Thursday, January 19, 2006

Party Leaders Pledge Support for Women's Rights

Will wonders never cease.

Of course given the history of the Liberals and Conservatives around the matter of woman's rights that this pledge isn't worth the paper it's written on.

And after all Harper all ready said he would renege on lesbian rights to get married. And he opposes a National Day Care program. So whats left for him to support?

Major Federal Party Leaders Pledge Support for Women's Human Rights

    OTTAWA, Jan. 18 /CNW Telbec/ - The Canadian Feminist Alliance for
International Action (FAFIA), a strategic alliance of women's and human rights
groups, is pleased to announce that all five major federal parties have
pledged their support to uphold women's human rights in Canada in the next
FAFIA gave party leaders until 12 p.m. E.S.T. today to respond to their
invitation to sign a statement regarding their plans to uphold Canada's
equality commitments to women.
Gilles Duceppe of the Bloc Québecois, Jack Layton of the New Democratic
Party, Jim Harris of the Green Party, Paul Martin of the Liberal Party, and
Stephen Harper of the Conservative Party all pledged their commitment. These
leaders have said that once elected, they will take immediate and concrete
measures to ensure that Canada fully upholds its equality commitments to
women. To view the letters from the leaders, visit http://www.fafia-
Campaign pledges represent the first phase of FAFIA's year-long campaign
to promote Canada's full implementation of its commitments to women under
international human rights treaties.
In addition to seeking public support from federal party leaders, women
in communities across Canada have been urging local candidates to do the same,
to date obtaining more than 70 pledges. A list tracking candidates who sign
the pledge is available at: List of Candidates who have Signed the CEDAW Pledge
    This year marks the 25th anniversary of Canada's ratification of the most
comprehensive treaty on women's human rights: The U.N. Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). Canada was
among the first countries to sign the treaty in 1980.
According to reviews conducted by the United Nations, Canada's
performance on its equality commitments is lagging. Women in Canada who work
full-time still earn, on average, 71% of what men earn. Poverty rates for
single mothers and women of colour remain very high. Aboriginal women continue
to confront many human rights abuses. Women also suffer from a lack of access
to employment insurance, civil legal aid, and front-line anti-violence

Beware! Fundamentalist Conservatives at the Gates!
Callwood, Egan, Mallick, Morgentaler and Walker
warn against a Conservative majority

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Elsie Wayne plants a big one on her boy

Vote Marriage Canada announces fifty pro-marriage candidates
in the Prairie Provinces and the N.W.T.
Each candidate we endorse has taken a stand and given clear
indication of supporting marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman
in the next Parliament. Each Member of Parliament endorsed voted against Bill
C-38 and opposed the change in the legal definition of marriage in the last
Parliament. Each candidate we endorse has taken a stand and given clear
indication of supporting marriage as the legal union of one man and one woman
in the next Parliament."



If the Conservatives get elected to govern will Blogging Tories be as quick to dig up scandals like this?

Some how I doubt it. Call me naive, but I really, really, doubt it.

So what will Angry in the Great White North have to write about then. Come to think of it what will Kinsella have to write about.

For that reason alone folks should Vote Liberal. There I said it.

But I didn't mean it. Really.
Just being a lil stinker.

I am just concerned about all those Anti-Liberals disappearing from the Blogosphere cause they have nothing else to say. No wait they will all get jobs in PR for the new Harper state.


A Conservative Majority

This is what a Conservative Majority Looks Like

Buzz Backpedals

Can't you just imagine a cartoon character furiously backpedaling to get out of trouble. Feet moving going nowhere. I can. Here is Buzz backpedaling after yesterdays electoral reccomendation faux pas deluxe.

Oh shut up Buzz

CAW's Hargrove Urges Voters to Defeat Conservatives

    TORONTO, Jan. 18 /CNW/ - CAW president Buzz Hargrove wants to reiterate
the union's position during the current federal election campaign, a position
clearly stated in a recommendation adopted by hundreds of CAW workplace
leaders who attended CAW Council in December 2005.
The CAW recommendation urges its membership to vote to support NDP
incumbents and NDP candidates with a strong chance of winning in the current
campaign. In ridings where the NDP candidate does not have a strong chance of
winning, CAW members are encouraged to vote for the candidate who has the best
chance to beat the Conservatives.
Hargrove joined Prime Minister Paul Martin Wednesday in a Strathroy,
Ontario campaign event for his announcement of a pension guarantee fund to
protect workers pensions when their employer goes bankrupt. Hargrove was also
on hand for Martin's announcement committing to maintain the viability of
Ford's St. Thomas, Ontario auto assembly plant.
At the event Hargrove outlined concerns about the damage that a Harper
Conservative victory would bring to federal government powers and programs.
Hargrove is urging Canadians to vote for the candidate in their riding who is
most likely to defeat the Conservatives.
In response to a reporter's question about what that means for Quebec
voters, Hargrove stated that it is up to the people of Quebec to decide how
they vote to stop a Harper government.
Oh sure the CAW is endorsing the NDP if they 'stand a chance'
but Buzz is endorsing whateverLiberal can find him for a photo op

with PM.

The result of Buzz's brilliant Strategic Voting plan is;

Poll Result: CAW's support of Liberals drive voters to the Conservatives

A poll released by the SEIU, a union that has no love lost for the CAW
who raided them.

As I have said
this election shows how divided the House of Labour is.

It needs a total renovation.

More of my Buzz Stories


Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Fat Lady Still Has Too Sing

And today's polling reveals that the Conservative's pending Majority is a myth. As I said Strategic Counsel wears rose colour glasses when it comes to polling. And predicitons. You have been warned. It is now E-5. And the Fat Lady is still has only now arrived in the Green Room there are days left before she hits the stage.


View Trend Graph

SES Research
































Strategic Counsel

















Democracy Watch Report Card

Democracy Watch has released the following documents relating to the Canadian federal election to be held January 23, 2006 (in reverse chronological order):

Report Card on Government Accountability


Hey I'm A Heretic

A tip o the blog to NorthWestern Winds for this quiz. Since I am a heresiologist this was just to tempting to take. Being a Panthiest this christian based test was biased, so I ended up being this;

You scored as Docetism. You are a Docetic. You believe that since matter is evil and corrupt, God (who is pure Spirit) could not possibly have taken human form, and so Jesus only appeared to have a physical body. Condemned by the Council of Chalcedon in 451.























Chalcedon compliant






Are you a heretic?
created with

So I figured I would take their Which Religion is Right For You Quiz. And Damn look what happened.

You scored as Satanism. Your beliefs most closely resemble those of Satanism! Before you scream, do a bit of research on it. To be a Satanist, you don't actually have to believe in Satan. Satanism generally focuses upon the spiritual advancement of the self, rather than upon submission to a deity or a set of moral codes. Do some research if you immediately think of the satanic cult stereotype. Your beliefs may also resemble those of earth-based religions such as paganism.



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Is This Faster?

Thanks to all of you who emailed me or left comments on how my page was slow in loading and had strange pop up ads showing up. I deleted a couple of items in the sidebar to resolve this and I hope it has. Leave your comments here if it has or hasn't. Thanks. We now return to regular programming.

Buzz the Putz

Well the Liberals token Trade Union Boss, Buzz Hargrove has finally flipped his lid. It may have been because the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) has endorsed Bloc candidates in Quebec in order to oppose both the Liberals and Conservatives.

Public service union endorses Bloc

Canada's largest public service union is urging its members in western Quebec to vote for the Bloc Québécois.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada is endorsing Bloc candidates in the ridings of Gatineau, Hull-Aylmer, Pontiac, and Argenteuil-Papineau-Mirabel.

"We're recommending individuals in each riding. It just happens they're all from the same party — it's the Bloc," said Daniel Charron, the president of the Outaouais regional chapter of PSAC.

Ed Cashman, vice-president for the national region chapter, commended the choices.

"Obviously, not all PSAC members will vote for the Bloc Québécois," said Cashman in a press release. "However, in the Outaouais, Bloc candidates are better prepared and more willing to co-operate with PSAC in furthering our causes."

The national president of PSAC, Nycole Turmel, also approved the local chapter's decision.

Interestingly this story didn't get much play. That was until Buzz picked up on it as a strategy. So he did a me too. But Buzz being Buzz went even further. He attacked Harper as a Seperatist and he supported the Bloc in Quebec. He said it at a Rally with his buddy Paul Martin. Opps. That just blew up in Martins face.

Liberals scramble after Hargrove calls Harper separatist
Toronto Star, Canada - 8 hours ago

Toronto Sun
Liberals in damage control after union boss's endorsement goes ....
Liberals in damage control after Hargrove comments Global National
Hargrove urges Bloc vote Toronto Sun
Harper a 'separatist,' Hargrove charges Toronto Star
all 5 related »

The Liberals were in damage control mode Wednesday after a high-profile campaign endorsement by the head of Canada's largest private-sector labour union turned disastrous.

Canadian Auto Workers president Buzz Hargrove used a campaign stop in nearby Strathroy to call Conservative Leader Stephen Harper a separatist whose Alberta-born political principles place him outside mainstream Canadian values.

Liberal Leader Paul Martin issued a retraction on Hargrove's behalf as soon as the comments hit the news wires, and was forced to praise Harper's patriotism in an effort to quell the controversy.

"I have large differences with Stephen Harper but I have never doubted his patriotism," Mr. Martin said at a news conference in London.

Buzz is the exploding cigar of this election for the Liberals. First he claims his strategic voting campaign to support the Liberals is to the LEFT of the NDP. Leaving Layton and the NDP as his second choice. That coloured the campaign from the begining, which of course was Buzz's intention, he wants to be king maker. Ego the size of a mountain that lad has.

Martin rubbed his hands with glee and joined Buzz at the hip. Even going so far as putting his picture up on the Liberal website as one of their desktop wallpapers for your computer. Martin made sure they traveled together whenever he toured Southern Ontario and the Eastern Townships. They were like long lost brothers.

But now they are scrambling to distance themselves from another Buzz shoot from the lip comment. Too bad soo sad. What was that about laying down with dogs?

Laytons response to all this. Well there is only one social democratic party that cares about working people in Canada that's the NDP and as he said to reporters today; "We have the support of nine out of ten union leaders in Canada." Buzz is no great loss.

As the Liberals are finding out now. This is just too funny. Buzz with his ideological blinders on; turns Anybody But the Tories into Anybody that is but the NDP. His personal dislike of Layton has translated into supporting the Bloc in Quebec and the Liberals in the ROC.

This says it all;
Buzz Hargrove: Quisling, hypocrite. Buzz claims to be a card carrying member of the NDP. Well that's one member that the party should rid themselves of immediately. And no welcoming him back after January 23 either. Buzz has shown his colours, blushing Liberals, red.

The NDP has strong CAW support including candidates like Peggy Nash, Buzz's old executive assistant. They have Sid Ryan of CUPE as well. After they are elected there will be a real trade union caucus amongst NDP MP's. And Buzz will be out in the cold again, alienated from those he supposedly supports. Now if only we could fob him off on the Tories. The irony would be delicious.

More of my Buzz Stories


Attack On Blogging Tories

Stephen Taylor of Blogging Tories has written an eloquent response to the attack on his news aggregator site, (see my earlier comment on this; Stupid Complaint,) which was launched by disgruntled ex-Conservatives claiming he was a front for the Conservative Party and thus in violation of the Elections Act. What stupidity.

Blogging Tories being charged with political manipulation?

Jason Cherniak who runs the Liblog also defended the BT and Stephen. As should anyone who runs a blog association or aggregator for blogs. Such as; Progressive Bloggers, Blogging Dippers, Green Blogs, Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, B.C. blogs, etc. etc.

This is an affront to free speech. None of us get paid to do this. And we sure as heck are not frontmen for the political parties we support or give critical support too.

With the exception of some bloggers like Paul Wells, Warren Kinsella, Colby Cosh, etc. who are professional journalists and writers whose blogging is incidental to their work. The rest of us do this with no renumeration just the fleeting fame of being mentioned in the press occasionally. Or asked to blog for them.

The rest of us blog for the sake of blogging. For the same reasons I have been doing webpages for years, and running news aggregators by hand, hardcoding stories in HTML,such as Canada and Alberta Labour News. Which are now defunct, too much work and they served their purpose between 1997 and 2000.

I now find it easier to add Canadian labour news to LabourStart. Which is an amazing project of Eric Lee, who does get paid to do it, but relies on hundreds of volunteers to maintain it.

This attack on the BT aggregator and Stephen is despicable, he said in his best Sylvester the Cat imitation complete with spittle.

It offends my Libertarian values and principles, which are Canadian values. As someone keeps reminding us during this election.
