Thursday, July 06, 2023


Widely consumed vegetable oil leads to an unhealthy gut

UC Riverside-led mouse study reports diets high in soybean oil decrease endocannabinoids in the gut and can lead to colitis

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Co-corresponding authors 



RIVERSIDE, Calif. -- High consumption of soybean oil has been linked to obesity and diabetes and potentially autism, Alzheimer’s disease, anxiety, and depression. Add now to this growing list ulcerative colitis, a form of inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, characterized by chronic inflammation of the large intestine.

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside, examined the gut of mice that were consistently fed a diet high in soybean oil for up to 24 weeks in the lab. They found beneficial bacteria decreased and harmful bacteria (specifically, adherent invasive Escherichia coli) increased — conditions that can lead to colitis.

Soybean oil is the most commonly used edible oil in the United States and is increasingly being used in other countries, particularly Brazil, China, and India. In the U.S., soybean production took off in the 1970s for use as animal feed; a byproduct of the increasing trend in growth was soybean oil. Soybeans, a good source of protein, are easy and cheap to grow.

“Our work challenges the decades-old thinking that many chronic diseases stem from the consumption of excess saturated fats from animal products, and that, conversely, unsaturated fats from plants are necessarily more healthful,” said Poonamjot Deol, an assistant professional researcher in the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology and a co-corresponding author on the paper published July 3 in Gut Microbes, an open access journal.

Deol explained it is linoleic acid in soybean oil that is the main concern.

“While our bodies need 1-2% of linoleic acid daily, based on the paleodiet, Americans today are getting 8-10% of their energy from linoleic acid daily, most of it from soybean oil,” she said. “Excessive linoleic acid negatively affects the gut microbiome.”

Deol and her co-authors found that a diet high in soybean oil encourages the growth of adherent invasive E. coli in the gut. This bacterium uses linoleic acid as a source of carbon to meet its nutritional demands. Further, several beneficial bacteria in the gut are not able to withstand linoleic acid and die off, which results in harmful bacteria growing out. Adherent invasive E. coli has been identified in humans to cause IBD.

“It’s the combination of good bacteria dying off and harmful bacteria growing out that makes the gut more susceptible to inflammation and its downstream effects,” Deol said. “Further, linoleic acid causes the intestinal epithelial barrier to become porous.” 

The barrier function of the intestinal epithelium is critical for maintaining a healthy gut; when disrupted, it can lead to increased permeability or leakiness. Toxins can then leak out of the gut and enter the bloodstream, greatly increasing the risk of infections and chronic inflammatory conditions, such as colitis. The researchers note that the increase in IBD parallels the increase in soybean oil consumption in the U.S. and hypothesize the two may be linked.

Toxicologist Frances M. Sladek, a professor of cell biology and a co-corresponding author on the research paper, recalled that heart disease was linked to saturated fats in the late 1950s. 

“Since studies showed that saturated fats can be unhealthy, it was assumed that all unsaturated fats are healthy,” she said. “But there are different types of unsaturated fats, some of which are healthful. For example, the unsaturated fat fish oil is well known to have many beneficial health effects. People therefore assumed that soybean oil is perfectly safe and healthier to consume than other types of oils, without actually doing a direct comparison as we have done.”

Sladek noted that linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid. The soybean oil the researchers used in their experiments had 19% linoleic acid. The American Heart Association recommends 5 to 10% of daily calories be from omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid, in order for the heart to remain healthy. Many seed oils – safflower and sunflower, for example — are sources of linoleic acid. Animal fat can also be a source.

“Every animal has to get linoleic acid from the diet,” Sladek said. “No animal can make it. A small amount of it is needed by the body. But just because something is needed does not mean a lot of it is good for you. Several membranes in the body, in the brain, for example, require linoleic acid for the cells to function properly. If all we ate was saturated fats, our cell membranes would become too rigid and not function properly. Future studies are needed to determine the tipping point for how much daily linoleic acid consumption is safe.”

According to Sladek and Deol, olive oil, which has lower amounts of linoleic acid, is a healthier oil to consume.

“Olive oil, the basis of the Mediterranean diet, is considered to be very healthy; it produces less obesity and we have now found that, unlike soybean oil, it does not increase the susceptibility of mice to colitis,” Sladek said.

James Borneman, a professor of microbiology and plant pathology at UCR and a co-corresponding author on the paper, is an expert on the gut microbiome. He has collaborated at UCR with several groups on research projects, including studies investigating how gut microbes prevent obese people from losing weight. For the current study, he teamed up with Deol and Sladek to examine the gut microbes of the mice that were fed a high soybean oil diet. 

“Adherent invasive E. coli contributes to IBD in humans, and the fact that we find this E. coli in these mice is concerning,” he said. “Sometimes, it can be unclear how research done in mice translates to humans, but in this study it is fairly clear.”  

The research team was also surprised to find that the mice fed on a high soybean oil diet showed a reduction in the gut of endocannabinoids, cannabis-like molecules made naturally by the body to regulate a wide variety of physiological processes. At the same time, the gut showed an increase in oxylipins, which are oxygenated polyunsaturated fatty acids that regulate inflammation.

“We previously found that oxylipins in the liver correlate with obesity,” Deol said. “Some oxylipins have also been found to be bioactive in colitis studies. The bottom line of our current study is that a soybean oil-enriched diet similar to the current American diet causes oxylipin levels to increase in the gut and endocannabinoid levels to decrease, which is consistent with IBD in humans.”

Most processed foods in the U.S. contain soybean oil, perhaps explaining why many Americans have more than the recommended daily allowance for linoleic acid. Further, most restaurants in the U.S. use soybean oil because it is relatively inexpensive.

“Try to stay away from processed foods,” Sladek advised. “When you buy oil, make sure you read the nutrition facts label. Air fryers are a good option because they use very little oil.”

The researchers use olive oil for cooking and salads. Other healthy options for cooking, they said, are coconut oil and avocado oil. They cautioned that corn oil, on the other hand, has the same amount of linoleic acid as soybean oil.

“We recommend keeping track of the soybean oil in your diet to make sure you are not consuming excessive linoleic acid,” Deol said. “That is our take-home message.”

Deol, Sladek, and Borneman were joined by Paul Ruegger, Geoffrey D. Logan, Ali Shawki, Jiang Li, Jonathan D. Mitchell, Jacqueline Yu, Varadh Piamthai, Sarah H. Radi, Sana Hasnain, Declan F. McCole, Meera G. Nair, and Ansel Hsiao of UCR; and Kamil Borkowski and John W. Newman of UC Davis.

The research was funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation, American Gastroenterological Association, UCR Metabolomics Core Seed Grant, UC Davis West Coast Metabolomics Center, and U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The title of the paper is “Diet High in Linoleic Acid Dysregulates the Intestinal Endocannabinoid System and Increases Susceptibility to Colitis in Mice.”

The University of California, Riverside is a doctoral research university, a living laboratory for groundbreaking exploration of issues critical to Inland Southern California, the state and communities around the world. Reflecting California's diverse culture, UCR's enrollment is more than 26,000 students. The campus opened a medical school in 2013 and has reached the heart of the Coachella Valley by way of the UCR Palm Desert Center. The campus has an annual impact of more than $2.7 billion on the U.S. economy. To learn more, visit


The increase in IBD parallels the increase in soybean oil consumption in the U.S.


Sladek lab, UC Riverside. Data from Dahlhamer et al, 2016; USDA.


Chart depicts consumption of edible oils in the U.S. for 2017/18.



Soybean oil is currently the most highly consumed cooking oil in the U.S.


Stan Lim, UC Riverside.

American mink regrow their brains in a rare reversal of the domestication process

New research by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB) suggests that loss of brain size is not permanent in domesticated animals

Peer-Reviewed Publication


American mink 



Farm animals look different from their wild counterparts in many ways, and one difference is consistent: their brains are smaller than those of their ancestors. From sheep to pigs to cows, domesticated animals have smaller relative brain sizes compared to their wild counterparts—a phenomenon known as the domestication effect. Now, a study by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior (MPI-AB) has discovered a rare reversal of the domestication effect. Over the course of captive breeding, the American mink has undergone a reduction in relative brain size, but populations that escaped from captivity were able to regain almost the full ancestral brain size within 50 generations. The study is published today in the Royal Society Open Science.

“Our results show that loss of brain size is not permanent in domesticated animals,” says Ann-Kathrin Pohle, a Master’s student at MPI-AB and first author on the paper. “This finding deepens our understanding of how domestication has changed the brains of animals, and how these changes might be affecting animals when they return to the wild.”

Understanding the feral brain

When animals lose brain size through the course of domestication, it’s mostly considered to be a one-way street. Animals almost never seem to regain the relative brain sizes of their ancestral forms, even in feral populations that have been living in the wild for generations. “Once animals loose parts of their body, such as certain brain regions, over the course of evolution, they are gone and cannot simply be regained,” says Dina Dechmann, senior author on the paper, and a group leader at MPI-AB.

Studying whether or not feral animals can regain the relative brain sizes of their wild counterparts is also difficult methodologically. To properly do so, Dechmann says, “you would need to find an animal with separate wild and feral populations to reduce the chance that the groups had mixed. And, you would need to find an animal that could be studied through sufficient brain and skull measurements.” You would need an animal, in other words, like the American mink.

Native to North America, the American mink has been domesticated for the fur trade for over a century. After they were bred in Europe for fur farming, captive animals escaped to form feral populations that have spread throughout Europe. This natural history thus provided the separated populations that Dechmann and her team needed: wild mink from North America, domesticated mink from European fur farms, and feral mink from Europe.

To explore changes in brain size, the team turned to a proxy: skulls. “Braincase size is a good proxy for brain size in mink, and this allows us to take measurements from existing skull collections without the need for living animals,” says Pohle. A museum collection from Cornell University was used to study skulls of wild American mink while European fur farms provided skulls of domesticated animals. For the feral population, Dechmann  and Pohl collaborated with Andrzej Zalewski at the Polish Mammal Research Centre who had a collection of skulls obtained from an eradication program of feral mink. “Usually, the difficulty with skull studies is finding big enough collections to work with,” says Dechmann. “We were incredibly fortunate to work with multiple organizations to obtain the population samples we needed.”

The team took measurements from skulls to calculate relative brain size of the animals. They found that, according to the well-documented domestication process, the brains of captive-bred mink had shrunk by 25% compared to their wild ancestors. But, in contrast to expectations, the brains of feral mink grew almost back to wild size within 50 generations.

Flexible brains

Dechmann suspects she knows why this animal, in particular, has achieved what was thought to be unlikely. American mink belong to a family of small mammals with a remarkable ability to seasonally change their brain size in a process known as Dehnel’s phenomenon. Dechmann, an expert on this process, has documented Dehnel’s in shrews, moles, and weasels.

“While other domesticated animals seem to lose brain size permanently, it’s possible that mink can regain their ancestral brain sizes because they have flexible brain size built into their system,” she says.

This flexibility could have offered advantages to the mink that re-entered the wild. “If you escape from captivity back to nature, you would want a fully capable brain to navigate the challenges of living in the wild. Animals with flexible brains, like the mink, could restore their brains even if they had shrunk it during an earlier time.”

The results don’t reveal if the brains of feral mink function the same as wild type mink. To find that out, the team would have to examine the brains of animals, which is a step for a future study.



Five steps to a world of intelligent life

A path to cognition

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Five major changes in the computational capacity of brains have led to the world of intelligent life around us.

That’s the conclusion of Professor Andrew Barron from Macquarie University with Dr Marta Halina from the University of Cambridge and Professor Colin Klein from the Australian National University (ANU), in a paper published today in Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

They say that one billion years of evolution has led to five fundamentally different types of brains, each suited to its purpose.

Their work suggests we have a long way to go before we can add AI to the list. And, as we develop autonomous machines, we can still learn from the coordination of a jellyfish, the single-mindedness of worms, the rapid thinking of bees, and the complex interactions of birds in flight.

Step one is a nervous system to coordinate actions. Jellyfish have diffuse neural networks that are great for coordinating a body and can survive massive damage. But these networks are really bad at putting information together. 

Step two is a centralised nervous system with a brain that can act as a master coordinator and combine information from different senses. Think worms, leeches and tardigrades.

Step three is a brain with feedback (recurrence). Bees can quickly learn different types of art, recognise abstract concepts and navigate using brains that incorporate rapid feedback on actions.

Step four is a brain with multiple recurrent systems feeding back information with and between each system. This allows birds, rats and dogs to do massive parallel processing of information, using the same information multiple different ways at the same time and to recognise relationships between different types of information. It allows monkeys to problem solve and make rudimentary tools.

Step five is reflection. Our brains can modify their own computational structure according to what is needed. A reflective brain can learn the best information flow for a specific task and modify how it processes information on the fly to complete that task in the fastest and most efficient way.

The human brain is reflective, and it has enabled our imagination, our thought processes, and our rich mental lives. It also opened the door for the use of symbolic language, and that expanded our minds even further as it helped us communicate and coordinate so efficiently with each other.

Which brain is best?

“We like to claim we are the smartest animal,” says Professor Barron. “But a bee can do things we just cannot do. A bee is fully functional from the moment its wings dry as it emerges from its cell. It can learn to navigate for kilometres around its hive. I still get lost walking home from the train.

“A jellyfish or a worm might not be Einstein, but they can tolerate a level of damage that would kill or paralyse a mammal. Different types of brains suit animals to different lifestyles. This is why we still share the planet with jellyfish and worms that seem essentially unchanged for hundreds of millions of years. Their brain is perfect for what they need to do. And we can learn from them as we attempt to create new kinds of intelligence for autonomous machines and AI,” Professor Barron says.

Fish mercury peaks in winter and near spawning, and reduces after growing season

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Fish consumption has long been associated with numerous health benefits. However, it is also the main dietary source of toxic mercury in humans. A year-round study from a Finnish boreal lake shows that mercury concentration in some fishes is significantly higher in winter and near spring spawning and lowest in autumn after the growing season.

The pronounced seasonal changes of warm open-water and cold ice-covered seasons dominate natural cycles in Finnish lakes.

“Summer is the growing season of fish followed by weight loss during winter and spring spawning time” says research team leader, Professor Kimmo Kahilainen from the Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki.

Significant changes in temperature and other environmental factors during colder months result in lowered metabolism in fish. Additionally, less food is available for fish during this harsh timeframe. Under these conditions, eventually the energy required to grow is not met by the amount of energy taken in, resulting in weight loss and starvation.

This seasonal cycle means that fish mercury in winter and spring can be up to 30-40% higher compared to summer and autumn. Differences are pronounced in fish feeding on other fish, such as perch and pikeperch, which are important species for both recreational and commercial fishing in the boreal region and continue to be staples in regional dishes. Despite the higher mercury found during these seasons, all fish species in studied southern Finnish lake were below the fish consumption health limit (0.5 mg/kg) for mercury.

Winter is an immensely important driver of natural cycles, but how, and to what extent these colder months influence lake ecosystems is not well understood or just assumed, as minimal field research is conducted during this time of the year compared to warmer months. The nature of the work is demanding, requiring physically intensive and extended periods of time in freezing conditions on potentially unstable surfaces in low light. Such conditions present numerous logical challenges for researchers to contend with and manage effectively and responsibly.

Lead author doctoral researcher Alex Piro from the Lammi Biological Station, University of Helsinki, suggests that “considering our findings in perch and pikeperch, more frequent boreal mercury monitoring in wild fish during winter should be considered due to their higher concentration. When considering the human nutrition and fisheries management perspectives, the sustainable solution would be to consider limiting the fishing near the spawning time.”

This study conducted at the University of Helsinki Lammi Biological Station provides valuable insights into the seasonal dynamics of mercury in fish, contributing to ongoing efforts to accurately monitor and understand mercury levels in fish and support informed decision-making.

Diving into history: Newspapers offer historical perspectives on Brazil's marine biodiversity

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Old image from a newspaper publication 



Humans have depended on marine ecosystems as a source of food and livelihood for thousands of years along the Brazilian coast. Over the past few decades, increased fishing demands, cycles of profit-driven subsidy programs, and weak governance models have intensified commercial exploitation, leading to unprecedented catch levels and the decline of a number of stocks. Regrettably, the scale of these impacts remains unclear due to a pervasive lack of historical baselines. 

A study carried out in Brazil, and published in PlosOne, shows how scientists are making strides in our understanding of marine biodiversity over the past few hundred years. The study, led by scientists of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) in Spain, examined over 20,000 newspaper articles published between 1840 and 2019 in the state of Santa Catarina (Brazil). They found that more than 250 species, including fish, sharks, shellfish, and mammals, were commercially exploited in the past 180 years.

The study also shows that species at the highest level of the food chain, including groupers and sharks, were commonly reported in newspapers between the late 19th and mid-20th century. Intriguingly, these species became less frequent in more recent newspapers, while low trophic level organisms, such as mollusks and crustaceans, increased.  

Dannieli Herbst, leading author from ICTA-UAB and the UAB Department of Prehistory, highlights that “marine species were usually reported in the context of subsistence and commercial fisheries. This implies that their popularity in newspapers reflects their abundance and importance to commercial fisheries and consumers. Consequently, the results reveal that high trophic level and large-bodied species were more abundant in the past but became rare in recent decades. Our results agree with previous studies showing a similar trend in recent decades due to overfishing.”  

André Colonese, senior author of the study from ICTA-UAB and the UAB Department of Prehistory, emphasizes the importance of this study because “it predates official national landing reports and the results hint at changes in the ecological, socio-cultural, economic, and market importance of aquatic animals over time. Our work expands the current knowledge on historical fish catch compositions in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean, while advocating for the integration of historical data in ocean sustainability initiatives."    

“It is astonishing how much information on species diversity and consumer perception of changes can be extracted from public media such as newspapers”, said Luiz Geraldo S. Da Silva, historian from the Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil) and co-author of the study.  

The study was funded by the ERC project TRADITION (Consolidator Grant 817911) and was led by researchers at the UAB (Spain), in collaboration with the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Brazil) and Universidade Federal do Paraná (Brazil).

Old image from a newspaper publication


reference of the piece of news


Solving the industry's sticky recycling issues 

Peer-Reviewed Publication


Adhesive being dissolved 



Adhesive residue left on recyclable materials, such as glass and cardboard, can now be dissolved thanks to the introduction of degradable polymers created by University of Surrey scientists.  

Sticky residue causes problems in the recycling industry, ranging from low-quality products, blocked water systems and even damaged recycling machinery.  

The newly invented adhesive, very similar to that used on commercial packaging tape, has a chemical additive known as thionolactone which makes up 0.25% of the composition. This additive allows the adhesive to be dissolved in the recycling process,  something which was previously not possible. Labels can also be detached up to 10 times faster when compared to a non-degradable adhesive. 


Professor Joseph Keddie, Leader of the Soft Matter Physics laboratory at the University of Surrey and fellow of the Surrey Institute for Sustainability, said: 

"Adhesives are made from a  network of chain-like polymer molecules, irreversibly linked them together, which leads to the residue build-up we see left behind when  recycling materials such as glass and cardboard. 

"The problem of network residues is frustrating on an industrial scale and consequences of insoluble adhesives on the quality of recycled products are of even greater concern. Our solution offers the promise of less challenging and more cost-effective recycling. 

"Our additive creates what we call degradable thioester connections in the polymer network and provides an innovative solution to making recycling processes  residue free." 

Dr Peter Roth, Senior Lecturer of Polymer Chemistry at the University of Surrey, and fellow of the Surrey Insitute for Sustainability added: 

"While other degradable adhesives exist, there are none which resemble what is currently used industry-wide in their chemical make-up. We are proving it is possible to use similar adhesives and show that a simple additive has the potential to increase the quality of recycled materials such as glass and cardboard. 

"The next steps would be to look at the commercial viability of this additive, as well as look at the sustainability impact."  

So far, the adhesive has been tested on glass, steel, plastic and paper, including cardboard. 

Rohani Abu Bakar is the lead PhD student working on this project funded by the Malaysian Rubber Board. She commented on the impact this will have when she returns to Malaysia: 

"The interdisciplinary approach across chemistry and physics has been incredibly useful in building the knowledge and skills to solve a very real sustainability problem. There is no doubt that many countries across the world need to review how they recycle major materials, and this brings us one step closer to reaching our sustainability goals on an industrial scale." 

The paper has been published in the German Chemical Society journal Angewandte Chemie

The University of Surrey is a world-leading centre for excellence in sustainability – where our multi-disciplinary research connects society and technology to equip humanity with the tools to tackle climate change, clean our air, reduce the impacts of pollution on health and help us live better, more sustainable lives.  


The University is committed to improving its own resource efficiency on its estate and being a sector leader, aiming to be carbon neutral by 2030. A focus on research that makes a difference to the world has contributed to Surrey being ranked 55th in the world in the Times Higher Education (THE) University Impact Rankings 2022, which assesses more than 1,400 universities' performance against the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 



Notes to Editors 

  • Abu Bakar, Rohani, Kyle S. Hepburn, Joseph L. Keddie, and Peter J. Roth. "Degradable, Ultraviolet‐crosslinked Pressure‐sensitive Adhesives Made from Thioester‐functional Acrylate Copolymers." Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023.