Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Study: Greenland Is On Track To Lose Ice Faster Than In Any Century Over 12,000 Years

The research places the ice sheet’s modern decline in historical context, providing a robust look at how this century’s losses could starkly outpace prior changes


Credit: Bob Wilder / University at Buffalo

BUFFALO, N.Y. — If human societies don’t sharply curb emissions of greenhouse gases, Greenland’s rate of ice loss this century is likely to greatly outpace that of any century over the past 12,000 years, a new study concludes.The research will be published on Sept. 30 in the journal Nature. The study employs ice sheet modeling to understand the past, present and future of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Scientists used new, detailed reconstructions of ancient climate to drive the model, and validated the model against real-world measurements of the ice sheet’s contemporary and ancient size.

The findings place the ice sheet’s modern decline in historical context, highlighting just how extreme and unusual projected losses for the 21st century could be, researchers say.

“Basically, we’ve altered our planet so much that the rates of ice sheet melt this century are on pace to be greater than anything we’ve seen under natural variability of the ice sheet over the past 12,000 years. We’ll blow that out of the water if we don’t make severe reductions to greenhouse gas emissions,” says Jason Briner, PhD, professor of geology in the University at Buffalo College of Arts and Sciences. Briner led the collaborative study, coordinating the work of scientists from multiple disciplines and institutions.

“If the world goes on a massive energy diet, in line with a scenario that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change calls RCP2.6, our model predicts that the Greenland Ice Sheet’s rate of mass loss this century will be only slightly higher than anything experienced in the past 12,000 years,” Briner adds. “But, more worrisome, is that under a high-emissions RCP8.5 scenario — the one the Greenland Ice Sheet is now following — the rate of mass loss could be about four times the highest values experienced under natural climate variability over the past 12,000 years.”

He and colleagues say the results reiterate the need for countries around the world to take action now to reduce emissions, slow the decline of ice sheets, and mitigate sea level rise. The research was largely funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation.

Combining ice sheet modeling with field work, real-life observations

The study brought together climate modelers, ice core scientists, remote sensing experts and paleoclimate researchers at UB, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), the University of Washington (UW), Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory (LDEO), the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and other institutions.

This multidisciplinary team used a state-of-the-art ice sheet model to simulate changes to the southwestern sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet, starting from the beginning of the Holocene epoch some 12,000 years ago and extending forward 80 years to 2100.

Scientists tested the model’s accuracy by comparing results of the model’s simulations to historical evidence. The modeled results matched up well with data tied to actual measurements of the ice sheet made by satellites and aerial surveys in recent decades, and with field work identifying the ice sheet’s ancient boundaries.

Though the project focused on southwestern Greenland, research shows that changes in the rates of ice loss there tend to correspond tightly with changes across the entire ice sheet.

“We relied on the same ice sheet model to simulate the past, the present and the future,” says co-author Jessica Badgeley, a PhD student in the UW Department of Earth and Space Sciences. “Thus, our comparisons of the ice sheet mass change through these time periods are internally consistent, which makes for a robust comparison between past and projected ice sheet changes.”

“We have significantly improved our understanding of how anomalous future Greenland change will be,” says co-author Joshua Cuzzone, PhD, an assistant project scientist at UCI who completed much of his work on the study as a postdoctoral researcher at JPL and UCI. “This work represents a massive success for multidisciplinary science and collaboration, and represents a framework for future successful multidisciplinary work.”

Cuzzone and other researchers at UCI and JPL led ice sheet modeling, leveraging the work of colleagues at UW, who used data from ice cores to create maps of temperatures and precipitation in the study region that were used to drive the ice sheet model simulations up to the year 1850. Previously published climate data was used to drive the simulations after that date.

UB and LDEO scientists partnered on field work that helped validate the model by identifying the ice sheet’s boundaries in southwestern Greenland thousands of years ago.

“We built an extremely detailed geologic history of how the margin of the southwestern Greenland Ice Sheet moved through time by measuring beryllium-10 in boulders that sit on moraines,” says co-author Nicolás Young, PhD, associate research professor at LDEO. “Moraines are large piles of debris that you can find on the landscape that mark the former edge of an ice sheet or glacier. A beryllium-10 measurement tells you how long that boulder and moraine have been sitting there, and therefore tells you when the ice sheet was at that exact spot and deposited that boulder.

“Amazingly, the model reproduced the geologic reconstruction really well. This gave us confidence that the ice sheet model was performing well and giving us meaningful results. You can model anything you want and your model will always spit out an answer, but we need some way to determine if the model is doing a good job.”

A continuous timeline of changes to the Greenland Ice Sheet

The study makes an important contribution by creating a timeline of the past, present and future of the Greenland Ice Sheet, Briner says. The results are sobering.

“We have long timelines of temperature change, past to present to future, that show the influence of greenhouse gases on Earth’s temperature,” Briner says. “And now, for the first time, we have a long timeline of the impacts of that temperature — in the form of Greenland Ice Sheet melt — from the past to present to future. And what it shows is eye-opening.”

“It is no secret that the Greenland Ice Sheet is in rough shape and is losing ice at an increasing rate,” Young says. “But if someone wants to poke holes in this, they could simply ask, ‘how do you know this isn’t just part of the ice sheet’s natural variability?’ Well, what our study suggests is that the rate of ice loss for this century will exceed the rate of ice loss for any single century over the last 12,000 years. I think this is the first time that the current health of the Greenland Ice Sheet has been robustly placed into a long-term context.”

Despite these sobering results, one vital takeaway from the model’s future projections is that it’s still possible for people and countries around the world to make an important difference by cutting emissions, Briner says. Models of the RCP2.6 and RCP8.5 scenarios yield very different results, with high-emission scenarios producing massive declines in the ice sheet’s health, and significant sea level rise.

“Our findings are yet another wake-up call, especially for countries like the U.S.,” Briner says. “Americans use more energy per person than any other nation in the world. Our nation has produced more of the CO2 that resides in the atmosphere today than any other country. Americans need to go on an energy diet. The most affluent Americans, who have the highest energy footprint, can afford to make lifestyle changes, fly less, install solar panels and drive an energy-efficient vehicle.”

“This study shows that future ice loss is likely to be larger than anything that the ice sheet experienced in the Holocene — unless we follow a low-carbon emission scenario in the future,” Badgeley says.


The study’s authors include Jason P. Briner, Alia J. Lesnek, Elizabeth K. Thomas, Allison A. Cluett and Beata Csatho from the University at Buffalo; Joshua K. Cuzzone from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); Jessica A. Badgeley, Eric J. Steig and Gregory J. Hakim from the University of Washington; Nicolás E. Young and Joerg Schaefer from Columbia University’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory; Mathieu Morlighem from UCI; Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel and Eric Larour from JPL; Jesse V. Johnson and Jacob Downs from the University of Montana; Estelle Allan and Anne de Vernal from the Université du Québec à Montréal; Ole Bennike from the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland; and Sophie Nowicki from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, who joined UB’s faculty in fall 2020.

In addition to the NSF, the research received support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, Fonds de recherche du Québec, NASA and the G. Unger Vetlesen Foundation.

Additional photos, a 50-second video and b-roll are available by contacting Charlotte Hsu in UB Media Relations at

Thank Volcanoes, Tectonics And Bacteria

Study points to one cause for several mysteries linked to breathable oxygen

Credit: Image by J. Eguchi/University of California, Riverside

HOUSTON — (Dec. 2, 2019) — Earth’s breathable atmosphere is key for life, and a new study suggests that the first burst of oxygen was added by a spate of volcanic eruptions brought about by tectonics.

The study by geoscientists at Rice University offers a new theory to help explain the appearance of significant concentrations of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago, something scientists call the Great Oxidation Event (GOE). The research appears this week in Nature Geoscience.

“What makes this unique is that it’s not just trying to explain the rise of oxygen,” said study lead author James Eguchi, a NASA postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Riverside who conducted the work for his Ph.D. dissertation at Rice. “It’s also trying to explain some closely associated surface geochemistry, a change in the composition of carbon isotopes, that is observed in the carbonate rock record a relatively short time after the oxidation event. We’re trying explain each of those with a single mechanism that involves the deep Earth interior, tectonics and enhanced degassing of carbon dioxide from volcanoes.”

Eguchi’s co-authors are Rajdeep Dasgupta, an experimental and theoretical geochemist and professor in Rice’s Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, and Johnny Seales, a Rice graduate student who helped with the model calculations that validated the new theory.

Scientists have long pointed to photosynthesis — a process that produces waste oxygen — as a likely source for increased oxygen during the GOE. Dasgupta said the new theory doesn’t discount the role that the first photosynthetic organisms, cyanobacteria, played in the GOE.

“Most people think the rise of oxygen was linked to cyanobacteria, and they are not wrong,” he said. “The emergence of photosynthetic organisms could release oxygen. But the most important question is whether the timing of that emergence lines up with the timing of the Great Oxidation Event. As it turns out, they do not.”

Cyanobacteria were alive on Earth as much as 500 million years before the GOE. While a number of theories have been offered to explain why it might have taken that long for oxygen to show up in the atmosphere, Dasgupta said he’s not aware of any that have simultaneously tried to explain a marked change in the ratio of carbon isotopes in carbonate minerals that began about 100 million years after the GOE. Geologists refer to this as the Lomagundi Event, and it lasted several hundred million years.

One in a hundred carbon atoms are the isotope carbon-13, and the other 99 are carbon-12. This 1-to-99 ratio is well documented in carbonates that formed before and after Lomagundi, but those formed during the event have about 10% more carbon-13.

Eguchi said the explosion in cyanobacteria associated with the GOE has long been viewed as playing a role in Lomagundi.

“Cyanobacteria prefer to take carbon-12 relative to carbon-13,” he said. “So when you start producing more organic carbon, or cyanobacteria, then the reservoir from which the carbonates are being produced is depleted in carbon-12.”

Eguchi said people tried using this to explain Lomagundi, but timing was again a problem.

“When you actually look at the geologic record, the increase in the carbon-13-to-carbon-12 ratio actually occurs up to 10s of millions of years after oxygen rose,” he said. “So then it becomes difficult to explain these two events through a change in the ratio of organic carbon to carbonate.”

The scenario Eguchi, Dasgupta and Seales arrived at to explain all of these factors is:

A dramatic increase in tectonic activity led to the formation of hundreds of volcanoes that spewed carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The climate warmed, increasing rainfall, which in turn increased “weathering,” the chemical breakdown of rocky minerals on Earth’s barren continents.

Weathering produced a mineral-rich runoff that poured into the oceans, supporting a boom in both cyanobacteria and carbonates.

The organic and inorganic carbon from these wound up on the seafloor and was eventually recycled back into Earth’s mantle at subduction zones, where oceanic plates are dragged beneath continents.

When sediments remelted into the mantle, inorganic carbon, hosted in carbonates, tended to be released early, re-entering the atmosphere through arc volcanoes directly above subduction zones.

Organic carbon, which contained very little carbon-13, was drawn deep into the mantle and emerged hundreds of millions of years later as carbon dioxide from island hotspot volcanoes like Hawaii.

“It’s kind of a big cyclic process,” Eguchi said. “We do think the amount of cyanobacteria increased around 2.4 billion years ago. So that would drive our oxygen increase. But the increase of cyanobacteria is balanced by the increase of carbonates. So that carbon-12-to-carbon-13 ratio doesn’t change until both the carbonates and organic carbon, from cyanobacteria, get subducted deep into the Earth. When they do, geochemistry comes into play, causing these two forms of carbon to reside in the mantle for different periods of time. Carbonates are much more easily released in magmas and are released back to the surface at a very short period. Lomagundi starts when the first carbon-13-enriched carbon from carbonates returns to the surface, and it ends when the carbon-12-enriched organic carbon returns much later, rebalancing the ratio.”

Eguchi said the study emphasizes the importance of the role that deep Earth processes can play in the evolution of life at the surface.

“We’re proposing that carbon dioxide emissions were very important to this proliferation of life,” he said. “It’s really trying to tie in how these deeper processes have affected surface life on our planet in the past.”

Dasgupta is also the principal investigator on a NASA-funded effort called CLEVER Planets that is exploring how life-essential elements might come together on distant exoplanets. He said better understanding how Earth became habitable is important for studying habitability and its evolution on distant worlds.

“It looks like Earth’s history is calling for tectonics to play a big role in habitability, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that tectonics is absolutely necessary for oxygen build up,” he said. “There might be other ways of building and sustaining oxygen, and exploring those is one of the things we’re trying to do in CLEVER Planets.”


The research was supported by the National Science Foundation (OCE-1338842), NASA (80NSSC18K0828) and the Deep Carbon Observatory.

High-resolution IMAGES are available for download at:

CAPTION: The evolution of life as depicted in a mural at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. The rise of oxygen from a trace element to a primary atmospheric component was an important evolutionary development. (NASA Ames/David J. Des Marais/Thomas W. Scattergood/Linda L. Jahnke)

CAPTION: Geoscientists (from left) James Eguchi, Johnny Seales and Rajdeep Dasgupta published a new theory that attempts to explain the first appearance of significant concentrations of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago as well as a puzzling shift in the ratio of carbon isotopes in carbonate minerals that followed. (Photos courtesy of Rice University)

CAPTION: This figure illustrates how inorganic carbon cycles through the mantle more quickly than organic carbon, which contains very little of the isotope carbon-13. Both inorganic and organic carbon are drawn into Earth’s mantle at subduction zones (top left). Due to different chemical behaviors, inorganic carbon tends to return through eruptions at arc volcanoes above the subduction zone (center). Organic carbon follows a longer route, as it is drawn deep into the mantle (bottom) and returns through ocean island volcanos (right). The differences in recycling times, in combination with increased volcanism, can explain isotopic carbon signatures from rocks that are associated with both the Great Oxidation Event, about 2.4 billion years ago, and the Lomagundi Event that followed.

(Image by J. Eguchi/University of California, Riverside)

CAPTION: Earth’s atmosphere as seen from the International Space Station July 20, 2006. (Image courtesy of NASA)

Links and resources:

The DOI of the Nature Geoscience paper is: 10.1038/s41561-019-0492-6

A copy of the paper is available at:

This release can be found online at

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Located on a 300-acre forested campus in Houston, Rice University is consistently ranked among the nation’s top 20 universities by U.S. News & World Report. Rice has highly respected schools of Architecture, Business, Continuing Studies, Engineering, Humanities, Music, Natural Sciences and Social Sciences and is home to the Baker Institute for Public Policy. With 3,962 undergraduates and 3,027 graduate students, Rice’s undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio is just under 6-to-1. Its residential college system builds close-knit communities and lifelong friendships, just one reason why Rice is ranked No. 1 for lots of race/class interaction and No. 4 for quality of life by the Princeton Review. Rice is also rated as a best value among private universities by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.

Related Journal Article

Safe Flight: New Method Detects Onset Of Destructive Oscillations In Aircraft Turbines

On Sep 30, 2020

New method for early flutter detection will help in the development of safer and more eco-friendly turbines in aircraft

Credit: Tokyo University of Science

Despite humanity’s remarkable engineering prowess, sometimes completely unexpected or poorly understood physical phenomena can rapidly lead to catastrophic failures. Such was the case in Braniff International Airways Flight 542 in 1959 and Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 710 in 1960, where both aircrafts spontaneously disintegrated in mid-air due to a mechanical phenomenon known as “flutter.”

In aerospace research, flutter generally refers to undesired and self-sustained vibrations in turbine blades that can readily grow out of control, destroying them along with the engine, and even the aircraft’s wings. It is not very surprising that flutter remains an area of active research and one of the main concerns when designing turbines. In fact, flutter has been placed once again under the spotlight in a project (advanced-fan-jet-research: aFJR) launched by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) aimed at designing highly efficient and environment-friendly turbines.

In a new study published in Physical Review Applied, scientists from the Tokyo University of Science (TUS), in collaboration with researchers from JAXA, tackle the problem of developing a novel methodology for early detection of flutter in the design state of blades. Dr. Hiroshi Gotoda (corresponding author of the paper) from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TUS explains the problem at hand and how they tried to solve it, “The onset of cascade flutter has impeded the technological development of advanced jet engines and its early detection is a long-standing problem in current aerospace propulsion engineering. Our main aim was to explore the applicability of a methodology combining complex networks and synchronization to detect a precursor of cascade flutter.”

The main idea behind their approach is that the turbine fan can be mathematically modeled as a complex network of interrelated oscillators and that flutter is ultimately the result of the progressive synchronization of more and more blades as a result of increased airflow going through the turbine. In another study, published in the Journal of Applied Physics, the same group had explored an artificial intelligence-based method for detecting the onset of flutter from time-series data using the permutation entropy of the system, which is a measure of the randomness of the turbine’s complex dynamics. In their current work, they demonstrate that a network representation of the system based on synchronization is closely related to the actual oscillatory behavior of the blades.

Through experiments on an actual turbine test rig conducted at JAXA’s Altitude Test Facility, the research team found that, before the onset of flutter, one particular blade begins to act as a “central hub” in the network and adjacent blades start to oscillate in sync with it. This “local” synchronization quickly expands and leads to the collective synchronization of all blades, resulting in potentially catastrophic “flutter.”

In this context, the network representation of the system proposed in this study serves two important purposes, as explained by Dr. Gotoda, “We demonstrate the applicability of two local and global measures as potential detectors of cascade flutter: the connecting strength between individual network nodes and the network’s synchronization parameter. The former is valid for specifying the dominant blades for the onset of cascade flutter. In contrast, the latter, which ranges from 0 to 1, is more suitable for determining a threshold for this onset.”

The combined findings of these new studies shed light on the complex phenomenon of flutter, and contribute to the academic systemization of nonlinear problems in the field of aeronautical engineering and related nonlinear science. They could represent promising techniques for the early detection of flutter onset in the design state of blades. The efforts of this research team from TUS and JAXA would help the development of safer and more eco-friendly turbine designs.



Titles of original papers:

(1) Early Detection of Cascade Flutter in a Model Aircraft Turbine Using a Methodology Combining Complex Networks and Synchronization

(2) Experimental study on early detection of cascade flutter in turbo jet fans using combined methodology of symbolic dynamics, dynamical systems theory, and machine learning


(1) Physical Review Applied

(2) Journal of Applied Physics


(1) 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.14.014093

(2) 10.1063/1.5143373

About the Tokyo University of Science

Tokyo University of Science (TUS) is a well-known and respected university, and the largest science-specialized private research university in Japan, with four campuses in central Tokyo and its suburbs and in Hokkaido. Established in 1881, the university has continually contributed to Japan’s development in science through inculcating the love for science in researchers, technicians, and educators.

When the media loses everyone loses

If you are deeply passionate about news journalism as a social good, there is something you can do, writes Jude Mathurine

Did you know news is hard-wired into human behaviour?

Palaeoanthropologists (those who study fossils to learn how early humans originated and developed) have theorised that language evolved to gossip so that large groups could get along.

Social news strengthens and polices the bonds and values that form the basis for a stable society.  

“It is not enough for individual men and women to know the whereabouts of lions and bison,” historian Noah Yuval Harari wrote in his 2015 best-seller, Sapiens.

“It's much more important for them to know who in their band hates whom, who is sleeping with whom, who is honest and who is a cheat.”

The headlines that shout off front pages and news bulletins suggest that the purpose and formula for news has not evolved much over the millennia.

What has changed is the scale and sophistication of society, and the channels and practices for communicating news — from cave walls to the internet.

Like prehistoric humans, modern news journalism, which emerged alongside mass media like the printing press and broadcast signals, forms and informs views of the world and each other.

Journalism practice supported by a free media is the bedrock of modern democracy and vibrant economies.

Performed independently and competently, journalism can enlighten public opinion and inform (hopefully) intelligent action that serves individual or collective interests.

Like the gossip of our forebears, news journalism is also the glue of contemporary societies.

However, unlike gossip that feeds audience curiosity, a public interest philosophy — informs news journalism.

Jude Mathurine
Image: Jude Mathurine

Put another way, knowing that Atul Gupta owns a Ferrari or that Tony Gupta loves vindaloo is less important than knowing which ministers supped with the notorious family at Saxonwold and how they took South Africans for a ride.

Even though the media are imperfect entities, it is the methods that ensure that news is relatively fair, balanced and complete that make journalism such a valued and valuable form of public communication.

Reality is messy and complex.

Truths can only be explored by fact-finding and research.

Find the story, search for the facts, context and evidence, seek valid perspectives and tell a story on whatever platform helps audiences make sense of their world to exercise their agency.

However, there are fewer journalists than ever before who are up to the task and fewer media organisations committed to this kind of journalism. A perfect storm of waning audience attention and appetite to pay for news, as well as advertiser flight to more powerful marketing tools like Google and Facebook have stripped media companies of resources.

In her new book, Power and Loss in South African Journalism, Prof Glenda Daniels writes that the number of journalists in SA has halved over the past 10 years — from 10,000 to 5,000.

Daniels’s research predates the devastation of Covid-19.

Closures, reduced circulations and frequency, layoffs, pay cuts and reduced hours have all been used to keep media groups and titles afloat.

A recent report by the SA National Editor’s Forum suggests up to 80 community newspapers have vanished — leaving many towns and cities without a voice.

A paywalled press, limping community media and a weak public service broadcaster generally results in a news service for elites.

While some rub their hands in glee, claiming this is SA media’s comeuppance, when the media loses everyone loses.

Imagine a world where Muldergate (the Info Scandal that brought down the government of BJ Vorster), Nkandlagate (a Mail & Guardian investigation that led to public protector findings that up to R246m of public money had been spent to upgrade former president Jacob Zuma’s homestead) and GuptaLeaks (a leaked e-mail treasure trove that revealed the extent of the Gupta state capture project) had not come to light.

If the powerful can’t control the media, they attempt to control the audience perceptions which come to serve as some people’s reality.

Methods of networked influence transforms the public sphere into a vehicle for the pursuit of vested interests, often at the expense of the social good.

Look no further than the Guptas’ attempt to weaponise their media empire at ANN7 and the New Age, as well as the services of international PR firm Bell-Pottinger on a £100,000 (R1,7m) a month retainer.

What  the public doesn’t know that it doesn’t know can easily hurt it (or make you a useful idiot to use against others).  

Despite the reach of cellphones and social media, channels like WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter just don’t fill the gap.

They mainly recirculate the same main stories that originate from the sweat of hardworking journalists and invest little to produce original news content.

Eye-witness news and paid-for social media influencers are an essential part of today’s news mix but they cannot replace independent, competent and sustainable journalism.

The job of a journalist is not merely to provide balance.

There are clear rights and wrongs.

Giving credence to all views simply creates the space for audiences to fall for anything.

The views of trolls, sock-puppets, bots, misogynists, racists, flat-earthers, holocaust deniers and climate change objectors would generally not be entertained by serious reporters.

However, these views are frequently amplified on social media timelines.

And there’s even more reason to worry after a 2018 study, published in the journal Science, showed that fake news on Twitter circulated six times faster than the truth.

It is no wonder then that social media was regarded as the least trustworthy form of media in the Edelman 2019 Trust Barometer.

In the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma, former employees of trillion-rand tech companies like Facebook show how algorithms fill the news feeds of more than 24 million SA users with hot-button topics that provoke emotions like anger and fear.

While traditional media arguably tries to get sides to understand each other — the goal of social media is keep the hype cycle going to market your attention and specific online profile for purposes of advertising, promotion and influence.

Often in the debate the loudest, most populist, persistent or well-financed voices win, resulting in a zero-sum game.

Yes, social media has diversified news production and even helped to mobilise for the overthrow of authoritarian regimes.

However, its use for polarising purposes result has also resulted in a further fragmented public sphere.

This is anathema to the cohesion for social action to resolve issues like gender-based violence, climate change or Day Zero where conversations become fragmented, leaving the status quo intact.

If you are deeply passionate about news journalism as a social good, there is something you can do:

  • Support the ethical news media by paying for news when you can and only sharing information from reliable news outlets;
  • Get media literate — learn media and platform bias by watching Influence and The Social Dilemma on Netflix;
  • If you have a gripe against the media, complain to the SA Press Council not just on Twitter.
  • Join spaces where audiences and the media debate their role and shape a relevant and responsive news agenda
  • Support and donate to media engaging in social justice reporting and investigation.

As President Cyril Ramaphosa said in his weekly letter in September: “Whether it is electing to pay for content, supporting crowdfunded journalism, paying our SABC licence fees or simply buying a newspaper, we can all play our part to support this industry in crisis.”

Then, maybe, we wouldn’t have to imagine a world without news.

Jude Mathurine lectures in journalism, new media and communication at the Media and Communication Department of Nelson Mandela University

Google searches for ‘move to Canada’ spike after presidential debate

By Vincent Barone NYPOST

September 30, 2020 

A sign near the border crossing to Canada at Roseau, Minnesota.AP

The presidential debate may send people up north instead of to the ballot box.

Google searches for moving to Canada spiked after the 2020 presidential debate between President Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden.

Queries for “how to apply for Canadian citizenship” skyrocketed about an hour into the yelling match between the two men, peaking around 10:30 p.m., according to Google.

The search was most popular in the state of Massachusetts, followed by Ohio and Michigan.

“How to move to Canada” and “move to Canda” also experienced a surge in searches during the debacle of a debate, which was fraught with interruptions, unfinished points and nasty attacks.

“Cheering you all on from this side of the border! You got this!” one Twitter user wrote.

Other Canadians were less supportive.

“Sorry, we’ve built a wall on our southern border,” another joked.


Taiwan in Time: Resting in stone

Prehistoric slate coffins found in countless archaeological sites across Taiwan were often tailor-made to fit the size of the deceased, including miniature ones for miscarried fetuses

  • By Han Cheung / Staff reporter

Sept. 28 to Oct . 4

A large number of 3000-year-old slate coffins were unearthed on a hill near Nanhe Village (南和村) in Pingtung County on Sept. 30, 1985. Unfortunately, the United Daily News (聯合報) noted that they had been seriously damaged by construction, and no artifacts or human remains were found.

Although the newspaper called the find a “significant discovery,” little information can be gleaned about this specific site because it’s just one of countless locations where stone sarcophagi have been unearthed across southern and eastern Taiwan, and as north as Yilan County.

Nenozo Utsurikawa, front row in kimono, former head of Taihoku Imperial University’s Institute of Ethnology, was the first anthropologist to discover slate coffins in Taiwan in 1930.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

These stone receptacles for the dead were first found in 1930 at a site in Kenting (墾丁) by a Japanese team led by anthropologist Utsurikawa Nenozo, who unearthed 31 coffins after four excavations. They contained abundant artifacts such as jade and pottery shards, and this venture is considered Taiwan’s first academic archeological excavation. According to contemporary research by Kenting National Park Headquarters, human activity in the area can be traced back to over 6,500 years, encompassing over 70 archaeological sites.

The best-known mass stone coffin site is the Beinan site (卑南遺址) in Taitung County, which was revealed in 1980 during a railroad rerouting project. It is Taiwan’s largest known prehistoric settlement with a sophisticated culture that included indoor burials, teeth extraction and a social hierarchy, and boasting about 2,000 coffins with many more either destroyed or still buried. It’s the largest prehistoric stone graveyard ever found around the Pacific Rim.

Throughout the years, coffins continued to be found at various construction projects, the latest coming in 2011 when three, 4,000-year-old sarcophagi were found in Taitung.

Replica stone coffins are on display at Beinan Cultural Park in Taitung County.

Photo: CNA


After receiving his PhD in anthropology from Harvard University, Utsurikawa became the head of the newly established Institute of Ethnology at Taihoku Imperial University (today’s National Taiwan University), where he conducted extensive field research on the island’s various Aboriginal groups.

According to the National Taiwan Museum of History, Utsurikawa’s dig at the Kenting site was by no means up to modern standards and techniques, but it still paved the way for future endeavors. In 1935, the colonial government deemed the site a National Historic Site and put it under protection. But war soon broke out between Japan and China and the findings at the site remained unpublished until the 1990s.

A member of an archeological team dusts off the top of a slate coffin during a dig.

Photo: Tung Chen-kuo, Taipei Times

Later research determined that the site was up to 4,000 years old, and may have belonged to the neolithic Niuchoutzu (牛稠子) culture, of which there are about 15 sites alone within the national park. Rice grain imprints were found in some of the pottery at one of the sites, which is the earliest evidence of cultivation in the Hengchun peninsula. From the human remains, they determined that the inhabitants practiced teeth extraction and chewed betel nuts.

Due to the rapid development of the area, the Kenting site has been seriously damaged over the years, and by 2004, anthropologist Lien Chao-mei (連照美) lamented its condition. Lien collected and edited the Japanese findings into a book that was published in 2007.


This stone coffin contained multiple corpses.

Photo: Huang Ming-tang, Taipei Times

Long before the stone coffins were unearthed at the Beinan site, the location was already known to Japanese scholars, who had examined two large stone pillars in 1896. Later archaeologists found that there were numerous such pillars in the area. Japanese-era research mostly focused on these monoliths, and only in 1945 did two archaeologists conduct a brief dig despite American airstrikes across the island. They found pottery and the remains of old slate dwellings.

No further excavations were conducted until the site was damaged by the railway project in 1980, which drew public attention, which forced the government to preserve the artifacts. Lien and Sung Wen-hsun (宋文薰) were in charge of the efforts, which took 13 phases over nine years to complete. It was determined that the Beinan culture began about 5,300 years ago and reached its peak between 3,500 and 2,300 years ago.

The stone coffins found at this site were all positioned along a north-south axis, which was also how the inhabitants arranged their dwellings. The dead were placed lying down with their toes pointed northward toward Dulan Mountain (都蘭山), which is believed to be their sacred mountain and the resting place of their souls.

Several miniature slate coffins, the smallest one measuring 40cm long, were found in Taitung in 2007.

Photo: CNA

Although most coffins only held one corpse, there were larger ones that held at least five. These were usually the resting places for powerful families as they contained precious burial objects. One 183-cm long coffin contained a whopping 4,449 artifacts, from jade to weapons and all manner of tool.

Archaeologists also found tiny 18-cm ones that probably held miscarried fetuses. Infants and children were usually buried in their own small sarcophagi, and those under 130cm long made up roughly one-third of the 2,000 odd coffins found on site — indicating a high child mortality rate. The fact that coffins were made for even miscarriages, shows how equally the Beinan people treated all deaths, states a National Museum of Prehistory report, although the underage corpses were seldom buried with any artifacts. Child coffins have also been found at other sites across Taiwan.

Many sarcophagi were buried inside the house, “to accompany those who were still alive,” the report states, showing a close attachment between the dead and the living.

There is still no concrete evidence that these “rock coffins” were used for corpses.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Aside from slate coffins, experts have also discovered “rock coffins,” which are directly carved onto the surface of a large volcanic tuff. These were found mostly on the east coast, and, with only 16 discovered so far, are quite rare.

Although the sizes of the rectangular depressions are almost all large enough to fit a fully-grown human, there’s still no concrete evidence that they were actually used to contain corpses.

Amis Aborigines once chipped pieces off of these ancient “coffins” during droughts to pray for rain, but their original purpose remains a mystery.

Taiwan in Time, a column about Taiwan’s history that is published every Sunday, spotlights important or interesting events around the nation that either have anniversaries this week or are tied to current events.

Thai villagers save ancestral forest with aid from academics and social media
With nearly 300 species of flora and fauna and dozens of edible and medicinal plants, the forest is vital to the food security of the villagers.

TRAVEL Updated: Sep 29, 2020 22:25 IST

Reuters | Posted by Boon Rueang [Thailand]
Thailand aims to increase its forest cover to about 40% of total land area from just over a third now. (Representational Image)(Unsplash)

The villagers of Ban Boon Rueang in northern Thailand had long known that they benefited from the community wetland forest that supplied them with fish and firewood, but it wasn’t until devastating floods in 2010 that they realised just how much.

That year, flooding from the Ing river which often spills its banks in the annual rainy season, was particularly severe, inundating several villages. Ban Boon Rueang escaped the worst of it because the 236-hectare wetland forest served as a buffer.

“If it weren’t for the wetland, our village would have also got flooded severely,” said Srongpol Chantharueang, chairman of the Boon Rueang Wetland Forest Conservation Group (BRWFCG).

“We realised then how important it was for us. That made us more aware of the threats to the wetland, and more determined to protect it,” he told the Thomson Reuters Foundation as he walked around the forest, pointing to edible mushrooms and honeycombs.

Destruction of natural resources, the denial of forest rights and loss of community lands in Thailand for industry and tourism have hurt farmers and villagers, many of whom lack formal tenure.

When the Thai government in 2015 earmarked Chiang Khong district, where Ban Boon Rueang is located, as part of a Special Economic Zone (SEZ), the villagers decided to oppose the plan to infill the wetland, with a novel approach.

They set up BRWFCG, mobilised support from other conservation groups and academics in the local university, and appealed to the National Human Rights Commission of Thailand (NHRCT), saying their lives and livelihoods were at stake.

It worked: in 2018, authorities withdrew the proposal, and on Tuesday, BRWFCG will receive the United Nations’ Equator Prize for “outstanding community efforts to reduce poverty through the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity.”

“Convincing the government to conserve the wetland forest was a momentous achievement, made through advocacy and dialogue,” said David Ganz, executive director of RECOFTC, the Center for People and Forests, which backed the community.

“Boon Rueang is a successful model for community forestry and showcases a nature-based solution to environmental injustice. The community’s achievement is an inspiration to others who may be facing similar challenges,” he added.

Right to participate

Wetlands such as floodplains, marshes, mangroves and peatlands help purify water, replenish groundwater, limit flooding and store carbon, researchers say. Along coastlines, they provide a buffer against storms and surges.

Yet across Asia, demand for land for housing and farming has led to wetlands being destroyed, even as more intense rainfall and rising seas cause more frequent river and coastal flooding.

Thailand has 15 sites under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands totalling 405,219 hectares (15,645 square miles).

But authorities often fail to recognise their importance and the community’s role in preserving them, said Niwat Roikaew, head of the Chiang Khong Conservation Group.

“Activism and knowledge are key to conserving natural resources. We have to educate the community that they have a constitutional right to participate in natural resource management,” said Roikaew, who backed the Boon Rueang campaign.

“Government officials in the area are listening to us more because they recognise the role of the community,” said Roikaew, whose two-decade-old community organisation has fought against deforestation, dams and unchecked development in the north.

BRWFCG launched advocacy and social media campaigns to showcase their community forestry management model, and submitted academic research to show how vital the wetland was to the local eco-system and for mitigating disasters.

With nearly 300 species of flora and fauna and dozens of edible and medicinal plants, the forest is vital to the food security of the villagers. It also has the potential to store 26 tonnes of carbon per 0.16 hectare, the research showed.

At a ceremony to celebrate the Equator Prize earlier this month, Chiang Rai province acting governor Kritpetch Petcharaburanin acknowledged the community’s efforts.

“This forest has a history of hundreds of years. I am very pleased that the Boon Rueang community has preserved and taken care of the forest,” he said, adding that he endorsed their proposal to declare the wetland as a Ramsar site.

Community Kitchen

Thailand aims to increase its forest cover to about 40% of total land area from just over a third now.

But land rights activists have voiced concerns that the government’s policies have hurt communities who live in or near forests.

At the same time, forests face constant threats from industrial projects. Before the SEZ, Ban Boon Rueang had defeated proposals for factories and plantations.

“We inherited this forest from our ancestors, and it is our duty to preserve it for future generations,” said Neam Chantharueang, head of the village women’s group.

“The SEZ is cancelled, but there is no guarantee something else won’t come up. That’s why we want it to be declared a Ramsar site,” she said.

Forest authorities will work with local communities to resolve any conflicts, said Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Warawut Silpa-archa.

“We have to find ways to enable people to co-exist with forests,” he said.

The Boon Rueang community of nearly 300 families manages the forest through traditional ways such as tree ordination ceremonies, and also has clear rules.

The rules include not cutting trees beyond a certain size, and a ban on hunting and the commercial sale of bamboo and firewood. Villagers can fish, and collect crickets, mushrooms and firewood.

The Boon Rueang wetland provides direct and indirect ecological services worth about $4 million annually, RECOFTC estimates, which includes food and other products, as well as the value from water retention, the wildlife, and heritage.

“It not only provides food and livelihoods, it enables the community to preserve its identity and culture,” said Tuenjai Deetes, a former NHRCT commissioner who studied the case.

But even the community’s best efforts cannot stop the impact of climate change and upstream dams that are hurting the flow of the river Ing that sustains the wetland, said Srongpol.

“This time of year, we normally have to move around the forest by boat. But for the past couple of years, the river level is low,” he said.

“If there is no flooding, there is fewer fish, and the vegetation will begin to die. The forest is like our kitchen - if it is destroyed, how will we eat?”

Life far from sunny in Southern California where jobless hospitality workers face bleak future
The annual Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Greater Palm Springs was cancelled after Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

TRAVEL Updated: Sep 29, 2020 
Reuters | Los Angeles
Unite Here Local 11, a hospitality workers union, saw nearly 90% of its more than 32,000 members laid off(Unsplash)

Autumn is coming to Southern California, where crowds of visitors normally would have been heading to arts festivals and celebrity events, and chef Nigel Henderson would have been making his living as their caterer.

Not this year.

The annual Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Greater Palm Springs, where he works as a private chef, was cancelled after Gov. Gavin Newsom issued a statewide stay-at-home order due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Coachella events alone would have earned Henderson as much as 40% of his year’s income.

Then Henderson’s monthly series Rhythm and Brunch LA, with DJ Trauma, comedian Dave Chappelle’s DJ, was cancelled. A fundraiser for the Dooky Chase Foundation was cancelled, and Kampalooza, a yearly outdoor cooking and camping experience, was cancelled.

“Initially you figure, yes it’s serious, but we will get a handle on it,” Henderson told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

But the coronavirus, the cancellations and the closings have Henderson and others in Los Angeles’ huge hospitality industry lining up at food banks, breaking into their children’s piggy banks and skimping on baby diapers to stretch their dollars.

Tens of thousands laid off

Most just do not know how they will survive the dark months ahead.

Hospitality workers - chefs, hotel staff, theme park workers, golf course attendants - make up nearly 10% of the workforce in Los Angeles.

Before Covid-19, that added up to nearly half a million jobs.

The pandemic has decimated the workforce. Unite Here Local 11, a hospitality workers union, saw nearly 90% of its more than 32,000 members laid off, according to union official Maria Hernandez.

As the cancellations mounted and the future grew more uncertain, Henderson said his optimism vanished.

“I went through a little depression. Running your own business, you don’t have anything to fall back on,” he said. For a while, his cooking classes at The Gourmandise School went online, but then the school furloughed all of its employees.

As a Black man, Henderson said, losing his livelihood comes amid a broader political context of what is going on across the country.

“Who cares about cooking lessons for real, when we’re talking about people getting shot in the street,” he said. “And there’s protest, and riots, and police brutality and a pandemic.”

Seeing video of the death of George Floyd in police custody “just brought out PTSD of growing up black in L.A. and all of the interactions I’ve had with cops,” he said.

The economic devastation reached high into the luxurious heights of Los Angeles’ hospitality sector.

Walter Almendarez can tell stories about a $40,000 wagon full of oysters and parties thrown by pop royalty Beyonce and Jay-Z at Hollywood’s Chateau Marmont, where he worked for 23 years, more than half his life.

The opulent property, a celebrity haunt, boasts of panoramic views of Sunset Strip and poolside cottages nestled among banana trees.

It is owned by American luxury hotelier André Balazs, who also owns the Mercer Hotel in New York, Shelter Island’s Sunset Beach and the Chiltern Firehouse in London.

Almendarez never suspected his wealthy employer would stop paying him.

But on March 16, as he was playing with his daughter in the family’s living room, he got an email telling him his last day would be March 20 and to collect his things.

The hotel was laying off its staff, it said.

Almendarez most recently worked as a hotel bellman and has done every job in the place “besides the kitchen,” he said.

The right of recall

He has become a passionate advocate for “right of recall” and “right of retention” laws that would require owners to hire back their former staff and not replace them with less experienced or less costly employees.

One such law was adopted by Los Angeles County in June, and a statewide version, Assembly Bill 3216, passed by the California legislature awaits the governor’s signature to become law.

In September, a caravan of laid-off hospitality workers - including Almendarez - drove to the state capital in Sacramento and delivered a letter to Newsom, asking him to make the provision law as soon as possible.

A spokesman for the governor said he would not comment on the legislation under consideration, which is strongly opposed by business groups such as the California Chamber of Commerce.

California has taken other steps to safeguard workers hit hardest by the economic fallout of Covid-19, including passing a measure making it easier for workers infected on the job to access benefits and forcing businesses to report Covid-19 infections at work sites.

But even working at Chateau Marmont did not pay enough, and Almendarez drove an Uber to supplement his income and support his wife, 7-month-old daughter and his parents on $15.45 per hour plus tips from the hotel.

Room rates at the Chateau Marmont started at $625 a night, with a minimum of two nights.

Almendarez has been cutting costs, withdrawing savings, buying fewer diapers for his baby and going to food banks.

“You don’t think of shame. It’s food. You do what you have to do,” he said.

His major concern has been losing health insurance coverage. To stay on the plan he had while working at the hotel would cost him $500 a month.

California has seen a surge in applications for its health care marketplace, “Covered California,” which provides subsidies for low-income residents to afford private health care plans.

Applications doubled in the early month of the pandemic.

California also expanded unemployment benefits for workers laid off during Covid-19, but the tsunami of more than 10,000 claims a day has created a backlog, according to a government report released in September.

So far the only support Almendarez has gotten from his employer was $5,000 from a fundraiser that Balazs hosted on the crowdfunding platform GoFundMe.

But he is months behind on the mortgage for his home, which he bought in 2009.

A spokeswoman for the Chateau Marmont said the hotel has “publicly committed to recalling workers based on seniority,” as the pandemic eases, and noted that the hotel has already managed to hire back six employees so far.

Chickens, a garden and a cow

Elizabeth Mejia, an out-of-work waitress, watched her mother lose her house to foreclosure in the 2007-2008 financial crisis.

“It was like a trauma,” she said.

Before the pandemic, Mejia worked at Ford’s Filling Station at the Los Angeles International Airport.

The upscale gastropub is owned by Areas USA, a holding of Paris-based private equity firm PAI Partners, which has $16 billion under management.

The 30-year-old mother of two daughters had worked at the restaurant for eight years, and husband Arturo works as a part-time mechanic for Delta Airlines.

Mejia got a text message from her employer on March 20 telling her not to show up the next day. After three weeks of silence, she was laid off, and her husband had his hours cut.

A spokesperson for Areas said in a written statement that the “onset of the coronavirus pandemic left Areas no choice but to close most of our 24 concession establishments at LAX and layoff more than 550 employee,” adding that, “these were difficult decisions and they were not made lightly.”

Mejia and her husband went into survival mode. They bought chickens as a source of eggs, planted a garden in their backyard and pooled money with friends and family to buy a cow for a source of meat.

“When you grow up poor, you get resourceful,” her husband said.

Mejia vowed that she and her husband would not lose their home they bought in South Central Los Angeles six years ago for $250,000, where they are raising their young daughters.

They have cut costs, cancelled their cable television and were about to pull their daughters out of Catholic school.

This was a particularly painful decision for Mejia, who recalls her own time in public school as “full of bullies, too many kids, and I didn’t learn much at all.”

The Archdiocese offered to reduce the tuition and her girls have stayed.

The family has had a tradition of filling up unicorn piggy banks with coins. When the banks are full, the family breaks them open and puts the money toward a visit to a national park.

They have visited a dozen parks, but after she was laid off, Mejia broke open one of the banks to get the $100 of coins inside.

“We needed the money for food,” she said.

The least well-off workers are shouldering the economic burden of the pandemic throughout Los Angeles, said Kent Wong, director of the University of California Los Angeles Labor Center.

“Here, you see some of the wealthiest people in the world .... and the workers creating that wealth getting squeezed,” he said.

“This is the reality of L.A. today - record homelessness, a huge divide based on race and immigration status. It’s a tale of two cities.”

“No one should be hungry in America”

Some non-profit groups have tried to fill the gap in services.

Los Angeles-based charity “No Us Without You” helps feed 1,000 families a week, focusing on undocumented workers.

“We are out here doing it ourselves,” Damian Diaz, a co-founder. “We are just a bunch of bar people with ingenuity.”

A trendy bar owned by Diaz and his partner Othón Nolasco is now filled with refrigerators and boxes of food.

Twice a week for the last six months, they distribute 100,000 pounds of food to hungry families.

Diaz takes precautions to protect the undocumented families from raids by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency by arranging times privately and regularly changing drop-offs to isolated locations.

One recent day, Nolasco was unloading and sorting through pastries, water, coloring books for children, eggs, milk, beans, tortillas and beef chorizo.

Diaz speaks with each family, doing wellness checks.

A few months ago, he asked a woman what size diapers she needed for her baby, and she said the baby had died.

“We are just humans feeding humans,” Diaz said. “No one should be hungry in America.”

Looking to survive, Henderson is working on his podcast, The Gumbo Pot, selling a line of food-based apparel and giving online cooking classes with national brands.

“I’ve been in business for a very long time,” he said. “There’s always a point where you are going to hit a roadblock.

“But not pushing forward is not an option.”

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)
Disney parks to lay off 28,000 workers in California, Florida
Disney World reopens with new safety measures

Josh Rivera, USA TODAY•September 29, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic's economic effects have reached the workers of the most magical place in the world.

Disney's park division is laying off 28,000 employees in California and Florida in the wake of the pandemic.

Two-thirds of the planned layoffs involve part-time workers but they ranged from salaried employees to nonunion hourly workers, Disney officials said.

In a letter to employees, Josh D'Amaro, chairman of Disney Parks, Experience and Product, said his management team had worked hard to try to avoid layoffs. They had cut expenses, suspended projects and modified operations but it wasn’t enough given limits on the number of people allowed into the park because of social distancing restrictions and other pandemic-related measures, he said.
Guests wear masks as required to attend the official reopening day of the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., Saturday, July 11, 2020. Disney reopened two Florida parks, the Magic Kingdom and Animal Kingdom, Saturday, with limited capacity and safety protocols in place in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

When will Disneyland reopen?: COVID-19 surge keeps California theme parks in limbo

Disney World employees: Workers gain access to COVID-19 testing site actors' union requested

“As heartbreaking as it is to take this action, this is the only feasible option we have in light of the prolonged impact of COVID-19 on our business, including limited capacity due to physical distancing requirements and the continued uncertainty regarding the duration of the pandemic,” he said.

USA TODAY reached out to Disney for comment.

The California Attractions and Parks Association, which represents popular theme parks, including Disneyland and Universal Studios, called on California Gov. Gavin Newsom two weeks ago to implement COVID-19 regulations to allow the parks to get back to business.

Disneyland was supposed to reopen on July 17, but that was postponed as coronavirus cases surged in California during the first half of the summer.

Disney’s other theme parks in Florida, Paris, Shanghai, Japan and Hong Kong have been able to reopen to limited capacity, with Disney World even adding extra open hours recently.

Contributing: Rasha Ali, USA TODAY and The Associated Press

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Coronavirus effect: Disney to lay off 28,000 in California, Florida

Not even Disney can live on dreams forever
Disney’s California locations remain closed because of state restrictions, while the Florida parks have been operating with limited capacity and weaker attendance than Disney anticipated.

TRAVEL Updated: Sep 30, 2020 
Bloomberg | Posted by Jahnavi Gupta
The post-Covid-19 “return to normal” that Americans long for is far enough away that not even a company built on dreams can see it.(Pixabay)

The post-Covid-19 “return to normal” that Americans long for is far enough away that not even a company built on dreams can see it.

Walt Disney Co. on Tuesday said it will let go of an astonishing 28,000 employees at its U.S. theme parks, which include Walt Disney World and Disneyland, as the coronavirus continues to prevent those businesses from fully reopening. Disney’s California locations remain closed because of state restrictions, while the Florida parks have been operating with limited capacity and weaker attendance than Disney anticipated. It’s clear that for families weighing the risks of travel and crowds over the reward of getting out of the house, the virus won out. 

While Disney has pointed a finger at California Governor Gavin Newsom, upticks in the virus in pockets of the country may keep many consumers fearful of venturing to crowded venues anyway. Of the 500 millennials recently surveyed by Morning Consult, only 26% said they feel comfortable going to an amusement park. The same was true of only 16% of baby boomers. As far as when they would consider a visit, 42% of the U.S. adults polled said it would be more than six months from now. The movie-theater industry has encountered a similar setback: Doors opened, the hit film “Tenet” was showing, and few people showed up. As I wrote then, people won’t necessarily resume their normal activities just because they can. 

In fairness to Disney, visitors and journalists who have gone to the reopened Disney World in Orlando say the safety protocols — and adherence to them — are downright impressive. Still, consumers are understandably apprehensive, even if it’s just about travelling there. That there is a recession and high unemployment also doesn’t help when Disney is counting on people spending more than $100 per person per day just to enter one of its parks. Neither does the lack of federal relief. Last year, Disney’s business unit comprising theme parks, cruises and consumer products accounted for 37% of total company revenue — more than its television networks or film business (though both ultimately fuel the global fascination with the Disney brand). It furloughed 100,000 theme-park and resort workers in April, holding out hope that the recovery would be quick and strong enough to bring them back. 

Disney CEO Bob Chapek ran the theme parks before he took over Disney’s top job in February. That was just before the pandemic took hold. He replaced Bob Iger, who retired after 15 years at the helm. Chapek’s experience is especially fitting for this moment, but it’s also a bit incongruous with the direction the company was heading even before Covid: a future dominated by streaming-video entertainment. It hasn’t changed course because of the virus. In fact, Disney has pushed deeper into streaming in recent weeks, having its highly anticipated live-action remake of “Mulan” skip theatres to premiere directly on the Disney+ app for a $30 viewing fee. 

“Normal” is starting to fade from the vocabulary, and we must let it go. But the question is, if theme parks and movie theatres don’t rebound, or at least not for some time, will Disney even be the same company anymore? 

(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text.)