative fast-charging methods are driving the adoption of electric and autonomous mining vehicles.

“Mining vehicles come in a wide range of sizes so mining batteries can vary wildly too – from 100 kWh for light vehicles up to 2 MWh for large electric haul trucks. The uniquely large nature of these batteries means they are only now becoming sufficiently developed and competitively priced,” the report reads. “Turnkey battery suppliers, including CATL, ABB, and Northvolt, have developed products that are particularly well-suited to mining vehicles, and their development work is continuing.”

The document notes that lithium-nickel-manganese-cobalt or NMC and lithium-iron-phosphate or LFP batteries are the two battery chemistries that have, so far, been used in mining. In detail, just under 80% of mining vehicles use LFP despite such batteries’ tendency to have lower energy densities, which is not a major concern as mining vehicles are typically already heavy and carry hefty loads of ore.

“Where LFP does win out is in its cycle life. IDTechEx expects that some of the most demanding mining vehicles, such as haul trucks, will far exceed the cycle life deliverable by a single NMC or LFP pack and require multiple battery replacements. Minimizing the frequency of replacements by using a longer-life battery pack is an effective way to make EVs more economical,” the dossier notes. “Safety is another crucial factor in mining, especially regarding the fire safety of batteries in underground tunnels. LFP cells are generally considered safer in this aspect, which limits the risk posed to mine workers.”

Looking beyond NMC and LFP, IDTechEx expects more battery technologies such as lithium-titanium-oxide or LTO and sodium-ion or Na-ion to continue developing and eventually see viability for mining vehicles.

Tackling charging challenges

IDTechEx’s report emphasizes that one of the things that has slowed down the adoption of EVs in the mining industry is the multiple hours of downtime that they are subjected to while charging, a situation that hinders vehicle productivity.

However, the market analyst points out that original equipment manufacturers or OEMs have made some progress when it comes to bringing downtime closer to a level that mines are more familiar with.

“Conventional cable-based charging methods are used in many of these solutions, with most mining EVs utilizing DC fast charging. OEMs are now looking to employ methods including multi-gun charging and megawatt charging systems to bring times down to between 20 and 60 minutes,” the dossier states. “This goes some way to increasing the productivity of vehicles, but charging at such high rates can accelerate the degradation of batteries and increase the frequency of battery replacements.”

The analysis indicates that battery swapping is an alternative to cable-based charging, which has seen a lot of interest from mining OEMs, particularly for underground vehicles.

Battery swapping involves having two swappable battery packs per vehicle, one of which can be charged while the other is used in operation. Swapping can be done in dedicated swapping stations using a crane or hoist in as little as 5 to 10 minutes.

“Battery swapping is excellent for productivity but can be more expensive in some scenarios and will require dedicated space and infrastructure for swapping.”

Dynamic charging also plays a role in mining – vehicles can be charged in-cycle using power rails or overhead catenary lines along major pathways. This has the potential to eliminate charging downtime and maximize productivity, but it is still being developed and has seen the least use.

“All of the above charging methods are likely to play a part in driving the electrification of the industry, with different methods to be used for different vehicles depending on their technical requirements and duty cycle demands,” the document reads. “OEMs and charging providers are still working on optimizing their technologies.”
Arafura Rare Earths secures up to $300 million in finance from Canada


Reuters | May 27, 2024 | 

Pre-construction site inspection at the Nolans project. Credit: Arafura Rare Earths

Arafura Rare Earths said on Monday it had secured up to $300 million in debt financing from Export Development Canada (EDC) for its Nolans project in Australia’s Northern Territory.

The funding comes after Australia earlier this year pledged up to A$840 million ($556.42 million), as Western nations diversify the global supply chain for rare earths after Covid-related snarls highlighted China-linked supply risks. China produces more than 80% of the world’s rare earths.

Shares of the rare earths explorer climbed as much as 7.7% by 0115 GMT, compared to a 0.6% rise in the broader benchmark index.

The Nolans project is slated to be the country’s third rare earths processing plant after Lynas Rare Earths’ Kalgoorlie operations and Iluka Resources’ Eneabba heavy rare earths plant, which is under development.

Arafura said it had received conditional approval for 68% of the targeted $775 million senior debt funding for the project, bringing it closer to a final investment decision.

In November 2022, Arafura estimated capital costs and contingency for the Nolans project at about A$1.59 billion, according to the company’s 2023 annual report.

The company, whose largest shareholder is Australia’s richest person Gina Rinehart, already has supply agreements with Hyundai Motor, Kia Corp and Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy. It also has a provisional agreement with General Electric.

The funding arrangement between Arafura and EDC was facilitated by a unit of General Electric, the Australian company said.

Arafura is working with a group of foreign and domestic commercial banks to seek the remaining funding for the project.

($1 = 1.5092 Australian dollars)

(By Aaditya Govind Rao; Editing by Tom Hogue, Subhranshu Sahu and Rashmi Aich)
Berkeley seeks $1bn in damages from Spain over uranium mine dispute

Reuters | May 28, 2024 | 

Credit: Berkeley Energia

Australian mining group Berkeley Energia said on Tuesday it had filed a request for an arbitration to seek $1 billion in damages from the Spanish government after it refused to give final approval for its uranium mine project.

The Retortillo project, Berkeley’s main asset, received preliminary approval in 2013, but Spain’s Energy Ministry refused to approve the project located near the central city of Salamanca first in 2021 and again in 2023.

A spokesperson for the Energy Ministry said the government blocked the project based on a report from the country’s Nuclear Security Council but declined to comment on the arbitration.

Berkeley filed an arbitration at the World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes, the company said in a filing to the Madrid stock market regulator.

It accuses the government of infringing on its rights under an international agreement known as the Energy Charter Treaty, designed to promote energy security through the operation of more open and competitive energy markets.

Berkeley said it was still committed to the project and was ready to collaborate with Spain for a resolution and hopeful for near-term discussions.

The company has said in the past the mine would require a 250-million-euro ($271.85 million) investment and would have created more than 2,500 jobs.

Shares in Berkeley were up 5.4% following the arbitration disclosure.

($1 = 0.9196 euros)

(By Marta Serafinko; Editing by Inti Landauro, Jan Harvey and Bernadette Baum)