Saturday, October 31, 2020

Puerto Rico statehood is on the ballot again
By Ray Sanchez and Veronica Stracqualursi, CNN

© Ricardo Arduengo/AP For the third time this decade, Puerto Ricans will vote on statehood.

Michelle Rodriguez Olivero's social media feed hasn't been buzzing about Tuesday's nonbinding vote to make Puerto Rico the 51st star on the American flag. Nor has there been much dinner table talk about it among her many pro-commonwealth relatives in the northern coastal town of Dorado.

After all, the island's been here before. And nothing has changed, since the referendums are nonbinding.

"We've had five votes with no political consequence," said Rodriguez, 31, a poet who works for a nonprofit and supports independence for Puerto Rico. "It has not led to more funding for the island. We still cannot vote for the President. People have no respect for this process."

For the third time this decade, Puerto Ricans will vote on statehood, which is ultimately in the hands of the US Congress. This time, however, voters on the island will simply be asked, "Should Puerto Rico be admitted immediately into the Union as a State?" Yes/No.

But the island's history is far from simple.

As a US territory, Puerto Ricans are natural-born US citizens and can vote in presidential primary elections, but not in the general election, unless they live on the mainland. They don't have a vote in Congress.

"You know how I see the relationship between Puerto Rico and the United States?" said Luis Martinez-Fernandez, a history professor at the University of Central Florida. "It's a couple and they've been dating for over a century. But they're not married and neither side is convinced strongly enough they want that marriage. Because if at least one side wanted it, and the other not, well that side could try to seduce the other side. But in the case of Puerto Rico, there is no consensus."

The island has voted in favor of statehood twice before

It's a love-hate relationship dating to the Spanish-American War of 1898, when the US invaded and acquired the small Caribbean island. It's been a US territory since 1952.

The issue of statehood has always been a point of contention. Of the five nonbinding referendums since 1967, the 2012 vote was the first in favor of statehood. Political analysts at the time said the outcome likely reflected an overwhelming desire for a status change in general, whether it be statehood, independence or some other solution. No action was taken in Washington.

In 2017, Puerto Ricans voted overwhelmingly for statehood in yet another nonbinding referendum. But only 23% of eligible citizens voted after opposition parties urged a boycott of an election they said was "rigged" in the way the ballot was worded. Again, no action was taken.

On Tuesday, residents will again consider statehood the same day pro-statehood gubernatorial candidate Pedro Pierluisi faces Carlos Delgado Altieri, candidate of the pro-commonwealth Popular Democratic Party, in a tight race.

But analysts said Pierluisi's governing New Progressive Party -- beset by corruption scandals and criticized for bungling the aftermath of Hurricane Maria after plunging the island into economic collapse -- organized the statehood vote to animate its base at a crucial moment.

"The catastrophe left behind by Hurricanes Irma and Maria unmasked the reality of the unequal treatment of the American living in Puerto Rico," resident commissioner Jenniffer González-Colón, a Republican and the island's sole, nonvoting member of Congress, said when she launched the new statehood effort in 2018.

The statehood ballot measure, González-Colón promised, would finally put the island "on the path towards the political equality we deserve."

Support for statehood among Democrats

That road to the great state of Puerto Rico is pitted and complicated.

The referendum would need Congress' approval to establish Puerto Rico as the newest state — and that all depends on how the November elections shake out.

Congressional Democrats have led the push for Puerto Rico and Washington, DC, to be admitted as states, but Republican leadership opposes the idea, arguing it could give Democrats four seats in the US Senate and allow them to push what the GOP calls a socialist agenda.

So while a statehood measure might fare better in the Democratic-controlled US House, legislation for Puerto Rico statehood is unlikely to advance in the Republican-led US Senate, and President Donald Trump has said he would be an "absolute no" on statehood for the island.

Puerto Rico has a likelier chance of becoming a state if Democrats win control of the Senate in November, keep the US House and Democratic nominee Joe Biden wins the White House — giving Democrats complete control of the federal government.

"I happen to believe statehood would be the most effective means of ensuring that residents of Puerto Rico are treated equally, with equal representation at the federal level, but the people of Puerto Rico must decide, and the United States federal government must respect and act on that decision," Biden said in September while campaigning in Kissimmee, Florida.

The Senate's top Democrat, Chuck Schumer of New York, who could be the next majority leader if Democrats win the Senate, has voiced support for Puerto Rican statehood and suggested his party would consider the island's status if it takes back the upper chamber.

Bills address pathway for Puerto Rico

Still, even if Democrats retake the Senate, it won't be an easy ride to statehood.

A Democratic majority in the chamber is likely to be slim, which could mean that Senate Republicans opposed to statehood would be able to block any measure with a filibuster. Some Democrats, however, are already suggesting the filibuster be eliminated if Republicans stonewall their every move.

And while Democrats in the House passed a bill in June to admit DC as a state, they seem split on Puerto Rico.

Rep. Darren Soto of Florida, a Democrat, and González-Colón have introduced a bipartisan bill establishing a process to admit Puerto Rico as a state.

The bill garnered support from a handful of House Republicans, including Rep. Don Young of Alaska, a longtime advocate of Puerto Rico statehood, and other GOP lawmakers from Florida and New York.

Soto said in an interview that the "votes are there" and most House Democrats support statehood, including members of the Congressional Black Caucus and the Congressional Hispanic Caucus.

Democratic Reps. Nydia Velazquez and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez proposed a bill in August calling for a status convention where delegates, elected by Puerto Ricans, develop an option for the island's status with the intent that it be voted on. The bill by the New York congresswomen -- which has no Republican co-sponsors -- hints at the Democratic divide on the statehood issue.

"If the people of Puerto Rico vote yes, that bill's unnecessary," Soto told CNN. "We don't need a constitutional convention to slow down the will of the people should they vote that way. If the people vote no, that may be another option, certainly. But it starts with the election."

He added, "If the people vote yes, they'll be hard pressed to find a lot of support among House Democrats to ignore an election and stand in the way of a majority-Hispanic island becoming the next state of the United States."

'We would be like New Jersey, my dear'

But many Puerto Ricans as well as political observers on the island and the mainland are wary of the statehood effort.

Pedro Cabán, a professor of Latin American, Caribbean and US Latino studies at the University at Albany-SUNY, dismissed the referendum as political "pageantry."

About 3.1 million people live on the island, and more than 5.6 million Puerto Ricans live on the mainland, according to 2017 data from the Pew Research Center.

"I get the sense that when Puerto Ricans leave the island, they're even more nationalistic than when they're on the island," Cabán said. "If they're more nationalistic, that means it's harder for me to believe they really are into statehood."

Some Puerto Ricans fear the cultural implications of statehood, particularly losing a sense of national identity and Spanish as the official language.

"We love to participate in the Miss Universe pageant and the World Baseball Classic," said Cynthia García Coll, a psychologist who teaches at the University of Puerto Rico. "That unites us like nothing else. All that would be gone under statehood. We would be like New Jersey, my dear."

Many island residents doubt the United States -- long indifferent to their plight -- would accept a 51st state that is Spanish-speaking and poorer than the poorest US state, Mississippi.

"The United States opposition to Puerto Rican statehood has been based upon a racist concept, actually beginning with the idea of giving statehood to Spanish-speaking, brown skin Catholic foreigners," Cabán said. "The fundamental opposition is based upon this notion of Puerto Ricans being other than."

Martinez-Fernandez doubts the latest statehood push will succeed even if all the political stars align in its favor.

"The atmosphere in Washington is not propitious for that at all," he said. "You know, in this country we can't come to an agreement about whether to wear masks or not. Imagine inviting a new state that is going to push the balance of power further into the Democratic side. There's no chance that the Republicans will stand for that."

Statehood is unlikely even if Democrats take the White House and Senate, he said.

"It would be way down in the stack of papers on Biden's desk," Martinez-Fernandez said. "He has to reconstruct this country."

'Love always triumphs over status politics'

Rodriguez, the poet in Dorado, said most of her relatives -- concerned about preserving their national identity -- are pro commonwealth, or the status quo on the island. She said she supports independence because it would allow the island to finally break the chains of US colonial control. They all plan to vote no on statehood.

Other Puerto Ricans are throwing their support behind the burgeoning Citizens' Victory Movement, which is promoting a progressive, anti-colonial ideology -- a move that could help the governing, pro-statehood party.

"Many times the conversation is not about which candidates are the most qualified but about, if we let go of the United States, we will die of hunger," Rodriguez said.

Cabán recalled a married couple that was leading recovery efforts in a town in the countryside after Hurricane Maria devastated the island and left thousands dead in September 2017.

"I remember him saying, 'I'm pro independence, dammit!' " Cabán said. "And I asked, 'What about your wife?' And he says, 'She's pro statehood.' Is that a problem? 'No,' he says, 'Statehood will never come.' And she says, 'And independence will never come.' Love always triumphs over status politics."


The best the worst of Halloween candy, all the way back to the 1930s

Author of the article:Monica Zurowski • Calgary Herald 
Publishing date:Oct 31, 2020 •  
Postmedia archives photo. Calgary Herald

One of the best parts of collecting Halloween candy — aside from eating it — is the assessment, sorting and analysis of the merits of the Oct. 31 haul. Kids can spend hours deciding which candy should be eaten and what in order; which treats should be traded to siblings; and which unwanted candy can be tossed to parents.

So, what are the best Halloween candies to get? According to and its annual ranking of Halloween candies, the No. 1 treat in the United States — in terms of volume of purchases — is Skittles. That’s followed by Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Starburst, M&Ms, Hot Tamales, candy corn, Snickers, Sour Patch Kids, Hershey Kisses and Jolly Ranchers. However, in Canada, those boxes of Nestle mini chocolate bars rank high. People know they can’t go wrong with Kit Kats, Coffee Crisp, Aero bars and Smarties. A survey in one Canadian city last year (Ottawa) showed Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were chosen as a favourite Halloween treat by 23 per cent of poll respondents, followed by Coffee Crisp at 18 per cent and Kit Kat at 16 per cent.

While most people enjoy a good chocolate bar, many of the faves from days past are now long gone, perhaps even extinct. Mainstays of the 1960s and 1970s like Kraft Caramels and Rockets are rarely seen. Little boxes of Chiclets, Dubble Bubble gum and Mojos don’t make appearances. Also largely gone — thankfully — are those handfuls of hard-to-bite, hard-to-define candies wrapped in orange-and-black Halloween-themed wrappers.

And, let’s not forget about the ubiquitous sucker. They were plentiful and popular for decades. The following Calgary Herald ads for Halloween candy over the decades provide a quick look back at what Calgarians were handing out on Oct. 31 in years past.

1930: This ad from the fall of 1930 showed the specials at the City Hall Market, including candy. Toasted marshmallows were on sale for 19 cents a pound, sugar peanuts were 25 cents a pound, mixed chocolates cost 30 cents a pound and jelly beans went for 25 cents a pound.

An Oct. 24 ad from the same year, 1930, showed the Hudson’s Bay Company advertising Halloween candy at a similar price: Black and orange jelly beans for 25 cents a pound, Halloween Kisses or creamy fudge for 29 cents a pound, and for 39 cents a pound you could “satin candies,” with assorted cream fillings in coral pink, nile green, canary and white.

1940: This Oct. 23, 1940 ad for a store called Naglers, located at 606-608 2nd St. East, showed jelly beans were still a popular treat and selling for 10 cents less a pound than they had a decade earlier — now 15 cents. Halloween kisses were still on offer, too, but Halloween suckers were newly making an appearance — a box of 100 sold for 43 cents.

Eaton’s, on Oct. 24, 1940, was also advertising a variety of Halloween goods: paper costumes for 29 cents, masks for 5 to 15 cents and party hats for 25 cents. Its featured Halloween candy was the caramel sucker — you could get 50 for 38 cents. The treat was expected to be so popular that the store limited sucker purchases to 100 per customer.

1950: Jenkins’ Groceteria Ltd. advertised a number of Halloween treats in its Oct. 26, 1950 ad. A 10-ounce bag of roasted peanuts sold for 25 cents and a bag of Halloween suckers was going for 25 cents, while a box of apples sold for $1.79.

1960: Halloween suckers continued to be the treat to beat; they’re featured in several ads of October 1960 editions of the Calgary Herald, including this Zeller’s ad on Oct. 26. A box of 72 suckers was on sale for 47 cents.

Alberta government blocking federal COVID Alert app, Trudeau says
Author of the article:Jason Herring
Publishing date:Oct 31, 2020 •
The COVID Alert app is seen on an iPhone in Ottawa on July 31, 2020.

The Jason Kenney government is blocking the federal COVID Alert app from being used in Alberta, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau alleged in an Edmonton radio interview Friday.

“(The app) will be a lot more useful when the province decides to give people the ability to plug in the codes,” Trudeau said in an interview with 630 CHED.

“That’s all that’s missing, and we really hope that people will take on every tool we possibly can to fight COVID-19.”

The comments come three months after the federal government launched the COVID Alert app.

Though some provinces took longer than others to sign on, the app now works in all provinces except for Alberta and British Columbia.

Alberta released its own app called ABTraceTogether in the spring but it faced concerns over functionality and privacy.

The province has said the delay in signing on to the federal app stems from ensuring the 247,000 accounts created on the provincial app can be “transitioned” to the federal one.

The premier’s office did not immediately respond to request for comment Friday.

Reports of heckling by UCP MLAs referring to COVID Alert as “Trudeau’s app” in legislature Tuesday led Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi to call for the province to allow the app to work and avoid the “politicization of public health.”

Trudeau still asked Albertans to download the app, saying it has some utility because it can notify people of exposures if they come in contact with someone from another province using the app.

“I encourage Albertans to download the COVID-19 app because it starts working right away and if it comes online in the next couple of weeks, you’ll have that much more protection,” he said.

Russian police detain Pussy Riot activists for hanging pride flags around Moscow
The activist group erected the rainbow flags on President Vladimir Putin's birthday to draw attention to his administration’s treatment of LGBTQ people
A rainbow flag erected on the Culture Ministry building in Moscow on Oct. 7, 2020. LGBTQ flags were also placed on the Presidential Administration of Russia , Federal Security Service (FSB), district police and Supreme Court buildings on Russian President Vladimir Putin's 68th birthday. Pussy Riot Facebook via AP

Oct. 9, 2020, 
By Dan Avery

At least five members of the punk rock activist group Pussy Riot were detained by Russian police on Thursday, one day after the collective hung rainbow Pride flags on key government buildings in Moscow.

In a Facebook post shared Wednesday, the group said it held the action on Oct. 7, President Vladimir Putin’s birthday, to draw attention to his administration’s poor treatment of Russia’s LGBTQ community.

“It’s important to say thank you on your birthday,” it sarcastically wrote to the 68-year-old leader. “Thank you for your words and deeds.”

The post listed seven demands for the government, including legalization of same-sex relationships, the repeal of Russia’s “gay propaganda” ban and an investigation into the reported kidnappings and killings of gay and bisexual men in Chechnya.

It demanded an end to harassment of same-sex families and organizations advocating for the LGBTQ community and a law banning discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

The group also called for Oct. 7, Putin’s birthday, to be declared LGBTQ Visibility Day.

Pussy Riot member Maria Alyokhina told The Independent that the group was able to evade security by dressing as maintenance workers and claiming to be in charge of birthday decorations.

“It was wildly comic, but the message is serious,” she said. “You can’t win by banning love. If you are the person who is smashing the hands of lovers as they walk hand in hand, you’ve already lost.”
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Pussy Riot members arrested after their recent protest action - raising rainbow pride flags to mark Putin’s 68th birthday.
The flags appeared at the beginning of working day at the headquarters of FSB (ex KGB), Putin’s presidential administration, Supreme Court, Ministry of Culture and Police.
Pussy Riot said the rainbow flags were birthday presents for the president. They were gifted as symbols of the “lack of love and freedom” in Russia.
This is a video Maria Alyokhina’s arrest - right in the entrance to TV Rain, just before her scheduled TV interview

1 in 5 Russians want gays 'eliminated,' survey finds

The group shared photos of members erecting the flags, which they said were symbols of the “lack of love and freedom” in Russia.

“The state should not interfere in the life of the LGBTQ community. But if it does, then the community can intervene in the life of the state,” the group wrote on Facebook.

It called it a “symmetrical response,” referencing a term Putin used in response to the United States military testing a cruise missile in 2019.

The flags were hung in five locations on Wednesday — Putin’s executive offices, the Ministry of Culture, the Supreme Court building, the Basmanny district police station and the headquarters of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russia’s main security agency and the successor to the KGB.

Pussy Riot called the buildings among “the most important symbols of Russian statehood.”

The following day police detained members on charges of violating statutes about public demonstrations, according to MediaZona, a news site founded by Alyokhina and fellow Pussy Riot member Nadezhda Tolokonnikova.

Alyokhina was arrested outside the studios of independent television channel Dozhd, also known as TV Rain, just before she was scheduled for an interview. Nina Nikulshina was arrested in Taganka and taken to Meshchansky police station, as were Vasily Andrianov and Elizaveta Diederich. Another Pussy Riot activist, Alexander Sofeyev, was taken in after investigators staked out his apartment for more than a day, according to Russian-language site Avtozak Live reports. They managed to get inside after Sofeyev’s landlord opened the door for them.

MediaZona also reported that Radio Liberty journalist Artem Radygin was detained during the flag-hanging at the FSB building.

Pussy Riot, an activist collective and performance art group, was founded in 2011 to promote feminism and LGBTQ rights under the Putin regime.

A year later, the group staged a guerrilla performance inside Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Days later, Alyokhina and Tolokonnikova were arrested and convicted of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred.” They each spent nearly two years in a high-security prison.Russia’s LGBTQ community has been a frequent target for Putin, who earlier this year mocked the U.S. embassy in Moscow for flying the rainbow flag during Pride month, suggesting it “revealed something about the people that work there.”

Russian voters back referendum banning same-sex marriage

In 2013, the country banned the distribution of "propaganda" that promoted "nontraditional sexual relationships” to minors, which has been used to outlaw Pride demonstrations and pro-LGBTQ publications and organizations. In the run-up to the 2014 Sochi Games, Putin insisted the law “does not harm anyone” and that there is no institutional discrimination against gays in Russia.

In July, Russian voters supported a constitutional amendment defining marriage as exclusively a union between one man and one woman, a measure strongly supported by Putin.

Wednesday’s protest came just days after Russian State media reported authorities were going to start arresting gay men who used surrogates for “baby trafficking,” according to The Independent.

Egyptian officials systemically abuse and torture gays, rights group says
“Egyptian authorities seem to be competing for the worst record on rights violations against LGBT people in the region,” according to Human Rights Watch.

Oct. 26, 2020, By Daniel Villarreal

Malak el-Kashif, a political activist and transgender woman living in Egypt, was arrested at her Cairo home last March after participating in a protest and was then subjected to verbal and physical abuse at the hands of Egyptian authorities for months, according to Human Rights Watch. She says she was placed in solitary confinement at a men’s prison for 135 days, where she was refused medical treatment.

“I suffered the worst verbal abuse I have ever encountered by police officers, and they forbade me from going to the bathroom for two days. They subjected me to a forced anal exam. They sexually assaulted me,” el-Kashif, 20, told the international human rights group. “Solitary confinement was the worst thing that ever happened to me; it was really affecting my mental health. I still have post-traumatic stress disorder and social phobia. I’m not the person I was.”
Eight Egyptian men convicted for "inciting debauchery" following their appearance in a video of an alleged same-sex wedding party leave the defendant's cage in a courtroom in Cairo, Egypt on Nov 1, 2014.Hassan Ammar / AP file

El-Kashif is one of 15 people who shared harrowing stories of abuse with Human Rights Watch for its recently published report “Egypt: Security Forces Abuse, Torture LGBT People.” The report’s main findings include arbitrary arrests of people thought to be LGBTQ; entrapment of gay and bisexual men through social networking and dating apps; and torture and prolonged detainment of sexual and gender minorities in state custody.

“Egyptian authorities seem to be competing for the worst record on rights violations against LGBT people in the region, while the international silence is appalling,” Rasha Younes, an LGBTQ rights researcher at Human Rights Watch, stated in the report. "Egypt has unabashedly continued to target and abuse LGBT people simply for who they are.”

‘I was prepared to end my life’

For its report, Human Rights Watch interviewed LGBTQ people who had been prosecuted between 2017 and 2020 under “debauchery” and “prostitution” laws, as well as two defense attorneys. Their accounts allege systemic abuse throughout the judicial system in Egypt, one of approximately 70 countries around the globe that criminalizes homosexuality — whether explicitly or just in practice.

All but three of those prosecuted went by pseudonyms in the report, for fear of retaliation by Egyptian authorities. Some of them reported being denied food and medication, while others shared stories of forced virginity tests and anal exams. Egypt is one of seven countries that uses forced anal exams to “prove” a person’s homosexuality, according to Human Rights Wat

Hossam Ahmed, a 27-year-old transgender man arrested in 2019 and released last month, was placed in a women’s prison where he was given an ID card that said “female” and denied his gender-affirming treatment, according to the report. He was allegedly forced to sleep on “a rotten and smelly mattress” and would sometimes go days without food.

Ahmed Alaa, 24, was arrested in 2017 by officers in civilian clothing who did not inform him of the reason for his arrest, according to the report. Alaa said he was verbally abused and threatened by officers who then put him in solitary confinement.

“I was prepared to end my life if they prolonged my detention,” he told Human Rights Watch.
A change in power

While LGBTQ people have long been subjected to homophobia and transphobia in Egypt, Younes said the situation worsened after its current president, Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi, took power in 2014.

“Before el-Sissi took power, they had some breathing room to at least exist in public without being attacked, arrested or harassed,” Younes said of sexual and gender minorities. “At the same time, LGBTQ rights activists have formed strong networks of resistance and solidarity that allowed them to protect each other from violence.”

A major turning point came in September 2017 following a concert in Cairo by Lebanese band Mashrou’ Leila, whose lead singer is openly gay. After several young people in the audience waved a rainbow flag during the weekend concert, public prosecutor Nabil Sadek ordered an investigation, which led to seven arrests the following Monday, according to The New York Times.
A fan of Lebanese alternative rock band Mashrou' Leila holds a rainbow flag during their concert at the Ehdeniyat International Festival in Ehden town, Lebanon, on Aug. 12, 2017.Jamal Saidi / Reuters file

The incident was then followed by a crackdown in which police and state security agencies arrested over 100 suspected LGBTQ people over the following year using social media to entrap them, according to an NPR interview with Dalia Abdel Hameed, head of the gender program for the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, a human rights organization.

Homosexuality is not explicitly a crime in Egypt, according to Paula Gerber, a human rights law professor at Monash University in Australia. Gerber said LGBTQ people are often arrested and charged with prostitution, a broadly written law criminalizing any activity that offends “religion,” “national unity” or “social peace.”

Even if legal charges against LGBTQ people are dismissed, merely being accused of an LGBTQ-related offense can cause individuals to be ostracized from their families, lose their social safety nets or be denied access to employment, medical care or legal protection, according to Younes.

Government monitoring

Younes said Egyptian authorities actively monitor social media and city streets to crackdown on LGBTQ people and others who are protesting or organizing for civil rights, all of which are labeled as subversion or even terrorism.

Human Rights Watch said police will set up fake profiles masquerading as gay men on dating apps like Grindr and social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp in an attempt to meet in public or learn the names and meeting places of other queer people for future raids and arrests. Officers will also look through arrested people's phones with the same goal in mind.

As a result, LGBTQ people find it difficult to date, talk online or seek medical care, said Khalid, an Egyptian native and founder of No Hate Egypt, an online group that uses social media to educate Egyptians about the country’s LGBTQ issues and culture. Khalid asked that his real name not be used because of fear that Egyptian officials may try to track him and other members of his group online.

Fearing surveillance and monitoring, Khalid added, people are guarded with their names, personal photographs or identifying details online. Queer people will often talk for months online before agreeing to meet in public, because — in addition to police — they know that rapists, thieves and blackmailers also target gay men on the apps, knowing they won’t go to police if they’re attacked, according to Human Rights Watch.

Someone wanting to meet in public may get stood up by a reluctant partner several times before the partner finally feels safe enough to actually appear, Khalid said. LGBTQ Egyptians also fear obtaining medical care, such as tests for sexually transmitted illnesses, or will sometimes marry other queer people of the opposite gender, to avoid being outed and persecuted.

A political wedge issue

Khalid said the Egyptian government has long used anti-LGBTQ arrests to whip up support among Islamic conservatives while distracting citizens from poor living conditions and other civil rights abuses.

Increasingly, he said, Egyptian leaders are parroting “moral” and pseudoscientific rhetoric used by Christian conservatives in the West, accusing queer people of recruiting children and destroying humanity or claiming homosexuality as a disease or mental illness that harms the immune system and infects others.

Younes said the Egyptian government regularly denies reports of human rights abuses as completely fabricated.

“If there weren’t problems that warrants reporting, we won’t go looking for them,” Younes said. “Instead of working to remedy these systemic problems, Egypt claims that any criticism and call for accountability directed at its governance is a western imposition and threat to its internal order.”

Egypt, according to the report, has “repeatedly rejected recommendations by several countries to end arrests and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity,” and at the United Nations Human Rights Council in March, Egyptian officials refused to recognize the existence of LGBTQ people.

Neither the Egyptian Embassy in Washington, D.C., nor its consulate general in Los Angeles responded to NBC News’ requests for comment.

A traumatic turning point

A particular point of trauma for LGBTQ Egyptians around the world, Khalid said, is the June 2020 suicide of Sarah Hegazy, a once outspoken Egyptian queer feminist who was detained by el-Sissi's National Security Agency in 2017 for raising a rainbow flag at the Mashrou’ Leila concert.

Hegazy said police molested her, tortured her with electric shocks and threw her into solitary confinement. After being fired from her job and rejected by her family, Hegazy fled to Canada, where she suffered PTSD and panic attacks which intensified amid the death of her mother soon after. She eventually took her own life, leaving a suicide note.

“The experience has been harsh and I’m too weak to resist. To the world, you’ve been greatly cruel, but I forgive,” Hegazy wrote in the note, which was published in part in The New York Times.

People attend a memorial for Sarah Hegazy in Amsterdam on June 19, 2020.
Romy Arroyo Fernandez / NurPhoto via Getty Images

Khalid said queer Egyptians worldwide share a sense of shock and trauma around her story, knowing it can happen to themselves and their friends.

Younes said supporters of LGBTQ rights — whether private individuals or government officials — have a role to play in protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people in Egypt.

She encourages the international community to support, promote and empower Egyptian LGBTQ organizations by helping to provide funding and secure platforms where they can connect and organize. As for governmental support, Younes said nations around the world “have a moral and human obligation to hold Egypt accountable to its egregious abuses” in public and private forums.

“Egypt’s partners and those who provide assistance to its abusive security forces should halt their support instead of turn a blind eye,” she said, “so that LGBTQ people can trust that they can turn to their government for protection, not torture.”

Nigerian judge throws out case against 47 men facing homosexuality charge
The case dates back to 2018 and had widely been seen as a test of the country's laws banning same-sex relationships.

Chris Agiriga, 23, one of the men arrested on charges of public display of affection with members of the same sex, walks with a friend on the streets of Mushin in Lagos, Nigeria, on Feb. 14, 2020.
Temilade Adelaja / Reuters file

Oct. 27, 2020, 12:52 PM MDT / Source: Reuters

LAGOS - A judge in a Nigerian court on Tuesday threw out a case against 47 men charged with public displays of affection with members of same sex, ending what had widely been seen as a test of the country's laws banning same-sex relationships.

The Nigerian law banning gay marriage, punishable by up to 14 years in prison, and same-sex "amorous relationships," prompted an international outcry when it came into force under former President Goodluck Jonathan in 2014.

The men were arrested in a police raid on a Lagos hotel in the city's Egbeda district in 2018. Police said the men were being initiated into a gay club, but the defendants said they were attending a birthday party.

Prosecution and defense lawyers in the case had told Reuters nobody had yet been convicted under the law, which led to the case of the men being widely seen as a test case that could help to establish the burden of proof.

Prosecutors failed to attend Tuesday's hearing at the federal high court in Lagos, having previously failed to present some of their witnesses in a case that had been adjourned on several occasions.

Justice Rilwan Aikawa struck out the case and said he had done so due to the "lack of diligent prosecution".

The specific charge the men faced, relating to public displays of affection, carries a 10-year prison sentence.

Outside the court, many of the men smiled and cheered, including dancer James Brown who, smiling, said: "I am free. It means a lot of good things."

Under Nigerian law, defendants in a case that is struck out can be re-arrested and arraigned again on the same charge, whereas that is not possible in cases that have been dismissed.

Taxi driver Onyeka Oguaghamba, a father-of-four who said he merely drove people to the party, said he was happy the case had been struck out but disappointed that it was not dismissed entirely.

"I am not happy, because I'm looking for the matter to end in a way that people will see me and believe what I have been saying from the beginning," he said, adding that the decision meant he could be charged again.

Oguaghamba and others previously told Reuters they had been stigmatized as a result of the raid and a televised news conference held by police in which they were identified the day after their arrest.

Chris Agiriga, another of the men, said the striking out of the case would not help him to be reconciled with his family who had rejected him over the matter.

"Since the past two years, this has caused a lot of damage in my life," he said.

Emmanuel Sadi, a program officer with rights group the Initiative for Equal Rights (TIERS), said the outcome of the case raised questions about the law used to charge the men.

"You can't even build a case around it," he said. "I hope they (the government) realize how redundant it is as a law, and they are open to removing or repealing it," he said.

Homosexuality is outlawed in many socially conservative African societies where some religious groups brand it a corrupting Western import. Gay sex is a crime in countries across the continent, with punishments ranging from imprisonment to death.

N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James developing 'long' list of Trump actions for Biden to undo
The Democratic official also told NBC News she is reviewing legal options in case the president contests the election results.
New York State Attorney General Letitia James takes her oath of office 
on Jan. 1, 2019.Andrew Lichtenstein / Corbis via Getty Images file

Oct. 30, 2020, By Allan Smith NBC

New York Attorney General Letitia James says her office is preparing a substantial list of legal actions for a potential Biden administration to begin quickly reversing Trump administration initiatives, she told NBC News in an interview.

"We're preparing a list. And the list is long," she said Thursday. "We'll have a team of individuals, again, working on reversing all of the bad regulations and laws that have been put forth ... We will work with the Biden administration to ask them to file stays in a number of cases that are pending in the courts all across this country."

James, a leading Democratic state attorney general, said she and her colleagues are also reviewing "legal options to determine what action, if any" state attorneys general will take should the election results be contested.

In her second year as the top law enforcement official in New York, James has battled the Trump administration on everything from environmental regulations and immigration enforcement to its handling of the census. More recently, she's been involved in litigation over Postal Service slowdowns.

Meanwhile, because of the Trump Organization's footprint in New York City, James has been at the forefront of legal action against President Donald Trump's family business.

Her office's yearslong probe into Trump's charitable foundation led to its dissolution. More recently, her investigation into whether the president's business had inflated the value of its assets for the purposes of tax breaks and loans came to a head earlier this month when Eric Trump, the president's son and an executive at his business, sat for a pre-election deposition.

The younger Trump had pushed back on having to testify before the election, but after a judge ruled against his effort, he agreed to sit for questioning on whether the Trump Organization had committed fraud. He called the legal effort "a continued political vendetta."

James said she could not get into the details of his testimony, adding, "We're in the midst of discovery and they're handing over documents and that is ongoing."

As for Eric Trump's claim of political bias — something the president has repeatedly claimed about James and her predecessors in the office — the attorney general said she doesn't "pay a lot of attention to all the noise and all the critics."

"I keep hearing this. I know Eric Trump has accused me of bias. The NRA have accused me of bias," she said, acknowledging a separate high-profile case her office is in the midst of with the National Rifle Association. "A number of elected officials have accused me of bias. Some Republican attorneys general have accused me of political bias. I just put my head down and just go to work."

"Again, politics is not an issue that I will tolerate in my office," she said. "It's based on allegations, primarily from individuals within the Trump administration who have come forward, and laid bare a pattern of illegality and misconduct, which requires an investigation on the part of regulators, i.e., the New York State Office of Attorney General."

She pointed to the Trump Organization investigation her office has ongoing having stemmed from allegations made by the president's convicted former lawyer, Michael Cohen, who leveled such allegations of asset valuation malfeasance while testifying before Congress in early 2019.

As for rumors she may run for mayor of New York City or governor of the state, James said she had "no comment."

"But you know that it's no secret, I was considering running for mayor when this opportunity availed itself, and here I am as the attorney general," she said. "That's not something that I was focused on or planning on."

"There's a phrase that my mother used to say and that is, 'You plan and God laughs,'" she added. "So, I'm no longer planning. I'm just working."

Allan Smith is a political reporter for NBC News.

'Quick, quick, quick': Trump rushes McSally at rally as she fights to hold her Senate seat

The president hurried Arizona Sen. Martha McSally before calling up three out of state politicians to address the crowd.

All spoke longer than McSally did — as did another guest speaker Trump called on, Nigel Farage of Britain's Brexit party. Trump did not rush any of those four.

'They don't want to hear this, Martha!': Trump rushes McSally on stage during Arizona rally OCT. 29, 2020 01:54 VIDEO

Oct. 28, 2020, 6:57 PM MDT
By Vaughn Hillyard and Dareh Gregorian

President Donald Trump offered a not-very warm welcome to Sen. Martha McSally on Wednesday at his campaign rally in Arizona, where McSally, also a Republican, is fighting to hold on to her seat.

After saying she was "respected by everybody" and "great," Trump rushed McSally to the stage at an airport rally in Goodyear to say a few words.

"Martha, just come up fast. Fast. Fast. Come on. Quick. You got one minute! One minute, Martha! They don’t want to hear this, Martha. Come on. Let’s go. Quick, quick, quick. Come on. Let’s go," Trump said.

McSally spoke for just over a minute, and said she was "proud" to work with the president — something a moderator could not get her say during her debate with Democratic challenger Mark Kelly earlier this month.

After McSally spoke, Trump called up a trio of politicians from out of state to speak — Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, and Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif. Of the three, only McCarthy, the House Republican leader, is running for re-election in November. All spoke longer than McSally did — as did another guest speaker Trump called on, Nigel Farage of Britain's Brexit party. Trump did not rush any of those four.

Polling in Arizona has shown McSally consistently behind Kelly. Earlier Wednesday, McSally published an op-ed article in which she said she will vote for Trump. She had long asserted that she has the right to a "secret ballot" when asked if she's voting for him.

Trump told reporters during another trip to Arizona last week that he thought McSally was "doing fine" and that he didn't think their fates in the state were tied together.

"I think we're very separated, but we support each other fully," he said. "But I’ve never been a believer that somebody — that you’re tied together. I don’t — I don’t believe that. I know I’m doing very well. I don’t know what her numbers are. I haven’t looked. But I hope she does well."

McSally was appointed to her seat in 2018 by Gov. Doug Ducey after Sen. Jon Kyl announced he was retiring.

The Washington Post reported last week that Trump told donors at a fundraiser it was going to be "very tough" for Republicans to keep control of the Senate because there were some he'd have a hard time supporting.

"There are a couple senators I can't really get involved in. I just can't do it. You lose your soul if you do," an attendee quoted him as saying.

Vaughn Hillyard is a political reporter for NBC News.
Dareh Gregorian is a politics reporter for NBC News.