Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Trump’s Net Worth Rises to
$3 Billion Despite Business
By Shahien Nasiripour  and Caleb Melby
June 12, 2019
 Wealth boosted by surging value of stake in two Vornado towers
 Golf courses and resort properties declined by $125 million
President Donald Trump’s net worth rose to $3 billion, a 5% gain over the past year, thanks to a jump in the value of an office-building deal he once sued to prevent.
The increase in Trump’s wealth reverses two years of declines and brings his net worth back to 2016 levels, according to figures compiled by the Bloomberg Billionaires Index from lenders, property records, securities filings, market data and a May 16 financial disclosure. It comes despite setbacks at his family company, including the cancellation of two new hotel chains and reduced business at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and seven golf courses.
Trump’s higher net worth shows how reliant his wealth has become on Steven Roth, a friend who leads Vornado Realty Trust. Trump’s 30% stake in two Vornado properties -- 1290 Ave. of the Americas, a 2.1-million-square-foot tower in midtown Manhattan, and 555 California St., a 1.8-million-square-foot office complex known as the Bank of America Center in San Francisco’s financial district -- accounts for a quarter of his fortune. His partnership with Vornado, which owns the remaining 70%, resulted from a chain of real estate transactions that Trump once sued to block.
Accepting the deal has proven lucrative. Over the past year, Trump’s stake in the two properties has surged to $765 million, a 33% increase from the previous year, thanks to falling office capitalization rates and a boost in net income. A drop in marketwide capitalization rates, which track property prices against the net income they produce, can indicate increasing demand, raising valuations.
Trump’s stake in the Vornado buildings eclipses the combined value of his golf courses and resorts to become his biggest source of wealth. The value of the golf courses and clubs fell 19% to $525 million as the industry grappled with falling demand.

Financial Disclosures

The president’s financial disclosures, which provide revenues and the value of assets in broad ranges and aren’t definitive figures, offer a glimpse into his personal wealth. He manages his fortune through dozens of businesses that collectively form the Trump Organization. Before he took office, Trump placed his holdings in a revocable trust that’s for his exclusive benefit and is overseen by his two adult sons and longtime Trump Organization bookkeeper Allen Weisselberg. Amanda Miller, a company spokeswoman, and Alan Garten, its chief lawyer, didn’t respond to messages seeking comment. Neither did the White House press office.
Trump’s office buildings, though, continued to appreciate. Trump Tower, which has experienced lower demand for its Fifth Avenue office and residential units, is now worth $445 million, 27% more than last year. In addition to falling capitalization rates, it had higher net operating income in 2018 than the previous year and is on one of New York’s most valuable strips of land. It’s protected from decreases in the value of the condos because they’re now owned by others.
The value of 40 Wall St., Trump’s office tower in Manhattan’s financial district, increased by 13% to $480 million as the market improved.
Office buildings have been among the biggest beneficiaries of the increase in asset prices that followed Trump’s 2016 election. Years of easy financing and low supply boosted the value of buildings in sought-after cities throughout the country. Trump’s office properties, including his stakes in the Vornado buildings, appreciated by $340 million over the past year.
Those gains offset declines in other parts of his portfolio. In addition to his golf courses, the value of Trump’s leasehold at 6 E. 57th St. in Manhattan, which previously housed a Niketown store, fell 9% to $420 million as retail properties in the borough saw higher capitalization rates resulting from consumers’ increasing preference to shop online.
And Trump’s luxury residential building at 502 Park Ave., where his estranged longtime fixer, Michael Cohen, lived before he began serving a three-year prison term last month, is now worth $140 million, down 13% from a year earlier, after the building’s condo owners had to offer steep discounts to prospective buyers.

Trump Debt

Trump owes his lenders at least $550 million, according to his disclosures, property records and commercial mortgage data. The amount is roughly flat from a year earlier, after taking into account estimated loan payments and a new mortgage for a home in Florida that he purchased from his sister, retired federal appeals court Judge Maryanne Trump Barry.
The president owes Frankfurt-based Deutsche Bank AGabout $300 million for loans related to his Washington hotel, a Chicago tower and Florida golf resort Doral, financial disclosures and property records show. The new loan, for $11 million, is from Coral Gables, Florida-based Professional Bank. It carries a 4.5% interest rate and matures in 2048.

San Francisco's Record Tech Demand Reaches Biggest Bank Tower
555 California Street.
Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg

Trump’s $3 billion fortune doesn’t qualify him for Bloomberg’s list of the world’s 500 richest people, which bottoms out at about $4 billion. The collective wealth of that group has jumped 12% to $5.39 trillion this year, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
The president’s own estimates of his net worth often are higher than independent appraisals. They’re also elastic. When Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, his campaign said he was worth $8.7 billion. A Bloomberg assessment that year that pegged his wealth at $2.9 billion prompted him to dismiss the appraisal as “stupid.” He then said he was worth more than $10 billion.
Much of Trump’s own valuation of his net worth stems from what he calls his brand value, which he has said is as high as $4 billion, according to unaudited financial statements he has prepared for prospective business partners.
Trump’s net worth could be higher than estimated if he owns assets or has received payments that aren’t publicly known, or if he sells properties at values above market averages. It could be lower if he has undisclosed debts or partners, or if some companies for which full financial information is unavailable are less profitable than estimated.
The president’s decision to maintain his business while in public office broke with decades of tradition and prompted lawsuits alleging he’s violating the U.S. Constitution by selling services to governments in violation of the emoluments clauses. It also has invited his critics to accuse him of profiting from the presidency, a charge he rejected in October when he told Fox News Channel that being president has cost him billions of dollars.
— With assistance by Jack Witzig, Dave Merrill, and Tom Maloney

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More than 400 people have been detained in a crackdown on an unsanctioned march, report monitors, in response to the brief arrest of prominent reporter Ivan Golunov.


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Ivan Golunov has been released from house arrest and charges against him have been dropped. The journalist was wrongly arrested on drug charges by Russian police last week.

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Encouragingly, while governments have always dealt cynically with Indigenous people in Canada and the courts at one time were just as bad, jurisprudence on Indigenous people has been improving since the Calder case in 1973. By the late 1990s, one of the important victories that Indigenous people had won in the courts is that their understandings of various deals with colonial governments, as preserved in their oral history, became admissible in the courts. The long history of lies on the part of negotiators for the federal government about what would be included in the treaties that were signed with First Nations leaders who were illiterate and had to depend on what negotiators told them was gradually documented.
Euro-Canadian scholars were once part of the problem. They only believed written documents and regarded only European sources as credible. They were the products of ethnocentric schools of thought. As scholarly work moved more in the direction of giving voice to all sides, it became clear that the negotiation of the treaties had been something of a con job. Closer investigations of government sources revealed that much of the cynicism in the negotiatons--tell them what they want to hear so that we can grab their land in documents that we will say are the "legal agreements" and ignore what we have actually promised--is evident in materials from both the government and Indigenous side.
Scholars increasingly became witnesses for Indigenous peoples, able to provide "European" source material that reaffirmed the oral histories told by Indigenous elders. Thanks to my friends, Sarah Carter of the University of Alberta History Department and Faculty of Native Studies, and Walter Hildebrandt, formerly of Athabasca University Press, University of Calgary Press, and Parks Canada, for their contributions to this work. Kudos to the elders of the Blood First Nation for telling their stories and to the whole Blood Nation for fighting a wrong that had been done to them 125 years ago.

Southern Alberta's Blood Tribe, the country's largest reserve, has won part of its 40-year land claim battle against the federal government.

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Washington has given Turkey until the end of July to abandon the Russian missile defense system deal.


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“Philadelphia’s first openly gay deputy sheriff apparently died by suicide just before the city’s annual Pride parade and festival, authorities said.”
Studies have shown that decisions about suicide are often fleeting and impulsive. Because guns are the most lethal means of suicide these impulsive fleeting decisions end up leading to death more often with access to guns. Studies have shown that about 80% of people who attempt to kill themselves do not attempt again. Most gun deaths are suicides. Better laws and less access reduces gun suicides.

I am proud to have been born and raised in Alabama. My family’s roots run deep in the state and, for decades, we have been honored to celebrate that heritage by supporting the University of Alabama. It’s where my father learned to practice law, which gave him the tools to succeed in America along with a strong understanding of right and wrong. Over the past 30 years, we have chosen to repay that debt and make use of our good fortune by supporting the university financially. I’ve long believed that the school served the public good by training the next generation of leaders and, last year, I made the decision to donate $26.5 million so that those leaders could flourish just as my family has.
My love for Alabama is exactly why I was so horrified to watch its lawmakers trample over the Constitution last month. The ban on abortion they passed wasn’t just an attack against women, it was an affront to the rule of law itself. Part of being an American is engaging in public debate, and we can disagree over this issue. But the courts settled this matter a long time ago: Abortion is legal. So it was shocking to see legislators ignore this and pass a bill that turned women and health professionals into criminals, and it felt important to say so publicly.
I expected that speaking out would have consequences, but I never could have imagined the response from the University of Alabama, which on Friday said it would be returning my gift and removing my name from the law school. This decision will hurt future students. Less money will be available for scholarships, and there will be fewer resources for the school to use to educate young minds and help them grow....


The report is more than 1,200 pages long, with over 200 recommendations on how to prevent this tragedy from continuing. They range from asking that Canada create anti-racism and anti-sexism action plans and guaranteeing an annual income for all Canadians and indigenous people, to closing the sizable funding gaps between indigenous and non-indigenous services.
Of course, none of these recommendations are on the minds of the many Canadian pundits, journalists and editors who are opining on the report. Instead, they are focusing on rebutting the claim that murdered and missing women and girls are the result of an ongoing genocide against indigenous people in Canada, despite the commission’s inclusion of a 46-page supplementary report that lays out in detail how commission members reached their conclusion.
To see some of the arguments, one would wonder if they’ve read the report at all.