Sunday, January 12, 2020

A Florida community could lose a beloved nurse and father. Here's how Trump's policies stand to disproportionately affect black immigrants.

Kenya Evelyn
Jan 10, 2020, 

Rony Ponthieux. Kenya Evelyn

President Donald Trump's proposed merit-based changes to the current immigration system wouldn't change the number of immigrants permitted in the US, but does look to redefine the type of migrants accepted.
Critics call these policy changes discriminatory, accusing the administration of singling out poor, mostly black and brown countries in favor of European immigrants and would-be tech workers.
"There are 1.8 million black immigrants who are already disproportionately vulnerable to immigration enforcement. Attacking the legal ways they come here sends a clear message they aren't wanted," Nana Gyamfi, executive director for the Black Alliance for Just Immigration, said.

Sunset over Rony Ponthieux's Miami Gardens home signals time to head inside. After a few comical attempts, his 12-year-old daughter Christina gives up teaching him how to throw a football. Rony prefers soccer anyway and the hot, November sun makes him sweat. Sundays begin the busy week for this family, a mix of hospital shifts, school trips, and recitals.

Play soon leads to prep. Christina rehearses chords on the living room piano while Rony gets ready for work. Tonight is the first of four, 12-hour shifts at Jackson Memorial Hospital where Rony is a registered nurse. Nights are split between wards, aiding patients post-surgery and emergencies.
Rony Ponthieux and his daughter. Kenya Evelyn
For many Haitians living in South Florida, the Ponthieux story is a familiar one: escape from political turmoil and hard work to achieve an education. After years of sacrifice, together they live their own American dream — complete with Saturday church services in Kreyol. As Rony fills up on leftovers in the family's modest kitchen, he steals a minute to sit beside Christina as she plays.

Bonding moments like these are under threat now as the family's future in America remains uncertain.

"It's a terrible situation," Rony said. "You come to America for a better life but it's almost like we're being punished for wanting to give back to the country that welcomed us."

Rony, who came to the US with his wife Majorie in 1999, is among 50,000 Haitians living under Temporary Protected Status (TPS), a legal protection granted to countries experiencing catastrophes of war or natural disaster. President Barack Obama granted TPS following the devastating quake. It allowed Rony and his wife to stay and work in the country.

But in 2017, the Trump administration announced it would terminate TPS for Haitians, giving Rony just months to leave the country he's called home for 20 years. Due to multiple appeals, his legal right to stay has been in limbo ever since.

"I couldn't believe after all these years we'd just be told 'ok, now leave,'" he said. "Without TPS, I would have to go back to Haiti where I have no job, no resources and few connections. My entire life is here."
Trump's policies could disproportionately affect migrants from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean

President Donald Trump's proposed merit-based changes to the current immigration system wouldn't change the number of immigrants permitted in the US, but does look to redefine the type of migrants accepted. Critics call these policy changes discriminatory, accusing the administration of singling out poor, mostly black and brown countries in favor of European immigrants and would-be tech workers. Rony points to the president's own rhetoric.

"He calls them 'shithole countries.' He said he wants more people from Norway," he said. "My skin is black, my accent is Haitian but I work hard to be part of America like anyone else."

Proposed changes to US immigration policy do stand to disproportionately affect migrants from Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. According to the Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), black immigrants are more likely to enter the US legally through asylum, TPS or visa programs including the diversity lottery. Trump has vowed to "restore the integrity of" what he calls a "broken asylum system" and gut the diversity visa altogether. BAJI executive director Nana Gyamfi says these steps are designed to restrict black immigration.

"It's to ensure that only rich Europeans are coming into the country, essentially the whitening of America," said Nana Gyamfi, executive director for BAJI. "There are 1.8 million black immigrants who are already disproportionately vulnerable to immigration enforcement. Attacking the legal ways they come here sends a clear message they aren't wanted."

Black migrants, mostly from Africa and the Caribbean, represent 10% of the immigrant population. While they continue to be one of the most educated, 19% of black immigrants live below the poverty line, 12% are unemployed, according to BAJI. In September, the US Department of Homeland Security introduced a change to a public charge policy that would deny green cards to immigrants receiving federal benefits like Medicaid and food stamps. BAJI estimates that one in 20 black immigrants and their families could be affected. A court blocked the change four days before it was to take effect.

Gyamfi says even if never enforced, policies still achieve their intended chilling effect.

"Fear of immigration enforcement keeps black immigrants from seeking the public services they qualify for, and deters would-be applicants from seeking asylum or a visa," she said. "In recent years our work has been just as much myth-busting and addressing hysteria as it is advocacy."

With each new announcement, Rony also worries about any potential effect on his legal status.

"Everything is so temporary you almost feel scared to take a breath," he said. "But our lives here, our families here, aren't temporary."

Rony has been a permanent fixture of Jackson Memorial Hospital for years. Traffic turns tonight's commute from 30 minutes to an hour, giving Rony time to browse his phone. He swipes past dozens of photos of a wide-eyed youth in uniform. The young man stares stoically in front of the American flag but poses jokingly with his comrades in the US Army. Rony's 19-year-old son, Christopher, finished boot camp in Georgia earlier that month. He calls often, but they keep the conversation light.
Rony Ponthieux looks at a picture of his son. Kenya Evelyn"It's a lot of pressure for him," Rony said. "You volunteer for your country and worry that it may not let your parents stay."

The Ponthieux were hopeful that Christopher's military service would aid in their green card quest. But they'll have to wait until the end of 2021, when Christopher turns 21. A court order extended TPS through January of the same year. The timeline leaves a near nine-month gap, putting Rony's legal status in jeopardy.

If TPS expires, Rony and more than 315,000 other recipients from 15 countries would face an immediate deadline to leave the country and be subject to detention and deportation in the process. The Trump administration's proposed 79% spike in application fees for green cards may also take effect by then, a measure activists criticize as politically motivated and designed to keep low-income migrants out.

In their effort to stay, the Ponthieux parents will now face a permanent residency fight that is more stringent, and possibly, more expensive.

The 18,000 American children born to Haitian TPS recipients add to the uncertainty, including Christopher and 12-year-old Christina. Thousands of Haitian families face the reality that their lives together in the US may be limited. Christina, only a seventh grader, fears her family could be split up. It's an uncomfortable conversation between piano practice, schoolwork and at-home lessons on the historical bond between the US and Haiti.
'The anxiety is difficult but I have to be here for the patients, for my family'

Rony heads toward Jackson Memorial's automated glass doors, backpack in tow. The hospital is where his advocacy is most successful. Occasional quips about immigration from patients create opportunities to show the difference he and other migrants make.

"I tell them how, without TPS, I wouldn't be here to care for them," he says. "Their hearts drop and they tell me they don't want to lose their favorite nurse."

Minds also begin to change when considering all the other community members they'd lose — 320,000 TPS recipients from Central America and the Caribbean alone.

Together with his shiftmate, Rony will spend the night checking IVs, monitoring patient breathing and other vital signs. While his work on the night shift is an asset for others, his own health has experienced the effects of uncertainty. Rony's been hospitalized twice over the year for blood pressure spikes and stress-related dehydration.

"The anxiety is difficult but I have to be here for the patients, for my family," he said. "I want to stay part of this community until I can't."
Rony Ponthieux Kenya Evelyn

Just as Rony's shift begins, a beggar stops him wanting a cigarette.

"Smoking is no good for you, brother. I care about your health," he said. He offers the man change for dinner before heading inside.

Sunrise will mark a day's work done, just in time to take Christina to school. Before long Rony will fix another plate of leftovers and head out for another 12-hour night. Stolen moments with Christina on the piano or calls with Christopher help to break up the routine.

He doesn't take them for granted. Rony can only guarantee those bonding moments until January 4, 2021.
Devastating images of burned koalas and wallabies are emerging from Australia as 1 billion animals are feared dead

Morgan McFall-Johnsen Jan 8, 2020

An injured koala resting in a washing basket at the Kangaroo 
Island Wildlife Park in Australia on Wednesday. 
Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images
Since September, unprecedented bushfires have razed an estimated 25 million acres in Australia.
More than 1 billion animals are feared dead in the blazes.
Horrifying images show burned koalas, birds, and wallabies.
This week, the estimated number of animals feared dead in Australia's devastating bushfires soared to more than 1 billion.

As the country enters its third year of an unprecedented drought, blazes have burned an estimated 25 million acres — 46% more than the total that burned in the Brazilian Amazon last year. Australia's dry season still has another two months to go.

Despite rescue efforts, tens of thousands of koalas are estimated to have died on one island alone. Ecologists fear the fires could wipe endangered species off the map.

Disturbing images from the fires' aftermath are beginning to emerge.

Warning: This post contains graphic images of dead animals.

Unprecedented, deadly bushfires have raged across Australia since September.

A satellite photo of Bateman Bay on the southern coast of 
New South Wales, Australia, on December 31. Copernicus EMS

Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to evacuate, and at least 25 have died. An estimated 2,000 homes have been destroyed.

The fires have razed an estimated 25 million acres across the continent.

Shayanne Gal/Insider

That's an area larger than South Korea and 46% bigger than that which burned in the Brazilian Amazon last year.

In some areas the fires are so large they've created their own weather
A diagram showing how fires form pyrocumulonimbus clouds.
Bureau of Meteorology, Victoria

The smoke generates clouds that create thunderstorms, ultimately leading to more fires.

Despite rescue and treatment efforts, 1 billion animals are feared dead amid the blazes.
Tracy Dodd, a volunteer for Wildlife Information, Rescue
 and Education Services, holding a kangaroo with burned
 feet pads that was rescued from bushfires in Australia's
 Blue Mountains area. Jill Gralow / Reuters

Warning: The following images contain graphic content.

Last week, ecologists estimated that 480 million mammals, birds, and reptiles had died in the fires. But on Monday that number skyrocketed.

A dead koala among blue-gum trees on Wednesday after 
bushfires ravaged Australia's Kangaroo Island. 
Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

Chris Dickman, an ecologist at the University of Sydney, told HuffPost that last week's estimate was conservative and considered only the state of New South Wales.

"Over a billion would be a very conservative figure," Dickman told HuffPost.

A dead Australian native bird washed up among ash and
 fire debris on Boydtown Beach in Eden, Australia, on
 Tuesday. Tracey Nearmy/Reuters

Dickman said researchers didn't have population data for animals like bats, frogs, and invertebrates, making it difficult to know how many had died.

The fires could wipe out some endangered species, including the southern corroboree frog and the mountain pygmy-possum.
Photo by Rick Stevens/The Sydney Morning Herald/Fairfax
 Media via Getty Images via Getty Images

The fires have burned one-third of Kangaroo Island, known for its nature preserves and endangered bird species.

Kangaroo Island is off the coast of Adelaide. Sinéad Baker/Business Insider

Ecologists estimate that 25,000 koalas have died in the island's Flinders Chase National Park.

A dead koala in the bushfire-ravaged outskirts of the Parndana region on Wednesday on Kangaroo Island. Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

That's half of the park's koala population.

Koalas can't move fast enough to escape the fires, the ecologist Mark Graham told Parliament in December. Koalas also eat leaves from eucalyptus trees, which are highly flammable.

"The fires have burned so hot and so fast that there has been significant mortality of animals in the trees, but there is such a big area now that is still on fire and still burning that we will probably never find the bodies," Graham said, according to The Guardian.

Each day Australians have brought about 30 injured koalas to the Kangaroo Wildlife Park, at the edge of the island's fire zone.

The Adelaide wildlife rescuer Simon Adamczyk with a koala rescued at a burning forest near Cape Borda on Kangaroo Island. AAP Image/David Mariuz/via REUTERS

"At least a third of what has been brought in we've had to euthanize unfortunately," Sam Mitchell, a co-owner of the park, told The Guardian.

Mitchell, a co-owner of the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park, carrying a dead koala and a dead kangaroo to a mass grave on Wednesday on Kangaroo Island. Lisa Maree Williams/Getty Images

He said residents had also brought in kangaroos, wallabies, and pygmy possums.

"We are seeing many burns to hands and feet – fingernails melted off," Mitchell said. "For some the burns are just too extreme."

The burns on the feet of koala named Kate from Bellangry State Forest seen as she was treated for burns at The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital on November 29 in Port Macquarie, Australia. Nathan Edwards/Getty Images

Rescuers fear many animals simply can't escape the fires.

A dead wallaby in Australia's Wingello State Forest on Monday. Brett Hemmings/Getty Images

"We're not getting that many animals coming into care," Tracy Burgess, a volunteer at Wildlife Information, Rescue, and Education Services, told Reuters. "Our concern is that they don't come into care because they're not there anymore, basically."

On Thursday, Mitchell and some staff members of the Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park said they were going to stay despite the threat of fires on the island.

Kangaroo Island Wildlife Park. Google

According to 7 News, they are staying to protect the roughly 700 animals in their care.
The nearby town of Parndana was evacuated by the Country Fire Service and the Australian Defence Force.

For those looking to donate to organizations assisting with relief efforts in Australia, here are some to consider.

A koala drinks water from a bottle given by a firefighter in 
Cudlee Creek, South Australia. This image was made from a
 video taken on Dec. 22, 2019, and provided by 
Oakbank Balhannah Country Fire Service brigade. 
Oakbank Balhannah CFS via AP

To help animals (and the humans caring for them):

World Wildlife Fund Australia hopes to raise $30 million Australian dollars (about $20 million US) for an Australian Wildlife and Nature Recovery Fund.

The New South Wales Wildlife Information, Rescue, and Education Service (WIRES) rescues and cares for animals. The group is seeking donations for volunteer carers and rescuers.

The Port Macquarie Koala Hospital has a GoFundMe page that seeks funding for recovery work to help koalas affected by the bushfires.

Other organizations include:

Australian Red Cross

Salvation Army

St Vincent de Paul Society

New South Wales Rural Fire Service

Country Fire Authority (CFA), Victoria

The Victorian Bushfire Appeal

SEE ALSO: Australia's bushfires are ravaging the country. Here's how it all happened.More: Features Australia Bushfires Animals Austral

Thousands of Australians are calling for their prime minster's resignation. He's vowed to keep exporting coal, despite the link between fires and climate change.


Aylin Woodward Jan 10, 2020
Left, Australian prime minister Scott Morrison issues a press 
statement in Adelaide, Australia, January 6, 2020. Right, a
 firefighter hoses down trees in an effort to secure nearby
 houses from bushfires in the town of Nowra in
 New South Wales, Australia, December 31, 2019.
 Rohan Thomson/Saeed Khan/Getty

In the last five months, bushfires have razed an estimated 25 million acres in Australia. That's an area larger than South Korea.

Prime minister Scott Morrison has said that he doesn't think more aggressive cuts to Australia's carbon emissions would have changed the outcome of this fire season.

On Friday, thousands of Australians took to the streets to call for more robust action on climate change.

Science shows that the drought conditions and high temperatures caused by climate change lead to larger, more frequent fires.The carbon dioxide that fires send into the atmosphere further contributes to climate change, raising the risk of more intense blazes.Australia has become an inferno: Since the start of the bushfire season in September, an estimated 25.5 million acres have burned, according to Reuters.At least 27 people have perished, and more than 1 billion animals are feared dead. An estimated 2,000 homes have been destroyed, with hundreds of thousands of people forced to evacuate.

On Friday, more than 10,000 Australians took to the streets to protest what they see as prime minister Scott Morrison's inadequate response to the fires. Many demanded more robust action to address climate change, and some even called for Morrison's resignation, chanting "ScoMo has got to go," according to The Washington Post.

Australia's bushfires erupted amid exceptionally hot and dry conditions there. The country experienced its driest spring ever in 2019. December 18 was the hottest day in Australian history, with average temperatures there hitting 105.6 degrees Fahrenheit (40.9 degrees Celsius). Eight of Australia's 10 warmest years ever have come in the last 15 years. Meanwhile, winter rains, which can help reduce the intensity of summer fires, have declined significantly, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.
Protesters march through the streets of Melbourne, Australia
 on January 10, 2020. Robert Cianflone/Getty

But Morrison has said his government will not consider downsizing Australia's coal industry, despite the known link between fire risk and climate change. Australia is the biggest exporter of coal worldwide; its annual coal exports total to about $47 million US.

"I am not going to write off the jobs of thousands of Australians by walking away from traditional industries," Morrison told Australian broadcaster Channel Seven last month, according to the AP.

'Coal interests and politicians on the one side, and then firefighters and volunteers on the other'

In a protest in Melbourne, a speaker named Jerome Small said politicians like Morrison represent a "massive political and economic roadblock" on the path to better climate policies, the Post reported.

Gavin Stanbrook, one of the organizer of Friday's protests, told the Post that there's a schism between politicians and the people most impacted by the fires.

"We are divided between coal interests and politicians on the one side and then firefighters and volunteers on the other and the rest of us who are either impacted or our friends and family are on the front line, or in cities surrounded by smoke," Stanbrook said.
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison visited a fire 
damaged property on Stokes Bay on Kangaroo Island, 
southwest of Adelaide, Australia, January 8, 2020. 
David Mariuz-Pool/Getty

Morrison's political rivals have also criticized his administration for its approach to climate policy,

"His totally inadequate response to these fires and his obstinate refusal to accept what we have known for decades: that burning climate-changing fossil fuels would lead to more frequent and intense bushfires is putting the lives of Australians at risk," Richard Di Natale, leader of Australia's Greens parties, said of Morrison last week.
Morrison wants to keep emissions down but does not plan to downsize the coal industry

In November, Morrison told the Herald that he doesn't think more aggressive cuts to Australia's carbon emissions would have made a difference in this fire crisis.

"To suggest that with just 1.3% of global emissions that Australia doing something differently, more or less, would have changed the fire outcome this season, I don't think that stands up to any credible scientific evidence at all," he said.

Angus Taylor, Australia's minister for energy and emissions reduction, told Reuters on Monday that he does not think Australia needs to cut its emissions more aggressively.

"When it comes to reducing global emissions, Australia must and is doing its bit," Taylor said.

Morrison's administration has not, however, denied the link between global warming and fire risk overall.

"There is no dispute in this country about the issue of climate change globally and its effect on global weather patterns, and that includes how it impacts Australia," Morrison said in a press conference over the weekend, according to the Associated Press.

He added: "I have seen a number of people suggest that somehow the government does not make this connection. The government has always made this connection and that has never been in dispute."
A kangaroo is seen in bushland surrounded by smoke haze 
early morning in Canberra, Australia, January 5, 2020
 AAP Image/Lukas Coch via REUTERS

When asked what his government's plans were to mitigate and plan for the long-term impacts of climate change, Morrison said: "Our goal is to meet and beat our emissions reductions."

"What we will do is ensure that our policies remain sensible, that they don't move towards either extreme and stay focused on what Australians need for a vibrant and viable economy, as well as a vibrant and sustainable environment," he said.

However, Morrison was noticeably absent from the September United Nations climate summit in New York. At the UN's December climate talks in Madrid, meanwhile, world leaders accused Morrison's administration of cheating to meet 2030 emissions targets by using carryover credits — the amount of carbon dioxide by which Australia beat previous, less stringent targets set under the Kyoto protocol.
'One of the key drivers of fire intensity is temperature'

Climate change increases the likelihood, size, and frequency of wildfires, since warmer air sucks away moisture from trees and soil, leading to dryer land. Rising temperatures also make heat waves and droughts more frequent and severe, which exacerbates wildfire risk, since hot, parched forests are prone to burning.

"Climate change is exacerbating every risk factor for more frequent and intense bushfires," Dale Dominey-Howes, an expert on disaster risk at the University of Sydney, told Business Insider Australia. "Widespread drought conditions, higher-than-average temperatures — these are all made worse by climate change."
A CFA firefighter sprays water after a fire impacted 
Clovemont Way, Bundoora in Melbourne, Australia, 
December 30, 2019. AAP Image/Julian Smith via REUTERS

On average, Earth has warmed about 1 degree Celsius. July 2019 was the hottest month ever recorded, and 2019 will likely be the third-hottest year on record globally, according to Climate Central. Only 2016, 2015, and 2017 were hotter (in that order).

"One of the key drivers of fire intensity, fire spread rates and fire area is temperature. And in Australia we've just experienced record high temperatures," Mark Howden, director of the Climate Change Institute at Australian National University, told Reuters.

Climate scientist Michael Mann, who has been on sabbatical in Sydney this winter, put it simply in an article published January 2 in The Guardian:

"The brown skies I observed in the Blue Mountains this week are a product of human-caused climate change," Mann wrote. "Take record heat, combine it with unprecedented drought in already dry regions, and you get unprecedented bushfires like the ones engulfing the Blue Mountains and spreading across the continent. It's not complicated."

A carbon-dioxide feedback loop

Firefighters struggle against strong winds in an effort to
 secure nearby houses from bushfires near the town of
 Nowra in the Australian state of New South Wales,
 December 31, 2019. Saeed Khan/AFP/Getty

Climate activist Greta Thunberg also criticized Morrison's response to the fires on Twitter.

"Not even catastrophes like these seem to bring any political action. How is this possible? Because we still fail to make the connection between the climate crisis and increased extreme weather events and nature disasters like the #AustraliaFires," Thunberg tweeted on December 22.

Already, this season's fires have released 350 million metric tons of CO2 into the atmosphere. That's roughly 1% of the total global carbon emissions in 2019, and two-thirds of Australia's carbon emissions from 2018.

And there are least two more months of bushfire season to go.

Carbon emissions from these and other fires could become part of an ominous feedback loop: The more land burns, the more carbon dioxide gets released into the atmosphere, and the more trees — which act as natural carbon sinks — disappear.

The more CO2 gets released, the warmer our planet gets; that raises the risk of more big and deadly fires.

SEE ALSO: Australia's fires are 46% bigger than last year's Brazilian Amazon blazes. There are at least 2 months of fire season to go.

Another firefighter has died battling Australia's bushfires, authorities say

        Nick Perry,Associated Press 1/12/2020

A plume of smoke rises from fire in a huge wood chip pile 
at a mill in Eden, Australia, Saturday, Jan. 11, 2020. Associated Press/Rick Rycroft

Another firefighter has died battling Australia's bushfires, authorities said Sunday.The firefighter was one of the few professionals battling the blazes — most of the firefighters currently working are merely volunteers.It's unclear how the firefighter died.The news brings the death toll to at least 27 people. Four of the casualties were firefighters.

BURRAGATE, Australia (AP) — Another firefighter has died battling the Australian wildfire crisis and the prime minister on Sunday said his government was adapting and building resilience to the fire danger posed by climate change.

The firefighter — one of the few professionals among mainly volunteer brigades battling blazes across southeast Australia — died on Saturday near Omeo in eastern Victoria state, Victorian Emergency Management Commissioner Andrew Crisp said. No details of the circumstances were released.

The tragedy brings the death toll to at least 27 people in a crisis that has destroyed more than 2,000 homes and scorched an area larger than the US state of Indiana since September. Four of the casualties were firefighters.

Authorities are using relatively benign conditions forecast in southeast Australia for a week or more to consolidate containment lines around scores of fires that are likely to burn for weeks without heavy rainfall. The reprieve from severe fire conditions promises to be the longest of the current fire season.

The crisis has brought accusations that Prime Minister Scott Morrison's conservative government needs to take more action to counter climate change, which experts say has worsened the blazes. Thousands of protesters rallied late Friday in Sydney and Melbourne, calling for Morrison to be fired and for Australia to take tougher action on global warming.

Morrison said his government was developing a national disaster risk reduction framework within the Department of Home Affairs that will deal with wildfires, cyclones, floods and drought. The government was currently working through the details of the framework with local governments.

"This is a longer-term risk framework model which deals with one of the big issues in response to climate changing and that is the resilience and the adaptation that we need in our community right across the country to deal with longer, hotter, drier seasons that increase the risk of bushfire," Morrison told Australian Broadcasting Corp.

 A Rural Fire Service firefighter Trevor Stewart views a flank of a fire on January 11, 2020 in Tumburumba, Australia. Sam Mooy/Getty Images

Morrison said his government accepted that climate change was leading to longer, hotter and drier summers, despite junior government lawmaker George Christensen posting on social media over the weekend that the cause of the latest fires was arson rather than man-made climate change. Another junior lawmaker Craig Kelly has also publicly denied any link between climate change and fire crisis.

State authorities have said a minority of fires are deliberately lit.

American firefighters receive a heartwarming welcome as they arrive in Australia to help battle the country's devastating bushfires

Ashley Collman  Jan 10, 2020
A contingent of 39 firefighters from the United States
 and Canada arrive at Melbourne Airport in Australia 
on January 2, 2020 to help fight the country's wildfires.
Julian Smith/AAP Image via AP

Dozens of American firefighters arrived in Sydney, Australia on Thursday to lend a hand in fighting the country's bushfires.

Video shows crowds gathered in front of arrivals spontaneously bursting into applause to show their gratitude to the arriving Americans.

The US and Australia has exchanged firefighters for about 15 years.

A second group of American firefighters arrived in Australia on Thursday to fight the country's bushfires, and locals wasted no time in thanking them for volunteering.

Shane Fitzsimmons, the commissioner of the New South Wales Rural Fire Service, was at Sydney Airport to welcome the incoming US firefighters.
He took a video showing how the crowd at the arrivals area burst into a spontaneous round of applause as the firemen started streaming in with their bags of gear, ready to get down to work.—Shane Fitzsimmons (@RFSCommissioner) January 9, 2020

Autumn Snyder told CNN that her husband Sean was among the firefighters welcomed in Sydney this week, and she was "very humbled" by the response.

"It's so refreshing and gratifying to see them be welcomed and appreciated," she said.

She said her husband volunteered to go to Australia and was happy to be picked for the assignment, which will last at least 30 days. He works as an assistant fire management officer for the US Forest Service in Talladega, Alabama.
A photo shows a general view of the Dunn Road fire in
 Mount Adrah, Australia on Friday. Sam Mooy/Getty

Autumn said they are a "public service family" and she and her three kids are "super proud of the work" her husband is doing.

As of Friday, there were more than 250 American firefighters in Australia to fight the wildfires, according to the Associated Press, making it the largest-ever deployment of American firefighters abroad.

The US and Australia have been exchanging firefighters for about 15 years. The most recent exchange happened in 2015 when Australian firefighters flew to the US to fight wildfires in California. The US has similar partnerships with New Zealand, Mexico, and Canada.

Terrance Gallegos, 39, was one of the first American firefighters to be sent to Australia to fight this year's wildfires. He told the Associated Press on Thursday that he's proud of the long-standing partnership between American and Australian firefighters.
A satellite image from January 4 shows wildfires burning
 in Victoria and New South Wales, Australia. NASA via AP

"I've been on incidents when Australians have actually come and assisted me on my division and helped me out operationally," Gallegos said. "It's a great opportunity to come here and help our brothers and sisters from Australia with their fire operations and just lend them a hand."

Since it's the winter down season, the Americans could afford to send volunteers to Australia, where it's summer and the fires have been raging since September.

The US plans to send about 100 more firefighters to Australia next week.

Carrie Bilbao, a spokesperson for the National Interagency Fire Center, told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the next group heading to Australia is getting trained on venomous snakes and insects they might encounter down under.

The fires have claimed the lives of at least 27 so far and destroyed more than 2,000 homes. The fires have impacted an area that combined are twice the size of the state of Maryland.

A same-sex couple took pictures in traditional South Asian clothes, and now the stunning photos are going viral   POSTING THIS I AM DOING MY VIRAL BIT

Samantha Grindell
Jan 9, 2020

People loved the representation the couple provided for same-sex couples from South Asia. Sarowar Ahmed

A California-based couple named Sufi Malik and Anjali Chakra met on Tumblr, and they've been together since 2018.
They went viral in the summer of 2019 after they did a photo shoot spotlighting their queer, interfaith relationship.
Malik and Chakra are now using their platform to advocate for others in marginalized communities.
"People message us so often to say that they're so happy they found us because they didn't realize that there were any other queer South Asian people out there," the couple told Insider.
You can follow their YouTube channel here.
A California-based couple named Sufi Malik and Anjali Chakra met on Tumblr.
The couple has been together since July 2018. Sarowar Ahmed

Chakra is an event planner and producer, and Malik is an artist and teacher. The two had connected online seven years before they became a couple.

"We had followed each other's blogs on Tumblr for seven years, and somewhere in there we followed each other on Instagram," the 23-year-olds told Insider.

"I DM'd Sufi one day asking if we could talk about her experience as a queer South Asian woman, and she agreed," Chakra said. "Eventually, we met in New York, where Sufi lived at the time."

The couple has been together since July 2018.

The couple went viral in the summer of 2019 when they took part in a brand's photo shoot.

Malik and Chakra went viral in the summer of 2019. Sarowar Ahmed

"The shoot was actually for a brand called Borrow the Bazaar, which rents South Asian clothes to people for special occasions," they said.

"Sufi and I were attending two weddings that weekend, so we did a photo shoot with the brand in exchange for free outfit rentals to wear to the wedding," Chakra explained.

Their photographer, Sarowar Ahmed, tweeted photos from the shoot with the caption "A New York love story," and he got over 50,000 likes.

Malik and Chakra then posted additional photos of themselves a week later, which also went viral.

People loved the representation the couple provided for 
same-sex couples from South Asia. Sarowar Ahmed

"The photos really took off on Twitter, and then we actually hit news websites, papers, and TV within a couple of days in India, Pakistan, and the UK," they told Insider, with people celebrating the representation the photos provided for same-sex couples from South Asia.

"I grew up witnessing and watching different kinds of love, some in my family and some in Bollywood. After I got a little older and realized what my sexuality was, I never saw representation of people who looked like me. I'm so glad I have the opportunity to be that with the love of my life," Malik wrote in an anniversary post.

"We were just in disbelief that so many people loved our photos," the couple said of the online attention.

People showed enthusiasm for their relationship both because Malik and Chakra are queer and because they are an interfaith couple — Malik is Muslim-Pakistani, while Chakra is Hindu-Indian.

he couple is also interfaith. Sarowar Ahmed

"We found that the media fixated on those aspects of our relationship a lot when they covered our story, which was interesting to us because our differences have never really been something we dwell on," they told Insider.

"We are careful not to focus on those differences in our content because that wouldn't be true to life for us."

The couple does teach one another about their cultures, however. "There's so much similarity there, because our countries were once one, but also so many differences to explore," they said.

"We cook together and talk about the different types of dishes from each country," they said. "We share music with each other, and Sufi is teaching Urdu slowly but surely. There's so much more to our cultures than those things, but those are the easiest to exchange every day."

"Sometimes Sufi plays the Quran in the car, and other times we'll read prayers to one another just for the sake of sharing how they sound and what they mean," Chakra added. "Both religions have so much to offer and learn from."

"People message us so often to say that they're so happy they found us because they didn't realize that there were any other queer South Asian people out there," the couple told Insider.

The couple are bringing visibility to queer South Asian people. Sarowar Ahmed

"The fun part is that every time we get one of those messages, it's another person also telling us that we are not alone," they said.

"It goes both ways, and that's a really magical feeling."

"Both of us had our own battles to accept our sexuality, so having such widespread support was wonderful and validating to another degree," they added.

Now, the couple is trying to use their platform to help other minorities through their YouTube channel.

The couple advocates for other marginalized groups. Sarowar Ahmed

"We're aware that a big part of our having the audience that we do is because of certain privileges we hold — cis privilege, and also thin privilege and light-skin privilege, which are especially emphasized in the South Asian community," they told Insider.

"To us, using our platforms responsibly means sharing about others doing important work for our communities without those privileges."

"We also love sharing about artists and small business owners who are queer, trans, or people of color," they added.

You can follow their YouTube channel here, as well as find out more about their individual businesses.

Chakra and Malik also use harassment from people as an opportunity to advocate for others who are dealing with prejudice.

The couple has experienced negative online attention 
since going viral. Sarowar Ahmed

"I think the most important thing we did was remind ourselves that the people attacking us with homophobic mindsets are from places or communities that are more conservative than the people we've chosen to surround ourselves with," they said of harassment they have experienced.

"It comes to us online, but for others, it's discriminatory laws, closed-minded communities, and real-life violence."

"That's typically how we frame discussions about the hateful messages we get — we try to amplify the voices of those facing the real-world issues those words reflect," they added.

"We always make each other's lives easier," they said of their relationship.

The couple told Insider they compliment each other.
Sarowar Ahmed

"We are each good at really different things, so in our everyday lives, we just complement each other so well," they said of their relationship.

"Sufi helps me slow down, prioritize, and be mindful when I'm overworked, and I help Sufi believe in herself and jump in when she has new projects and opportunities but doesn't have the confidence to take that first step," Chakra said.

"One thing we're both really good at is making the other person belly laugh, and we do that often," the couple added.

The Justice Department investigation into Trump's claims of Hillary Clinton's corruption is reportedly over, and found nothing


Paulina Cachero Jan 10, 2020

Hillary Clinton, then US Secretary of State, meets Russian
 President Vladimir Putin at a summit in 2012. 
REUTERS/Mikhail Metzel

An investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) into alleged corruption by Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no results, according to The Washington Post.

The claims, often repeated by President Donald Trump and his allies, related to Clinton's conduct as Secretary of State, and also to the Clinton Foundation nonprofit.

Despite more than two years of effort, the investigation failed to substantiate the underlying claims, the Post report.

Although the probe's work is said to be over, the DOJ has yet to formally end it.

A yearslong Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into claims of corruption by Hillary Clinton is over, and found nothing, according to The Washington Post.

The probe failed to substantiate a collection of allegations, made repeatedly by President Donald Trump and fellow Republicans, the Post reported.

Their claims relate to Clinton's behaviour as Secretary of State and her involvements in the nonprofit Clinton Foundation, subjects to which Trump has returned often, and devoted considerable effort to pursuing.

However, after more than two years, the probe set in motion by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions in November 2017 found "no tangible results," the Post said.

It reported that the work of the investigation is over, although the DOJ has not formally closed it.
—Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 3, 2017

The probe was launched after Trump and fellow Republicans claimed the FBI had not "fully pursued" corruption at the Clinton Foundation.

In particular, they complained of insufficient scrutiny of the sale of a company called Uranium One, which the US government allowed to take place during Clinton's tenure as Barack Obama's Secretary of State.

They accused the Obama administration of allowing Uranium One, which had mining interests in the US, to be sold to a Russian company because of donations made to the Clinton Foundation.

The probe, led by US attorney John Huber, also looked at Clinton's use of a private email server while Secretary of State.
Hillary Clinton in 2014 with her family — husband Bill Clinton,
 their daughter Chelsea, her husband Marc Mezvinsky, 
and their daughter Charlotte, then a newborn. AP

According to the Post, Huber essentially finished his report by early 2019, having found "nothing worth pursuing."

The Post cited anonymous sources who said that nobody involved in the probe really expected to find anything.

But, the Post reported, Trump officials tried to keep it alive longer. It said Matthew Whitaker, in his time as Acting Attorney General, tried to push for a more "aggressive" approach.

This too appears to have produced no results.

The Justice Department declined to comment on Huber's investigation when asked by the Post.

Fox News anchor Shep Smith annihilates his network's favorite Hillary Clinton 'scandal,' the Uranium One deal
Eliza Relman
Nov 15, 2017, 7:59 AM

Fox News anchor Shep Smith tore apart the allegations
 behind the Uranium One "scandal." Screenshot/Fox News

The Fox News anchor Shepard Smith discredited the Uranium One "scandal," a theory his network has promoted about Hillary Clinton.
Republicans have aggressively promoted the unsubstantiated theory and pushed for a special counsel to investigate the claims.
Fox News viewers attacked Smith, suggesting he should work for another network.

The Fox News anchor Shepard Smith discredited an unsubstantiated theory that his network and other conservative media outlets and Republican politicians have aggressively promoted as Hillary Clinton's Uranium One "scandal."

During Tuesday night's broadcast, Smith succinctly debunked Republicans' claims that the Obama administration and the Clinton-led State Department approved a deal allowing a Russian company to buy a Canadian company with mining interests in the US in exchange for donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Smith's report came as Republican calls for a special counsel to investigate the deal are mounting. President Donald Trump has called the issue "Watergate, modern-age," and his surrogates and supporters say it amounts to the "real Russia scandal." Smith played a clip of Trump making the allegations — which were first promoted by a Breitbart News editor named Peter Schweizer — on the campaign trail in 2016 and then called Trump's statement "inaccurate in a number of ways."

Smith pointed out that the Uranium One deal was unanimously approved by representatives of nine government agencies, just one of which was the Clinton-led State Department. And there is no proof that Clinton personally approved the deal, as one of her deputies officially signed off on it.

"The accusation is predicated on the charge that Secretary Clinton approved the sale. She did not," Smith said. "A committee of nine evaluated the sale, the president approved the sale, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and others had to offer permits, and none of the uranium was exported for use by the US to Russia."

Smith's segment was met with harsh criticism from many Fox News viewers who suggested he should leave the network for CNN or MSNBC.

"The worst part of a relaxing day is when Shepherd Smith starts talking. He is a smartass that needs to be on CNN. @FoxNews," one viewer, Jana Jo, tweeted.

Shep Smith just took apart the Uranium One conspiracy theory in what amounts to a methodical annihilation of his own network's coverage of the story.— Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) November 14, 2017

SEE ALSO: Mueller's charges have Republicans freaking out over a report tying Hillary Clinton to a Russian uranium deal

The highly anticipated Iowa poll reveals a narrow frontrunner in Iowa: Bernie Sanders
Lauren Frias  Jan 10, 2020
Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren embrace at at July 2019 
Democratic debate. Paul Sancya/AP Images

In a new — and highly anticipated — Des Moines Register/CNN poll ahead of the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Bernie Sanders leads the narrowing Democratic pool, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren, South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former Vice President Joe Biden fighting for second.
Sanders leads with 20% of Democratic Iowa caucus-goers indicating him as their number-one candidate, with Warren was in second position with 17%.
Just behind her was former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg polling at 16%, and former Vice President Joe Biden with 15%.
The poll could indicate where each of the candidates stand ahead of the Iowa caucuses next month.

The much-anticipated poll of caucus-goers on Iowa was released Friday evening, revealing a new front-runner in the final stretch to the Iowa caucuses.

A new Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa poll revealed 20% of Democratic caucus goers favor Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont as their first-choice candidate.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren was close in tow with 17%, and just behind her is South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg with 16%. Former Vice President Joe Biden trailing by one percent with 15%.
—Des Moines Register (@DMRegister) January 10, 2020

Sanders' surge and Buttigieg's decline in the polls makes for a surprising turn of events in comparison to the last poll conducted in mid-November. It has been a tight competition in Iowa, with each of the top four candidates having held the lead at one point of the 2020 race, the Register reported.

The poll could indicate where each of the candidates stand ahead of the Iowa caucuses next month, as well as help get candidates who have yet to qualify for the January/February debates on the stage.

Since the November Iowa poll, there has been a 10% surge in the number of people who have a sure candidate chosen, with 40% of Democratic caucus goers indicating they have already made up their mind on a candidate.

"The poll of 701 likely Democratic caucus goers was conducted Jan. 2-8 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.7 percentage points," the Register reported.

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

Latest trouble at the border: Vultures are defecating and urinating all over a CBP radio tower
The mess is coating the entire 320-foot tower in southern Texas that the agency needs to communicate. The birds are also vomiting onto buildings below the tower and dropping prey from hundreds of feet in the air, an agency spokesperson said.

Hooded vultures wait for scraps of meat at Bissau's main slaughter house on November 26, 2019. - Tens of thousands of Hooded Vultures flock to the city of Bissau to in search of food left behind in heaps of garbage or around market areas. Photo by JOHN WESSELS / AFP

A radio tower for the US Customs and Border Protection near the US-Mexico border has been plagued by vultures that roost there and drop feces, vomit, and even prey on the buildings below.
Around 300 vultures have taken over the tower in the past six years, Quartz reports, and have coated the structure with "droppings mixed with urine," as well as corrosive vomit that eats away at the metal.CBP spokesperson told Quartz that the birds create a "terrifying and dangerous" environment at the workplace, and said there are anecdotes of them dropping prey from as high as 300 feet in the air.The Migratory Bird Treaty Act prohibits killing the vultures, but CBP is planning to install a "viable netting deterrent" to stop the vultures from roosting in its radio towers.

For a radio tower and surrounding buildings operated by US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) near the Texas-Mexico border, vultures are no joke. Around 300 of the carnivorous birds have roosted in its radio tower, and are creating communications issues thanks to their corrosive vomit and feces.

Quartz reports that CBP filed a request for information that includes details about the problems the vultures have created at the radio tower, which is now entirely coated in "droppings mixed with urine" that have also fallen on the ground and surrounding buildings below, where people work and equipment is kept.

Furthermore, a CBP spokesperson told Quartz that workers have anecdotes of the vultures dropping prey from as high as 300 feet above, creating a "terrifying and dangerous" work environment for the past six years.
fernando sanchez/Shutterstock

Vultures regurgitate a corrosive vomit as a defense mechanism that can kill bacteria on their legs but also eat away at the metal radio tower, making it unsafe for maintenance workers to climb it and reducing the tower's lifespan.

Large groups of vultures also smell like corpses – the species is known, of course, for feeding on dead flesh, or carrion. Undigested bones and fur can be found at the base of where vultures roost.

But CBP can't kill the vultures, as the Migratory Bird Treaty Act made that illegal in 1918. Instead, the agency is searching for a "viable netting deterrent" to stop the vultures from roosting on the radio tower. CBP told Quartz that it's working with the Fish and Wildlife Agency, the USDA, environmental experts, and the Texas State Historical Preservation Officer to find a solution that doesn't harm any of the vultures.

The agency also says there are no nests or baby birds in the tower. There are plans to clean and repair the radio tower before installing nets by August, before the natural heavy roosting cycle begins in the fall. 
