Sunday, May 30, 2021



Mikhail Alexandrovich Bakunin  30 May [O.S. 18 May] 1814 – 1 July 1876) was a Russian revolutionary anarchist, socialist and founder of collectivist anarchism. He is considered among the most influential figures of anarchism and a major founder of the revolutionary socialist and social anarchist tradition.[5] Bakunin's prestige as a revolutionary also made him one of the most famous ideologues in Europe, gaining substantial influence among radicals throughout Russia and Europe.

Mikhail Bakunin - Wikipedia

  • \

  • Bakunin and Marx: A Hundred Years’ Perspective

    "Introduction," pp. 15-29 in: Mikhail Bakunin: From Out of the Dustbin; Bakunin's Basic Writings, 1869-1871, ed. and trans. R.M. Cutler (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Ardis Publishers, 1985). Reprinted as: The Basic Bakunin: Writings, 1869-1871, Great Books in Philosophy (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1992).
  • God and the State : Mikhail Bakunin : Free Download ...

    2007-01-29 · Bakunin's most famous work, published in various lengths, this version is the most complete form of the work published hitherto. Originally titled "Dieu et l'état", Bakunin intended it to be part of the second portion to a larger work named "The Knouto-Germanic Empire and the Social Revolution" (Knouto-Germanic Empire is in reference to a treaty betwixt Russia and Germany at the …

  • Edward Hallett Carr - Michael Bakunin PDF

    Edward Hallett Carr - Michael Bakunin PDF dosyası indirme sayfası. önceki sonraki. Edward Hallett Carr / Michael Bakunin PDFpdf dosya bilgisi md5 İNDİR 2.5MB Mülkiyet Hırsızlıktır Copy (A) bu sayfa anarho-copy html generator tarafından oluşturulmuştur. 2021:05:01 14:30:59. pdf yükleme tarihi Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:09:23 GMT ...

  • Works of Mikhail Bakunin 1873 - Marxists

    Source: Bakunin on Anarchy, translated and edited by Sam Dolgoff, 1971; See Also: Conspectus of Bakunin's Statism and Anarchy by Karl Marx, 1874. Statism and Anarchy is the first completed volume of

  • "Science & Society", Mr A. H. Nimtz & Bakunin

    2016, "Science & Society", Mr A. H. Nimtz & Bakunin
    162 Views89 Pages
    An academic from the United States of America, August H. Nimtz, published in the journal "Science & Society" (July 2016) a short article entitled "Another 'side' to the Story" to which this text does not constitute an answer but rather a critical digression, which explains its length. Indeed, Mr. Nimtz's article condenses into three pages almost all of Marx's absurdities about Bakunin, and my text attempts to set the record straight, not from preconceived ideas but from documents of the time. My text also attempts to show that Mr. Nimtz's deeply rooted anti-Bakuninian prejudices, characteristic of Marxist historiography devoid of any critical examination of facts and documents, are a radical handicap that prevents analysis of the many points of convergence between the two men. The question is not whether social-democratic strategy or revolutionary syndicalist-type strategy (which was in fact the one advocated by Bakunin), was more effective in achieving immediate and temporary improvements in the living conditions of the working population; the question is: what would be the most effective way for this working population to collectively takeover all the machinery of society and to make it work so that it meets the needs of the entire population? The basis of the debate between Marx and Bakunin, between Marxism and Anarchism is there. Unfortunately, Marx’s stubborn refusal to discuss these issues, his obsession with accusing Bakunin of all kinds of evils, his systematic avoidance of debate, prevented the establishment of a real debate that could have led to a constructive synthesis.  (99+) (PDF) "Science & Society", Mr A. H. Nimtz & Bakunin | René Berthier -
  • Bakunin's Collectivist Anarchism

    202 Views19 Pages
    ​Mikhail Bakunin is now considered to be one of the greatest (if not the greatest) anarchist thinkers of the 19th century. Despite the fragmented nature of his writing, one finds in it those ideas which have become the foundation of modern collectivist anarchism. The task of this paper is to reconstruct and further explore those ideas. Firstly, we will explore Bakunin's conception of collectivist anarchism. This includes his collectivist conception of freedom, his critique of modern society, and his conception of collectivist anarchist social organization. Secondly, we will analyze James Guillaume's synthesis of Bakunin's ideas on social organization. We will finish by touching on the theory of Participatory Economics, a modern attempt to detail what collectivist anarchist society might look like.(99+) (PDF) Bakunin's Collectivist Anarchism | Simon B Monette - 

    2009, WorkingUSA
    30 Pages
  • Bakunin’s Anti-Jacobinism: ‘Secret Societies’ For Self-Emancipating Collectivist Social Revolution

    290 Views11 Pages
    The three terms describing the goal of Bakunin’s ‘secret societies’ in this article’s subtitle (‘self-emancipating’, ‘collectivist’ and ‘social revolution’) correspond to the three following ‘antis’. Anti-Blanquism corresponds to the self-emancipation that the secret society transmits throughout society (rather than being emancipation decreed and enacted from on high). Anti-Bebelism corresponds to its collectivist nature, in contrast with the authoritarian communist nature of such a decreed revolution, also following Bakunin’s famous distinction between the two at the 1868 Geneva Congress of the League of Peace and Freedom. Anti-Bernsteinism corresponds to the social revolution itself and particularly its internationalist nature. An understanding of how these strands are interwoven throughout the ‘infrastructure’ of Bakunin’s mature anarchist thought and activity requires an awareness of the early and enduring influence upon him by Fichte as well as Hegel. At the convergence of these strands is his anarchist concept of the purpose and activity of the secret revolutionary organisation, or ‘secret society’. (99+) (PDF) Bakunin’s Anti-Jacobinism: ‘Secret Societies’ For Self-Emancipating Collectivist Social Revolution | Robert M Cutler -
  • Genesis of German liberalism
  • “not reaching heaven and not touching the earth"
  • René Berthier
  • From Chapter 1 (revised) of Bakounine politique, révolution et contre
  • révolution en Europe centrale (Bakunin Policy: Revolution and Counter
  • Revolution in Central Europe), Éditions du Monde libertaire, 1991.
  • Bakunin is often accused, including by some anarchist authors or close to the
  • movement, of being "germanophobic". Of course, when a conviction is deeply rooted,
  • there is no point in trying to extract it. 
  • "Bakounine politique, révolution et contre révolution en Europe centrale" (Bakunin
  • Policy, Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Central Europe) does not deal with the
  • Marx-Bakunin opposition as it is usually presented in the First International. The book
  • attempts to show the crucial importance that his reflections on the history and destiny
  • of Germany have played on the formation of Bakunin's political thought. 
  • The Russian revolutionary had a fascination for this country; he was a remarkable
  • connoisseur of its literature, its music. He knew Mozart's "Don Giovanni" by heart. His
  • knowledge of German philosophy acquired in Berlin from one of Hegel's disciples was
  • recognized by all. All his life he tried to find the key to this mysterious nation whose
  • bourgeoisie was never able to make its revolution.
  • But Bakunin did not put all the Germans in the same boat. He never confused the
  • German bourgeoisie on the one hand, and the proletariat and peasantry on the other.
  • He never attributed to the German working class the defects he perceived in the
  • bourgeoisie. 
  • (99+) (PDF) Bakunin : Genesis of German liberalism | René Berthier -

  • Saturday, May 29, 2021


    Thousands rally against abortion in Croatia
    Issued on: 29/05/2021 -
    Anti-abortion protesters march through Croatia's capital Zagreb 

    Zagreb (AFP)

    Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators took to the streets on Saturday in Croatia, a largely Catholic country where human rights activists say reproductive rights are increasingly under threat.

    The marchers in capital Zagreb, most of whom did not wear masks, waived Croatian flags, sang patriotic songs and carried banners such as "Unborn lives matter, too".

    "It's our duty to advocate for protection of every human life, including unborn children", said Luka Hudincec, one of the organisers of the rally.

    Various left-wing and feminist groups opposed the march by standing on the sidewalk, chanting while wearing bloody aprons and carrying clothes hangers -- a reference to illegal abortion.

    The annual rally came only a day before local elections where polls overwhelmingly tip the left-green candidate to win over a conservative in Zagreb.

    "We expect the politicians who represent us on both local and national level to uphold the basic human right -- the right to live", one of the organisers who introduced himself as Stjepan said.

    Abortion is legal until the 10th week of pregnancy in Croatia under a 1978 law from when the country was still part of socialist Yugoslavia.

    But more and more doctors refuse to conduct the procedure on moral grounds, swayed by rising religious pressure.

    In 2017, the country's top court ruled that the current legislation is outdated, and rights groups fear this could pave the way for more restrictions.

    Nearly 90 percent of Croatia's 4.2 million people are Catholics and the Church plays a central role in society.

    © 2021 AFP
    China censors Lady Gaga, LGBT references from ‘Friends’ reunion episode

    Issued on: 29/05/2021 - 
    The original cast of the TV series 'Friends' is seen above. The series has a huge following among young people in China and is even recommended in schools as a way to learn English. © Lee Celano, AFP/file

    Text by:NEWS WIRES

    Chinese fans of the popular sitcom "Friends" were furious after censors cut guest stars Lady Gaga, Justin Bieber and Korean boyband BTS from the much-awaited reunion episode.

    When the one-off special of the beloved 1990s sitcom was streamed on three Chinese video platforms, cameos by the celebrities who have all incurred the wrath of the ruling Communist Party were removed from all versions.

    Lady Gaga was banned from touring China in 2016 after she met with the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, who has been labelled as a separatist by Beijing.

    Bieber has been blocked since 2014 when he posted a photo of himself at the controversial Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo that honours Japan's war dead, including convicted war criminals from World War II.

    Boyband BTS angered the party last year when they omitted any reference to Chinese fighters who died during the Korean War when speaking about the "history of pain" in the region.

    Chinese fans were also quick to point out that local versions of "Friends: The Reunion" expunged all LGBTQ references from the special, which was several minutes shorter than the 104 minute show released worldwide on HBO Max on Thursday.

    Chinese streaming services iQiyi, Youku and Tencent Video did not answer AFP queries about what prompted the censorship.

    The sitcom about six white New Yorkers has a huge following among Chinese millennials and is even recommended in schools as a way to learn English.

    The show's popularity has also spawned Central Perk cafes in several Chinese cities, styled after the hangout regularly featured in the show.


    Angry fans took to social media to vent out their frustration at the censorship

    "I was waiting for weeks to watch the Friends reunion only to find that the version streamed in China was all mangled," wrote one user.

    "Why can't the censors just let us enjoy a sitcom?" asked another.

    Earning the wrath of Chinese authorities has become costly for entertainers after China became the world's box office last year surpassing the United States.

    Earlier this week, American wrestler and actor John Cena apologised after stirring a hornet's nest by referring to Taiwan as a country while promoting his latest movie "Fast and Furious 9." Beijing considers the democratic island a renegade province.

    US soldiers accidentally leak nuclear secrets via study apps — report

    Online study aids used by US soldiers stationed at nuclear bases around Europe have been found to contain sensitive details. An investigation by Bellingcat uncovered the leak.

    European disarmament activists argue that secrecy around US nukes in Europe inhibits debate on hosting weapons

    Troops on US bases in Europe housing nuclear weapons have been using publicly accessible online flashcard apps to remember long and complex security protocols, the investigative website Bellingcat revealed on Friday.

    The military personnel turned to sites such as Quizlet, Chegg Prep and Cram to memorize codes, jargon and even the status of nuclear vaults, according to the report.

    While European governments generally refuse to confirm or deny the specific locations of US nuclear weapons being stored within their borders, leaked documents, photos and comments by retired officials often confirm the presence of the weapons.

    The latest leaks, however, have gone so far as to identify the exact number and location of the weapons within the bases, including whether the vaults they are stored in are "hot" — with live weapons — or "cold."

    How did Bellingcat discover the secret information?

    The author of the investigative piece, Foeke Postma, explained that the researchers were able to discover the flashcards belonging to the active soldiers by searching for certain terms known to be associated with nuclear bases.

    The result was the unearthing of several sets of flashcards revealing information about several bases around Europe, including in Germany, the Netherlands and Turkey.

    One set of 70 cards with the title "Study!" disclosed the number of live and non-live nuclear weapons at the Volkel Air Base in the Netherlands, which the Dutch government considers a secret.

    Other sets revealed how soldiers are supposed to react to various levels of alarm, where security cameras are located on site, and "duress words" that soldiers give over the phone to show that they had been, for example, taken hostage by attackers.

    AI: 'Third revolution in warfare'
    Over 100 AI experts have written to the UN asking them to ban lethal autonomous weapons — those that use AI to act independently. No so-called "killer robots" currently exist, but advances in artificial intelligence have made them a real possibility. Experts said these weapons could be "the third revolution in warfare," after gunpowder and nuclear arms. PHOTOS 12345678910

    How have people reacted to the leak?

    Bellingcat discovered flashcards dating back as far as 2013 and as recent as April 2021.

    The site contacted NATO and the US military for comment before publishing their story, after which the cards that had been discovered were removed.

    Director of the East Asia Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Jeffrey Lewis, spoke to Bellingcat about the leaks, calling them a "flagrant breach" in security practices.

    He added that the secrecy over nuclear weapons in Europe is not about protecting the weapons, but rather protecting political and military leaders from having to "answer tough questions about whether NATO's nuclear-sharing arrangements still make sense today. This is yet one more warning that these weapons are not secure."

    How North Korea uses Berlin universities for propaganda

    North Korea's elite university brags of alleged partnerships with Western institutes, including two German ones. Those, however, bristle at the notion of partnership. DW investigates.

    Kim Il Sung University is considered the pinnacle of the country's higher education system

    Those who have been selected by the regime to study at North Korea's top university, the Kim Il Sung University in Pyongyang, belong to the country's academic elite. Named after the founder of North Korea, it is the most important institution for training cadres in the isolated, communist country. It also proudly claims to be the alma mater of the state's current leader Kim Jong Un.

    Generally, North Koreans' contacts with the rest of the world are kept to a minimum, including in higher education establishments. So it is all the more surprising that on the English version of its website, Kim Il Sung University boasts of being associated with dozens of partner schools around the world, including two in Germany. Apparently, the university has cleverly compiled an imposing list of past, current and alleged partnerships with "sister universities" and claims that "international academic exchanges are in full swing."
    'Sister universities' deny claim

    However, many of the named universities would beg to disagree, and do not want to be associated with North Korea at all. DW has discovered that several of them, including Berlin's renowned Humboldt University, are resisting being described as "sister universities." They say that they are doing all they can to have their names removed from the website, but so far Kim Il Sung University has failed to respond to their requests. It also did not respond to DW's inquiries.

    Screenshot of the Kim Il Sung University claiming to show its 'sister universities' worldwide

    Risk of knowledge transfer

    The supposed "sister universities" have good reason to be on the defensive, considering that the UN Security Council's sanctions prohibit scientific cooperation with North Korea in order to prevent the flow of sensitive information that could be used by North Korea's communist regime to produce weapons of mass destruction.

    Any university that invites academics or students from North Korea risks violating the strict sanctions. The UN Panel of Experts on North Korea has warned that even access to the internet or to a library could suffice for crucial information to be inadvertently divulged. It asked the universities named on the North Korean university's website for an official comment, which it published in its annual report at the beginning of March.
    Humboldt University: No cooperation with NK

    In its answer, Humboldt University reassured the UN that there was no cooperation whatsoever with the North Korean university. So why was its name mentioned on the website? Humboldt University spokesperson Hans-Christoph Keller could only speculate that it stemmed from there having once been a "fixed contractual cooperation" during the era of the socialist German Democratic Republic (GDR). This would have been before 1990, when Germany was still a divided country. Keller told DW that there was a possibility that the contract had never been formally terminated. He added that the university was currently doing everything to ensure that its name was removed from the website.

    In 2013, Kim Jong Un inspected a new building on the campus of the Kim Il Sung university

    Free University: Language exchange program

    The situation is more complicated at Berlin's Freie Universität, where the Korean Studies discipline has become extremely popular in recent years. The head of the department, Eun-Jeung Lee, who is from South Korea, travelled to Pyongyang in September 2018, responding to an invitation by Kim Il Sung University. She was accompanied by several colleagues and the Berlin delegation handed a letter of intent regarding future cooperation to their host.

    Then in January 2020, a group of 12 students from the German Studies department of Kim Il Sung University visited Freie Universität to hone their language skills. Experts on North Korea assume that the young people were hand-picked loyal members of the country's elite. They stayed in Germany for three weeks, so they had plenty of time to get to know the host school.
    'No access' to technology

    Was this trip compatible with the UN sanctions? The Freie Universität says yes. "During the whole time, the students had no access to Freie Universität's WLAN or intranet, no electronic devices were provided. Homework and other assignments were all hand-written," the university told the UN Security Council in its statement in January 2021.

    North Koreans studying the German language visited Berlin's FU campus for three weeks in January 2020

    It added that the German Federal Foreign Office had been closely involved with the preparations for the visit whose entire cost was borne by North Korea. It also said that it was "misleading" to name the Freie Universität as a partner on the Kim Il Sung University website because a formal contract between the two establishments had never been signed.

    The UN Security Council was convinced and the UN Panel of Experts on North Korea told DW that the exchange "did not represent a breach of UN sanctions." It added that the Freie Universität "had also taken sensible precautionary technical measures to prevent intangible technology transfer."

    Observation by North Korean minders

    Katharina Landgraf, the chair of the German-Korean Parliamentary Friendship Group, was able to acquire a personal impression of the 12 North Korean students when she received them in the German Bundestag, where the young people were constantly monitored by members of their delegation.

    Bundestag parliamentarian Katharina Langraf has visited North Korea twice

    Landgraf recalled that the atmosphere during their meeting was tense and that the young people were "very reserved." She explained that despite the fact that their German was very good they had not dared to ask questions and talk to her. "It was quite oppressive," she said.
    Prestige for Kim Jong Un

    Is it a wise move for prestigious German universities to cooperate with dictatorships such as North Korea? Landgraf, who has travelled to the isolated country twice, said that it was important to be extremely cautious when it came to academic exchanges but that language programs "in small doses" could be justified as they opened up "a small window into our world."

    She admitted that such international cooperation brought great prestige to Kim Jong Un's regime and could thus be exploited for propaganda purposes: "It's part of a strategy to keep people on side and to show strength. A certain openness to the world is propagated or feigned."

    Pyongyang wants acknowledgement

    International recognition is a valuable commodity for North Korea, which the regime seeks on several levels, not only political. But a German North Korea expert in Seoul, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that it was impossible to be naive when it came to any relationship with North Korea. "State political interests are behind all proposals of cooperation." Apparently, European universities are not willing to give up their good names for that.

    Charles University in Prague has said that it is making all efforts to remove its name from the Pyongyang uni's website

    It was the Czech security services that revealed to Prague's prestigious Charles University that it, too, was listed by Kim Il Sung University as one of its partners. A spokesperson for the university, which at the time had no idea, told DW that there was "no cooperation" between the two institutions and said that the North Korean university had been asked to remove its name from the list, but had not yet responded. "The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs is monitoring the whole situation and actively trying to remedy the process," the spokesperson added.

    Berlin's Humboldt University has also indicated that if its direct attempts to convince Kim Il Sung University to remove its name from its list of "sister universities" fail then it too might well contact the German Foreign Office.

    This article was translated from German.

    Belarus: Opposition calls for a day of solidarity on anniversary of major arrest

    Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya's husband was arrested one year ago, now she has called for a global day of solidarity. She also highlighted the plight of detained blogger Raman Pratasevich.

    The Belarussian opposition has called for a day of global solidarity with political prisoners detained by the country's authoritarian government

    Belarussian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya called for a demonstration of global solidarity with political prisoners in Belarus on Saturday, the one-year anniversary of her husband's arrest.

    Tsikhanouskaya made the call from Lithuania where she has been living in exile since the outbreak of the large-scale protest movement against President Alexander Lukashenko following his widely rejected electoral victory last August.

    Tsikhanouskaya took center stage in the opposition movement after her husband Sergei Tsikhanousky, who had planned to run against Lukashenko, was arrested last May.

    Watch video00:45
    'Lukashenko has crossed a line': Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya

    What did Tsikhanouskaya say?

    Tsikhanouskaya announced the "Global Picket of Solidarity with Belarus" with a video shared on social media.

    She asked people to take part in events to raise awareness about the fate of repression of political prisoners in Belarus, specifically naming the anti-government blogger Raman Pratasevich who was detained along with his girlfriend Sofia Sapega almost a week ago after his flight from Greece to Lithuania was forced to land in Minsk.

    Tsikhanouskaya said in her video that the arrest of her husband had "sparked the wave of peaceful protests and solidarity chains across the country."

    "That is when the harshest repressions in the modern history of Belarus started," she added.

    Why is the Belarussian opposition calling for protests?

    According to official results, Lukashenko won last August's presidential elections, but these have been broadly condemned as rigged. The US and EU no longer recognize Lukashenko as the country's legitimate leader.

    The popular pro-democracy protests against the government were harshly put down, but the arrest of Pratasevich has brought the world's attention back to the eastern European country.

    The EU and US have said they will impose sanctions in the wake of the blogger's arrest. The incident has also once again increased tensions between the EU and Russia, who support Lukashenko's presidency.

    Belarussian authorities also raided the offices of the country's largest online news portal earlier in the month. The site was shut down and investigators opened legal cases against several reporters.

    'A North Korea is being built': Belarusians abroad protest repression

    Issued on: 29/05/2021

    Protesters hold banners and old Belarusian national flags during a demonstration demanding freedom for Belarus opposition activist Raman Protasevich, in front of the U.S. Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania, Friday, May 28, 2021. AP - Mindaugas Kulbis

    Text by: NEWS WIRES

    Belarus's exiled opposition leader vowed Saturday to persist fighting the country's authoritarian regime despite intensifying repression that was thrown into high relief a week ago by the diversion of a commercial airliner and the arrest of a dissident journalist who was aboard

    “We are here today to express our determination to continue the struggle for freedom. We will not back down,” Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya said at a rally of about 150 demonstrators in the capital of Lithuania. Along with Tsikhanouskaya, thousands of Belarusians have fled to Lithuania since authorities escalated a harsh crackdown on dissent last year.

    Many other Belarusians have fled to Ukraine. About 100 of them rallied in Kyiv to denounce President Alexander Lukashenko, whose repression of opposition intensified after massive protests arose following an allegedly manipulated August election that gave him a sixth term in office.

    “A North Korea is being built step by step” in Belarus, protester Syarhey Bulba said in the Ukrainian capital.

    The diversion of the Ryanair flight and the arrest of 26-year-old Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend last Sunday epitomized Lukashenko's harsh rule. Belarusian authorities said the plane was ordered to land in Minsk, accompanied by a fighter jet, because of a bomb threat received while it was en route from Athens to Vilnius.

    Western countries have denounced the move as a hijacking and demanded freedom for Pratasevich. a founder of a messaging app channel that was widely used to coordinate protests against Lukashenko. He faces a potential prison term of 15 years.

    The European Union has banned flights from Belarus in response. The long-term impact of that move is not clear, but many fear that it could drive Belarus into closer relations with Russia, which has dismissed criticism of the plane's diversion. Lukashenko met with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday and Saturday.

    “From our point of view, the situation requires a thoughtful and constructive examination without hasty conclusions," Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Saturday. "But this cascade of hasty conclusions, which were made by European capitals and in Brussels, rather suggests that this approach is not based on an attempt to really clarify the circumstances, but is based solely on emotions.”

    Many observers warn that tougher EU sanctions would make Lukashenko easy prey for the Kremlin, which may use his isolation to push for closer integration. Some in the West have even alleged Russia was involved in the flight diversion — something Moscow angrily denies — and will seek to exploit the fallout.

    The demonstrations on Saturday also marked the one-year anniversary of the arrest of Tsikhanouskaya's husband, Syarhey Tsikhanousky, a popular blogger and activist who had planned to challenge Lukashenko in last year's election but was arrested after a scuffle at a campaign rally that reportedly injured a police office. Tsikhanouskaya ran against Lukashenko in her husband's place.

    The protesters in Ukraine beat a portrait of Lukashenko with slippers, an echo of the slogan “Smash the cockroach” popularized by Tsikhanousky,

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    Last year's protests in Belarus, some of which attracted as many as 200,000 people, arose after the country's Aug. 9 presidential election, in which officials said Lukashenko, who has run the country since 1994, got 80% of the vote. Protests alleging the election results were manipulated immediately broke out, and Tsikhanouskaya fled to Lithuania.

    The protests continued for months, a significant challenge to Lukashenko. Police cracked down harshly on the protests, arresting more than 30,000 people and beating many of them.

    Although the protests died down over the winter, authorities have continued wide-ranging repression of opposition. The Vyasna human rights organization in Belarus said a bicyclist who was arrested at a race that officials deemed an unauthorized gathering has been charged with insulting the president for wearing a T-shirt denouncing dictatorship. The charge carries a possible 2-year prison term.

    In the Belarusian capital, Minsk, several dozen people made a small show of defiance Saturday by marching down a main street carrying opposition banners.


    Parents of Belarus dissident journalist join Warsaw rally
    Issued on: 29/05/2021 -

    Natalia and Dmitry Protasevich, parents of the Belarusian journalist held in Minsk, joined protesters in Warsaw Wojtek RADWANSKI AFP

    Warsaw (AFP)

    Hundreds of people in Warsaw on Saturday rallied in support of the Belarusian opposition, days after the regime in Minsk diverted a European passenger plane and arrested a dissident journalist onboard.

    Among those at the rally were the Poland-based parents of the detained journalist, 26-year-old Roman Protasevich.

    "I'm calling on all EU countries and the US to please help us free Roman and (his girlfriend) Sofia, as well as everyone else imprisoned," his mother Natalia Protasevich said at the rally.

    "We want to live in a free country, in a country where everyone has the right to express his beliefs," his father Dmitry added.

    The crowd chanted "Long live Belarus" and held up the opposition's red and white flag as well as signs with slogans such as "Help Belarus," "Freedom for Belarus" and "North Korea in the Middle of Europe".

    Protasevich and his girlfriend Sofia Sapega, 23, were arrested on Sunday after Belarus scrambled a military jet to divert the Ryanair plane they were travelling on.

    Protasevich's parents said their son looked like he had been beaten in a video later released by Belarusian authorities.

    The forced landing triggered a global outcry. The EU has banned Belarusian airlines, urged EU airlines not to cross Belarusian airspace and threatened tough economic sanctions on President Alexander Lukashenko's Kremlin-backed regime.

    "Things look really bad now. That's why we need to do something, show those fighting back home that they're not alone," said Natallia Burak, a 35-year-old Belarusian living in Warsaw.

    "I have a lot of hope now that Europe will help us, because it's hard to fight against a regime that has everything, that has power, whereas here we are just armed with flags," the saleswoman told AFP.

    "As a Belarusian, we see a lot of wild and outrageous things. You know, that same week there was a person killed in prison," said another Warsaw rally attendee, 38-year-old software engineer Alexey.

    On Wednesday, Lukashenko said he had "acted lawfully to protect our people" from an alleged bomb threat on the plane.

    Often dubbed "Europe's last dictator", Lukashenko has retained his nearly three-decade-long grip on power by hounding opponents, jailing and allegedly torturing dissidents, and muzzling independent media.

    He and his allies are already under a series of Western sanctions over a crackdown on protests after his disputed re-election to a sixth term last August.

    His opponents say the polls were rigged and that political novice Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, who ran in place of her jailed husband, was the true winner.

    She was due to attend a rally in solidarity with Belarus in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius on Saturday.

    © 2021 AF

    Doctors urge global action against climate-linked health risks

    Issued on: 29/05/2021 - 

    Doctors for Extinction Rebellion protesters march on the World Health Organization's headquarters in Geneva Fabrice COFFRINI AFP

    Geneva (AFP)

    Hundreds of health workers marched to the World Health Organization on Saturday demanding that authorities in all countries recognise and act to counter the health risks of climate change.

    Around two hundred people wearing white medical coats and facemasks marched or were pushed in wheelchairs two kilometres (1.2 miles) through Geneva's international district to the WHO headquarters.

    Some carried giant banners urging action, including a towering thermometer showing the red temperature scale rising towards a burning planet.

    Once at the WHO building, representatives of the Doctors for Extinction Rebellion (Doctors4XR) climate activist network handed over a petition to WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

    Signed by more than 1,100 health professionals from around the world, the text slammed the "inertia, inaction and the abyssal distance between speeches and actions".

    It demanded that health authorities in every country, who are currently taking part virtually in the main annual meeting of WHO member states, "publicly state that climate change is putting people at risk of death, and act now to preserve life."

    "Year after year, declaration after declaration, multilateral institutions -- including WHO -- have warned us: climate change and the loss of biodiversity endanger human health worldwide," the petition said.

    Health workers worldwide are already "confronted every day with the consequences of environmental deterioration on our patients and communities," they said.#photo1

    "The list of ailments they suffer from is getting longer every day.

    "We are seeing more and more respiratory and cardiovascular diseases due to polluted air, loss of working days and deaths due to heat waves, over- and undernutrition due to lack of quality food, and diarrhoea and intoxications due to polluted drinking water.

    - 'No vaccine for climate change' -

    To make the point, the petition came in an envelope decorated with a drawing of a healthy human at 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 Fahrenheit), then "sick" if two degrees were added, in "mortal danger" at +4C and at +5C, "too late", followed by the words: "Same with the planet."

    "Despite accumulating evidence, repeated warnings... despite more frequent and more serious natural disasters, including the Covid-19 pandemic," the petition said, "the concrete actions implemented by our governments are not nearly enough."

    Tedros hailed the activists, vowing to read their letter to the member states.

    "The COVID-19 pandemic has once again highlighted the intimate relationship between the health of people and planet," he said, stressing that it showed "what happens when we are under prepared and fail to cooperate with each other."

    In that sense, "the risks posed by climate change could dwarf that of any single disease," he warned.

    "The pandemic will end, but there is no vaccine for climate change."

    Richard Horton, the chief editor of the Lancet medical journal and one of the signatories, agreed.

    "The climate crisis is not merely a threat to health," he said by video link.

    "It is a threat to life itself."
    Colombia anti-govt protest clashes kill at least 10 in Cali

    Rescue workers in the city of Cali on May 28 carry a corpse on a stretcher as protests against the Colombian government entered a second month LUIS ROBAYO AFP

    At least 10 people in the city of Cali were killed in a day of anti-government protests, authorities said Saturday, as Colombia enters its second month of demonstrations that have met violent repression.

    President Ivan Duque announced Friday he was deploying military troops to Cali while the nation marked a full month of Colombia-wide rallies that have morphed into a broad anti-establishment mobilization.

    "Ten people" are dead, "this is the toll we have this morning" in events linked to Friday's demonstrations, Cali's security secretary Carlos Rojas told Caracol radio. Police said eight of the 10 were shot dead.

    He spoke after reports of violent street clashes. In one case, a representative from the Cali prosecutor's office said an off-duty investigator had shot at a crowd, killing a civilian, before being lynched by protesters.

    Video footage showed a man lying in a pool of blood and another nearby wielding a gun; that man was then attacked by a group of people.

    - 'Almost an urban war' -

    "In the south of the city we had a real scene of confrontation and almost an urban war where many people not only lost their lives, but we also had a significant number of injuries," said Rojas.#photo1

    After chairing a security meeting in the city, Duque announced Friday "the maximum deployment of military assistance to the national police" would begin immediately.

    The official nationwide toll up to Friday in the month of violence was 49 dead, with many more wounded or missing.

    Human Rights Watch, which has been reporting a higher toll, says it has counted 63 deaths to date. It called the situation in Cali, a city of 2.2 million, "very serious."

    Jose Miguel Vivanco, the rights group's executive director for the Americas, urged Duque to take "urgent measures to de-escalate, including a specific order prohibiting agents of the state from using firearms."

    - Poverty, disease, resentment -

    Government mediation attempts have been largely futile, unable to contain the fury of increasingly politicized youth battered by the pandemic, angry over the country's deep inequalities, and feeling their voices have not been heard.#photo2

    Economists say more than 42 percent of the country's 50 million people live in poverty, with the pandemic plunging many of the most vulnerable into penury.

    A third of Colombians aged 14 to 28 are jobless and not in school, according to Hernando Gomez Buendia, author of the book "Between Independence and the Pandemic," and that has led to growing resentment and defiance.

    Analysts link the government's militarized history to its response to the protests.

    For more than 50 years, Colombia's war against leftist FARC guerrillas eclipsed all other government priorities, with the state emerging from the conflict militarily strong but weak on social redress.

    In 2019, the year after Duque took power, students took to the streets demanding free and more accessible public education, better jobs and a supportive government.

    On April 28, fury at a proposed tax increase on the middle classes led people onto the streets again.

    Though the proposal was quickly withdrawn, it had triggered a broad anti-government mobilization by people who felt they were left to fend for themselves in the health crisis, and who were further angered by the heavy-handed response of the security forces.

    Mostly peaceful protests by day have often turned into riots at night and running battles with the armed forces.

    Protesters have kept barricades burning countrywide and blocked dozens of key roads, causing shortages of many products.

    Meanwhile, Colombia continues to battle record levels of coronavirus infections.

    There have been more than 3.3 million confirmed cases, and over 87,200 deaths, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally. That has left many Colombian hospitals near collapse.

    Colombia deploys military in Cali after protests leave several dead

    New deaths were reported in Colombia as nationwide unrest entered its second month. President Ivan Duque is deploying more than 7,000 personnel to the city of Cali, the hub of the protest movement.

    Anti-government protests have been evident across Colombia as the country marked one month since the unrest began

    Colombian President Ivan Duque vowed to deploy the "maximum" number of military personnel in the western province of Valle del Cauca after several people died in protests in the region on Friday.

    The deaths occurred in and around the city of Cali as tens of thousands demonstrated across the country in the latest round of protests that first emerged on April 28. At least 49 people are now thought to have died during the weeks of unrest.

    An anti-government protester throws a bag of paint at a police vehicle during clashes on the outskirts of Bogota

    Talks to ease unrest break down

    The unrest was sparked over tax reform but the protests have since expanded to include wide-ranging demands.

    Talks between the Colombian government and the protest leaders, including union leaders who have formed a national strike committee, have stalled. Protest leaders have also been heavily critical of the violent crackdown on civilians.

    "From tonight begins the maximum deployment of military assistance to the national police in Cali and the province of Valle," Duque said in a televised message.

    He said that more than 7,000 personnel, including members of the navy, would be sent to alleviate road blockades.

    Cali goes into curfew

    Valle del Cauca Governor Clara Luz Roldan earlier declared a curfew, which would start in the province from 7:00 p.m.

    Several deaths were reported in the city of Cali on Friday, although their exact number was not immediately clear. The western city is a flash point in the protests, and serves as a center of the protest movement.

    Mayor Jorge Ivan Ospina urged "not give in to the temptation of violence and death."

    At least three deaths occurred in clashes between "those blocking and those trying to get through" a barricade, Ospina added.

    Local media reported at least one more death on the road between Cali and the town of Candelaria.

    Rights groups urge de-escalation

    The United Nations human rights office in Colombia on Saturday said it was "extremely concerned" about the current situation in the country.

    It said it had reports of several dead and injured as well as one person missing in relation to the unrest and called for dialogue.

    Human Rights Watch, which puts the death toll higher than the official one, at 63, said the situation in the city of 2.2 million was "very serious."

    Jose Miguel Vivanco, the rights group's Americas executive director, urged Duque to take "urgent measures to de-escalate, including a specific order prohibiting agents of the state from using firearms."

    "Colombia can't mourn any more deaths," he said in a tweet.
    Second volcano erupts near DR Congo's battered Goma city

    Issued on: 29/05/2021 -
    Virunga National Park rangers guard the high voltage power line construction site on the solidified lava flow of the Nyiragongo volcano ALEXIS HUGUET AFP/File

    Goma (DR Congo) (AFP)

    A second volcano erupted Saturday near the eastern DR Congo city of Goma, a week after Mount Nyiragongo roared back into life, causing devastation and sparking an exodus.

    "Today the Murara volcano near an uninhabited area of Virunga erupted," government spokesman Patrick Muyaya said, referring to a wildlife reserve that is home to a quarter of the world's population of critically endangered mountain gorillas.

    Murara is a small volcano considered a crater of Nyamuragira, which along with Nyiragongo is known for strong volcanic activity.

    It is located about 25 kilometres north of Goma, the capital of the North Kivu province.

    Located on the shore of Lake Kivu in the shadow of Nyiragongo, Africa's most active volcano, the city has lived in fear since it erupted last Saturday.

    The strato-volcano spewed rivers of lava that claimed nearly three dozen lives and destroyed the homes of some 20,000 people before the eruption stopped.

    Tens of thousands had fled Goma last Saturday night but many returned when the eruption ended the following day.

    Scientists have since recorded hundreds of aftershocks.

    They warn of a potentially catastrophic scenario -- a "limnic eruption" that could smother the area with suffocating carbon dioxide.

    Goma was quiet on Saturday with limited tremors roughly averaging once every hour, as against once every 10 minutes earlier, an AFP journalist said.

    There were a handful of vehicles on the streets which were semi-deserted and only some small shops were open.

    A report on an emergency meeting early Friday said 80,000 households -- around 400,000 inhabitants -- had emptied on Thursday following a "preventative" evacuation order.

    - 'Urgent, global support -

    Most people have headed for Sake, around 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of Goma where tens of thousands of people are gathered, or the Rwandan border in the northeast, while others have fled by boat across Lake Kivu.

    Late Friday, Rwandan President Paul Kagame said those fleeing needed "urgent, global support".

    Aid efforts are being organised to provide drinking water, food and other supplies, and workers are helping to reunite children who became separated from their families.

    Aid efforts are being organised to provide drinking water, food and other supplies, and workers are helping to reunite children who became separated from their families.

    Nearly 10,000 people are taking refuge in Bukavu on the southern bank of Lake Kivu, according to governor Theo Ngwabidje, many of them in host families.

    Nearly 3,500 metres (11,500 feet) high, Nyiragongo straddles the East African Rift tectonic divide.

    Its last major eruption, in 2002, claimed around 100 lives and the deadliest eruption on record killed more than 600 people in 1977.

    A report on Friday issued after experts carried out a risk assessment at the volcano's summit, said "seismicity and ground deformation continues to indicate the presence of magma under the Goma area, with an extension under Lake Kivu".

    People should remain vigilant and listen to news bulletins, as the situation "may change quickly", it warned.

    Volcanologists say the worst-case scenario is of an eruption under the lake.

    This could release hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) that are currently dissolved in the water's depths.

    The gas would rise to the surface of the lake, forming an invisible cloud that would linger at ground level and displace oxygen, asphyxiating life.

    In 1986, one of these so-called limnic eruptions killed more than 1,700 people and thousands of cattle at Lake Nyos in western Cameroon.