Saturday, January 18, 2020


Harry and Meghan: The big question Canadians have about move



  • 17 January 2020

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex in LondonImage copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe Duke and Duchess of Sussex will spend part of their time in Canada

Many Canadians have an affection for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. But one big question is hanging over the shock news of the couple's part-time relocation to Canada - what will it cost?
There has been plenty of chatter in Canada since Prince Harry and Meghan said they would be stepping back as senior royals and spending part of their time in North America.
The duchess is spending time on Canada's west coast with their infant son as the couple flesh out the details of their move away from their role as full-time royals, with her public outings closely followed.
But the main preoccupation hovering over the royal couple's decision to spend part of their time in Canada comes down to who will foot the bill - especially if they are spending the bulk of their time as private citizens.
Some have outright rejected the idea of the public shouldering any costs for the couple.
The leader of the Bloc Quebecois - a federal party that represents the interests of Quebec, a province where attitudes towards the monarchy tend to be frostier than in the rest of Canada - said Quebecers should not have to pay a dime.
Yves-Francois Blanchet quipped he was already paying for a Netflix subscription, where he could watch The Crown, a drama about Queen Elizabeth II's reign.
He is not alone in not wanting to fork out any cash.
A public opinion poll released this week by the non-profit Angus Reid Institute indicated that 73% of Canadians have no interest in paying any of the costs for security and other expenditures associated with their relocation.
"This view is consistent across demographic groups including age, gender or region or political preference," the organisation said in a release.
Just 3% of respondents told the pollster that Canadians should pick up the tab for security and other necessary costs, and 19% said they were fine with paying a portion of the bill.
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation, a taxpayer advocacy group, says the current debate over who should ante up for costs related to the members of the monarchy is different from those that regularly bubble up in Canada.
The country is a constitutional monarchy - its head of state is Queen Elizabeth II - and things like Royal tours and the office of the Governor General, who is the Queen's representative in Canada, are paid for by the public purse.

A crowds waits to see the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in Canada in 2016Image copyrightPOOL/GETTY IMAGES
Image captionRoyal tours can draw crowds in Canada

"Normally when we get into debates about the cost of the monarchy in this country there's a pretty clear line - people who are monarchists and people who are small 'r' republicans," says Aaron Wudrick, the organisation's federal director.
But the relocation of the duke and duchess has "changed the dynamic".
"The distinction is a bit like a friend who comes over for dinner and you're happy to prepare their meal versus them deciding they're going to move in and still expecting you to cook for them all the time," he said.
"I think that's how a lot of Canadians see this. I actually don't think it's about the dollar figure, it's a general view that people who have a lot of means and the capacity to pay for themselves should be doing it."
The duke and duchess themselves have not said they expect Canadians to pick up the tab, Mr Wudrick notes, and federal officials have admitted it's not clear yet how costs may be divided - or what those costs would be.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told broadcaster Global News this week that "there's still a lot of decisions to be taken by the Royal Family, by the Sussexes themselves as to what level of engagement they choose to have".
The question of security costs is "part of the reflection that needs to be had and there are discussions going on", he said.
So while the Queen has agreed to the couple's wish to step back as senior royals, become financially independent and to split their time between the UK and Canada, the details of the transition are still being worked out.
Mr Wudrick says that "in the interests of settling everyone down - maybe this is all a tempest in a teapot - it would be helpful if the duke and duchess could provide some clarity on what their expectations are".
John Michaelson, with the Monarchist League of Canada, agrees answers should come sooner rather than later.
Most Canadians don't spend much time thinking about the Royal Family or their official role in Canada, he says, and the benefits of the institution are often hidden from view - the thousands of community, ceremonial, and constitutional engagements the family and the Queen's representatives there carry out annually across the country.

Media caption"Just leave them alone" - How do Canadians feel about the Duke and Duchess of Sussex visiting?

The league have released regular reports on costs related to the Canadian Crown for the past 20 years "to try and bring the point home that this is something that we get great benefit from and it doesn't cost a great deal", he said.
The tally is approximately C$1.68 ($1.29; £0.99) a year per Canadian for the general cost of the Crown, according to their most recent study.
Mr Michaelson says Prince Harry and Meghan's relocation is also an opportunity for the pair to deepen their engagement with organisations like the Prince's Trust Canada, a charitable endeavour established by Prince of Wales in 2011.
Meanwhile, a columnist with the National Post newspaper said the debate over the likely negligible relative cost of protecting direct close relations to Canada's head of state "has revealed one of the ugliest elements of the Canadian national character".
"It's true, Canada. We're a nation of cheapskates," wrote Matt Gurney.
Richard Powers, with Toronto's Rotman School of Management, told the BBC that Canada could see some economic benefits from having the famous couple in the country, primarily in the non-profit sector.
Both Prince Harry and Meghan have said they are interested in continuing with their charity work, with the duchess visiting two Vancouver-based women's organisations this week.
But Mr Wudrick dismisses the idea that doing charitable works should be enough to open the public purse strings.
"If a Hollywood star or a pro-sports player with a lot of money moved here and they donate to charity and they do good things, they [still] pay for themselves," he said.

Harry and Meghan will not use HRH titles - palace 

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Harry and MeghanImage copyrightPA MEDIA

Prince Harry and Meghan will no longer use their HRH titles and will not receive public funds for royal duties, Buckingham Palace has said.
The couple will also no longer formally represent The Queen.
The Duke and Duchess of Sussex also said they intend to repay £2.4m of taxpayer money for the refurbishment of Frogmore Cottage, which will remain their UK family home.
The new arrangement comes into effect in spring this year, the Palace said.
It comes after the couple earlier this month said they wanted to step back as senior royals.
A statement from the Queen said following "many months of conversations and more recent discussions" she was "pleased that together we have found a constructive and supportive way forward for my grandson and his family".
"Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved members of my family," the statement continued.
"I recognise the challenges they have experienced as a result of intense scrutiny over the last two years and support their wish for a more independent life.
"I want to thank them for all their dedicated work across this country, the Commonwealth and beyond, and am particularly proud of how Meghan has so quickly become one of the family.
"It is my whole family's hope that today's agreement allows them to start building a happy and peaceful new life."
Buckingham Palace said the royal couple understood they were required to step back from royal duties, including official military appointments.
"They will no longer receive public funds for royal duties," the statement said.
"With the Queen's blessing, the Sussexes will continue to maintain their private patronages and associations.
"While they can no longer formally represent the Queen, the Sussexes have made clear that everything they do will continue to uphold the values of Her Majesty.
"The Sussexes will not use their HRH titles as they are no longer working members of the Royal Family."
The palace said it would not comment on what security arrangements would be in place for the royal couple.

Queen agrees 'transition' to new role for Harry and Meghan

  • 14 January 2020this with Facebook
Media captionBBC royal correspondent Jonny Dymond breaks down the Queen's statement
The Queen has agreed a "period of transition" in which the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will spend time in Canada and the UK.
She said she was "entirely supportive" of their desire for a new role but "would have preferred" them to remain full-time working royals.
She expected final decisions to be made in the coming days, she said.
Senior royals have been in talks about Prince Harry and Meghan's role after they said they wanted to "step back".
In a statement, the Queen said the talks at Sandringham, which also involved the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge, had been "very constructive".
"My family and I are entirely supportive of Harry and Meghan's desire to create a new life as a young family," she said.
"Although we would have preferred them to remain full-time working members of the Royal Family, we respect and understand their wish to live a more independent life as a family while remaining a valued part of my family."
She said it had been agreed there would be "a period of transition in which the Sussexes will spend time in Canada and the UK" after Harry and Meghan "made clear that they do not want to be reliant on public funds in their new lives".
"These are complex matters for my family to resolve, and there is some more work to be done, but I have asked for final decisions to be reached in the coming days," she said.
The urgent talks were convened after the Sussexes surprised the rest of the Royal Family on Wednesday with a statement expressing their desire to "step back as 'senior' members of the Royal Family".
They also said they wanted a "progressive new role" within the institution, where they would be financially independent and divide their time between the UK and North America.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told Global News there had been "no discussions" about the details of the couple's move, including on the issues of security and any potential impact on Canada's taxpayers.
Although no other family member was consulted about the timing of the announcement, the duke and duchess said it came after "many months of reflection and internal discussions".
Both Prince Harry and Meghan spoke of the difficulties of royal life and media attention in recent months, with the duke saying he feared his wife would fall victim to "the same powerful forces" that led to his mother's death.
The talks about their future took place as Prince Harry and Prince William issued a joint statement denying "false claims" that their relationship had been damaged by "bullying" on the part of the older brother.
They said that the "inflammatory language" in the claims was "offensive" and "potentially harmful", given their support for mental health causes.

'The Queen's regret is obvious'

Analysis box by Jonny Dymond, royal correspondent
This is a remarkably candid and informal, almost personal, statement from the Queen.
Her regret over Harry and Meghan's move is obvious - she would have preferred them to stay in their current roles.
But she also makes clear that they are still royals and that they will be valued in the family as they become a more independent couple.
There are buckets of questions outstanding - on their future royal role, their relationship with the rest of the Palace, on who will pay what (not, the Queen says, the taxpayer), and on how Harry and Meghan will support themselves.
There's still a lot to thrash out and to agree on. Not all of it may become public.
And it looks like the Queen sees this as a process, not an event. She writes of a transition period when Harry and Meghan divide their time between Canada and the UK.
The Queen has asked for decisions to be made over the next few days. But those decisions may well be up for review in the coming months and years.
Historian Robert Lacey told the BBC Radio 4's PM programme the Queen's statement following the meeting was unusually personal, with several references to "my family" and "my grandson".
"It is remarkably hands-on. I mean it may have been processed through officials but this is the Queen, speaking to her people and speaking about her family, and I think coming right through it is the concern she feels," he said.
Instead of using the formal titles of the couple - the Duke and Duchess of Sussex - the Queen simply called them "Harry and Meghan".
Penny Junor, an author of books about the royals, said that the statement "read to me like a grandmother talking about the family", adding that it would "take the pressure off" the duke and duchess.
"I think they're in a very vulnerable state at the moment. I think they're unhappy, they feel isolated and unloved, unappreciated and they needed careful handling," she said.
"My reading from that statement is that the family has been sensitive to their vulnerability."

How did we get here?

In their statement on Wednesday, posted on the couple's official Instagram account, the duke and duchess said they intend to "step back" as senior royals, spending time in North America, while "continuing to honour our duty to the Queen, the Commonwealth, and our patronages".
It came after an interview last October, when Prince Harry and Meghan publicly revealed their struggles under the media spotlight.
The duke also issued an impassioned statement attacking what he described as "relentless propaganda" in parts of the media, as lawyers for his wife began legal action against the Mail on Sunday.
The couple were already preparing to launch their own Sussex Royal charity, which they set up after splitting from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge's foundation in June last year.
It was revealed in December that the couple had made an application to trademark their Sussex Royal brand for items including books, calendars, clothing, charitable fundraising, education and social care services.
Royal Family tree graphic
Why Iran plane disaster protests mark most serious test yet

By Amir Azimi BBC Persian service 18 January 2020

Many have been angered by the government's actions over the plane crash

The latest anti-government demonstrations sweeping Iran arguably pose the most serious challenge to the administration of any in its 40-year history.

In recent years, Iran has seen two major surges of opposition - in 2017 (late December) and 2019 (October and November). Both were fuelled by poor economic situations and sharp hikes in fuel prices that hurt the lower middle class and poorer families the most.

This time, demonstrations broke out after the powerful Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) admitted it had shot down a Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737-800 with 176 passengers and crew on-board after three days of strong denial.

Unlike the 2017 and 2019 protests, and those of 2009 which were triggered by disputed presidential elections, this week's demonstrations started off from universities and spread quickly across many cities around the country.

The initial story by the officials in Tehran was that the plane crashed as a result of engine failure. Iran's aviation authorities even claimed it was impossible that the plane could have been targeted by anti-aircraft missiles.

Footage shows missile strike on Ukrainian plane in Iran

The official version had too many flaws and emerging evidence also suggested otherwise. Videos that Iranian citizens had filmed and shared on social media showed a missile hitting the aeroplane right before it crashed. Later CCTV footage emerged from nearby security cameras that showed the plane was actually shot twice, which explained why the pilot lost contact with the airport minutes before the crash.

Although foreign leaders implied the plane had most probably been downed by missiles rather than engine failure, it was the IRGC's delayed confession that sparked the subsequent demonstrations.

On Friday - a day or two after the Islamic Republic held official burial ceremonies for some of the victims - Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led the weekly prayers in Tehran.

The last time he did so was eight years ago, after most of the region was engulfed by the Arab Spring. On this occasion, he devoted most of his prayer speech to his top general, Qasem Soleimani, who was killed by a US drone strike, and to Iran's retaliatory missile attack on a US base in Iraq.
The killing of Iran's top commander brought many Iranians out in a show of solidarity

He mentioned the plane crash and paid condolences to the families of the victims but he did not apologise nor place responsibility on the IRGC, which reports directly to him.

Ayatollah Khamenei said there were ambiguities in how the plane had crashed and thanked the IRGC for the explanations it had provided in recent days after accepting responsibility.
Cracks on the inside

The crowds that took to the streets this week, unlike in previous demonstrations, were formed mostly of middle and upper-middle classes whose anger was mainly driven by what they saw as humiliating incompetence that killed so many innocent civilians - mostly Iranian dual nationals - followed by a series of bizarre lies and made-up excuses that officials had produced about the cause of the crash.

Protests outside Amir Kabir university, calling for resignations
 and accusing officials of lying

In years and months gone by, the Islamic Republic has been able to quash unrest by blaming the country's poor economic performance on US sanctions, and by using excessive force that left many killed or injured. The establishment has also been successful in unifying its ranks and filling the gaps between them against the demonstrators, but this time cracks have started to appear on the inside.

The leader's speech did not provide many answers to what has angered the people. The government has distanced itself from any responsibility for the plane crash.

President Hassan Rouhani has called for a full investigation and says those responsible will face retribution. There could actually be an opportunity for him here, with the IRGC, a powerful rival for his authority, in trouble.

But he and his government are not in the clear either. President Rouhani's government stood by the IRGC, until it finally accepted responsibility.

Iranian students refuse to walk over US and Israeli flags

His government repeated the false claim that engine failure was the reason for the crash. His government and himself as the head of Iran's National Security Council are also under heavy criticism for not closing down airports during the hours after Iran fired missiles in response to the killing of Soleimani.

For demonstrators on the streets, though, it does not really seem to matter which officials say what anymore - their demands have gone beyond the ranks of the establishment and they are directly asking for the leader himself to resign.

Now the question is whether this event can bring demonstrators who were angered by the economic situation and those who are incensed by the administration's lies about such a tragic event closer together. 

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Why Iran's Regime Is Facing Renewed Protests After the Ukraine Airlines Plane Crash

Joseph Hincks,Time•January 16, 2020

It took three days for Iran to admit the truth. Hours after it launched missiles at bases in Iraq that house U.S. troops on Jan. 8, a Ukraine International Airlines passenger jet bound for Kyiv crashed shortly after taking off from Tehran, killing all 176 on board. Iranian officials suggested the cause was technical failure but backtracked on Jan. 11, saying “human error” had led its military to shoot down the plane and blaming “U.S. adventurism” for creating the situation. Angry and distrustful, Iranians poured onto the streets as footage circulated of protesters chanting, “Death to the dictator.”
Sentiment Swing

Days earlier, millions of Iranians had gathered in grief and rage after a U.S. airstrike killed Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani on Jan. 3. But the feeling shifted when it seemed Tehran was trying to cover up its role in the crash. “We are not citizens. We never were,” one of Iran’s most popular actors, Taraneh Alidoosti, wrote to her nearly 6 million Instagram followers on Jan. 12. “We are captives.” That night, police reportedly fired live ammunition at protesters in Tehran, injuring several. (The police deny firing the shots.)
Renewed Protests

The period of national unity that followed Soleimani’s death marked a rare moment of reprieve for Iran’s leadership, which was rocked in November by the largest antiregime demonstrations since the 1979 revolution. Sparked by a domestic gas-price hike amid crippling U.S. sanctions, that unrest prompted a nationwide Internet blackout during which security forces killed more than 300 demonstrators, according to Amnesty International.
Damaged Trust

As the U.S. sanctions bite, lower-income Iranians in traditionally pro-regime areas have joined protests normally populated by the middle classes and students. But after the crash, critical voices emerged from even less likely quarters. Resigning from the state broadcaster, a journalist asked viewers to forgive her for “the 13 years I told you lies.” The editor in chief of the right-wing Tasnim news agency also blamed “officials who misled the media,” tweeting, “We are all ashamed before the people.” With President Trump warning that the “world is watching,” Iran’s next steps will be under the spotlight both at home and abroad.


Contentious Jumbo Valley to become Indigenous protected area after feds provide $21M

The federal government is giving the Ktunaxa Nation in southeast B.C. $21 million to create an indigenous protected area around the Jumbo Valley in the East Kootenay. (The Canadian Press)

The Ktunaxa Nation in the East Kootenay will create a conservation zone in the towering mountains and glaciers around the Jumbo Valley,  which has been in the eye of developers for three decades.
"I believe this is a positive outcome to what was an extremely challenging situation," said Kathryn Teneese, Ktunaxa Nation council chair.

The Ktunaxa calls Jumbo Qat'muk and say it's home to the grizzly bear spirit and therefore sacred. 
But for almost 30 years, the Jumbo Glacier Resort project team led by Vancouver architect Oberto Oberti has been trying to build a billion dollar year-round ski resort there. 

Robert Phillips of the First Nations Summit addresses the media alongside Kathryn Teneese on Nov. 2, 2017, following the Supreme Court decision related to the Jumbo Glacier Resort. (Chantelle Bellrichard)

In 2012, plans for a 6,300-bed resort village with more than 20 ski lifts were given the green light by then premier Christy Clark's Liberal government. 
The same year the government also controversially amended the Local Government Act to allow Jumbo Glacier Mountain Resort to become a municipality, even though it has no residents.
The move ensured developers would receive an annual provincial grant of $260,000 and $50,000 in federal gas tax money.
But in 2015, the same government cancelled the resort's environmental certificate after finding hardly any work had been done and the project "had not been substantially started."  

Last year, the B.C. Court of Appeal upheld that decision.
Federal Environment Minister Johnathan Wilkinson says turning the site into a protected area is part of a broader reconciliation agenda the Liberal government has with Indigenous people.

A map by Jumbo Glacier Resort shows the intended location of the now-dead project. (Jumbo Glacier Resort Master Plan/Oberti Architecture)

"This has been the subject of lots of controversy, including many court cases for many, many years. This is something that assures we are protecting an important local ecosystem," he said.
Teneese says the boundaries of the protected area haven't been finalized, but it's expected to be half the size of Yoho National Park to the north.
"We don't know what it is going to look like. A big part of the initial work is going to be conversations with people who are going to be impacted by this," she said.
Some of the money going to the Ktunaxa is expected to be used to pay off Jumbo Glacier Resort.
FBI arrests reveal shocking details in case against former Canadian reservist Patrik Mathews

After leaving Manitoba and crossing into U.S., he appeared to become target of a murder plot he helped plan

An affidavit used to secure arrest warrants for three men in Georgia Friday describe another man, believed to be former Manitoba reservist Patrik Mathews, above, as 'incompetent' and 'stupid,' eventually making him the target of a potential murder.  (Gary Solilak/CBC)

FBI officers have arrested more alleged members of a racially motivated and violent extremist group that a former Manitoba reservist has been accused of recruiting for — and court documents tell a chilling tale that includes plans to murder a married couple and overthrow the U.S. government.
In separate sweeps Friday, American law enforcement arrested three men in Georgia and another in Wisconsin. 
The arrests came just one day after three alleged members of The Base were arrested in Delaware and Maryland — including 27-year-old Patrik Mathews. The Manitoba man had been missing for nearly five months, ever since he was accused of recruiting for a global neo-Nazi group, while at the same time serving in Canada's army reserves. 
Mathews is believed to be connected to the group arrested in Georgia, based on an affidavit used to secure the arrest warrants, which was released by the Floyd County police.
It describes an unnamed member of The Base who "crossed into the United States illegally." That detail, along with others in the affidavit, match the description of Mathews from the FBI complaint against him filed in court. 
Although the document suggests the group member believed to be Mathews stayed with a Georgia cell member for months, he is later reportedly characterized as "incompetent" and "stupid" and is seen as a liability to the local group. In fact, he eventually becomes a new potential murder target. 
Local police and the FBI believe the headquarters for The Base's paramilitary training camp was a home and 105-acre tract of land in Silver Creek, Ga.

These undated photos provided by Floyd County, Ga., police show, from the left, Luke Austin Lane of Floyd County, Jacob Kaderli of Dacula, and Michael Helterbrand of Dalton, Ga. FBI spokesperson Kevin Rowson said Friday that agents assisted in the arrests of the three Georgia men linked to The Base, a violent white supremacist group, on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participating in a criminal street gang. (Floyd County Police/The Associated Press)
That's where Luke Austin Lane, 21, was arrested on Wednesday. Michael John Helterbrand, 25, and Jacob Kaderli, 19, were scooped up shortly after. They are charged with conspiracy to commit murder and participation in a criminal gang known as The Base. 

Undercover operation detailed in affidavit

The underground FBI operation began in July 2019 when an undercover agent underwent an online vetting interview for admission into The Base using an encrypted online messaging app, according to the affidavit.
The agent was admitted to the members-only chat room and was soon invited to an in-person meeting with two members of The Base later identified as Lane and Kaderli. 
The next day, they were joined by two other members for firearms training.
"Based upon previous discussions with members of The Base online, the UCE (undercover employee) believed the intended purpose of those drills were to prepare for the 'boogaloo,' a term used by members of The Base to describe the collapse of the United States and subsequent race war," the affidavit states.
At the end of the training, the members posed for photos, wearing tactical gear and balaclava hoods. The photos were later used for propaganda.
In early October, the undercover agent met again at the Georgia home with Kaderli, Lane and another member of The Base "who crossed into the United States illegally" and is referred to as TB.

It's believed former Manitoba reservist Patrik Mathews, who went missing soon after being a recruiter for The Base, is the person identified as TB in the affidavit. (RCMP)
It's believed TB is Mathews, who was last seen in Manitoba at the end of August. Court documents filed in support of his arrest say he had met up with two members of The Base in Michigan. He was living in an apartment with one of them in Delaware when they were arrested. TB also lived with Lane in Georgia for several months before that.
During that October meeting, TB talked about a journalist believed to be Ryan Thorpe of the Winnipeg Free Press, who exposed Mathews as a Base recruiter in newspaper stories published last August.
"The TB member further characterized the journalist who doxed him as 'essentially Antifa' and others like him as enemies of The Base stating, '[A]ny engagement in anti-fascist activity will carry the death penalty,'" the affidavit reads.
A larger group of about a dozen members, including TB, met again between Oct. 31 and Nov. 3. After putting their cellphones in airplane mode, Lane allegedly told the undercover officer about a plan he and TB had been discussing, targeting members of Antifa who lived nearby.
"Lane said he decided against carrying out the plan with the TB member because he felt the TB member was incompetent and believed they would get caught," says the affidavit.
One month later, Lane told the group about a "camping trip" planned for Dec. 13. They were instructed to bring two sets of clothing, leather gloves, and firearms and ammunition.
The undercover officer arranged to meet with Lane, who told him "his plan was to kill two high-ranking Antifa members," a married couple who lived nearby.
"Lane believed killing the couple would ultimately send the right message and show that the previous actions taken by antifascists like VICTIM 1 and VICTIM 2, such as doxing white supremacists, would not continue to go unpunished," the affidavit says.
Lane told the undercover officer he believed Kaderli and Helterbrand would be "solid."
He allegedly also told the undercover officer that he wanted to kill TB and a member of The Base in Maryland because they knew about the plan to murder the couple in Georgia. He worried that they had already told a third Base member, something that could cause problems for the cell in Georgia.
The next day, the undercover officer picked up Land and Kaderli and drove them to the couple's home to do reconnaissance. 
The plan was to use a "lock pick gun" to gain entrance to the front door and kill the couple with revolvers because they don't leave shell casings at the crime scene. 
They planned to rent cars and use licence plates from a different state, put Vaseline on their eyebrows and eyelashes to prevent leaving evidence, and rent a cheap motel so they could shower after the murders.
At meetings later that week, they continued to solidify their plan, which included setting the victims' house on fire.
However, Helterbrand said he was getting back surgery on Dec. 27 and would need about six weeks to recover. The group later discussed carrying out their plan between Feb. 22-23.
That never happened, as FBI officers began arresting them this past week.

Autonomous cells

"Investigation of The Base indicates that various cells have a significant degree of autonomy regarding their activities, and criminal conduct is typically not centrally co-ordinated in order to foster plausible deniability among those not directly involved," the affidavit says.
That strategy can be seen in the affidavit supporting the arrest Friday of another member of The Base, Yousef Omar Barasneh in Wisconsin.
He's accused of conspiring to injure, oppress, threaten and intimidate Jewish citizens by vandalizing private property, a synagogue and a temple in two Wisconsin communities between Sept. 15-23.
"Officers saw swastikas, the symbol for The Base, and anti-Semitic words spray painted on the exterior of the building," court documents say.
Barasneh is accused of being a member of the North Central region of The Base, also known as the Great Lakes cell. Members organized an armed training session in Wood County, Wis., and posted photos on social media, according to the affidavit supporting Barasneh's arrest.
In this case, FBI officers gathered evidence during a search of two people's homes and electronic devices. According to the affidavit, the undercover officer involved in the Georgia sting saw Barasneh, who was known as "Joseph," participate in firearms training at The Base headquarters in Georgia.

Arrests ahead of pro-gun rally in Virginia

The Base was founded in July 2018 to unite white nationalists to "prepare for a violent insurgency against various targets, including the United States government and non-white majority groups," according to the affidavits.
Investigators say leadership has cautioned its members to be "as covert as possible" during this phase.
However, according to court documents, law enforcement authorities were concerned some members, including Mathews, were planning to attend a pro-gun rally at the Virginia state capitol on Monday

Law enforcement officials in the U.S. were concerned former army reservist Patrik Mathews, shown in a 2015 photo, was part of a group planning to attend a pro-gun rally in Virginia. (Courtney Rutherford/CBC)
On Wednesday, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam said he had received credible evidence of out-of-state "armed militia groups storming our capitol." He declared a state of emergency and imposed a temporary ban on all weapons, including firearms, around the capitol building until the day after the rally.
"Let me be clear. These are considered credible, serious threats by our law enforcement agencies," Northam said at a news conference.
Anti-fascist activists believe the arrests of members of The Base this week could galvanize like-minded people, raising concerns about a repeat of the violence that killed one person and injured 28 in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017.
"It's possible that they were going there to try to create a sense of disorder," said Joshua Fisher-Birch, a researcher at the Counter Extremism Project in New York.
"They are an accelerationist group. They want to create chaos that will help lead to the breakdown of order in the government. So in a situation like this, any disorder benefits this group."
"If they can inflame tensions whether it's between pro-firearms groups and law enforcement or between pro-firearms groups and gun control groups, this is something that really benefits them," he said.
FBI Busts Members of Neo-Nazi Group ‘The Base’ Days Before Richmond Gun Rally

Will Sommer,The Daily Beast•January 16, 2020

The FBI arrested three members of a neo-Nazi group called “The Base” on Thursday morning, days ahead of a pro-gun rally in Richmond that is attracting fringe figures and has already prompted a state of emergency declaration.

The three suspects—Brian Mark Lemley, William Garfield Bilbrough, and Canadian fugitive Patrik Mathews—face a variety of gun charges. Lemley and Bilbrough are also accused of illegally harboring Mathews, a former Canadian military reservist who fled his home country after being accused of being a recruiter for The Base. The trio is expected to face a federal judge in Maryland on Thursday afternoon. 
The suspects had discussed traveling to Richmond, Virginia, for a Jan. 20 rally in front of the state Capitol to protest new gun control legislation, The New York Times reported. The rally has become a flashpoint for the fringe right, prompting Gov. Ralph Northam to declare a four-day state of emergency and ban guns from the Capitol complex.

Lemley and Mathews had allegedly built an assault rifle and amassed hundreds of rounds of ammunition before their arrest, according to the FBI. On a recording, Lemley said he had made the gun into an illegal machine gun and made plans to hide it from federal agents, according to the FBI.

“Oh oops, it looks like I accidentally made a machine gun,” Lemley, a former cavalry scout in the U.S. Army, said, according to the affidavit.

“I’m going to stow it here until next week, just in case the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] shows up tomorrow,” he told Mathews.

“Um, if they show up here, we got other problems,” Mathews replied.

Missing Canadian Bomb Expert With Neo-Nazi Ties May Be in U.S.

The Base, which is derived from the English translation of the name of radical Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda, is a white supremacist paramilitary group committed to race war. In an affidavit filed with an application for the arrest warrants, the FBI described how Base members discuss their racial terrorism plans online.

“Within The Base’s encrypted chat rooms, members have discussed, among other things, recruitment, creating a white ethno-state, committing acts of violence against minority communities (including African-Americans and Jewish-Americans), the organization’s military-style training camps, and ways to make improvised explosive devices,” the affidavit reads. 

Mathews allegedly crossed into Minnesota from Canada around Aug. 19, according to the FBI. After learning that Mathews was hiding in Michigan, Lemley and Bilbrough allegedly drove from Maryland to pick him up, then allegedly drove him back to the mid-Atlantic area on Aug. 30.

On Nov. 4, according to the FBI, Mathews and Lemley rented an apartment in Delaware, according to the FBI. They ordered a part for the gun and ammunition, according to the affidavit, and made regular trips to a Maryland gun range with the functional assault rifle they had assembled. At one point, Bilbrough visited the pair, and the three allegedly discussed the Base’s membership and tried to make the hallucinogen DMT.

On Jan. 11, Lemley picked up hundreds of rounds of additional ammunition and components for body armor, according to the FBI.



Organizers appeal ban on arms at upcoming Virginia gun rally

DENISE LAVOIE, Associated Press•January 16, 2020

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Virginia Legislature Gun Rights
Sen. Bill Stanley, R-Franklin, speaks in opposition to SB35, a bill relating to control of firearms by localities as it was debated in the Virginia Senate inside the State Capitol in Richmond, Va., Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020. (Bob Brown/Richmond Times-Dispatch via AP)

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A gun-rights group has filed an emergency appeal of a judge's ruling upholding the Virginia governor's ban on firearms at a pro-gun rally that's expected to draw thousands of gun activists to the state Capitol on Monday.

The Virginia Citizens Defense League and Gun Owners of America sought an injunction against the ban, but Judge Joi Taylor ruled Thursday that Gov. Ralph Northam has the authority under state law to take action related to "the safety and welfare" of the state. The group's lawyers then turned to the Supreme Court of Virginia.

“Without relief from this court, petitioners and thousands of other rally participants will be irreparably denied their right to bear arms,” the groups' attorneys argue in their appeal.

It was not immediately clear when the court would hear the appeal.

In her written decision, Taylor cited rulings from the U.S. Supreme Court and other courts that found the Second Amendment right to bear arms is not unlimited. Because of that, she wrote, the gun-rights groups would not "suffer an irreparable harm" sufficient to justify the injunction.

The judge's ruling came hours after the FBI in Maryland announced the arrest of three men who they said were linked to a violent white supremacist group. The three men were believed to be planning to attend the rally in Richmond, according to a law enforcement official who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss an active investigation.

Virginia's solicitor general, Toby Heytens, argued at Thursday's hearing that the governor was well within his authority to declare the state of emergency and ban weapons after law enforcement identified "credible evidence" that armed out-of-state groups planned to come to Virginia with the possible intention of participating in a "violent insurrection."

David Browne, an attorney for the gun-rights groups, argued that prohibiting rallygoers from carrying guns would violate their Second Amendment right to bear arms and their First Amendment right to free speech. Browne said carrying guns is a form of symbolic speech.

Philip Van Cleave, president of the Virginia Citizens Defense League — the gun-rights group sponsoring Monday's rally — called the judge's ruling “mind-boggling."

Northam applauded the ruling in a statement.

“I took this action to protect Virginians from credible threats of violence,” he said. “These threats are real — as evidenced by reports of neo-Nazis arrested this morning after discussing plans to head to Richmond with firearms.”

Virginia senators were debating a package of gun-control bills as the court challenges developed.

The Democrat-led Senate advanced legislation limiting handgun purchases to once a month, requiring universal background checks on gun purchases, and allowing localities to ban guns in public buildings, parks and other areas. The measures largely passed along partisan lines and will now go to the House for consideration.

Democrats said they were reasonable measures that would improve public safety while respecting the rights of law-abiding gun owners. They said the public had made clear by voting for Democrats in recent elections that new gun laws were needed.

"The citizens in this last two elections have spoken,” said Democratic Sen. Dave Marsden.

Republicans decried the legislation as an assault on the Second Amendment. They said the bill was aimed at appeasing special interest groups and donors such as Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Bloomberg. GOP senators said the new laws would entrap innocent people and do nothing to stop bad actors.

"This may be what you think is safety, but it is not,” said Republican Sen. Bill Stanley.


Associated Press reporters Alan Suderman in Richmond; Michael Kunzelman in College Park, Maryland; and Mike Balsamo in Washington in contributed to this report.

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