Thursday, October 07, 2021


Study: Observers Find Poor Conditions on Most Live Export Ships

road train
Live export loading operations, Pilbara, Australia (file image courtesy PPA)



A new study in the respected veterinary journal Animals suggests that inhumane conditions may be the norm - not the exception - on live export voyages.

The study is based on 37 reports filed by Australian government observers aboard live-export voyages from Australia to China. These government reports are published in summary form only, but the available details are enough to raise concerns for animal rights activists. 30 out of 37 of the independent observer summaries documented "poor pen conditions or insufficient space," according to co-author Dr. Di Evans, and "all 37 of them identified health issues such as painful eye disease, pneumonia or lameness." 

In addition, over 40 percent of the voyages struggled to provide adequate water to the livestock. This is of particular concern for transits through the tropics, where heat stress adds to the challenging conditions aboard a live-export ship.

“Nearly a third of voyages had both food and water issues, which is completely unacceptable. These are inhumane conditions to be knowingly putting animals through and unless we see significant change, and ultimately an end to live export altogether, hundreds of thousands more Australian animals are going to suffer.”

Given the high average age of the livestock carrier fleet, it is perhaps unsurprising that nearly two-thirds of the observers also reported problems with the ship's equipment, including poorly-maintained fittings, failing water-supply systems and engine breakdowns.

“What this study makes clear is that this isn’t just one or two bad operators - these animal welfare risks are inherent in the live export trade. For example, a staggering 38 percent of voyages had food shortages or limited access to food, including more than one in 10 voyages having to ration food or exhausting the supply," said Dr. Evans. 

AFP among winners of Covering Climate Now awards

Issued on: 07/10/2021 - 
"The road over the Bidwell Bar Bridge seemed to run straight into the heart of the flames," AFP photographer Josh Edelson said

New York (AFP)

Covering Climate Now, a global media project devoted to reporting on global warming, on Wednesday honored Agence France-Presse among the winners of its first journalism award.

"The awards celebrate work that sets a standard of excellence for journalists everywhere to emulate as newsrooms increase their coverage of the climate story," the consortium of over 400 media outlets said in a statement.

The 12 winners chosen from nearly 600 entries included a multimedia piece by The Guardian, which lets the audience listen to the sounds of icebergs melting in the Antarctic, and a long-form piece by ProPublica documenting migration caused by global warming.

Josh Edelson, an AFP photographer based in California who specializes in covering wildfires, won in the photography category for his series "Heart of Fire."

In the series, shot in September 2020, Edelson documented the wildfires burning in California, capturing "the overwhelming size of the inferno and its emotional impact on both firefighters and the displaced," the consortium said.

"In ten years covering wildfires in California, I've never seen anything like what this year brought," Edelson wrote in an essay that accompanies his photo series. "The new normal now seems to be that every fire season brings a new surprise."

Firefighters battling a fire north of Lake Oroville in California in September 2020 

"I am transfixed and fascinated and passionate and also humbled by the power of these events and super-driven to continue telling these stories so people can see what's going on inside the fire line," Edelson wrote.

© 2021 AFP
US Supreme Court raises questions about rights of Guantanamo detainee

A number of US Supreme Court Justices on Wednesday asked why Guantanamo detainee Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn, known as Abu Zubaydah, cannot testify about his treatment at a CIA site in Poland. © AFP

The Supreme Court on Wednesday seemed skeptical of requiring the U.S. government to divulge what it says is secret information being sought by a Guantanamo Bay detainee. But in a surprising turn, several justices also raised questions about the rights of the man, who was tortured by the CIA abroad and has been detained for nearly two decades.

The case the high court was wrestling with involves Abu Zubaydah, who was thought to be a high-ranking member of al-Qaida when he was captured in Pakistan in 2002. He and his lawyer want to question two former CIA contractors about Zubaydah's detention at a secret CIA facility in Poland where they say he was tortured.

The information would be used as part of an ongoing investigation in Poland about Zabaydah's time there.

The fact that Zubaydah was held at so-called CIA black sites in both Thailand and Poland has been widely reported. The U.S. government has also allowed the disclosure of information about how he was treated. But the government has stopped short of acknowledging the locations of the black sites set up after 9/11 to gather intelligence about terrorist plots against Americans. The government has cited national security and its commitments to foreign partners.

The fact that many details of Zubaydah's treatment at the hands of the CIA are public led some justices to question why he shouldn't get access to at least some testimony from the former CIA contractors. “It seems to me there may be a lot that they can talk about" that has "nothing to do with the actual location at which events occurred,” Chief Justice John Roberts said.

But many of the justices also asked Zubaydah's lawyer why, if so much information is public, the testimony of the former CIA contractors is necessary. “What do you need them for?” Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked at one point. “Why do you need additional testimony?” Justice Clarence Thomas asked at another.

At the end of the argument, however, Justice Neil Gorsuch raised a different solution: why not let Zubaydah provide information to Polish officials about his own treatment?

“What is the government’s objection to the witness testifying to his own treatment and not requiring any admission from the government of any kind?” Gorsuch said.

Gorsuch and Justice Sonia Sotomayor told government lawyer Brian H. Fletcher they want an answer about whether the Biden administration would allow that.

“We want a clear answer, are you going to permit him to testify as to what happened to him those dates without invoking a state secret or other privilege? Yes or no,” Sotomayor said.

Fletcher suggested he would provide an answer in a court filing at a later date. But he also said Zubaydah is not being held “incommunicado," as his lawyers contend.

Zubaydah's longtime lawyer Joseph Margulies said in an interview after the argument that everything Zubaydah says is “presumptively classified at a top secret level” and that any communications from him must be first presented to the CIA for review. He said it would represent a “real change” in the government's approach to Guantanamo prisoners if Zubaydah were allowed to “have his voice heard.”

Justice Stephen Breyer also asked about Zubaydah testifying: "He was there. Why doesn’t he say this is what happened?" Breyer said. At another point he questioned Zubaydah's continued detention at Guantanamo, which the Biden administration has said it will close. "I don't understand why he's still there,” Breyer said.

The Supreme Court last addressed the detention of Guantanamo prisoners in 2008, ruling they have a right to challenge their detention in U.S. courts. Most of the 39 men still held there have never been charged with a crime.

Zubaydah was the first person in the CIA's new detention and interrogation program following 9/11. He spent four years at CIA black sites before being transferred to Guantanamo in 2006. According to a 2014 Senate report on the CIA program, among other things Zubaydah was waterboarded more than 80 times and spent over 11 days in a coffin-size confinement box. The extreme interrogation techniques used as part of the program are now widely viewed as torture.

Zubaydah is seeking information from former CIA contractors James Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen, who are considered the architects of the CIA's interrogation program.

Zubaydah and his attorneys note that Mitchell and Jessen have testified twice before in other situations, including hearings at Guantanamo. They say they want nonprivileged information from the men including details of his treatment.

The Biden administration, like the Trump administration before it, has opposed the testimony.

A federal court initially ruled that Mitchell and Jessen shouldn't be required to provide any information. But an appeals court ruled 2-1 that the lower court made a mistake in ruling out questioning entirely before attempting to separate what can and can't be disclosed.

The government says in its briefs before the Supreme Court that Zubaydah was “an associate and longtime terrorist ally of Osama bin Laden.” Zubaydah's lawyers say the CIA was mistaken in believing he was a high-ranking member of al-Qaida.


NWSL halt play in 'solidarity' moment

Issued on: 07/10/2021 
Carli Lloyd Gotham FC looks on prior to her club's NWSL match against the Washington Spirit 

Washington (AFP)

Players from the Washington Spirit and Gotham FC halted play on Wednesday in protest against the scandals that have swept across the the National Women's Soccer League in recent weeks.

NWSL games resumed on Wednesday with three fixtures after the body called off games last weekend following the latest revelations to hit the top professional women's league in the United States.

On Wednesday, Washington and Gotham players halted play in the sixth minute in what was described as a gesture of "solidarity" by the NWSL Players Association.

Similar protests were planned for the other two games on the slate.

"Tonight, we reclaim our place on the field, because we will not let our joy be taken from us," the NWSLPA statement read. "But this is not business as usual."

Spirit and Gotham players joined arms on the centre-circle for the pause in play, which was was timed to reflect the number of years it took for allegations against former North Carolina Courage coach Paul Riley to be addressed.

Riley was fired last week for "very serious allegations of misconduct". Two players, Sinead Farrelly and Meleana "Mana" Shim, accused Riley of misconduct during his time as Portland Thorns coach in 2015.

"Players will join together in solidarity at the center circle for one minute in honor of the six years it took for Mana, Sinead and all those who fought for too long to be heard," the statement read.

"We call on fans to stand in silence with us. During that time, we ask you to stand in that pain and discomfort with us, as we consider what we have been asked to sit with for too long."

Allegations of sexual harassment and abusive or bullying behaviour by coaches and officials in the NWSL have snowballed in recent months.

NWSL commissioner Lisa Baird resigned on Friday following criticism of her handling of the complaints.

The NWSL players association statement detailed a list of demands being made by the union, which included a request for every coach and general manager to submit to the independent investigation into abusive conduct.

The players union also called for an investigation announced by the NWSL on Sunday to be expanded in scope to include all 12 NWSL clubs as well as league staff.

© 2021 AFP
More than 50 migrants died in 2021 while crossing Panama jungle

Issued on: 07/10/2021 
Haitian migrants cross the jungle of the Darien Gap, near Acandi, Choco department, Colombia, heading to Panama, on September 26, 2021, on their way trying to reach the US. From Acandi, they started on foot -- and armed with machetes, lanterns and tents -- the dangerous trek of at least five days to Panama through the Darien jungle, battling snakes, steep ravines, swollen rivers, tropical downpours and criminals often linked to drug trafficking. 

Panama City (AFP)

More than 50 migrants have died since the start of the year while trying to cross the Panama jungle in an effort to reach the United States, the Panamanian prosecutor's office said Wednesday.

"The Institute of Forensic Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Panama has registered 53 migrant deaths in different circumstances in the province of Darien," Jose Vincente Pachar told AFP.

This figure is far higher than in previous years, when between 20 and 30 bodies on average were found in the Darien Gap, a 1,430,000-acre (575,000-hectare) stretch of jungle on the border of Panama and Colombia.

The jungle corridor is the most dangerous stage of the journey to the United States, as migrants face not only natural threats such as snakes and difficult terrain, but also criminals who routinely rob and rape travelers.

It is "very possible the number of deaths will increase," because the flow of migrants through the Darien Gap has surged in 2021, Pachar warned.

Since the start of the year, about 70,000 people have crossed the Darien Gap, according to Panamanian authorities -- a number almost equivalent to the previous five years combined.

While the number of migrants crossing the jungle dropped considerably in the first months of the coronavirus pandemic, the influx is on the rise again.

On September 24, Panama's attorney general's office reported that 10 bodies, including two children, had been discovered.

Colombia on Tuesday asked Panama to "facilitate" entry into its territory for underage or pregnant migrants in order to prevent them from trying to cross the Darien Gap.

© 2021 AFP
Brazil police find stash of Nazi material in home of suspected child abuser

Issued on: 07/10/2021 -
Handout picture released on October 6, 2021 by Rio de Janeiro Civil Police showing Nazi uniforms found inside the house of a man suspected of molesting a 12-year-old boy in the Vargem Grande neighbourhood, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. - RIO DE JANEIRO CIVIL POLICE/AFP

Rio de Janeiro (AFP)

Police in Rio de Janeiro found a vast collection of Nazi uniforms and memorabilia in the home of an alleged child abuser, along with several weapons, officials said Wednesday.

The 58-year-old suspect, identified as Aylson Proenca Doyle Linhares, was arrested Tuesday after a couple from his neighborhood reported him for abusing their 12-year-old son, said police commissioner Luis Armond, who is leading the investigation.


Police found "monstrous material" pertaining to Nazism, including insignias, documents, uniforms, flags and even a membership card for the Nazi party featuring the suspect's photo. Images released by the police show that among the hundreds of items of Nazi memorabilia were several framed photos and busts of Adolf Hitler.

Daggers and nine firearms were also found, including a rifle and a machine gun, as well as a large stash of ammunition.

Linhares was charged with illegal possession of weapons, racism and pedophilia, after police also found photos of minors, Armond said.

The man told police his collection was worth between 2.5 million and 3 million euros (between $2.9 and $3.5 million), "although that is unverifiable," the commissioner added.

Police obtained a warrant to arrest the man and search his home after an investigation revealed that Linhares had also tried to abuse at least two other minors, Armond said.

© 2021 AFP

Fast-rising politician pushes rebirth of war-scarred Iraqi city

Issued on: 07/10/2021 -
Mohammed al-Halbussi hails from the province of Anbar and is hoping to be re-elected in the October 10 poll 

Ramadi (Iraq) (AFP)

With a five-star hotel, malls and other real estate projects, the Iraqi city of Ramadi, ruined by more than a decade of war, is witnessing a construction boom led by the parliamentary speaker.

Mohammed al-Halbussi, trained as a civil engineer and who cultivates an image of dynamism, hails from the province of Anbar and is hoping to be re-elected in the October 10 national poll.

Supporters say the vote here will be akin to a plebiscite in favour of a new term for Halbussi, and his movement, whom they credit for pushing Ramadi's nascent economic revival after it was left in rubble following the battle to defeat the Islamic State (IS) group.

Sunni Muslim majority Ramadi is the capital of Anbar, a vast desert province west of Baghdad that covers a third of the country and extends to the borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

After the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, insurgents in Ramadi and nearby Fallujah fought some of the toughest battles against American forces.

A decade later, Anbar's Sunni tribes rose up against the Shiite-led Baghdad government, which many in the province accuse of marginalisation.

Then, IS jihadists captured Fallujah and Ramadi, before government forces reconquered the cities from the end of 2015.

- Marina, swimming pools -

Since then, Ramadi has strived to erase its bloody past and rebuild, with projects driven by Halbussi aimed at boosting the economy and wooing investors.

Halbussi, 40, travels frequently about the region, trading his elegant suits for jeans during field visits to shepherd the projects in Anbar province.

Along the banks of the Euphrates River, workers are busy finishing construction of Ramadi's first five-star hotel, complete with a Euphrates riverfront marina and swimming pools.

The 15-storey, 184-room hotel estimated to cost $60 million is a joint venture between the municipality and private investors.

Candidates' billboards rise above impecabbly paved avenues adorned with new lamps and lawns in the once-ruined city Sabah ARAR AFP

Its builder, Hatem Ghadbane, praised the local authorities but reserved his plaudits for Halbussi.

"He deserves all the credit for construction projects underway in Anbar province, as well as for political stability and security," Ghadbane said.

- 'Smoke and mirrors' -

Over the years Halbussi has been known to maintain good ties with the Baghdad federal government while cultivating relations with regional powers.

In September, he travelled to the United Arab Emirates for talks with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and a few days later he met Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in Cairo.

"He has climbed up the political and administrative ladder quickly as he went from a parliamentarian to governor to speaker all in his 30s," said Iraqi political analyst Hamzeh Hadad.

Halbussi attained the speaker's post with support of the pro-Iran bloc.

"He has moved up so fast... he has gone against the old guard of Sunni politicians. And he managed to unite them against him," Hadad said.

Portraits of Halbussi, with his slick black hair, and candidates from his Taqadom ("Progress" in Arabic) party have been plastered all across Ramadi, rivalling those of challengers from the Azm coalition comprising traditional Sunni figures.

The candidates' pictures rise above impeccably paved avenues adorned with new lamps and lawns. City work crews can often be seen touching up a sidewalk or street, but not everyone is impressed.

Iraqis search for survivors in the rubble of a bombed house in Ramadi on February 22, 2007 after an airstrike and battle between US Marines and insurgents

Iraqi journalist Amr Alkubaisi, who is close to Azm, has denounced the Halbussi-led projects as mere "smoke and mirrors".

Taqadom, he wrote on social media in September, is "a personal project" trying to promote itself by pushing "medium-size projects like the tarring of roads".

- Challenges -

Challenges abound. The main public hospital, for example, is functioning but awaits the conclusion of restoration work -- while a new private hospital with sophisticated equipment opened in April.

Anbar governor Ali Farhan al-Dulaimi, who is running with Taqadom, said a series of projects are planned, including an international airport for Ramadi.

Ramadi municipality head Omar Dabbous is proud of his city's economic revival and he, too, credited Halbussi for being a driving force behind efforts to attract investments.

"We hope he will stay at the top of the pyramid (and win a second term) in order to follow up on what he and his team have started," Dabbous said.

The analyst Hadad said it would be "very difficult to predict" if Halbussi can win a second term as speaker.

"But if ever someone were to do so, it is Halbussi."

© 2021 AFP
Peru president names environmentalist as new PM

Issued on: 07/10/2021 

Mirtha Vasquez replaced Guido Bellido -- a hardline leftist and political novice, 
whose appointment was controversial from the start - 

Lima (AFP)

Peru swore in an environmental activist as prime minister Wednesday, replacing a controversial leftwing figure in the politically tumultuous South American nation.

The country's current leftist leader Pedro Castillo came to power in July facing a lengthy to-do list, including constitutional reform, but battled to get his cabinet approved and narrowly staved off political collapse earlier this year.

He gave no reason over his decision to remove Guido Bellido -- a hardline leftist and political novice, whose appointment was controversial from the start -- and replace him with Mirtha Vasquez.

Hours later, Castillo swore in the environmental and human rights activist as his new PM, a move seen as a sop to the moderate wing of the informal leftist coalition that supports him.

"For God, for this country of women and men who everyday fight to live with dignity, without discrimination, and who promote real changes, yes, I swear!" Vasquez, 46, said during the ceremony which was not attended by her predecessor.

Under Peruvian law, the prime minister's resignation automatically triggers that of the entire cabinet.

The president's reshuffled government brings together politicians across the political spectrum from the radical Peru Libre, to the more moderate Juntos por el Peru.

Vasquez -- who headed Congress between November 2020 and July 2021 -- belongs to the leftist Frente Amplio.

Castillo, a former rural schoolteacher, called for "unity" from the country's economic, political and social sectors to "achieve common objectives" -- such as reactivating the economy.

He later tweeted, "The new stage in the #GobiernoDelPueblo seeks to promote dialogue, governance and teamwork. Our great objective is to fight for the most vulnerable and we are going to achieve it."

- Political uncertainty -

Castillo's July appointment of electronic engineer Bellido was immediately tricky.

Peruvian media reported the 41-year-old was investigated by prosecutors for allegedly defending terrorism with statements made shortly after taking up his seat in parliament in June.

Peruvian media reported the 41-year-old was investigated by prosecutors for allegedly defending terrorism with statements made shortly after taking up his seat in parliament in June  BULLSHIT CHARGES

In comments to the Inka Vision online news outlet, he appeared to defend people who supported the Shining Path Maoist guerrilla group that fought the state between 1980-2000 and is designated a terrorist organization by Lima.

In August, Castillo seemed to have staved off a political crisis when the right-wing dominated congress approved his cabinet following a bitter debate.

Until then, Peru had been in a state of political uncertainty since the beginning of the year, when the electoral campaign got underway.

The country has suffered years of political upheaval, and a series of corruption scandals saw three different presidents in office in a single week last November.

Seven of the South American nation's previous 10 leaders have either been convicted or are under investigation for graft.

And Castillo's victory over right-wing populist Keiko Fujimori in June's second-round presidential run-off took six weeks to be confirmed after delays in validating the results.

UK cracks down on climate change activists before UN summit

Issued on: 07/10/2021
Climate change activists have mounted a series of high-profile protests in recent months

London (AFP)

Britain is eager to brandish its environmental credentials before the upcoming COP26 summit, but it is grappling at the same time with mounting protests from climate activists.

Direct action group Extinction Rebellion has brought cities to a standstill and vowed to do the same at the UN climate change conference in Glasgow later this month.

In recent weeks, a previously unheard-of offshoot, Insulate Britain, has also caused gridlock on motorways and main roads, sparking scores of arrests and a court injunction.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Wednesday called the protesters a "confounded nuisance" and welcomed moves for "new powers to insulate them snugly in prison where they belong".

The government is keen to lead the way on reducing carbon emissions and ensure new binding targets to cut global warming are met at the summit.

But it is also takes its cues from a largely right-wing British press that is increasingly hostile towards the activists and calls them an "eco-mob" and "enviro-idiots".

Both Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain have been accused of putting lives in danger with their tactics, which have included protesters gluing themselves to the tarmac and sitting in front of rush-hour traffic.

Public anger has mounted after a group called Insulate Britain began disrupting rush-hour traffic

On Monday, footage showed one desperate driver begging to be let through a protest in south London so she could follow an ambulance carrying her mother to hospital.

- Beards and woolly hats-

When Extinction Rebellion founder Roger Hallam was asked whether he would block an ambulance carrying a dying patient, his reply was simply: "Yes."

But other activists disagree.

"We are heartbroken by all of this. We're not going out there to stop ambulances getting through," said Tim Speers of Insulate Britain.

Speers, 36, from Cornwall, in southwest England, bears little resemblance to the media caricature of an environmentalist -- a bearded, woolly hatted "crusty" as Johnson has called them.

Protesters say they are not the stereotypical environmentalists that the government and some media like to portray

Clean-shaven, fast-talking and a former professional poker player, Speers said he left his old life behind to fight climate change through civil disobedience.

"As soon as they come out with a meaningful statement that they will get on with their job, they will meet their own targets, I will get off the road," he said.

"I cannot sit by while this government completely fails the citizens it is obliged to protect."

Britain has seen many environmental protests in the past, like the ones over infrastructure projects such as a road bypass near Newbury, western England, in the 1990s.

Daniel Hooper, nicknamed "Swampy", was one of the activists who tried to block construction by tunnelling under that site, and he re-emerged earlier this year on another protest in London.

He has been on trial with other campaigners, including the children of a millionaire landowner and publisher, for trying to prevent construction of the HS2 high-speed railway line.

The HS2 Rebellion group spent days in tunnels they secretly dug near the Euston mainline terminal.

On Monday, Speers was outside London's Royal Courts of Justice as more than 100 protesters from the group were served with an injunction against blocking roads.

The government has successfully obtained injunctions to prevent Insulate Britain blocking rush-hour traffic on motorways and main roads

Some sported beards and woolly hats, but most were drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds, from parents and their children, to the elderly and even members of clergy.

Retired IT consultant Janine Eagling, 60, said that after 30 years of environmental campaigning she joined Insulate Britain because of the need for urgent action.

- 'No tomorrow' -

"We're in a worse position than ever. We're emitting C02 like there's no tomorrow, which, if we carry on like this, then literally there will be no tomorrow," she said.


Police Scotland have been training for public disorder during the COP26 climate change summit, when tens of thousands of protesters are expected 
Jane Barlow POOL/AFP

"It may seem extreme that we're disrupting people in their everyday lives... (but) Insulate Britain has got one simple demand."

Home Secretary Priti Patel on Tuesday announced new measures to deal with Insulate Britain, which wants all British homes to be environmentally efficient, and others.

She said she would not tolerate "eco-warriors trampling over our way of life and draining police resources" as she announced maximum penalties for motorway disruptions and plans to criminalise interference with infrastructure.

Insulate Britain blasted Patel and other ministers as "cowards", warning that blaming campaigners would do more harm than good in the long run.

"Shooting the messenger can never destroy the message: our country is facing the greatest risk ever and our government is failing us", they said.

Confrontation could be on the cards in Glasgow, with a planned rally of 50,000 to 100,000 people during the summit.

Police Scotland, which is deploying some 10,000 officers every day of the two-week meeting, has said it will facilitate peaceful demos and "unlawful protest to a point".

Police security measures for COP26 include mounted and river patrols in Glasgow Andy Buchanan AFP

But it has warned action may have to be taken "when the protest starts to impinge on the ability of conference to operate".

© 2021 AFP

15 years on, editors warn time up for justice in Politkovskaya murder

Anna Politkovskaya, a fierce critic of Putin and the Kremlin's brutal wars in Chechnya, was gunned down on October 7, 2006

Issued on: 07/10/2021 

Moscow (AFP)

Russians were set Thursday to commemorate the killing of top journalist Anna Politkovskaya 15 years ago on President Vladimir Putin's birthday, while her newspaper warned time had run out to name the mastermind of the murder.

Politkovskaya, a fierce critic of Putin and the Kremlin's brutal wars in Chechnya, was gunned down on October 7, 2006, in the entrance hall of her Moscow apartment block. She was 48 years old.

Falling on Putin's birthday, the killing of a top investigative reporter -- who worked for Russia's top independent newspaper Novaya Gazeta and contributed to Western publications including the Guardian -- sent shockwaves around the world.

"Fifteen years after the murder of our journalist, the statute of limitations on the crime has expired. By law, only a court can extend it," Novaya Gazeta wrote on the eve of the anniversary.

"Otherwise, the masterminds will go unpunished."

The commemorative events at Novaya Gazeta's editorial offices come amid an unprecedented crackdown on the opposition and independent media, with authorities imprisoning Russia's top opposition politician Alexei Navalny.

In 2014, a court sentenced two men to life in prison for Politkovskaya's killing and handed lengthy prison terms to three others involved.

Lom-Ali Gaitukayev, a Chechen man who was found guilty of organising the hit, died in 2017 in a penal colony where he was serving a life sentence.

But 15 years on, investigators have yet to say who ordered the apparent contract killing, and Novaya Gazeta says the authorities have no real interest in pursuing the investigation any further for political reasons.

Politkovskaya's office at Novaya Gazeta has been preserved to honour the slain reporter.

In 2018, the European Court of Human Rights condemned Russia for failing to take adequate steps to find those who ordered Politkovskaya to be killed.

Judges concluded that Russian investigators should have explored possibilities that the crime was ordered by "agents of Russia's FSB domestic secret service or of the administration of the Chechen Republic".

Politkovskaya won numerous awards for her reports and books, and several awards were established in her name.

© 2021 AFP