Tuesday, September 06, 2022

Chile's failed referendum: Progressive constitution 'was portrayed as a communist document'

© France 24

Chileans have overwhelmingly rejected a draft text to replace their constitution, which dates from Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship and is widely blamed for the country's deep-rooted social inequality. Analysts say some of the proposals it contained were too radical for most voters -- a majority of whom have made it clear they want a new constitution, just not this one. For more analysis on the failed referendum on a progressive constitution, FRANCE 24 is joined by Dr. Claudia Sylvia Heiss Bendersky, Head of Political Science of the Institute of Public Affairs at Universidad de Chile. She believes that voters rejected the constitution because it was portrayed as an "extreme" and "very radical proposal," a sentiment she does not agree with. "I think the Constitutional Convention was not successful in showing the document as a moderate constitution, as I think it was, with respect to private property, with an independent central bank, but with many new things regarding the environment, inclusion and social rights."

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