Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Trump holdover sues to block Biden from giving her the boot for allegedly disclosing classified info: report
October 12, 2021

Katie Arrington (Photo: Screen capture/Twitter)

On Tuesday, The Daily Beast reported that a Trump Department of Defense appointee suspended by the Biden administration is suing to try to reinstate her job.

"Katie Arrington was chief information security officer for the acquisition and sustainment office of the Defense Department, but her superiors notified her on May 11 that 'her security clearance for access to classified information is being suspended.' The reason: 'A reported Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information and subsequent removal of access by the National Security Agency,'" reported Blake Montgomery. "Since then, Arrington says, she has had no chance to respond to the allegations and the Pentagon has not made any moves toward completing its investigation of the suspected intel leak."

Arrington was the Republican nominee for South Carolina's 1st Congressional District in 2018, unseating scandal-plagued Rep. Mark Sanford in a primary only to lose in an upset to Democrat Joe Cunningham. Republicans would retake this seat in 2020.

The Biden administration has removed a number of other Trump appointees from various advisory boards, including friends, campaign officials, and right-wing talk radio hosts.
Australia can prosper from global net zero targets, the IMF says – but lawmakers must allow green technology to thrive

David Adams
Oct. 13, 2021

Australia is uniquely poised to benefit from the global shirt to green energy, the International Monetary Fund says.

Rising prices for lithium, nickel, and cobalt could lift the GDP of major exporters, including Australia.

However lawmakers must first agree on climate strategies to avoid prices spiraling out of control, the lender notes.

Australia’s vast mineral wealth could reap dividends in the global transition to green technology, the International Monetary Fund says, so long as international and domestic lawmakers coordinate on climate policy.

In its latest World Economic Outlook, released Wednesday, the international lender highlighted the importance of Australia’s large lithium, cobalt, and nickel reserves to global green energy production.

Renewable energy systems and batteries require those metals to a greater extent than many traditional fossil fuel-generated power technologies.

Demand is expected to lift even higher as world leaders knuckle down on their emission reduction pledges, the IMF states.

Under a global net zero emissions by 2050 scenario, “total consumption of lithium and cobalt rises by a factor of more than six,” with nickel demand rising four times over.

Increased demand will lead to higher prices in the short-term, the IMF says, benefiting Australia’s export economy.

“A 15% persistent increase in the IMF metal price index adds an extra 1 percentage point of real GDP growth (fiscal balance) for metal exporters compared with metal importers,” the lender notes.

But as Australian miners gear up to supply the world’s renewable revolution, the IMF warns that sky-high resource prices and constrained production elasticity in the short term may actually stymie the global shift.

“If metal demand ramps up and supply is slow to react, a multiyear price rally may follow—possibly derailing or delaying the energy transition,” the report notes.

One salve would be to reduce “high policy uncertainty” which “may hinder mining investment,” the IMF says.

“A credible, globally coordinated climate policy; high environmental, social, labor, and governance standards; and reduced trade barriers and export restrictions would allow markets to operate efficiently, directing investment to sufficiently expand metal supply— thus avoiding unnecessarily increasing the cost of low-carbon technologies and supporting the clean energy transition.”

With billions of dollars on the line, the IMF report will renew focus on Australia’s climate commitments and its navigation of a rapidly-greening global economy.

The federal government is yet to announce any formal net zero by 2050 target, although The Australian reports Prime Minister Scott Morrison is preparing to present a heavily-vetted proposal to Cabinet on Wednesday.

International figureheads including Prince Charles have called upon Morrison to attend the impending COP26 conference in Glasgow, billed as one of the most significant international summits since the Paris Agreement of 2015, but the Prime Minister has not confirmed his involvement.

Iron ore magnate Andrew Forrest has also called on Australia to actively participate in the green transition, saying the nation could deter international investors if it does not keep up with global climate mores.

Beyond the financial implications of lagging policy, the IMF report reiterates the civilisation-defining impact of continued climate inaction.

“Moreover, doubling down efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions is critical—current actions and pledges are not enough to prevent a dangerous overheating of the planet,” the report states.
Countries adopt ‘Kunming Declaration’ to tackle biodiversity loss
The Kunming declaration calls for "urgent and integrated action" to transform all sectors of the global economy.

Danson Cheong
China Correspondent

BEIJING - Some 195 countries have pledged to come up with an “ambitious and transformative” plan to reverse biodiversity loss, saying “strong political momentum” was needed to meet the “defining challenge of this decade”.

The pledge was contained in the “Kunming Declaration” adopted on Wednesday (Oct 13) during the United Nations Biodiversity Conference, also known as COP15. The declaration was named after the Chinese city where COP15 is taking place.

The UN summit, the biggest global meeting on biodiversity, is taking place in two parts. The first is being held largely virtually this week because of Covid-19 pandemic-related restrictions in China. There will be a second in-person round next year when a global biodiversity agreement is expected to be finalised.

The first part of the summit is seen as essential for generating momentum toward reaching such an agreement, which has been compared to the Paris Climate Accords for biodiversity.

Announcing the adoption of the Kunming Declaration, China’s environment minister Huang Runqiu said its main purpose was to reflect “the political will of all parties and to send a strong message to the international community of our strong determination and the consensus in the field of biodiversity”.

He emphasised that it was not a binding international agreement. Tough negotiations lie ahead as countries work towards a framework to guide efforts to safeguard nature and ecosystems.

But WWF International’s director of global policy and advocacy Lin Li noted that it signalled that the aim of a future global biodiversity framework should be reversing biodiversity loss by 2030, and address unsustainable economic practices.

“It is essential for government negotiators to translate these key elements into a strong global biodiversity framework,” she said.

“With the funding gap to reverse the decline in biodiversity by 2030 estimated at more than US$700 billion (S$947 million) per year, the agreement must include adequate financing, as well as a robust implementation mechanism.”

During their virtual discussions this week those attending the summit in Kunming said the key was to ensure that targets or goals reflected in the eventual biodiversity agreement could be implemented.

Moving forward, negotiations will centre on a draft text called the “Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework”.

The current draft text spells out 21 “targets for urgent action” over the next decade.

They include protecting at least 30 per cent of land and sea areas, eliminating plastic waste in oceans and adopting sustainable practices for agriculture, aquaculture and forestry.

It also includes boosting investment in biodiversity protection to US$200 billion a year and reducing subsidies to industries that harm the environment by at least US$500 billion a year.

Countries have already missed the 2020 biodiversity targets set a decade ago in Aichi, Japan.
JPMorgan CEO Doesn’t Like Bitcoin, But Won’t Stop Doing Crypto Business
Cryptocurrency Oct 13, 2021

JPMorgan CEO Doesn’t Like Bitcoin, But Won’t Stop Doing Crypto Business

There seems to be a contradiction between JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon’s stance on Bitcoin and the bank’s immediate and future plans.

However, the cryptocurrency business within JPMorgan continues from strength to strength, although Dimon doesn’t smell good about bitcoins.

He admits that cryptocurrencies will endure and BTC could increase up to 10 times in the next few years.

JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) CEO, Jamie Dimon, reiterated his criticism of Bitcoin, saying it is a worthless currency that will eventually be regulated by governments. The CEO of the world’s largest investment bank has also called cryptocurrencies “fool’s gold” before.

Looking at what is happening in the United States, Dimon predicted that cryptocurrencies will end up being regulated by governments.

"Whatever you think about this, the Government is going to regulate it, be it for anti-laundering [of funds] or for taxes," said the banking executive during a conference at the Institute of International Finance.

Dimon, who has wasted no time criticizing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, said: “Personally, I think that Bitcoin is worthless.” But his anti-crypto thinking hasn’t stopped his bank from increasing crypto-asset business plans.

While commenting on JPMorgan’s recent decision to create a fund for clients with more robust wealth as demand for Bitcoin and other crypto assets continues to grow, Dimon has admitted that the bank’s clients want Bitcoin.

If Customers Want Bitcoins, We Can’t Stop It

On several occasions, Dimon has compared cryptocurrencies to cigarettes. “I don’t think you should smoke cigarettes either,” he said. “Our clients are adults, they don’t agree [with me]. So, if they want to have access to buy or sell Bitcoin, we can’t custody it, but we can give them legitimate, as clean as possible access,” said the bank manager.

In contrast to Dimon’s sentiment, the price of Bitcoin on Tuesday at 9:00 AM EST stood at $57,179, which reaffirms the view that the cryptocurrency seems to have stabilized around $50,000.

While Bitcoin still remains below its April all-time high, when it hit $64,000, Bitcoin has posted its five-month high this week. It has also managed to slightly reduce the volatility seen in previous months.

Dimon Says Price of Bitcoin Could Multiply by 10

The JPMorgan CEO’s criticism of BTC has not stopped him from admitting that the price of the cryptocurrency could go up 10 times in the next five years.

Speaking to The Times of India last month, Dimon said that the rise in the price of Bitcoin would not be due to the intrinsic value of the currency but because of “speculation (which) occurs in all markets of the world, including communist countries.”

During that same interview he also said: “I am not a buyer of Bitcoins. I think if you borrow money to buy Bitcoins, you are a fool.”

He added, “I’ve always believed it’ll be made illegal someplace,” which happened recently in China. The Chinese government declared all commercial activities related to cryptocurrencies illegal.

At the same time, China is making efforts to consolidate its digital yuan project to compete with the dollar and dominate international trade. China’s regime, which sees private cryptocurrencies as a dangerous competitor to its own currency, has declared that they constitute a highly volatile and speculative form of investment.

On The Flipside

JPMorgan Chase announced in 2019 the launch of a digital currency called JPM Coin.
Then in October 2020, the bank created a new unit for blockchain projects.
In August of this year, the company decided to give its wealth management clients access to crypto-asset funds.

Why You Should Care?

China’s war on BTC and fears over its regulation affected the price of all cryptocurrencies. From May to June, the price of BTC plummeted from $59,000 to $29,000.

But, after the White House, the Federal Reserve, and the US SEC said they would not ban BTC, its price went up again.The Biden administration, however, is studying cryptocurrencies more closely and monitoring the flows of dirty money obtained through the network. The US federal government is offering up to $10,000 in reward money to those who provide information on ransomware attacks.

Despite viewing cryptocurrencies as useless assets, JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, is of the opinion that cryptocurrencies will continue to exist.


Binance to halt Chinese yuan-crypto trading and restrict mainland China customers to withdrawals only
Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance, speaks at the Delta Summit, Malta's official Blockchain and Digital Innovation event promoting cryptocurrency, in St Julian's, Malta October 4, 2018.
Changpeng Zhao, CEO of Binance. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi
  • Binance will discontinue Chinese yuan trading on December 31, it said on Wednesday.
  • The crypto exchange said it would run checks to ensure users in mainland China can only make withdrawals.
  • Binance says it has been blocked in China since 2017, and doesn’t engage in local exchange business.
  • Sign up here for our daily newsletter, 10 Things Before the Opening Bell.

Binance will end the use of the Chinese yuan on its peer-to-peer platform, in the crypto exchange’s latest move to cooperate with regulators in China.

The company, which is one of the world’s largest exchanges, is set to discontinue support for the Chinese currency on December 31 this year, it said in a statement Wednesday.

Binance added that people in mainland China will be allowed to only make withdrawals, redeem, or close positions.

“At the same time, Binance will conduct an inventory of platform users,” the crypto exchange said. “If the platform finds users in mainland China, their corresponding accounts will be switched to the ‘withdrawal only’ mode.”

Relevant users will be notified of the restriction to withdrawals via email seven days before the transition.

In late September, Chinese authorities declared all crypto-related transactions illegal and banned foreign exchanges from providing services to the country’s residents. Almost immediately, Binance said it would no longer accept registrations linked to Chinese mobile phone numbers.

Chinese crypto exchange Huobi said too it would stop new user registrations by mainland customers, and retire existing accounts by the end of this year. Two other Asia-focused crypto exchanges, Matrixport and Mexc, are also following by cutting off existing users.

Beijing’s recent hostile stance against towards crypto didn’t come as a surprise, after authorities imposed their first related “ban” in 2013.

Since then, China has been attempting to choke off the digital asset sector via various restrictions that target a range of market segments. In 2017, local crypto exchanges were ordered to end operations.

A Binance spokesperson told Insider that the crypto exchange has been blocked in China since 2017 and local users haven’t been able to access its website.

“Binance does not currently hold exchange operations in China,” the spokesperson said, and added that the company takes its compliance obligations “very seriously.”

News of crypto-related bans from China has not impacted the adoption rate of cryptocurrencies, according to Freddie Williams, a sales trader at UK-based digital asset broker GlobalBlock.

“It has not prevented adoption of bitcoin and digital assets from continuing their upward trend,” Williams said.

‘It’s not Satanism’: Zimbabwe church leaders preach vaccines

By FARAI MUTSAKAan hour ago

1 of 8
Members of an Apostolic Christian Church group gather for a prayer meeting on the outskirts of the capital Harare, Friday, Sept. 10, 2021. The Apostolic church is one of Zimbabwe's most skeptical groups when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines. Many of these Christian churches, which combine traditional beliefs with a Pentecostal doctrine, preach against modern medicine and demand followers seek healing or protection against disease through spiritual means like prayer and the use of holy water. To combat that, authorities have formed teams of campaigners who are also churchgoers to dispel misconceptions about the vaccines in their own churches.
(AP Photo/Tsvangirayi Mukwazhi)


SEKE, Zimbabwe (AP) — Yvonne Binda stands in front of a church congregation, all in pristine white robes, and tells them not to believe what they’ve heard about COVID-19 vaccines.

“The vaccine is not linked to Satanism,” she says. The congregants, members of a Christian Apostolic church in the southern African nation of Zimbabwe, are unmoved. But when Binda, a vaccine campaigner and member of an Apostolic church herself, promises them soap, buckets and masks, there are enthusiastic shouts of “Amen!”

Apostolic groups that infuse traditional beliefs into a Pentecostal doctrine are among the most skeptical in Zimbabwe when it comes to COVID-19 vaccines, with an already strong mistrust of modern medicine. Many followers put faith in prayer, holy water and anointed stones to ward off disease or cure illnesses.

The congregants Binda addressed in the rural area of Seke sang about being protected by the holy spirit, but have at least acknowledged soap and masks as a defense against the coronavirus. Binda is trying to convince them to also get vaccinated — and that’s a tough sell.

Congregation leader Kudzanayi Mudzoki had to work hard to persuade his flock just to stay and listen to Binda speak about vaccines.
US archbishop says Catholic soldiers shouldn't have to get the COVID-19 vaccine, defying Pope Francis' advice
Bill Bostock
A member of the US Armed Forces administers a shot of the Pfizer vaccine at a FEMA community vaccination center in Philadelphia.
Mark Makela/Getty Images

US soldiers don't need to get vaccinated if it burdens their conscience, a US archbishop has said.

The US military said in August that all troops must be vaccinated, or apply for an exemption.

Many Catholics object to the vaccines as cells originally from an abortion were used in the development.

A US archbishop said Catholic soldiers don't have to get vaccinated against COVID-19, defying the wishes of Pope Francis.

On August 24, the Department of Defense announced that all 2.1 million US troops must be vaccinated. A number of personnel applied for exemptions on religious grounds, but several quit in protest.

Active-duty US Air Force personnel must be vaccinated by November 2, active-duty US Navy and Marine personnel by November 28, and active duty US Army personnel by December 15.

But in a statement released Tuesday, Timothy P. Broglio, the Archbishop for the Military Services, said that Catholic soldiers should not have to get vaccinated.

"No one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would violate the sanctity of his or her conscience," Broglio wrote

As of October 10, hundreds of thousands of US troops remain unvaccinated, according to The Washington Post.

Opposition to the vaccine in the Catholic faith, as Broglio wrote, stems from the fact that a number used cells derived from aborted fetuses as part of their development.

No tissue related to fetal cells are present in any of the finished vaccines, and the use of cells in the development and production of medicines, including vaccines, is common in medicine.

Manufacturers and scientists use fetal cell lines — which is not the same as fetal tissue — from fetuses that were aborted decades ago and replicate for decades in laboratories.

Catholic leaders said they viewed the Pfizer and Moderna as acceptable, because the vaccines used the fetal cell lines in their development but not production.

But the US Conference of Catholic Bishops said in March that the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is considered ethically questionable as the cells are used in its production.

"The Johnson & Johnson vaccine was developed, tested, and is produced, with abortion-derived cell lines. That vaccine is, therefore, more problematic," Broglio wrote.

Reuters reported that Johnson & Johnson used cells that originally came from an 18-week-old fetus that was aborted in 1985.

Broglio said it is acceptable for Catholic soldiers to pass on all vaccines, due to the issue of fetal cells.

Broglio's statement stands in stark contrast to Pope Francis' decision to urge all Catholics to get vaccinated in August. The Pope was first vaccinated in January.

Broglio said in his statement that it was important that troops who decline the vaccine embrace all "means to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 through wearing face coverings, social distancing, undergoing routine testing, [and] quarantining."

Tooth analysis suggests earliest Native Americans came from Siberia, not Japan

A new analysis of ancient teeth reveals links between early Native American populations and those of ancient Siberia and Beringia, the land bridge that once connected Russia and Alaska.
Image courtesy of U.S. National Park Service

Oct. 13 (UPI) -- While theories that Indigenous Americans are descended from people who migrated north from Japan, new research suggests that the earliest inhabitants of the Americas were descended from people in Siberia and Beringia.

Stone tools at several of the earliest known archaeological sites inhabited by North America's first peoples look a lot like those used 15,000 years ago by the Jomon people, early inhabitants of Japan.

Parallels between archaeological materials on both sides of the Pacific have inspired a few archaeologists to claim at least some of North America's earliest inhabitants migrated from Japan.

New research, however, has splashed cold water on the out-of-Japan hypothesis. According to the study, the earliest Native Americans and the Jomon people were biologically and genetically dissimilar.

RELATED Scientists discover oldest link between Native Americans, ancient Siberians

The new findings, published Wednesday in the journal PaleoAmerica, relied on biological distance analysis, the study of similarities and differences between biological traits among various groups of people, ancient and modern.

Comparing ancient teeth

For the new findings, scientists measured the form and structure -- called morphology -- of thousands of teeth collected from archaeological sites in the Americas, Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands.

RELATED Ancient Polynesians, Native Americans made contact before Europeans arrived

The measurements used for the study had been collected and organized, amassed over decades, but the survey utilized a new algorithm.

"It's a program that was developed by a doctoral student in Portugal," study lead author Richard Scott told UPI.

"It is basically a Bayesian algorithm designed to calculate the probability that an individual demonstrates the morphological characteristics of one of the five geno-geographic groups -- East Asian, American Arctic, non-Arctic American, Southeast Asian and Austral-Melanesian," said Scott, a professor of anthropology at the University of Nevada-Reno.

RELATED Humans arrived in Americas earlier than thought, new Idaho artifacts suggest

The analysis showed the teeth of ancient Jomon people and those of the earliest known inhabitants of North America were not very alike. Instead, the data revealed affinities between the teeth of ancient Siberian populations and those of the Indigenous Americans

"Our work pretty much falls in line with the Beringian Standstill hypothesis," Scott said.

The Beringian Standstill theory posits that a group of people from Siberian Asia arrived in Beringia about 25,000 years ago.

Beringia is the name for the massive land bridge that connected what now is Alaska and Russia during the Last Glacial Maximum, when sea levels were significantly lower than they are today.

As the theory goes, the people of Beringia began to migrate south, populating the Americas, about 15,000 years ago.

But while the latest analysis reinforced the links between the ancient peoples of Siberia, Beringia and North America, Scott's findings also showed that the earliest Native Americans were a lot more like one another than people of Asia.

2,000 years of isolation

"The Native American samples stood alone. What seems to have happened is these populations got isolated up in Beringia and differentiated from each other for 8,000 to 10,000 years," Scott said. "All of the Americans shared a common ancestor."

Of course, the Beringian Standstill isn't the only explanation for the peopling the Americas, and teeth aren't the only biological materials available for analysis.

Supporters of the out-of-Japan hypothesis and other alternative explanations for the peopling of the Americas have sometimes used craniometric analyses, the study of skull morphologies, to support their theories. However, craniometric surveys have also produced divergent conclusions.

"Fundamentally, cranial morphology is a very complex, multifactorial character with many sources of variation, e.g., underlying genetic variation, multiple environmental sources of variation, different developmental patterns, etc.," study co-author Dennis O'Rourke, professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas, told UPI in an email.

Scott prefers the insights provided by teeth.

"Teeth are much more conservative, they don't change much over time," Scott said. "They change some, but not a lot.""The skull is getting shorter and rounder, we don't see that in teeth," he said. "I can't help but think that changes in subsistence, changes in food preparation, changes in economy have inspired significant changes in cranial morphology."

In other words, the teeth of ancestral populations are a lot more like those of their descendants than their skulls.

Scott, who calls himself a specialist -- "I'm a tooth guy" -- said that the best theories are those supported by multiple lines of evidence.

Questions remain

In the newly published paper, genomic surveys showing strong genetic links between the ancient populations of Siberia and Indigenous Americans corroborate Scott's findings.

O'Rourke and his fellow geneticists found no overlap between the maternal and paternal lineages of early Jomon and American populations.

Though the Beringian Standstill hypothesis continues to gain momentum, the theory isn't ironclad. Just last month, scientists published an analysis of ancient footprints found in New Mexico that suggested humans were in North America at least 23,000 years ago.

"There are many unresolved questions, including: When did people first arrive in the Western Hemisphere? What route did the first people take to move south beyond the ice sheets of the Last Glacial Maximum and how rapidly did they disperse into the continents?" O'Rourke said.

"None of these are particularly new and have been the focus of research for some time. New discoveries in archaeology and genomic analyses refine the way in which we continue to address such questions," he said.

Native Americans are where they are

While questions about the peopling of the Americas continue to befuddle and inspire both archaeologists and anthropologists, Scott said leaders and scholars among Native American groups are uninterested in pursuing questions about where Indigenous Americans came from.

"They all have their own origin stories," Scott said.

As far as most Native Americans are concerned, they've always been where they are.

"The peopling of the Americas is a white person's problem, because indigenous people already understand it," Charles Riggs, an anthropologist at Fort Lewis College in Colorado, told UPI.

"That's not suggest that indigenous peoples are anti-science. They appreciate being brought into the process, but they don't appreciate being told things about their past by people that have oppressed them for hundreds of years," Riggs said.

Riggs, who wasn't involved in the newly published research, said it's not correct that indigenous people are uninterested in archaeology. In fact, native groups and scholars are increasingly involved in archaeological investigations.

"But it's a very different kind of community-based archaeology, asserting their rights to land and water -- reinforcing that connection to place," Riggs said.

"I think at some point we just have to accept that questions about the peopling of the Americas are our questions and our questions alone, and you just aren't going to get buy-in."
Capt. Kirk’s William Shatner on cusp of blasting into space

This undated photo made available by Blue Origin in October 2021 shows, from left, Chris Boshuizen, William Shatner, Audrey Powers and Glen de Vries. Their launch scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 will be Blue Origin’s second passenger flight, using the same capsule and rocket that Jeff Bezos used for his own trup three months earlier. (Blue Origin via AP)

VAN HORN, Texas (AP) — Actor William Shatner counted down Wednesday to his wildest role yet: riding a rocket into space, courtesy of “Star Trek” fan Jeff Bezos.

Best known for his role as Captain Kirk, the 90-year-old Shatner joined three other passengers for the planned launch from West Texas.

Bezos’ space travel company, Blue Origin, invited Shatner on the brief jaunt to the fringes of the final frontier, which will make him the oldest person in space.

It will be Blue Origin’s second passenger flight, using the same capsule and rocket that Bezos used for his own launch three months ago. The trip should last just 10 minutes, with the fully automated capsule reacing a maximum altitude of about 66 miles (106 kilometers) before parachuting back into the desert.

Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson kicked off the U.S.-based space tourism boom on July 11, riding his own rocketship to space. Bezos followed nine days later aboard his own capsule. Elon Musk stayed behind as his SpaceX company launched its first private flight last month, sending a billionaire, cancer survivor and two ticket winners into orbit.

And last week, the Russians sent an actor and film director to the International Space Station for movie-making.

“We’re just at the beginning, but how miraculous that beginning is. How extraordinary it is to be part of that beginning,” Shatner said in a Blue Origin video posted on the eve of his flight. “It looks like there’s a great deal of curiosity about this fictional character, Captain Kirk, going into space. So let’s go along with it and enjoy the ride.”

Rounding out the crew: a Blue Origin vice president and two entrepreneurs who bid unsuccessfully for a seat on the previous flight with Bezos, the founder of Amazon. Blue Origin did not divulge their ticket prices.

Bezos was at the expansive launch and landing site near Van Horn, Texas, to see the four off.
Bulgarian police, special agents storm energy commission over electricity price hike

By Krassen Nikolov 

The energy regulator said it was fully cooperating with the investigation, which focused on electricity trading. 

Bulgarian police officers and employees of the special services (SANS) made a surprise inspection in the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC), trying to understand the reason for the high electricity prices on the energy exchange.

The energy regulator said it was fully cooperating with the investigation, which focused on electricity trading. EWRC licenses electricity and gas traders on the Bulgarian energy exchange and should investigate any signs of manipulation.

The four largest employers’ organisations in Bulgaria filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office in August over the two-fold increase in the price of electricity on the free market.

Although authorities did not take immediate action at the time, the country is now in the midst of an election campaign, and inflation is emerging as one of the primary debates in the EU’s poorest country.

On Tuesday, caretaker Prime Minister Stefan Yanev announced that the government was preparing a package of urgent measures to counter inflation, which is also due to high electricity and fuel prices. The measures are expected to be announced by the end of this week or the beginning of next week.

The PM recalled that the problem of rising fuel and electricity prices exists everywhere throughout the EU.

“We will make decisions, but this is a problem that exists all over Europe. All European politicians are worried about high electricity and are looking for non-standard solutions,” said the caretaker prime minister.

Earlier, former Prime Minister and current GERB leader Boyko Borissov attacked the caretaker cabinet for raising electricity prices. However, he resigned in February 2013 following large-scale protests across the country, which began over high electricity prices for households. In March 2013, SANS raided electricity distribution companies, but GERB was also accused of high prices.

Sep 24, 2021
(Krassen Nikolov |

Greek state to lose majority of public electricity company

By Kostas Argyros |

The capital share increase decided by PPC’s Board of Directors is evolving into informal privatisation, as the State, which currently holds 51% of the company’s shares, will not participate in the increase. [shutterstock/Rolf G Wackenberg]

In a surprise statement on Thursday, Greece’s Public Power Corporation (PPC) announced that it is proceeding with a €750 million capital share increase which will see the state lose its majority.

The state, which currently owns 51% of the company’s shares, will reduce its stake in a minority percentage (blocking minority), with the ultimate goal of “increasing the free dispersion in the share capital of the Company and placing individual institutional investors”.

The state’s share in the company is expected to amount to just 33%. The final approval will be given at the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders scheduled for 19 October, which is also expected to decide on the separation of the distribution network of PPC.

According to PPC Governor G. Stassis, “the Share Capital Increase will give PCC the opportunity to complete the ambitious transformation plan launched in 2019.”

“It will also accelerate its transformation into an economically and environmentally sustainable, modern digital electricity company. With this move, PEC will be able to accelerate its investment plan in Renewable Energy Sources with the aim of significantly increasing the operating profitability of the Group,” he added.

The main opposition Syriza party reacted strongly, saying the only goal of the conservative New Democracy government is to privatise everything. “In this way, Greek society and the economy remain unprotected in the midst of an energy crisis,” Syriza said.

Sep 24, 2021
(Kostas Argyros |