Friday, May 10, 2019

Scientists say it evolved all over again

A Flightless, Chicken-Sized Bird Keeps Re-Evolving Into Existence Because It DGAF

"We know of no other example in rails, or of birds in general, that demonstrates this phenomenon so evidently."

There is no other evidence of the phenomenon that has ever been so clear, scientists say

"We know of no other example in rails, or of birds in general, that demonstrates this phenomenon so evidently."

One hundred and fifty years ago, a South African man, whose name was recorded for history only as Swartbooi (“black boy”), found a diamond so big that it warped the entire history of South Africa.
Women are breaking barriers to enter Jordan’s workforce. But without support at home, can they handle two jobs?
As the number of measles cases in the U.S. creeps ever higher, the already contentious vaccination debate has devolved into a battle between science and belief. But the issue at hand, observers say, has more to do with trust.
China’s dinosaur researchers have made extraordinary discoveries, but worry about the paleontology pipeline. Can they spark new interest?
The Monitor's View: The battle for democracy in both Africa and the Arab world is playing out in the protests in Khartoum against military rule.
Birthright citizenship in the U.S. is usually about illegal immigration. But in Canada, it’s a matter of birth tourism and “bought” citizenship.
Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue features a fully covered Muslim model. She champions it as progress, but others are not so sure.
In Bangalore, India, a startup called TrashCon made a machine that helps manage waste by sorting mixed trash.
In several mass murders, news coverage emphasized the veteran involved had struggled with PTSD, furthering the stereotype of the ‘troubled vet.’
A German energy company is testing the use of salt to store heat. If successful, the system could help solve a problem posed by unreliable renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar.
Soccer camp isn’t just for kids. At TeamFirst fantasy camp, our reporter gets to kick it with women's soccer greats Mia Hamm and Kristine Lilly.
Three recent lawsuits against opioid manufacturers point to different models of justice, from guilty verdicts to payout without admitting wrongdoing.
But only around two dozen migrants currently enter the country per day – compared with more than 9,000 a day in September 2015.


"I don’t think there’s anything similar going on anywhere else in the world today. And it’s also troubling because nothing seems to be stopping [China] from carrying this out."
Our Beijing bureau chief spent a decade as a war correspondent. But she’s never experienced anything like China’s surveillance in its Xinjiang province.

🎧Listen to Ann’s firsthand account