Saturday, May 25, 2024


Israel strikes Palestinians in Rafah after top UN court orders it to halt offensive

May 25, 2024

A Palestinian boy stands amid the rubble of a destroyed house in central Gaza

Rafah – Israel bombed the Gaza Strip, including Rafah, on Saturday, a day after the top UN court ordered it to halt military operations in the southern city as efforts get underway in Paris to seek a ceasefire in the war sparked by Hamas’s October 7 attack.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) also demanded the immediate release of all hostages still held by Palestinian militants, hours after the Israeli military announced troops had recovered the bodies of three more of the captives from northern Gaza.

The Hague-based court, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, also ordered Israel to keep open the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza, which it closed earlier this month at the start of its assault on the city.

Israel gave no indication it was preparing to change course in Rafah, insisting that the court had got it wrong.

“Israel has not and will not carry out military operations in the Rafah area that create living conditions that could cause the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population, in whole or in part,” National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said in a joint statement with Israel’s foreign ministry spokesman.

The Palestinian militant group Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, welcomed the ICJ ruling on Rafah but criticised its decision to exclude the rest of war-torn Gaza from the order.

– ‘Nothing left here’ –

Hours after the ICJ ruling, Israel carried out strikes on the Gaza Strip early Saturday while clashes between the Israeli army and the armed wing of Hamas continued.

Palestinian witnesses and AFP teams reported Israeli strikes in Rafah and the central city of Deir al-Balah.

“We hope that the court’s decision will put pressure on Israel to end this war of extermination, because there is nothing left here,” said Oum Mohammad Al-Ashqa, a Palestinian woman from Gaza City displaced to Deir al-Balah by the war.

“But Israel is a state that considers itself above the law. Therefore, I do not believe that the shooting or the war will stop other than by force,” said Mohammed Saleh, also met by AFP in the central Gaza Strip city.

In its keenly awaited ruling, the ICJ said Israel must “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

It ordered Israel to open the Rafah crossing for humanitarian aid and also called for the “immediate and unconditional release” of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza.

The Gaza war broke out after Hamas’s October 7 attack resulted in the deaths of more than 1,170 people, mostly civilians, according to an AFP tally based on Israeli official figures.

Militants also took 252 hostages, 121 of whom remain in Gaza, including 37 the army says are dead.

Israel’s retaliatory offensive has killed at least 35,800 people in Gaza, mostly women and children, according to the Hamas-run territory’s health ministry.

The Israeli military said the three hostages whose bodies were recovered in north Gaza on Friday — Israeli hostage Chanan Yablonka, Brazilian-Israeli Michel Nisenbaum and French-Mexican Orion Hernandez Radoux — were “murdered” during the October 7 attack and their bodies taken to Gaza.

– Paris meetings –

The court order comes ahead of separate meetings on the Gaza conflict in Paris between the CIA chief and Israeli representatives on one side and French President Emmanuel Macron and the foreign ministers of four key Arab states on the other.

Ceasefire talks involving US, Egyptian and Qatari mediators ended shortly after Israel launched the Rafah operation, though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office this week said the war cabinet had asked the Israeli delegation “to continue negotiations for the return of the hostages”.

CIA chief Bill Burns was expected to meet Israeli representatives in Paris in a bid to relaunch negotiations, a Western source close to the issue said.

Separately, French President Emmanuel Macron received the prime minister of Qatar and the Saudi, Egyptian and Jordanian foreign ministers on Friday “to press for a ceasefire”, according to Cairo.

The French presidency said they held talks on the Gaza war and ways to set up a Palestinian state alongside Israel.

The five countries discussed “the effective implementation of the two-state solution”, it added.

Top US diplomat Antony Blinken also spoke with Israeli war cabinet minister Benny Gantz about new efforts to achieve a ceasefire and reopening of the Rafah border crossing as soon as possible, Washington said.

– ‘End this nightmare’ –

Israeli ground troops started moving into Rafah in early May, defying global opposition.

Troops took over the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, further slowing sporadic deliveries of aid for Gaza’s 2.4 million people.

But on Friday, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi agreed in a call with his US counterpart Joe Biden to allow UN aid through the other entry point into southern Gaza, the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel, the White House said.

The US military has also installed a temporary jetty on the Gaza coast to receive aid by sea that a UN spokesman said had delivered 97 trucks of aid after “a rocky start” a week ago.

The security and humanitarian situation in the territory remains alarming, with a risk of famine, hospitals out of service, and around 800,000 people, according to the United Nations, having fled Rafah in the last two weeks.

UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths said the situation had reached “a moment of clarity”.

“Aid workers and UN staff must be able to carry out their jobs in safety,” he posted on social media site X late Friday.

“At a time when the people of Gaza are staring down famine… it is more critical than ever to heed the calls made over the last seven months: Release the hostages. Agree a ceasefire. End this nightmare.”

Food bound for Gaza rots in the sun as Egypt's Rafah crossing stays shut

Heavy machinery is used to dispose of rotten eggs, part of aid packages for Gaza that had gone bad as Rafah crossing remains closed, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Rafah, Egypt on May 22, 2024.
PHOTO: Reuters

MAY 24, 2024 

AL-ARISH — Some of the food supplies waiting to enter the Gaza Strip from Egypt have begun to rot as the Rafah border crossing remains shut to aid deliveries for a third week and people inside the Palestinian territory face worsening hunger.

Rafah was a main entry point for humanitarian relief as well as some commercial supplies before Israel stepped up its military offensive on the Gazan side of the border on May 6 and took control of the crossing from the Palestinian side.

Egyptian officials and sources say humanitarian operations are at risk from military activity and that Israel needs to hand the crossing back to Palestinians before it starts operating again.

Egypt is also worried about the risk of Palestinians being displaced from Gaza.

On Friday (May 24), Egypt and the US agreed to send aid via Israel's nearby Kerem Shalom crossing until legal arrangements are made to open Rafah from the Palestinian side, the Egyptian presidency said.

That could ease the backlog of aid on the road between the Egyptian side of the crossing and the town of al-Arish, about 45 km (28 miles) west of Rafah and an arrival point for international aid donations, though too late to save some food supplies.

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Israel defiant after World Court ruling on Gaza, vows to continue fighting

One truck driver, Mahmoud Hussein, said his goods had been loaded on his vehicle for a month, gradually spoiling in the sun. Some of the foodstuffs are being discarded, others sold of cheap.

"Apples, bananas, chicken and cheese, a lot of things have gone rotten, some stuff has been returned and is being sold for a quarter of its price," he said, crouching under his truck for shade.

"I'm sorry to say that the onions we're carrying will at best be eaten by animals because of the worms in them."

Aid deliveries for Gaza through Rafah began in late October, two weeks after the start of the war between Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas.

The flow of relief has often been slowed by Israeli inspections and military activity inside Gaza, aid officials say.

Supplies have been stuck in al-Arish or on the road to Rafah, incurring transport and storage fees.

A global hunger monitor has warned of imminent famine in parts of Gaza, home to 2.3 million people.
Rotten eggs

Since May 7, no trucks have crossed through Rafah and very few through Kerem Shalom, according to UN data.

Just over 900 truckloads have entered Gaza in total since that date, compared to at least 500 trucks daily that the UN says are required.

The amount of aid waiting in Egypt's northern Sinai was now very large, and some had been stuck for more than two months, said Khaled Zayed, head of the Egyptian Red Crescent in the area.

"Some aid packages require a certain temperature ... We coordinate on this with specialists who are highly trained in the storage of food and medical supplies," he said.

"We hope the border will reopen as soon as possible."

As of May 16, more than 2,000 UN and international NGO trucks were waiting to enter Gaza, including 1,574 carrying food supplies, according to a UN document seen by Reuters.

KSrelief, a Saudi-funded charity, has more than 350 trucks carrying items including food and medical supplies waiting, but has had to offload flour because of the risk of it rotting, the group's supervisor general Abdullah Al Rabeeah said.

Read Also

Gaza aid piles up in Egypt, US pier delivery falters

"We pack and send but also we have to recheck. It is a big burden," he told Reuters.

Some food has been sold at cut price on the local market in northern Sinai, leading to the confiscation of stocks of rotten eggs, said local officials from Egypt's ministry of supply.

Inside Gaza, there have also been scares about the quality of delayed food deliveries that made it in before Rafah closed, or through other crossings.

Palestinian medical and police officials who used to check goods coming into Gaza had been unable to do so during Israel's offensive, said Ismail Al-Thawabta, director of the Hamas-run Gaza government media office.

"There is a big problem as many of the goods that enter the Gaza Strip are unfit for human use and are unhealthy," he said.

"Therefore, the health ministry issued the warning statement to raise public awareness that people should examine the goods before eating them or sharing them with their families."

Israeli activists battle over Gaza-bound
aid convoys

5 hours ago
Paul Adams,
Diplomatic correspondent

The war in Gaza is being fought on many fronts.

One of them is aid.

Months after some Israelis started to protest against aid lorries entering Gaza at the main Kerem Shalom crossing, the battle has moved to other key junctions, where rival groups of activists do their best to block or protect aid convoys.

In recent weeks, social media has been flooded with images of aid lorries being blocked and ransacked.

Right-wing activists, including Jewish settlers living in the occupied West Bank, have uploaded dozens of videos of crowds, including some very young children, hurling food onto the ground and stamping on boxes of aid.

“It’s important to stop the aid,” one activist says. “It’s the only way we’ll win. The only way we’ll get our hostages back.”

Many argue that Gazans should receive nothing while Israeli hostages remain in captivity, and that providing aid to Gaza merely serves to prolong the war.

In one video, a group of jubilant protesters dance and celebrate on top of a looted lorry.

In another, one of the stranded lorries is ablaze.

Other videos show Israeli vigilantes stopping lorries in Jerusalem and demanding that drivers show papers proving they are not transporting aid to Gaza. Their faces are uncovered and they appear to be acting with complete impunity.

In the West Bank, at least two drivers who were not carrying goods bound for Gaza were dragged from their cabs and beaten.

Palestinian lorry drivers say they’re traumatised.

“I’m terrified to reach the crossing point,” Adel Amro told the BBC.

“I fear for my life.”

Mr Amro was carrying commercially purchased goods from the West Bank to Gaza when he was set upon. Other targeted drivers are involved in transporting aid from Jordan, which has to cross the West Bank and Israel before it reaches Gaza.

“We’re now taking side roads, far from the main routes, because we fear the aggressiveness of the settlers,” he said.
Aid bound for Gaza has been left strewn on roads after the attacks

But after a series of well-documented attacks, some Israelis are fighting back.

Peace activists have taken to tracking their opponents’ movements on social media and making sure they’re present at key crossing points.

At Tarqumiya checkpoint, where lorries enter Israel from the southern West Bank, members of the group Standing Together are now mounting regular vigils.

Tarqumiya was the scene of one of the most dramatic recent attacks.

“People in Gaza are starving and aid should get to Gaza,” said Suf Patishi, one of Standing Together’s founding members.

“Israeli society should say in a loud and clear voice that we are opposed to these acts,” he said of the recent attacks on convoys.

“It’s not a lot to ask, not to die from hunger, you know.”

Suf Patishi is the founder of Standing Together, a group that tries to protect aid convoys

The group brings together Jews and Arabs from all over Israel.

For Nasser Odat, an Israeli Arab from Haifa, coming to Tarqumiya provided a welcome opportunity to feel useful, after more than seven months of helplessly watching the war in Gaza.

“I feel very empowered,” he said. “Now, finally, I have something to do to help. To help these people that are starving.”

As the peace activists sheltered from the fierce sun under palm trees at the centre of a roundabout, passing lorry drivers waved and sounded their horns in gratitude.

A small group of right-wing demonstrators arrived but were heavily outnumbered by Mr Patishi’s volunteers.

The two sides debated their differing positions in discussions that became increasingly heated.

Police officers stood nearby, ready to keep the opposing camps apart if it came to blows.

The peace activists have accused the police, under the control of National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, one of the most hardline members of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government, of doing little to stop the attacks.

They say there’s evidence that settlers are receiving help from the authorities and point to text messages in which groups organising attacks on aid lorries solicit and receive help from the police and army.

Getty Images
Other Israeli groups have meanwhile tried to block border crossings to prevent aid reaching Gaza

“A lot of times the police were in the areas when attacks occur, but they didn't have someone to push them to act,” Mr Patishi said.

“And it's very sad because the police should keep the law.”

As lorries drove by, two young women waved an Israeli flag but stopped short of trying to stop the traffic.

The two, who asked to be identified as Ariel and Shira (not their real names), explained why they felt it was important to be there.

“We would prefer that we don’t have to do the blockages, honestly,” Ariel said.

“I don’t like ransacking things. It’s not one of my favourite hobbies. But we prefer that to the death of our friends and family, which is what happens the longer this war drags on."

Both women recognised that there might be starvation in Gaza, but were convinced that Hamas was stealing and stockpiling aid rather than distributing it to people in need.

And they were not worried about what sort of image of Israel was being projected by the scenes of aid lorries being stopped, ransacked and set on fire.

“It’s time to stop caring what everybody else thinks,” Shira said, “and do what’s necessary to protect my life, to protect my family.”

As for the police, Ariel was dismissive.

“They aren’t going to interfere if they aren’t certain they’re able to shut it down,” she said. “They’re not going to start something they can’t finish.”

Three Injured in the U.S. Crew Offloading at Gaza Aid Pier

Gaza aid pier
Benavidez in a May 17 photo offloading at the floating pier in Gaza (CENTCOM)



Three members of the crew working at the Gaza aid pier were injured in an unloading accident according to a report first on ABC News. U.S. Central Command confirmed the incident with “non-combat-related injuries” to ABC News without providing specific details.

According to various sources, ABC is reporting it was a forklift accident while the MV Roy P. Benavidez, a Ro/Ro cargo ship, part of MARAD’s Ready Reserve Fleet, was offloading on the dock. The report said all three individuals were transferred to an Israeli hospital as they required more care.

ABC is quoting Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, a CENTCOM deputy commander, saying that two of the individuals later returned to duty. The third individual is reported to be in critical condition and remains at the Israeli hospital. The ship is crewed by contracted merchant mariners, and it was unclear if it was this civilian crew or as ABC which referred to them as “service members.”

CENTCOM released a picture on May 18 which showed the Benavidez on the dock with large trucks carrying supplies ashore. According to the report 150 metric tons of supplies were delivered from the ship to the beach transport point on May 22. A further 185 metric tons was distributed from the transfer point to the U.N. warehouse.


Benavidez was delivered to the U.S. Navy in 2003 (Northrop Grumman photo)


Completed in 2003, the Benavidez was the last of seven strategic sealift ships built by Northrop Grumman Ship Systems for the U.S. Navy. The ship which had previously been deactivated, left Newport News, Virginia on March 21, 2024, as part of the Joint Logistics-Over-the-Shore, or JLOTS mission. The ship is a dry cargo surge sealift carrier capable of transporting up to 380,000 square feet of containerized cargo and rolling stock between developed ports.

Aid groups have been critical of the operation since it began saying that it had a limited capacity and was risky. CENTCOM with US AID however is emphasizing the contribution of the pier in its first week of operation. As of May 22, they reported a total of 820.5 metric tons was delivered by sea to the beach transfer point. A total of 506 metric tons they said has been distributed to the U.N. warehouse. The Republic of Cyprus along with the United Nations, is helping to coordinate the effort with CENTCOM emphasizing international donors, including the UAE, the United Kingdom, Romania, and the European Union.

Israel army: We warned Netanyahu before Hamas attack

May 24, 2024 

Relatives of Israeli hostages in Gaza and their supporters demonstrate demanding the government sign a ceasefire and prisoner exchange agreement in front of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s house in Gaza, on May 13, 2024 [Saeed Qaq – Anadolu Agency]

The Israeli army’s Intelligence Division says it warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayahu prior to 7 October that an attack was to be carried out by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza.

The army revealed yesterday that it had sent four warning letters between March and July 2023 “concerning how Israel’s ‘enemies’ perceived the societal divides in the State of Israel and their effect on Israel and the IDF in particular,” the Jerusalem Post reported.

However the Prime Minister’s Office denied that the letters contained details of threats, saying: “Not only is there no warning in any of the documents about Hamas’s intentions to attack Israel from Gaza, but they actually contain completely opposite assessments.”

Adding that the second letter stated that “Hamas is not interested in escalation and seeks an agreement with Israel.”

Netanayhu has repeatedly said he had not received warning about any attack from security forces. But said in an interview this month that he holds himself responsible for the 7 October failure, adding: “I think we have to examine how it happened. What was the intelligence failure?”

Palestinian factions demand serious effort to execute top UN court's decisions on Israel

Rafah crossing must be completely opened, says National and Islamic Forces Committee

25/05/2024 Saturday

Palestinian factions on Saturday urged the prompt and genuine implementation of the International Court of Justice's (ICJ) decisions, stressing the need to avoid delays or obstructions that could absolve Israel of its responsibilities.

The National and Islamic Forces Committee, which represents the majority of Palestinian groups, issued a statement in support of the top UN court decision.

"The fascist aggression against the city of Rafah and all parts of the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian Territory must be stopped, and the Nazi occupation army must withdraw completely,” the committee said.

It urged all parties to "seriously and genuinely work to implement the decisions of the International Court of Justice, without procrastination or delays that could absolve the occupation of its responsibilities under various pretexts."

It asked all parties to ensure “the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Rafah crossing” and to reopen it as a “solely Palestinian-Egyptian crossing in accordance with the agreed-upon mechanisms.”

The committee cautioned "against any attempts to circumvent the decision of the International Court of Justice or legitimize the siege and occupation."

On Friday, the ICJ reaffirmed its previous orders and indicated further measures including an end to military operations in the southern city, maintaining the Rafah border crossing open and allowing access for investigators to the blockaded enclave.

ICJ President Nawaf Salam said the situation in Gaza had deteriorated since the court last ordered Israel to take steps to improve it.

Israel continued its brutal offensive on Gaza despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.

More than 35,800 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 80,300 others injured since October following an attack by Hamas.

More than seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

EU faces 'difficult' choice between support to rule of law or support to Israel - Borrell

Published on 24/05/2024 -

The EU must define its stance on the International Court of Justice's call on Israel to halt its Rafah offensive, Borrell said.

The European Union's foreign affairs chief, Josep Borrell, has said that the bloc faces a "difficult" choice between its support for the rule of law and its support for Israel, just minutes after the ICJ ruled Israeli forces should halt their offensive in Rafah.

Speaking during a European University Institute (EUI) event in Florence, Borrell said: "Let's see which is going to be the action of the European Union to the ruling of the International Court of Justice that has been issued today, which is going to be our position?"

"We will have to choose between our support to the international institutions and the rule of law, or our support to Israel, and both things is (sic) going to be quite difficult to make compatible," he added.

It came just minutes after the Hague-based top UN court called on Israel to "halt its military offensive in Rafah", citing that the Palestinian people were at an "immediate risk".

The UN estimates that some 1.4 million Palestinians are sheltering from war in the southern Gazan town, which Israel claims is Hamas' last stronghold.

Borrell also acknowledged that the EU's decision-making when it came to its response to the war in Gaza had been too sluggish due to deep rifts between EU capitals' stance on the conflict.

He called for a change to the EU's decision-making processes on foreign policy, which requires the unanimous backing of all 27 leaders.

Hungary has notably blocked or delayed key EU initiatives in response to the war, including sanctions on violent Israeli settlers as well as a joint communication calling on Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to abandon plans to invade Rafah.

Borrell's opening speech was also interrupted by pro-Palestinian protesters who slammed the EU's response to the devastation and loss of life in Gaza, to whom the EU's top diplomat responded: "I understand perfectly the concern being expressed."
Recognition of Palestine is 'contrary' to supporting terrorism

Reacting to the scathing Israeli criticism of Spain, Ireland and Norway's decision to recognise the State of Palestine, announced Wednesday, Borrell firmly rebuked foreign minister Israel Katz's accusation that the move would send a message that "terrorism pays."

"For me one thing is clear, recognition is not supporting Hamas," Borrell said. "And on that, I have to really contest the positions expressed by the Israeli government saying that recognition is a gift to Hamas, or supporting terrorism. Just on the contrary."

"It's unfounded, completely unfounded and unacceptable to say that recognition - be or not counter-productive - is a matter of giving gifts to Hamas or expressing anti-Semitism, nothing of that."

He affirmed that the recognition was designed to bolster the EU's support to the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority, seen as a counter-movement to Hamas in the Palestinian territories.

He described the Palestinian Authority as the "nucleus of a future possible Palestinian state."

Borrell named Slovenia as one of a group of EU countries that could follow Spain and Ireland's path, but acknowledged that other member states believe that the recognition comes at a "counterproductive" moment.

UN rapporteur: "Israel" will not stop its madness until international community stops it


NEW YORK May 25. 2024 (Saba) - The United Nations Special Rapporteur for the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, stressed that Israel will not stop its madness in the Gaza Strip until the international community stops it.

Albanese said in a statement published on the X platform last night that the occupation entity intensified its attacks on the city of Rafah, after the International Court of Justice ordered it to stop its military operation.

The news she receives from people trapped in the southern Gaza Strip city is "horrific", she said. It called for imposing sanctions on this entity, banning the supply of weapons, and suspending diplomatic relations with it, until it complies with the decision of the International Court of Justice.


Israeli army arrests 180 displaced Palestinians from school used as shelter in Jabalia refugee camp

Army began wide-scale military operation against camp May 12

25/05/2024 Saturday

The Israeli army arrested 180 displaced Palestinians from a school used as a shelter in the Jabalia refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, amid an ongoing military campaign in the camp, according to a prisoner group on Friday.

"The occupation forces arrested some 180 displaced from the Al-Harthani school in the northern Gaza Strip during ongoing aggression," the Prisoners Media Office NGO said in a statement.

The statement, however, did not provide details on how or which day the Palestinians were arrested.

Witnesses told Anadolu that the Israeli army targeted several shelters in the camp and arrested dozens of people.

On May 12, the army started a wide-scale military operation against the camp during which it destroyed homes and forced residents to flee areas in the camp.

Israel continued its brutal offensive on Gaza despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.

More than 35,850 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 80,300 others injured since October following an attack by Hamas.

More than seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Israel is accused of “genocide” at the International Court of Justice, which has ordered Tel Aviv to ensure its forces do not commit acts of genocide and take measures to guarantee that humanitarian assistance is provided to civilians in Gaza.

Italy to resume funding for UN agency for Palestinian refugees

Published: 25 May 2024 -

Italy's Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni (front) welcomes her Palestinian Authority counterpart Mohammed Mustafa prior to their meeting at Palazzo Chigi in Rome on May 25 2024. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte / AFP)


Rome: Italy said Saturday it would resume funding for the United Nations agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), as Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa made a visit to Rome.

"Italy has decided to resume financing specific projects intended for assistance to Palestinian refugees," Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said.

Mustafa met with Tajani and then with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on what was his first trip to Europe since being appointed by Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas in March.

Tajani said he had informed Mustafa that Rome had "arranged new funding for the Palestinian population, of a total of 35 million euros ($38 million)".

"Of this, five million will be allocated to UNRWA," he said.

The remaining 30 million euros will be allocated to Italy's "Food for Gaza" initiative in coordination with UN aid agencies.

U.N. chief ‘trusts’ Israel will comply with ICJ order to halt Rafah assault

Israeli officials indicated they would ignore the International Court of Justice’s ruling that Israel “immediately halt” its military operation in Rafah.

By Kelsey Ables and Victoria Bisset
Updated May 25, 2024

The International Court of Justice ruled Friday that Israel must “immediately halt” its military operation in Rafah, citing “exceptionally grave” developments there, in a high-profile rebuke of Israel’s war in Gaza.

U.N. chief António Guterres “trusts” that Israel will comply with the ruling, his spokesman Stéphane Dujarric said Friday. Although Guterres “has no crystal ball,” Dujarric noted that U.N. member states have a duty under the body’s charter and the World Court’s statutes to abide by the decision.

Orders from the ICJ are legally binding but can be difficult to enforce. Israeli officials indicated that they would continue military operations in Rafah and said allegations by South Africa, which brought the case to the ICJ, that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza are “false, outrageous and disgusting.”

Immediately after the ruling, there were no signs of a pause in fighting, with Palestinians reporting strikes in Rafah while video and images emerged of smoke rising over the city. In a Saturday update, the Israel Defense Forces said “operational activity in specific areas of Rafah” continued on Friday, including “close-quarters combat.”

It is not clear how the ICJ ruling will impact the situation on the ground in Rafah. The court’s orders must be enforced by the U.N. Security Council, whose five permanent members, including the United States, can veto resolutions. And even among the 13 of the 15 judges who voted in favor of a provisional measure, there were some differences in opinion over how the ruling should be interpreted.

South African judge Dire Tladi wrote that the continuation of Israeli military operations in Rafah, with the exception of “legitimate defensive actions ... to repel specific attacks,” were not permitted under the order. However, Romanian judge Bogdan-Lucian Aurescu wrote that the order to halt Israel’s military offensive in Rafah only applied “to the extent that it ‘may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.’”

At one point, the majority of Gaza’s population had sought refuge in Rafah, but more than 800,000 have fled the southern city in the past few weeks, according to the U.N. humanitarian agency. Israel’s military operation in the city is taking place despite widespread global criticism.

The Biden administration has not formally responded to the ICJ ruling. The administration has straddled a delicate line on Israel’s military actions in Rafah, stressing its opposition to a full-scale offensive there while also stating that its “red line” has not been crossed — a position that has brought it criticism from lawmakers on both sides.

Friday’s ruling is part of a broader case brought by South Africa, that accuses Israel of violating the Genocide Convention. Israel has rejected the genocide charges and has said its military action is “in accordance with its right to defend its territory and its citizens” and does not breach international law.

South Africa welcomed Friday’s ruling. In a statement, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa said Palestinians are facing “collective punishment for something for which they have no individual responsibility.”

A spokesperson for Egypt’s Foreign Affairs Ministry called the decision a “positive step” toward safeguarding the rights of the Palestinian people.

The European Union’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, wrote on social media Saturday that ICJ orders are binding and must be “fully and effectively implemented.”

Here’s what else to know

Four U.S. Army vessels supporting the U.S.-built pier in Gaza were impacted by rough seas overnight, U.S. Central Command said Saturday. Two of the vessels are beached on the Israeli coast, while two others are anchored by the pier, according to Centcom. “No injuries have been reported and the pier remains fully functional,” Centcom added in its statement.

Italy’s Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani agreed to reinstate funding to the U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees, Italian media reported Saturday, months after a number of countries suspended contributions over Israeli allegations that several of UNRWA staff members took part in the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7. According to Italian media, Tajani said after a meeting with the Palestinian Authority’s Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa that his government had approved 35 million euros ($38 million) in additional funding for Palestinians, including 5 million euros for UNRWA, which would be subject to “rigorous checks.”

Egypt agreed to temporarily lift its ban on aid passing through its territory that would enter Gaza via Israel, Cairo and Washington announced Friday. The Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt has been the main thoroughfare for aid during the war, but that flow has virtually ceased since Israel took control of the Palestinian side earlier this month. Egypt responded by prohibiting international humanitarian aid from transiting its territory on its way to the Israeli-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing, the only other entry point into southern Gaza.

The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees warned that the border crossing closures have already had a serious impact. “Certain laboratory and dental items and vaccines are out of stock,” with “antibiotics for children and anti-epileptic drugs” also affected, as disruptions at the crossings meant U.N. health centers received no medical supplies for 12 days straight, UNRWA said in a Friday update.

The U.N. Security Council on Friday adopted a resolution condemning rising attacks on humanitarian workers and agency personnel. The resolution, which did not name any country in particular, demands that “all parties” to a conflict comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law. It passed with 14 members voting in favor and Russia abstaining.

At least 35,903 people have been killed and 80,420 injured in Gaza since the war began, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between civilians and combatants but says the majority of the dead are women and children. Israel estimates that about 1,200 people were killed in Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, including more than 300 soldiers, and says 282 soldiers have been killed since the launch of its military operation in Gaza.

Cate Brown, Hazem Balousha, Jarrett Ley, Louisa Loveluck and Ellen Francis contributed to this report.

NZ Hunger striker sceptical after meeting with Foreign Affairs officials to discuss Gaza

23 May 2024 

Will Alexander hasn't consumed any calories for six days. Photo: Supplied / Will Alexander

A former Shortland Street actor protesting New Zealand's response to the Gaza conflict says he is not convinced a meeting with government officials will change anything.

Will Alexander has not consumed any calories for six days and says he will not eat until the government meets his three demands.

He wants the coalition to pull New Zealand troops from the Red Sea and maintain, then double, its contributions for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

Alexander met with two senior advisors to Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters and a senior official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade on Thursday.

"We talked about these three demands and where the New Zealand government is at with those," Alexander said.

"We focused mainly on UNRWA and why we haven't funded UNRWA sooner when other countries like Japan, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland and most of the countries who withdrew their funding from UNRWA have actually reinstated it after a UN report saying that the allegations made by Israel against UNRWA were baseless."

Israel had accused at least 12 workers at UNRWA - the UN agency for Palestinian refugees - of being involved in the 7 October attack by Hamas.

"I was saying we need to bring that funding forward because UNRWA doesn't need it in June, or late June, they need it now," Alexander said.

"It's already having effects on the ground in Rafah. They've stopped distributing aid in Rafah because of a lack of supplies so they need our funding now."

Peters has not made a decision on whether New Zealand's next contribution to UNRWA will go ahead on 30 June.

"All that's standing in between us making that funding payment is Winston Peters assessing a report. It's an internal investigation, is what they've said, but really it's just a bureaucratic process that we need to fast track."

Alexander was not convinced Thursday's meeting made a difference.

"I feel as though they did a lot of nodding and smiling and writing things down, however, I don't know whether it will have made any difference or whether the message will have got through."

In a post on X, Peters said the meeting reflected his views that the right to protest was sacrosanct, the country benefited from the public being engaged in foreign policy and political leaders had a responsibility to listen to everyone's voice.

"This meeting was intended for Mr Alexander to express his views to representatives of the minister and for him to hear in return the New Zealand government's approach to the issues he has raised in recent days about the Middle East," the post read.

Alexander said his hunger strike would continue.

"I'll keep hunger striking. I'll carry on and hopefully we see it make a difference soon. I'm only six days in at the moment and hopefully when I'm quite unwell this will put more pressure on them."

Halt: The International Court of Justice and the Rafah Offensive

by Adil Ahmad Haque
May 24, 2024


On May 24, 2024, the International Court of Justice indicated provisional measures for the third time in the case brought by South Africa against Israel alleging violations of the Genocide onvention in the Gaza Strip. The Court ordered Israel to

“[i]mmediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

The Court also ordered Israel to open the Rafah crossing, to allow United Nations fact-finders to enter Gaza, and to report to the Court within one month regarding its compliance with the Court’s orders. The Court also reaffirmed its prior orders and reiterated its call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other armed groups.

The Court’s principal order is somewhat ambiguous, but its practical import is clear. Israel must refrain from any action in Rafah that risks killing a substantial part of the Palestinian group, either through bombardment or through displacement to areas where they will not long survive. The Court found that Israel’s current military offensive is such an action. This military offensive seeks to expel hundreds of thousands of civilians from Rafah without providing for their most basic needs, followed by air and ground operations that will kill many of the civilians who remain. This military offensive must immediately halt. Israel may engage in other military operations in Rafah that do not carry such risks, including limited responses to rocket fire and precise hostage rescue operations. But the current military offensive unfolding before our eyes must stop.
The Order

The Court first established that the situation in Gaza has sufficiently changed since its second order of March 28 to justify indicating new provisional measures. The Court found that the “catastrophic humanitarian situation” in Gaza “has deteriorated” and “is now to be characterized as disastrous.” The Court found that these developments, “which are exceptionally grave, in particular the military offensive in Rafah and the resulting repeated large-scale displacement of the already extremely vulnerable Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip [including 800,000 displaced as of May 18], constitute a change in the situation.” The Court also found that its prior orders “do not fully address the consequences arising from the change in the situation.”

The Court then established that the general legal criteria for the indication of provisional measures are met. The Court reaffirmed that it has prima facie jurisdiction to hear the case. It also reaffirmed that at least some of the rights claimed by South Africa are plausible, including “the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide and related prohibited acts” under the Genocide Convention.

Most importantly, the Court found that “the current situation arising from Israel’s military offensive in Rafah entails a further risk of irreparable prejudice to the plausible rights claimed by South Africa and that there is urgency, in the sense that there exists a real and imminent risk that such prejudice will be caused before the Court gives its final decision.”

The Court observed that “senior United Nations officials have consistently underscored the immense risks associated with a military offensive in Rafah” and “warned that an assault on Rafah would put ‘hundreds of thousands of people … at imminent risk of death’ and would severely impact the humanitarian operation in the entire Gaza Strip, which is run primarily out of Rafah.” The Court noted that “United Nations sources indicate that the above-mentioned risks have started to materialize and will intensify even further if the operation continues,” observing that Israel’s military offensive has already disabled critical hospitals and rendered food warehouses inaccessible.

Crucially, the Court found Israel’s assurances unconvincing, writing that:

On the basis of the information before it, the Court is not convinced that the evacuation efforts and related measures that Israel affirms to have undertaken to enhance the security of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and in particular those recently displaced from the Rafah Governorate, are sufficient to alleviate the immense risk to which the Palestinian population is exposed as a result of the military offensive in Rafah. …

The Court observes that Israel has not provided sufficient information concerning the safety of the population during the evacuation process, or the availability in the Al-Mawasi area of the necessary amount of water, sanitation, food, medicine and shelter for the 800,000 Palestinians that have evacuated thus far. Consequently, the Court is of the view that Israel has not sufficiently addressed and dispelled the concerns raised by its military offensive in Rafah.

The Court concluded that additional provisional measures are urgently needed to preserve the rights of the Palestinians of Gaza under the Genocide Convention from real and imminent risk arising from Israel’s current military offensive. In my view, this stark finding demands immediate action from the international community, including from the United Nations Security Council.
The Measures

The Court reaffirmed its prior orders, then indicated four new provisional measures, each by an overwhelming vote of 13-2, ordering Israel to:

Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part

Maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance

Take effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide

[S]ubmit a report to the Court on all measures taken to give effect to this Order, within one month as from the date of this Order.

All four measures are important. The order to keep open the Rafah crossing is striking for its specificity. The order to allow UN-mandated investigative bodies into Gaza could significantly enhance independent and impartial fact-finding. The reporting requirement ensures that Israel will remain accountable to the Court for its compliance or lack thereof.

The first measure is the most important. Its formulation is somewhat ambiguous, but the ambiguity makes no practical difference.

The order is most naturally read to mean that Israel must immediately halt

(i) its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate, and

(ii) any other action in the Rafah Governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

This reading slightly deviates from the text by specifying the military offensive at issue and by ignoring the second comma.

Alternatively, one could read the order to mean that Israel must immediately halt

(i) its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, and

(ii) any other action in the Rafah Governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

This reading is somewhat awkward, since the same words (‘which many inflict …’) perform two different functions, first describing a specific action (‘its military offensive’) then defining a general category of actions (‘any other action’).

Finally, one could read the order to mean that Israel must immediately halt

(a) its military offensive in the Rafah Governorate to the extent that it may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part and

(b) any other action in the Rafah Governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

This reading substantially rewrites the order, inserting words (“to the extent that it”) that it does not contain and qualifications where they do not seem to belong. Nevertheless, as we shall see, two judges prefer this reading.

On any of these readings, Israel may not continue its current military offensive in Rafah as currently planned. As a matter of fact, the Court specifically found that the current offensive exposes the civilian population to “immense risk” of mass death from starvation and disease. As a matter of law, the Court found a real and imminent risk of irreparable prejudice to rights under the Genocide Convention. These findings are equivalent to a finding that the current military offensive may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part. Therefore, the current offensive as currently planned and executed is prohibited under any reading. The current military offensive must immediately halt, and so must any other action that carries similar risks.

At the same time, Israel may carry out limited military operations to respond to specific attacks or to rescue hostages. It makes no practical difference whether we say that Israel must halt its current military offensive but may carry out distinct and limited military operations (the first reading) or may-continue-but-must-limit its current military offensive to avoid the “immense risk” it currently poses to group survival (the third reading). The result is the same.
The Separate Opinions

Three judges wrote declarations and two wrote dissenting opinions. These opinions raise many interesting legal issues, only some of which are discussed below.

Judge Tladi wrote that “[t]he Court has ordered Israel to ‘halt its military offensive in Rafah’. The reference to ‘offensive’ operations illustrates that legitimate defensive actions, within the strict confines of international law, to repel specific attacks, would be consistent with the Order of the Court. What would not be consistent is the continuation of the offensive military operation in Rafah, and elsewhere, whose consequences for the rights protected under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide has been devastating.” As noted above, this is the more natural reading of the Court’s order.

Judge Aurescu wrote that the principal order is “unclear as to whether the last part of it (starting with ‘which may inflict’) only refers to ‘any other action’ (which is not defined) or to both halting the Israeli military offensive and ‘any other action’. In my view, this measure needs to be interpreted [so] that it indicates as well the halt of the Israeli military offensive to the extent that it ‘may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.’” As noted above, this rewrites the Court’s order, inserting words (‘to the extent’) that it does not contain.

Judge Aurescu also wrote that the Court’s order “do[es] not affect in any way the legitimate right of Israel to undertake actions, which should be conducted in strict conformity with international law, including in a manner responding to the criteria of proportionality and necessity, to protect its civilian citizens and to free the hostages still held in the Rafah area by Hamas and other armed groups.” Assuming this passage refers to protecting Israeli civilians from specific attacks, and not from the long-term threat posed by Hamas and other armed groups, then there is no practical difference between Aurescu’s interpretation and Tladi’s.

Judge Nolte wrote that he “remain[s] unconvinced that the evidence presented to the Court provides plausible indications that the military operation undertaken by Israel as such is being pursued with genocidal intent…. The reason for today’s measure is, in my view, that Israel has not sufficiently demonstrated that it can ‘enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians’ without limiting its current military offensive in Rafah.” Judge Nolte noted “the repeated interruptions of humanitarian aid deliveries by private Israeli citizens, which the police and the military have not prevented,” as well as “continuing significant incendiary public speech in Israel, including by senior Israeli officials” including Israeli Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich and Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir. Judge Nolte therefore found “a risk for access to humanitarian aid urgently needed to ensure the survival of the Palestinian people in Gaza.”

Judge Nolte wrote that “[t]he reason for today’s measure is, in my view, that Israel has not sufficiently demonstrated that it can ‘enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to address the adverse conditions of life faced by Palestinians’ without limiting its current military offensive in Rafah.” According to Judge Nolte, “I considered it justified that the Court specify that [its prior orders] limit the current military offensive in Rafah as far as it could endanger the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention, notably their access to basic humanitarian needs. The Court’s Order does not address military operations outside Rafah and the measure obliging Israel to halt the current military offensive in Rafah is conditioned by the need to prevent ‘conditions of life that could bring about [the] physical destruction in whole or in part’ of the Palestinian group in Gaza. Thus, this measure does not concern other actions of Israel which do not give rise to such a risk.” Again, whether we say that Israel must halt or limit its current offensive makes no practical difference. Either way, the current offensive cannot continue as currently planned, while limited military operations may be lawful.

Vice-President Sebutinde wrote a dissenting opinion setting out her understanding of the factual context and her reasons for voting against the new measures. Vice-President Sebutinde at times reads the Court’s orders narrowly to downplay them, at other times broadly to criticize them. She calls the measure “an overreach by the Court that has no link with South Africa’s plausible rights under the Genocide Convention” and that “implicitly orders Israel to disregard the safety and security of the more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas” then writes that “this measure does not entirely prohibit the Israeli military from operating in Rafah. Instead, it only operates to partially restrict Israel’s offensive in Rafah to the extent it implicates rights under the Genocide Convention.”

Finally, Judge ad hoc Barak wrote a dissenting opinion. Barak opens by attempting to portray a 13-2 vote to indicate a third set of provisional measures as a defeat for South Africa and a victory for Israel. According to Judge Barak, South Africa’s request was “rejected” and its “tactics failed” due to the “the specific, credible and up-to-date evidence provided by Israel, expertly and convincingly presented by its legal team during the hearings.” For anyone who reads the Court’s orders, or watched the oral proceedings, these passages are hard to take seriously.

More seriously, Judge Barak writes that “[t]he Court’s first measure is [] limited to offensive (and not defensive) military action in Rafah, and requires a halt only in so far as is necessary to protect the Palestinian group in Gaza from conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction.” Barak goes on to write that “the measure is a qualified one, whichpreserves Israel’s right to prevent and repel threats and attacks by Hamas, defend itself and its citizens, and free the hostages.” Indeed, the Court’s order does not prohibit Israel from pursuing those aims in ways that do not risk mass death from bombardment, displacement, starvation, and disease. The Court’s order does not prohibit a hypothetical military operation that Israel might carry out in theory. Instead, the Court’s order prohibits the actual military offensive that Israel is carrying out in Rafah.
Image: The President of the Court, HE Judge Nawaf Salam Le président de la Cour, S. Exc. M. le juge Nawaf Salam delivers the Order of the Court on the request for the indication/modification of provisional measures submitted by South Africa in Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) May 24, 2024.

About the Author(s)

Adil Ahmad Haque

Adil Ahmad Haque (@AdHaque110) is Executive Editor at Just Security. He is also Professor of Law and Judge Jon O. Newman Scholar at Rutgers Law School, Author of Law and Morality at War.

Israel's allies face genocide complicity if ICJ order is ignored — expert

If US and UK continue to support Tel Aviv and block attempts to hold it accountable, they may face charges of "complicity in genocide" outlined in Article III of Genocide Convention, says a legal expert.


The International Court of Justice has ordered Israel to "immediately" halt its invasion in Rafah. / Photo: Reuters

The ruling of International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordering Israel to halt its Rafah invasion is a step in the right direction, but the critical issue now is compliance, according to a noted legal expert.

"Israel's allies, such as the US and UK, cannot be complicit. This means, arms sales, for example, should be immediately suspended and states should not be providing diplomatic cover for Israel's egregious violations of international law, for example, by not vetoing any UN Security Council resolution focused on the compliance with this order," Zaki Sarraf, legal officer at the International Center of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), told Anadolu Agency, hours after ICJ's new order.

If these countries continue to support Israel and block attempts to hold it accountable, they face the very real risk of facing charges of "complicity in genocide" outlined in Article III of the Genocide Convention, he said.

"If states such as the US and the UK provide diplomatic cover or they provide political cover or they continue selling arms to Israel, this could amount to complicity in what ICJ have already ruled as a plausible genocide against the Palestinians," Sarraf noted.

"Israel has shown an absolute and total disregard of international law, and the previous orders of the ICJ, so the next step from this ruling is compliance and respect for the law," the expert said.

Israel must comply

On Friday, the top UN court, besides reaffirming its January 26 and March 28 orders, ordered Israel to "immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action" in Rafah "which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part."

Israel has also been ordered to "maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance" and "take effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide."

The court has given Israel one month to submit a report on all measures taken to implement these orders.

"It’s imperative that Israel complies with the order," Sarraf reiterated.

"As we know, South Africa's Foreign Ministry have confirmed that they are taking the ICJ ruling to the UN Security Council to ensure the order is complied with. So it is imperative that any UN Security Council resolution related to compliance on this order is respected and not vetoed to ensure the lives of Palestinians are protected."

Over a million flee Israeli invasion in Rafah

In the past two weeks, more than a million Palestinians have fled Rafah as Israeli occupation military pressed deeper into the city.

People displaced by Israeli attacks lack shelter, food, water and other essentials for survival, the UN says.

The government of Israeli hawkish Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said accusations it is committing a genocide in Gaza are "false, outrageous and morally repugnant."

"Israel has not and will not conduct military actions in the Rafah area which may inflict on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," Netanyahu's government said on Friday, signalling that it's Rafah invasion will not stop.

Israel's Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said: "Those who demand that the State of Israel stop the war, demand that it decree itself to cease to exist. We will not agree to that."

The White House, meanwhile, said it has been "clear and consistent" on its position on Rafah. US Senator Lindsey Graham said that ICJ "can go to hell".

"It is long past time to stand up to these so-called international justice organizations associated with the UN," Graham said.


UK advocacy group says UN Security Council 'must act' following UN court’s ruling

'Israel has demonstrated its total disregard for the World Court’s orders, whilst Western leaders have reacted with everything from dismissal to disdain,' says expert

Burak Bir |25.05.2024 - 


The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) said Friday that international law stands at a "crossroads," as it urged UN Security Council (UNSC) members to stand with the "tools that it created."

It came in a statement from the UK advocacy group after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to immediately halt its Rafah offensive.

"Given Israel’s blatant disregard for the Court’s authority, emblematic of its increasing willingness to isolate itself on the world’s stage, UNSC member states must recognise what is at stake by their continued inaction in the face of Israel’s non-adherence," it said.

Dania Abul Haj, ICJP’s senior legal officer, said it is not "hyperbole" to say that international law stands today at a "crossroads."

"Israel has demonstrated its total disregard for the World Court’s orders, whilst Western leaders have reacted with everything from dismissal to disdain," noted the Palestinian lawyer.

Asserting that the Global North now has a "simple choice," she said it can stand with the "tools that it created" for the pursuit of global justice and accountability, or it can stand with Israel.

"How the US, UK, and France relate this ruling to their UN Security Council responsibilities will shape the role of not just the ICJ, but of the entire international rules-based order, for decades to come," she added.

On Friday, the top UN court, besides reaffirming its Jan. 26 and March 28 orders, told Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action” in Rafah “which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.”

Israel has also been ordered to “maintain open the Rafah crossing for unhindered provision at scale of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance” and “take effective measures to ensure the unimpeded access to the Gaza Strip of any commission of inquiry, fact-finding mission or other investigative body mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of genocide.”

Saudi praises ICJ order for Israel to halt Rafah assault

Saudi Arabia on Friday hailed the top United Nations court’s ruling ordering Israel to halt its military offensive in southern Gaza’s Rafah, but called for it to be extended to the rest of the Palestinian territory.

The Gulf kingdom welcomed the International Court of Justice’s decision as “a positive step towards the moral and legal right of the Palestinian people”, the Saudi foreign ministry said in a statement.

“However, the Kingdom stresses the importance of such international resolutions to include all Palestinian areas,” it added.

Riyadh also reiterated “its call to the international community to assume its responsibilities to stop all forms of aggression against the Palestinian people”.

The conservative kingdom, home to Islam’s holiest sites, has long positioned itself as a champion of the Palestinian cause and has never recognised Israel.

However, its de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said in September that progress was being made on a possible normalisation deal that would also involve beefed up security and other agreements with the United States.

Since war broke out in Gaza on October 7, triggered by Hamas’s unprecedented attack on southern Israel, Saudi officials have said ties with Israel are impossible without “irrevocable” steps towards recognition of a Palestinian state, which Israel has long opposed.

The top UN court on Friday ordered Israel to halt military operations in Rafah “immediately”, in a landmark ruling likely to increase mounting international pressure on Israel more than seven months into the Gaza war.

The Hague-based court, whose orders are legally binding but lack direct enforcement mechanisms, also ordered Israel to keep open the Rafah crossing between Egypt and Gaza, which it closed earlier this month at the start of its assault on the city.

Mediators Egypt and Qatar also welcomed the ICJ ruling on Friday, with Cairo calling on Israel to “comply with its legal commitments” and “implement all the temporary measures issued” by the court.

Doha, which hosts Hamas’s political bureau, meanwhile “expressed hope that the decision would pave the way for an immediate, comprehensive, and permanent ceasefire”.

In response to the court ruling, Israel gave no indication it was preparing to change course in Rafah, insisting that the court had got it wrong.

“Israel has not and will not carry out military operations in the Rafah area that create living conditions that could cause the destruction of the Palestinian civilian population, in whole or in part,” National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi said in a joint statement with the foreign ministry spokesman.

Australia urges Israel to 'abide by' ICJ's ruling on Gaza

'We have been very consistent that Rafa should not be attacked,' says senior Australian minister

25/05/2024 Saturday

A senior Australian minister has urged Israel to "abide by" the International Court of Justice (ICJ) order to halt its military assault on the southern Gaza Strip.

The top UN court on Friday ordered Tel Aviv to immediately cease its military offensive in Rafah and open the crossing between Egypt and Gaza to allow aid into the besieged enclave.

Judges issued the landmark emergency ruling in South Africa's case accusing Israel of genocide.

Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen said Australia's position on Rafah is “crystal clear,” describing the situation as a “humanitarian disaster,” with the potential to worsen, local broadcaster SBS News reported on Saturday.

The ICJ also ordered Tel Aviv to submit a report on the measures taken on the latest order within a month.

“We have been very consistent that Rafa should not be attacked,” Brown said in Sydney.

“We are very consistent that the binding rulings to the ICJ should be abided by all parties, including Israel. Either you comply with international law or you don't.

“Australia believes international law should be complied with, Australia believes the binding rulings should be complied with and we believe Rafah should not be invaded by Israel.”

The International Court of Justice, which is based in The Hague, Netherlands, has no power to enforce its orders.

Israel continued its brutal offensive on Gaza despite a UN Security Council resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire.

More than 35,800 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, the vast majority being women and children, and nearly 80,300 others injured since October following an attack by Hamas.

More than seven months into the Israeli war, vast swathes of Gaza lay in ruins amid a crippling blockade of food, clean water and medicine.

Pakistan, Maldives, Malaysia welcome new ICJ ruling against Israel

Implementing ruling in Gaza ‘will pave the way for peace in the world,’ says Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif

Riyaz ul Khaliq and Serdar Dincel
 |25.05.2024 - 


Pakistan, Maldives and Malaysia welcomed a new ruling Friday by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) against Israel regarding the Gaza Strip.

“UN Security Council and the international community should make efforts to implement the ICJ order to stop Israeli operations in Gaza,” Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said in a statement.

Implementing the order to stop the Israeli military operations “will pave the way for peace in the world,” he said.

The ICJ amended an earlier order and demanded Israel immediately halt its military offensive in Rafah, a city in southern Gaza where Tel Aviv sent forces May 6.

“Israel must immediately hold its military offensive or any other action in the Rafah governorate which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza, conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part,” said ICJ President Nawaf Salam, as he read the order on additional provisional measures requested by South Africa in the genocide case against Israel.

The ICJ said the modification to its March 28 order was in view of the change in circumstances due to the offensive on Rafah, where displaced Palestinians had taken refuge from the war that started in October. According to UN agencies, more than 800,000 have since fled the city due to the ground invasion.

Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu also welcomed the ruling.
“Israel must adhere to this ruling and immediately cease the unspeakable acts of brutality in Rafah. It must also open the Rafah crossing to allow the safe passage of humanitarian aid,” Muizzu demanded.

“While this is an essential step towards peace, we believe that Palestine’s establishment as an independent and sovereign state based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital is the only path to lasting peace,” Muizzu wrote on X.

Malaysia's Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on the ICJ ruling.

"Malaysia strongly urges the international community to intensify pressure on Israel to comply with the additional measures, as failing to do so will only make a mockery of the sanctity of the international law," it wrote on X.

The ICJ ruling said Israel has not "sufficiently addressed and dispelled" concerns raised by its military operation in Rafah.

It also urged Israel to maintain the Rafah border crossing open for unhindered access to basic services and humanitarian assistance into Gaza.

The ICJ ordered Tel Aviv to submit a report on measures taken on the latest order within a month.

*Aamir Latif contributed to the story from Pakistan

Our Father, this Africa Day, liberate us from military bases, By Owei Lakemfa

Father, we pray that the dreams of our ancestors, as retold by Nkrumah on 24 May, 1963, that our continent must unite, should come to pass.

Father, you are the God that answereth by fire. You said it shall be the fire next time. Consume all those misruling Africa and their principals in the metropolis. Let all powers and principalities that plan to recolonise your beautiful continent be destroyed like the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who trouble Africa, trouble them. Those who cause us pains, cause them pains.

Our Father, we your children in Africa come to you this day, the eve of the 25 May, Africa Liberation Day.

We have been enslaved and colonised. We have survived the genocide of our traducers, who, in Congo alone, massacred 16 million of us and wiped out two-thirds of our population in Namibia.

We also survived Apartheid and the pestilence of coups and criminal leadership. Thank you for giving us the ability to survive all these, including the continued exploitation and destabilisation of our continent. At this point, we drag before you the institutions of exploitation and dehumanisation in the continent – the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank and, their handmaid, the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Like doctors prescribing the same drugs for all ailments, all they have done for over four decades is to force on the continent, subsidy removal, currency flotation, exploitative market forces, higher fuel prices, jobless growth, reduction in education funding and hyper-inflation.

Father, it is not for nothing that you made us the source of humanity, the centre of the universe and the depository of natural resources. We do not take for granted the fact that over 4,000 years ago, we had the knowledge and ability to build pyramids with arithmetical accuracy and precision, which still baffles the rest of humanity. We know that the founders of Western philosophy and builders of their civilisation, including Plato and Herodotus, were pupils of Africa education, having graduated from our universities in Ancient Egypt.

We know that the rise of Africans as one of the most educated groups in the United States is not by accident. May we develop the consciousness and ability to utilise such huge assets, to develop our continent.

The God of Nkrumah, Harriet Tubman, Winnie Mandela, Felix Moumie, Dedan Kimathi, Fanon and Malcolm X, lead us to victory over all persons, groups and nations perpetuating iniquities against the African people.

Give us victory over them, as Toussaint Louverture and other liberation fighters militarily defeated France, the superpower which strived to continue the enslavement of Haitians. Even now, the gangsters, forces of darkness and their minders continue to torment Haiti. May they fail. May African leaders and progressive forces across the universe have the presence of mind and consciousness to intervene positively in Haiti and the rest of our continent.

Father, when Africans had few people to fight for them during slavery in the United States, you raised John Brown and his sons. When the forces of Apartheid were trying to overrun African countries, just as Israel is striving to obliterate the Palestinians, you raised Fidel Castro and the Cubans. May Africa never be short of true allies.

Father, as we mark the 2024 Africa Day, the continent is engulfed in a series of armed conflicts. Some, like that in Sudan, are due to prodigal children fed steroids by foreign powers. Some fires, as those in Somalia and half a dozen countries in West Africa, are set by religious elements dancing on the verge of lunacy. There are also the deliberate wars like that in Libya, engineered and stoked by the West, which destroyed that African promise.

There are over 100 million illegal small arms and light weapons circulating in the continent, almost all manufactured outside Africa. Assist us to silence the guns. Let those who live by the gun, die by the gun. Let those who profiteer from war, know no peace; let them choke on the vomit of their profits. Generally, aid us to overcome the various conflicts and set Africa firmly on the path of development.

Let there be peace in Africa as it is in Washington, London and Beijing. You said, blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called your children. We pray for all peace makers, whether in Tel Aviv or Gaza.

We have not stolen other peoples’ lands, coveted their property or seized their children. We have not sought to own the sun or the moon. All we have tried to do in Africa, is to live on the beautiful land it has pleased you to give us. Our desires are to share salt and pepper amongst ourselves, have schools for our children, roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, and medication to take of ourselves when we fall sick.

…a major challenge Africa has today are the attempts to expand military bases on our continent, where foreign powers will expand their spheres of influence at our cost. We do not want Africa to be turned into theatres of international war or test sites for new weapons. We recall the case of Cuba, whose 116-square metre Guantanamo Base, the United States leased in 1903 for $2,000.

Father, you are the God that answereth by fire. You said it shall be the fire next time. Consume all those misruling Africa and their principals in the metropolis. Let all powers and principalities that plan to recolonise your beautiful continent be destroyed like the Biblical Sodom and Gomorrah. Those who trouble Africa, trouble them. Those who cause us pains, cause them pains.

Father, a major challenge Africa has today are the attempts to expand military bases on our continent, where foreign powers will expand their spheres of influence at our cost. We do not want Africa to be turned into theatres of international war or test sites for new weapons. We recall the case of Cuba, whose 116-square metre Guantanamo Base, the United States leased in 1903 for $2,000. Despite repeated demands in the last six decades, the tenant has refused to leave. While we pray in solidarity with Cuba to regain its territory, we pray that African countries will not fall victims of possessive spirits that roam the universe.

Finally father, we pray that the dreams of our ancestors, as retold by Nkrumah on 24 May, 1963, that our continent must unite, should come to pass. His words that day continue to echo across our hills and valleys, especially when he said: “Unite we must. Without necessarily sacrificing our sovereignties, big or small; we can, here and now, forge a political union based on Defence, Foreign Affairs and Diplomacy, and a common Citizenship, an African currency, an African Monetary Zone and an African Central Bank. We must unite in order to achieve the full liberation of our continent. We need a common Defence system with an African High Command to ensure the stability and security of Africa. We have been charged with this sacred task by our own people, and we cannot betray their trust by failing them.” We pray Africans give heed to his words and take ‘Positive Action’ to bring them to fruition.

We pray that you bless Africa and all her well-wishers as we mark Africa Liberation Day, 2024. Ameen

Owei Lakemfa, a former secretary general of African workers, is a human rights activist, journalist and author.

 No party may get a majority in South Africa's election. Here's what that would mean

The focus for South Africa’s national election next week is on the fate of the African National Congress party and whether it is going to lose its parliamentary majority for the first time

Associated Press
May 24, 2024, 

CAPE TOWN, South Africa -- The focus for South Africa's national election next week is on the fate of the African National Congress party and whether it is going to lose its parliamentary majority for the first time, as many expect.

Several polls put the ANC's support below 50% ahead of Wednesday's vote, raising the prospect that it might not be the majority party for the first time since winning control of the government when Nelson Mandela led it to victory in the first all-race elections that ended white minority rule in 1994.

But the ANC is still widely expected to be the biggest party.

Here's how no clear majority would bring an unprecedented political change and complicate how the president is elected and how the government works in Africa’s most advanced economy:

The most immediate impact if there is no party with a majority would be on how the president is chosen and if ANC leader and current President Cyril Ramaphosa is reelected for a second and final five-year term.

The president is the head of state and has executive powers, but South Africans don't vote directly for the president in a national election, rather casting ballots for political parties. Those parties get seats in Parliament according to their share of the vote. Lawmakers then elect the president in the first sitting of the legislature after the election.

The vote occurs in the lower house of Parliament, known as the National Assembly, and it needs at least 201 votes from its 400 lawmakers to elect a president. The ANC has always had a majority in Parliament since 1994 and so the president has always been from the ANC.

Without a majority, the ANC would need a coalition or agreement with another party or other parties to get Ramaphosa reelected. The president could even come from another, smaller party if that's the agreement, although that's very unlikely.

The word coalition makes South Africans nervous after a series of them at local government level have been spectacular failures, including in Johannesburg, the biggest city and economic hub. There, the collapse of numerous agreements between parties has led to major problems in running the city’s services. Other towns and cities have had similar experiences, including the administrative capital, Pretoria.

But a national coalition government of some sort is a real possibility as a result of the ANC's declining support and would be unchartered waters for South Africa.

While a coalition might be a reflection of the democratic will of the people, some analysts say it could also be bad for South Africa's economy. It increases the chances of government instability and could lead to muddled policy, putting off foreign business investment at a time when South Africa desperately needs that.

There has been no indication of who the ANC might approach as a coalition partner and, for now, all options appear to be on the table. The ANC has maintained during election campaigning that it is not thinking about coalitions and is focused on retaining its majority.

Should the predictions hold and the ANC loses its majority, it could go straight to the official opposition Democratic Alliance party for a coalition. It's unclear if that's feasible as the DA has been so critical of the ANC and Ramaphosa, as have the two other main parties.

Instead, the ANC may go to a number of smaller parties with small shares of the vote to put together a coalition that would take their combined share to over 50% and allow a government to be formed.

There are dozens of parties contesting the election, many of them new and some expected to get just a few percent of the vote, but they could suddenly have a big say in South African politics. Those smaller parties would want something in return, whether Cabinet positions, some input on policy or even control of entire government departments.

Some South African political commentators have started to speak about a possible government of national unity in a kind of repeat of what happened just after the apartheid system of white minority rule ended 30 years ago. Then, Mandela invited other major parties into his government to seek some unity as South Africa took its first, uncertain steps as a democracy and went about writing a new constitution.

It was an act of reconciliation in bringing a fractured country together, though others have doubted it would work for South Africa now. For one thing, if all the major political parties were part of the government, who would hold it to account?


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