Monday, October 10, 2022


The UCP have made it clear.

Rather than fighting to defend working Albertans, they’ve chosen to veer even farther to the right by electing a radical candidate who has no plan outside of dividing our province even further.

Eugene, don’t stand by while the UCP rallies their base of rich corporate donors to pull the rug out from under the workers who built this province.

Send a tweet now to tell the UCP that workers are fed up and we’re demanding better.

The UCP government has set us back 4 years. They’ve failed to deliver the jobs they promised, they’ve gutted crucial services, and they’ve done nothing to stabilize our economy. They’ve been too busy picking fights and chasing the past to focus on our future.

We’re fed up with the UCP’s attacks on workers. We do the work, we pay the taxes, and we spend the money that creates good jobs. Workers deserve respect. Now, with Danielle Smith at the helm, we need to fight even harder for workers in Alberta.

Workers have had enough. Tell Danielle Smith and the UCP that the damage is done. We’re demanding better.


In solidarity,


Gil McGowan
Alberta Federation of Labour

Workers across the province have been let down by soaring inflation, stagnant wages, and persistent job insecurity. We pay our taxes, but can no longer count on crucial services to be there when we need them.

To build a life here, working families need stability, opportunity, and a good standard of living. That means getting inflation under control and making life more affordable. It means making sure we have public health care that is there when we need it, good homes for all, and quality education so the next generation can reach their full potential. It also means making the rich pay their fair share and strengthening rights for workers.

There is a better way.
 That’s why we’re teaming up with Better Way Alberta to reimagine how we can make sure working families across our province have the support they need to build a better future for Alberta. But we need you to be part of the conversation, Eugene. Will you join us?

Eugene, RSVP now to join the conversation at a Better Way Tour event near you

Tour Stops:

We’re at a critical point for workers in Alberta. Workers built this province and we can build a better future. But we need to work together, and we need to act now.

So don’t wait. RSVP now to attend the Better Way Tour and join the conversation.

See you there!

In solidarity,


Jocelyn Johnson
Director of Campaigns
Alberta Federation of Labour

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