Monday, December 14, 2020


Tunisian activists say authorities’ campaign to kill stray dogs ‘barbaric’

It’s still a common practice to kill stray dogs in some cities in Tunisia. © France 24 screengrab

Graphic photos and videos showing dogs shot and killed by city workers in Tunisia have been circulating online since late November. Animal rights activists as well as people living in neighbourhoods where killings are taking place have taken to social media to protest against what they say is a “barbaric” campaign. Our Observers say that both the government and citizens share the blame for this massacre.


WARNING: Some readers may find images in this article shocking

Several cities across Tunisia announced on November 27 that they would be carrying out a two-week campaign to kill stray dogs, stating that their aim was to reduce the number of stray animals in urban spaces and prevent the spread of rabies. Since the start of this brutal campaign, social media has been flooded with videos and images taken by horrified locals showing city workers in Tunis shooting and killing animals. 


Une militante pour les droits des animaux lance l'alerte sur Facebook. Capture d'écran.
Une militante pour les droits des animaux lance l'alerte sur Facebook. Capture d'écran. © F24

This Facebook post by Yasmine Azaiez Animal Rescue reads: “15 days of killing stray dogs in greater Tunis. Please keep your dogs inside and any others you can save. Thank you.”

City officials in Tunisia frequently carry out this kind of killing campaign, despite vehement protests from animal rights organisations. In 2107, the city of Tunis set up sterilisation centres for stray dogs. After being sterilised, the dogs were released back into the city with ear tags. However, during this most recent campaign, eyewitnesses have reported that city workers have been killing tagged dogs along with the others. 

An animal rights activist sounds the alarm on Facebook. © France 24 screengrab

Horrified by the graphic images of dogs being slaughtered, concerned citizens launched an online campaign calling for animal cruelty to be criminalised. They said the killing campaigns were “barbaric”. 

This social media user heard shots being fired the night of November 24. He found a dog who had been shot and tried to save it by bringing it to a veterinarian in Sousse, but it later died from a haemorrhage. 


Faced with the wave of anger online, the mayor of Tunis announced that he was “hostile to this barbarous act” and that the city government wouldn’t take part in the national campaign to exterminate stray dogs. However, city residents proved through the images they captured that this announcement was not being respected on the ground. 

Une internaute dénonce l'opération dans une banlieue de la capitale.
Une internaute dénonce l'opération dans une banlieue de la capitale. © F24

This post by Christiane Schmelzer reads: “Last night at 11pm, in the Nour Jafaar housing projects, Raoued, all of our dogs were murdered. The mayor promised us that they were going to stop killing dogs. RIP.”


“The bodies are sometimes just left there; it’s a horrible sight”

Amal Hattab is a veterinarian who works at a shelter in Tunis called Protection for stray animals”. 

There are lots of veterinarians who work on a volunteer basis to sterilise the dogs in our shelter. Currently, we are making the rounds in Tunis neighbourhoods to pick up dogs who have been shot to bring them back to our centre to be treated. Most of these dogs aren’t aggressive at all. They actually need help. We work with trainers who take care of the dogs who are the most fragile and afraid. 



City officials in Sousse banned the killing of any dogs who had been tagged. But numerous witnesses took photos and videos showing that city workers were still carrying out their deadly campaign late at night. In Tunis, no concrete measures to stop the killing were taken, despite numerous pleas made to the mayor. 


En Tunisie, les municipalités abattent les chiens errants avec de la chevrotine
En Tunisie, l'abattage des chiens errants est toujours couramment pratiqué
En Tunisie, l'abattage des chiens errants est toujours couramment pratiqué © Les Observateys

This video, filmed in Sousse, was live-streamed the night of November 27. The man filming, who is horrified, says: “City workers just killed it … look, they used buckshot. The poor thing, they riddled it [with bullets]; they chased it down and killed it.” 


“Je ne sais pas quoi faire. Il a été blessé par balle”, commente cette internaute de Kasserine (ouest).
“Je ne sais pas quoi faire. Il a été blessé par balle”, commente cette internaute de Kasserine (ouest). © F24

“I don’t know what to do. He was shot,” says this social media user in Kasserine.  © France 24 screengrab


“We urgently need to create more shelters in Tunis”

City workers are focusing their campaign on residential neighbourhoods. Lots of people complain that these stray dogs make too much noise and contact the city to ask that they be killed. Sometimes stray dogs can be dangerous, especially if they have rabies, but that is all the more reason to place them immediately in a shelter, far from humans and other dogs. 

There are also a lot of dogs who don’t die immediately from their wounds and suffer greatly, without access to food or water. 

Sometimes the bodies are just left in the street and they start to rot. It is a horrific and shocking sight for everyone. 


The person who filmed this video on December 5 in Bou Salem says: “In a quarter of an hour, the students at Hédi Nouira Middle School will start their day with a distressing sight […] this dog was shot during the night.”



The shelters and centres need financial support from the city to pay for medicine and care. We have been focusing on spaying female dogs because we don’t have the means to sterilise all of them. The number of injured dogs that we are caring for is rising. Currently, there are about 100 dogs in the shelter. We urgently need to create more animal shelters in Tunis because the veterinarians can’t keep the animals long term. 

In Tunis, veterinarians and activists have worked together to set up shelters and parks. 



“This is a reflection of the general perception of animals in Tunis; people don’t respect animal life”

Amal Ben Mohamed, 46, is currently caring for about 50 animals in her home in the working class neighbourhood of Kabaria, where a large number of stray dogs have been slaughtered.


City workers aren’t supposed to be acting alone. They are supposed to work in tandem with a veterinarian and a representative from the Regional Commission for Agricultural Development, who can identify if the animal has rabies and, thus, if it is necessary to kill it. 



“Look at the buckshot the city used here in Jendouba. [The dog] was carrying eight puppies.”



For me, this is a reflection of the general perception of animals in Tunis; people don’t respect animal life. If that weren’t the case, the government wouldn’t dare to slaughter animals in this way. There is no law to protect stray dogs. [Editor’s note: According to article 317 of the Tunisian penal code, a person can be sentenced to 15 days in prison and fined 4.80 dinars (equivalent to €1.46) for abusing a domestic animal, either their own or one belonging to someone else, but this doesn’t apply to stray animals.]

A lot of us have reached out to the city because we want to help them care for these dogs. We’ve made numerous calls for donations. Over the past few months, we’ve spent all our time caring for these animals. We want to create a service for caring for stray animals within city government to manage this issue in a more efficient and humane way. 

The government needs to work to progressively change this mentality, starting with campaigns to raise awareness for young people so they get used to animals in public spaces and no longer fear them.

The city of Tunis reported that 145 dogs were spayed or neutered and vaccinated against rabies in 2020. They claimed that they kill dogs only in the most extreme cases. The France 24 Observers team contacted them but didn’t receive a response; we will publish it if they send it

Cartoon cat helps keep Tunisia's revolutionary flame alight

Issued on: 15/12/2020
Willis the cat from Tunis has become an icon of the revolution that sparked the Arab Spring uprisings across the Middle East that toppled several longtime dictators - AFP

Tunis (AFP)

When Tunisia's embattled dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali delivered a last-ditch speech promising new freedoms to a country in revolt, Nadia Khiari sketched her cat delivering the same address to a group of mice.

The next day, on January 14, 2011, Ben Ali fled into exile, forced out by weeks of unprecedented mass protests against his rule.

Ten years later, the cat remains in rude health, and his cartoon alter-ego Willis from Tunis has become an icon of the revolution.

"I decided to use this character to tell the story of what was happening in my country," said Khiari, a painter and lecturer in fine arts.

Pouncing on Tunisia's unprecedented new freedoms, she began posting bitter and witty political cartoons on Facebook, all featuring cats.

"For me as an artist, it was a true revolution, because from one day to the next I was able to express myself freely," she said.

Her audience, initially just family and friends, has grown to over 55,000 followers today.

In November she published her latest Willis from Tunis book, a selection of her best work over the decade since the uprising.

Tunisia's revolution, with its demands for "work, freedom and national dignity", sparked a string of revolts across the Arab world.

The North African country has since been praised for its democratic transition.

But many Tunisians, disillusioned by economic woes, official corruption and pitiful public services, say they have gained little -- apart from to right to say what they think.

In one of Khiari's cartoons from 2018, Willis lies silently on the floor, a boot stamped on his face.

"Before the revolution," reads the caption.

The next frame shows the same cat under the same boot, but letting out a scream: "AAAAIIIE!"

The caption reads: "Today, happily we have freedom of expression."

- Growing corruption -

Khiari says she has always enjoyed drawing, but Ben Ali's fall let her creativity out of the bag.

Before the protests against his rule, she had hinted at political subjects in the titles of her paintings, but "a satirical picture as such, a political cartoon -- no, never," she said.

Today, she no longer pussyfoots around tough subjects. Instead, she takes regular swipes at Tunisia's post-revolt political class, seen by many as just as corrupt as Ben Ali's regime.

"Hide your wallet," one of her cartoon cats tells another as they walk towards the government's headquarters in Tunis.

"There are lots of robberies in this area."

This Thursday will mark 10 years since Tunisian fruit seller Mohamed Bouazizi, 26, set fire to himself, sparking the uprising.

Ahead of the anniversary, Tunisia has seen protests demanding jobs and investment in long-marginalised regions, amid an economic crisis amplified by the coronavirus pandemic.

Thousands of medics from crumbling public hospitals protested last week to demand the health minister's resignation, after a young doctor plunged to his death in a hospital lift shaft.

The tragedy was widely blamed on official corruption and indifference.

In this environment, Khiari's cartoons have struck a chord.

"The government fights corruption," reads the title of another of her cartoons, showing a cat in suit and tie sitting behind a desk.

"If you want to speed up the process," the cat purrs with a wide grin, "that can be arranged."

- Taboos swept away -

Khiari says that while the media describes Tunisia as a "laboratory of democracy", the messy reality is closer to that of a building site.

But, she told AFP at a chic art and craft boutique she runs with her husband, the revolution did sweep away "lots of taboos."

"We talk about religious questions. We talk about sexual questions, homosexuals, women's bodies, power," she said.

She regularly tackles themes of women's rights and gender inequality in her work.

In one cartoon, a female kitten asks why her brother gets more pocket money than herself.

"It's to prepare you for later on," her mother replies.

Khiari is on the board of Cartooning for Peace, set up by former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and French cartoonist Plantu to "fight with humour for the respect of cultures and freedoms".

That is an ongoing battle in Tunisia, where press freedom watchdog RSF says the climate for the media and journalists has worsened since the election of a new president, Kais Saied, in October 2019.

For Khiari, that means the fight that began a decade ago is far from over.

"The attempts to silence us again have never ended, never, because freedom of expression bothers (some people)," she said.

"So unfortunately it's a struggle every day to preserve that freedom of expression."
Gay rights progress, but same-sex relations still a crime in 69 states: report

Issued on: 15/12/2020 -
Despite significant progress on gay rights around the world, dozens of countries still criminalise consensual same-sex activity Sergei SUPINSKY AFP/File

Geneva (AFP)

Despite significant progress on gay rights around the world, dozens of countries still criminalise consensual same-sex activity, including six where being gay is punishable by death, campaigners said Tuesday.

In a fresh report, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA) found "considerable progress" in legal protections for LGBTI people worldwide.

Even during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has created significant additional challenges for LGBTI and other minority communities, "positive developments have taken place," the organisation said.

But while the trend is towards acceptance, a full 69 UN member states continue to criminalise consensual sex between people of the same gender, the report found.

That is one fewer than last year, after Gabon backtracked from a 2019 law -- "the shortest-lived law of its kind in modern history," ILGA research coordinator and lead author of the report Lucas Ramon Mendos said in a statement.

More urgently than laws on the books, ILGA verified that 34 countries -- more than half of those with criminalising laws -- have actively enforced them in the past five years.

The report warned the real number could be "much higher".

"Wherever such provisions are in the books, people may get reported and arrested at any time even just under the suspicion of having sex with someone of the same gender," Mendos said.

"Courts actively prosecute and sentence them to jail, public flogging, or even death," he said.

In six UN member states, the death penalty is the legally prescribed punishment for consensual homosexual sex: Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, as well as across 12 northern states of Nigeria.

And the report said sources indicated that the death penalty could potentially be used in such cases in five other countries -- Afghanistan, Pakistan, Qatar, Somalia and the United Arab Emirates -- although there was less legal certainty.

- 'Oppress, persecute, scapegoat' -

Another 42 countries have erected legal barriers to freedom of expression and sexual orientation and gender identity issues, while 51 have legal barriers to setting up NGOs that work on LGBTI issues.

ILGA's head of programmes Julia Ehrt voiced concern that some governments had taken advantage of the coronavirus crisis to step up efforts to "oppress, persecute, scapegoat and violently discriminate against us."

The organisation also voiced concern over the proliferation of so-called "LGBT-free zones" in places like Poland and Indonesia, and renewed support for "conversion therapies".

But even as anti-gay rights forces seem to gain ground in a number of places, ILGA said its latest report showed "how our global community has collectively achieved progress in every single legal category tracked."

It highlighted that Sudan in July repealed the death penalty for consensual same-sex sexual acts, and hailed that Germany had become one of four UN member states which ban conversion therapies at the national level.

A number of jurisdictions within Australia, Canada, Mexico and the United States have also done so.

And it celebrated that Costa Rica had joined the growing number of countries that have introduced marriage equality, bringing the total to 28.

Another 34 countries provide for some partnership recognition for same-sex couples, it pointed out.

Tuesday's report also showed that as of this month, same-sex sexual acts are legal in 124 countries -- 64 percent of UN member states.

A full 81 countries meanwhile have laws offering protection against discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation, ILGA said, pointing out that 20 years ago, only 15 did.

Despite the challenges, Ehrt said the report "contains hope for a better tomorrow (and) a future in which our communities will no longer have to fight to reclaim rights that should have never been taken away from us in the first place."

© 2020 AFP
‘Coral IVF’: A way to save the Great Barrier Reef?
Vignette coral IVF

Issued on: 14/12/2020 - 

Text by:FRANCE 24

Video by:Sam BALL

Researchers say that a technique dubbed "coral IVF" has shown promising signs that it could be used to restore some of the damage to Australia's Great Barrier Reef, which has lost more than half its coral in the past three decades due to global warming, pollution and other threats to its long-term future.

The IVF – in vitro fertilization – technique sees the collection of coral sperm and eggs during the annual mass spawning event on the reef, which is located off the coast of northeast Australia and is on UNESCO's World Heritage List.

These are then used to grow coral larvae in specially designed enclosures.

After about a week, the larvae are distributed to areas of damaged reef in need of live coral.

The tactic was first deployed just off Heron Island in 2016 and a survey carried out this month shows that the replanted coral is thriving with more than 60 new corals of varying sizes growing on the reef.

"I'm really excited. We've just been over to the site in Heron Island lagoon, where we put larvae onto certain parts of the reef in 2016. And we've found a lot of very large corals that have grown from those larvae," lead researcher Professor Peter Harrison told Reuters.

The new coral is healthy, say researchers, and even survived a mass bleaching event in March.

"This proves that the larvae restoration technique works just as we predicted and we can grow very large corals from tiny microscopic larvae within just a few years," said Harrison.

Mass bleaching has hit the reef in three of the last five years.

The phenomenon occurs when rising water temperatures destroy the algae which the coral feeds on, causing them to turn white and in many cases die.

A recent study from James Cook University's Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies found that the reef had lost more than half its coral since 1995.
Ancient ceramic oil-lamp workshop unearthed in Israel

Workers for the Israel Antiquities Authority clean an ancient oil lamp workshop discovered in Beit Shemesh, Israel, on December 14, 2020. Photo by Debbie Hill/UPI | License Photo

Dec. 14 (UPI) -- An ancient ceramic oil-lamp workshop, one of the largest of its kind, has been unearthed in Beit Shemesh, a city located west of Jerusalem in Israel.

Several Islamic-era artifacts from the workshop, including lamp molds, a kiln and several well-preserved, unused oil lamps -- all dated between the 7th and 11th centuries AD -- were put on displace at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem this week.

In addition to yielding astonishing ceramic artifacts, the discovery has helped to solve a decades-old mystery.

The oil-lamp workshop was actually first discovered in 1934 by archaeologist Dimitri Baramki, an inspector with the Department of Antiquities during the British Mandate.

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The initial excavation yielded a treasure trove of unfinished oil lamps and ceramic figurines, but the Palestine dig site was abandoned and its location lost shortly after Israel's founding in 1948.

Archaeologists rediscovered the dig site while surveying the ancient settlement in perpetration for the establishment of a new neighborhood by Israel's Construction and Housing Ministry. The workshop was found beneath ornate stone pillars collapsed by a series of 11th century earthquakes.

The artifacts were found buried next to a large cistern, which archaeologists estimate was once positioned at the center of a lush courtyard.

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"The debris was excavated and seems to be impressive testimony to the earthquake of 1033 in which Tiberias was destroyed," Oren Gutfeld, the head of the Israel Archaeological Services, told The Times of Israel.

The lamps and figurines excavated at the site highlight the complicated history of the Beit Nattif region, which was home to both Arab and Jewish communities, but became the domain of pagans and Roman rule following the failure of the Bar Kokhba Revolt.

"From the writings of Josephus, we know that during the Second Temple period, Beit Nattif was a regional administrative center -- one of the ten principal cities under Hasmonean rule," Benyamin Storchan of the Israel Antiquities Authority said in a press release.

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"After the failure of the Bar Kokhba Revolt and Roman takeover of the region, the local Jewish population of the Judean Hills was greatly diminished and in turn, the region was settled by pagans. The many figurines unearthed at the site attest to this," said Storchan, and expert on the Beit Nattif lamps.

In addition to the pagan symbols that adorn many of the lamps, researchers found artifacts bearing the symbols of Jewish faith, including one lamp with a menorah, as well as lamps etched with the Islamic word for God, "Allah."

"During this period, Christianity also began to emerge and some of the Beit Nattif oil-lamps carry fish motifs, one of the symbols of Christianity," Storchan said. "The sheer variety of lamps and figurines therefore proves that the local population featured a mix of pagans, Christians and Jews."

Because the Israel Antiquities Authority was anxious to showcase the site's artifacts ahead of Hanukkah celebrations, the lamps and figurines have yet to be closely examined and documented by archaeologists.

Officials plan to preserve the dig site and develop a park where artifacts and information about the historic site can be shared with the public.

 Cats in Thailand dying of respiratory disease, reports say

Authorities in northeastern Thailand have sent veterinarians to villages after the death of more than 20 cats. File Photo by Laura Cavanaugh/UPI 

Dec. 14 (UPI) -- Cats are dying from a deadly flu in northeastern Thailand, but local authorities say the disease cannot be transmitted to humans.

The provincial administration of Nakhon Rachasima said veterinarians are being sent to villages where more than 20 cats have died from "cat flu," or feline respiratory disease, Chinese news agency Xinhua reported Monday.

Reports of the disease could be raising concern among residents of a village in Kham Sakaesaeng district, according to Thai PBS World. Previous outbreaks nearly wiped out the local cat population, residents say.

Doctors are telling locals that the feline flu does not infect people or other animals. Thai veterinarians said they have administered medicines to infected cats and the epidemic is under control, according to Xinhua.

Cat flu spreads rapidly among cats and kittens. The cause of the disease is the feline herpesvirus type-1 and the feline calicivirus. Sick cats show several symptoms, including sneezing, coughing, runny eyes and tongue ulcers.

The feline disease also may have hit a cat population in the central Thai province of Anthong in 2012. According to Nation Thailand at the time, several cats were found dead at a local temple. Officials said cat flu was the cause of death, and that the virus could also spread to dogs.

"Before they died, they would have sores on their bodies, coughs, runny noses, no appetite, and convulsions," said Payao Inman, a Buddhist nun who said there were about 200 cats in the area, according to the 2012 report.

"If the disease hit a mother cat, it would claim the lives of the mother and the kittens," she said.

Thailand has said it has brought COVID-19 under control since the country's first outbreak in January. On Saturday, Thailand's Disease Control Department said recent cases originating from people crossing illegally from Myanmar have "all been accounted for," according to Nation Thailand.
Climate change fuels new toxic algal blooms along Pacific Coast

Pseudo-nitzschia algae blooms, which produce a neurotoxin called domoic acid, have become increasingly common along the Pacific Coast. Photo by Rozalind Jester/Florida Southwestern State College

Dec. 14 (UPI) -- According to a new study, a new kind of algal bloom is becoming more common along the West Coast -- fueled by human-caused climate change.

Red tides, masses of phytoplankton and dinoflagellates that tun the ocean a rusty, reddish orange, have long plagued the shores of California, but a previously rare rare type of bloom, which releases a neurotoxin called domoic acid, is increasingly putting fishers, swimmers and seafood at risk.

On Monday, researchers published a new study in the journal Frontiers in Climate, detailing the threat of domoic acid and other algal toxins.

"This study shows that climate change can influence the occurrence and intensity of some harmful algal blooms, HABs, by creating new seed beds for their survival and distribution," study lead author Vera Trainer said in a news release.

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"Coastal communities, including Native Tribes, will suffer from the effects of HABs more frequently in the future, illustrating the importance of early warning systems such as Harmful Algal Bloom Bulletins that are becoming operational in the US and other parts of the world," said Trainer, a researcher at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

For more than two decades, Trainer and her colleagues have been measuring domoic acid concentrations in ocean water and seafood samples along the West Coast.

In 2015, the algae that produced domoic acid, Pseudo-nitzschia, proliferated throughout the Northeast Pacific. Fueled by a severe ocean heatwave, the toxic bloom triggered widespread marine mammal mortalities.

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As highlighted by the new research, massive blooms can turn a rare phenomena into an endemic problem.

In the wake of the 2015 bloom, domoic acid has become a persistent threat among the waters along the shores of northern California and southern Oregon. Shellfish harvests in the region has been disrupted by Pseudo-nitzschia blooms each of the last five years.

Scientists have previously used models to suss out the roles temperature, wind and ocean currents play in generating and sustaining extreme heatwaves.\

With global warming, marine heatwaves like 'The Blob' could be commonplace

Simulations showed climate change made the marine heatwave that plagued the Pacific Coast between 2013 and 2015 five times more likely to occur under modern climate conditions than it would have been in a world without human-caused climate change. The same models suggest extreme heatwaves will be up to 20 times more likely in the near future.

For the new study, researchers examined the ways ocean currents and coastal topography make the waters off the coast of northern California and southern Oregon especially susceptible to recurring algal blooms.

Their analysis showed Pseudo-nitzschia algae can lie dormant in marine sediments, becoming reanimated by upwelling that brings deeper water to the surface.

Massive algal blooms ensure a reserve of algae cells remain in coastal sediments, putting the region at greater risk of future toxic blooms.

Researchers at NOAA are currently working with an array of regional partners, including the University of Washington, the Washington State Departments of Health and Fish and Wildlife and Native Tribes, to monitor and forecast the risk of Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and their impact on local shellfish harvests.

"There is evidence that bacteria associated with seagrasses have algicidal properties, indicating that seagrass planting may be used to successfully control some HABs in Puget Sound," said Trainer. "But for large-scale marine HABs, early warning is our best defense and these HAB Bulletins will help preserve a way of life that includes wild shellfish harvest, on which coastal people depend."

Study: Black kids in U.S. have higher risk for death from sepsis than White kids

"There is growing evidence that structural racism may be an important factor in the social and economic conditions that ultimately lead to health inequalities in children," 

DEC. 14, 2020 

Black children are more likely to die from sepsis than their White and Hispanic peers, according to a new study. File Photo by Mary Rice/Shutterstock

Dec. 14 (UPI) -- Black children hospitalized in the United States have a significantly higher risk for death from sepsis than White or Hispanic children, according to a study published Monday by The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health.

Severe sepsis is a life-threatening reaction caused by the immune system overreacting to an infection, and it occurs most frequently in newborns and infants.

With an average of 10 days, Black and Hispanic children also had longer hospital stays than White children, who had averaged eight days, the data showed.

"There is growing evidence that structural racism may be an important factor in the social and economic conditions that ultimately lead to health inequalities in children," study co-author Dr. Nadir Yehya said in a statement.

"Our findings demonstrate a need to examine the different ways in which these biases may contribute at structural, interpersonal or individualized levels to sepsis outcomes in children," said Yehya, attending physician in the Pediatric Sepsis Program and the Division of Critical Care Medicine at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

More than 75,000 children and teens in the United States are hospitalized with sepsis annually, and 7,000 of them die, according to the Sepsis Alliance.

Previous studies have found that Black adults and uninsured people are more likely to die from sepsis, and that those living in high-poverty areas are more likely to be diagnosed with the disease, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia researchers said.

The new study included 9,816 children diagnosed with severe sepsis from the 2016 Kids' Inpatient Database, which records 80% of pediatric hospital discharges across 47 U.S. states.

Of the children in the study, 15% died from sepsis.

However, 18% of Black children in the study died from the disease, compared to 13% of White children and 14% of Hispanic children, the data showed.

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Risk for death from sepsis for Black children was 60% higher than that for White children in the western United States and 30% higher in the South.

More White children -- 52% -- were privately insured than Black -- 23% -- or Hispanic -- 20% -- children, and Black and Hispanic children were up to twice as likely to live in low-income ZIP codes than White children.

And children from households lacking health insurance or whose parents paid out-of-pocket for care had a 30% higher risk for death from sepsis than those who had health insurance or Medicaid.

A range of factors may contribute to poorer outcomes for severe sepsis in minority children and those of lower socioeconomic position, including lack of access to quality healthcare and provider bias, the researchers said.

Further studies, they said, are needed to investigate why these disparities exist and how they can be addressed.

"Some of the disparities in outcomes from sepsis that we've identified related to race/ethnicity and socioeconomic position are alarming, but this analysis is an important step toward working out why they exist and what measures can be taken to address them," study co-author Dr. Hannah Mitchell said in a statement.

"Importantly, no differences in survival were seen between publicly and privately insured children," said Mitchell, a pediatric resident at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.
Experts fear looser HUD count will worsen plight of homeless in U.S.

By Katie Livingstone, Medill News Service

A homeless man holds an American flag near the Bank of Oklahoma Center in Tulsa, Okla., on June 20. File Photo by Kyle Rivas/UPI | License Photo

WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 (UPI) -- The Department of Housing and Urban Development has issued less stringent guidelines, due to COVID-19, for conducting an annual survey of the U.S. homeless population. Experts fear the move will lead to a more inaccurate count -- and less help for needy Americans.

During the Point-in-Time count held each January, the department coordinates with U.S. shelters and advocacy groups to get an idea of the scope of the homeless problem. The survey is the only comprehensive, national look each year at the homeless population size and demographics and will provide the only hard data showing this year's impact of the coronavirus crisis.

"The data is important for us because it provides us with a consistent data point of what homelessness in our community looks like from one year to the next," said Kristy Greenwalt, director of the D.C. Interagency Council on Homelessness.

Greenwalt added that although the survey is just one source cities and shelters use to estimate needs, the January count has historically been essential for understanding greater demographic changes that could lead to policy or strategy shifts -- especially in areas with high populations of unsheltered homeless.

The department's updated guidelines for the 2021 count, which normally includes both sheltered and unsheltered populations in odd-numbered years, will allow organizations to conduct less rigorous surveys that skip harder-to-gather requirements, use broader estimation tactics or opt out of the unsheltered portion of the count altogether.

The department has not yet formally announced the changes or responded to repeated requests for comments.

Weeks after quietly publishing the new guidelines to its website, the department scheduled a series of question-and-answer sessions for organizations that conduct the count -- but has yet to make any public announcement or note potential effects on the survey's accuracy.

In larger areas with more unsheltered homeless, the count demands a significant number of resources and volunteers who have been in short supply since the pandemic began. Mindful of these logistical issues, combined with fears of being exposed to the virus, some organizations have also discussed skipping the count this year. To ensure that some data will be collected, the department offered the new guidelines as a compromise.

"What HUD is trying to say is that if you can't do the whole unsheltered count, here are some ways that you can reduce it, make it simpler and make it safer for people that are involved," said Nan Roman, president of the National Alliance to End Homelessness.

Roman said the department has never before altered the requirements to this extent.

Even before the changes, some advocates criticized the PIT count for relying too heavily on figures for sheltered homeless and failing to get an adequate picture of unsheltered and itinerant homelessness. Critics of the survey say its methodology is based on a limited definition that fails to take into account millions of families who live in vehicles, on someone's couch or simply out of sight -- homeless that are harder to quantify.

Some estimates of the U.S. homeless population dwarf the department's, although no two surveys use the same framework or methodology. In 2018, about 553,000 people were estimated to be homeless on any given night, according to the PIT count. That same year, the National Center for Homeless Education said federal data from the Department of Education found that more than 1.5 million students were homeless at some point during the academic year.

Experts say inaccurate data causes a lot of problems. Jurisdictions rely on the figures to plan resource distribution and budgets and to track changes over time.

Advocacy groups that use PIT data to understand larger demographic trends are particularly concerned.

"It's just going to be really hard to understand the trend lines, because we're going to have this year that's just off," Roman added. "And we're not going to know if the trends are up or down."

As a result, she said, organizations need to create a new "baseline" and "kind of reset to understand data moving forward."

Advocacy groups are also worried about what could happen if the federal government doesn't extend a national coronavirus-related moratorium on evictions. Congress passed the first ban with the CARES Act in March, and it was extended through the end of 2020 by federal health officials when lawmakers failed to agree on another relief package.

"What happens when the eviction moratorium is lifted if there is no federal aid package? There are not going to be local dollars to address that problem," said Greenwalt. "We need Congress."