Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Hubert de Blignieres doesn’t want to deal with moving furniture and dishes and he certainly doesn’t want to contend with problematic roommates.

So for most of the last two years, de Blignieres, 35, has been renting a bedroom in a fully furnished, shared, four-storey townhouse in Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood, where he is also working to start a business.

He rented the master bedroom before the pandemic prompted him to return to his hometown of Paris, France. Now that he’s back in Toronto, he is renting a secondary bedroom for $1,600 a month and he scoffs at the idea of letting his own apartment.

In a city where one-bedroom apartments are going for north of $2,000 a month on average, more companies are betting on co-living — a grown-up version of dorm life — to take off in Toronto the way it has in other expensive locales such as San Francisco and New York.

One Toronto developer has already submitted plans to build a co-living community in the Weston area, while another New York-based co-living company is planning to bring 650 units here.

Co-living spaces, where adults rent a room in a shared townhouse or apartment for less than they would pay for a one-bedroom or studio apartment, often comes with other perks, such as dry-cleaning pickup, high-end amenities and — something many single Torontonians have been missing during the pandemic — company.

The home de Blignieres currently shares with two other people is operated by a company called Sociable Living, one of the city’s first co-living operators. It is cleaned weekly and stocked regularly with everyday items from toilet paper and shampoo to dish soap — everything except food.

“It’s very convenient. I hate moving in. I hate furniture, so it’s super easy for me. The location is the best. I’m 15 minutes from the airport — the UP (Express) train, that’s amazing,” he said.

Three or four tenants, depending on the size of the townhouse — matched by Sociable Living — share a common kitchen, living room, rooftop deck and, in some cases, a bathroom.

Co-living remains relatively unknown in Toronto, but that is changing.

Toronto developer EDEV is proposing a nine-storey building on Weston Road, north of Denison Road East, that would combine 26 co-living apartments with 16 traditional apartments. The proposal is before Etobicoke Community Council on Monday.

New York-based co-living company Common is also developing 650 units here, although it would not say where and when it expects those to be built. Meantime, it is designing and managing a mixed-use building in Ottawa as part of a master-planned development by Dreams Unlimited.

Common claims its co-living rooms rent for about 15 to 25 per cent less than a studio apartment in the same neighbourhood.

“I see so many similarities in Toronto’s housing crisis to what we’ve seen in places like New York City and Seattle, where Common was able to add more housing stock and attainable options for renters,” said CEO Brad Hargreaves in an email responding to questions from the Star.

EDEV’s co-living expert Vanessa Flint says while young adults will remember the community feeling of their college days, modern co-living spaces are very different than dorms or rooming houses.

They are beautifully designed homes that offer everything from luxe finishes and high-end coffee makers to services such as dry cleaning pickup, parcel delivery and apps that unlock doors or alert management when something needs to be repaired.

“This is appealing to a whole generation that uses Uber to get around, uses Uber Eats to get their food delivered every night. They’re living and enjoying life and having experiences,” said Flint.

The concept is most attractive, she said, to a mobile generation that doesn’t expect to work in the same place their entire career, that is less possession-oriented and more sustainability minded so they don’t necessarily want to buy their own appliances and dishes.

“It’s not because they can’t afford it. It’s because they don’t want it. They don’t want to put such a large percentage of their income toward their housing costs,” said Flint.

EDEV says Weston appeals to tenants among the 50,000 Pearson Airport-area workers and those who want to get downtown in 15 minutes.

Roman Bodnarchuk, the founder of Sociable Living, won’t say how many townhomes his company rents as co-living spaces in the Junction and on Berkeley Street downtown or in its expanded markets in Miami and Costa Rica.

“What I can tell you is, in our very first year (2019), we had over 100 residents,” he said.

Sociable Living tenants sign on for a three-month minimum stay but there is no longer term lease. Although there are exceptions, Bodnarchuk prefers to rent to singles. Couples tend to stay in and cook every night so they end up dominating the fridge space, he said.

Sociable Living solves a lot of the problems of renting, says Bodnarchuk. Newcomers to the city face a highly competitive rental market.

“Unless you have a great credit report, you’re not going to get a place,” he said.

Then there is the expense: “Let’s say you saw a one-bedroom apartment for $1,750. It sounds appealing. Except you haven’t factored in about $15,000 worth of stuff that you need to live,” he said.

That’s a huge investment in a gig economy, says Bodnarchuk. He claims Sociable Living saves its tenants an average of $500 a month on furniture and housekeeping costs.

“All you really need is a suitcase. We pay for all the utilities. We have the fastest internet in the city. We’ve got Netflix and 65-inch smart TVs. It’s all the best stuff but it’s stress free,” he said.

One of the biggest benefits of co-living is that it provides instant community, something Bodnarchuk says is rare in apartments and condos.

“Loneliness is an epidemic. It’s worse than smoking and people don’t even talk about it,” he said. “That’s why everyone in Toronto has a dog. That’s how they’re solving it — with an animal. We’re doing it with humans and I think it’s very powerful.”

He expects a schedule of regular social events, which have been suspended during the pandemic, to be reinstated in January.

With the exception of one person, de Blignieres says he has made friends with all the tenants who have moved through his townhouse.

“I’m French from France. We are used to sharing everything,” says de Blignieres. But, to make co-living work, there has to be respect for shared space.

“We have to be able to communicate and tell each other when there’s something we do that bothers the other one, explain to new people how it works — living with some rules in a community,” he said.

“When people listen to that, it’s really amazing. It’s really fun,” said de Blignieres, who has lately been enjoying jam sessions with a new flatmate, who plays guitar.

“We have a lovely time together,” he said of his two current roommates.

Bodnarchuk says he’s only ever had one roommate situation that went wrong. But there is always one empty room available so that, in the event of a situation doesn’t work out, someone can be instantly moved to a home in the same area.

Sociable Living is “creating a modern family,” he said. New tenants undergo the usual criminal record check and an interview with their prospective housemates, who can give a newcomer the thumbs down. But a modern family requires modern methods and Bodnarchuk also employs Artificial Intelligence (AI) in matching tenants.

“It sounds scary but it’s not,” he said. The AI, “reads every social media post that you’ve ever done on every platform. So within seconds (it) can read every Facebook, Twitter and Google post. Based on the words and the frequency that you use, it’s incredibly accurate at predicting your personality type. We can overlay that with the other roommates. We’ll know within seconds if it’s going to work or not,” he said.

Flint points out that co-living has been around forever. The latest format is driven by changing lifestyles.

“A lot of young professionals want to live in an urban area. Yet, to go and get a one bedroom (apartment) by themselves is quite costly,” she said.

Co-living is a relatively affordable alternative.

Tess Kalinowski is a Toronto-based reporter covering real estate for the Star. Follow her on Twitter: @tesskalinowski

N.W.T. MLA calls for ouster of fellow MLA over Facebook messages

MLA Freida Martselos said Norn breached privilege with

continued pattern of 'offensive language'

Thebacha MLA Frieda Martselos speaking in the N.W.T. Legislative Assembly in February 2020. She said that if the Speaker finds that MLA Steve Norn breached privilege, she'll move a motion to have Norn vacate his seat. (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada )

Thebacha MLA Frieda Martselos is calling on the Speaker of the Northwest Territories Legislature to find that Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh MLA Steve Norn breached privilege so she can put forward a motion to have his seat vacated.

On the first day of the N.W.T. Legislative Assembly's fall sitting, Martselos said Norn made comments that undermined her feelings of public safety before a Legislative Assembly inquiry that looked into whether Norn had violated the MLA code of conduct took place.

The inquiry looked into whether Norn had breached a mandatory 14-day self-isolation period last April after returning to the N.W.T. from Alberta, and made inaccurate statements about it to media.

The sole adjudicator in the inquiry found Norn had violated the Legislative Assembly's code of conduct and recommended his expulsion from the assembly, and that his seat be declared vacant.

Martselos pointed to messages Norn sent to other caucus members and legislature support staff in which he said he would "come for them," for backing what led to the inquiry. 

Martselos noted in particular a Facebook message sent to an MLA group chat the night before the start of the public inquiry. In it, Norn wrote, "I just want to say f--k you for making my loved ones cry. You squeezed my heart. Whoever backed this, I'm coming for you."

Martselos also noted "offensive language" Norn used toward deputy clerk Glen Rutland and Rylund Johnson, MLA for Yellowknife North and caucus chair, who filed the complaint with the territory's integrity commissioner on the caucus' behalf.

He told both of them that he was "coming for them."

Johnson later responded that although he did not interpret the comments as a physical threat, and that Norn apologized and the two went on to have an amicable conversation, he still believes the threats "amount to a breach in our privilege to feel safe in this house, to feel safe in our jobs."

'Intention was to intimidate us emotionally and psychologically'

Martselos said that Norn's conduct demonstrated "a continued pattern of threatening behaviour," and "undermined the dignity, integrity and efficient functioning of the Legislative Assembly as a whole."

Nine other members echoed Martselos's comments that officials need to be able to do their work without fear of threats or intimidation. 

Kevin O'Reilly, MLA for Frame Lake, told the Assembly that he called the RCMP after receiving Norn's Facebook message.

"The intention of the message from the member from Tu-Nedhé-Wiilideh remains unclear," O'Reilly said, "but I was very concerned for the safety of my family and myself knowing the that the member for Tu-Nedhé-Wiilideh lives in Yellowknife, has been a member of RCMP and has likely received firearm training."

Julie Green, MLA for Yellowknife Centre, said she thought about doing the same. 

Caroline Wawzonek, MLA for Yellowknife South, said she has heard multiple instances of Norn using language "that was more than rude. It was abusive."

Yellowknife South MLA Caroline Wawzonek said she understood Norn's use of "coming for you," to mean that "some form of revenge." (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada)

She said that she understand his use of "coming for you," to mean "some form of revenge."

"I believe that the intention was to intimidate us emotionally and psychologically," she said. "I believe this threat was to intimidate us into silence and inaction in our professional capacity ... His behaviour and his speech is that of someone who believes that the rules simply do not apply to him." 

Norn responded that his words were "in no way meant to be a physical threat."

'This has all been twisted out of context'

"If I scared anybody, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart," he said. "This has all been twisted all out of context." 

Norn's comments to other MLAs and Legislature staff were outside the scope of the sole adjudicator's report ruling that Norn breached the MLA code of conduct . 

Tu Nedhe-Wiilideh MLA Steve Norn. Several MLAs said in the N.W.T. Legislature Monday that Norn breached privilege by threatening to "come for" other members and legislature staff who supported what lead to a public inquiry into his breach of conduct. (Mario De Ciccio/Radio-Canada)

The report was tabled in the Legislative Assembly later in the day, but not in time for it to be discussed.

Norn was asked twice to stay on topic and retract comments made about the report while he was responding to his colleagues' statements.

The Northwest Territory Métis Nation (NWTMN) penned a letter to Blake over the weekend opposing the sole adjudicator's recommendation that Norn's seat be vacated, according to reporting from NNSL Media

Blake said that he would consider the matter and rule on whether there was a breach of privilege at a later date. 

The Legislative Assembly resumes Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m.

MLAs describe fear after repeated threats

 from colleague Norn


Led by Thebacha’s Frieda Martselos, more than half of the territory’s MLAs rose in the legislature on Monday to condemn the conduct of their colleague, Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh MLA Steve Norn.Steve Norn in the NWT legislature on November 22, 2021. James O'Connor/Cabin Radio

Several described in raw terms a sense of fear after hearing Norn use the phrase “I’m coming for you” in a series of threats both to MLAs and legislature staff. One, sent via Facebook Messenger on the eve of a public inquiry into his conduct, had already been documented.

One MLA said they had called RCMP over a message sent by Norn.

Norn, addressing colleagues, apologized for the things he had said and insisted they were not “meant to be a physical threat.” He said he felt he had become a victim of “gotcha culture.”

Monday’s extraordinary discussion of Norn’s conduct, which consumed the opening hour and 20 minutes of the legislature’s delayed fall sitting, was separate to the debate MLAs must also hold about the findings of that public inquiry.

The inquiry examined whether Norn broke self-isolation in April and whether he subsequently misled the public about it. Ronald Barclay, who led the inquiry, concluded Norn had done both and recommended Norn’s seat be vacated – a conclusion the MLA has disputed.

On Monday, MLAs had yet to get anywhere near Barclay’s report when Martselos rose and, as the fall sitting’s first order of business, raised a question of privilege with Speaker of the House Frederick Blake Jr.

A question of privilege is a procedural device. It can be used to query whether an MLA has infringed on the ability of other MLAs to do their jobs.

“A number of incidents have occurred that undermine the dignity, integrity, and efficient functioning of this assembly,” Martselos announced. “Each of these incidents arise from the conduct of the Member for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh.”

Martselos, a former Chief of the Salt River First Nation who represents the Fort Smith area, went on to list three occasions on which Norn had directed some variety of the phrase “I’m coming for you” at either MLAs or legislature staff. He had also, she said, “used a Latin phrase referring to cutting the neck off a snake in reference to an officer of the Legislative Assembly.”

All of Martselos’ allegations fell outside the scope of Barclay’s inquiry and report. Most MLAs who spoke on Monday were careful to make the distinction, as they cannot comment on Barclay’s report until it is formally tabled later.

“It is clear to me that the Member for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh has engaged in a pattern of threatening behaviour,” Martselos concluded, asking Blake to find that a breach of privilege had on the balance of probability occurred, the consequence for which would be decided later.

Norn, Martselos said, “has demonstrated profound disrespect for his colleagues and for the assembly as an institution of democratic governance.”
O’Reilly called RCMP over Norn

MLA after MLA subsequently rose to reiterate some of the same points, many thanking Martselos for coming forward as the first to raise the matter.

In some cases, MLAs appeared visibly angered and emotional as they spoke.

Finance minister Caroline Wawzonek fiercely denounced the “revenge” Norn had spoken of exacting upon his colleagues.

“I was present on more than one occasion when I heard language used from the Member for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh to public servants that was more than rude. It was abusive,” Wawzonek said.

“One specific, graphic metaphor was used to describe the lengths to which the MLA would go to exact his revenge.

“The MLA is telling us very clearly that any further actions or statements any one of us have to make in relation to his conduct … will be met with him coming for us.”

Lesa Semmler, the Inuvik Twin Lakes MLA, said those threats had made doing her job almost impossible at times.

Departing almost immediately from a statement she had prepared, Semmler said: “I have never felt my safety was compromised coming here until that.”

She said she feared attending meetings in Yellowknife because of the prospect of some form of retribution from Norn.

“This was going to prevent me from being able to do my job as an MLA,” Semmler said.

“As a Legislative Assembly member, this is unacceptable behaviour toward anyone. I have been unable to participate fully in committee meetings for fear I might say something wrong that might put myself or my family at risk of more of these threats.”

Kevin O’Reilly, the Frame Lake MLA, said he had called the police after receiving one of the threats also documented by Martselos.

“I made a complaint to the commanding officer of RCMP G Division the next day. He called me within minutes of the receipt of my complaint to check on my safety and that of my family,” O’Reilly said.

Referring to Norn’s previous career as a police officer, O’Reilly added: “The Member for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh lives in Yellowknife. He has been member of the RCMP. He has likely received firearms training.”

O’Reilly called both the threatening messages and a range of statements from Norn’s lawyer, Steven Cooper, at a news conference last week, a “clear attempt to intimidate me and other members.”

Cooper had told MLAs to “be afraid, be very afraid” if they chose to declare Norn’s seat vacant. O’Reilly allowed that Cooper’s words could be interpreted in a variety of manners, but felt the totality of the various messages formed an “attempt to intimidate me in my role as a member.”

Julie Green, the health minister, said of Norn’s Facebook Messenger threat: “I had to think twice about whether I was going to stand up and talk about it today or whether I was, in fact, enlarging the target on me.

“The intention of the member was to intimidate me and everyone else who received the message.”

Rocky Simpson, RJ Simpson, Caitlin Cleveland, Rylund Johnson, Diane Archie, and Premier Caroline Cochrane all rose in support of Martselos.

Johnson described Norn walking out of a meeting of all MLAs at which his conduct had been raised.

“He became visibly upset, raised his voice, and left,” said Johnson, who chairs the caucus of 19 MLAs.

“He told members he would only take further questions through his lawyer,” Johnson continued, adding that course of action “breaks down the fundamental way we try to resolve differences in this House.”
Norn regrets what he said

Norn, rising in his defence, said Martselos’ motion was “news to me” and said he had had little time to prepare a speech.

“The words that were mentioned here … were in no way, shape, or form meant to be a physical threat. If I scared anybody, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart,” he said.

“This has been twisted out of context, all of it. I am a very passionate person when it comes to my work. I am fiery and militant.

“So much of what I’ve said was just taken out of context. It was never meant to intimidate anyone. People who know me personally know I would never harm anybody. I would never do that. I want to make that clear, here, today.”

Norn cited a recent Oprah Winfrey interview with the musician Adele in which Adele referred to a “gotcha culture.”

“Everything we do or say nowadays is watched, recorded, and judged to the Nth degree. I think, with me, that also is applicable,” he said.

And though he briefly suggested O’Reilly’s decision to involve RCMP meant police had been “used as a political instrument,” he went on to allow that the action could be justified.

“From listening to some of the comments I can see now why I had to be spoken to, and that is fair,” he said, claiming RCMP had accepted that his threats were “merely a political statement and not physical.”

“What I said was regrettable and I apologize for that. I wish I could take it back,” Norn said.

As he attempted to address the Barclay report’s recommendation that his seat be vacated, Norn was several times interrupted by MLAs noting the report could not yet be discussed as Blake had yet to formally table it in the House.

Norn, appearing to lose steam, eventually gave up after accusing Barclay and inquiry lawyer Maurice Laprairie of unspecified “racism.”

His apology was not enough for Archie, the infrastructure minister, who rose after Norn to state: “Intimidation of members of this assembly and our staff is not acceptable at any level.

“We cannot condone or dismiss the action of the member. To do so is to devalue the work and commitment of MLAs and the staff that work so hard to support us.”

Blake told the legislature: “I will take this matter under advisement and provide my ruling at a later date.”

Barclay’s report has still to be tabled or discussed, and MLAs are no closer to voting on the recommendation that Norn’s seat be vacated. That vote technically may not take place until February, though MLAs appeared energized on Monday to dispense with the matter at the earliest opportunity.
Police shoot and kill suspected aggressive coyote on grounds of North York school

Toronto police have shot and killed a coyote at a Toronto public school after two people were bitten over the weekend.

Chris Fox, CP24 Web Content Writer
Published Monday, November 22, 2021 

Police have shot and killed a coyote on the grounds of a North York school after it reportedly bit two people at a nearby park over the weekend.

The coyote was cornered along a fence at Hollywood Public School near Bayview Avenue and Sheppard Avenue sometime on Monday morning by members of the Emergency Task Force and Toronto Animal Services.

It remained there for more than an hour while police cleared out several portable classrooms and had students and staff shelter-in place inside the school.


A coyote is shown on the grounds of Hollywood Public School in North York on Monday morning.

Then just before 11 a.m. the animal was shot and killed by a member of the Emergency Task Force who had set up on the roof of a portable classroom with a rifle.

“On arrival, it was determined the coyote was believed to be the same one that had attacked two people this weekend,” Const. Jenifferjit Sidhu said in a written statement provided to CP24 on Monday afternoon. “There were concerns the animal would continue to roam and from a public safety standpoint, a decision was made to put the animal down. Officers liaised with the school to make sure the incident was not viewed by the children.”

Police had previously told CP24 that they were holding the scene until Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) staff could deal with the wild animal.

However, the Ministry of Natural Resources later confirmed that it was not contacted about the situation and that municipalities do not need its “approval or authorization” to resolve issues involving aggressive coyotes.

“Aggressive coyotes are unlikely to change behaviour and in such cases humane trapping and dispatch methods may be the most appropriate response,” a spokesperson for the ministry wrote.

Video footage from the scene showed the coyote lying on the ground when it was struck by a single round in the shoulder area.

The force of the gunshot initially flipped the coyote onto its back but it eventually got up and ran through the school yard before eventually collapsing on a baseball diamond nearby.

The location where the coyote was trapped was about 500 metres east of Bayview Village Park, where a coyote reportedly bit two people over the weekend.

“Unfortunately it was a dynamic situation that happened really quickly. We did consult the Toronto Wildlife Centre. They were on scene trying to help evaluate on the potential non lethal capture of the animal but it was determined that option was not viable and to protect the public safety after a number of people were attacked yesterday the option to humanely euthanize the animal was taken,” Toronto Animal Services Manager Jasmine Herzog told CP24.

Herzog said that Toronto Animal Services “does not typically lean towards lethal force unless there is a bona fide risk to the public.”

But in this case she said that threshold was met, based on both “abnormal behaviour” exhibited by the animal as well as the two biting incidents on Sunday.

“Attacks from coyotes are extremely rare. This is not normal behaviour by any means and with the fact that this animal was displaying this abnormal behaviour and eventually harming members of the public the decision to humanely euthanize the animal was made,” she said.

Coyote at Toronto school latest incident behind calls to expand bylaw banning wildlife feeding

Posted Nov 22, 2021, 

Hours after a coyote was shot and killed at a North York school, the Toronto Wildlife Centre is reiterating its plea for residents to stop feeding animals and is calling for an expansion of a bylaw to support the effort.

“This tragedy is yet another easily avoidable incident that had an animal pay the price for human negligence and misdeeds. The coyote had displayed typical behaviours associated with being fed by the public,” a statement issued by the centre Monday afternoon said.

“The wild animal had likely grown accustomed to the feeding and approached the wrong people in expectation of being given an easy meal.”

It was just before 8 a.m. on Monday when Toronto police officers and the City’s animal services staff were called to Hollywood Public School, just west of Bayview Avenue and north of Sheppard Avenue East.

Students and staff in portables were relocated into the school and the coyote, laying near a fence for an extended period of time, was subsequently shot. A Toronto police spokesperson told reporters the delay in a tranquillizer kicking in and the possibility of the coyote taking off or jumping a fence.

RELATED: Police shoot and kill coyote spotted in North York schoolyard

On Sunday, the City of Toronto reported two people were bitten while at Bayview Village Park less than a kilometre away. Officers said the coyote shot on Monday is believed to have been the same one. There were no serious injuries reported in connection with that incident.

The Toronto Wildlife Centre statement said the lack of injuries suggested the bites “were typical of a fed coyote seeking more food,” adding small dogs could potentially cause the same level of injury.

The charity encouraged residents in Toronto to contact city council and encourage expanding the ban of feeding wildlife beyond City-owned parks while also calling for similar moves in nearby municipalities.

“Together we must push to make it socially unacceptable to feed coyotes and those who choose to ignore the bylaw should be reported to the authorities and charged. While well-intentioned, feeding changes the behaviour of coyotes and can cost them their lives – as it did for this beautiful, healthy animal today,” the statement said.

“If you see anyone feeding coyotes or leaving food out for them, please report it to 311 immediately.”

RELATED: ‘Major’ coyote problem plaguing west end Toronto neighbourhood

The issue of feeding coyotes came to a head earlier in the month when residents near Jane Street and Dundas Street West raised concerns about coyotes in the area, something they said was fuelled by reports of a resident leaving food out.

However, staff with the Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry respond to reports of coyotes in urban settings — partly seen with increasing development and activities in cities in recent years — in conjunction with, and at the request of, municipal crews. Ministry staff are also sometimes called in by police during daylight hours to assist with emergency situations.

A statement from the ministry didn’t comment specifically on the situation at Hollywood Public School, but it said “aggressive coyotes are unlikely to change behaviour and in such cases, humane trapping and dispatch methods may be the most appropriate response.”

The statement noted coyotes are usually “wary of humans” and that attacks against humans are “very rare,” adding small pets are preyed upon.

Ministry staff reiterated the calls to not intentionally feed coyotes and to never approach a coyote appearing to show a lack of fear to people or behaving in an aggressive manner.

If anyone comes across a coyote, residents were encouraged by officials to calmly back away from the coyote slowly without turning or running away from it. They also encouraged people to assume a tall stance while waving hands and making a loud noise, encouraging the use of a flashlight at night.


U of M faculty strike talks hits stalemate, mediator calls for binding arbitration

Administration accepts recommendation but union eyes counter-proposal

The University of Manitoba Faculty Association, which represents over 1,200 professors, instructors and librarians at the Winnipeg-based university, went on strike Nov. 2. (Holly Caruk/CBC)

The mediator trying to find a middle ground in the three-week-long University of Manitoba faculty strike has hit an impasse and is recommending binding arbitration to resolve the dispute.

Arne Peltz advised the two sides this weekend that he believes there is no likelihood they will reach a settlement without a protracted strike continuing.

As such, binding arbitration — in which a decision is legally binding and enforceable, similar to a court order — is the best path forward to an agreement, he suggested.

The U of M put out a news release on Monday saying it accepts the recommendation.

The University of Manitoba Faculty Association, for its part, doesn't tend to agree.

In an email to CBC News attributed to president Orvie Dingwall, the union said it is reviewing the proposal and "will make a counter-proposal regarding the specifics of an arbitration."

UMFA, which represents over 1,200 professors, instructors and librarians at the Winnipeg-based university, went on strike Nov. 2.

The association is seeking higher salaries for its members, arguing that persistently low pay is causing retention and recruitment problems. The U of M ranks second to last out of the 15 research-based institutions in terms of salary.

    The union has also cited government interference in the bargaining process as preventing successful negotiations with university administration.

    Last week, UMFA tabled an offer to the university's administration the union says would have addressed the issue of retention and recruitment of UMFA members and could have ended the strike, but the administration chose to reject it or to make a counter-offer.

    "In addition to addressing the administration's unwillingness to present a realistic offer to UMFA members, the two sides have not yet agreed on issues relating to working conditions," Dingwall said in the release from UMFA.

    "Specifically, the administration continues to refuse language that allows faculty to take their full vacation and refuses to accept language that would prevent the administration from forcing members to teach their classes online in non-pandemic times.

    "UMFA strongly believes that these outstanding issues must be addressed before the association could agree to binding arbitration to address financial compensation. UMFA will inform the university of these outstanding conditions as a pre-condition before any discussions of binding arbitration would begin."

    UMFA seeking $28 million in damages from

     province for government’s interference in

     2016 labour negotiations, court hears

    Josh Crabb
    CTV News Winnipeg Reporter/ Video journalist
    Published Nov. 22, 2021 


    As the University of Manitoba Faculty Association’s (UMFA) current strike entered its fourth week, lawyers for the union which represent academic staff told a Manitoba judge UMFA members should be awarded $28 million in damages due to the circumstances that preceded the 2016 strike.

    Manitoba Court of Queen’s Bench Justice Joan McKelvey started hearing arguments on the matter Monday in a trial scheduled for two days.

    The case is focused on damages UMFA’s lawyers told court faculty members should be awarded because of a Charter breach which protects a right to collective bargaining.

    It surrounds the events of five years ago which resulted in a three-week strike, UMFA lawyer Garth Smorang told the court.

    In his arguments, Smorang cited previous court findings from a challenge of the province’s Public Sector Sustainability Act and a Manitoba Labour Board decision which ruled the University of Manitoba committed an unfair labour practice by failing to inform UMFA that the university received instructions from the government during contract talks. The university has since apologized and paid members the max penalty of $2,000 each for a total of $2 million.

    Smorang told the court in 2016 UMFA had received an offer from the university for a wage increase of 17.5 per cent over four years on the average member’s salary when the government got involved and ordered the university to seek a wage freeze.

    UMFA is now seeking $21.8 million, which includes interest, in damages for the wage increases Smorang told the court members would’ve received under that agreement.

    “We submit to you the facts of the case as presented to you and your findings, this loss is directly attributable to the government’s substantial interference in the 2016 round of collective bargaining,” Smorang argued.

    Smorang told the court UMFA is also seeking damages to cover $2.5 million in strike pay to members in 2016, $177,000 for benefits covered by UMFA during the 2016 strike, $74,000 for the costs of running of the strike as well as $4.1 million in lost salaries incurred by members during the strike that year.

    The details of the case are grounded in findings at trial and upheld by the Manitoba Court of Appeal, UMFA’s lawyers told McKelvey.

    The Manitoba Court of Appeal ruled last month the government had a right to impose a wage freeze on the public sector but upheld the Court of Queen’s Bench ruling that found the government violated collective bargaining rights during contract talks at the University of Manitoba in 2016.

    Smorang told the court government staff members were ordered by the Public Sector Compensation Committee—a committee court heard was made up of six members of cabinet which held meetings former Premier Brian Pallister sometimes attended—to impose the wage freeze.

    Lawyers for the province are scheduled to make arguments in the case Tuesday.

    The Manitoba government said out of respect for the legal process it won’t be commenting on the 2016 matters that are now before the court.

    IUDs appear to have systemic effects on the body, breast MRI study shows

    Intrauterine contraceptive devices (IUDs) appear to have systemic effects on the body like those of hormone replacement therapy, according to a breast MRI study being presented next week at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

    It has been claimed that IUDs have a purely local effect on the uterus. Our study results suggest that this is not true."

    Luisa Huck, M.D., radiology resident, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, RWTH Aachen University in Aachen, Germany

    Levonorgestrel-releasing IUDs (LNG-IUDs) are used by tens of millions of women worldwide. They work by releasing a small amount of hormone into the uterus. Because the hormone is released directly into the uterus, the amount in the bloodstream is lower than with other hormonal methods. In theory, this limited area of release means that any side effects would be confined to the region around the IUD. However, emerging evidence suggests that LNG-IUDs can be associated with systemic side effects similar to those of systemic hormonal medication.

    Christiane Kuhl, M.D., a leading breast cancer researcher and chief of the Department of Radiology at RWTH Aachen University noticed that women with a hormonal IUD in place often show higher background parenchymal enhancement on contrast-enhanced breast MRI. Background parenchymal enhancement -;the initial enhancement of normal breast tissue-;is a sensitive marker of hormone levels.

    The observation prompted Dr. Huck to investigate the association between LNG-IUD use and background parenchymal enhancement in breast MRI and explore possible systemic effects of LNG-IUDs.

    Using the hospital database, Dr. Huck and colleagues identified premenopausal women without a personal history of breast cancer or hormone or antihormone intake, who had undergone standardized dynamic contrast-enhanced breast MRI for screening at least twice.

    "By comparing the level of contrast enhancement in the same women with and without the IUD in place, a change in systemic hormone levels due to the IUD could be traced," Dr. Huck said.

    Half of the women in the study underwent the first breast MRI exam before IUD placement and the second with the IUD in place. The other half had their first MRI with IUD placement and the second MRI after IUD removal. This enabled the researchers to avoid age-related effects on background parenchymal enhancement that might affect interpretation of the results.

    Analysis showed that IUD use led to significant increase of enhancement in 23 of 48 patients, indicating that there are hormonal effects caused by IUD use that occur well beyond the uterus.

    "The results suggest that IUDs do not have a purely local effect on the uterus – but affect the entire body," Dr. Huck said.

    She added that is plausible that IUDs can have side effects similar to that of other hormonal treatments.

    "Use of an IUD leads to hormonal stimulation of the breast that is detectable by MRI," Dr. Huck said. "The increased enhancement also has implications for the diagnostic accuracy of breast MRI in women using hormonal IUDs."

    While the results point to a systemic hormonal effect for women with IUDs in place, it does not mean that the contraceptives are unsafe to use, Dr. Huck emphasized.

    "IUDs appear to be a very safe means of contraception and are generally well tolerated," she said. "However, if women with an IUD in place experience unexplainable side effects, they should talk to their doctor and consider using other types of contraception."

    New paper casts doubt on trusted Canadian breast cancer screening guidelines

    Co-authors question findings of seminal study, say women aged 40 or older should be given mammograms if they want them

    Author of the article: rainatoomey
    Publishing date:Nov 23, 2021 • 

    Dr. Jean Seely, head of breast imaging at The Ottawa Hospital, is a co-author of a new paper that disputes the decades-old findings of a study used to form breast cancer screening guidelines in Canada and around the world. 

    A new paper published this week in the Journal of Medical Screening suggests a Canadian study used to form breast screening guidelines around the world for decades is flawed.

    The authors of the paper — co-written by researchers at Sunnybrook Research Institute in Toronto, The Ottawa Hospital, the University of British Columbia, the University of Alberta and Harvard Medical School — take issue with the randomized trials used to determine whether mammograms and breast exams helped save women’s lives, saying they were not randomized at all.

    The Canadian National Breast Screening Study (CNBSS) started with two breast screen trials in 1980, and eventually involved tens of thousands of women in 15 Canadian urban centres. Investigators concluded that an annual mammogram for women aged 40 to 49 who are at average risk of breast cancer does not reduce the mortality rate any more than a physical exam.

    A control group of women aged 40 to 49 received an initial physical exam, then nothing further. The other group received up to five annual mammograms and physical exams. By the end of the study, 38 women in the mammography group had died of breast cancer, compared to 28 women in the control group.

    As a result, Canadian researchers concluded that annual screening in women aged 40 to 49 at average risk does not reduce breast cancer mortality any more than a physical exam. Their findings were the basis for guidelines around the world that do not recommend annual screenings for women in that age group, including the most recent set put forth by the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care.

    I did not expect to find such clear, clear evidence of what was going on.

    The risk of false positives and over-diagnosis is cited as a key issue in earlier screening. In such cases, even benign lumps would require a biopsy. Experts argue that radiation, chemotherapy or surgical treatment of breast cancer can be harmful, and that must be considered in treating a patient who might not even have it.

    Despite that, the authors of the new paper say women aged 40 or older should be given mammograms if they want them because there are several problems in the findings of the CNBSS.

    Dr. Jean Seely, co-author of the new paper and a professor of radiology at the University of Ottawa and head of breast imaging at The Ottawa Hospital, told CBC News there is “conclusive confirmation” the study was conducted with women — particularly in some locations — who were not randomly assigned.

    She said when the authors of the paper interviewed 28 staff members who worked on the original study, some confirmed there were multiple instances in which women with detectable lumps, who were pre-screened by a nurse, were deliberately placed in the mammography group.

    “I was astonished. I did not expect to find such clear, clear evidence of what was going on,” Seely told CBC News. “Then I think my next reaction was anger. How could this have been allowed?”

    Debate has swirled around the studies since the results of the CNBSS were published. Critics have questioned the inclusion of women with advanced cancers, the quality of the screening participants received, and the factors used to determine whether mammograms were beneficial for women in their 40s. Experts have also voiced doubt about the randomization, though an investigation conducted by external experts failed to find “credible evidence” that it was subverted. Those investigators further said that if there were acts of subversion, they were few and their impact on the study’s findings trivial.

    The authors of the paper published in the Journal of Medical Screening disagree, saying just seven cases of women with lumps removed from the mammography group would have skewed the results.

    Seely hopes the evidence she and her co-authors presented in their paper lead to change.

    “I think probably the most personal challenging moments that I have in my practice are when I see a woman in her 40s who presents with an advanced breast cancer,” she told CBC News. Most often, the patient was told by a family doctor that she didn’t need to be screened because of her age.

    “On a personal level, as a professional, I find this very, very difficult,” Seely told CBC News.

    Women aged 50 and older have higher rates of breast cancer diagnosis, according to the Canadian Cancer Society, but women between 30 and 49 with breast cancer are more likely to die from it. They represent 17 per cent of all cancer deaths in Canada, compared to eight per cent of women aged 50 to 69.

    Despite the findings published in the new paper, the CNBSS has its champions, including the study’s principal investigators.

    The study’s lead, Dr. Anthony Miller, a professor emeritus at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, told CBC News, “We had a great deal of understanding of what could go wrong with randomization and we took a great deal of care to ensure it didn’t apply in the National Breast Screening Study.”

    Miller told CBC News extensive quality-control measures maintained the integrity of the study, and he denies the possibility that any women were not placed randomly within the trials.

    Seely and her co-authors have brought their concerns about the CNBSS to the University of Toronto and the Canadian Medical Association Journal, both of which were involved in the original study.

    In a statement, the university’s office in charge of research, oversight and compliance said it is reviewing their concerns, and “places a high value on research integrity.”

    The university did not specify details or a timeline of its review.

    In her own statement to CBC News, Dr. Kirsten Patrick, interim editor-in-chief of CMAJ, said the journal “will co-operate with the university office’s process fully and will await the office’s report on the outcome of the review before deciding if any further action is needed.”

    She did not provide any further comment.
    Union asks for another 56 firefighters, says department is at 'breaking point'

    'With our current staffing levels, it's safer to live in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto, than Calgary — Calgary is the lowest staffed metropolitan fire department in Canada'

    Author of the article: Meghan Potkins • Calgary Herald
    Publishing date:Nov 22, 2021 • 
    The moon sets behind Calgary firefighters as they deal with the aftermath of a fire that destroyed at least one and damaged several other homes on Nolanfield Lane in Nolan Hill in the early hours of Thursday, December 3, 2020. PHOTO BY GAVIN YOUNG/POSTMEDIA

    The union representing Calgary firefighters says the service is “stretched to the breaking point” and called on city council to find an additional $10 million in next year’s budget to hire 56 firefighters.

    “With the new communities and developments on the edge of the city, our resource(s) and firefighters are getting stretched to the breaking point,” Matt Osborne, president of the Calgary Firefighters Association, said Monday during the first day of debate over the 2022 municipal budget.

    “Without investment in firefighters and in facilities, it will get harder and harder to provide services to these suburban communities and communities across the city.”

    The union said the hires are necessary to bolster the service’s “relief factor”: the minimum amount of personnel required to maintain operations and cover absences due to vacation, sickness, leave or training. The union said Monday that the service is already falling short of provincially legislated training standards due to short staffing.

    “With our current staffing levels, it’s safer to live in Edmonton, Vancouver and Toronto than Calgary — Calgary is the lowest staffed metropolitan fire department in Canada,” Osborne said, pointing to data that suggest the city is not currently meeting the National Fire Protection Agency standard of four firefighters per rescue truck.

    The firefighters’ union was one of more than a dozen public presenters that addressed council Monday on topics like accessible sidewalks, transit service and cycling infrastructure.

    Council will have to decide this week whether it will approve city administration’s proposed budget increase, which would result in a small tax rate increase of 0.64 per cent in 2022.

    If city council also approves an ask from the Calgary Police Service for a $6-million budget boost to support hiring, the rate will go up by slightly less than one per cent next year. CPS leaders are set to speak to council about the request on Tuesday afternoon.

    There have been signals, however, that some council members will be pushing for additional spending in next year’s budget in areas like the arts, climate change mitigation and snow clearing on roads and sidewalks. Preliminary estimates provided by city staff suggest the cumulative impact could amount to a tax rate hike of more than three per cent.

    Also on the table is a proposal to pull another $55 million from city reserves for the incentive program designed to encourage downtown office building owners to convert them for other uses. Council opted in the spring to put $45 million toward the program, but there are currently more applications than available funding.

    Mayor Jyoti Gondek said she wasn’t surprised to hear requests for increased service from many of the people who spoke at city hall Monday, and many councillors, newly elected just a month ago, have their constituents’ concerns and desires fresh in their minds.

    “We have come off of a very long campaign period where members of council had time to engage with Calgarians and find out what’s important to them,” she said.

    “I think the questions that you’re hearing from them today reflect what they heard at the doors.”

    Many of the spending proposals before council this week are aimed at hiring more city employees across different departments.

    City manager David Duckworth said Monday that municipal staffing is at a 2014 level and there is “considerable strain” on existing employees. He said city administration’s proposed budget is the “bare bones” of what is required to retain and attract talent.

    “We’re at a point in time that if we do not invest in ourselves, I seriously fear losing good people to the private sector and other public sector agencies across Canada and I can tell you, it’s happening right now,” Duckworth said.

    With files from Madeline Smith