Wednesday, November 25, 2020


Malaysia's Top Glove defends its record with worker welfare after Covid-19 outbreak

Top Glove Corp said it had not yet seen any cancellation of orders.PHOTO: AFP

KUALA LUMPUR - Malaysia’s Top Glove on Wednesday (Nov 25) defended its record with worker welfare, saying it spent RM20 million (S$6.6 million) to improve accommodation for its factory workers in the last two months.

The company is under the spotlight on how it houses the workers following a major Covid-19 outbreak at its Selangor factories and dormitories.

Top Glove executive chairman and founder Lim Wee Chai denied allegations by Human Resource Minister M. Saravanan that housing facilities for its workers are “terrible”. 

He said the minister visited the dormitories several months ago and indicated these were fine.  “We do not know why he said it differently now."  

“We welcome him to visit us again, because since the minister’s visit, our (housing) conditions have continued to improve. So it came as a big surprise when such comments were made,” Tan Sri Lim said

Top Glove has about 21,000 employees globally, with about 11,000 in Malaysia. Some 5,900 of the Malaysia-based workers live in the company’s premises in Meru, in Klang district, Selangor, with the plants operating round the clock.

The world’s biggest maker of rubber gloves runs 47 plants in Malaysia, Thailand, China and Vietnam, with 36 of them producing gloves. The company also makes other personal protective equipment (PPE) including face masks.

The government on Monday said Top Glove must shut 28 of its Malaysian factory buildings in stages to allow for health checks of the workers, with more than 4,000 Covid-19 cases already detected among the workers and their close contacts.

Mr Lim, 62, whose wealth was estimated by Forbes at US$4.2 billion (S$5.6 billion) after the company’s share value multiplied by at least six times this year, said his workers had been moved to better accommodation. 

The minimum requirement of space and toilets for workers had been adhered to, he said. The company’s premises also had its own facilities including ATMs, barbers, mini markets, canteens and gymnasiums to reduce the need for workers to go out. 

Mr Lim said he encouraged his workers to practice health and hygiene measures such as to shower twice a day, drink at least eight glasses of water a day, exercise and sleep well.

“We ask them to eat well, eat more healthily, and eat more vegetables, a balanced diet, drink more water. We also subsidise vegetarian meals for them. We have been doing this for some time,” he said.

Top Glove said on Wednesday that not all the Covid-19 cases came from its factories.

Following the outbreak, the Human Resources Ministry will enforce minimum housing standards for migrant workers’ dormitories beginning Thursday (Nov 26).

The plant closures, which is being done in stages, would cause a two-week delay in deliveries, Mr Lim, said, but added that he has other plants outside the country which haven’t been affected. 

Mr Lim said he hoped the factories in Klang would reopen in two to three weeks.

He also assured users that there was no risk of Covid-19 contamination from his products, as the production line is fully automated, and there is no direct contact between workers and the gloves, which are also sanitised before being packed.

“The answer is no contamination… (gloves are placed into) the hot ovens at 110 degree Celsius, so the Covid-19 virus cannot survive there,” said Mr Lim in reply to a question.

“Our factory employees wear PPE so there is no direct contact with gloves,” said the tycoon, who started the company 29 years ago.

Malaysia makes just under two-thirds of the world’s medical rubber gloves, but the manufacturers’ association assured that supply will not be disrupted.

“Be assured that new capacity is available to make good the interim shortfall and that there is not going to be any aggravated disruption to whatever is currently being supplied to the world,” the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association said on Wednesday.

Thai protesters target King's wealth in latest Bangkok rally

King Vajiralongkorn's wealth has become a key focus for protesters.

BANGKOK (BLOOMBERG) - Thousands of pro-democracy protesters on Wednesday (Nov 25) in Thailand gathered outside the main office of the nation’s most valuable lender, in which King Maha Vajiralongkorn is the biggest shareholder, as they push for more transparency and accountability from the monarchy.

The demonstration outside Siam Commercial Bank Pcl was organised to “reclaim the assets that should belong to the people and the nation”, Free Youth, one of the protest groups, said on Twitter. The bank closed its headquarters as protesters shifted the venue last-minute following a police ban on gatherings within 150m of the Crown Property Bureau office, the original site of the rally.

King Vajiralongkorn’s wealth has become a key focus for protesters following legal changes after he ascended the throne in 2016 gave him the power to put his name on the assets of the Crown Property Bureau, which included holdings of prime properties in Bangkok and shares in major listed companies, including Siam Commercial Bank. They also consolidated management of the assets and eliminated the finance minister’s role as the agency’s ex-officio chairman.

The protesters have demanded those changes be revoked to make a clear division between the king’s personal assets and other palace property they want under the control of the Finance Ministry. They also want the national budget allocated to the monarchy be reduced in line with growth in Thailand’s tourism-reliant economy, which has been hard hit by the pandemic.

Royal Defamation

The Bureau of the Royal Household declined to comment, and the Crown Property Bureau didn’t answer calls seeking comment on Wednesday. Hundreds of pro-royalist supporters have also gathered on Wednesday in another part of the capital.

Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, who has repeatedly rejected calls to quit, toughened his stance on demonstrators last week. The government and security agencies “will now enforce all laws available to deal with protesters who break the law and ignore other people’s rights and freedom”, he said last week.

At least 12 protest leaders received summonses from police on charges of royal defamation, according to the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights. It’s the first time police are using the lese majeste law, which can lead to lengthy jail sentences, against protesters since the movement began in July.

The youth-led protest movement is calling for a more equal and democratic society with a more accountable monarchy and an end to military coups. They’re also seeking the resignation of Mr Prayut, a former army chief who led a 2014 coup, and a rewriting of the constitution that helped Mr Prayut retain his power after elections.

The protesters earlier chose to hold a rally in front of the Crown Property Bureau because they “want to strike a blow to the financial basis for the king’s power and wealth,” said Prof Tamara Loos who specialises in history and Thai studies at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

“These young protesters have permanently transformed public culture regarding the monarchy, which will be subject to continued critique,” she said. “Cracking down on protesters now only delays a future conflict between those who want genuine change in Thailand’s political institutions and the military.”

Last week, the king appointed one his close aides, former army chief Apirat Kongsompong, as deputy head of the Crown Property Bureau. During his time as army chief, Mr Apirat was vocal in his attacks on the opposition and pledged to defend the monarchy.

Lawmakers last week voted on a pathway to set up a charter rewriting committee but rejected any amendments to the monarchy-related section of constitution.

Thai king greets supporters while protesters rally at royal-linked bank

Accompanied by Queen Suthida, King Maha Vajiralongkorn mingled with royalists at Lumpini Park.PHOTO: EPA-EFE

Tan Hui Yee
Indochina Bureau Chief

BANGKOK- Thailand's beleaguered king greeted adoring crowds in central Bangkok on Wednesday (Nov 25) as protesters massed outside a palace-linked bank demanding monarchy reform.

Accompanied by Queen Suthida, King Maha Vajiralongkorn mingled with royalists at Lumpini Park after paying respects at a monument dedicated to his late granduncle, King Vajiravudh.

Many had waited for hours, waving small Thai flags and bearing pictures of the monarch, whose wealth and spending has come under increasing scrutiny amid the pandemic-induced downturn.

"The monarchy issue can be discussed, but with respect, not hate," royalist leader Warong Dechgitvigrom told The Straits Times at the park. "If you are disappointed with the government, blame the government, not the monarchy."

The royalists see the monarchy as central to Thai identity and have condemned the insolent language used by protesters on the institution they revere.

Some 7km away, protesters rallied outside the headquarters of Siam Commercial Bank, 23 per cent of which is owned directly by King Vajiralongkorn.

Although the protest ended peacefully, local media reports say one protester was shot in the abdomen afterwards. The suspect has reportedly been apprehended.

The monarch became a major landowner and shareholder of several Thai corporate giants in 2018, after he took personal ownership of the estimated US$40 billion (S$53.7 billion) worth of assets managed by the Crown Property Bureau, which controls property that belongs to the institution of the Thai monarchy. This fiscal year, almost 9 billion baht (S$398 million) in the national budget has also been set aside for direct royal expenses.

Thailand is officially a constitutional monarchy. But protesters allege that the monarch - who commands two army units - exercises powers beyond the charter, and want his personal wealth to be separated from that of the Crown.

In June, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha revealed that the king had asked the government not to use the lese majeste law on civilians. The moratorium appears to have been lifted this week, with at least seven protest leaders summoned to acknowledge the charge of insulting or defaming the monarchy, which could result them being jailed for up to 15 years.

In a defiant statement released early Wednesday, Free Youth, one of the key organisations driving the protests, said: "Under this state, having the king above the constitution not only disgraces the people but also buttresses inequality."

The rally was moved to the bank at the last minute after the vicinity of the Crown Property Bureau, the original venue, was tightly barricaded by police.

Lawmakers last week voted to begin the process of amending the Constitution - a core demand of protesters - but rejected any move which would touch on the powers of the monarchy. Protesters meanwhile have rejected Lower House speaker Chuan Leekpai's attempts to convene a "reconciliation committee", arguing it will go nowhere.

Aided by stimulus measures, Thailand's tourism-reliant economy shrank a smaller-than-expected 6.4 per cent in the third quarter compared to a year ago. But the economic uncertainty means that majority of the some 500,000 new graduates next year are likely to be unemployed.


Thai protesters target King's wealth in latest Bangkok rally

Thai protest leaders to face royal insult charges: Police source

After police turned chemical-laced water cannons and tear gas on protesters outside parliament last week, Mr Prayut vowed to exercise all available laws, saying: "This situation has not shown signs of de-escalating, even though the government has been straightforward and earnest in trying to find a solution."

Amid the unrest, King Vajiralongkorn, who usually spends a major part of the year in Germany, has been touring Thailand and greeting supporters with looser protocols.

As excited royalists crowded close to him to snap photographs with their cellphones on Wednesday night, he penned in a book presented to him: "Love your nation. Love your fellowmen. Act for the collective happiness and benefit."


Thai police to deploy thousands for royal protest

Rude language against Thai monarchy? People are just venting, says young key protest leader

Rishi Sunak's comprehensive spending review is a return to the rhetoric of austerity

Although the reality is more complicated, British politics now sounds more like the 2010-17 era than 2017-20.


Rishi Sunak’s comprehensive spending review returns British politics, in theory at least, to its pre-2017 shape: a Conservative Party arguing for more cuts to public spending and Labour arguing for greater levels of investment and job creation.

The politics of that approach was very lucrative at first for the Conservatives, but by 2015 the party had started to run out of cuts that a) would raise sufficient revenue to meet their targets and b) weren’t politically toxic.

There’s a dead-end argument in Labour circles about the role of Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership and the party’s transition to a much clearer anti-austerity position in 2015: the reality is that Corbyn’s election as Labour leader was itself part of the same set of factors that caused the Conservatives growing difficulties in 2015-17. He was both cause and symptom.

The coronavirus crisis means that government debt is going to be permanently higher for the rest of our lives, and there simply isn’t sufficient capacity left in the British state to tackle that without substantial cuts to spending or tax increases. And it would be impossible to get political consent for the required changes in spending or tax to reduce debt to something resembling pre-coronavirus levels.

Three measures in Sunak’s announcements all, in different ways, demonstrate the political and policy difficulties of a new round of cuts. The spending review continued the unbroken pattern of local government austerity under the Conservatives, who even as they abandoned the language of austerity after 2017 and lavished greater sums on health, education and the police in order to defeat Corbyn’s Labour, continued to oversee painful reductions in local authority spending.

Sunak has given local councils a measure of relief by increasing their capacity to raise council tax. Now, of course, tax rises in a recession are also a form of austerity, and just as George Osborne sought to devolve blame for his cuts onto local councils, Sunak is now seeking to devolve blame for tax rises onto local councils. The problem is that the measure may not work politically and, because of the pressures on incomes, it may fail to raise sufficient revenue to get cash-strapped councils out of their difficulties.

[see also: Rishi Sunak’s spending review confirms that the “end of austerity” never began]

Then there is the public sector pay freeze for workers outside of the NHS. There are two consequences of this: first, any freeze is painful for public sector workers in the bottom half of the income distribution, though these employees are the ones with the least freedom to move on to other work, and they will in any case receive a pay increase of at least £250. This makes the argument that “the public sector should have to absorb a wage freeze because the private sector has it tough” redundant: it’s in the bottom half of the income distribution that the private sector is being outpaced by the public sector, and the bottom half is not having its wages frozen.

It’s in the top half of the income distribution, which is seeing a freeze, where wages in the private sector are now better than the public sector. This is part of the reason why the British state has been facing a retention crisis among doctors, teachers, senior police officers and other highly qualified public sector workers.

There are two risks here for Sunak: the first is that the painful consequences of the freeze deepen the United Kingdom’s economic problems and we don’t recover quickly from the coronavirus recession. The second is if we do recover quickly, or if vaccination reopens the option of a lucrative and life-enhancing move to Australia or New Zealand for teachers or doctors, the British state ends up facing the same pressures it did by 2017, and with the same political difficulties that saw the government lose its majority in the general election that year.

Then there is the prospect of a parliamentary defeat over plans to cut the foreign aid budget from 0.7 per cent of GDP to 0.5 per cent. There are more than enough Conservative MPs who oppose the cut to defeat the government; it is not clear that enough of them are willing to go so far as to rebel. But it is possible that the government ends up having to retreat on the foreign aid cuts and on the public sector pay freeze and provide more direct funds to local government.

The truth though is that even if these measures do all happen, they aren’t sufficient to meet the stated ambition on debt reduction. The £4bn cut in foreign aid will be very heavily felt in some of the poorest parts of the world and may also compromise the government’s climate diplomacy and its global green agenda, but it is small beer in the context of government spending. When you factor in the increase in defence spending, it means that the United Kingdom’s foreign policy commitments are going to be as costly by 2025-26 as they are today.

[see also: Rishi Sunak is right to worry about Boris Johnson’s incompetent spending]

In terms of beginning to slow, let alone reduce, the UK’s mounting coronavirus debts, fiscally this equates to announcing an ambitious plan to save up for a mortgage by taking away your kids’ weekly Mars Bar: even if you can do it, you’re not going to be completing on a house any time soon.

That needn’t be a problem provided that jobs, wages and the economy continue to grow, and in many ways the effectiveness of the infrastructure spending and projects Sunak announced today will matter a lot more than his cuts or any future tax rises he might have planned, both to the British economy and to the Conservative Party.

What I suspect does matter is that the foreign aid cut – to my eyes by far the most likely of the three measures to survive intact until 2024 – allows the Conservatives to have an argument with Labour about austerity, which remains popular in theory, even though the cut in question is very small in terms of government spending, while avoiding an argument about spending cuts or tax rises in practice.

Despite David Cameron's opposition to the foreign aid cut, it is in many ways a political move straight out of his playbook: a painful cut, but one that happens to someone else’s voters, far from the view of the people that Sunak needs to keep onside if the Conservatives are to be re-elected in 2024.

[see also: David Cameron claims austerity prepared Britain for Covid-19 – it did the opposite]

Stephen Bush is political editor of the New Statesman. His daily briefing, Morning Call, provides a quick and essential guide to domestic and global politics.
How is the green economy reacting to the Spending Review and National Infrastructure Strategy?

25 November 2020, source edie newsroom

Green groups have dubbed the Spending Review a "missed opportunity" for the green recovery movement and net-zero transition, urging more new investment and clarity on climate requirements for the national investment bank.

Sunak was originally meant to unveil the NIS at the Budget in March. 
Image: Parliament Live TV

Chancellor Rishi Sunak today (25 November) delivered the spending review, prompting mixed reactions among MPs and the general public on issues ranging from NHS worker pay to foreign aid.

While the priority of the Review was to outline further measures for the UK’s Covid-19 recovery, including new investments in vaccines and new job creation and retention measures, Sunak also announced several measures which will impact the UK’s net-zero transition and businesses across the green recovery.

He confirmed that £100bn will be spent on infrastructure in the next financial year as part of the National Infrastructure Strategy (NIS) – which was due at the 2020 Budget in March but delayed to give the Treasury the chance to introduce new net-zero requirements.

While £12bn has been earmarked for low-carbon sectors like active transport and electric vehicle infrastructure, green campaigners are divided on whether this overlaps with the ten-point plan announced by Boris Johnson earlier this month. Disappointment has also been voiced about funding to deliver what Sunak described as the UK’s biggest road-building scheme – and the decision not to attach net-zero “strings” to a £4bn “levelling up” fund, to be allocated competitively.

Sunak also confirmed that the UK will host a national investment bank from 2021 and that this organisation will have a net-zero remit. This was a measure recommended by groups including UK100 and the Aldersgate Group.

With all this in mind, edie rounds up the ways in which key green figures and organisations have reacted to the announcement.

The Country Land and Business Association’s (CLA) president Mark Bridgeman:

“We understand the Chancellor continues to firefight the economic fallout of Covid-19. But this Spending Review did little to show the Government’s mantra of ‘building back better’ will apply to the rural economy.

“Rural productivity is 16% less than the national average. If Government takes steps to close that productivity gap, then £43bn will be unlocked into the economy, creating jobs and strengthening communities. This week’s spending review will do nothing to boost economic growth in the countryside.

“The truth is that for the rural economy to achieve its vast potential, Government will need to do a great deal more. We need to see Ministers from the Treasury, Defra, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and other key departments to work together, and with the industry, to identify and deliver new policies specifically designed to create jobs and grow businesses in the countryside.”

The Wildlife and Countryside Link:

“This Spending Review is a missed opportunity for nature jobs. A National Nature Service could create work for people across England. We will continue to make the case for nature’s role in a green recovery, and the impact it can have for people and communities.”

Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP:

“A week after the Prime Minister’s ten-point plan, the Chancellor seems to have forgotten about the climate and nature crises.

“The biggest ever investment in new roads does not deliver a greener future – and nature was not mentioned once. This won’t put us on the path to 1.5C.”

Ed Miliband, Labour MP and Shadow BEIS Secretary:

“Any hopes that the Government would meet the jobs and climate emergency with the investment required or show international leadership on climate were dashed by the Chancellor today. The climate crisis was almost invisible in today's statement.

“Government documents confirm that only £3bn of new money has been allocated to a green stimulus to tackle the unemployment crisis. Taking into account all of their green investment, the Government is still miles behind the tens of billions committed by France and Germany.”

The Aldersgate Group’s executive director Nick Molho:

“The Spending Review’s commitment that the UK’s economic recovery ‘must be green’ sends a positive signal. We welcome the creation of a national infrastructure bank and would urge that the net-zero target, the Environment Bill targets and the levelling up agenda are all central to its mandate.

"The Government’s confirmation that the UK will have an emissions trading scheme from January 2021 which will be aligned with the UK’s net-zero target will send a reassuring signal to investors. However, a key task for the Government in the near future will be to introduce new regulations and market mechanisms to drive private low-carbon investment in critical areas such as buildings, heavy industry and nature restoration."

Greenpeace UK’s head of politics Rebecca Newsom:

“The Chancellor appears not to have pledged a single extra penny towards a green economic recovery today while wasting tens of billions on polluting new roads. This would be a failure for jobs, the economy and the future of our planet. France and Germany get it. They’re throwing a combined £63bn towards carbon-cutting stimulus measures. Whereas we’re spending £27bn building new roads. Where’s the logic?

“Also, the decision to cut the aid budget will fundamentally undermine the UK’s climate leadership. It will hinder poorer countries' ability to tackle and adapt to the climate emergency, and sour the UK's diplomatic relationships in the run-up to COP26.”

BLCP’s head of energy, environment and infrastructure Mark Richards:

“The announcement of the National Infrastructure Bank is interesting but currently there’s no shortage of capital in the market for well-structured and developed infrastructure projects. However, there is a huge need for early-stage capital for development projects and infrastructure deploying new and unproven technologies, it will be interesting to see if the new infrastructure bank will address this market need for early-stage development capital.”

“Changes to the Green Book are welcomed as is the desire to promote infrastructure projects making a real difference to local economies throughout England. I believe our private sector clients are keen to get involved and help deliver these projects through private capital investment, hopefully there is the opportunity for true public and private collaboration to aid both levelling up and net-zero targets.”

EDW’s energy partner Darren Walsh:

"Whether we accept that the Chancellor's Spending Review and the Prime Minister's ten-point plan for net-zero Carbon provides a £12 billion shot in the arm for our green revolution, or £4 billion as some commentators believe, what is clear from today's Spending Review is that Government is striving to achieve its Paris Agreement commitments by 2050 or sooner.

“The reality is that this will not be achievable without significant private sector investment and winning the hearts and minds of the UK population. The Spending Review supports the Prime Minister's ten Point Plan, which provides a framework for how this might be achieved, but there remains a significant amount of work to do to implement this plan so as to meaningfully achieve its ambitions."

WWF-UK’s head of climate change, Gareth Redmond-King:

“There are no new green recovery numbers in the Spending Review today, beyond the Prime Minister’s speech, by the looks of it.

“New Treasury green book guidance on checking policy against net-zero may be the first tentative step towards a net-zero test; some greater accountability across government for aligning commitments to UK climate targets. But it will need some teeth if it is to be able to bite on actual decisions.”


“It was quite right that the Chancellor focus on people and jobs today, but we should be making a down-payment on our future health and wellbeing. No new money for nature is a missed opportunity to build a healthier, cleaner and better future for all.

“£92m for trees is not enough. We need to invest £615m per year for ten years to restore and expand woodland, peatland and other habitats to meet nature priorities and tackle the climate crisis.”

The IPPR’s lead for the Environmental Justice Commission Luke Murphy:

“The announcement of the National Infrastructure Bank is very welcome – it is essential that achieving net-zero and restoring nature are a core part of its remit.

“But cutting international aid in the year of COP26, when a core part of the remit as host is to increase support to vulnerable countries, is bad policy and a terrible signal to send.”

Enzen Group’s head of UK and Europe Sanjay Neogi:

“The new National Infrastructure Strategy and the proposed infrastructure bank are steps in the right direction, but it’s detail that matters. Large infrastructure projects require careful planning and orchestration to ensure funds are well spent, create value and delivered on time. It is also equally important we keep firmly on the path to net-zero and ensure sustainability is at the heart of every infrastructure project.”

PwC UK’s energy transition leader Janine Freeman:

“The need to decarbonise how we power and heat our homes, businesses and transport is indisputable, but how it will be paid for is a big question. We estimate that £400bn of investment into net-zero infrastructure will be required over the next decade alone or, to put it another way, over £1,000 per individual taxpayer, per year, for the next 10 years. Private capital will have a crucial role to play in financing this essential, green infrastructure.

“A new National Infrastructure Bank to channel public funds into net-zero capital projects may enable the government to ‘pump prime’ private investment in nascent, clean energy projects. But to attract the quantities of private capital required, the government will also need to provide a stable regulatory, financial and investment environment to attract investors who are looking around the world to allocate their capital to net-zero.

"These interventions, alongside continued acceleration of the decommissioning of legacy carbon assets, such as fossil fuel cars, through incentives like car scrappage schemes and clean air zones, will unleash the economic and job creation opportunities of a net-zero future for people across the UK.”

The Climate Coalition's campaigns manager Clara Goldsmith:

"The Chancellor had a major opportunity to boost and future-proof the UK economy whilst delivering a green recovery that sets us on a pathway to limit global temperature rise to 1.5C.

"While we welcome some announcements - such as the new public investment bank and ‘Levelling Up Plan’ - these must have climate action at their heart to grow the industries and sectors that will power the economy of tomorrow. The decision to cut overseas aid funding undermines this government’s own position as host of next year’s crucial UN climate talks, and will impact communities on the frontlinea of a climate crisis they did not cause."

The Nuclear Industry Association's chief executive Tom Greatrex:

“Meeting net-zero by 2050 is incompatible with the flawed analysis offered by the National Infrastructure Commission. It is right that today the UK government have rejected John Armitt’s group in clear and stark terms – nuclear alongside other low carbon technologies will be required to decarbonise, and it was never a sound position to suggest otherwise. The focus now must be on delivering the infrastructure required to meet net-zero – and avoiding wasting further time, effort and attention in seeking to pit low-carbon technologies against each other.”

E3G's clean economy program leader Pedro Guertler:

“The Chancellor has confirmed vital extra funding for greening buildings next year but missed the opportunity to set out multi-year funding which is so desperately needed to give the supply chain the confidence to invest. With £100bn invested in infrastructure in 2021, the £1.1bn for green buildings is only 1% of that total budget. This will not be enough to get on track to net-zero.”

Ashurst's energy partner Antony Skinner:

"Having a clear policy and regulatory framework is essential for potential investors in the different sectors that are a part of the Government's decarbonisation strategy, so having a clear commitment from Government about the areas it is seeking investment in, as well as a timetable for publication of the Energy White Paper, which is to be published in the next three months, with strategies for different sectors to follow in the next 12 months, is definitely a step in the right direction."

Edie Staff

Spending review 2020: Five announcements that drew strong reactions

By Alix Culbertson, news reporter
Wednesday 25 November 2020 
Image:Rishi Sunak announced the spending review on Wednesday

Rishi Sunak's spending review has elicited strong reactions from across the board as the UK struggles with its biggest fall in output for more than 300 years.

Sky News looks at five key parts of the announcement and what the reaction has been to them.

Overseas aid budget cut from 0.7% to 0.5% of gross national income - about £10bn

A controversial move among MPs of all parties, especially as the Conservative manifesto promised to not reduce the foreign aid budget.

Mr Sunak said keeping it at 0.7% is "difficult to justify...when we're seeing the highest peacetime levels of borrowing on record".

He added there is the intention to go back to 0.7% when the fiscal climate allows.

The announcement led to the resignation of Foreign Office minister Baroness Sugg, who said it was "fundamentally wrong".

The change moves the UK from the number one foreign aid contributor per GDP to the second - something met with disdain by the world's leading aid agencies.

Save the Children's chief executive, Kevin Watkins, said the chancellor had "broken a promise to the world's poorest people and broken Britain's reputation for leadership on the world stage".

Oxfam's chief executive, Danny Sriskandarajah, said the move "will lead to tens of thousands of otherwise preventable deaths".

Live updates and reaction after Rishi Sunak's spending review

Play Video - Foreign aid cut for 'UK jobs and services'

Foreign aid cut for 'UK jobs and services'

In reference to Boris Johnson's recent defence spending increase, he said: "It's a false economy which diverts money from clean water and medicines to pay for bombs and bullets."

Former prime ministers Sir John Major, David Cameron and Tony Blair, and Nobel Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai had urged the government to not cut the foreign aid budget ahead of the spending review

Public sector pay freeze (apart from NHS workers)

The GMB union has criticised the government's plan to "pause" public sector pay.

Nurses, doctors and others in the NHS will get a pay rise but other public sector workers will not.

That includes firefighters, teachers, the armed forces, police, civil servants, council and government agency staff.

The lowest paid public sector staff earning below £24,000 will get an increase of at least £250.

Image:Nurses have been given a pay rise now, but said they would oppose the freeze for social care workers SOLIDARITY!

The Royal College of Nursing has said its members will oppose plans to freeze the pay "of equally skilled professionals" working in the social care sector.

Rehana Azam, national officer of the GMB union, said this will hit key workers "who have risked everything during the pandemic".

This will put the chancellor "on a direct collision course" with public service workers, she added.

£4bn "levelling up" fund for England to finance local infrastructure projects

Communities will be able to bid for cash for projects such as a new bypass, a museum or railway station upgrades.

The caveats were that they must have "real impact", be delivered within this parliament term and have local support, including from the local MP.

This last point was jumped on by shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds who said the fact MPs had to be involved meant it would not be community driven.

Image:Councils will be able to bid for infrastructure funding

"So much for taking back control, this is about the centre handing over support in a very top-down manner," she said.

Questions have been raised over whether this would mean Conservative MPs would be favoured over their Labour counterparts.

Councils to have access to extra £1bn for social care in 2021

The chancellor said this will allow councils to increase core spending by 4.5% and will give them extra flexibility to increase council tax and social care precepts.

It means councils will be able to increase council tax bills by 2% without needing a referendum.

But Caroline Abrahams, charity director at Age UK and co-chair of the CSA (Care and Support Alliance), said the funding was "insufficient" to safeguard current levels of services into next year.

She said it is "hard not to conclude we've gone backwards".

"Local authorities are once again being asked to square an impossible circle and this ungenerous settlement does very little to help the NHS either," she said.

"However, it's older and disabled people, and their families and carers, who will as ever pay the biggest price, with more likely to have to manage without the support they need.

"This is a bitter pill to swallow, especially after everything social care has been through this year."

Business reacts to spending review - "waste no time"

Industry leaders said the chancellor had taken "bold" decisions" in the spending review, mentioning long-term innovation funding, a plan for creating jobs and a new National Infrastructure Bank.

Rain Newton-Smith, chief economist at the Confederation of Business Industry, said the stark forecasts pointed to "tough times ahead".

High streets have been hit hard during the pandemic

He praised the chancellor for laying "the foundations for a brighter economic future".

But, he said "ambition must be matched by action on the ground" and there "can be no let-up in the support for firms facing new COVID restrictions".

Adam Marshall, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, also said the government "must waste no time in putting these plans into action".

Sending Review: ‘Real terms cut for the very people who have carried us through this pandemic’

“There won’t be a ‘pause’ in how much rent, mortgages, food and transport costs.

Britain’s economy will suffer the biggest plunge in output for more than 300 years and government borrowing will balloon to a peacetime high of £394 billion, the fiscal watchdog has warned.

The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) said £218 billion of government support to help the economy through the pandemic will see borrowing soar to the equivalent of 19% of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020-21.

The borrowing marks the highest level in Britain’s peacetime history and a significant hike on the £372.2 billion forecast by the OBR only three months ago.

But Chancellor Rishi Sunak warned the economic damage is likely to be lasting, with the economy around 3% smaller in 2025 than expected in the March Budget.

The OBR said the second national lockdown would dent GDP in November and following months, but the size of the hit would depend on the restrictions that follow.

It said the impact would be less than in the first lockdown, with the fall in GDP expected to be three-fifths that seen during the first lockdown.

In its economic and fiscal outlook, it said: “A resurgence of infections and subsequent tightening of public health restrictions in different parts of the UK took the wind out of the recovery going into fourth quarter.”

The Chancellor announced that NHS doctors and nurses will receive a pay rise, but pay rises in the rest of the public sector will be “paused” next year.

Pay cut

GMB, Britain’s general union, says the Chancellor’s Comprehensive Spending Review today delivers a real terms pay cut for the workers who carried the country through the pandemic

Warren Kenny, GMB Acting General Secretary, said: “There won’t be a ‘pause’ in how much rent, mortgages, food and transport costs.

“The Chancellor couldn’t even bring himself to say the words ‘pay freeze’.

“He’s delivered a real terms cut for the very people who have carried us through this pandemic at great personal expense.

“The same workers whose wages still hadn’t recovered from a decade of so called ‘pay restraint’.

“Punishing public sector workers doesn’t help those in the private sector and it doesn’t help the economy. By trying to divide and conquer he’s letting every worker down.”

Spending Review represents kick in the teeth for key workers

November 25th 2020

Workers across Scotland will reject Chancellor’s public/private con trick.

Responding to Rishi Sunak’s Spending Review, Roz Foyer, STUC General Secretary, said:

“This Spending Review is a kick in the teeth to those very same workers Rishi Sunak was clapping months ago.

“Despite thousands of workers in the private sector surviving on furlough pay at 80%, Rishi Sunak choose to attack public sector pay. This is a levelling down agenda, not a levelling up one.

“Very few people will be fooled by his attempts to pit care workers against shop workers or low paid council workers against low paid cleaners. All need a decent pay increase, and they all need it now. If the Chancellor wants to equalise public sector and private sector pay, he should have ensured that workers cannot be furloughed on less than the minimum wage and increased the minimum wage to at least £10 per hour. 18 pence on the minimum wage is pennies, when we need pounds.

“£250 for lower paid public sector workers is the exact same policy introduced by George Osborne in 2010 and still amounts to a pay cut for many.”

Foyer also criticised other funding announcements:

“This was the moment to announce a massive fiscal stimulus to drive a green recovery and the Chancellor totally missed it. While we await details for the new National Infrastructure Bank and funding for the devolved administrations, the figures announced come nowhere near the amount needed.

“Moreover, instead of devolving funding and power to local communities, the Levelling Up Fund centralises control in Whitehall and enables the Treasury to pick and choose which pet projects it will support.

“Cutting international development funding to 0.5% of GDP shows that for all its talk of global Britain, this Government doesn’t really care for world’s most vulnerable.

“The Chancellor’s statement also did nothing to address the gaping holes in our social safety net. With unemployment likely to rise to 7.6% next year, the Government must commit, as a minimum, to continuing the £20 uplift in Universal Credit so people can weather that storm while they look for work.

“Workers in Scotland know that key workers deserve a pay rise. They will see through Rishi Sunak’s con trick.”

Bedford nurses demand pay rise in letters to MPs ahead of expected public sector pay freeze

The Royal College of Nursing wants a 12.5 per cent pay rise for nurses

By Clare Turner
Wednesday, 25th November 2020, 2:18 pm

Bedford nurses are among hundreds in the East of England to call on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to increase their pay as part of a spending review this week.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) wants a 12.5 per cent pay rise for nurses, claiming members feel “undervalued” and that they are being driven out by “poor pay levels”.

Mr Sunak is expected to impose a public sector pay freeze in his Spending Review this week, but it is understood NHS nurses and doctors could be exempt.

The Royal College of Nursing wants a 12.5 per cent pay rise for nurses

Across Bedford’s three constituencies, 57 RCN members have written to their MPs calling for a pay increase in recognition of their work.

The breakdown of letters from RCN members in each constituency from November 23 is:

Mid Bedfordshire: 29
Bedford: 16
North East Bedfordshire: 12
Across the East of England, 1,283 RCN members have written to their MPs, as well as 86 non-members.

They help make up the 15,833 who have written to their MP nationally.

The RCN says the Covid-19 pandemic, combined with staffing shortages, has shown the public how deserving nurses are of “fair pay”.

NHS figures for June this year show the vacancy rate for nurses in the East of England was 9 per cent, down from 9.3 per cent in March.

The RCN, which wants the 12.5 per cent% pay rise for all nursing staff, is holding a virtual rally in support of its Fair Pay for Nursing campaign.

Chief executive and general secretary Dame Donna Kinnair said: “There isn’t an MP across the UK who can say they haven’t heard of our aim.

“The sheer numbers of people who have written, asking for politicians’ support, shows the high esteem in which the public holds nursing staff.

“Even though nursing staff have tackled a global pandemic with 50,000 nursing vacancies in the NHS across the UK, the Government continues to undervalue them.

“It can’t hope to fill staffing shortages with our current poor pay levels.

"The Chancellor must make the right decision."

On Sunday, Mr Sunak hinted he could impose a public sector pay freeze as part of his spending review by arguing it would be “entirely reasonable” to consider pay policy in an economy ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Treasury sources have suggested that pay for NHS staff, including nurses and doctors, will be dealt with separately.

Mr Sunak also said £3 billion has been earmarked to support the NHS in recovering from the pandemic, including money to address backlogs caused by Covid-19.

Dozens of Reading nurses call on government for pay rise
By Olivia Gantzer @oliviagantzerSenior News Reporter

READING nurses are among hundreds in the South East to call on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to increase their pay as part of a spending review this week.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) wants a 12.5 per cent pay rise for nurses, claiming members feel “undervalued” and that they are being driven out by “poor pay levels”.

Mr Sunak is expected to impose a public sector pay freeze in his Spending Review this week, but i is understood NHS nurses and doctors could be exempt.

Across Reading's two constituencies, 48 RCN members have written to their MPs calling for a pay increase in recognition of their work.

The breakdown of letters from RCN members in each constituency from November 23 is:
Reading East: 26
Reading West: 22

Across the South East, 1,679 RCN members have written to their MPs, as well as 82 non-members.

They help make up the 15,833 who have written to their MP nationally.

The RCN says the Covid-19 pandemic, combined with staffing shortages, has shown the public how deserving nurses are of “fair pay”.

NHS figures for June this year show the vacancy rate for nurses in the South East was 11 per cent, up from 9.9 per cent in March.

The RCN, which wants the 12.5 per cent pay rise for all nursing staff, is holding a virtual rally in support of its Fair Pay for Nursing campaign.

Chief executive and general secretary Dame Donna Kinnair said: “There isn’t an MP across the UK who can say they haven’t heard of our aim.

“The sheer numbers of people who have written, asking for politicians’ support, shows the high esteem in which the public holds nursing staff.

“Even though nursing staff have tackled a global pandemic with 50,000 nursing vacancies in the NHS across the UK, the Government continues to undervalue them.

“It can’t hope to fill staffing shortages with our current poor pay levels.

"The Chancellor must make the right decision."

On Sunday, Mr Sunak hinted he could impose a public sector pay freeze as part of his spending review by arguing it would be “entirely reasonable” to consider pay policy in an economy ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Treasury sources have suggested that pay for NHS staff, including nurses and doctors, will be dealt with separately.

Mr Sunak also said £3 billion has been earmarked to support the NHS in recovering from the pandemic, including money to address backlogs caused by Covid-19.

The Emerging Nakhchivan Corridor – Analysis
Detail of map of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, the landlocked exclave of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Credit: Wikipedia Commons

November 23, 2020 By Emil Avdaliani

As the details of the Karabakh deal are being fleshed out, the stipulation on the new corridor through Armenian territory has caused great debate. Beyond the signatories of the deal, Iran and Georgia are particularly worried as any meaningful change to the connectivity patterns in the South Caucasus could harm their transit capabilities.

The 2020 Karabakh war ended with major Russian diplomatic success on November 9 when a tripartite agreement between Armenia, Azerbaijan and Russia was signed. The surrounding seven regions were to be returned to Baku, while Russian peacekeepers would guarantee the security of the truncated Nagorno-Karabakh. Though the exact role is yet to be confirmed, based on the rhetoric from Ankara and Baku, some sort of direct Turkish military involvement on Azeri soil is likely to materialize.

More importantly, however, Turkey gained a land corridor to Azerbaijan’s exclave of Nakhchivan. The stipulation in the document reads: “Armenia guarantees the security of transport links … for unimpeded movement of citizens, vehicles, and cargo in both directions” between mainland Azerbaijan and the exclave of Nakhchivan, which are separated by Armenian territory. Moreover, “Transport control is exercised by the Border Service of the Federal Security Service of Russia. By agreement of the parties, the construction of new transport communications connecting the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and Azerbaijan’s western regions will be provided.”

The stipulation is a major breakthrough for Turkey as it would allow the country to anchor its influence on the Caspian Sea and perhaps, in the longer term, look even further towards its Central Asia kinsmen.

This would create a major dilemma for Iran and Russia, as Tehran and Moscow have historically perceived the Caspian Sea as a condominium between themselves (plus the littoral states since the end of the Soviet Union). Potential Turkish involvement could disrupt this equilibrium and especially Iran’s standing. However, this is highly hypothetical. After all, it would need years if not decades for this scenario to be realized and even then Turkish influence could not be as large as Chinese or Russian – two major forces in the region.

What bothers Iran is a potentially major shift in the region’s transportation routes. For decades Azerbaijan has been dependent on Iran for transiting energy and other supplies to Nakhchivan. The new Karabakh deal could change it. Armenia will now guarantee the opening up of a corridor through its territory to allow Azerbaijan to transport goods directly to Nakhichevan. Quite naturally, this limits Tehran’s leverage over Baku.

However, Javad Hedayati, who heads transit operations in the Iranian transportation ministry, announced that Iran is likely to stay a favorable route for trade despite the planned opening of the new corridor. “It is likely that this corridor will merely accommodate local traffic between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan,” said Hedayati.

Ankara has long been working on using the Nakhchivan corridor for geopolitical purposes. This is proved by the quickness with which the Turkish government announced the plans to build a railway to Nakhchivan following the November agreement. This comes on top of an earlier announcement of a gas pipeline construction to the exclave, and underlines the seriousness behind the Turkish intention, at least regarding the section from the Turkish territory to the exclave itself.

Much, however, remains unclear about the new corridor on the Armenia territory itself. First of all, will the road be used by the Turks and Azerbaijanis only? Considering the level of mistrust in Ankara and Baku towards Moscow, whose forces will be controlling this corridor, it is highly unlikely that Azerbaijan and Turkey will be willing to commit large financial resources to rebuild links on the Armenian land. After all, will the corridor be the Armenian territory, or will it fall under the tripartite administrative regime? These are arguably the defining questions which remain unanswered. One could also imagine constant incidents along the corridor as Armenia will remain unhappy with the stipulation. Transit fees could soften Yerevan’s position, but why should Russia be interested in the operation of the corridor? If the corridor is operational, these troublesome questions will have to be managed between the two sides sharing no trust in the other. These dilemmas were well summed up in the words of the Iranian official Hedayati. He stressed that Armenia could prevent Turkey’s access to the corridor for transfer of freight or passengers through Nakhchivan to Azerbaijan and further to countries to the east of the Caspian Sea.
Georgia is worried

One country which is particularly worried with the potential development of the new corridor is Georgia. Various pipelines, roads and a major railway transit the country from Azerbaijan on to Turkey. This has been a backbone of Georgia’s regional importance since the end of the Soviet Union and indeed served as a major attraction for larger players such as Europe and the US.

Quite naturally many in Tbilisi have begun to think whether this enviable position could be challenged. The consensus thought is that in the short and medium term no reshuffling in the region’s connectivity patterns is likely to take place. Even in the longer term, if the above mentioned uncertainties around the new corridor are resolved, many still believe that Baku and Ankara would not trade the already built and functioning railway and pipeline infrastructure, which runs through Georgia, for the Nakhchivan alternative. Perhaps the corridor will serve for ensuring local connections, perhaps limited trade (though highly unlikely).

After all, Georgia has been officially engaged in the trilateral partnership with Turkey and Azerbaijan for nearly a decade. The endurance of the format has been tested by changes of governments and region-wide geopolitical transformations over the last decade. Each country of the three needs the others. Turkey wants a more stable Georgia with deeper economic and energy relations, while Azerbaijan needs Turkey’s backing. Georgia, under pressure from Russia and, given that it is located between its two fellow members of the cooperation, dependent on transit, in turn needs both Turkey and Azerbaijan.

Georgia also sees its position as straddling between two large regions – Europe and Central Asia. The 826-kilometre Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway unveiled in 2017 enables the delivery of cargo between China and Europe with a haulage duration of approximately two weeks. Up to eight million tons of cargo may be carried via the railway by 2025.

Abandoning this transit corridor would undermine the efficacy of the South Caucasus transportation and energy corridor. This makes the extent of the Nakhchevan corridor quite limited. Perhaps, what the region is likely to see is the growing interconnectedness of the exclave with the Turkish territory. The emergence of a major corridor through the Nakhchivan is likely to happen if, at minimum, a meaningful improvement of Turkey-Armenia relations takes place.

Home » The Emerging Nakhchivan Corridor – Analysis

Emil Avdaliani has worked for various international consulting companies and currently publishes articles focused on military and political developments across the former Soviet sphere.