Thursday, January 11, 2024

Rights Campaigners Urge World to Watch Gaza Genocide Trial Live. Here's How You Can

Thursday Jan. 11 proceedings at the ICJ are seen as a "glimmer of hope for international justice."

Jurists are seated at the International Court of Justice in The H
ague                                                  (Photo: Abdullah Asiran/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

Jan 10, 2024

The eyes of the world should be focused on The Hague come Thursday, say human rights campaigners, as the International Court of Justice takes up South Africa's case charging that the Israeli government has "failed to prevent genocide and is committing genocide in manifest violation of the Genocide Convention" by its actions in the occupied Gaza Strip.

"We encourage Americans and people around the world to listen to the oral arguments in South Africa's case, which if successful, would be an important step in holding the Israeli government to account for the genocide and crimes against humanity they are perpetrating against the Palestinian people," said Ibrahim Hooper, the national communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

With the oral arguments scheduled to begin in The Hague at 10:00 am local time (4:00 am ET in the United States), the proceedings can be viewed below (or here) via the official ICJ stream provided by the United Nations:

In a statement on Wednesday, Amnesty International said the public hearing of South Africa's allegations against Israel will bring a "glimmer of hope for international justice," though the rights group has not itself determined whether the nation's actions against the people of Gaza amount to genocide.

Despite not making the determination itself—though other experts and scholars have—Amnesty said that "there are alarming warning signs given the staggering scale of death and destruction with more than 23,000 Palestinians killed in just over three months and a further 10,000 missing under the rubble, presumed dead, as well as an appalling spike in dehumanizing and racist rhetoric against Palestinians by certain Israeli government and military officials. This, coupled with Israel's imposition of an illegal siege in Gaza, which has cut off or severely restricted the civilian population's access to water, food, medical assistance, and fuel, is inflicting unfathomable levels of suffering and puts the survival of those within Gaza at risk."

Read South Africa's 84-page application to the ICJ, which lays out the detailed allegations against Israel, here. It contains recent quotes from high-ranking Israeli officials, including Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

A pair of Israeli parliamentarians doubled down on genocidal rhetoric Wednesday, with Deputy Knesset Speaker Nissim Vaturi saying of Gaza: "It is better to burn down buildings rather than have soldiers harmed. There are no innocents there."

Agnès Callamard, secretary general of Amnesty International, said even as the case plays out at the ICJ, state actors from around the world—including the United States—still must meet their obligations under the Genocide Convention.

"As the United States continues to use its veto power to block the U.N. Security Council from calling for a cease-fire, war crimes and crimes against humanity are rife, and the risk of genocide is real," said Callamard. "States have a positive obligation to prevent and punish genocide and other atrocity crimes. The ICJ's examination of Israel's conduct is a vital step for the protection of Palestinian lives, to restore trust and credibility in the universal application of international law, and to pave the way for justice and reparation for victims."

The Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) highlighted in a Wednesday statement that two weeks after the ICJ hearings, the group will be in federal court for its case against U.S. President Joe Biden, Secretary of Defense Llyod Austin, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken "for their failure to prevent—and complicity in—the genocide."

CCR noted that "while previously supporting efforts at the ICJ to prevent genocide in the case of Ukraine v. Russia, the Biden administration has denounced the proceedings in The Hague and is seeking to have the U.S. case dismissed," with Blinken calling South Africa's case against Israel "meritless," despite the mounting evidence.

"Such double standards are unfortunately what we have come to expect from Israel's chief accomplice: Israel could not be committing genocide without the unconditional military and diplomatic support of the U.S. government," the center said. "It is time for the United States to stop its selective support for international law and instead comply with its own obligations to prevent and punish genocide in all cases."
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Jon Queally is managing editor of Common Dreams.
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A Chance to Hold Israel–and the US–to Account for Genocide

 JANUARY 11, 2024

On January 11th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague is holding its first hearing in South Africa’s case against Israel under the Genocide Convention. The first provisional measure South Africa has asked of the court is to order an immediate end to this carnage, which has already killed more than 23,000 people, most of them women and children. Israel is trying  to bomb Gaza into oblivion and scatter the terrorized survivors across the Earth, meeting the Convention’s definition of genocide to the letter.

Since countries engaged in genocide do not publicly declare their real goal, the greatest legal hurdle for any genocide prosecution is to prove the intention of genocide. But in the extraordinary case of Israel, whose cult of biblically ordained entitlement is backed to the hilt by unconditional U.S. complicity, its leaders have been uniquely brazen about their goal of destroying Gaza as a haven of Palestinian life, culture and resistance.

South Africa’s 84-page application to the ICJ includes ten pages (starting on page 59) of statements by Israeli civilian and military officials that document their genocidal intentions in Gaza. They include statements by Prime Minister Netanyahu, President Herzog, Defense Minister Gallant, five other cabinet ministers, senior military officers and members of parliament. Reading these statements, it is hard to see how a fair and impartial court could fail to recognize the genocidal intent behind the death and devastation Israeli forces and American weapons are wreaking in Gaza.

The Israeli magazine +972 talked to seven current and former Israeli intelligence officials involved in previous assaults on Gaza. They explained the systematic nature of Israel’s targeting practices and how the range of civilian infrastructure that Israel is targeting has been vastly expanded in the current onslaught. In particular, it has expanded the bombing of civilian infrastructure, or what it euphemistically defines as “power targets,” which have comprised half of its targets from the outset of this war.

Israel’s “power targets” in Gaza include public buildings like hospitals, schools, banks, government offices, and high-rise apartment blocks. The public pretext for destroying Gaza’s civilian infrastructure is that civilians will blame Hamas for its destruction, and that this will undermine its civilian base of support. This kind of brutal logic has been proved wrong in U.S.-backed conflicts all over the world. In Gaza, it is no more than a grotesque fantasy. The Palestinians understand perfectly well who is bombing them – and who is supplying the bombs.

Intelligence officials told +972 that Israel maintains extensive occupancy figures for every building in Gaza, and has precise estimates of how many civilians will be killed in each building it bombs. While Israeli and U.S. officials publicly disparage Palestinian casualty figures, intelligence sources told +972 that the Palestinian death counts are remarkably consistent with Israel’s own estimates of how many civilians it is killing. To make matters worse, Israel has started using artificial intelligence to generate targets with minimal human scrutiny, and is doing so faster than its forces can bomb them.

Israeli officials claim that each of the high-rise apartment buildings it bombs contains some kind of Hamas presence, but an intelligence official explained, “Hamas is everywhere in Gaza; there is no building that does not have something of Hamas in it, so if you want to find a way to turn a high-rise into a target, you will be able to do so.” As Yuval Abraham of +972 summarized, “The sources understood, some explicitly and some implicitly, that damage to civilians is the real purpose of these attacks.”

Two days after South Africa submitted its Genocide Convention application to the ICJ, Israeli Finance Minister Smotrich declared on New Year’s Eve that Israel should substantially empty the Gaza Strip of Palestinians and bring in Israeli settlers. “If we act in a strategically correct way and encourage emigration,” Smotrich said, “if there are 100,000 or 200,000 Arabs in Gaza, and not two million, the whole discourse on “the day after” will be completely different.”

When reporters confronted U.S. State Department spokesman Matt Miller about Smotrich’s statement, and similar ones by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, Miller replied that Prime Minister Netanyahu and other Israeli officials have reassured the United States that those statements don’t reflect Israeli government policy.

But Smotrich and Ben-Gvir’s statements followed a meeting of Likud Party leaders on Christmas Day where Netanyahu himself said that his plan was to continue the massacre until the people of Gaza have no choice but to leave or to die. “Regarding voluntary emigration, I have no problem with that,” he told former Israeli UN Ambassador Danny Danon. “Our problem is not allowing the exit, but a lack of countries that are ready to take Palestinians in. And we are working on it. This is the direction we are going in.”

We should have learned from America’s lost wars that mass murder and ethnic cleansing rarely lead to political victory or success. More often they only feed deep resentment and desires for justice or revenge that make peace more elusive and conflict endemic.

Although most of the martyrs in Gaza are women and children, Israel and the United States politically justify the massacre as a campaign to destroy Hamas by killing its senior leaders. Andrew Cockburn described in his book Kill Chain: the Rise of the High-Tech Assassins how, in 200 cases studied by U.S. military intelligence, the U.S. campaign to assassinate Iraqi resistance leaders in 2007 led in every single case to increased attacks on U.S. occupation forces. Every resistance leader they killed was replaced within 48 hours, invariably by new, more aggressive leaders determined to prove themselves by killing even more U.S. troops.

But that is just another unlearned lesson, as Israel and the United States kill Islamic Resistance leaders in Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Iran, risking a regional war and leaving themselves more isolated than ever.

If the ICJ issues a provisional order for a ceasefire in Gaza, humanity must seize the moment to insist that Israel and the United States must finally end this genocide and accept that the rule of international law applies to all nations, including themselves.

Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies are the authors of War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflictavailable from OR Books in November 2022.

The Morality of the West on Trial



Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair

This week South Africa will open its case against Israel at the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The indictment is based on the Genocide Convention of 1948 and alleges that Israel is perpetrating a genocide on the Palestinian people in Gaza. All that South Africa needs to prove at this short preliminary hearing – Israel will respond the following day – is that there is a plausible risk of genocide being carried out and that if no action is taken, more Palestinians will die.

This seems a pretty low bar and judging by past cases heard by the ICJ and the solid dossier of evidence for both genocidal actions and genocidal intent produced by the South African legal team, it is expected that the plausibility test will be passed and that the court will shortly thereafter issue an order demanding Israel cease its murderous activities against the Palestinian people.

Contrary to Admiral John Kirby’s assertion that the South African claim is baseless, this will be a pivotal moment, not just for Israel but also for the West. For not only have the governments of Europe and the US failed to call out Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza, as required by the Genocide Convention, they have also been complicit in its execution by offering material, military and diplomatic backing.

A further element of support, and a major one at that, has been provided by the western media through its selective coverage of the atrocities perpetrated by the IDF. As we approach a death toll of over 23,000 dead civilians, most of whom are women and children, we have to acknowledge that the most horrific acts of brutality and dehumanisation most of us have ever seen have been normalised, justified and even occasionally cheered on by our mainstream media and political pundits. Under the Genocide Convention incitement to commit genocide is a criminal offence which signatory states are obliged to prosecute.  However, in the face of a level of media support that can only be described as cult-like it is unlikely that any prosecutions will follow.

And yet, in spite of the solidity of the West’s support for its colonial flagship which has long enjoyed a de facto state of exceptionalism: beyond the constraints of international law, everything is now different. It is as if populations all over the world have been awakened from some stupor and they are not going back to sleep.

Whilst any signatory state could have brought a legal action against Israel once they became aware of the risk of a genocide being perpetrated: ringing the alarm bells being an obligation imposed on all parties to the convention, it seems historically appropriate that it is South Africa that has actually done so. Nelson Mandela famously remarked that South Africa’s emancipation from apartheid was incomplete without the liberation of Palestine. And, as the first president of that freed country, he recognised, as did many others from the apartheid generation, that the long-standing occupation of Palestine remained the most important moral concern in the world.

And now, notwithstanding the West’s vigorous attempts to conceal the occupation and whitewash Israel’s human rights violations, the issue of Palestinian freedom is centre stage once again. It must be irksome for the political elites to see their tireless efforts at normalisation which were so close to bearing fruit with the Abraham Accords come to naught. The over- zealous suppression of protest, particularly violent in the case of Germany – is no doubt the reaction of a panicked political class who thought they’d succeeded in subduing their populace to quiescent consumerism. Unfortunately for those elites, the immediacy of social media combined with the hubris of the Israeli military have revealed to the world a Boschian hellscape it will be impossible to forget.

Shielding Israel from the legal consequences of its actions has not been a good use of western hegemony. (Prior to the 2023 assault on Gaza Israel was in breach of over 30 UN resolutions as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention – due to its continuous building of illegal settlements). The inflated sense of impunity such protection has imparted to that state has encouraged a tirade of murderous boasts from the army, the Knesset, and all sectors of civil society. This is significant because whereas normally genocidal intent is the most elusive element of the crime for which the prosecution must adduce evidence, in the case of Israel’s current assault on Gaza, there are pages of it. Just like a bullying school boy who, having missed the benefit of timely censure has achieved a level of violence that can only be dealt with by expulsion, Israel may struggle to achieve any level of peaceful coexistence with its neighbours.

Of course there were warnings. As early as December 1948 just a few months after the state’s creation, a group of Jewish intellectuals, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt,  wrote a letter to the New York Times warning American Zionists not to fund Menachem Begin’s ‘Freedom Party’ on account of its fascist tendencies, as evidenced by the massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin. The advice was ignored and Begin went on to become the country’s 6th prime minister in 1978.

But it probably wasn’t until after 1967 when Israel conquered land in the 6 Day War that the Rubicon was crossed. On 22nd September 1967 two letters simultaneously appeared in two different Israeli newspapers each advocating a distinct direction for the country. One letter, written by 57 of the country’s leading cultural figures, including a Nobel laureate, favoured occupation. These societal luminaries saw the conquering of land as an opportunity for expansion and insisted that no government of Israel should ever give it back.

The other letter was from 52 left-leaning political unknowns, mainly drawn from the Socialist party Matzpen, which included Arabs and Israelis. Their prophetic warning reads as follows: “Our right to defend ourselves from annihilation does not give us the right to oppress others. Occupation leads to foreign rule. Foreign rule leads to resistance. Resistance leads to oppression. Oppression leads to terrorism, and counter-terrorism. The victims of terrorism are usually innocent. Holding on to the occupied territories will make us a nation of murderers and murder victims. Let’s leave the Occupied Territories now.”

We all know the direction Israel chose to follow: settlements expanded, the oppression grew more violent, and, as they say, the rest is history. But how the current crisis is now resolved will have repercussions far beyond that tiny strip of land. Because not only have relations with bordering Arab states been seriously damaged, perhaps irreparably, whatever the outcome of Israel’s plans for transferring the Gazan population out of the strip, but now the colonial design for the entire region has been thrown into question. The map drawing skills of Sykes and Picot are being re-examined just as newly emancipated states, like Mali, Burkino Faso and Niger, having thrown out their French guardians, are speaking of forming a federation.

But it is not only ‘out there’ that the ramifications of the assault on Gaza are being felt. At home too: in the arena of domestic politics, everything is in flux. Former British diplomat, Alastair Crooke recently described the political situation in the UK as broken. He is right. The Tories may be thrown out in this year’s election, but it would be a mistake to see the Labour Party as a winner. Its leader, Keir Starmer, a former Human Rights lawyer disappointed many of his political base in not voting for a ceasefire. In fact, his strong support for Israel’s military operation in Gaza has disgusted many within his own party and a number of resignations have followed. Whether a new anti-imperialism party forms in the coming years is anyone’s guess, but the ground looks more fertile than it has in a long time.Facebook

A group of people in a courtroomDescription automatically generated

The International Court of Justice. Photo credit: ICJ

Of course, Palestine was always a fault line running through liberal democracy; it was where human rights rhetoric met colonial aspirations, where the rules of International Law were trumped by a Rules-based order. And those mutually exclusive ideas have always been on a collision course despite attempts by western powers to disguise the colonial nature of the state of Israel’s founding. The racist thinking of the 1930s was perfectly encapsulated in Churchill’s ‘dog in the manger’ speech where he openly expressed the view that inferior races – such as the Palestinians – should give up their land to ‘an advanced race a superior race, a more worldly-wise race’ who would make better use of it, i.e., the settlers from Europe. Churchill thought ethnically cleansing land was perfectly acceptable just as had been the case in America and Australia, and he lived at a time when it was possible to speak in such terms. But times change and so must discourse. So when Golda Meir’s asserted that Palestine was a land without a people, what she probably wanted to say was that the people there did not count. But this was the 1970s which was a time when some things could no longer be said: racist language was no longer acceptable. Racist practices were, however, provided they were wrapped up in conciliatory language. Only now, in our hyper-visual age, that old linguistic subterfuge no longer works. People can see for themselves.

The problem Israel has had is that it was too late to history: too late to fully accomplish the colonial project achieved by earlier settlers elsewhere. Israeli historian, Illan Pappe, succinctly described the 1948 ethnic cleansing of Palestinians as ‘an incomplete atrocity’. And Israel can’t complete it now, as much as it is attempting to do so, because the whole world is watching. Israel may even be too late to secure its survival. Too late to history once again! Because, what could have been achieved in 1967: a peace deal with two independent states – Palestine and Israel – living side by side – now looks impossible.

The brutal assault on Gaza has exposed the hypocrisy of supposedly universal liberal values like nothing else. As it is now glaringly apparent that those values do not apply to Palestinians. Western states are working hard to distract their citizenry from such a realisation: trying to reframe what is clearly a moral issue as a cultural one, or a religious one, asserting that killing Palestinian children is upsetting for the Islamic world because they are Muslims. The implication being that non-Muslim citizens can and should accept their government’s presentation of the slaughter as an unavoidable tragedy, or worse, the fault of the Palestinians themselves. A particularly insidious aspect of that reframing, in the UK at least, has been an attempt to whip up Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment in wider society. The Islamophobic narrative is sustained by a continuous supply of low-grade assertions linking Islam with terrorism and anti-Semitism. Similar false narratives have been used to denigrate Protesters simply for demanding a ceasefire. If the ICJ makes a provisional finding of genocide against Israel it is going to impossible for western governments to continue to ignore the moral imperative. They may not abide by their responsibilities under the Genocide Convention to take appropriate action to stop the slaughter, but it is difficult to see how they can continue to besmirch the reputations of those who attempt to do so.

The hearing at the ICJ is not only a determination of the genocidal nature of Israel’s assault on Gaza, it is also an adjudication on the morality of the West. Although I doubt many still believe that the West is the bastion of liberal values it pretends, certainly not many outside the West. Sartre did an able take-down of that proposition in the preface he wrote to Fanon’s ‘Wretched of the Earth’ which is an expose of the cruelties of colonialism in Algeria and beyond, published in 1961. ‘Humanism’ is the word Sartre uses to epitomise the much espoused liberal values of the West. Addressing Europeans he says, “Your humanism claims we are at one with the rest of humanity but your racist methods set us apart.” It wasn’t just a lapse in progressive thinking that was going on in the colonies: some disconnect between honourable motives and a falling short in attainments. Rather, Sartre recognised that Humanism was being used as a cover for those racist methods. It wasn’t a failing, it was an intentional deployment: like a disguise being used by a serial killer to lure his victims by dispelling their fears. Sartre saw that once the lie of Humanism was exposed, it could not be repaired and the order of the world would be forever changed. Because the notion that the West had sold to the world that it was the prototype human being: the head of the great family of humanity that all could eventually join was clearly not the case. And if the West is not the proto type for all human development, then other courses of action, indeed other histories could and would be written. As Sartre neatly sums it up, “It simply is that in the past we made history and now it is being made of us.” The ICJ judgement should be an important part of that new history.

Susan Roberts is a lecturer in moral philosophy and animal rights.

Nations Urged to Back ICJ Case Against Israel After Experts Confirm Genocide Underway

"How many more alarm bells have to ring and how many more civilians must unlawfully suffer or be killed before governments take action?" asked one human rights expert.

An injured Palestinian girl is brought to the al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital after an Israeli airstrike hit al-Maghazi Refugee Camp in Deir al-Balah, Gaza on January 09, 2024.
(Photo: Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Jan 10, 2024

Human rights advocates are ramping up pressure on nations to formally back South Africa's case against Israel at the International Court of Justice after a panel of experts determined that the Israeli military's actions in the Gaza Strip—paired with officials' overt statements of intent to wipe out the Palestinian population—constitute sufficient evidence that a genocide is underway.

Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) and the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) convened the expert roundtable last month, before South Africa submitted its 84-page ICJ application accusing Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention, which also requires signatories to prevent genocide.

"We have to be clear that this is a very unique case, indeed textbook, in the way that intent is articulated openly and explicitly in an
unashamed way," Raz Segal, associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, said during his December presentation, pointing to remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking officials signaling genocidal war aims.

South Africa's ICJ filing, submitted to the 15-judge United Nations court on December 29, features page after page of quotations from Israeli officials and lawmakers voicing what the document calls "genocidal intent against the Palestinian people." The first public hearing on the case is scheduled to take place on Thursday.

"Expert analysis of Israeli government statements revealing their intent to destroy Palestinians in Gaza, combined with military actions on the ground, including mass killings, forced displacement, and the deprivation of items essential to life in Gaza, suggest that the crime of genocide is being committed against the Palestinian population," Sarah Leah Whitson, DAWN's executive director, said Tuesday. "South Africa's charging Israel with genocide before the International Court of Justice underscores the need for decisive international action to compel a cease-fire and hold the perpetrators of these atrocities accountable."

Francis Boyle, the first human rights lawyer to ever win an order from the ICJ under the Genocide Convention, toldDemocracy Now! last week that based on his "careful review of all the documents so far submitted" by South Africa, he believes the country "will win an order against Israel to cease and desist from committing all acts of genocide against the Palestinians."

Thus far, at least seven national governments and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation—which includes 57 member states—have issued statements supporting South Africa's case against Israel. But only Jordan has signaled that it plans to officially back South Africa's case with a Declaration of Intervention.

Such declarations allow countries to "formally express their support for the case and contribute to the legal proceedings, enhancing the case's legitimacy and impact," DAWN explained, noting that more than 30 nations—including the U.S., Israel's top ally and arms supplier—submitted Declarations of Intervention in Ukraine's genocide case against Russia at the ICJ.

"South Africa's application to the International Court of Justice, invoking the Genocide Convention against Israel, represents a pivotal moment in the pursuit of global justice and accountability," said Raed Jarrar, DAWN's advocacy director. "It is time for the international community to support this process and speak with one voice to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people."

With national and grassroots support for South Africa's case growing, Israel has been pressuring governments around the world to speak out against the filing as it continues to wage war on Gaza's desperate and starving population. On Tuesday, as Common Dreamsreported, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken dismissed South Africa's case as "meritless" even as the Biden administration refuses to formally assess whether Israel has adhered to international law.

Since South Africa submitted its application to the ICJ late last month, Israel has killed more than 2,100 people in the Palestinian enclave and injured thousands more, according to the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor.

"How many more alarm bells have to ring and how many more civilians must unlawfully suffer or be killed before governments take action?" Balkees Jarrah, associate international justice director at Human Rights Watch, asked Wednesday. "South Africa's genocide case unlocks a legal process at the world's highest court to credibly examine Israel's conduct in Gaza in the hopes of curtailing further suffering."

Israel Accused of 'Effort to Intimidate the Judges' Ahead of Genocide Hearings

"Israel is pressing others to denounce the case in the hope of persuading the International Court of Justice to decide based on politics rather than the facts," said one critic.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shakes hands with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken after their meeting in Tel Aviv on October 12, 2023.
(Photo: Jacquelyn Martin/Pool/AFP via Getty Images)

Jan 07, 2024

The Israeli government has mounted a pressure campaign urging governments around the world to publicly denounce South Africa's genocide case at the International Court of Justice, which is set to convene hearings on the detailed charges on Thursday.

According to a cable obtained by Axios, the Israeli Foreign Ministry is calling on the country's embassies to pressure host country diplomats and political leaders to swiftly issue an "immediate and unequivocal statement along the following lines: To publicly and clearly state that YOUR COUNTRY rejects the outrage[ous], absurd, and baseless allegations made against Israel."

The cable warns that "a ruling by the court could have significant potential implications that are not only in the legal world but have practical bilateral, multilateral, economic, security ramifications." Israel is seeking to prevent an injunction ordering the country to suspend its attack on Gaza.

Yousef Munayyer, a Palestinian American political analyst, called Israel's lobbying campaign "an effort to intimidate the judges" at the ICJ, which Israel has previously boycotted.

Former Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth argued that the cable shows Israel is "evidently worried about a judgment on the merits in South Africa's case."

"Israel is pressing others to denounce the case in the hope of persuading the International Court of Justice to decide based on politics rather than the facts," Roth wrote on social media.

The United States, Israel's top ally and arms supplier, has already rejected South Africa's case, calling it "completely without any basis in fact" even though the Biden administration has not formally assessed whether Israel is complying with international humanitarian law during its assault on the Gaza Strip, which is now entering its fourth month with no end in sight.

Attorneys have warned U.S. officials that they may be complicit in genocide if they continue arming the Israeli military, which has committed atrocities with American weaponry.

"Increasingly, it looks as if America is underwriting a war to remove Gazans from Gaza."

One human rights monitor estimates that roughly 4% of Gaza's population has been killed, wounded, or left missing by Israel's war on the Palestinian territory.

Raz Segal, an Israeli historian and genocide scholar, has called Israel's assault "a textbook case of genocide," which is defined under international law as "a crime committed with the intent to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group, in whole or in part."

South Africa's 84-page application to the ICJ, a United Nations body composed of 15 elected judges, contains several pages of quotes from high-ranking Israeli officials—including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Isaac Herzog, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant—expressing what the filing calls "genocidal intent against the Palestinian people."

Gallant infamously said days after the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel that "we are fighting human animals." The remark came after he announced a "complete siege" on the Gaza Strip, denying food, water, and other critical aid to the enclave's desperate population—a move widely decried as unlawful collective punishment.

"Similar statements have been made by Israeli army officials, advisers and spokespersons, and others engaging with Israeli troops being deployed in Gaza," reads South Africa's application, which has been backed by Turkey, Malaysia, and Jordan. Legal experts, advocates, and lawmakers in other nations have urged their governments to join the coalition.

Right-wing Israeli Knesset member Moshe Saada said last week that "my friends at the prosecutor's office, who fought with me on political matters, in debates, tell me, 'Moshe, it is clear that all the Gazans need to be destroyed.'"

Israel, which is a party to the Genocide Convention that it stands accused of violating, reportedly plans to argue at the ICJ that some of the officials quoted in South Africa's application "are not decision-makers"—and those who are "didn't mean what they said."

Israel's campaign against South Africa's genocide case comes after the country's national security and finance ministers drew international condemnation—including from the U.S.—for recommending the permanent removal of Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, where 90% of the population has been internally displaced by the ongoing Israeli assault.

Such comments are hardly a departure from the Israeli military's actions and statements made by Netanyahu, who has reportedly sought out countries willing to "absorb" displaced Gazans. The Times of Israelreported last week that Israeli officials "have held clandestine talks with the African nation of Congo and several others for the potential acceptance of Gaza emigrants."

"Increasingly, it looks as if America is underwriting a war to remove Gazans from Gaza," New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg wrote Friday.
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JAKE JOHNSON is a senior editor and staff writer for Common Dreams.
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A Crack in the 75-Year-Old Wall of Impunity: South Africa’s Court Challenge of Israeli Genocide



Photograph Source: Fars Media Corporation – CC BY 4.0

1948 was a year of tragic irony.

That year saw the adoption of both the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, together promising a world in which human rights would be protected by the rule of law. That same year, South Africa adopted apartheid and Israeli forces carried out the Nakba, the violent mass dispossession of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Both systems relied on western colonial support.

In short, the modern international human rights movement was born into a world of racialized colonial contradictions. Seventy-five years later, the world is watching in horror as Israel has continued the Nakba through its months-long, systematic ethnic purge of Gaza — again with the complicity of powerful western governments led by the United States.

The horrors of the original Nakba were met with decades of absolute impunity for Israel, feeding further violence. But this time, three decades since the overthrow of apartheid in South Africa, the post-apartheid “Rainbow Nation” is taking the lead in challenging Israel’s genocidal assault.

On December 29, South Africa became the first country to file an application to the UN’s high judicial arm, the International Court of Justice, instituting genocide proceedings against Israel for “acts threatened, adopted, condoned, taken, and being taken by the Government and military of the State of Israel against the Palestinian people.”

In wrenching and horrifying detail, South Africa’s 84-page document describes a litany of Israeli actions as “genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent… to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial, and ethnical group.”

A Horrifying Civilian Toll in Gaza and the West Bank

2023 was the bloodiest year in the Palestinian territories since the destruction of historic Palestine and the founding of the state of Israel.

In the first half of the year, Israeli assaults on Palestinians in the West Bank had already reached a fever pitch, with successive waves of mass arrests, settler pogroms, and military attacks against Palestinian towns and refugee camps, including the ethnic cleansing of entire villages. At the same time, millions of civilians in Gaza were suffering unbearable hardship under a 17-year-long Israel-imposed siege.

On October 7, Gaza-based militants launched a devastating attack on Israeli military and civilian targets and seized more than 200 military personnel and civilian hostages. In an appalling act of mass collective punishment, Israel immediately cut off all food, water, medicine, fuel, and electricity to the 2.3 million Palestinian civilians trapped in Gaza. Then it began a relentless campaign of annihilation through massive bombing and missile strikes followed by a ground-level invasion that brought shocking reports of massacres, extrajudicial executions, torture, beatings, and mass civilian detentions.

More than 22,000 civilians and counting have since been killed in Gaza, the overwhelming majority children and women — along with record numbers of journalists and more UN aid workers than in any other conflict situation. Thousands more are still trapped under the rubble, dead or dying from untreated injuries, and now more are dying from rampant diseases caused by Israel’s denial of clean water and medical care, even as the Israeli military assault continues. Eighty-five percent of all Gazans have been forced from their homes. And now Israeli-imposed starvation is taking hold.

The Legal Standard for Genocide

Genocide analysts and human rights lawyers, activists, specialists around the globe — no strangers to human cruelty — have been shocked by both the savagery of Israel’s acts and by the brazen public declarations of genocidal intent by Israeli leaders. Hundreds of these experts have sounded the genocide alarm in Gaza, noting the point-by-point alignment between Israel’s actions and its officials’ stated intent on the one hand, and the prohibitions enumerated in UN Genocide Convention on the other.

The South African application “unequivocally condemns all violations of international law by all parties, including the direct targeting of Israeli civilians and other nationals and hostage-taking by Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups.” But it reminds the Court: “No armed attack on a State’s territory, no matter how serious — even an attack involving atrocity crimes — can, however, provide any possible justification for, or defense to, breaches of the [Genocide Convention] whether as a matter of law or morality.”

Unlike many aspects of international law, the definition of genocide is quite straightforward. To qualify as genocide or attempted genocide, two things are required. First, the specific intent of the perpetrator to destroy all or part of an identified national, ethnical, racial, or religious group. Second, commission of at least one of five specified acts designed to make that happen.

South Africa’s petition to the ICJ is filled with clear and horrifically compelling examples, identifying Israeli actions that match at least three of the five acts that constitute genocide when linked to specific intent. Those include killing members of the group, causing serious physical or mental harm to members of the group, and, perhaps most indicative of genocidal purpose, creating “conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction.” As South Africa documents, Israel has shown the world, at levels unprecedented in the 21st century, what those conditions look like.

For specific intent, South Africa points to dozens of statements made by Israeli leaders, including the President, Prime Minister, and other cabinet officials, and as well as Knesset members, military commanders, and more.

Accustomed to decades of U.S.-backed impunity, Israeli officials have been emboldened, describing openly their intent to carry out “another Nakba,” to wipe out all of Gaza, to deny any distinction between civilians and combatants, to raze Gaza to the ground, to reduce it to rubble, and to bury Palestinians alive, among many other similar statements.

Their deliberately dehumanizing language includes descriptions of Palestinians as animals, sub-human, Nazis, a cancer, insects, vermin — all language designed to justify wiping out all or part of the group. Prime Minister Netanyahu went so far as to invoke a Biblical verse on the Amalek, commanding that the “entire population be wiped out, that none be spared, men, women, children, suckling babies, and livestock.”

The U.S. May Also Be Complicit in Israel’s Genocide

The petition to the ICJ is sharply focused on Israel’s violations of the Genocide Convention. It does not deal with the complicity of other governments, most significantly of course the role of the United States in funding, arming, and shielding Israel as it carries out its genocidal acts.

But the active role of the United States in the Israeli onslaught, while hardly surprising, has been especially shocking. As a State Party to the Genocide Convention, the U.S. is obliged to act to prevent or stop genocide. Instead, we have seen the United States not only failing in its obligations of prevention, but instead actively providing economic, military, intelligence, and diplomatic support to Israel while it is engaged in its mass atrocities in Gaza.

As such, this is not merely a case of U.S. inaction in the face of genocide (itself a breach of its legal obligations) but also a case of direct complicity — which is a distinct crime under the Genocide Convention. The Center for Constitutional Rights, on behalf of Palestinian human rights organizations and individual Palestinians and Palestinian-Americans, has filed a suit in U.S. federal court in California focused on U.S. complicity in Israel’s acts of genocide.

South Africa’s Genocide Complaint is a Rallying Cry for Civil Society

In a situation such as this, framed by shocking Western complicity on one side and a massive failure of international institutions fed by U.S. pressure on the other, South Africa’s initiative at the ICJ may hold significance beyond the Court’s ultimate decision.

This case comes in the context of the extraordinary mobilization of protests, petitions, sit-ins, occupations, civil disobedience, boycotts, and so much more by human rights defenders, Jewish activists, faith-based organizations, labor unions, and broad-based movements across the United States and around the world.

As such, this move puts South Africa, and potentially the ICJ itself, on the side of the global mobilization for a ceasefire, for human rights, and for accountability. One of the most important values of this ICJ petition may therefore be in its use as an instrument for escalating global civil society mobilizations demanding their governments abide by the obligations imposed on all parties to the Genocide Convention.

Predictably, Israel has already rejected the legitimacy of the case before the Court. Confident that the U.S. and its allies will not allow Israel to be held accountable, the Israeli government is defiantly continuing its bloody assault on Gaza (as well as the West Bank). If Israel and its Western collaborators are once again successful in blocking justice, the first victims will be the Palestinian people. Then the credibility of international law itself may be lost as collateral damage.

But South Africa’s ICJ action has opened a crack in a 75-year-old wall of impunity through which a light of hope has begun to shine. If global protests can seize the moment to turn that crack into a wider portal towards justice, we may just see the beginnings of real accountability for perpetrators, redress for victims, and attention to the long-neglected root causes of violence: settler-colonialism, occupation, inequality, and apartheid.

Craig Mokhiber is an International human rights lawyer and former Director of the New York Office of the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights, who stepped down from his post in 2023 and penned a now-viral letter on unfolding genocide and the UN’s failures. Phyllis Bennis is a fellow of the Institute for Policy Studies and serves as international adviser to Jewish Voice for Peace. 

A Jew coined the word ‘genocide.’ Now it’s being used against the Jewish state.

Israel has vehemently denied the accusation that the International Court of Justice will begin hearing Thursday.

Palestinians pray over bodies of people killed in the Israeli bombardment before burying them in a mass grave in the town of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, Nov. 22, 2023. (AP Photo/Mohammed Dahman)

(RNS) — Though the word has been applied over the decades to mass killings of Rwandans, Bosnians and Cambodians, the word “genocide,” coined by a Jewish lawyer after World War II, is still nearly synonymous with the destruction of European Jewry during the Holocaust.

Now, in a remarkable twist of history, the Jewish state is being accused of the crime.

On Thursday (Jan. 11), the International Court of Justice in The Hague will begin considering a complaint filed by South Africa that accuses Israel of genocide in its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. More immediately, the complaint asks the court to issue a provisional measure to halt the fighting in Gaza, where more than 23,000 Palestinians have been killed and millions displaced.

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The South African filing says that Israel has attempted to eradicate the Palestinian people in Gaza by creating “conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction.”

Raphael Lemkin, a Polish Jewish lawyer who fled to the United States in 1942, lost most of his family, including his parents, in the Holocaust, in which at least 6 million Jews died. Lemkin became determined that international law recognize and outlaw the systematic destruction of any national, ethnic, racial or religious group.

Raphael Lemkin. Photo courtesy United Nations Archives

Raphael Lemkin. Photo courtesy of United Nations Archives

The crime needed a name, and Lemkin furnished one by combining geno — from the Greek word for race or tribe — with cide, from the Latin word for killing. 

Thanks to his efforts, the United Nations in 1948 approved the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide. A total of 153 countries (out of 195 in the world) have since signed onto the genocide convention, committing them to “undertake to prevent and punish” genocide. Israel signed the convention in 1951; South Africa in 1998.

Israel has vehemently denied that it has engaged in genocide, saying its battle in the Gaza Strip is against the terrorist group Hamas, not the Palestinians themselves. It has dispatched Aharon Barak, an esteemed retired justice of Israel’s Supreme Court and — no less ironically — a survivor of the genocide of European Jews, to defend against the charge. 

“There’s nothing more atrocious and preposterous than this claim,” President Isaac Herzog of Israel said on Tuesday, pointing out that the Hamas’ 1988 charter calls for the elimination of Israel.

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Here are a few keys to the impact of the hearing and its possible outcomes:

What authority does the International Court of Justice have?

The ICJ, founded in 1945 as part of the U.N. charter, adjudicates questions of international law among states.

In 1986, Nicaragua brought a case to the ICJ claiming the U.S. had violated international law by supporting the Contras in their rebellion against the Sandinistas. The court agreed. Last year, Ukraine alleged that Russia abused the genocide convention to justify launching its invasion there. The case is still pending but as a provisional measure the ICJ asked Russia to suspend its military operations.

It also hears genocide allegations from among states that have signed the genocide convention.

While South Africa is not being attacked or suffering directly from Israel’s prosecution of the Hamas war, its complaint is based on the U.N. treaty.

“South Africa is claiming standing based on the fact that both Israel and South Africa are parties to the 1948 genocide convention,” said Thomas Kelley, a professor of law at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill who teaches international law.

Who will hear the case and how long will it take?

The ICJ is composed of 15 judges, each representing a different country. In this case, it has added two more: a South African judge and an Israeli judge.

Typically, the ICJ takes years to rule on a claim of genocide, but South Africa has asked for an emergency order for Israel to immediately halt its military operation as a first step. No one seems to know whether the ICJ would issue such an order promptly. Oral arguments are scheduled for Thursday and Friday. 

Palestinians look at the destruction of the Al-Gatshan family building after an Israeli strike in Nusseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, on Dec. 18, 2023. Satellite data shows that one-third of structures across Gaza have been destroyed. (AP Photo/Adel Hana, File)

Palestinians look at the destruction of the Al-Gatshan family building after an Israeli strike in Nusseirat refugee camp, central Gaza Strip, on Dec. 18, 2023. Satellite data shows that one-third of structures across Gaza have been destroyed. (AP Photo/Adel Hana, File)

How do you prove genocide?

In cases alleging abuse of the genocide convention, the court looks at material evidence of killings or forced transfer of a group. In addition, a finding of genocide must establish an intent to destroy a group of people.

In its 84-page application to the ICJ, South Africa cited statements by Israeli officials that South Africa says “constitute clear direct and public incitement to genocide.”

Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, have made public comments that could suggest genocidal intent. Announcing the siege of Gaza after Hamas’ invasion of Israel that killed 1,200 people, Gallant was quoted saying, “We are fighting against human animals.” Some of the Israeli officials’ statements cited in South Africa’s complaint that call for removal of Palestinians, the flattening of Gaza or the dehumanization of Palestinians may count as evidence of intent. 

“Israel will argue is that these statements don’t actually translate into policy,” said Omer Bartov, a professor of Holocaust and genocide studies at Brown University.

How does the ICJ enforce its rulings?

The ICJ does not have any mechanisms for enforcing its rulings. Essentially its judgments are “advisory opinions,” Kelley said.

ICJ judgments can be referred to the U.N. Security Council, which has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. But the Security Council, made up of 15 member nations, often deadlocks along the lines of their informal or formal alliances, and its permanent five members — the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China and France — can veto resolutions. 

In March, the ICJ called on Russia to suspend its military operations in Ukraine, but Russia essentially ignored it.

Do ICJ rulings have any impact?

Judgments by the court can have political and legal implications that may affect a country’s standing and reputation.

Other countries may also be implicated.

For example, Bartov said, the U.S. is a major supplier of weapons to Israel. If the ICJ rules that Israel committed genocide, the U.S. would then technically be in violation of its own laws against providing munitions to countries suspected of breaches of international law.

But the biggest impact of ICJ decisions may be reputational.

“If a country loses credibility on the world stage, it has less influence and it may have economic effect,” Kelley said. “Most countries, outside of maybe North Korea and a few other pariah states, don’t want to be outlaws.”

Israeli Lawmakers Reaffirm Genocidal

Rhetoric on Eve of ICJ Trial

"I stand behind my words," said Deputy Knesset Speaker Nissim Vaturi. "It is better to burn down buildings rather than have soldiers harmed. There are no innocents there."

Israeli Deputy Knesset Speaker Nissim Vaturi speaks on March 9, 2021
(Photo: Nissim Vaturi/Facebook)

Jan 10, 2024

Two Israeli lawmakers from right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud party doubled down Wednesday on calls to destroy or depopulate Gaza, prompting an admonition from the country's attorney general on the eve of an emergency hearing in the South African-led genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

In an interview with Hakol Baramah radio, Deputy Knesset Speaker Nissim Vaturi said he did not regret his November call for Israel to "stop being humane" and "burn Gaza now."

"I stand behind my words," Vaturi said, according toThe Times of Israel. "It is better to burn down buildings rather than have soldiers harmed. There are no innocents there."

Referring to Palestinian civilians trapped in northern Gaza, Vaturi added that he has "no mercy for those who are still there."

"We need to eliminate them," he asserted.

On Tuesday, Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara cautioned government officials against making inflammatory statements like Vaturi's.

Baharav-Miara said officials are "obligated to act according to the principles of international law and the laws of war."

"Statements that call for, among other things, intentional harm to uninvolved citizens, are against the prevailing policy and may constitute criminal offenses, including incitement," she added.

Vaturi's remarks came as more than 90,000 Palestinians have been killed, wounded, or left missing by 96 days of largely indiscriminate Israeli bombardment of Gaza, where around 90% of the territory's 2.3 million residents have been displaced and most of its infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, according to Palestinian and United Nations officials.

Meanwhile, Haaretzreported that Danny Danon, a former United Nations ambassador now serving in the Knesset, said in a Wednesday radio interview that Israel must "not do half a job" in Gaza.

That, Danon said, means "voluntary migration" of Palestinians from Gaza—a euphemism, critics say, for an ethnic cleansing campaign akin to the Nakba, or "catastrophe," in which more than 750,000 Arabs were forcibly expelled from Palestine during the war to establish the modern state of Israel in 1948.

In November, Danon co-authored a Wall Street Journalopinion piece suggesting the ethnic cleansing of some of Gaza's population to Western countries that would accept the refugees.

Danon and Vaturi's remarks came as the International Court of Justice prepared to convene an emergency hearing Thursday in The Hague in a genocide case against Israel filed by South Africa and backed by nations including Pakistan, Turkey, Malaysia, Venezuela, Jordan, and Bolivia.

The filing in the World Court specifically mentions "direct and public incitement to genocide by senior Israeli officials and others."

These include individuals from Netanyahu and other senior Cabinet and military officials to Knesset members and municipal leaders.

Meanwhile, leftist Israeli lawmaker Ofer Cassif is being targeted for removal from the Knesset after becoming the first parliamentarian to express support for the ICJ genocide case against his country.

We Have A Tool To Stop Israel’s War Crimes: BDS

By Naomi Klein
January 11, 2024
Source: The Guardian

Photo. Alex Chis. Flickr.

Exactly 15 years ago this week, I published an article in the Guardian. It began like this:

It’s time. Long past time. The best strategy to end the increasingly bloody occupation is for Israel to become the target of the kind of global movement that put an end to apartheid in South Africa. In July 2005 a huge coalition of Palestinian groups laid out plans to do just that. They called on ‘people of conscience all over the world to impose broad boycotts and implement divestment initiatives against Israel similar to those applied to South Africa in the apartheid era’. The campaign Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions was born.

Back in January 2009, Israel had unleashed a shocking new stage of mass killing in the Gaza Strip, calling its ferocious bombing campaign Operation Cast Lead. It killed 1,400 Palestinians in 22 days; the number of casualties on the Israeli side was 13. That was the last straw for me, and after years of reticence I came out publicly in support of the Palestinian-led call for boycott, divestment and sanctions against Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights, known as BDS.

Though BDS had broad support from more than 170 Palestinian civil society organizations, internationally the movement remained small. During Operation Cast Lead, that began to shift, and a growing number of student groups and trade unions outside Palestine were signing on.

Still, many wouldn’t go there. I understood why the tactic felt fraught. There is a long and painful history of Jewish businesses and institutions being targeted by antisemites. The communications experts who lobby on Israel’s behalf know how to weaponize this trauma, so they invariably cast campaigns designed to challenge Israel’s discriminatory and violent policies as hateful attacks on Jews as an identity group.

For two decades, widespread fear stemming from that false equation has shielded Israel from facing the full potential of a BDS movement – and now, as the international court of justice hears South Africa’s devastating compendium of evidence of Israel committing the crime of genocide in Gaza, it truly is enough.

From bus boycotts to fossil fuel divestment, BDS tactics have a well-documented history as the most potent weapons in the nonviolent arsenal. Picking them up and using them at this turning point for humanity is a moral obligation.

The responsibility is particularly acute for those of us whose governments continue to actively aid Israel with deadly weapons, lucrative trade deals and vetoes at the United Nations. As BDS reminds us, we do not have to let those bankrupt agreements speak for us unchallenged.

Groups of organized consumers have the power to boycott companies that invest in illegal settlements, or power Israeli weapons. Trade unions can push their pension funds to divest from those firms. Municipal governments can select contractors based on ethical criteria that forbid these relationships. As Omar Barghouti, one of the founders and leaders of the BDS movement, reminds us: “The most profound ethical obligation in these times is to act to end complicity. Only thus can we truly hope to end oppression and violence.”

In these ways, BDS deserves to be seen as a people’s foreign policy, or diplomacy from below – and if it gets strong enough, it will eventually force governments to impose sanctions from above, as South Africa is attempting to do. Which is clearly the only force that can get Israel off its current path.

Barghouti stresses that, just as some white South Africans supported the anti-apartheid campaigns during that long struggle, Jewish Israelis who oppose their country’s systemic violations of international law are welcome to join BDS. During Operation Cast Lead, a group of roughly 500 Israelis, many of them prominent artists and scholars, did just that, eventually naming their group Boycott from Within.

In my 2009 article, I quoted their first lobbying letter, which called for “the adoption of immediate restrictive measures and sanctions” against their own country and drew direct parallels with the South African anti-apartheid struggle. “The boycott on South Africa was effective,” they pointed out, saying it helped end the legalization of discrimination and ghettoization in that country, adding: “But Israel is handled with kid gloves … This international backing must stop.”

That was true 15 years ago; it is calamitously so today.
The price of impunity

Reading BDS documents from the mid- and late 2000s, I am most struck by the extent to which the political and human terrain has deteriorated. In the intervening years, Israel has built more walls, erected more checkpoints, unleashed more illegal settlers and launched far deadlier wars. Everything has gotten worse: the vitriol, the rage, the righteousness. Clearly, impunity – the sense of imperviousness and untouchability that underpins Israel’s treatment of Palestinians – is not a static force. It behaves more like an oil spill: once released, it seeps outwards, poisoning everything and everyone in its path. It spreads wide and sinks in deep.

Since the original call for BDS was made in July 2005, the number of settlers living illegally in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, has exploded, reaching an estimated 700,000 – close to the number of Palestinians expelled in the 1948 Nakba. As settler outposts have expanded, so has the violence of settler attacks on Palestinians, all while the ideology of Jewish supremacy and even overt fascism have moved to the center of the political culture in Israel.

When I wrote my original BDS column, the overwhelming mainstream consensus was that the South African analogy was inappropriate and that the word “apartheid”, which was being used by Palestinian legal scholars, activists and human rights organizations, was needlessly inflammatory. Now, everyone from Human Rights Watch to Amnesty International to the leading Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem have done their own careful studies and come to the inescapable conclusion that apartheid is indeed the correct legal term to describe the conditions under which Israelis and Palestinians lead starkly unequal and segregated lives. Even Tamir Pardo, the former head of the Mossad intelligence agency, conceded the point: “There is an apartheid state here,” he said in September. “In a territory where two people are judged under two legal systems, that is an apartheid state.”

Moreover, many also now understand that apartheid exists not only in the occupied territories, but inside Israel’s 1948 borders, a case laid out in a major 2022 report from a coalition of Palestinian human rights groups convened by Al-Haq. It’s hard to argue otherwise when Israel’s current far-right government came to power under a coalition agreement that states: “The Jewish people have an exclusive and unquestionable right to all areas of the Land of Israel … the Galilee, the Negev, the Golan, Judea and Samaria.”

When impunity reigns, everything shifts and moves, including the colonial frontier. Nothing stays static.

Then there is Gaza. The numbers of Palestinians killed in Operation Cast Lead felt unfathomable at the time. We soon learned that it was not a one-off. Instead, it ushered in a murderous new policy that Israeli military officials casually referred to as “mowing the grass”: every couple of years brought a fresh bombing campaign, killing hundreds of Palestinians or, in the case of 2014’s Operation Protective Edge, more than 2,000, including 526 children.

Those numbers shocked again, and sparked a new wave of protests. It still wasn’t enough to strip Israel of its impunity, which continued to be protected by the US’s reliable UN veto, plus the steady flow of arms. More corrosive than the lack of international sanctions have been the rewards: in recent years, alongside all of this lawlessness, Washington has recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and then moved its embassy there. It also brokered the so-called Abraham accords, which ushered in lucrative normalization agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco.

It was Donald Trump who began showering Israel with these latest, long-sought-after gifts, but the process carried on seamlessly under Joe Biden. So, on the eve of 7 October, Israel and Saudi Arabia were on the verge of signing what had been giddily hailed as the “deal of the century”.

Where were Palestinian rights and aspirations in all these deals? Absolutely nowhere. Because the other thing that had shifted during these years of impunity was any pretext that Israel intended to return to the negotiating table. The clear goal was crushing the Palestinian movement for self-determination through force, alongside physical and political isolation and fragmentation.

We know how the next chapters of this story go. Hamas’s horrific 7 October attack. Israel’s furious determination to exploit those crimes to do what some of the government’s senior leaders had long wanted to do anyway: depopulate Gaza of Palestinians, which they currently appear to be attempting through the combination of direct killing; mass home demolition (“domicide”); the spread of starvation, thirst and infectious disease; and eventually mass expulsion.

Make no mistake: this is what it means to allow a state to go rogue, to let impunity reign unchecked for decades, using the real collective traumas suffered by the Jewish people as the bottomless excuse and cover story. Impunity like that will swallow not only one country but every country with which it is allied. It will swallow the entire international architecture of humanitarian law forged in the flames of the Nazi holocaust. If we let it.
A decade of legal attacks on BDS

Which raises something else that has not stayed stable over the past two decades: Israel’s escalating obsession with crushing BDS, no matter the cost to hard-won political rights. Back in 2009, there were many arguments being made by BDS’s critics about why it was a bad idea. Some worried that cultural and academic boycotts would shut down much-needed engagement with progressive Israelis, and feared it would veer into censorship. Others maintained that punitive measures would create a backlash and move Israel further to the right.

So it is striking, looking back now, that those early debates have pretty much disappeared from the public sphere, and not because one side won the argument. They disappeared because the entire idea of having a debate was displaced by one all-consuming strategy: using legal and institutional intimidation to put BDS tactics out of reach and shut the movement down.

To date in the United States, a total of 293 anti-BDS bills have been introduced across the country, and they have been enacted in 38 states, according to Palestine Legal, which has closely tracked this surge. It explains that some legislation targets university funding, some requires that anyone receiving a contract with a state or working for a state sign a contract pledging they will not boycott Israel, and “some call on the state to compile public blacklists of entities that boycott for Palestinian rights or support BDS”. In Germany, meanwhile, support for any form of BDS is enough to get awards revoked, funding pulled, and shows and lectures cancelled (something I have experienced first-hand).

This strategy is, unsurprisingly, most aggressive inside Israel itself. In 2011, the country enacted the Law for Prevention of Damage to the State of Israel through Boycott, effectively nipping the nascent Boycott from Within movement in the bud. The Adalah legal center, an organization working for Arab minority rights in Israel, explains that the law “prohibits the public promotion of academic, economic or cultural boycott by Israeli citizens and organizations against Israeli institutions or illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank. It enables the filing of civil lawsuits against anyone who calls for boycott.” Like the state-level laws in the US, “it also prohibits a person who calls for boycott from participating in any public tender”. In 2017, Israel began openly barring pro-BDS activists from entering Israel; 20 international groups were placed on the so-called BDS blacklist, including the anti-war stalwart Jewish Voice for Peace.

Meanwhile, across the US, lobbyists for oil and gas companies and gun manufacturers are taking a page from the anti-BDS legal offensive and pushing copycat legislation to restrict divestment campaigns that take aim at their clients. “It points to why it’s so dangerous to permit this kind of Palestine exception to speech,” Meera Shah, a senior staff attorney at Palestine Legal, told the magazine Jewish Currents. “Because not only is it harmful to the Palestinian rights movement – it eventually comes to harm other social movements.” Once again, nothing stays static, impunity expands, and when the rights to boycott and divest are stripped away for Palestinian solidarity, the right to use these same tools to push for climate action, gun control and LGBTQ+ rights are stripped away as well.

In a way, this is an advantage, because it presents an opportunity to deepen alliances across movements. Every major progressive organization and union has a stake in protecting the right to boycott and divest as core tenets of free expression and critical tools of social transformation. The small team at Palestine Legal has been leading the pushback in the US in extraordinary ways – filing court cases that challenge anti-BDS laws as unconstitutional and supporting the cases of others. They deserve far more backup.
Is it finally the BDS moment?

There is another reason to take heart: the reason Israel goes after BDS with such ferocity is the very same reason that so many activists have continued to believe in it despite these multipronged attacks. Because it can work.

We saw it when global companies started pulling out of South Africa in the 1980s. It wasn’t because they were suddenly struck by anti-racist moral epiphanies. Rather, as the movement became international, and boycott-and-divestment campaigns started to affect car sales and bank customers outside the country, these companies calculated that it would cost them more to stay in South Africa than to leave. Western governments began belatedly imposing sanctions for similar reasons.

That hurt the South African business sector, parts of which put pressure on the apartheid government to make concessions to the Black liberation movements that had been rebelling against apartheid for decades through uprisings, mass strikes and armed resistance. The costs of maintaining the cruel and violent status quo were growing higher, including for South Africa’s elite.

Finally, by the end of the 80s, the pincer of pressure from the outside and inside grew so intense that President FW de Klerk was forced to release Nelson Mandela from prison after 27 years, and then to hold one-person-one-vote elections, which carried Mandela to the presidency.

The Palestinian organizations that have kept the flame of BDS alive through some very dark years still place their hope in the South African model of outside pressure. Indeed, as Israel perfects the architecture and engineering of ghettoization and expulsion, it may be the only hope.

That’s because Israel is markedly more insulated from internal pressure from Palestinians than white South Africans were under apartheid, who depended on Black labor for everything from domestic work to diamond mining. When Black South Africans withdrew their labor, or engaged in other kinds of economic disruption, it could not be ignored.

Israel has learned from South Africa’s vulnerability: since the 90s, its reliance on Palestinian labor has been steadily decreasing, largely thanks to so-called guest workers and to the influx of roughly a million Jews from the former Soviet Union. This helped make it possible for Israel to move from the oppression model of occupation to today’s ghettoization model, which attempts to disappear Palestinians behind hulking walls with hi-tech sensors and Israel’s much vaunted Iron Dome air defense.

But this model – let’s call it the fortressed bubble – carries vulnerabilities of its own, and not only to Hamas attacks. The more systemic vulnerability comes from Israel’s extreme dependence on trade with Europe and North America, for everything from its tourism sector to its AI-powered surveillance-tech sector. The brand Israel has fashioned for itself is that of a scrappy, hip, western outpost in the desert, a little bubble of San Francisco or Berlin that just happens to find itself in the Arab world.

That makes it uniquely susceptible to the tactics of BDS, including cultural and academic boycotts. Because when pop stars wanting to avoid controversy cancel their Tel Aviv stops, and prestigious US universities cut their official partnerships with Israeli universities after witnessing the detonation of multiple Palestinian schools and universities, and when beautiful people no longer choose Eilat for their holidays because their Instagram followers won’t be impressed, it undermines Israel’s entire economic model, and its sense of itself.

That will introduce pressure where Israel’s leaders clearly feel little today. If global tech and engineering firms stop selling products and services to the Israeli military, that ups the pressure still further, perhaps enough to shift the political dynamics. Israelis badly want to be part of the world community, and if they find themselves suddenly isolated, many more voters could start demanding some of the very actions that Israel’s current leaders dismiss out of hand – like negotiating with Palestinians for a lasting peace rooted in justice and equality as defined under international law, rather than trying to secure its fortressed bubble with white phosphorus and ethnic cleansing.

The hitch, of course, is that for BDS’s nonviolent tactics to work, the wins cannot be sporadic or marginal. They need to be sustained and mainstream – at least as mainstream as the South African campaign, which saw major corporations like General Motors and Barclays Bank pull their investments, while massive artists like Bruce Springsteen and Ringo Starr joined a quintessentially 80s supergroup to belt out “ain’t gonna play Sun City” (a reference to South Africa’s iconic luxury resort).

The BDS movement targeting Israel’s injustice has certainly grown over the past 15 years; Barghouti estimates that the “labor and farmers unions, as well as racial, social, gender and climate justice movements” that support it “collectively represent tens of millions worldwide”. But the movement has yet to reach a South Africa-level tipping point.

That has come at a cost. You don’t need to be a historian of liberation struggles to know that when morally guided tactics are ignored, sidelined, smeared and banned, then other tactics – unbound by those ethical concerns – become far more appealing to people desperate for any hope of change.

We will never know how the present could have been different if more individuals, organizations and governments had heeded the BDS call made by Palestinian civil society when it came in 2005. When I reached out to Barghouti a few days ago, he was not looking back at two decades of impunity, but on 75 years. Israel, he said, “would not have been able to perpetrate its ongoing televised genocide in Gaza without the complicity of states, corporations and institutions with its system of oppression”. Complicity, he stressed, is something we all have the power to reject.

One thing is certain: the current atrocities in Gaza dramatically strengthen the case for boycott, divestment and sanctions. Nonviolent tactics that many wrote off as extreme or feared would get them labelled antisemitic look very different through the dim light of two decades of carnage, with new rubble piled upon old, new grief and trauma etched in the psyches of new generations, and new depths of depravity reached in both word and deed.

This past Sunday, for his final show on MSNBC, Mehdi Hasan interviewed the Gaza-based Palestinian photojournalist Motaz Azaiza, who risks his own life, day after day, to bring images of Israel’s mass killing to the world. His message to US viewers was stark: “Don’t call yourself a free person if you can’t make changes, if you can’t stop a genocide that is still ongoing.”

In a moment such as ours, we are what we do. So many people have been doing more than ever before: blocking arms shipments, occupying seats of government demanding a ceasefire, joining mass protests, telling the truth, however difficult. The combination of these actions may well have contributed to the most significant development in the history of BDS: South Africa’s application to the international court of justice (ICJ) in The Hague accusing Israel of committing genocide and calling for provisional measures to stop its attack on Gaza.

A recent analysis by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz notes that if the ICJ rules in South Africa’s favor, even if the US vetoes military intervention at the United Nations, “an injunction could result in Israel and Israeli companies being ostracized and subject to sanctions imposed by individual countries or blocs”.

Grassroots boycotts, meanwhile, are already beginning to bite. In December, Puma – one of BDS’s top targets – let it be known that it will terminate its controversial sponsorship of Israel’s national football team. Before that, there was an exodus of artists from a major comics festival in Italy, after it emerged that the Israeli embassy was among the sponsors. And this month, the McDonald’s chief executive, Chris Kempczinski, wrote that what he called “misinformation” was having “a meaningful business impact” on some of its sales in “several markets in the Middle East and some outside the region”. This was a reference to a wave of outrage sparked by news that McDonald’s Israel had donated thousands of meals to Israeli soldiers. Kempczinski has sought to separate the global brand from “local owner operators”, but few people in the BDS movement are persuaded by the distinction.

It will also be critical, as momentum for BDS continues to pick up steam, to be acutely aware that we are in the midst of an alarming and real surge of hate crimes, many of them directed at Palestinians and Muslims, but also at Jewish businesses and institutions simply because they are Jewish. That is antisemitism, not political activism.

BDS is a serious, nonviolent movement with an established governing model. While giving local organizers autonomy to determine which campaigns will work in their areas, the BDS national committee (BNC) sets the movement’s guiding principles and carefully selects a small group of high-impact corporate targets, chosen “due to their proven complicity in Israel’s violations of Palestinian human rights”.

The BNC is also very clear that it is not calling for individual Israelis to be boycotted because they are Israeli, stating that it “rejects, on principle, boycotts of individuals based on their opinion or identity (such as citizenship, race, gender or religion)”. The targets, in other words, are institutions complicit in systems of oppression, not people.

No movement is perfect. Every movement will make missteps. The most pressing question now, however, has little to do with perfection. It is simply this: what has the best chance of changing a morally intolerable status quo, while stopping further bloodshed? The indomitable Haaretz journalist Gideon Levy has no illusions about what it will take. He recently told Owen Jones: “The key is in the international community – I mean, Israel will not change by itself … The formula is very simple: as long as Israelis don’t pay and are not punished for the occupation and not taken accountable for it and don’t feel it on a daily basis, nothing will change.”
It’s late

In July 2009, a few months after my original BDS article was published, I traveled to Gaza and the West Bank. In Ramallah, I gave a lecture on my decision to support BDS. It included an apology for failing to add my voice sooner, which I confessed had come from a place of fear – fear that the tactic was too extreme when directed at a state forged in Jewish trauma; fear that I would be accused of betraying my people. Fears that I still have.

“Better late than never,” a kind audience member said to me after the talk.

It was late then; it’s later still now. But it’s not too late. Not too late for all of us to create our own foreign policy from below, one that intervenes in the culture and economy in intelligent and strategic ways – ways that offer tangible hope that Israel’s decades of unchecked impunity will finally come to an end.

As the BDS national committee asked last week: “If not now, when? The South African anti-apartheid movement organized for decades to gain broad international support leading up to the fall of apartheid; and apartheid did fall. Freedom is inevitable. The time is now to take action to join the movement for freedom, justice and equality in Palestine.”

Enough. It’s time for a boycott.

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Naomi Klein is an award-winning journalist and New York Times bestselling author. She is Senior Correspondent for The Intercept. In 2018 she was named the inaugural Gloria Steinem Endowed Chair at Rutgers University and is now Honorary Professor of Media and Climate at Rutgers. In September 2021 she joined the University of British Columbia as UBC Professor of Climate Justice (tenured) and co-director of the Centre for Climate Justice.

Rage Over Gaza: Washington Will Pay for Its Support of Israel

A famous quote by Franz Kafka says, “Every thing you love is very likely to be lost, but in the end, love will return in a different way.”

The same principle, I believe, applies to any other powerful feeling, including resentment, hate, anger, even rage.

American officials should know this well as they continue to support Israel with billions of dollars of military and economic aid, and anything and everything that would allow Israel to continue with its genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza.

The Arabs, the Muslims – in fact, the whole world – are watching, listening, reading and are getting angrier by the day, at the direct American role in facilitating the Gaza bloodbath.

Israel’s military campaign in Gaza “has wreaked more destruction than the razing of Syria’s Aleppo between 2012 and 2016, Ukraine’s Mariupol or, proportionally, the Allied bombing of Germany in World War II” and “now sits among the deadliest and most destructive in recent history,” the Associated Press reported, based on recent satellite data analysis.

Aside from the tens of thousands of dead and missing in the rubble, even a higher number of people have been injured and maimed, including thousands of children. Countless children are left “grappling with the loss of an arm or a leg,” according to UNICEF.

This agony of Gaza is being watched on television and is also being viewed through every possible medium of communication. It is as if the world is suffering along with the Gaza children, but without being able to stop or slow down the genocide.

And, yet, even when all European countries, save a few, reversed their position on the war, joining the rest of the world in demanding an immediate and comprehensive ceasefire, Washington continued to reject these calls.

This is how US Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, justified her country’s use of the veto, striking down the first serious attempt by the UN Security Council to achieve a permanent truce on October 18: “Israel has the inherent right of self-defense as reflected in Article 51 of the UN Charter.”

That same logic has been repeated many times by US officials since then, even when the extent of the Gaza tragedy became known to everyone, including the Americans themselves.

This self-serving logic goes against the very spirit of international and humanitarian law, which vehemently rejects the targeting of civilians during times of war and conflict, and the prevention of humanitarian aid from reaching civilian victims of war.

Indeed, the vast majority of Gaza’s victims are civilians and, according to UNICEF, over 70 percent of all of those killed and wounded are women and children.

Moreover, due to the inhumane Israeli practices, Gaza survivors are now dealing with an actual famine, an unprecedented event in the modern history of Palestine.

Yet, Israel continues to prevent the access to food, medicine, fuel and other urgent supplies to Gaza, thus violating Washington’s own laws on the matter.

“No assistance shall be furnished to any country when it is made known to the President that the government of such country prohibits or otherwise restricts, directly or indirectly, the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance,” the US Foreign Assistance Act (Section 620I) states.

The Biden Administration has done nothing to pressure – let alone force – Israel to adhere to the most basic humanitarian laws in its ongoing genocide in Gaza. Worse, President Biden is furnishing Israel with the needed tools to prolong this destructive war.

According to a December 25 report by Israel’s Channel 12, more than 20 ships and 244 US airplanes have delivered over 10,000 tons of armaments and military equipment to Israel since the start of the war.

These military supplies include, according to the Wall Street Journal, at least 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker-buster bombs, which have been repeatedly used throughout the Israeli war, killing and wounding hundreds each time.

The only tangible action that the US has taken since the start of the war was to create a coalition, named ‘Operation Prosperity Guardian’, with the sole purpose of ensuring the safety of ships crossing the Red Sea, into or from Israel.

The US, however, seems to have learned nothing from the past, from its devastating wars on Iraq, from the so-called ‘war on terror’, from its failure to find a balance between its support for Israel and its respect for Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. To the contrary, some US officials seem to be entirely detached from this reality.

At a press conference at the White House on December 7, US National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, proclaimed: “Tell me, name me, one more nation, any other nation, that is doing as much as the United States to alleviate the pain and suffering of the people of Gaza. You can’t. You just can’t.”

But how are ‘dumb bombs’, ‘smart bombs’, bunker busters and tens of thousands of tons of explosives “alleviating the pain and suffering” of Gaza and her children?

If Kirby is unaware of his country’s role in the genocide in Gaza, then the crisis in American foreign policy is worse than we could have imagined. If he is aware, and he should be, then his country’s moral crisis is arguably unprecedented in modern history.

The problem in US politics is that American administrations have a segmented view of reality, as they are intently focused on how their action, or inaction, is going to affect their political parties in future elections.

But Americans who care about their country and its position in a vastly changing Middle East and rapidly shifting global geopolitics should remember that history neither starts nor finishes on a fixed November date, once every four years.

“In the end, love will return in a different way,” Kafka wrote. He is right. But hate, too, tends to return as well, manifesting itself in myriad ways. More than any other country, Washington should have come to that realization on its own.

From Gaza to Congo: How Palestinians Became Victims of Zionist History

January 10, 2024
Source: Originally published by Z. Feel free to share widely.

Thousands of miles separate Uganda and Congo from the Gaza Strip, but these places are connected to Palestine in ways that traditional geopolitical analyses would fail to explain.

On January 3, it was revealed that the far-right Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu is actively discussing proposals to expel millions of Palestinians to African countries, in exchange for a fixed price.

The discussion on expelling millions of Gazans has supposedly entered the mainstream thinking in Israel starting on October 7. But the fact that this discussion remains active over three months since the start of the Israeli war on Gaza indicates that the Israeli proposals are not an outcome of a specific historical moment, for example, Al-Aqsa Flood operation.

Even a quick glance at Israeli historical records point to the fact that the mass expulsion of Palestinians – known in Israel as ‘Transfer’ – was, and remains, a major Israeli strategy which aims at fixing Israel’s so-called ‘demographic problem’.

Long before fighters from the Al-Qassam Brigades and other Palestinian movements stormed the fence separating besieged Gaza from Israel on October 7, Israeli politicians discussed, in fact on many occasions, how to reduce the overall Palestinian population to maintain the demographic Jewish majority in historic Palestine.

The idea was not only confined to Israel’s extremists, but was discussed even by the likes of former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman when he suggested in 2014 a proposal for ‘population exchange plan’.

Even supposedly liberal intellectuals and historians have supported this idea, both in principle and practice.

A top Israeli historian, Benny Morris, has regretted in an interview with the liberal Israeli newspaper Haaretz in January 2004, that Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, failed to expel all Palestinians during the Nakba – the catastrophic event of murder and ethnic cleansing that led to the creation of the state of Israel on top of Palestinian towns and villages.

Another proof that the idea of ‘Transfer’ was not concocted on the spur of the moment is the fact that comprehensive plans were immediately produced after October 7. They include a position paper published by the Israeli think tank the ‘Misgav Institute for National Security & Zionist Strategy’ on October 17 and a report released three days later by the Israeli news outlet, Calcalist, which outlined a document proposing the same strategy.

The fact that Egypt, Jordan and other Arab countries openly and immediately declared their total rejection of expelling Palestinians indicates the degree of seriousness of those official Israeli proposals.

“Our problem is (finding) countries that are willing to absorb Gazans, and we are working on it,” Netanyahu said on January 2.

These comments were followed by others, including a statement by Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich when he said “What needs to be done in the Gaza Strip is to encourage emigration.”

It was then that the Israeli official discourse adopted the term ‘voluntary migration’. But there is nothing voluntary about the starvation of 2.3 million Palestinians, who continue to face an ongoing genocide, and are being pushed systematically toward the border region between Gaza and Egypt.

In its legal case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the government of South Africa included the planned ethnic cleansing of Gaza by Tel Aviv as one of the main points listed by Pretoria, accusing Israel of genocide.

Due to the lack of enthusiasm on the part of pro-Israel Western countries, Israeli diplomats are circumventing the globe looking for governments which are willing to accept ethnically-cleansed Palestinians.

Imagine if this behavior stemmed from any other country in the world; a country that murders people en masse, yet shops around looking for other states to accept the expelled survivors in exchange for cash.

Not only has Israel made a mockery of international law, but they have also set whole new standards of despicable behavior by any state, anywhere in the world, in any time in history, ancient or modern.

And yet, the world continues to watch, support, as in the case of the US, or gently or vehemently protest, but without taking a single meaningful action to stop the bloodbath in Gaza, or to block the terrifying scenarios that could truly follow if the war does not end.

But there is one thing that many people might not know, the Zionist movement, the very ideological institution that established Israel had attempted to move the world’s Jewery to Africa, to establish a state, prior to the choice of Palestine as the ‘Jewish homeland’.

This was called the ‘Uganda Scheme’ of 1903. It was raised by Theodor Hertzl, the founder of Zionism, at the Sixth Zionist Congress. It was based on a proposal put forth by British Colonial Secretary Joseph Chamberlain.

The Uganda Scheme eventually fell through, but the Zionists continued to shop for some other place, finally, to the misfortune of the Palestinians, settling on Palestine.

If one is to compare the genocidal language of Israeli leaders of today, study their racist references to Palestinians, one is to locate a major overlap between their collective perception and the way that Jewish communities were perceived by Europeans for hundreds of years.

The sudden Zionist interest in Congo as a potential ‘homeland’ for Palestinians further illustrates the point that the Zionist movement continues to live in the shadow of its own history, projecting the racism practiced against Jews in Israel’s own racism against innocent Palestinians.

On January 5, Israel’s Minister of Heritage Amihai Eliyahu proposed that Israelis “must find ways for Gazans that are more painful than death.” One does not need to struggle to find historical references of similar language, used by German Nazis in their depiction of Jews in the early half of the 20th century.

If history does repeat itself, it has an odd, and unkind way of doing so.

We have been told that the world has learned from the mass killings of previous wars, including the Holocaust and other WWII atrocities. Yet, it seems that the lessons have largely gone unlearned. Not only is Israel now assuming the role of the mass killer but the rest of the Western world continues to play the role assigned to them in this historical tragedia. They are either cheering, politely protesting, or doing nothing at all.

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Ramzy Baroud is a US-Palestinian journalist, media consultant, an author, internationally-syndicated columnist, Editor of Palestine Chronicle (1999-present), former Managing Editor of London-based Middle East Eye, former Editor-in-Chief of The Brunei Times and former Deputy Managing Editor of Al Jazeera online. Baroud’s work has been published in hundreds of newspapers and journals worldwide, and is the author of six books and a contributor to many others. Baroud is also a regular guest on many television and radio programs including RT, Al Jazeera, CNN International, BBC, ABC Australia, National Public Radio, Press TV, TRT, and many other stations. Baroud was inducted as an Honorary Member into the Pi Sigma Alpha National Political Science Honor Society, NU OMEGA Chapter of Oakland University, Feb 18, 2020.

Former Biden Appointee Says Dissent in Government Over Gaza Policy Is Widespread

“The White House doesn’t even know the level of dissent within its own ranks,” says Tariq Habash, who resigned.
January 10, 2024

As the Biden administration faces mounting public and internal criticism for supporting and arming Israel’s 96-day assault on Gaza, we speak with Tariq Habash, who last week became the first Biden appointee to publicly resign from the government to protest Biden’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza. “It was untenable to work for and represent an administration and president that put conditions on my own humanity, that didn’t believe that Palestinian lives were equal to the lives of other people,” says Habash, a Palestinian American Christian who worked as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Education. He details how Biden employees “across the board” are frustrated with the president’s policy on Gaza. “The White House doesn’t even know the level of dissent within its own ranks.”


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: We begin today’s show looking at Gaza, where the death toll from Israel’s assault has topped 23,300. On Tuesday, during a trip to Israel, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the civilian death toll in Gaza is, quote, “far too high,” but he refused to call for a ceasefire.

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SECRETARY OF STATE ANTONY BLINKEN: Facing an enemy that embeds itself among civilians, who hides in and fires from schools, from hospitals, makes this incredibly challenging. But the daily toll on civilians in Gaza, particularly on children, is far too high. … We want this war to end as soon as possible. There’s been far too much loss of life, far too much suffering. But it’s vital that Israel achieve its very legitimate objectives of ensuring that October 7th can never happen again.

AMY GOODMAN: That was Tony Blinken speaking in Tel Aviv after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Blinken met with Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas today in Ramallah in the occupied West Bank. During Tuesday’s press conference, Blinken went on to say Israel must not press Palestinians to leave Gaza and that the region needs to find a “pathway to a Palestinian state.”


Report: Major News Outlets Like NYT Cover Gaza With Strong Bias Toward Israel
The analysis lends evidence to what many pro-Palestine advocates have long said about Western outlets’ pro-Israel bias.

By Sharon Zhang , TRUTHOUTJanuary 9, 2024

SECRETARY OF STATE ANTONY BLINKEN: We continue to discuss how to build a more durable peace and security for Israel within the region. As I told the prime minister, every partner that I met on this trip said that they’re ready to support a lasting solution that ends the long-running cycle of violence and ensures Israel’s security. But they underscored that this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a Palestinian state.

AMY GOODMAN: Blinken’s trip to Israel and the Middle East comes as the Biden administration faces mounting criticism for supporting and arming Israel’s assault on Gaza.

We begin today’s show with Tariq Habash. Last week, he became the first Biden appointee, and just the second administration official overall, to publicly resign from the Biden administration to protest Biden’s support for Israel’s war on Gaza. Tariq Habash is a Palestinian American Christian who worked as a senior official at the U.S. Department of Education.

In his resignation letter, he wrote, quote, “I cannot stay silent as this administration turns a blind eye to the atrocities committed against innocent Palestinian lives, in what leading human rights experts have called a genocidal campaign by the Israeli government,” unquote.

Tariq Habash, welcome to Democracy Now! Thanks so much for joining us. Can you talk about your decision-making, at what point you decided you had to leave the Biden administration, how long you’ve worked for him, and what you think of what’s happening right now?

TARIQ HABASH: Thank you so much, Amy. And thanks, Juan.

You know, for me, this was an incredibly difficult decision. In a lot of ways, I was working my dream job. I was working for a president who for years touted himself as an individual of empathy, an individual, a president, a leader who cared about our education system, about labor rights, about healthcare, about the environment. In a lot of ways, I was extremely aligned with the entire domestic policy agenda of President Biden. And I was able to work on issues that I truly cared about. You know, I was part of the administration from the very beginning, coming up on three full years working in this administration. And even before that, I volunteered my time as someone who assisted the campaign on the policy development of that agenda with respect to higher education and student debt.

But it was really difficult, as someone who both cared deeply about American democracy and cared deeply about improving the lives of millions of Americans, to also feel like it was untenable to work for and represent an administration and a president that put conditions on my own humanity, that didn’t believe that Palestinian lives were equal to the lives of other people. And, you know, that’s just a really, really hard thing to deal with. And so, for me, it wasn’t a particular moment in time. I think it was a culmination of near daily dehumanization of Palestinian lives in Gaza and the West Bank, and policy and rhetoric that never really shifted over the last three months. And I think we even heard that yesterday from the secretary of state, unfortunately.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Tariq, I’m wondering: Did you try to express your perspective or your viewpoints to people in the administration? And I’m wondering also what the response was of your direct boss, Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, when you decided to resign.

TARIQ HABASH: Yeah, I mean, I used every avenue available to me to be able to express my concerns both about the language that the administration, the White House, was using, to express concerns about the policies and how it undermines the president’s message on protecting democracy, on how it undermines our stature across the international community with respect to, like, being humanitarians and caring about human life. And yeah, I spoke with the secretary on numerous occasions about this issue. I spoke with the assistant secretaries. I spoke with the secretary’s chief of staff. They were all extremely understanding of my personal plight and my personal frustration, and, you know, they were very supportive of me on a personal level, emotionally understanding, checking on me to make sure that I was doing OK.

And even in circumstances where the White House did listening sessions and had policy briefings for staff in particular, you know, I was there. I tried to raise concerns, as did many of my peers and colleagues. I think there was a different tone in the reception from the White House than, say, the Department of Education, in particular, but I think the outcomes, unfortunately, didn’t change anything. I think we continued to see a doubling down on the current policies that have led us to where we are today, which is the unconditional support of military funding and resources to an extremist Israeli regime that continues to both indiscriminately bomb Palestinians in Gaza and starve millions of people.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Yeah, and you mentioned that you had participated in President Biden’s original campaign. What do you sense is the implication for his reelection campaign of the deep dissatisfaction not only among employees in his administration, but of young, progressive and liberal Americans across the spectrum?

TARIQ HABASH: Yeah, I mean, I think that there are huge implications. I think we’re already seeing those implications. The president is now really gearing up for the 2024 election. We’re months away. And we’re seeing his poll numbers really hitting real lows, particularly in communities that are predominantly minority, predominantly younger. We’re seeing a backlash, I think, in part to these policies and to our response.

And it feels like it’s out of touch with the president’s message around protecting democracy from authoritarianism. I think the president has spoken very directly to the American people about how important 2024 is in terms of protecting our democracy. I think that is absolutely true, but it’s also just not in line with the foreign policy approach to the region, and to Gaza in particular, as we are seeing the president and the administration provide unconditional support to an authoritarian Israeli government.

AMY GOODMAN: Tariq Habash, what has been the response of your colleagues to quitting? And you talked about the difference between the response of the Department of Education and the White House. Have you gotten word from the White House?

TARIQ HABASH: I haven’t heard from the White House. I have heard from countless colleagues across the federal government, people who I’ve worked very closely with, people who I didn’t have the opportunity to work with, and people who we had numerous touchpoints across the three years that I was at the Department of Education. And that response has been incredibly supportive. I couldn’t imagine the level of understanding and support and alignment with so many people.

I think we’ve heard a lot about the level of dissent across the federal government with the administration’s current policies. I think we’ve seen numerous dissent cables from the State Department be leaked. We’ve seen letters from USAID, from dozens of federal agencies, from interns, dissent within the White House. I mean, it is across the board.

But I think there’s also so much more that we don’t even realize, because there are limitations to how people can share that information and use the channels that are available to them. For me at the Department of Education and other domestic agencies, there aren’t the same types of private channels that State Department has for dissent cables for Foreign Service officers and other employees. I was fortunate because I had leadership that cared about me on a personal level, that wanted to check on me, and told me that if there were things that I wanted to communicate to the White House, to the highest levels of the White House, those messages would be communicated. The vast majority of people don’t have that level of access and support from their leadership, from their agencies, and they don’t have those structures in place. So, I think, in a lot of ways, the White House doesn’t even know the level of dissent within its own ranks. And I think that’s concerning.

AMY GOODMAN: On Monday, President Biden spoke at the Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina. That’s where the white supremacist Dylann Roof shot dead eight Black parishioners and their pastor in 2015, Clementa Pinckney. Biden’s speech was disrupted when a group of activists started chanting “Ceasefire now!”

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Without light, there’s no path from this darkness.

PROTESTER: If you really care about the lives lost here, then you should honor the lives lost and call for a ceasefire in Palestine!

PROTESTERS: Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now! Ceasefire now!

AMY GOODMAN: As the protesters called for a ceasefire and were removed from the church, supporters of Biden started chanting “Four more years.” President Biden then addressed the protest.

PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: I understand their passion. And I’ve been quietly working — I’ve been quietly working with the Israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of Gaza. I’ve been using all that I can to do that.

AMY GOODMAN: I was wondering, Tariq, if you think President Biden’s line has changed at all. I mean, reports are he’s called his top aides to the White House, absolutely furious why his poll numbers are so low, when the poll figures show people are so dismayed at what’s happening now. I wanted to quote a retired Israeli major general, Yitzhak Brick, who conceded in November, “All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the U.S.” He said, “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability. … Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.” Talk about what you think Biden understands and what he needs to do right now.

TARIQ HABASH: I think it’s really important to recognize that, you know, American voters see this as a domestic policy issue just as much as a foreign policy issue. It is affecting what is going to happen in the upcoming election. I think people are really dissatisfied with the response of the administration. I think that we’re seeing that in the church a couple days ago with the protest. We’re seeing it with protests across the country. We’re seeing city councilmembers and local legislators and policymakers take stances to support an immediate ceasefire.

That disconnect from the people is really concerning for American democracy, but it’s concerning because it feels like digging into the current position means that it’s not as valuable to listen to the people and that our policymakers are going to make the decisions that they’re going to make. And I think when we see an administration circumvent Congress by issuing hundreds of millions of dollars of weapons to a foreign government and circumventing the processes that are in place, ignoring really important laws to protect both Americans but also abide by international humanitarian law, I think there are significant implications for what that means for America more broadly.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Tariq, I wanted to ask you — in your work at the Education Department, you were focused particularly on higher education. I’m wondering: What’s your response to what’s been happening on so many campuses across the country and the politicians in — or some politicians in Congress trying to support and build up the retaliation and targeting campaign faced by Palestinian rights advocates at the university campuses?

TARIQ HABASH: I’m so glad you asked that question. I feel like — so, I already mentioned a little bit how, like, Americans don’t feel like this is just an issue away from home, this is also a domestic policy issue. I think that is extremely clear on college campuses, that have for decades been the grounds for public dissent, for protests, for being able to have a free exchange of ideas and communicate on issues that are really difficult. I think American higher education is meant to be a place to allow free speech in all of its forms. I think that’s really important. I think the Department of Education recognizes that.

But I think there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. I think it’s very clear, the overcorrection that we’ve seen by institutions of higher education and their response to the weaponization of language, in particular, on college campuses and by political officials and right-wing extremists. I think, at the end of the day, we need to ensure that students are safe, but we need to provide safe learning environments that do not infringe on their rights to be able to have those difficult conversations, to learn about issues that matter in the world right now. And this particular conflict is the forefront of those conversations in so many ways.

I think when we see students on college campuses show solidarity with the Palestinian struggle, when we see students on college campuses condemn the daily atrocities that we see that are starving millions of Palestinians, and decades of oppression and occupation that have led to unequal rights for Palestinians, I think that it’s really important that we separate that from actual hate speech, that is real and dangerous and growing across the country. And I think that, you know, we’ve seen politicians rely on the weaponization of language in order to minimize students’ ability to organize and to speak about some really difficult issues. And we’ve seen that really affect the independence and the integrity of American higher education.

And the risks to academic freedom are very real. And that is a responsibility for the Department of Education. And I think that was one reason for me why it took so long to really take this position, because I did feel an obligation, on the issues that I worked directly on, to be able to help move the ball forward and provide as much support as possible to students across the country.

AMY GOODMAN: I’m wondering — you were still there, Tariq, at the Department of Education when the three Palestinian students were shot in Burlington, one from Trinity, one from Haverford and one from Brown, Hisham Awartani, who is paralyzed from the chest down. And I was wondering your response there and within the department, and also if you feel you face a different future than someone like Josh Paul, longtime State Department official who quit over Biden administration policy. You’re a Biden appointee. But if you face something different as a Palestinian American?

TARIQ HABASH: Yeah, absolutely. Just to quickly touch on what happened in Vermont, which is absolutely horrific, I think part of the problem is the constant dehumanization of Palestinians. And what we’ve seen both in the language that the White House has used and in what we have seen in terms of coverage here across the United States in the media, making it seem like Palestinians — and, in particular, Palestinian men — are less deserving of support, of humanity, of emotion, that allows people to feel like attacking them is acceptable. And that’s just — that’s a horrifying thing to realize, is that as a Palestinian, as a Palestinian man, as a Palestinian Christian, so may aspects of my own identity are erased on a daily basis. And it’s truly horrifying that we allow that type of dehumanization to exist in our country today. For me, it’s very personal. And, yeah.

AMY GOODMAN: And talk about your background, Tariq, your family’s background, your history.

TARIQ HABASH: Yeah. You know, I’m an American. I was born and raised here in the United States. But I descend from generations of Palestinians. I am a Palestinian American. Like I said, I’m a Palestinian Christian. My family has been Christians for as far back as we know.

And in 1948, my grandparents and many of my aunts and uncles who were alive at the time were forcibly displaced from their homes in Yaffa. And for those who don’t know, it’s on the water, essentially where Tel Aviv is today. And they had to leave everything. They left their homes. They left their businesses. They left their friends. They saw a huge migration, a forced migration of their peers, and massive levels of death. And for them, it was about self-preservation, about preserving future generations of their family. And they walked for miles to find somewhere safe.

And I think it was happenstance that, you know, someone told them, “Oh, we think it’s safe toward the east. Let’s walk that direction.” And as a Palestinian living in America, as a Palestinian living in the broader diaspora, not being able to return, there’s a level of guilt that you have, knowing that a decision that was made 75 years ago to walk east instead of south, toward Gaza, changed the entire trajectory of your life, changed the trajectory of your family’s lives, because, you know, my family has been here in the States for a long time, but I could have very easily been in Gaza. My family could have been in Gaza. It’s extremely emotional. And you feel guilty because you are safe and you can’t do enough to protect lives that are being taken indiscriminately.

AMY GOODMAN: What are your plans now, Tariq?

TARIQ HABASH: I don’t know. You know, I think this is such an important issue. I’m doing everything I can just to use whatever channels that I have to communicate about how important it is to end the violence immediately, to preserve as many lives as possible. I think we’ve heard the White House and the secretary of state talk repeatedly about minimizing civilian casualties. We can do a lot better than minimizing them. We can end civilian casualties in Gaza and in the West Bank. I think it’s up to us to make that decision, to do a little bit of introspection on our own policies and positions and recognize that it’s been over three months, the military route has been an epic failure, and the only path to peace, as the secretary of state talked about just yesterday, is a diplomatic one.

And when we talk about providing humanitarian aid and increasing the level of aid that’s getting to people in Gaza who are starving, it’s really hard to do that if there is continuous bombing of all of the safe regions. There’s nowhere safe left. There hasn’t been anywhere safe left for weeks and weeks. It’s really important that you end the violence, so that you can provide the level of support that’s needed, if we want to seriously contemplate a future for Palestinians.

AMY GOODMAN: Tariq Habash, we want to thank you for being with us, former Biden administration political appointee who resigned last week from the Department of Education in response to President Biden’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza. He was the department’s only Palestinian American appointee. He was the first Biden appointee to quit.

Coming up, is Israel using starvation as a weapon of war in Gaza? We’ll speak with an Israeli human rights group. Stay with us.


AMY GOODMAN: “Deeds, Not Words” by the legendary jazz drummer, composer and activist Max Roach. Today would have been his 100th birthday.

Amy Goodman is the host and executive producer of Democracy Now!, a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program airing on more than 1,100 public television and radio stations worldwide. Time Magazine named Democracy Now! its “Pick of the Podcasts,” along with NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

Juan González co-hosts Democracy Now! with Amy Goodman. González has been a professional journalist for more than 30 years and a staff columnist at the New York Daily News since 1987. He is a two-time recipient of the George Polk Award.