Showing posts sorted by relevance for query FALSE FLAG. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query FALSE FLAG. Sort by date Show all posts

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Germany says Nord Stream attacks may be 'false flag' to smear Ukraine

Wed, March 8, 2023 
By Sabine Siebold and Andrew Gray

STOCKHOLM, March 8 (Reuters) - German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius on Wednesday warned against reaching premature conclusions on who was responsible for blowing up the Nord Stream pipelines, suggesting the attack could also have been a "false flag" operation to blame Ukraine.

Pistorius was speaking after a New York Times report, citing intelligence reviewed by U.S. officials, said a pro-Ukrainian group may be behind the blasts that became a flashpoint between the West and Russia after last year's Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The report, while not pointing to any official Ukrainian involvement, comes at a time when Kyiv is urging its Western allies to ramp up supplies of high-end weapons to drive back Russian forces as the war enters its second year.

Investigations are ongoing as to what caused the Nord Stream pipelines, supplying Russian energy to Europe, to rupture and spew bubbles of natural gas into the Baltic Sea last September. Western countries believe the explosions were deliberate but have not concluded who was behind them.

Russia, which has previously blamed the West, seized on the news on Wednesday to demand a transparent investigation in which it also wants to participate.

A separate report by Germany's ARD broadcaster and Zeit newspaper on Tuesday said German authorities were able to identify the boat used for the sabotage operation. It said a group of five men and one woman, using forged passports, rented a yacht from a Poland-based company owned by Ukrainian citizens, but the nationality of the perpetrators was unclear.

"We have to make a clear distinction whether it was a Ukrainian group, whether it may have happened at Ukrainian orders, or a pro-Ukrainian group (acting) without knowledge of the government. But I am warning against jumping to conclusions," Pistorius said on the sidelines of a summit in Stockholm.

Pistorius said earlier the likelihood was "equally high" that it could have been a "false flag operation staged to blame Ukraine".

Citing Germany's federal prosecutor, the ntv broadcaster said German investigators had raided a ship in January suspected of involvement but there was no reliable information on perpetrators or motives.


The New York Times said there was no evidence that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy or other Ukrainian government officials had played any role in the attacks.

At the same summit in Stockholm, Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov said the media reports were a "little bit strange" and had "nothing to do" with the Ukrainian government.

"It's like a compliment for our special forces," he joked. "But this is not our activity."

Reznikov said he was not worried about the prospect of the media reports weakening support for Ukraine. Pistorius batted away a similar question about Western support as "hypothetical".

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov suggested the media reports were a coordinated bid to divert attention and questioned how U.S. officials could assume anything about the attacks without an investigation.

"The very least that the Nord Stream shareholder countries and the United Nations must demand is an urgent, transparent investigation with the participation of everyone who can shed light," Peskov said.

The U.S. intelligence review suggested those who carried out the attacks opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin "but does not specify the members of the group, or who directed or paid for the operation", the New York Times wrote.

"Officials who have reviewed the intelligence said they believed the saboteurs were most likely Ukrainian or Russian nationals, or some combination of the two. U.S. officials said no American or British nationals were involved," according to the New York Times report.

Investigators founds traces of explosives on the yacht, which the group took from Rostock, Germany, on Sept. 6, according to ARD and Zeit. They also reported that intelligence indicated that a pro-Ukrainian group could be behind the attack, but German authorities have not yet found any evidence.

Reuters could not independently verify the information.

Russia last month gave the U.N. Security Council a draft resolution which - if adopted - would ask U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to establish an international, independent investigation into the attack. (Reporting by Sabine Siebold, Andrew Gray, Lidia Kelly, Mark Trevelyan, Riham Alkousaa, Kirsti Knolle; Writing by Matthias Williams; Editing by Nick Macfie)

Saturday, June 24, 2023

‘Classic False Flag’: Analyst on Fox News Says Putin ‘Orchestrated’ Wagner Coup to Make Biden Think Russia’s No Threat

Fox News guest Rebekah Koffler claimed during an interview with host Eric Shawn on Saturday that Russian President Vladimir Putin worked with Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin to stage the recent armed coup as a “classic false flag.”

Over the last 24 hours, chaos has upended the military and political establishment in Russia after Prigozhin marched his paramilitary group from Ukraine into Russia, taking over two cities and marching his men toward Moscow. In a sudden turn of events, however, Prigozhin reportedly called off the armed coup after negotiations with Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko.

The rebellion represented the largest existential threat to Putin’s regime since he took control of Russia over twenty years ago.

Koffler, an intelligence analyst, claimed during a long-winded nine-minute rant on Fox News that Putin orchestrated the coup to boost his political power in the Russia.

“My intelligence analysis suggests, Eric, that this is a classic false flag operation that’s been orchestrated by Putin and Prigozhin,” Koffler told the cable news host. “Prigozhin is not a stupid man. He’s a highly intelligent formerly convict. He turned his life around from a prisoner to a hot dog stands owner to the owner of a multi-million catering business that served the Kremlin, including Putin himself.”

Koffler notes that the Wagner group 50,000 men in Ukraine while Putin’s National Guard, created in 2016 to put down social unrest, has 340,000 men enlisted into the group and the Wagner forces were being tracked every minute” by the Russian security service.

“So again, what has changed from this in the last few hours? All of a sudden he decided to turn his troops around and made this deal? No, this is all staged,” she added. The analyst then appeared to claim that Putin used the rebellion to boost the mobilizations of recruits for the military.

“Putin wants us to believe that he’s weak, that there’s an ongoing threat of a military insurrection,” Koffler claims. “So this is a pretext to declare martial law, which Putin has already done. He made an amendment today that anybody who is violating the martial law is going to be imprisoned for 30 days. Another very interesting and revealing point is that Putin just authorized that men with a criminal record can join the military.”

“So this is a justification for extra mobilization of the Russian forces to send them to the meat grinder in Ukraine. It is also to demonstrate to President Biden that, no, Russia is not a threat. Russia is actually, you know, involved in its own domestic turmoil. But this is all a classic distraction and classic Putin,” she said.

“What you’re describing is like three dimensional chess. That’s a type of thinking that is just beyond,” Shawn said in response to Koffler.

Near the end of her interview, Koffler predicted that Putin will remain in power and potentially used the coup to get rid of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.

“In the meantime, Putin is going to gain momentum, mobilize additional personnel, and re-energize his offensive on Ukraine,” she concluded.


Fox host floats conspiracy theory that either U.S. or NATO is behind attempted Russian rebellion

Ray Hartmann
June 24, 2023, 

Fox host Rachel Campos-Duffy (Photo: Screen capture)

Fox News host Rachel Campos-Duffy tossed out an evidence-free conspiracy theory today that perhaps the U.S., NATO or both were behind the apparent coup unfolding in Russia.

One of Campos-Duffy’s takers was K.T. McFarland, a key aide to scandal-ridden Michael Flynn during the early years of the Trump administration. Campos-Duffy began by saying that she no longer trusted the government on foreign affairs.

“I’m always questioning things. I asked our last guest on this subject, Rebeka Koffler on this topic, if she thought it was possible that we could be behind this attempted coup with the Wagner group, and she said it’s definitely one of the possibilities or NATO.”

McFarlane responded: “I think she’s right that the United States government –whether it’s been actively or behind the scenes – has been very involved in Ukraine Russia all the time.”
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Journalist Ben Smith mused on Twitter, “Fox and Friends host Rachel Campos-Duffy cheerfully floating the theory that Prigozhin is working for the US/NATO.”

That prompted former Rep. Adam Kinzinger to offer this concise analysis.

“No, he isn’t. This is nuts.’

Ray Hartmann is a St. Louis-based journalist with nearly 50 years experience as a publisher, TV show panelist, radio host, daily newspaper reporter and columnist. He founded St. Louis alt weekly, The Riverfront Times, at the age of 24.

Wagner Boss planning coup against Putin? Ex-Russian commander's chilling warning | Report

  3 weeks ago  

#wagner #putin #igor

Russia’s ex commander Igor Girkin has claimed that Wagner military group chief Yevgeniy Prigozhin is planning a ‘mutiny’ against Kremlin. This comes just days after the Wagner group left from Bakhmut. Watch to know more



Russian citizens' reaction to Wagner rebellion could set the stage for a coup: retired U.S. general
Tom Boggioni
June 24, 2023, 

Russian President Vladimir Putin gestures during a ceremony, marking the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow, June 22, 2023 in Moscow, Russia. (Photo by Contributor/Getty Images)

Appearing on MSNBC on Saturday morning after Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner paramilitary group, launched what appears to be a revolt against Russian President Vladimir Putin, a retired U.S general suggested all eyes should be on how the Russian populace reacts to what could turn into a coup.

Speaking with MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart, (Ret) Lt. Gen. Stephen Twitty, the former Deputy Commander of the U.S. European Command, suggested all the elements that could lead to a coup are present as Wagner troops are reportedly moving north and Putin faces the greatest crisis of his life.

"Is what we are watching the beginnings of a coup in Russia?" the MSNBC host prompted.

"I wouldn't say that at this point in time," Twitty carefully replied. "Of course a coup, you don't see the military at this point in time trying to gain control of the seat of power in Russia."

"So Putin still firmly has control of the seat of power there and his administration is firmly in control at this particular point," he added before continuing, "I do see this more as a mutiny and, again, we will see if this thing gets ground swell from two locations. Number one, the Russian civilians. That is what we should be watching for: will the support start to turn in favor of the Wagner Group versus Putin."

"And number two, whether we start to get the groundswell of support from the western military favoring the Wagner Group," he added. "If that starts to happen, then we can start to look and determine whether or not we are in a coup situation here."

Watch below or at the link.

Saturday, January 09, 2021

Decoding the extremist symbols and groups at the Capitol Hill insurrection

Flags, signs and symbols of racist, white supremacist and extremist groups were displayed along with Trump 2020 banners and American flags at Wednesday's riot at the US Capitol.
© CNN Illustrations/Jim Urquhart/Reuters

The pictures tell part of the story of the beliefs of some of those who chose to show up on that day -- from passionate and peaceful Trump supporters to extremists who showed their hate with their symbols as well as their actions.

The mixing of the groups is one issue that experts who track extremism and hate have long been concerned about.

The certification of the election results proved to be exactly the type of event that brought together various groups and could have led to radical ideas being shared, they say. The initial event, which was heavily promoted and encouraged by President Trump, gave all of these groups something to rally around.

"This was an event designed to oppose the results of a free and fair democratic election and the transition of power that would naturally follow," Mark Pitcavage, a historian and expert in extremism with the Anti-Defamation League said.
© CNN Illustrations/Samuel Corum/Getty Images

CNN spoke with him to identify the symbols and understand the chilling messages of tyranny, white supremacy, anarchy, racism, anti-Semitism and hatred they portray.

Noose and gallows

While a noose on its own is often used as a form of racial intimidation, Pitcavage says he believes in this context the gallows were to suggest punishment for committing treason. "It is suggesting that representatives and senators who vote to certify the election results, and possibly Vice President Pence, are committing treason and should be tried and hanged," he explains.

That treason rhetoric was seen on right-wing message boards in days leading up to the event.

Three Percenters flag
© CNN Illustrations/Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP/Getty Images

The Three Percenters (also known as III%ers, 3%ers or Threepers) are part of the militia movement in the United States and are anti-government extremists, according to the ADL.© CNN Illustrations/Brendan Gutenschwager

Like others in the militia movement, Three Percenters view themselves as defending the American people against government tyranny.

"Because many adherents to the militia movement strongly support President Trump, in recent years, Three Percenters have not been as active in opposing the federal government, directing their ire at other perceived foes, including leftists/antifa, Muslims and immigrants," according to the ADL.

The group's name comes from an inaccurate claim that only three percent of the people in the colonies armed themselves and fought against the British during the Revolutionary War.

The flag seen above is their logo on the traditional Betsy Ross flag. Pitcavage says right-wing groups (mainstream or extreme), which think of themselves as patriotic, sometimes co-opt America's first flag.

"Release the Kraken" flag
© CNN Illustrations/ITV

The flag references former Trump lawyer Sidney Powell's comments that she was going to "release the Kraken." Powell falsely said she had evidence that would destroy the idea that Joe Biden won the presidency.

The "Kraken," a mammoth sea creature from Scandavian folklore, has turned into a meme in circles that believe the election was stolen. The Kraken, they say, is a cache of evidence that there was widespread fraud. On social media, QAnon conspiracy and fringe sites #ReleaseTheKraken has been widely shared along with false theories of fraud.

The Proud Boys and the OK sign

The far right has co-opted the OK sign as a trolling gesture and, for some, as a symbol of white power. The ADL added that symbol to its long-standing database of slogans and symbols used by extremists.

"They are wearing orange caps to identify each other; in past rallies they wore identifying shirts and other gear, but they ditched that for this event after their leader was recently arrested," Pitcavage explained.

The Proud Boys has been supportive of President Trump and present at "Stop The Steal" rallies in Washington, DC. The Proud Boys' leader, Henry Tarrio, who goes by Enrique Tarrio, was released from police custody Tuesday on charges related to allegedly burning a Black Lives Matter banner taken from a Black church last month during protests in the city after a "Stop the Steal" rally last month. He was ordered by a local judge to stay out of DC as he awaits trial, including during this week's protests.

"Kekistan" flags

The green, white and black flag was created by some members of the 4chan online community to represent a made-up joke country named for "Kek," a fictional god they also created. It has long been present at right-wing and far-right rallies.
Pro-Trump supporters storm the U.S. Capitol following a rally with President Donald Trump on January 6, 2021 in Washington, DC. Trump supporters gathered in the nation's capital today to protest the ratification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory over President Trump in the 2020 election.
 (Photo by Samuel Corum/Getty Images)

© CNN Illustrations/Evelyn Hockstein/For The Washington Post/Getty Images

"The Kekistan flag is controversial because its design was partially derived from a Nazi-era flag; this was apparently done on purpose as a joke," Pitcavage explained. "Younger right-wingers coming from the 4chan subculture (both mainstream right and extreme right) often like to display the Kekistan flag at rallies and events."

Altered historic flags

Altered Confederate and Gadsden flags were seen throughout the crowds at the Capitol. One Confederate battle flag variation included an image of assault rifle and the slogan "Come and take it" to convey an anti-gun control message. The phrase "come and take it" paraphrases the "come and take them" retort uttered by Spartan King Leonidas at the Battle of Thermopylae when the Persian King Xerxes told him and his people to lay down their spears in return for their lives, Pitcavage said.

The Gadsden flag, which is known to many as the "Don't Tread on Me" flag, is a traditional and historical patriotic flag dating to the American Revolution. The flag and symbol are also popular among Libertarians. But it also has been co-opted by right wing groups. Pitcavage explains that while some fly it as a symbol for patriotism, others use it as a "symbol of resistance to perceived tyranny."

Oath Keepers

A man is seen wearing an Oath Keepers hat inside the Capitol after it was breached. The Oath Keepers is a pro-Trump, far-right, anti-government group that considers itself part of the militia movement charged to protect the country and defend the constitution. The group tries to recruit members from among active or retired military, first responders, or police.

© CNN Illustrations/Roberto Schidt/AFP/Getty Images

Their leader has spouted vast conspiracy theories on his blog, accused Democrats of stealing the election, previously threatened violence if it was necessary on Election Day during an interview with far-right conspiracist Alex Jones and said his group would be armed to protect the White House if necessary, according to the ADL.

The Confederate flag

During the United States' long Civil War, no Confederate battle flag came within the shadow of the US Capitol, but on Wednesday, an insurrectionist carried one right through its halls.

© CNN Illustrations/Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images

Photographers captured a man carrying it past the portraits of abolitionist Charles Sumner and slaveholder John Calhoun.

The flag was always a symbol of support for slavery. After World War II, it became a prominent symbol of Jim Crow and segregation, Pitcavage says not surprisingly, it is a popular symbol among white supremacists -- even outside the United States.

America First flag

A rioter cloaks himself in an America First flag with the logo of the podcast by far-right commentator Nick Fuentes. Fuentes attended the event at the Capitol, but was photographed remaining outside the Capitol building.
© CNN Illustrations/Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

"America First" was also a slogan President Trump used in describing his foreign policy. Its adoption was criticized by the ADL, which said it had an anti-Semitic use seeking to keep the US out of World War II.

The ADL says Fuentes is part of the "groyper army," which the ADL calls a white supremacist group.

"While the group and leadership's views align with those held by the white supremacist alt right, groypers attempt to normalize their ideology by aligning themselves with 'Christianity' and 'traditional' values ostensibly championed by the church, including marriage and family," the ADL explains. "Like the alt right and other white supremacists, groypers believe they are working to defend against demographic and cultural changes that are destroying the 'true America' -- a white, Christian nation."

"Camp Auschwitz"

A rioter inside the Capitol wore a "Camp Auschwitz" sweatshirt. The bottom of the shirt reads "Work brings freedom," which is the rough translation of the words "Arbeit macht frei" on the gates of the Nazi concentration camp. Auschwitz was the largest and most infamous Nazi concentration camp, where about 1.1 million people were killed during World War II.

Pitcavage says he believes the shirt came from the now-defunct website Aryanwear. The design, which has been around for about 10 years according to Pitcavage, has been popping up on differing websites in recent weeks, though it is often taken down when a complaint is made.
© CNN Illustrations/Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images

Nationalist Social Club stickers
© CNN Illustrations/Telegram

A social media image shows Nationalist Social Club stickers on what appears to be US Capitol Police equipment It's unclear when the photo was taken, but it was posted Wednesday in a Telegram chat the group uses, which includes a Nazi symbol as part of their name.

NSC, apparently a word play on the National Socialists or Nazi party, is a neo-Nazi group that has regional chapters in both the United States and across the globe, according to the ADL. It is unclear if the sticker on the right refers to a New England chapter, or because the group originally called itself the New England Nationalists Club.

"NSC members see themselves as soldiers at war with a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race," according to the ADL. "Their goal is to form an underground network of white men who are willing to fight against their perceived enemies through localized direct actions."

MAGA Civil War January 6, 2021 shirts

There are still many questions about how exactly the attack on the Capitol happened and who led the charge. But the calls for overthrowing the government and for a civil or race war have long been rallying cries in far-right circles.

The shirts worn by these men on the Capitol grounds on Wednesday show there was at least an intention to commemorate the day. They wore pre-printed shirts, referencing Trump's signature Make America Great Again slogan, alongside the words Civil war and the date of the event that turned into insurrection.

Many commenters in far-right forums have written since the attack, that this is just the beginning of that civil war that many of them have long desired.

© CNN Illustrations/Tess Owens/Vice News

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is already calling the Ottawa shooting a false flag operation by the police, for Alex everything is a false flag of course It isn't, but neither is it a terrorist act like Harper likes to claim.

Firstly we have no knowledge of why this incident occurred and to jump to conclusions, like how many shooters there were, is speculation that almost always turns out to be untrue.

There was only one shooter, though for most of the days coverage on Canadian cablenews channels,  it was not clear if there was only one person or several. A common problem in reporting during shootings

What we know is that a young man from Quebec shot and killed a Canadian reservist standing on guard at the war memorial in Ottawa; he ran into the parliament buildings where still carrying his shotgun he was shot and killed.

The rest they say is speculation.

What we also know about him, is that he has a criminal record, that he was able to buy a long gun, without a license or registration because the Harper government eliminated the Long Gun Registry, talk about coming back to bite you in theass.

His criminal record tells all we need to know according to Mr. Harper who reminded us that after a young native woman’s body was found in the Red River in Winnipeg, foul play was suspected that there is no deep sociological reason for her death rather it is a simple criminal act. No need to address the root causes of her death.

Yet when it comes to MichaelHall, aka Michael Zehaf-Bibeau , the shooter in Ottawa suddenly he is not a criminal he is a terrorist and everyone is talking about the sociological phenomena of rootscauses of radicalization.

Like the murder in Winnipeg the shooting in Ottawa is a criminal act, it is irrelevant  that we are involved in the Middle Eastin another conflict in Iraq, which Harper approved.

Nor is it related to the car assault on the weekend in Quebec, which saw another Canadian soldier killed, in a hit and run by another supposedly ‘radicalized’ Canadian youth. Of course he can’t tell us his motivation either since he too is dead.

The link between these two events, or between them and the Canadian involvementin the air war in Iraq are dubious at best, simply put there is no connection, except in the mind of the reader.

In fact since both events occurred involving Quebecois you could say something about that particular culture which produced these events and the men involved as well as the men responsible for the shootings at Dawson College and the Ecole Poly Technique massacre.

The connection is as tenuous as claims of the car assault on the weekend or the public murder in Ottawa are acts of terrorism. They are more like publicity stunts in the age of social media. They are I hate to say it the result of the need for ones 15 minutes of fame.

These two acts are not terrorism but cries of ‘Hey Look At Me’, which has less to do with so called radicalization as it does to do with adolescent psychology, alienation and mental illness, what Wilhelm Reich called the emotional plague.

What all these events have in common going back to Marc Lapine
Is that it involves young men, most often guns, and some kind of deep rooted alienation and rage. They are not demons, or monsters,nor are they misunderstood, they are deeply scarred and damaged. 
There is nothing radical about it, they are not interested in changing society for the better, they are simply lashing out at a society that fails to meet their needs whatever they imagine them to be. On the other hand they are not Demons or Monsters that the media will try to make them out to be. They are ordinary dysfunctional Canadians that's far more scary than any terrorist threat.

While Mr. Jones is wrong about this being a False Flag it is similar to the origin of that phrase. Like the Reichstag Fire of 1933, which allowed Hitler to introduce a form of Martial Law into Germany, these two events, the hit and run murder of a soldier in Quebec and the shooting of a Soldier at the War Memorial in Ottawa will be used as an excuse to increase the powers of the Security State. And you can bet the Law & Order Harper Government will milk it for election purposes as well.

That is what is behind all the talk about so called Canadians Radicalized to fight in the Middle East as Jihadists.

Harper has already leaped on this to call for more funding for his war and security efforts.  With it having happened in Parliament with its fetishistic symbolism of peace, order and good governance, that brings a tear to the eye of all MP’s regardless of party, the answer will beunanimous.

The state needs no excuse to increase its security powers, that people give it one is convent cover. And that is how we can judge their actions, not whether they were or were not a terrorist, but can their actions be used to justifyincreasing the states policing powers over its citizens.  The state claims it needs increased powers to defend itself from assault, not us, not Canadians, but the uniform figures that represent state power and authority.

Fascism loves disorder, terror, chaos, so it can impose its own form of order on it.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

CIA did not buy ErdoÄŸan government’s story on 2016 coup attempt

July 15, 2024

US Vice President Mike Pence and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Turkey on October 17, 2019, to meet with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.


Abdullah Bozkurt/Stockholm

Two inside sources from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have cast doubt on the Turkish government’s narrative regarding a coup attempt in 2016, which many believe was a false flag operation designed to consolidate the power of President Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan.

In his book titled “Never Give an Inch,” released last year, Mike Pompeo, who served as CIA director and secretary of state in the Trump administration, described the events of July 15, 2016 as a “purported ‘coup,'” casting doubt on the accuracy of the ErdoÄŸan government’s narrative.

“Turkey has every incentive to align firmly with the West as well as a population that welcome it and benefit from it. Yet ever since a purported ‘coup’ in 2016, President ErdoÄŸan had gone full Islamist-authoritarian. I spent countless hours with him and his national security advisor, Ibrahim Kalin, and intel chief, Hakan Fidan,” Pompeo wrote in his book.

When he visited Turkey for the first time as CIA director in 2017, he said he was subjected to a lengthy video of the coup events, apparently prepared by the ErdoÄŸan government as a propaganda piece to convince foreign visitors of its narrative regarding the events of July 15.

He made another visit to Turkey in 2018 as secretary of state and then again in 2019, accompanying Vice President Mike Pence to persuade President ErdoÄŸan to halt military intervention in Syria. During the visit ErdoÄŸan asked for a few minutes alone with Pence, but the meeting lasted much longer than expected.

He described the trip as challenging and provided details in his book: “When we arrived at ErdoÄŸan’s palace, he asked for a one-on-one meeting with the vice president for “a few minutes”. After about half an hour, I told our hosts that I needed to see the vice president, No dice. About twenty minutes went by, and now I was determined. Without permission, I walked down the hall and tried to push open the door of the room that ErdoÄŸan and vice president were meeting in. It was locked. I then told my counterpart that we were going to break through the door- I was worried that Vice President Pence was being subjected to the same three-hour video of the 2016 coup that I had been forced to watch on my first visit to Turkey as CIA Director in 2017. The video was so long and obnoxious that I considered it a mental health issue!”

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visited Turkey on October 17, 2018 to meet with Turkish President ErdoÄŸan as well as his then-intelligence chief Hakan Fidan and national security advisor Ibrahim Kalin.

Another challenge to the Turkish government’s narrative came from a CIA operations officer who was in Turkey during the events of July 15. The interview, conducted anonymously, was published in April 2024 on the Homeland Security Today website, a nonprofit association operating under the Government Technology & Services Coalition. The interview was conducted by Mahmut Cengiz, an associate professor and research faculty with the Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center (TraCCC) and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.

“The Turkish military is well-trained, well-experienced in coups, and has advanced weapons. It would not have closed just one way of the Bosphorus Bridge and done a coup,” said the CIA officer, referring to the closure of one side of the bridge on the night of July 15. Court testimony from troops during coup trials revealed that soldiers were ordered to close one side of the bridge in response to a reported terrorist attack.

In April 2021 Nordic Monitor published classified intelligence reports filed by Turkish intelligence agency MIT and shared with the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) in the weeks and days preceding the coup attempt. The reports frequently highlighted the risks of imminent terrorist attacks on civilian and military targets in Istanbul and Ankara in late June and early July 2016. This context explains why many soldiers accused of involvement in the failed coup on July 15 believed they were responding to terror threats rather than participating in a coup attempt.

The intelligence messages published before July 15 vividly depict the operational environment of the Turkish military. These alerts, sent to every military unit across the country, indicated a heightened awareness that a terrorist attack could occur at any moment. The anxiety over potential attacks was compounded by a series of deadly terror incidents in the heart of the Turkish capital in 2015 and early 2016, including one at military housing units in Ankara, which deeply unsettled the security establishment.

“Initial assessment that it may have been a terrorist attack or a response to a terrorist attack, which may have included members of the Turkish military. During that time, there were multiple terrorist attacks throughout the country, carried out by ISIS [Islamic State in Iraq and Syria] and others by PKK [Kurdistan Workers’ Party],” said the CIA officer, who was stationed in Turkey at the time.

US Vice President Mike Pence visited Turkey on October 17, 2019 to convince President ErdoÄŸan to halt military operations in Syria.

The CIA officer also found it perplexing to witness the Turkish government’s swift removal of over 10,000 alleged members of the Gülen movement from various government institutions within just 12 hours of the alleged coup. ” … they [Turkish officials] must explain how they could produce a long list of suspects” in such a short period of time, he said.

Although the Turkish military itself said the military mobilization on July 15 was very limited and involved less than 1 percent of the troops, the ErdoÄŸan government was quick to conduct mass purges of senior officers from NATO’s second largest army in terms of manpower. A total of 23,971 personnel, primarily in the officer ranks, were purged from the Turkish army without any military, administrative or criminal investigations.

The purge primarily targeted pro-NATO officers or individuals who had served in NATO assignments, at NATO headquarters in Brussels or at NATO-affiliated bases in the US, Norway, Germany, Italy and Spain. Evidence presented in coup trials revealed that the profiling of those to be purged was quietly carried out between 2014 and 2016 by Turkish intelligence agency MIT and its extensive network of informants.

The purge took a real toll on staff officers who were the backbone in the operational and planning capabilities of the army. Out of 1,886 staff officers, 1,524 were purged, which amounted to 81 percent of all staff officers. Overall, 10,468 officers or one-third of the entire officer ranks were removed from the Turkish military. What is more, two-thirds of all generals and admirals were summarily and abruptly purged or forced to retire.

Many senior officers were either on vacation or had nothing to do with the mobilization on July 15, yet they were arrested and imprisoned because their military background indicated they had served at NATO bases in the US, Italy, Spain, Germany or Norway in the past.

Pro-ErdoÄŸan supporters rally at the Bosporus Bridge in Istanbul on July 21, 2016. (Photo by YASIN AKGUL / AFP)

The purge following the alleged coup was not confined to the military but extended to the judiciary, police, intelligence agencies, academic institutions and others. More than 4,000 judges and prosecutors, including senior figures from the top appeals and constitutional courts, were immediately dismissed. This underscored the ErdoÄŸan government’s intent to influence the narrative in coup trials, transform the Turkish judiciary into a political tool under ErdoÄŸan’s control and suppress opposition and dissent.

Nearly 200 media outlets were shuttered, hundreds of journalists were arrested or forced into exile, thousands of NGOs were closed, and the wealth and assets of many businesses, totaling tens of billions of dollars, were seized and redistributed to ErdoÄŸan’s associates and supporters.

According to a statement by Justice Minister Yılmaz Tunç to the state-run Anadolu news agency on July 12, 2024, a total of 705,172 people have faced legal action, primarily through detention and arrest, since July 2016. Among them, 125,456 were convicted on bogus charges related to terrorism and/or the coup attempt.

The CIA officer noted that the ErdoÄŸan government’s attribution of the coup to the Gülen movement served multiple purposes, including discrediting Fethullah Gülen, who has distanced himself from the ErdoÄŸan government and opposed its use of Islam for political objectives.

Regarding the failure of the ErdoÄŸan government to secure the extradition of Gülen, who has been in self-exile in the US since 1999, the CIA officer said, “From a legal standpoint, the Turkish government did not present the United States with any shred of legal evidence that proves Gulen was involved in the alleged coup attempt. Most of the documents presented would not stand a chance in any court of law. The documents were filled with emotional tirades and assumptions, which would not have been enough to indict Gulen, let alone extradited to Turkiye.”

Fethullah Gülen is seen visiting a hospital in Philadelphia for a checkup.

The officer confirmed the stance taken by the US Department of Justice regarding the extradition of Gülen. Despite repeated extradition requests and efforts by the ErdoÄŸan government to secure Gülen’s temporary detention in the US, American officials resisted these demands. The Justice Department concluded that the Turkish requests did not meet the legal standards for extradition set by the US-Turkey extradition treaty and US law. Therefore, extradition could not proceed without additional evidence substantiating the allegations against Gülen.

Similar skepticism was also expressed by Turkey’s other NATO allies. The German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) was unconvinced that Gülen was behind the failed coup in Turkey. “Turkey has tried to convince us of that at every level but so far it has not succeeded,” Bruno Kahl, the head of the BND, said in an interview with Der Spiegel published in March 2017.

In April 2017 German intelligence expert and author Erich Schmidt-Eenboom asserted that ErdoÄŸan, not the Gülen movement, was behind the failed coup in Turkey, citing intelligence reports from the CIA and BND. Speaking during a program on German public broadcaster ZDF, Schmidt-Eenboom said: “According to CIA analyses, the so-called coup attempt was staged by Erdogan to prevent a real coup. The BND, CIA, and other Western intelligence services do not see the slightest evidence implicating Gülen in instigating the coup attempt.”

The role of Turkish intelligence in coordinating what turned out to be a false flag coup attempt was indeed exposed during the coup trials, despite efforts by judges to suppress evidence, reject nearly all motions filed by the defense and refuse to summon intelligence and military chiefs for cross-examination. Multiple pieces of evidence surfaced pointing to the spy agency, revealing its involvement in the events.

In a highly unusual occurrence, MIT agents paid a visit and toured Akıncı Air Base, months before the July 15 events. The base was later alleged by the government to be the putschists’ headquarters.

Maj. Adnan Arıkan testified in court on January 14, 2019 that a team of MIT agents had visited Akıncı Air Base in May 2016, two months before the coup attempt, describing the visit as unprecedented and aimed at scouting the base for the purposes of the false flag.

Turkish F-16 fighter jets

The base command initially denied MIT’s request to visit the base, explaining that it was busy with some 100 F-16 combat pilots who were in training at the time. The MIT agents could have paid a visit to other air bases that were less busy in Ankara or other cities, but MIT’S insistence on visiting Akıncı was found quite strange, Arıkan said.

In the end Air Force Commander Gen. Abidin Ãœnal, a close confidant of President ErdoÄŸan, with whom he met secretly outside the chain of command several times, allowed the visit, overruling the base command, and MIT sent a team of 70 agents to look around and scout the base. “What benefit did such a large delegation get from this trip? What were the duties of the people in this delegation and what were their activities on July 15, 2016?“ Arıkan asked.

“The MIT delegation toured almost every place on the base including the flight tower and locations where the 141st, 142nd and 143rd squadrons were deployed as well as hangars and ammunition depots. From a military point of view, this was really a reconnaissance. Those who understand a little bit about intelligence, those who know a little bit about the principles of unconventional warfare, understand the purpose of this activity very well,” Arıkan said.

During the coup trials, it was revealed that MIT had been secretly working with a lieutenant colonel in the air force to direct warplanes to buzz the capital city of Ankara in order to bolster the perception that a false flag was a real coup attempt by the Turkish Armed Forces.

Several senior military commanders testified during the trial that MIT agent Korkut Gül coordinated the activity in the tower at Akıncı Air Base manned by Lt. Col. Nihat Altıntop, the airfield operations commander. Altıntop was in the tower and was frequently on the phone with the MIT agent.

It was also revealed that Intelligence chief Hakan Fidan had lengthy talks with then-chief of general staff Hulusi Akar in the days leading up to the coup attempt, with their final meeting on July 14 lasting for hours. These encounters were described as highly unusual by Akar’s aides, who were instructed not to record his entry to military bases. Court evidence further revealed that the coup plan was executed by two senior intelligence officers, Sadık Ãœstün and Kemal Eskintan, both with military backgrounds who had been recruited by MIT long before the events unfolded.

Hulusi Akar (left) and Hakan Fidan

Ãœstün’s role in the false military bid to purportedly oust ErdoÄŸan was exposed when he made one major mistake in timing. He prematurely identified the alleged leader of the putschists, triggering closer scrutiny of his role in the July 15 events.

During the court hearings of suspected putschists who knew him well, many came forward revealing further details of his role in the false flag operation. Immediately after the coup events, the Erdoğan government sent him off to Australia as a diplomatic attaché, out of the reach of defense attorneys who wanted to put him on the stand and cross-examine him. He never testified in court despite repeated motions filed by defense lawyers in multiple court cases and was not summoned to testify before the parliamentary commission set up to investigate the failed coup.

In a major blunder, Ãœstün prematurely named a decorated general, senior member of the Supreme Military Council (YAÅž) and former Air Forces Commander Akın Öztürk as the leader of the putschists when the general was still at his daughter’s home, located some four or five kilometers from Akıncı Air Base, the alleged headquarters of the putschists. Öztürk, who had no affiliation with the Gülen movement, was completely unaware of the plot unfolding around him and was playing with his grandchildren on the night of the coup attempt.

Eskintan, who oversaw armed jihadist groups in Syria on behalf of MIT, facilitated the clandestine transportation of unregistered firearms, ammunition and jihadist fighters from Syria prior to the events of July 15, 2016. The aim of this operation was to provoke a state of chaos, leading to tragic civilian and military casualties due to the ensuing violence.

In fact, bullets extracted from the bodies of civilians killed on the night of July 15 were found not to be registered in the Turkish military arsenal. Despite motions by defense lawyers representing alleged putschists, the government refused to conduct thorough autopsies, ballistic examinations or hand swabs to determine if a person had fired a gun from powder residue imprints in the palm.

Eskintan, who served as head of special operations within the agency, is known by the nom de guerre “Abu Furkan” in Syria. He has been extensively involved in collaborating with jihadist groups in both Syria and Libya, using them as proxies to advance the political objectives of the ErdoÄŸan government.

It was also revealed that key statements extracted from suspects who endured lengthy torture sessions, threats of rape and harm to their loved ones were prepared in advance and fabricated. The foundational document used by a public prosecutor to initiate coup investigations and referenced in all coup trials was also scripted. This document listed events that had not yet occurred or did not happen at all, suggesting that the government had prepared the sequence of events well in advance to portray the limited military mobilization as a coup attempt.

Kemal Eskintan, Turkish intelligence agent who coordinated jihadist groups in Syria and Libya.

No evidence has surfaced showing that a commission named the Council of Peace in the Homeland (Yurtta Sulh Konseyi), which purportedly plotted the coup, was actually formed. Additionally, the members of this supposed council have never been identified.

There was no military plan to execute a coup on July 15, unlike past successful coups where detailed planning with numerous contingencies was typical. Prosecutors singled out F-16 fighter jets allegedly used to bomb parliament and other locations, but it was later revealed that these planes had not flown on July 15. Despite requests from the defense during coup trials, the government refused to share the jets’ flight data or the recorded video footage from the airbase.

There was only one directive transmitted through MEDAS, the Turkish military’s secure communications channel, that involved reassignments as part of the coup attempt. The message was approved by a brigadier general, which was unusual because such directives typically involved officers at higher ranks, such as full generals or admirals.

In other words the directive written by the lower-ranking officer, assigning duties to higher-ranking officers, violated the chain of command. It was later discovered that some of the ranks listed on the assignment sheet were recorded incorrectly, indicating that the document was prepared outside of General Staff headquarters and based on outdated data.

Many commanders in the field found the message suspicious, being outside the chain of command, and did not participate in the coup or the military mobilization, which was limited to only 1 percent of the Turkish military. The operation, designed to fail from the start according to experts, was contained easily and quickly.

Sadık Ãœstün, an agent of Turkey’s intelligence agency MIT, who runs secret ops in Libya. He is seen here giving a speech in Brussels in 2013.

A case involving the bombing of the Turkish parliament, allegedly by coup plotters according to the government narrative, collapsed in court when the defendants took the stand and refuted the prosecutor’s allegations.

The bombing of the nation’s parliament building, an unprecedented move that made no sense and lacked a motive, appears to have been staged by elements of intelligence as part of a plot to sideline legislative and judicial oversight and transform Turkey into an authoritarian regime run by one man and his inner circle.

Some likened parliament’s bombing to the Reichstag fire, an arson attack on the German parliament in 1933 that helped the Nazis consolidate their grip on the government and paved the way for the rise of Adolf Hitler.

Conflicting expert reports, inconsistency in the timeline of events, ambiguous flight information data, missing crucial recordings, hastily conducted trial proceedings, suppression of evidence sought by the defense and an obvious mismatch between damage to the impact site and the type of bombs allegedly used all pointed in the direction of a false flag plot orchestrated by the Turkish government.

As a result of the false flag operation, ErdoÄŸan further consolidated his power, transitioning the Turkish parliamentary democracy into an imperial-style presidential rule with no checks and balances. He exerted significant control over the legislative and judicial branches, appointing Islamists and nationalist/neonationalist allies to key government positions.

In the words of the CIA operations officer, who evidently has a deep understanding of Turkey, ErdoÄŸan benefited personally from the coup events but inflicted serious harm on Turkey as a whole.

“The impact of the alleged coup attempt devastated Turkey’s chances of meaningful collaboration with the European Union and solidified all negative impressions or assumptions about Erdogan and his regime. Erdogan may have benefited in the short term but hurt Turkiye in the long term. Turkish people are less free and more afraid, their future looks more uncertain, and the firing of judges only weakens the judicial system and the world’s confidence in the Turkish government to afford its people any fair trials.”