Saturday, January 07, 2006

Canadians Give Harper the Boot

Harper is toast, no matter how ya spin it. He is toast if he wins Minority government, he is toast if he looses the election. Toast. As I have said all along.

Poll finds 44% low on Harper
Sun Media, Canada - 6 Jan 2006
TORONTO -- The Conservatives may be ahead in the polls now, but 44% of Canadians think their chances would improve if Stephen Harper wasn't leader.

My Columns:


Tory Watch


Elsie Wayne Challenges Harper

Toronto Tory commented 'grow up' on my recent post; Conservatives Hidden Agenda Exposed.

Well a couple of days later and a millimetere taller here is what the MSM is reporting.

Tory firebrand Elsie Wayne back on national stage to fight same-sex marriage

Wayne says she is convinced a national referendum on the marriage question would produce overwhelming support for the traditional definition.

"We have a lot of people in this country who are for marriage being between a man and woman and nothing else," she says.

"The fact of the matter is that Paul Martin just listened to a few loudmouths on this issue. He hasn't listened to Canadians."

Wayne's controversial views on homosexuality often landed her in hot water when she was an MP and deputy leader of the Conservative Party.

She says Canadian society is founded on Christian values and there is no place in that value system for people who have made what she considers a lifestyle choice to live as gays and lesbians.

"If you want to live that lifestyle, go live it. But don't ask us to change marriage. Just shut up about it," she says, repeating comments she once made in the House of Commons.

And not to be left out Michael Coren the scion of the Catholic Right sez
Stand up for family values, Mr. Harper

And I said that the Conservatives are wide open to using the Free Vote and thus the Not Withstanding clause on a variety of issues of importance to their right wing base, including (despite thier convention resolution) abortion, the death penalty and Same Sex Marriage.

An article in the Toronto Star confirms that my scepticism of Harpers promise that 'he' won't use the Not Withstanding Clause, is hollow since he does not speak for the backbenchers that will bring forward private members bills on these issues.

Survey shows Conservative MPs will exert strong pressure on leader to change definition of same-sex marriage if they take power, say Jerome Black and Bruce Hicks

During the two leaders' debates, the issue of revisiting same-sex marriage was raised and Harper repeated his commitment to hold a free vote. He went on to say that he would not use the "notwithstanding clause" — the clause that allows Parliament to override the Charter of Rights and Freedoms — during the vote on "that issue."The implication is clear. Harper's promise to not use the notwithstanding clause is temporary. He will specifically not use it in the free vote to repeal same-sex marriage that will take place immediately following the election.How will MPs vote? When will Harper use the notwithstanding clause? An overwhelming number of Conservative candidates — 86 per cent — responded that Parliament should be able to override the courts. In fact, more Conservatives would support Parliament in overriding a court decision on the Charter than would vote for the repeal of same-sex marriage.
So what is likely to happen on same-sex marriage under a Conservative government?Based on the views of candidates, it seems likely that the Commons would repeal same-sex marriage.

Now who needs to grow up Mr. TO Tory?


Tory's To Increase Taxes On Poor

Tax Cuts For All............ My Corporate Friends

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper says he'd repeal current income tax cuts

In order to pay for all their tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy the
Conservatives have announced they will INCREASE taxes on the lowest paid Canadians! They have to pay for their GST cut of 1% of nothing.
This is a gives new meaning to an old Conservative tradition; The Poor Tax.


Conservative Blogger Endorses NDP

How did I miss this entry by Macleans into the realm of Election Blogs, hmm must not have read the blog announcement from Paul Wells. Actually they just started election blogs this week. Slow off the mark Macleans. Sort of reminds me of the Liberal campaign. Both didn't get started till this week. And Paul Wells made no announcement. Sort like that other Paul.

Generation XYY of the neo-cons, Tasha Kheiriddin and Adam Daifallah are now election bloggers at Macleans. They replace their elders,Jason Kenney, Rob Anders, and Ezra LeRant as the newest generation of the same old same old Replublican Conservatives in Canada.

Anyways, Tasha and Adam join Paul Wells, Warren Kinsella (the whore that roars), Colby Cosh and Maude Barlow. All that's missing is Buzz Hargorve.

Not a NDP supporter amongst this motely crew. But what else is new, we know that to the MSM and theirpet bloggers this election is the same old same old, Liberals vs. Tory's.

In her latest blog installment Tasha takes Buzz's call for Strategic voting to heart and admits that she is going to have to vote for Olivia Chow, since she lives in the riding of Trinity Spadina. She says she is forced to do this cause of the first past the post system we have of regressive representational democracy.

While I don’t believe out-and-out proportional representation is the answer, a review of the federal system is in order.

Such a review includes many options, including making the Senate an elected, regionally representative body, electing some MPs at large while others represent ridings, or moving to a type of preferential ballot. MP recall laws would also hold politicians’ feet to the fire between elections.

So far only two parties have called for election reform, the NDP and the Green's. Sure the Conservatives have revived the old Reform Party program, like Frankenstiens ghost, of an elected Senate,with the Liberals piping up with a "Me Too".

Senate reform is as dead as a door nail. Waste of time and space. It's an outdated institution. The idea of the Triple E senate so favoured by Preston Manning, and the Reformers that are left in the Conservatives, Ralph Klein and Link Byfield is NOT electoral reform. As I have written before, we need to ABOLISH THE SENATE.

And while Link Byfield is a Senator in waiting along with a half dozen other Reform Party members in Alberta, when the last provincial election was held the majority of Albertans did NOT vote for our Senators in waiting. We either ignored the phoney election, abstained or spoiled out ballots.

Which says something considering that Alberta is the home of the Triple E senate lobby. If you can't get enough folks to support the idea here, its time to drop it.

Nor do we need American Style Republican Recall of MP's. This idea along with Term Limits failed in the U.S. and has failed miserably in B.C. where it was used to attempt to destablize the NDP provincial government.

Recall originated in Alberta back in the 1920's on the left. The United Farmers of Alberta and the Canadian Labour Party, under William Irvine had in their platforms recall as well as referendums. But once in power this too was shelved as unworkable within a parlimentary democarcy of the British model.

Recall is uneccasary in a parlimentary system where elections are held every four to five years. By the time one gets a petition launched, signed and passed by the courts, its election time give or take a year. As the B.C. experience has taught us.

What is needed is to have set dates for election. Proportional Representation, and eliminate the Senate (which discriminates against renters and those who do not own $5000 worth of free standing property, and owning a car doesn't count).

By getting rid of the Senate we open up the House of Commons to expand the number of seats, and I would further suggest a reduction in the size of Constiuencies, so as to have more not less MP's.

Meanwhile I am heartened to see that despite her neo-con agenda, Tasha has to take the plunge and vote strategically for the only person able to defeat the Liberal in her riding, Olivia Chow.

See the Conservatives can work with the NDP.


Holy Smoke

Alright I expect the churches to start using marijuana instead of Frankenscence to celebrate with. Yep toking up is next to Godliness.

According to this article from the Guardian at least.

Jesus 'healed using cannabis'

Jesus w as almost certainly a cannabis user and an early proponent of the medicinal properties of the drug, according to a study of scriptural texts published this month. The study suggests that Jesus and his disciples used the drug to carry out miraculous healings.

The anointing oil used by Jesus and his disciples contained an ingredient called kaneh-bosem which has since been identified as cannabis extract, according to an article by Chris Bennett in the drugs magazine, High Times, entitled Was Jesus a Stoner? The incense used by Jesus in ceremonies also contained a cannabis extract, suggests Mr Bennett, who quotes scholars to back his claims.

"There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion," Carl Ruck, professor of classical mythology at Boston University said.

Referring to the existence of cannabis in anointing oils used in ceremonies, he added: "Obviously the easy availability and long-established tradition of cannabis in early Judaism _ would inevitably have included it in the [Christian] mixtures."

Mr Bennett suggests those anointed with the oils used by Jesus were "literally drenched in this potent mixture _ Although most modern people choose to smoke or eat pot, when its active ingredients are transferred into an oil-based carrier, it can also be absorbed through the skin".

Quoting the New Testament, Mr Bennett argues that Jesus anointed his disciples with the oil and encouraged them to do the same with other followers. This could have been responsible for healing eye and skin diseases referred to in the Gospels.

"If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient anointing oil _ and receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ," Mr Bennett concludes.

But wait everyone knows that Jesus was just a figment of the imagination of a bunch of stoners who ate too many magic mushrooms. See John Allegro's The Mushroom and the Cross.

Allegro also points out that Islam was founded on the use of Kannibis, before it purged the druggies and became dogmatic.
Allegro was not a crackpot but a respected, if maverick, member of the original Dead Sea Scrolls Team.

John Allegro has authored one of the most interesting books in the world on the
origins and sources of religion. It is called "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross"
and was published in 1970. Allegro was one of a team of researchers hired by the
State of Israel and the British government to decipher the "Dead Sea Scrolls"
when they were discovered in the 1950's. Allegro was hired because he was a
biblical scholar and was familiar with ALMOST EVERY SINGLE MAJOR

His ultimate conclusion (and he was kicked off the team for his opinions) was that
Jesus was a Mushroom consumed by the Essenes and covered up to keep the
Roman authorities in the dark about the fertility cult of the Essenes.

Allegro claims that the ancient people considered the rain similar to God's
sperm in that it would fertilize the soil (of Mother Earth) and allow the crops to
grow. If the rain was a source of "Heavenly Sperm" then there must be a giant
Penis in the sky producing this "Heavenly Sperm", assumed the ancients. Well,
after the rain, the mushroom would grow, allowing them to "Talk to God" and the
mushroom looked like a miniature Penis growing up from the ground. This, allegro
adds, was to them the "Son of God come down in the flesh to show the way to

And lets not forget this .
..........The most controversial chapter of The Apples of Apollo is Chapter Five, "Jesus, the Drug Man", in essence the pivotal point of the entire work. In this chapter the reader will be confronted with a Christ linked to the use of entheogens, a Christ who is the dispenser of "enlightenment" through the mushroom, a Christ, in short, who commits an assault upon the essence of the Christianity that comes after him. This later Christianity seeks to approach God through Faith, a blind acceptance of indemonstrable truths, instead of through the direct experience of God.

Of course this is heresy. Told you I was a heresiologist.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Merry Ukrainian Christmas

Christmas Greeting in Ukrainian


Christianity was introduced into Ukraine in 988 A.D. The flourishing pagan religion and traditions associated with it were too deeply rooted in the people to allow the Church to eradicate them completely. Therefore, the Church adopted a policy of tolerance toward most of the ancient customs and accepted many as part of the Christian holidays. In this way, the ancient pagan Feasts of Winter Solstice, Feasts of Fertility became part of Christian Christmas customs. This is perhaps why Ukrainian Christmas customs are quite unique and deeply symbolic. From Brama

Also see:

Keeping the 'X' in X-MAS

Christmas in the Trenches

WWI Xmas Mutiny

Merry Christmaskah

Chavez Puts Christ in Christmas

Tags / / / /

Pat Robertson Curses Again

The Man Who Would Be 666

Robertson suggests God smote Sharon

A tip o the blog to Green Knight who posted this story,
with a very interesting link to Pat Robertsons Investment scheme in Israel; Gods Fantasyland and Wonder Park.

It appears that after calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, Pat Robertson is saying that Ariel Sharon got his just desserts.

US Christian broadcaster says Sharon's stroke divine retribution

But here he is at the point of death. He was dividing God's land, and I would say woe unto any prime minister of Israel who takes a similar course to appease the EU, the United Nations or United States of America. God said, "This land belongs to me, you better leave it alone."

And its not just Secularists, Libertarians and the Left Wing that is outraged over Robertson. The Conservative blog; Rightwing Nuthouse says;
The modern, secular world no longer has much tolerance for people who claim to talk to God (or, at least have a direct line to what God is saying). They are considered kooks and crazies. If they stand on a street corner in ragged clothes with a sign saying “The End Is Near” we tend to feel pity. But when they go on television dressed in $1,000 suits and claim that illness is divine retribution for being disobedient of God, we are rightly outraged

Robertson is now saying that the biblical G*D of Israel , Yod He Vau He, Jehova, Yaweh, has smote Ariel Sharon, and good on him for doing it. Whoa, there laddie get a grip on yourself. Look in the Mirror and listen to the words coming out of yer mouth.

And it ain't the word of the Lord G*D but of that lil ol devil Pat Robertson the conspiracy monger as
Theologian, the man who would be President of them thar United States of America.

Robertson is engaging in that old black magick of the early Catholic Church. It's called the death liturgy and for a few coins would be said by a priest during mass to curse one's enemies. It is the origin of the Black Mass.
(See H.T. F. Rhodes, The Black Mass, one of the more definitive and objective books on the subject though now sadly out of print. Rhodes was a Forensic Criminologist.). The Catholic Death Mass or Black Mass, Misae Morte, went out of fashion around the late thirteenth century but has reappeared amongst the penatacostal based evangelicals like Robertson. Its known as cursing, and curse magick. That old hoodoo, good old black magick.

Of course Pat is in good company when it comes to the Lord of Israel, G*D who roared with the voice of thunder with smoke and ash smouldering from his nostrils when he called down the death of his enemies and the enemies of the Isrealites. He literally appears in Psalm's as if he were that other guy, you know the one with the horns and tail......

Psalm 18

In my distress I called on Yahweh,
and cried to my God.
He heard my voice out of his temple.
My cry before him came into his ears.
18:7 Then the earth shook and trembled.
The foundations also of the mountains quaked and were shaken,
because he was angry.
18:8 Smoke went out of his nostrils.
Consuming fire came out of his mouth.
Coals were kindled by it.
18:9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down.
Thick darkness was under his feet.
18:10 He rode on a cherub, and flew.
Yes, he soared on the wings of the wind.
18:11 He made darkness his hiding place, his pavilion around him,
darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies.
18:12 At the brightness before him his thick clouds passed,
hailstones and coals of fire.
18:13 Yahweh also thundered in the sky.
The Most High uttered his voice:
hailstones and coals of fire.
18:14 He sent out his arrows, and scattered them;
Yes, great lightning bolts, and routed them.
18:15 Then the channels of waters appeared.
The foundations of the world were laid bare at your rebuke, Yahweh,
at the blast of the breath of your nostrils.

But Pat is supposed to be a preacher of Jesus the pacifist, a preacher of the New Testament. Istead he calls for assassinations and curses leaders of Israel for his own investment profit. He not only is groping back to the old testament G*D but he sure does sound like Anton LeVay.

Of the Nine Satanic Statements:

5. Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek!1

Now this makes a lot of sense since Pat is a preacher of the old testament G*D.
Pat wants to be G*D's King on Earth, the Caesar of the New Millineum, the President of the Untied States of Armageddon hastening the last days of the Earth. Scary eh.

So now you have met the Anti-Christ and he is smiling in his Armani suits and beaming his vision of the apocalypse around the world on his tax free church of the TV waves CBN.

Put ol blue eyes on vitrola and sing along with his rendition of That Old Black Magic. Cause that's what Preacher Pat is all about.

In keeping with this, Pat's fondest wish is to witness the Tribulation -- the bloody seven-year cataclysm through which God will restore His kingdom on Earth. It's going to be absolutely spectacular. The Lord will finally manifest His divine wrath against the Sodomites, the Feminists, the Secularists, along with all the other blasphemers. But that just can't happen until everything's exactly right. Jesus is waiting for us to restore some of America's godliness. Once that happens, He can get this Armageddon thing started and then it's party time. Until then, we're stuck in a holding pattern for the duration.

Banishing sinfulness and immorality from the United States is going to be no small task. But once we're done, things are going to be a lot different around here. We'll have a theocracy and all that entails: book burnings, compulsory religious services, forced conversions. Think Afghanistan under the Taliban regime, except without the ridiculous wardrobe. Plus, it will be based on the actual word of God, instead of some pseudo-religious cult.

In 1980, Pat announced that the Tribulation would begin in "the Fall of 1982." Unfortunately, this simply did not happen. In his 1990 book The New Millennium, Robertson proposed that the Tribulation would begin on April 29, 2000. Again, no dice. Things like that can be very disappointing.


I'm a superhero

Drat and I wanted to be Green Latern with the neato power ring, guess I should have said yes when they asked me if I liked to wear a cape. I wanted to be the Shadow but he wasn't listed. Shadow fans click here.

I hate to say this but a tip o the blog to WW.

Your results:
You are Spider-Man
Green Lantern
Iron Man
The Flash
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz

How fiting since my biology interest in school was Arachnids, and I was fortunate to meet Canada's Spiderman Dr. Robin Leech, no not of the rich and famous, of the eight hairy legs reputation.

Irving Layton RIP

Irving Layton Canada's Sexiest Poet

There Were No Signs

By walking I found out
Where I was going.

By intensely hating, how to love.
By loving, whom and what to love.

By grieving, how to laugh from the belly.

Out of infirmity, I have built strength.
Out of untruth, truth.

From hypocrisy, I wove directness.

Almost now I know who I am.
Almost I have the boldness to be that man.

Another step
And I shall be where I started from.

Irving Layton Canada's greatest beat poet, sexual libertine and libertarian has passed on at the age of 93. Without Layton there would be no Leonard Cohen.

Along with Al Purdy and later Cohen, Layton made up Canada's beat generation of poets and libertines. Anarchists all. While the US had Kerouac, Ginzberg and the other beats we had our own. And Layton and Purdy influenced and were respected by Ferrlingetti and the San Fransisco Beats.
As a grieving Leonard Cohen said yesterday from Montreal, "There was Irving Layton, and then there was the rest of us. He is our greatest poet, our greatest champion of poetry. Alzheimer's could not silence him, and neither will death." Mr. Layton delighted in debate, excess, defying authority and ridiculing cant. And he loved women -- their pursuit, their bodies and their company. He had five wives or partners and many mistresses. One of his former partners, Aviva Layton, said his muse was his real wife. She described his death as a "body blow."

Irving Layton

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Layton had become a strong socialist while at high school and joined the Young People's Socialist League. Later, he became active in the Cooperative Commonwealth Federation. Because of this activity he was blacklisted and banned from entering the United States for the next two decades. While he continued to consider himself a Marxist,

Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean, Governor General of Canada, on the death of Irving Layton

    OTTAWA, Jan. 5 /CNW Telbec/ - "Irving Layton was able to touch the depths
of people's souls through his works. His skills with the pen earned him the
Governor General's Literary Award and the Order of Canada, as well as many
other forms of literary recognition around the world. Yet his most precious
legacy lies in those people he has touched and the lives he has changed. Some
have called him a friend, others a colleague, and still others called him
teacher and mentor. To Canadians, though, he will be remembered as a writer
who stood for his principles and who, like a true Canadian, stood up for what
he believed.
He lived his life with a passion and a love that will be sorely missed by
his family, by his friends and by all who admired his works. My husband, Jean-
Daniel Lafond, and I wish to join with all Canadians in expressing our sadness
and condolences on the loss of this great wordsmith and icon of Canadian

Michaelle Jean

Our National Muse by Judith Fitzgerald; The Toronto Star, 1999
Allow me to tell you a little about Irving Layton, the big guy with the aggressive
ego and impressive credentials I first met behind the
desk at York University.


Dear Heather
US release date: 26 October 2004
UK release date: 25 October 2004

Cohen is obviously returning to his poetic past on the record, something you instantly hear on "Go No More A-Roving", a musical adaptation of the Lord Byron poem of the same name. He also dedicates three songs to three notable Montreal writers; the aforementioned song to Irving Layton, "To a Teacher" to the late A.M. Klein (the lyrics lifted from Cohen's 1961 book The Spice-Box of the Earth), and "Villanelle For Our Time", a haunting performance of a poem by Cohen's McGill University professor F. R. Scott, featuring a somber reading by Cohen, his voice deeper and more sonorous than ever. "Morning Glory" evokes the Beat jazz poetry of the late 1950s, as Cohen describes the transcendent feeling of seeing the sun rise: "No words this time...Is it censorship?" Cohen asks, "No, it's evaporation."

Having honoured the poet in the 1960s, Mr. Cohen eulogized the man 40 years later in Irving and Me at the Hospital, which will be published in May in Mr. Cohen's new collection, Book of Longing, and which is reprinted here with permission from M&S:

Irving and Me At the Hospital

He stood up for Nietzsche

I stood up for Christ

He stood up for victory

I stood up for less

I loved to read his verses

He loved to hear my song

We never had much interest

In who was right or wrong

His boxer's hands were shaking

He struggled with his pipe

Imperial tobacco

Which I helped him light


Audio Archives

Irving Layton, a CKUA Memory

Canada's highly regarded poet Irving Layton, died Wednesday in Montreal. He had been in a long term care facility since 2000. The 93-year-old poet was suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

Layton spent much of his career as a teacher, first at a parochial high school, later at Sir George Williams University and York University where he taught English.

He was also poet-in-residence at the University of Toronto, and it was from his poetic pursuits that his fame arose. He published more than 40 books of poetry and prose in a career that spanned more than five decades.

Poet and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen and TV magnate Moses Znaimer were some of his famous students.

His early poetry focused on sex and love, often written in frank language and shocking some critics.

He won acclaim for his first major poem, The Swimmer, in 1944. Layton's star rose rapidly in the 1950s and '60s. He soon became a regular on the CBC-TV. He was named to the Order of Canada in 1976. Layton is known for his rapier wit and ongoing battle against uniformity and Puritanism.

In December of 1985, Irving Layton visited the CKUA Radio studios and recorded this interview with Tony Dillon Davis. The interview was recorded on publication of Layton's memoir Waiting for a Messiah.

Listen to the interview (8 minutes, 54 seconds)
(In order to listen you must have Windows Media Player. To install the latest player, click here.)

Read more about Irving Layton at this CBC website:


Tree Killer Walks Free

We know that early symptoms of sociopathology is the killing and torture of animals.

Now we have a case where an adult has tortured and killed trees. And instead of treating this as a form of sociopathy, the judge let her walk.

Used poison in Stanley Park
Wanted to improve waterfront view
"The public has denounced her conduct much more than the court could," Judge Ellen Gordon said in handing June Matheson, 72, an absolute discharge after she pleaded guilty yesterday to killing the trees to get a better view of English Bay. Matheson admitted to poisoning trees in front of her expensive, third-floor condominium, which were blocking her scenic view near Stanley Park.

Where is the justice. Where is the minimum sentence of at least five years for tree slaughter. For taking a sentient life. Where are the druids and their human sacrifice (capital punishment) when ya need them.

And what does the Green Party have to say about this senseless slaughter. Will Jim Harris come out with a law and order platform in defense of trees! Tree huggers everywhere want to know. Whatcha gonna do Jim?

The Liberals and Conservatives want to ban guns. How about banning pesticides and herbicides which in the wrong hands can cause the death of innocents. I can hear the right wing defenders of private property now; "Herbicides don't kill trees, people kill trees".
