Tuesday, January 02, 2024

COP28 offered important outcomes, but not enough to meet Paris goals

Funds collected for Loss and Damage are too little to compensate for impact of climate disasters

By Gurinder Kaur
Published: Tuesday 02 January 2024

Photo: UNclimatechange / Flickr

The 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change concluded on December 13, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE). The conference is the largest climate summit globally and has been held every year since 1995. 

The main purpose of the COP28 was to limit the increase in the average temperature of the earth to 1.5 degrees Celsius above the temperature of the pre-industrial revolution period by the end of the century. 

It took into account the efforts of all countries, reducing dependence on coal and other fossil fuels, generating energy from renewable sources, reducing emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases, reducing the losses of developing countries from natural disasters caused by temperature rise, and planning for the future after considering issues such as the establishment of a Loss and Damage fund for compensation.

Some important outcomes of this conference are to be welcomed. The Loss and Damage Fund became operational on the first day of COP28, which had been in the works for the past three decades. Fund collection started on the first day of the COP28 and $792 million has been accumulated so far. 

Read more: Mixed reactions: COP28 focuses on fossil fuel role in climate change but disregards equity, says CSE

Second was the decision to transition from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in energy systems in a just, orderly and equitable manner with renewable energy generation to reduce carbon emissions by 2050 in order to control the increase in average global temperature. 

This decision sounds historic and admirable in language, but it deserves some special discussion. Another important achievement was the decision to generate 11,000 gigawatts of energy from renewable energy sources globally by 2030. Nuclear energy has also been brought under the category of clean energy at this conference. 

At the same time, 160 countries have agreed to make necessary changes to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in food and agriculture-related systems, as these two systems account for one-third of total GHG emissions. The decision was voluntary and not under any international agreements.

The President of the Climate Crisis Advisory Group and the former chief adviser of the United Kingdom said the wording of the agreement on fossil fuels was too weak. Many scientists have also called the agreement flawed.

The Editor-in-Chief of the journal Nature, Magdalena Skipper said, “Fossil fuels should be stopped in all cases because, according to science, these fuels are increasing the temperature of the earth. Leaders around the world must accept this reality.”

An editorial in the journal also brought out that the conference had missed an opportunity to tackle global warming. Climate doesn’t care who emits greenhouse gases, the editorial continued. The scientists said that loopholes included the call to “accelerate” carbon capture and storage to trap emissions from burning fossil fuels, an option that can play a minor role at best.

The COP28 has taken place at a time when the earth’s average temperature is repeatedly breaking old records and setting new records relating to temperature rise. To limit the earth’s average temperature rise to 1.5°C by 2050, greenhouse gas emissions need to be reduced by 43 per cent by 2030 and 60 per cent by 2030 after they peak in 2025. 

Achieving this goal seems unlikely with an agreement to continue producing energy from fossil fuels. So far, the average temperature of the earth has increased by 1.1°C compared to the pre-industrial era. 

Agreements to gradually reduce the use of fossil fuels instead of completely phasing them out revealed the hidden stakes of oil-producing countries, multinational companies and countries like the United States, China and others with huge oil and coal reserves, along with major use of these fuels.

Read more: COP28 diary (December 2): G7 countries agree to phase out coal by 2030, announces French President Emmanuel Macron

The Dubai conference was also attended by a large number of industry representatives, including around 2,500 from the oil and natural gas sector, 475 from the carbon capture and storage sector and over 100 from commercial agriculture.

According to a report by the World Economic Forum, GHG emissions are continuously increasing by 1.5 per cent per year, while according to the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015, they should be reduced by 7 per cent every year from 2019 to 2030. According to a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, if all countries in the world cut greenhouse gas emissions under the Nationally Determined Contributions as promised, there would be only a 2 per cent reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 2019.

In the Paris Agreement, countries had agreed that by 2050, the increase in the average temperature of the earth should be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial temperatures. According to the latest estimates, all  countries in the world are falling far short of their pledges made under the agreement. The year 2023 may be the hottest year on record so far, according to temperature records. This year's average temperature may also register an increase of 1.5°C.

Initiating a Loss and Damage Fund is a laudable initiative, but the amount collected is too little to compensate for the losses caused by natural disasters in developing countries. In 2022, a flood in Pakistan caused a loss of $16 billion. According to United Nations estimates, developing countries will need $300 billion every year by 2030 to cope with natural disasters caused by climate change. 

Developing countries are also demanding that these funds be given in the form of grants instead of loans. The US, the largest emitter of GHG in history, contributed only $17.5 million to the Loss and Damage Fund.

The COP28 was chaired by Sultan Al-Jaber, who is the head of a major oil company. The agreements to ‘transition away’ from fossil fuels suit the interests of a few but may be harmful for people and the planet. It is also important that out of the 198 countries, 130 countries had demanded a complete phase out of energy from fossil fuels.

Read more: DTE Diary: Our daily account of what happened at COP28

In 2009, developed countries pledged $100 billion annually to the Climate Fund to help developing countries, but this amount has never been fully collected and distributed to developing countries.  A lot of promises are made at every conference, but they are rarely fulfilled. Since 1995, the Parties to the COP have continued to hold summits on increasing natural disasters, but there is no sign of a reduction in GHG emissions.

Developing countries had high hopes from COP28 like agreements on drastic reductions in GHG emissions and restrictions on energy production from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). However, with the continued use of fossil fuels, the average temperature of the earth may increase even more in the future. The conference has made the use of fossil fuels too flexible and soft at a cost to every country in the world in the form of lives, property, and growing disasters. 

Head of the Marshall Islands, John Silk, who was disappointed with the performance of the conference, said he came to the conference to address the greatest challenge of our generation, but we have all come to an agreement that is full of problems.

Gurinder Kaur is Former Professor, Department of Geography, Punjabi University, Patiala

Views expressed are the author’s own and don’t necessarily reflect those of Down To Earth

Saudi Arabia executed at least 172 people in 2023

January 2, 2024
by Andrew Purcell
Head of Communications

End The Death Penalty

Saudi Arabia carried out at least 172 executions in 2023, despite renewed promises from the Kingdom’s de facto ruler, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, to limit the scope of capital punishment.

Since the Crown Prince and his father, King Salman, assumed power in 2015, Saudi Arabia has executed at least 1,257 people, at an average of 140 people per year. The seven bloodiest years in the Kingdom’s modern history have occurred under their leadership and the rate of executions has almost doubled.

Reprieve Director Maya Foa said: “It is terrifying to think that this is business as usual in Mohammed bin Salman’s Saudi Arabia. Behind the mega-investments in sport and the facade of reform, the Kingdom remains one of the world’s top executioners. Owning the wrong books, posting a critical tweet, speaking to a journalist or disagreeing with the Crown Prince can earn you a death sentence. And while world leaders stare at their shoes and agree to believe the regime’s lies, the killing continues relentlessly.”

European Saudi Organisation for Human Rights (ESOHR) legal director Taha al-Hajji said: “The Crown Prince has blamed ‘bad laws and rogue judges for Saudi Arabia’s continued execution crisis, but nothing gets done in the Kingdom without his approval. His endless empty promises of reform are contradicted by the facts: it has been yet another year of bloodshed in Saudi Arabia. Protesters and child defendants remain at imminent risk of execution with a stroke of the ruler’s pen.”

The true number of executions cannot be ascertained with confidence. ESOHR monitors multiple public sources of execution data. In 2022, the authorities announced 147 executions, but the Saudi Human Rights Commission later confirmed to Amnesty International that 196 executions had been carried out – a modern record. For instance, in January 2023, ESOHR was made aware of the executions of two Yemeni nationals the previous month that were not reported in official accounts.

There is also no way of knowing how many hundreds or even thousands of people are on death row as the Kingdom’s capital justice system is almost entirely opaque.

One notable development in 2023 is a significant increase in the number of women executed: six, including three Saudi nationals, one Yemeni, one Ghanaian and one Bangladeshi. Another is the execution of two Saudi men convicted in military courts – these rulings are rarely issued in Saudi Arabia and it is not possible to trace them or know the details of the trials there.

United Nations legal experts had written to the Saudi authorities about three of the men killed, in a bid to prevent their execution: Bahraini nationals Sadiq Thamer and Jaafar Sultan, and Reprieve client Hussein abo al-Kheir, a Jordanian taxi driver tortured into making a false confession to drug charges. The latter’s case was also raised in the UK and European parliaments.

Dark Offshore Money Threatens Democracy

Dark offshore money, stashed in tax havens and countries with favorable financial secrecy laws, makes it easier to support candidates surreptitiously and manipulate public opinion. Clamping down on these jurisdictions would strengthen tax collection in democracies and reduce the resources available to authoritarian regimes.

Getty Images

Jan 2, 2024

WASHINGTON, DC/CAMBRIDGE – Democracies around the world face two major threats: a crisis of legitimacy, and increasingly aggressive authoritarian regimes. What links both and makes them much more dangerous is the pernicious effect of dark-money transfers, particularly those that pass through offshore tax havens and jurisdictions with excessive financial secrecy. Restricting these tax havens and requiring more transparency on cross-border financial flows should become a major policy priority for all G7 countries in 2024.

To Fight Populism, Invest in Left-Behind Communities
DIANE COYLE explains how new and improved public amenities can sustain narratives that help boost GDP growth.

The internal threat to democracy is an erosion of legitimacy. In industrial economies such as the United States and Europe, new technologies, rising cross-border capital flows, and lower barriers to trade increased average productivity and created economic growth over the last half-century, but the benefits of this growth were not widely shared. Inequality within these countries has increased dramatically since the mid-1970s, with millions of people now feeling they have been left behind.

Support for democracy is undermined by the belief that the economic game is “rigged,” with people who are already powerful and privileged gaining the most – sometimes at the expense of the rest. While this belief may be exaggerated, it accords with the reality of tax evasion.

Tax havens allow rich people not only to build their wealth essentially tax-free, but also to exercise economic and political power away from prying eyes and without any accountability. One list of tax havens includes among its top ten both small Caribbean states and widely-respected countries such as British overseas territories (British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, and the Cayman Islands), the Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Singapore, and the United Arab Emirates.

The US and the United Kingdom are also complicit. Their financial secrecy rules allow an extraordinary amount of foreign (and illicit) money to find shelter (the US tops this Financial Secrecy Index).

A multibillion-dollar industry has emerged, employing some of the world’s brightest lawyers, accountants, and consultants, focused on helping the wealthy and the unscrupulous. Tax havens are particularly useful for people who have ill-begotten wealth derived from bribes, theft, and other forms of corruption. Being able to hide the identity of parties in any financial transaction is a key requirement to operating a successful haven.

This form of financial engineering corrupts democracy. Even worse, it exacerbates the second major threat we face: the strengthening of authoritarian regimes. Dark offshore money makes it easier to support candidates, manipulate public opinion, and persuade people to vote for a dictator.

The dark money of the Russian oligarchs has long been a mainstay of the country’s economy and political system. President Vladimir Putin’s close relationships with sources of dark money has been well documented.

Less widely appreciated is the way that non-transparent transactions have allowed the Chinese government to construct a vast global empire of influence. We are only now beginning to see how much low-income countries, especially in Africa, owe to various Chinese-backed entities. Relatedly, the Communist Party of China has reportedly “invested billions of dollars” in global disinformation around the world. This includes efforts focused on recent (and likely future) US elections.

It has also become painfully apparent that a large amount of money flows from Iran to organizations such as Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the Houthi forces in Yemen that are now raining down missiles on commercial ships in the Red Sea. Almost all this Iranian funding moves through dark channels, including (according to US authorities) entities in Turkey and Yemen.

Shutting down these channels would be difficult, but the most effective way to fight dark money – and its financing of authoritarianism, criminality, and terrorism – would be to clamp down on the dozens of tax havens that exist around the world. Doing so would strengthen tax collection in democracies and reduce the resources available to authoritarian regimes.

Ironically, several of these tax havens are at risk from climate change and are demanding international assistance to deal with potential sea-level rise and more damaging storms. If these island states and other jurisdictions wish to participate in fair and reasonable adjustment mechanisms (such as climate-related finance or debt relief), funded in part by the G7, they need to comply with increased transparency requirements.

One key element must be an extension of “know your customer” rules to all these jurisdictions, backed up by appropriate criminal penalties. Specifically, there needs to be full disclosure to G7 tax authorities regarding who owns what assets and who makes which payments to whom.

Alas, some tax evasion is legal, owing solely to the lobbying power of the ultra-wealthy and powerful consultants and accountants, who will no doubt argue that productive businesses will move elsewhere if loopholes are closed. This should be countered with a simple principle that should be shared across the G7: business profits are taxed in proportion to where sales occur.

For example, if you move your headquarters (or ownership of intellectual property) to another country, you should still pay tax in the US based on your business activities in the US. The G7 agreement on a global minimum corporate tax was a step in the right direction here, but there is a lot more to be done.

In the age of artificial intelligence, we should expect many of the rich to become considerably richer. They will also presumably use AI tools to dodge taxes more effectively. Under current international arrangements, this will be easy to do. However, AI can also help uncover tax evasion and avoidance, as well as unusual money flows, which are often illicit.

For tech barons who continuously talk about using AI for good, here is a challenge: support the quick rollout of new AI-based tools for clamping down on tax evasion and tax havens.

Writing for PS since 2007
Simon Johnson, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, is a professor at the MIT Sloan School of Management, a co-chair of the COVID-19 Policy Alliance, and a co-chair of the CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council. He is the co-author (with Daron Acemoglu) of Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity (PublicAffairs, 2023).

Writing for PS since 2012
Daron Acemoglu, Institute Professor of Economics at MIT, is a co-author (with James A. Robinson) of Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty (Profile, 2019) and a co-author (with Simon Johnson) of Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle Over Technology and Prosperity (PublicAffairs, 2023).


How banned terror outfits TRF, Al-Qaeda & IS exploit secret internet forums

The Resistance Force (TRF) – an offshoot of Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) which has been behind a spree of targeted killings and attacks in Kashmir – has shifted its digital operations to less regulated platforms and forums.

In an investigation, India Today’s Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) team found several groups and channels of al-Qaeda and the Islamic States (IS) spreading their propaganda and imparting training.

Pushed to the margins on mainstream social media sites by repeated bans, The Resistance Force (TRF) – an offshoot of Pakistan’s Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) which has been behind a spree of targeted killings and attacks in Kashmir – has shifted its digital operations to less regulated platforms and forums.

But the TRF is not alone. In an investigation, India Today’s Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) team found several groups and channels of al-Qaeda and the Islamic States (IS) spreading their propaganda and imparting training.

These groups are active on platforms such as Rocket Chat and Matrix, which are decentralised in nature. This means their source code can be modified by any developer, and they can be hosted on a server chosen by the user. This common characteristic makes these apps an ideal digital destination for bad actors intending to execute their nefarious designs, disrupt peace, and challenge nation states.

Inside TRF’s secret digital space

India Today gained access to TRF’s secret chat rooms and groups on Matrix and monitored their conversations for several days. The TRF chat room has a total of 65 members and the conversations are regulated by two admins, who periodically post threats to the Indian state, government officials and vocal pro-India Kashmiris, issue statements, and release video clips and photos of the attacks they claim to have carried out in the Valley.

In a message on December 9, the group admin who goes by the name ‘Kashmir Fight’ claimed that terrorists belonging to the ‘Falcon Squad’ of their outfit had targeted a constable, Hafiz Mohammed Chad, in Srinagar’s Bemina. The user claimed that the police officer was “warned” by TRF terrorists in the past.

Since its inception in 2019, the TRF has claimed several attacks targeting Kashmiri Pandits, police officers, and security forces. In 2022, the group intensified its activities, primarily using small arms, causing concern among security agencies in Kashmir and aiming to expand its operations into the Pir Panjal region. In April, TRF terrorists ambushed an army truck in Poonch, killing five and gravely injuring another. The attack, which included setting the truck on fire, was later published on the Telegram messenger app.

TRF and other smaller groups had previously used Telegram extensively. However, as their attacks increased, they faced frequent bans, with new channels being barred within days or weeks of their creation.

Online terror training & Ghazwa-e-Hind plan

We also found the presence of al-Qaeda on Matrix with a channel of 59 members. Some of these members operate another channel named ‘Curriculum Book’ where “guidebooks” on different subjects for radicalising gullible Muslims, provoking their religious emotions, imparting training for attacks, and launching guerilla war are distributes frequently.

Some of the online guide books are titled ‘Physical exercise before jihad,’ ‘How to confront and deal with intelligence,’ ‘Military training for mujahid,’ and ‘Explosive engineering course.’

Some of them provide alarmingly sophisticated guidance on terrorist activities. One such PDF document reviewed by India Today gives details of highly-destructive explosives like TNT, cautions while handling them, step-by-step tutorial for making different types of bombs along with necessary safety measures during the process.

Another document extolled the role of the media in waging jihad, or the so-called sacred war – apparently to encourage the intended audience to exploit different digital mediums to spread IS propaganda.

Similarly, a channel affiliated with IS on Rocket chat, featured pro-IS material and calls for Ghazwa-e-Hind, a term used to refer to the armed struggle to establish an Islamic rule guided by the principle of Sharia.

The Rocket chat channel also carried a pro-IS web propaganda magazine with references against India.

Rocket Chat

Migration to less-regulated platforms

For a better part of this decade, terrorist outfits have managed to find loopholes to bypass checks put in place by large social media companies like Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, WhatsApp, and YouTube. However, their survival on these platforms became extremely difficult in face of mounting scrutiny and pressure from governments globally.

Though a 2020 report claimed the IS was still finding ways to evade detection on Facebook, the presence of terror outfits is believed to be nearly extinct on major sites, forcing them to explore safer options. Then Telegram emerged as their safe haven but it also launched a crackdown in 2018.

Though some of these outfits are still spotted on Telegram, the messaging app’s vigil and reporting mechanism, and resultant mass removals have made matters worse for terrorists. On December 27 alone, Telegram banned 390 terrorist bots and channels, taking such removals to 6361 this month. The app has banned more than 1.29 lakh bots and channels linked to the IS in 2023.

In a 2019 report, the European Union’s information center said terror groups are looking to migrate to decentralised platforms in search for a “stable base”. Decentralisation refers to a mechanism where control is not concentrated to a single authority which makes detection of illegal content difficult.

Unlike mainstream social media platforms that are operated by large

 corporations, apps like Matrix are open source and offer transparency and control. Their focus on strong encryption and minimal data collection provides secure space for extremist activity.

Published By:
Vadapalli Nithin Kumar

\Published On:
Jan 2, 2024
Amnesty International condemns Nobel laureate Dr Muhammad Yunus's conviction by Bangladesh court

The 83-year-old economist was on Monday sentenced to six months in jail by a court for violating the labour laws, which was termed as 'politically motivated' by his supporters ahead of the January 7 general elections

PTI Dhaka Published 02.01.2024

Dr Muhammad Yunus

Amnesty International has condemned the conviction of Bangladesh's Nobel laureate economist Dr Muhammad Yunus by a Dhaka labour court, calling it "emblematic of the beleaguered state of human rights" in the country where critics are "bulldozed" into submission.

The 83-year-old economist was on Monday sentenced to six months in jail by a court for violating the labour laws, which was termed as "politically motivated" by his supporters ahead of the January 7 general elections. He sought bail after the ruling, which he was granted immediately for a month in exchange for a Taka 5,000 (USD 45) bond.

Yunus and three of his colleagues in Grameen Telecom-- one of the firms he founded-- were accused of violating labour laws when they failed to create a workers' welfare fund in the company.

In a post on the social media platform X, Amnesty International's South Asia regional office said, "The conviction of Yunus is emblematic of the beleaguered state of human rights in Bangladesh, where the authorities have eroded freedoms and bulldozed critics into submission." The human rights organisation said that the unusual speed at which the trial against Yunus was completed starkly contrasts the "snail-paced progress" in other labour rights-related court cases in the country.

"The abuse of labour laws and misuse of the justice system to settle political vendettas is a violation of international human rights law," it said.

Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his anti-poverty campaign, earning Bangladesh the reputation of being the home of microcredit through his Grameen Bank, which he founded in 1983.

Dhaka's Third Labour Court on Monday ordered Yunus to serve six months of simple or non-rigorous imprisonment for violating the law as the Grameen Telecom chairman, along with three other executives of the social business company.

A Taka 25,000 fine (USD 227.82) was also slapped on each of them before they were granted bail upon submitting separate petitions.

Describing the judgment as "politically motivated", his supporters said the charges were filed to harass him.

The economist was on a protracted row with the incumbent government due to obscure reasons. The government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina launched a series of investigations against him after coming to power in 2008.

Many people believe that Hasina became enraged when Yunus announced he would form a political party in 2007 when the country was run by a military-backed government and she was in prison.

However, Yunus did not follow through on the plan but criticised politicians in the country, alleging they were only interested in making money.

The Nobel laureate is also facing a series of charges relating to labour law and misappropriation of money.

Bangladesh's tangles with Yunus, Nobel winner and microloan founder

 Bangladeshi Nobel peace laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus gestures in front of the court after being sentenced to six months of imprisonment and fined BDT 5,000 in a labour law violation case, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, January 1, 2024. 
REUTERS/Mohammad Ponir Hossain/File Photo

DHAKA - A Bangladesh court has sentenced the country's only Nobel laureate, Mohammad Yunus, to six months in jail over labour law violations, a crime he says he did not commit, days ahead of a Jan. 7 general election boycotted by the main opposition party.

Below is a summary of key facts in Yunus' tangles with the law in Bangladesh, with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina often criticising the 83-year-old, who won the peace prize in 2006 for his work in making microloans accessible to the impoverished:

* Yunus started a microfinance movement in late 1976, offering loans below $100 apiece to women in Bangladesh's port city of Chittagong to help them escape poverty and vulnerability to loan sharks.

* He and Grameen Bank, the rural-focused microfinance organization he founded, became Bangladesh's first Nobel winner for providing small loans to the poor, a practice that spread to more than 100 nations from the United States to Uganda.

* Yunus, a professor of economics who had been Grameen Bank's managing director since 2000, was removed as head of the bank in 2011 by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's government on the grounds he had stayed on past the legal retirement age of 60.

* His popular image and fame came under fresh focus in 2007 as he attempted to form a political party, when the country was under a de-facto military government with a civilian outfit.

* Despite his microfinance's global success, there have been concerns such lenders charge excessive interest rates.

* A Norwegian documentary alleged in 2010 that Grameen bank was dodging taxes. The documentary sparked criticism in Bangladesh and abroad of Yunus, whose bank has provided about $10 billion in small loans to people, most of them women, to fund businesses and help them escape poverty.

* Lauded abroad by politicians and financiers, Yunus has been under attack from Hasina's government since the documentary alleged that Grameen Bank was dodging taxes. Hasina, in 2011, famously called Yunus a "blood-sucker of the poor" and sharply criticised Grameen Bank's microlending practices.

* Yunus has denied financial irregularities and his supporters say he is being discredited by the government because of a feud with Hasina dating back to 2007, when he tried to setup a rival political party.

* Yunus faces more than 100 cases in court, including two criminal charges over labour law violations and alleged corruption.

* In September, Amnesty International called on the Bangladesh government to "immediately end their harassment and intimidation of Yunus". The rights group called Monday's court verdict a blatant abuse of labour laws and political retaliation for his work.

* 190 global leaders, including former United States President Barack Obama and over 100 Nobel laureates, wrote an open letter in August to Hasina urging her to stop "continuous judicial harassment" of Yunus.

* Reacting to Yunus' conviction on Monday, Bangladesh's Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader said no one was above the law.


120,000 minors crossed Darien Gap last year in bid to reach U.S.

Agence France-Presse
January 2, 2024 

Migrants carrying children walk by the jungle near Bajo Chiquito village, the first border control of the Darien Province in Panama, on September 22, 2023

Record numbers of migrants crossing the hostile Darien gap jungle in 2023 included 120,000 minors, the Panama government said Monday.

The year ended with 520,085 people recorded as traversing the lawless, thick rainforest that straddles Panama and Colombia, Panama's public security ministry wrote on Twitter.

Most of those braving the crossing, which can take up to six days, were fleeing economic misery in Venezuela, with more than 320,000 risking it all in the jungle this year.

Ecuadorans and Haitians were the next biggest groups, while over 25,000 Chinese citizens also took on the trek.

Vietnamese, Afghans and citizens of Cameroon or Burkina Faso were also recorded.

The number of migrants crossing the Darien Gap has more than doubled since 2022, when 248,000 passed through.

Panama authorities in September announced a series of measures to try and contain the surge in migration, such as an increase in deportations of people who enter the country illegally.

Migrants face rivers, wild animals, and violent criminal gangs in the jungle.

Upon arrival in Panama, they head to Costa Rica, and then Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, before making their way to the United States border.
Wounded Gazan children treated on French warship Dixmude

The French military helicopter carrier Dixmude has been transformed into a hospital to treat wounded civilians from Gaza, many of them children, as Western countries look to ramp up efforts to aid the beseiged enclave.

Issued on: 02/01/2024 
Palestinian boy Maher's left leg was amputated and his right tibia fractured when his house near Rafah was bombed. He is aboard the French ship Dixmude, which is serving as a hospital as it docks at the Egyptian port of Al-Arish. 


The warship has been anchored since 27 November in the Egyptian port of Al-Arich, some 50 kilometres from the Rafah crossing point between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.

The Dixmude, the first Western military ship to treat civilians from Gaza, has also been joined by an Italian ship.

"We are in discussion with a number of European countries, in particular our British, German and other partners, to see how we can continue this organisation," said French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Lecornu, who was on board the ship on New Year's Eve.

Most of the injured have already received treatment in Gaza, where the health system has been badly affected by the war between Israel and Hamas.

Those wounded "have particularly serious complications", Lecornu added.

The French ship Dixmude docked at the Egyptian port of Al-Arish on 31 December, 2023. The helicopter carrier serves as a hospital for wounded Gaza civilians that have crossed into Egypt in recent weeks with special exit permits
. © AFP - Khaled Desouki

Military-civilian team

The Dixmude's medical capacities have been adapted to create a military-civilian medical force, notably in paediatrics, with two operating theatres and 40 beds, a treatment room for severe burns, scanners and analysis laboratories.

Seventy civilian and military doctors and nurses are treating some 100 people injured in the Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

Among them is 10-year-old Maher, who has the name of Paris-Saint-Germain striker Kylian Mbappé written in black on a plaster cast around his right leg.

Maher's left leg was amputated and his right tibia fractured when his house near Rafah was bombed.

His mother, Shaima El Hijazi, spoke to the French news agency AFP on the warship, where the wounded are bedded down in tents.

Shaima's husband died in the explosion. "I want to go to the United Arab Emirates so that my son can have an artificial limb," she said.

Near Maher, other children in wheelchairs are playing ball with carers in white coats in front of a group of injured mothers.
Children shellshocked

The children are shellshocked when they arrive on the Dixmude, says Pierre, a paediatrician.

"We're out of our usual comfort zone because we're dealing with war wounds, serious burns, children who are amputees, with severe fractures and external fixations and visible pins," Pierre explains.

"But we manage to offer them a bubble of serenity and comfort on this boat before they leave for an Egyptian hospital or an Arab country that will take care of them."

Wounded Gaza civiians are pictured onboard the French ship Dixmude on 31 December, 2023. 
© AFP - Khaled Desouki

Israeli operations in Gaza have left more than 21,600 people dead and more than 56,100 wounded, the majority of them women and children, according to Gaza rulers Hamas.

The group says only 1 percent of the wounded have been evacuated abroad from the Rafah crossing.

The Israeli army is carrying out air and ground operations in Gaza in retaliation for the 7 October attack by Hamas, which left around 1,140 people dead, most of them civilians.

Israel says 129 hostages are still being held.

(with AFP)


Tony Blair denies report linking him role in resettling Gazans

"The Channel 12 report in Israel linking Tony Blair to a discussion about a ‘role’ in the ‘voluntary resettlement of Gazans’ in Arab and other countries is a lie," Blair said.

Former prime minister Tony Blair (Photo credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)
Former prime minister Tony Blair (Photo credit: Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire)

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair denied a recent report by Israeli TV alleging he would help “examine” the possibility of Western nations accepting Palestinian refugees. 

According to Channel 12, Blair was in Israel last week where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz to discuss him possibly taking on the role as a mediator in efforts to bring Palestinians out of Gaza.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir was quick to welcome the report, saying: “This is a morally just step to take, first and foremost for Gaza border residents, and for all of Israel.”

Blair is now denying the report, calling it a lie: “The Channel 12 report in Israel linking Tony Blair to a discussion about a ‘role’ in the ‘voluntary resettlement of Gazans’ in Arab and other countries is a lie.”

“The story was published without any contact with Tony Blair or his team. No such discussion has taken place. Nor would Tony Blair have such a discussion, the idea is wrong in principle. Gazans should be able to stay and live in Gaza.”

Far-right ministers in Netanyahu’s government are advocating for the transfer of millions of Palestinians from Gaza as well as rebuilding Israeli settlements.

“We will be in security control, and we will need there to be civil [control]. I’m for completely changing the reality in Gaza, having a conversation about settlements in the Gaza Strip… We’ll need to rule there for a long time… If we want to be there militarily, we need to be there in a civilian fashion,” Finance Minister Smotrich said on Sunday.

“We want to encourage wilful emigration, and we need to find countries willing to take them in. We need to encourage immigration from there. If there were 100,000-200,000 Arabs in the Strip and not two million, the whole conversation about the day after [the war] would be completely different. They want to leave. They have been living in a ghetto for 75 years and are in need,” Smotrich told Army Radio.

UK's Blair denies link to role in

'resettlement' of Gazans

London (AFP) – Britain's former prime minister Tony Blair has strongly denied an Israeli media report linking him to talks last week about the resettlement of Palestinians from Gaza in other countries.

Issued on: 02/01/2024 - 

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change organisation called the Israeli report 'a lie' 
© Tolga AKMEN / AFP

Channel 12 claimed on Sunday that Blair, who left office in 2007 and served as a Middle East envoy charged with building up Palestinian institutions, was in Israel last week.

The news channel said he held meetings with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and war cabinet member Benny Gantz about a mediation role after the war with Hamas.

He could also act as a go-between with moderate Arab states about the "voluntary resettlement" of Gazans, it added.

Expelling civilians during a conflict or creating unlivable conditions which force them to leave is a war crime.

The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, a non-profit organisation he set up in 2016, said the report was "a lie".

"The story was published without any contact with Tony Blair or his team. No such discussion has taken place," it said in a statement on Monday night.

"Nor would Tony Blair have such a discussion. The idea is wrong in principle. Gazans should be able to stay and live in Gaza."
'Unwelcome person'

The Palestinian presidency in Ramallah lashed out at the report.

The presidency said it would demand that the British government "not allow this meddling with the fate and future of the Palestinian people".

"We also consider Tony Blair to be an unwelcome person in the Palestinian territories," it said, according to official Palestinian news agency Wafa.

The Channel 12 report came after two far-right Israeli government ministers called for Jewish settlers to return to the Gaza Strip after the war with Hamas, and said Palestinians should be encouraged to emigrate.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who heads the ultranationalist Religious Zionism party, told Israeli army radio: "To control the territory militarily for a long time, we need a civilian presence."

He said Israel should "encourage" Palestinians to leave.

And on Monday, Israel's firebrand National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir said: "We must promote a solution to encourage the emigration of Gaza's residents."

UN chief Antonio Guterres and the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Philippe Lazzarini, are among those who have spoken out against the possible forced transfer of Gazans.

The Israeli ministers' comments drew condemnation from Hamas, the militant group whose October 7 attack from Gaza killed some 1,140 people in Israel, most of them civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli figures.

Israel's relentless military response has killed more than 22,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-run territory.

UN agencies have voiced alarm over a spiralling humanitarian crisis facing Gaza's 2.4 million people, who remain under siege and bombardment, most of them displaced and huddling in shelters and tents, amid dire food shortages.

© 2024 AFP
As death toll in Gaza rises, Israeli officials fear possible genocide charges at ICJ

Julia Conley, Common Dreams
January 2, 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
 (AFP Photo/Dan Balilty)

Top officials in the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli government have reportedly been warned by a top legal expert that the International Court of Justice could issue an injunction requiring the country to halt its bombardment of Gaza, following a motion filed by South Africa last week.

Haaretz reported that the Israeli "security establishment and the state attorney's office are concerned" that the court could soon take action to force a cease-fire to protect civilian lives.

IDF Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi is among those who have been warned that South Africa's petition could be successful, the outlet reported, and a hearing on how the government should deal with the matter was held Monday at the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

As Common Dreamsreported last week, South Africa said in its complaint to the ICJ that it is "gravely concerned with the plight of civilians caught in the present Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip due to the indiscriminate use of force and forcible removal of inhabitants," and called on the ICJ to take action to force Israel to "immediately cease" its attacks on Gaza's 2.3 million residents.

At least 21,978 Palestinians have been killed and 57,697 have been injured in Israeli air and ground attacks on Gaza since the IDF began its bombardment in retaliation for Hamas' assault on southern Israel on October 7, which killed 1,139 people.

Top officials in Israel have made numerous statements suggesting their overarching goal is to clear Gaza and the West Bank of all Palestinian residents, with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir saying Monday that the fighting presents an "opportunity" for Gaza residents to leave and for Israel to expand its settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Previously, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the so-called "voluntary migration" of Palestinians is the goal, while President Isaac Herzog said all civilians in Gaza are "responsible" for Hamas' attack and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said the military would collectively punish Palestinians in Gaza, whom he called "human animals," for the October 7 attack.

Professor Eliav Lieblich, an expert on international law at Tel Aviv University, told Haaretz that such statements could be viewed by the ICJ as evidence of intent to harm civilians in Gaza.

"Genocide is a violation, the proof of which in court requires two elements," Lieblich told the outlet. "First, you have to show intention of annihilation, and second—certain actions in the field that promote this intention. According to South Africa, the intention is proven by statements of senior Israeli figures and a public atmosphere of erasing or flattening Gaza, and the widespread harm to civilians and the hunger in Gaza show the factual element of the deed."

"In general, it's hard to prove an intention of genocide because no public statements to that effect are made during the fighting," Lieblich added. "But these irresponsible statements about erasing Gaza will require Israel to explain why they don't reflect such an intention."

Author and activist Naomi Klein pointed out that while Israel does not recognize the authority of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which investigates accusations of war crimes and prosecutes individuals, it is a party to the Genocide Convention, which allows the ICJ to deal with judicial disputes between countries, including when they are accused of genocide.

A determination by the ICJ that Israel has failed to stop a genocide by its military forces or has committed genocidal acts against Palestinian civilians wouldn't necessarily mean that an injunction "would be immediately enforced," Lieblich told Haaretz. "But if it determines in a ruling or even a temporary injunction that a suspicion exists that Israel is committing genocide, you have to think about what this would say for the historical narrative. For this reason, too, the proceeding must be taken seriously."

The ICJ is also considering a complaint made by Ukraine regarding Russia's invasion and a complaint against Myanmar about its persecution of the Rohingya minority group.

"South Africa's complaint is intended to add Israel to this very disreputable group, and thereby also embarrass the U.S. as its ally," Lieblich told Haaretz.

Despite the fact that a majority of Americans support the call for a cease-fire in Gaza, the U.S. government has continued providing Israel with military support and defending its actions.

Independent journalist Sam Husseini wrote Monday that a volunteer has compiled a list of international officials who cease-fire advocates can get in touch with directly to pressure other governments to back South Africa's petition.

World Beyond War and RootsAction have also launched actions to pressure other countries to support South Africa at the ICJ.

"If a majority of the world's nations call for a cease-fire, yet fail to press for prosecution of Israel—what is to stop Israel from ethnically cleansing all Palestinians?" reads World Beyond War's letter, which it urged supporters to send to governments that have been critical of Israel. "For that matter, what is to stop other nations from repeating a horror of this magnitude?"