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Showing posts sorted by date for query AMERICAN PROTESTANTISM. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, September 05, 2024


China’s World Buddhist Forum aimed at boosting soft power: experts

State media says the October conference will ‘promote world peace,’ but real goals are political, critics say.
By Dickey Kundol and Tenzin Dickyi for RFA Tibetan

China’s World Buddhist Forum aimed at boosting soft power: expertsMonks and nuns chant during a prayer for world peace at the closing ceremony for the second World Buddhist Forum in Taipei, Taiwan, April 1, 2009.
 Nicky Loh/Reuters

Read RFA’s coverage of this topic in Tibetan.

China will host a global Buddhist conference in October that experts and rights activists outside the country say is aimed at boosting its soft power in Asia and build on its narrative that it has greater influence over Buddhist-majority nations than India, the birthplace of Buddhism.

Monks, experts, scholars and representatives from about 70 countries are expected to attend the sixth World Buddhist Forum in mid-October in the eastern city of Ningbo, Chinese state media reported.

However, the Dalai Lama, perhaps the most prominent Buddhist leader in the world, is not invited. Regarded by Beijing as separatist, the Tibetan spiritual leader hasn’t been invited to any of the past forums since the first one organized by China in 2006.

The goal of the conference, according to the state-run China Daily, is to “promote world peace, improve the well-being of all individuals, and gather wisdom and strength for building a community with a shared future for humanity.”

Gyaltsen Norbu, the Chinese government-appointed 11th Panchen Lama, speaks during an opening ceremony of the third World Buddhist Forum in Hong Kong, April 26, 2012. (Kin Cheung/AP)
Gyaltsen Norbu, the Chinese government-appointed 11th Panchen Lama, speaks during an opening ceremony of the third World Buddhist Forum in Hong Kong, April 26, 2012. (Kin Cheung/AP)

But in fact, China has little interest in promoting or protecting Buddhism, and instead is trying to use the conference to achieve its political goals, Sana Hashmi, a postdoctoral fellow at the policy think tank Taiwan-Asia Exchange Foundation, told Radio Free Asia. 

“China has been trying to forge religious diplomacy with countries that have Buddhism as their main religion,” she said. 

“It also wants to show that instead of India, which is the birthplace of Buddhism, China has more influence when it comes to Buddhism.”

By organizing the forum, China is misleading the international community by creating the illusion that the state supports Buddhism, though there is no genuine protection or support for Buddhists within the country, said Shartse Khensur Rinpoche Jangchup Choeden, secretary general of the International Buddhist Confederation.

‘Sinicizing’ Tibetan Buddhism

The conference comes at a time when Beijing is ramping up efforts to “Sinicize” Tibetan Buddhism to bring its religious doctrines into line with Chinese Communist Party, or CCP, ideology and emphasize loyalty to the party and the state.

Although China’s constitution states that its citizens “enjoy freedom of religious belief,” in practice this is not the case. Officials routinely clamp down on religious expression by Tibetan Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims and Christians across the country.

The government officially recognizes Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Protestantism and Catholicism, but requires clergy members to pledge allegiance to the CCP and socialism.


Dalai Lama calls for greater harmony among different Buddhist communities

Young Tibetans gather for first youth empowerment forum in Dharamsala

Tibet’s exile government slams call by China’s Xi Jinping to ‘Sinicize’ Tibetan Buddhism

Buddhists gather in China

Far from showing that China is preserving Tibetan Buddhism or the Buddhist religion in general, the conference will showcase Beijing’s efforts to assimilate Tibetans and other minority groups and erase their distinctive features and cultures, activists and experts say.

Yan Jue, president of the Buddhist Association of China that's organizing the conference, seemed to acknowledge as much. He said the sixth forum will “adhere to the direction of Sinicization of Buddhism” in China and “fully publicize and display the status of religious freedom in China.”  

‘Key instrument’

The Buddhist Association of China is the official government body supervising Buddhist practice in China, which in turn is overseen by the United Front Work Department of the CCP's Central Committee.

Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Taiwanese Fo Guang Shan, delivers a speech at the opening of the first World Buddhist Forum in Hangzou, China, April 13, 2006. (Eugene Hoshiko/AP)
Venerable Master Hsing Yun, founder of Taiwanese Fo Guang Shan, delivers a speech at the opening of the first World Buddhist Forum in Hangzou, China, April 13, 2006. (Eugene Hoshiko/AP)

The International Campaign for Tibet, a rights group, calls the association a “key instrument” in Beijing’s strategy to assimilate and transform Tibetan Buddhism, especially when it comes to searching for and recognizing reincarnated lamas.

Beijing is using the association to “break down Tibetan Buddhism’s unique characteristics and to change it into a tool of the Chinese state,” the group says.

“Since 2020, under [President] Xi Jinping's leadership, the CCP has intensified efforts to Sinicize Tibetan Buddhism, assigning this task to the Buddhist Association of China, which organizes conferences and events that serve as tools of soft power manipulation,” said Tenzin Dorjee, a Tibetan-American and Buddhist former commissioner at the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

Tibetan writer and activist Tenzin Tsundue said the conference must shed light on severe restrictions imposed on Buddhist practices, particularly in Tibet and Mongolia, and oppose the CCP’s “manipulation of Buddhism and religion for political gain.”

Edited by Tenzin Pema for RFA Tibetan and by Roseanne Gerin and Malcolm Foster.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Original publication:

Edward Hallet Carr, a recipient of an Order of the British Empire, was a notable English diplomat and academic historian whose admiration for the successes of the Soviet Union and his urging for a socialist system and an Anglo-Soviet alliance earned him lifelong derision from critics spanning Tory warhawks to “anti-Stalinist” Trotskyists such as Isaac Deutscher. Due to his communist sympathies, he was one of the individuals named in “Orwell’s List.”

This is Chapter 1, “The Historian and His Facts,” of the second edition (1987) of What Is History? — the George Macaulay Trevelyan Lectures delivered at the University of Cambridge in January-March 1961 (pp. 7-30).

Carr discusses Hegel later in these same lectures, but insofar as the Marxist-Hegelian philosophy of history deals with much of what Carr writes about in this introduction, Humphrey McQueen’s “From Hegel to Lenin” makes for a very nice complement. [1] See also Walter Rodney’s commentary on Carr in “The Two World Views of the Russian Revolution.” [2]

Red Sails

I often think it odd that history should be so dull, for a great deal of it must be invention.
 — Catherine Morland in Jane Austen’s Northanger Abbey, ch. xiv.

What is history? Lest anyone think the question meaningless or superfluous, I will take as my text two passages relating respectively to the first and second incarnations of the Cambridge Modern History. Here is Acton [3] in his report of October 1896 to the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press on the work which he had undertaken to edit:

It is a unique opportunity of recording, in the way most useful to the greatest number, the fullness of the knowledge which the nineteenth century is about to bequeath. […] By the judicious division of labour we should be able to do it, and to bring home to every man the last document, and the ripest conclusions of international research. Ultimate history we cannot have in this generation; but we can dispose of conventional history, and show the point we have reached on the road from one to the other, now that all information is within reach, and every problem has become capable of solution. [4]

And almost exactly sixty years later Professor Sir George Clark, in his general introduction to the second Cambridge Modern History, commented on this belief of Acton and his collaborators that it would one day be possible to produce ‘ultimate history’, and went on:

Historians of a later generation do not look forward to any such prospect. They expect their work to be superseded again and again. They consider that knowledge of the past has come down through one or more human minds, has been ‘processed’ by them, and therefore cannot consist of elemental and impersonal atoms which nothing can alter. […] The exploration seems to be endless, and some impatient scholars take refuge in scepticism, or at least in the doctrine that, since all historical judgements involve persons and points of view, one is as good as another and there is no ‘objective’ historical truth.’ [5]

Where the pundits contradict each other so flagrantly, the field is open to inquiry. I hope that I am sufficiently up-to-date to recognize that anything written in the 1890s must be nonsense. But I am not yet advanced enough to be committed to the view that anything written in the 1950s necessarily makes sense. Indeed, it may already have occurred to you that this inquiry is liable to stray into something even broader than the nature of history. The clash between Acton and Sir George Clark is a reflection of the change in our total outlook on society over the interval between these two pronouncements. Acton speaks out of the positive belief, the clear-eyed self-confidence, of the later Victorian age; Sir George Clark echoes the bewilderment and distracted scepticism of the beat generation. When we attempt to answer the question ‘What is history?’ our answer, consciously or unconsciously, reflects our own position in time, and forms part of our answer to the broader question what view we take of the society in which we live. I have no fear that my subject may, on closer inspection, seem trivial. I am afraid only that I may seem presumptuous to have broached a question so vast and so important.

The nineteenth century was a great age for facts. ‘What I want’, said Mr Gradgrind in Hard Times, ‘is Facts.... Facts alone are wanted in life.’ Nineteenth-century historians on the whole agreed with him. When Ranke in the 1830s, in legitimate protest against moralizing history, remarked that the task of the historian was ‘simply to show how it really was (wie es eigentlich gewesen)’, this not very profound aphorism had an astonishing success. Three generations of German, British, and even French historians marched into battle intoning the magic words ‘Wie es eigentlich gewesen’ like an incantation — designed, like most incantations, to save them from the tiresome obligation to think for themselves. The Positivists, anxious to stake out their claim for history as a science, contributed the weight of their influence to this cult of facts. First ascertain the facts, said the Positivists, then draw your conclusions from them. In Great Britain, this view of history fitted in perfectly with the empiricist tradition which was the dominant strain in British philosophy from Locke to Bertrand Russell. The empirical theory of knowledge presupposes a complete separation between subject and object. Facts, like sense-impressions, impinge on the observer from outside and are independent of his consciousness. The process of reception is passive: having received the data, he then acts on them. The Oxford Shorter English Dictionary, a useful but tendentious work of the empirical school, clearly marks the separateness of the two processes by defining a fact as ‘a datum of experience as distinct from conclusions’. This is what may be called the commonsense view of history. History consists of a corpus of ascertained facts. The facts are available to the historian in documents, inscriptions and so on, like fish on the fishmonger’s slab. The historian collects them, takes them home, and cooks and serves them in whatever style appeals to him. Acton, whose culinary tastes were austere, wanted them served plain. In his letter of instructions to contributors to the first Cambridge Modern History he announced the requirement ‘that our Waterloo must be one that satisfies French and English, German and Dutch alike; that nobody can tell, without examining the list of authors, where the Bishop of Oxford laid down the pen, and whether Fairbairn or Gasquet, Liebermann or Harrison took it up’. [6] Even Sir George Clark, critical as he was of Acton’s attitude, himself contrasted the ‘hard core of facts’ in history with the ‘surrounding pulp of disputable interpretation’ [7] — forgetting perhaps that the pulpy part of the fruit is more rewarding than the hard core. First get your facts straight, then plunge at your peril into the shifting sands of interpretation — that is the ultimate wisdom of the empirical, commonsense school of history. It recalls the favourite dictum of the great liberal journalist C. P. Scott: ‘Facts are sacred, opinion is free.’

Now this clearly will not do. I shall not embark on a philosophical discussion of the nature of our knowledge of the past. Let us assume for present purposes that the fact that Caesar crossed the Rubicon and the fact there is a table in the middle of the room are facts of the same or of a comparable order, that both these facts enter our consciousness in the same or in a comparable manner, and that both have the same objective character in relation to the person who knows them. But, even on this bold and not very plausible assumption, our argument at once runs into the difficulty that not all facts about the past are historical facts, or are treated as such by the historian. What is the criterion which distinguishes the facts of history from other facts about the past?

What is a historical fact? This is a crucial question into which we must look a little more closely. According to the commonsense view, there are certain basic facts which are the same for all historians and which form, so to speak, the backbone of history — the fact, for example, that the Battle of Hastings was fought in 1066. But this view calls for two observations. In the first place, it is not with facts like these that the historian is primarily concerned. It is no doubt important to know that the great battle was fought in 1066 and not in 1065 or 1067, and that it was fought at Hastings and not at Eastbourne or Brighton. The historian must not get these things wrong. But when points of this kind are raised, I am reminded of Housman’s remark that ‘accuracy is a duty, not a virtue’. [8] To praise a historian for his accuracy is like praising an architect for using well-seasoned timber or properly mixed concrete in his building. It is a necessary condition of his work, but not his essential function. It is precisely for matters of this kind that the historian is entitled to rely on what have been called the ‘auxiliary sciences’ of history — archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, chronology, and so forth. The historian is not required to have the special skills which enable the expert to determine the origin and period of a fragment of pottery or marble, to decipher an obscure inscription, or to make the elaborate astronomical calculations necessary to establish a precise date. These so-called basic facts, which are the same for all historians, commonly belong to the category of the raw materials of the historian rather than of history itself. The second observation is that the necessity to establish these basic facts rests not on any quality in the facts themselves, but on an a priori decision of the historian. In spite of C. P. Scott’s motto, every journalist knows today that the most effective way to influence opinion is by the selection and arrangement of the appropriate facts. It used to be said that facts speak for themselves. This is, of course, untrue. The facts speak only when the historian calls on them: it is he who decides to which facts to give the floor, and in what order or context. It was, I think, one of Pirandello’s characters who said that a fact is like a sack — it won’t stand up till you’ve put something in it. The only reason why we are interested to know that the battle was fought at Hastings in 1066 is that historians regard it as a major historical event. It is the historian who has decided for his own reasons that Caesar’s crossing of that petty stream, the Rubicon, is a fact of history, whereas the crossing of the Rubicon by millions of other people before or since interests nobody at all. The fact that you arrived in this building half an hour ago on foot, or on a bicycle, or in a car, is just as much a fact about the past as the fact that Caesar crossed the Rubicon. But it will probably be ignored by historians. Professor Talcott Parsons once called science ‘a selective system of cognitive orientations to reality’. [9] It might perhaps have been put more simply. But history is, among other things, that. The historian is necessarily selective. The belief in a hard core of historical facts existing objectively and independently of the interpretation of the historian is a preposterous fallacy, but one which it is very hard to eradicate.

Let us take a look at the process by which a mere fact about the past is transformed into a fact of history. At Stalybridge Wakes in 1850, a vendor of gingerbread, as the result of some petty dispute, was deliberately kicked to death by an angry mob. Is this a fact of history? A year ago I should unhesitatingly have said ‘no’. It was recorded by an eye-witness in some little-known memoirs; [10] but I had never seen it judged worthy of mention by any historian. A year ago Dr Kitson Clark cited it in his Ford lectures in Oxford. Does this make it into a historical fact? [11] Not, I think, yet. Its present status, I suggest, is that it has been proposed for membership of the select club of historical facts. It now awaits a seconder and sponsors. It may be that in the course of the next few years we shall see this fact appearing first in footnotes, then in the text, of articles and books about nineteenth-century England, and that in twenty or thirty years’ time it may be a well-established historical fact. Alternatively, nobody may take it up, in which case it will relapse into the limbo of unhistorical facts about the past from which Dr Kitson Clark has gallantly attempted to rescue it. What will decide which of these two things will happen? It will depend, I think, on whether the thesis or interpretation in support of which Dr Kitson Clark cited this incident is accepted by other historians as valid and significant. Its status as a historical fact will turn on a question of interpretation. This element of interpretation enters into every fact of history.

May I be allowed a personal reminiscence? When I studied ancient history in this university many years ago, I had as a special subject ‘Greece in the period of the Persian Wars’. I collected fifteen or twenty volumes on my shelves and took it for granted that there, recorded in these volumes, I had all the facts relating to my subject. Let us assume — it was very nearly true — that those volumes contained all the facts about it that were then known, or could be known. It never occurred to me to inquire by what accident or process of attrition that minute selection of facts, out of all the myriad facts that must once have been known to somebody, had survived to become the facts of history. I suspect that even today one of the fascinations of ancient and medieval history is that it gives us the illusion of having all the facts at our disposal within a manageable compass: the nagging distinction between the facts of history and other facts about the past vanishes, because the few known facts are all facts of history. As Bury, who had worked in both periods, said, ‘the records of ancient and medieval history are starred with lacunae.’ [12] History has been called an enormous jig-saw with a lot of missing parts. But the main trouble does not consist in the lacunae. Our picture of Greece in the fifth century B.C. is defective not primarily because so many of the bits have been accidentally lost, but because it is, by and large, the picture formed by a tiny group of people in the city of Athens. We know a lot about what fifth-century Greece looked like to an Athenian citizen; but hardly anything about what it looked like to a Spartan, a Corinthian, or a Theban — not to mention a Persian, or a slave or other non-citizen resident in Athens. Our picture has been preselected and predetermined for us, not so much by accident as by people who were consciously or unconsciously imbued with a particular view and thought the facts which supported that view worth preserving. In the same way, when I read in a modern history of the Middle Ages that the people of the Middle Ages were deeply concerned with religion, I wonder how we know this, and whether it is true. What we know as the facts of medieval history have almost all been selected for us by generations of chroniclers who were professionally occupied in the theory and practice of religion, and who therefore thought it supremely important, and recorded everything relating to it, and not much else. The picture of the Russian peasant as devoutly religious was destroyed by the revolution of 1917. The picture of medieval man as devoutly religious, whether true or not, is indestructible, because nearly all the known facts about him were preselected for us by people who believed it, and wanted others to believe it, and a mass of other facts, in which we might possibly have found evidence to the contrary, has been lost beyond recall. The dead hand of vanished generations of historians, scribes, and chroniclers has determined beyond the possibility of appeal the pattern of the past. ‘The history we read,’ writes Professor Barraclough, himself trained as a medievalist, ‘though based on facts, is, strictly speaking, not factual at all, but a series of accepted judgements.’ [13]

But let us turn to the different, but equally grave, plight of the modern historian. The ancient or medieval historian may be grateful for the vast winnowing process which, over the years, has put at his disposal a manageable corpus of historical facts. As Lytton Strachey said, in his mischievous way, ‘ignorance is the first requisite of the historian, ignorance which simplifies and clarifies, which selects and omits.’ [14] When I am tempted, as I sometimes am, to envy the extreme competence of colleagues engaged in writing ancient or medieval history, I find consolation in the reflexion that they are so competent mainly because they are so ignorant of their subject. The modern historian enjoys none of the advantages of this built-in ignorance. He must cultivate this necessary ignorance for himself — the more so the nearer he comes to his own times. He has the dual task of discovering the few significant facts and turning them into facts of history, and of discarding the many insignificant facts as unhistorical. But this is the very converse of the nineteenth-century heresy that history consists of the compilation of a maximum number of irrefutable and objective facts. Anyone who succumbs to this heresy will either have to give up history as a bad job, and take to stamp-collecting or some other form of antiquarianism, or end in a madhouse. It is this heresy which during the past hundred years has had such devastating effects on the modern historian, producing in Germany, in Great Britain, and in the United States, a vast and growing mass of dry-as-dust factual histories, of minutely specialized monographs of would-be historians knowing more and more about less and less, sunk without trace in an ocean of facts. It was, I suspect, this heresy — rather than the alleged conflict between liberal and Catholic loyalties — which frustrated Acton as a historian. In an early essay he said of his teacher Döllinger: ‘He would not write with imperfect materials, and to him the materials were always imperfect.’ [15] Acton was surely here pronouncing an anticipatory verdict on himself, on that strange phenomenon of a historian whom many would regard as the most distinguished occupant the Regius Chair of Modern History in this university has ever had — but who wrote no history. And Acton wrote his own epitaph, in the introductory note to the first volume of the Cambridge Modern History published just after his death, when he lamented that the requirements pressing on the historian ‘threaten to turn him from a man of letters into the compiler of an encyclopedia’. [16] Something had gone wrong. What had gone wrong was the belief in this untiring and unending accumulation of hard facts as the foundation of history, the belief that facts speak for themselves and that we cannot have too many facts, a belief at that time so unquestioning that few historians then thought it necessary — and some still think it unnecessary today — to ask themselves the question ‘What is history?’

The nineteenth-century fetishism of facts was completed and justified by a fetishism of documents. The documents were the Ark of the Covenant in the temple of facts. The reverent historian approached them with bowed head and spoke of them in awed tones. If you find it in the documents, it is so. But what, when we get down to it, do these documents — the decrees, the treaties, the rent-rolls, the blue books, the official correspondence, the private letters and diaries — tell us? No document can tell us more than what the author of the document thought — what he thought had happened, what he thought ought to happen or would happen, or perhaps only what he wanted others to think he thought, or even only what he himself thought he thought. None of this means anything until the historian has got to work on it and deciphered it. The facts, whether found in documents or not, have still to be processed by the historian before he can make any use of them: the use he makes of them is, if I may put it that way, the processing process.

Let me illustrate what I am trying to say by an example which I happen to know well. When Gustav Stresemann, the Foreign Minister of the Weimar Republic, died in 1929, he left behind him an enormous mass — 300 boxes full — of papers, official, semi-official, and private, nearly all relating to the six years of his tenure of office as Foreign Minister. His friends and relatives naturally thought that a monument should be raised to the memory of so great a man. His faithful secretary Bernhard got to work; and within three years there appeared three massive volumes, of some 600 pages each, of selected documents from the 300 boxes, with the impressive title Stresemanns Vermächtnis. In the ordinary way the documents themselves would have mouldered away in some cellar or attic and disappeared for ever; or perhaps in a hundred years or so some curious scholar would have come upon them and set out to compare them with Bernhard’s text. What happened was far more dramatic. In 1945 the documents fell into the hands of the British and American Governments, who photographed the lot and put the photostats at the disposal of scholars in the Public Record Office in London and in the National Archives in Washington, so that, if we have sufficient patience and curiosity, we can discover exactly what Bernhard did. What he did was neither very unusual nor very shocking. When Stresemann died, his western policy seemed to have been crowned with a series of brilliant successes — Locarno, the admission of Germany to the League of Nations, the Dawes and Young plans and the American loans, the withdrawal of allied occupation armies from the Rhineland. This seemed the important and rewarding part of Stresemann’s foreign policy; and it was not unnatural that it should have been over-represented in Bernhard’s selection of documents. Stresemann’s eastern policy, on the other hand, his relations with the Soviet Union, seemed to have led nowhere in particular; and, since masses of documents about negotiations which yielded only trivial results were not very interesting and added nothing to Stresemann’s reputation, the process of selection could be more rigorous. Stresemann in fact devoted a far more constant and anxious attention to relations with the Soviet Union, and they played a far larger part in his foreign policy as a whole, than the reader of the Bernhard selection would surmise. But the Bernhard volumes compare favourably, I suspect, with many published collections of documents on which the ordinary historian implicitly relies.

This is not the end of my story. Shortly after the publication of Bernhard’s volumes, Hitler came into power. Stresemann’s name was consigned to oblivion in Germany, and the volumes disappeared from circulation: many, perhaps most, of the copies must have been destroyed. Today Stresemanns Vermächtnis is a rather rare book. But in the west Stresemann’s reputation stood high. In 1935 an English publisher brought out an abbreviated translation of Bernhard’s work — a selection from Bernhard’s selection; perhaps one-third of the original was omitted. Sutton, a well-known translator from the German, did his job competently and well. The English version, he explained in the preface, was ‘slightly condensed, but only by the omission of a certain amount of what, it was felt, was more ephemeral matter … of little interest to English readers or students’. [17] This again is natural enough. But the result is that Stresemann’s eastern policy, already under-represented in Bernhard, recedes still further from view, and the Soviet Union appears in Sutton’s volumes merely as an occasional and rather unwelcome intruder in Stresemann’s predominantly western foreign policy. Yet it is safe to say that, for all except a few specialists, Sutton and not Bernhard — and still less the documents themselves — represents for the western world the authentic voice of Stresemann. Had the documents perished in 1945 in the bombing, and had the remaining Bernhard volumes disappeared, the authenticity and authority of Sutton would never have been questioned. Many printed collections of documents, gratefully accepted by historians in default of the originals, rest on no securer basis than this.

But I want to carry the story one step further. Let us forget about Bernhard and Sutton, and be thankful that we can, if we choose, consult the authentic papers of a leading participant in some important events of recent European history. What do the papers tell us? Among other things they contain records of some hundreds of Stresemann’s conversations with the Soviet Ambassador in Berlin and of a score or so with Chicherin. These records have one feature in common. They depict Stresemann as having the lion’s share of the conversations and reveal his arguments as invariably well put and cogent, while those of his partner are for the most part scanty, confused, and unconvincing. This is a familiar characteristic of all records of diplomatic conversations. The documents do not tell us what happened, but only what Stresemann thought had happened, or what he wanted others to think, or perhaps what he wanted himself to think, had happened. It was not Sutton or Bernhard, but Stresemann himself, who started the process of selection. And if we had, say, Chicherin’s records of these same conversations, we should still learn from them only what Chicherin thought, and what really happened would still have to be reconstructed in the mind of the historian. Of course, facts and documents are essential to the historian. But do not make a fetish of them. They do not by themselves constitute history; they provide in themselves no ready-made answer to this tiresome question ‘What is history?’

At this point I should like to say a few words on the question why nineteenth-century historians were generally indifferent to the philosophy of history. The term was invented by Voltaire, and has since been used in different senses; but I shall take it to mean, if I use it at all, our answer to the question, ‘What is history?’ The nineteenth century was, for the intellectuals of western Europe, a comfortable period exuding confidence and optimism. The facts were on the whole satisfactory; and the inclination to ask and answer awkward questions about them was correspondingly weak. Ranke piously believed that divine providence would take care of the meaning of history, if he took care of the facts; and Burckhardt, with a more modern touch of cynicism, observed that ‘we are not initiated into the purposes of the eternal wisdom’. Professor Butterfield as late as 1931 noted with apparent satisfaction that ‘historians have reflected little upon the nature of things, and even the nature of their own subject’. [18] But my predecessor in these lectures, Dr A. L. Rowse, more justly critical, wrote of Sir Winston Churchill’s World Crisis — his book about the First World War — that, while it matched Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution in personality, vividness, and vitality, it was inferior in one respect: it had ‘no philosophy of history behind it’. [19] British historians refused to be drawn, not because they believed that history had no meaning, but because they believed that its meaning was implicit and self-evident. The liberal nineteenth-century view of history had a close affinity with the economic doctrine of laissez-faire — also the product of a serene and self-confident outlook on the world. Let everyone get on with his particular job, and the hidden hand would take care of the universal harmony. The facts of history were themselves a demonstration of the supreme fact of a beneficent and apparently infinite progress towards higher things. This was the age of innocence, and historians walked in the Garden of Eden, without a scrap of philosophy to cover them, naked and unashamed before the god of history. Since then, we have known Sin and experienced a Fall; and those historians who today pretend to dispense with a philosophy of history are merely trying, vainly and self-consciously, like members of a nudist colony, to recreate the Garden of Eden in their garden suburb. Today the awkward question can no longer be evaded.

During the past fifty years a good deal of serious work has been done on the question ‘What is history?’ It was from Germany, the country which was to do so much to upset the comfortable reign of nineteenth-century liberalism, that the first challenge came in the 1880s and 1890s to the doctrine of the primacy and autonomy of facts in history. The philosophers who made the challenge are now little more than names: Dilthey is the only one of them who has recently received some belated recognition in Great Britain. Before the turn of the century, prosperity and confidence were still too great in this country for any attention to be paid to heretics who attacked the cult of facts. But early in the new century, the torch passed to Italy, where Croce began to propound a philosophy of history which obviously owed much to German masters. All history is ‘contemporary history’, declared Croce, [20] meaning that history consists essentially in seeing the past through the eyes of the present and in the light of its problems, and that the main work of the historian is not to record, but to evaluate; for, if he does not evaluate, how can he know what is worth recording? In 1910 the American historian, Carl Becker, argued in deliberately provocative language that ‘the facts of history do not exist for any historian till he creates them’. [21] These challenges were for the moment little noticed. It was only after 1920 that Croce began to have a considerable vogue in France and Great Britain. This was not perhaps because Croce was a subtler thinker or a better stylist than his German predecessors, but because, after the First World War, the facts seemed to smile on us less propitiously than in the years before 1914, and we were therefore more accessible to a philosophy which sought to diminish their prestige. Croce was an important influence on the Oxford philosopher and historian Collingwood, the only British thinker in the present century who has made a serious contribution to the philosophy of history. He did not live to write the systematic treatise he had planned; but his published and unpublished papers on the subject were collected after his death in a volume entitled The Idea of History, which appeared in 1945.

The views of Collingwood can be summarized as follows. The philosophy of history is concerned neither with ‘the past by itself’ nor with ‘the historian’s thought about it by itself’, but with ‘the two things in their mutual relations’. (This dictum reflects the two current meanings of the word ‘history’ — the inquiry conducted by the historian and the series of past events into which he inquires.) ‘The past which a historian studies is not a dead past, but a past which in some sense is still living in the present.’ But a past act is dead, i.e. meaningless to the historian, unless he can understand the thought that lay behind it. Hence ‘all history is the history of thought’, and ‘history is the re-enactment in the historian’s mind of the thought whose history he is studying’. The reconstitution of the past in the historian’s mind is dependent on empirical evidence. But it is not in itself an empirical process, and cannot consist in a mere recital of facts. On the contrary, the process of reconstitution governs the selection and interpretation of the facts: this, indeed, is what makes them historical facts. ‘History’, says Professor Oakeshott, who on this point stands near to Collingwood, ‘is the historian’s experience. It is “made” by nobody save the historian: to write history is the only way of making it.’ [22]

This searching critique, though it may call for some serious reservations, brings to light certain neglected truths.

In the first place, the facts of history never come to us ‘pure’, since they do not and cannot exist in a pure form: they are always refracted through the mind of the recorder. It follows that when we take up a work of history, our first concern should be not with the facts which it contains but with the historian who wrote it. Let me take as an example the great historian in whose honour and in whose name these lectures were founded. G. M. Trevelyan, as he tells us in his autobiography, was ‘brought up at home on a somewhat exuberantly Whig tradition’; [23] and he would not, I hope, disclaim the title if I described him as the last and not the least of the great English liberal historians of the Whig tradition. It is not for nothing that he traces back his family tree, through the great Whig historian George Otto Trevelyan, to Macaulay, incomparably the greatest of the Whig historians. Trevelyan’s finest and maturest work, England under Queen Anne, was written against that background, and will yield its full meaning and significance to the reader only when read against that background. The author, indeed, leaves the reader with no excuse for failing to do so. For, if following the technique of connoisseurs of detective novels, you read the end first, you will find on the last few pages of the third volume the best summary known to me of what is nowadays called the Whig interpretation of history; and you will see that what Trevelyan is trying to do is to investigate the origin and development of the Whig tradition, and to root it fairly and squarely in the years after the death of its founder, William III. Though this is not, perhaps, the only conceivable interpretation of the events of Queen Anne’s reign, it is a valid and, in Trevelyan’s hands, a fruitful interpretation. But, in order to appreciate it at its full value, you have to understand what the historian is doing. For if, as Collingwood says, the historian must re-enact in thought what has gone on in the mind of his dramatis personae, so the reader in his turn must re-enact what goes on in the mind of the historian. Study the historian before you begin to study the facts. This is, after all, not very abstruse. It is what is already done by the intelligent undergraduate who, when recommended to read a work by that great scholar Jones of St Jude’s, goes round to a friend at St Jude’s to ask what sort of chap Jones is, and what bees he has in his bonnet. When you read a work of history, always listen out for the buzzing. If you can detect none, either you are tone deaf or your historian is a dull dog. The facts are really not at all like fish on the fishmonger’s slab. They are like fish swimming about in a vast and sometimes inaccessible ocean; and what the historian catches will depend, partly on chance, but mainly on what part of the ocean he chooses to fish in and what tackle he chooses to use — these two factors being, of course, determined by the kind of fish he wants to catch. By and large, the historian will get the kind of facts he wants. History means interpretation. Indeed, if, standing Sir George Clark on his head, I were to call history ‘a hard core of interpretation surrounded by a pulp of disputable facts’, my statement would, no doubt, be one-sided and misleading, but no more so, I venture to think, than the original dictum.

The second point is the more familiar one of the historian’s need of imaginative understanding for the minds of the people with whom he is dealing, for the thought behind their acts: I say ‘imaginative understanding’, not ‘sympathy’, lest sympathy should be supposed to imply agreement. The nineteenth century was weak in medieval history, because it was too much repelled by the superstitious beliefs of the Middle Ages, and by the barbarities which they inspired, to have any imaginative understanding of medieval people. Or take Burckhardt’s censorious remark about the Thirty Years War: ‘It is scandalous for a creed, no matter whether it is Catholic or Protestant, to place its salvation above the integrity of the nation.’ [24] It was extremely difficult for a nineteenth-century liberal historian, brought up to believe that it is right and praiseworthy to kill in defence of one’s country, but wicked and wrong-headed to kill in defence of one’s religion, to enter into the state of mind of those who fought the Thirty Years War. This difficulty is particularly acute in the field in which I am now working. Much of what has been written in English-speaking countries in the last ten years about the Soviet Union, and in the Soviet Union about the English-speaking countries, has been vitiated by this inability to achieve even the most elementary measure of imaginative understanding of what goes on in the mind of the other party, so that the words and actions of the other are always made to appear malign, senseless, or hypocritical. History cannot be written unless the historian can achieve some kind of contact with the mind of those about whom he is writing.

The third point is that we can view the past, and achieve our understanding of the past, only through the eyes of the present. The historian is of his own age, and is bound to it by the conditions of human existence. The very words which he uses — words like democracy, empire, war, revolution — have current connotations from which he cannot divorce them. Ancient historians have taken to using words like polis and plebs in the original, just in order to show that they have not fallen into this trap. This does not help them. They, too, live in the present, and cannot cheat themselves into the past by using unfamiliar or obsolete words, any more than they would become better Greek or Roman historians if they delivered their lectures in a chlamys or a toga. The names by which successive French historians have described the Parisian crowds which played so prominent a role in the French revolution — les sans-culottes, le peuple, la canaille, les bras-nus — are all, for those who know the rules of the game, manifestos of a political affiliation and of a particular interpretation. Yet the historian is obliged to choose: the use of language forbids him to be neutral. Nor is it a matter of words alone. Over the past hundred years the changed balance of power in Europe has reversed the attitude of British historians to Frederick the Great. The changed balance of power within the Christian churches between Catholicism and Protestantism has profoundly altered their attitude to such figures as Loyola, Luther, and Cromwell. It requires only a superficial knowledge of the work of French historians of the last forty years on the French revolution to recognize how deeply it has been affected by the Russian revolution of 1917. The historian belongs not to the past but to the present. Professor Trevor-Roper tells us that the historian ‘ought to love the past’. [25] This is a dubious injunction. To love the past may easily be an expression of the nostalgic romanticism of old men and old societies, a symptom of loss of faith and interest in the present or future. [26] Cliché for cliché, I should prefer the one about freeing oneself from ‘the dead hand of the past’. The function of the historian is neither to love the past nor to emancipate himself from the past, but to master and understand it as the key to the understanding of the present.

If, however, these are some of the insights of what I may call the Collingwood view of history, it is time to consider some of the dangers. The emphasis on the role of the historian in the making of history tends, if pressed to its logical conclusion, to rule out any objective history at all: history is what the historian makes. Collingwood seems indeed, at one moment, in an unpublished note quoted by his editor, to have reached this conclusion:

St Augustine looked at history from the point of view of the early Christian; Tillamont, from that of a seventeenth-century Frenchman; Gibbon, from that of an eighteenth-century Englishman; Mommsen from that of a nineteenth-century German. There is no point in asking which was the right point of view. Each was the only one possible for the man who adopted it. [27]

This amounts to total scepticism, like Froude’s remark that history is ‘a child’s box of letters with which we can spell any word we please’. [28] Collingwood, in his reaction against ‘scissors-and-paste history’, against the view of history as a mere compilation of facts, comes perilously near to treating history as something spun out of the human brain, and leads back to the conclusion referred to by Sir George Clark in the passage which I quoted earlier, that ‘there is no “objective” historical truth’. In place of the theory that history has no meaning, we are offered here the theory of an infinity of meanings, none any more right than any other — which comes to much the same thing. The second theory is surely as untenable as the first. It does not follow that, because a mountain appears to take on different shapes from different angles of vision, it has objectively either no shape at all or an infinity of shapes. It does not follow that, because interpretation plays a necessary part in establishing the facts of history, and because no existing interpretation is wholly objective, one interpretation is as good as another, and the facts of history are in principle not amenable to objective interpretation. I shall have to consider at a later stage what exactly is meant by objectivity in history.

But a still greater danger lurks in the Collingwood hypothesis. If the historian necessarily looks at his period of history through the eyes of his own time, and studies the problems of the past as a key to those of the present, will he not fall into a purely pragmatic view of the facts, and maintain that the criterion of a right interpretation is its suitability to some present purpose? On this hypothesis, the facts of history are nothing, interpretation is everything. Nietzsche had already enunciated the principle: ‘The falseness of an opinion is not for us any objection to it. … The question is how far it is life-furthering, life-preserving, species-preserving, perhaps species-creating.’ [29] The American pragmatists moved, less explicitly and less wholeheartedly, along the same line. Knowledge is knowledge for some purpose. The validity of the knowledge depends on the validity of the purpose. But, even where no such theory has been professed, the practice has often been no less disquieting. In my own field of study I have seen too many examples of extravagant interpretation riding roughshod over facts not to be impressed with the reality of this danger. It is not surprising that perusal of some of the more extreme products of Soviet and anti-Soviet schools of historiography should sometimes breed a certain nostalgia for that illusory nineteenth-century haven of purely factual history.

How then, in the middle of the twentieth century, are we to define the obligation of the historian to his facts? I trust that I have spent a sufficient number of hours in recent years chasing and perusing documents, and stuffing my historical narrative with properly footnoted facts, to escape the imputation of treating facts and documents too cavalierly. The duty of the historian to respect his facts is not exhausted by the obligation to see that his facts are accurate. He must seek to bring into the picture all known or knowable facts relevant, in one sense or another, to the theme on which he is engaged and to the interpretation proposed. If he seeks to depict the Victorian Englishman as a moral and rational being, he must not forget what happened at Stalybridge Wakes in 1850. But this, in turn, does not mean that he can eliminate interpretation, which is the life-blood of history. Laymen — that is to say, non-academic friends or friends from other academic disciplines — sometimes ask me how the historian goes to work when he writes history. The commonest assumption appears to be that the historian divides his work into two sharply distinguishable phases or periods. First, he spends a long preliminary period reading his sources and filling his notebooks with facts: then, when this is over, he puts away his sources, takes out his notebooks and writes his book from beginning to end. This is to me an unconvincing and unplausible picture. For myself, as soon as I have got going on a few of what I take to be the capital sources, the itch becomes too strong and I begin to write — not necessarily at the beginning, but somewhere, anywhere. Thereafter, reading and writing go on simultaneously. The writing is added to, subtracted from, re-shaped, cancelled, as I go on reading. The reading is guided and directed and made fruitful by the writing: the more I write, the more I know what I am looking for, the better I understand the significance and relevance of what I find. Some historians probably do all this preliminary writing in their head without using pen, paper, or typewriter, just as some people play chess in their heads without recourse to board and chessmen: this is a talent which I envy, but cannot emulate. But I am convinced that, for any historian worth the name, the two processes of what economists call ‘input’ and ’ output’ go on simultaneously and are, in practice, parts of a single process. If you try to separate them, or to give one priority over the other, you fall into one of two heresies. Either you write scissors-and-paste history without meaning or significance; or you write propaganda or historical fiction, and merely use facts of the past to embroider a kind of writing which has nothing to do with history.

Our examination of the relation of the historian to the facts of history finds us, therefore, in an apparently precarious situation, navigating delicately between the Scylla of an untenable theory of history as an objective compilation of facts, of the unqualified primacy of fact over interpretation, and the Charybdis of an equally untenable theory of history as the subjective product of the mind of the historian who establishes the facts of history and masters them through the process of interpretation, between a view of history having the centre of gravity in the past and a view having the centre of gravity in the present. But our situation is less precarious than it seems. We shall encounter the same dichotomy of fact and interpretation again in these lectures in other guises — the particular and the general, the empirical and the theoretical, the objective and the subjective. The predicament of the historian is a reflexion of the nature of man. Man, except perhaps in earliest infancy and in extreme old age, is not totally involved in his environment and unconditionally subject to it. On the other hand, he is never totally independent of it and its unconditional master. The relation of man to his environment is the relation of the historian to his theme. The historian is neither the humble slave nor the tyrannical master of his facts. The relation between the historian and his facts is one of equality, of give-and-take. As any working historian knows, if he stops to reflect what he is doing as he thinks and writes, the historian is engaged on a continuous process of moulding his facts to his interpretation and his interpretation to his facts. It is impossible to assign primacy to one over the other.

The historian starts with a provisional selection of facts, and a provisional interpretation in the light of which that selection has been made — by others as well as by himself. As he works, both the interpretation and the selection and ordering of facts undergo subtle and perhaps partly unconscious changes, through the reciprocal action of one or the other. And this reciprocal action also involves reciprocity between present and past, since the historian is part of the present and the facts belong to the past. The historian and the facts of history are necessary to one another. The historian without his facts is rootless and futile; the facts without their historian are dead and meaningless. My first answer therefore to the question ‘What is history?’ is that it is a continuous process of interaction between the historian and his facts, an unending dialogue between the present and the past.

[1] Humphrey McQueen, “From Hegel to Lenin” (2022). [web] 

[2] Walter Rodney, “The Two World Views of the Russian Revolution” (2018). [web] 

[3] Lord John Acton was the British aristocrat best known for his famous 1887 remark “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” which he used to defend his opposition to radical measures when used to end practices such as slavery. — R. D. 

[4] The Cambridge Modern History: Its Origin, Authorship and Production (1907), pp. 10-12. 

[5] The New Cambridge Modern History, i (1957), pp. xxiv-xxv. 

[6] Acton, Lectures on Modern History (1906), p. 318. 

[7] Quoted in the Listener, 19 June 1952, P. 992. 

[8] M. Manilii Astronomicon: Liber Primus (2nd ed., 1937), p. 87. 

[9] T. Parsons and E. Shils, Towards a General Theory of Action (3rd ed., 1954), p. 167. 

[10] Lord George Sanger, Seventy Years a Showman (2nd ed., 1926), pp. 188-9. 

[11] Dr. Kitson Clark, The Making of Victorian England (1962). 

[12] J. B. Bury, Selected Essays (1930), P. 52. 

[13] G. Barraclough, History in a Changing World (1955), p. 14. 

[14] Lytton Strachey, Preface to Eminent Victorians

[15] Quoted in G. P. Gooch, History and Historians in the Nineteenth Century, p. 385; later Acton said of Döllinger that ‘it was given him to form his philosophy of history on the largest induction ever available to man’ (History of Freedom and Other Essays, 1907, p. 435). 

[16] Cambridge Modern History, i (1902), P. 4. 

[17] Gustav Stresemann, His Diaries, Letters and Papers, i (1935), Editor’s Note. 

[18] H. Butterfield, The Whig Interpretation of History (1931), p. 67. 

[19] A. L. Rowse, The End of an Epoch (1947), pp. 282-3. 

[20] The context of this celebrated aphorism is as follows: ‘The practical requirements which underlie every historical judgement give to all history the character of “contemporary history”, because, however remote in time events thus recounted may seem to be, the history in reality refers to present needs and present situations wherein those events vibrate’ (B. Croce, History as the Story of Liberty, Engl. transl. 1941, p. 19). 

[21] Atlantic Monthly, October 1910, p. 528. 

[22] M. Oakeshott, Experience and Its Modes (1933), p. 99. 

[23] G. M. Trevelyan, An Autobiography (1949), p. 11. 

[24] J. Burckhardt, Judgements on History and Historians (1959), p. 179. 

[25] Introduction to J. Burckhardt, Judgements on History and Historians (1959), p. 17-. 

[26] Compare Nietzsche’s view of history: ‘To old age belongs the old man’s business of looking back and casting up his accounts, of seeking consolation in the memories of the past, in historical culture’ (Thoughts Out of Season, Preface VIII (1909). [web]). 

[27] R. Collingwood, The Idea of History (1946), p. xii. 

[28] A. Froude, Short Studies on Great Subjects, i (1894), p. 21. 

[29] Beyond Good and Evil, 4, (1886). [web] 

Monday, February 05, 2024

A Radical Reinvention of the Enlightenment


FEBRUARY 2, 2024

Cover Art for the book The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis by Richard Whatmore

In this interview, exclusive for CounterPunch, Richard Whatmore discusses his latest book, The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis (Penguin, 2023). In a world that demands highly rational planning to abolish empire and combat the manifest exploitation of a capitalist society, Whatmore emphasizes that the left needs to sustain the critique of fanatical economic practices. Thinkers and writers of the 18th century like Phillis Wheatley, Thomas Paine, and Mary Wollstonecraft would find the idea of self-regulating markets to be absurd. Whatmore reminds the reader that “contemporaries saw commerce as an anarchic force, turning social relations and relations between states upside down.” Further, he indicates that, “During the end of enlightenment era, historical actors were certain that the world had to change – what existed could not be sustained – and they lost all faith in contemporary ideological solutions to the problems they faced. They sound like us.”

Daniel Falcone: Political Scientist Camila Vergara recently stated, “I got my copy of Richard Whatmore’s The End of Enlightenment, which offers a radical re-evaluation of the Enlightenment as a failed project due to the pursuit of wealth & empire. Timely critical approach to Western values, and a research treasure with more than 100 pages worth of useful notes.” I was pleased to see such an enthusiastic endorsement of your thesis. Could you elaborate on your main arguments and the purpose of the book?

Richard Whatmore: Praise from somebody I respect as much as Camila Vergara is very welcome indeed. I will try and explain the central argument of the book; it is that we have come to a point in time where most of us, including scholars of course, use the term ‘the Enlightenment’ loosely and imprecisely. One of the goals of the book is to return to 18th century conceptions of Enlightenment. I think that in the 18th century contemporaries were obsessed with avoiding wars of religion; their parents and grandparents would have had direct experience of the consequences of religious warfare and here there is a parallel to the generations which experienced world war in the 20th century, shaping subsequent political identities for several generations.

My argument is that any strategy to prevent religious warfare from breaking out amounted to an Enlightenment. So, there were multiple enlightenments, all intended to prevent religious violence, itself associated with superstition and fanaticism, from causing societal chaos. An important point is that stopping religious fanaticism might entail autocracy, controlling the thoughts and behaviour of persons living in a particular community or state. Such strategies have been called at different times Enlightened Despotism by historians.

But the more interesting relationship that developed during the 18th century was that between enlightenment and free states. Free states, it is vital to recognise, were in decline. Republics had become endangered species and republicanism as an ideology was on the wane. The most significant free state was Britain, which Montesquieu called the freest state in human history and a republic hiding beneath the form of a monarchy. Numerous commentators in the 18th century thought that Britain too was on the edge of a precipice and likely to collapse as a free state. British politics were seen to be corrupt; the population was increasingly self-interested or addicted to luxury, and politicians were becoming the servants of merchants and bankers seeking legislation to guarantee them vast profits through the establishment of commercial empires.

The public good was ignored or betrayed. For these reasons, Britain was not expected to survive. The End of Enlightenment tells the story of the attempt by figures such as Edmund Burke, Edward Gibbon, Catharine Macaulay, Thomas Paine, and Mary Wollstonecraft to save liberty and enlightenment together. They all, for differing reasons, saw themselves to have failed. But the strategies they employed are significant and remain so; some of the problems they addressed have not gone away.

Daniel Falcone: How is the book organized and what does it add to the historiographic account of Enlightenment scholarship?

Richard Whatmore: The book begins with David Hume because Hume was one of the figures who believed in the reality of enlightenment. He was certain that his own times merited congratulation because wars of religion had once more been close and had been prevented from breaking out. The example Hume gave was the French monarch Louis XIV, who with the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes had revived counter-reformation Catholicism in all its evangelism and intolerance. Yet Louis XIV, rather than establishing universal monarchy on mainland Europe, was ultimately defeated militarily and Europe was not ravaged again by theological conflict turned violent. At his most optimistic, in the 1740s, David Hume thought that major states such as Britain and France would come together as what he termed ‘governments of laws rather than of men’, establishing ‘civilised monarchies’.

By the 1760s Hume’s optimism was gone. He became convinced that Britain’s addiction to public credit and commercial empire had ruined politics. Politicians were becoming servants of rich merchants, as in the case of the malign domestic consequences of the influx of wealth via the East India Company. Equally worrying for Hume was that ordinary people, especially in London, were turning xenophobic and fanatic in their lust for liberty. After explaining Hume’s change of opinion, The End of Enlightenment describes responses to Hume from figures as different as the republican revolutionary Jacques-Pierre Brissot and the Swiss-loving historian Edward Gibbon.

Daniel Falcone: I noticed that David Graeber’s posthumous work on Pirate Enlightenment where he considers how “proto-democratic practices” of Madagascar’s Zana-Malata people formed an Enlightenment adjacent project thought too long as something distinctly Euro-centric. He argued that the recoveries of non-western thought can expand our understanding of Enlightenment. More recently, Surya Parekh, authored Black Enlightenment to stretch the orthodoxy and discourse to include black authors and the race anxiety felt by European thinkers. Can you comment on how works like this impact, or relate to, you own revisionist work on the subject?

Richard Whatmore: Alas but David Graeber, brilliant though much of his work unquestionably was, had no knowledge of the history of political and economic thought in relation to the Enlightenment. He made the same mistake as many authors who want to use the late 17th/early 18th centuries as a source for utopian ideas in the present and in the process unfortunately gets the past completely wrong. There may have been practices in Madagascar that Graeber wanted to call ‘proto democratic’, but I would be careful about defining ‘democracy’ in such a way, redolent of what used to be called Whig history.

What I like about so many eighteenth-century authors is that they take ideas in action seriously. If you want to propose an idea in the past for use in the present, then you need to establish a clear 
alternative future for the present and a transition mechanism that gets us from the existing state of things to that alternative future. Above all, you need to identify ideas that tend to thrive, rather than only working in specific circumstances or being like endangered species going the way of the dodo. For example, if your republic keeps getting taken over by Caesar figures or republican generals like Bonaparte, you need to have a precise plan to deal with it. If you fail to do this then you are simply saying ‘wouldn’t it be great if we could live like they do’. Alas, it is very hard to change your culture and society without violent revolution, but they try exactly this with precise plans during the period I call The End of Enlightenment.

I want to make a further point that arises from Graeber’s approach. For me, you cannot link democracy in the past to democracy in conditions of commercial empire in the 18th century. The latter conditions largely subsist today in the sense we are still governed by commercial empires, even if we think we live in sovereign states or are free peoples. In the 18th century it was advisable only to draw parallels when experiences were sufficiently connected so that lessons could be learned directly. Distance or difference translated into irrelevance. In the case of the American Revolution, for example, revolutionary experience was not deemed relevant to radical politics in Europe because of the surfeit of land in America taken from the indigenous peoples. In short, in the governance of the United States, you could throw land at a problem. In Europe there was no spare land to throw and therefore American politics was entirely divorced from European circumstances as to lack imaginative purchase for reformers.

The history of democracy, which used to be called the history of free states, has always been difficult. The story relayed in The End of Enlightenment remains significant because something happened that led to free states being the dominant form of state in modern times while also making so many people dissatisfied with this reality. What happened is that, altogether unexpectedly, Britain survived the eighteenth century. Indeed, Britain free states across the world, especially in Europe and South America, began to model themselves on Britain after the Napoleonic Wars. This was depressing for reformers because Britain remained what Adam Smith called a mercantile system with a corrupt economy giving too great a political voice to merchants and bankers. Worse still, socialist, or other utopian alternatives of the time faced the problem that the French Revolution had descended into Terror, failing to create a stable republic, and ultimately collapsing into the First French Empire, that restored the power of church and aristocracy vanquished in 1789.

Some observers saw the French revolutionaries to be replicating the history of radical Protestantism, creating a republican church which divided and then turned violent, establishing two separate churches which then repeated the process over and over. Recovering the history of democracy and free states, we must return to the history of Britain and its commercial empire. As Tocqueville said about the atrocities committed by the French in Algeria, he hated them at the same time as he considered them to be necessary, because France would not otherwise survive as a great state. He could see no alternative for France, no alternative future. This was why the work he never finished concerned the British in India. The tragedy of modernity was that the free state of Britain was better at war than any free state historically.

Commercial empires historically, Carthage or the Dutch Republic, have risen meteorically and then fallen to earth. Britain was different. It survived as a form of free state, but with a mercantile economy geared to empire and profit whatever the consequences for peoples in, say, Ireland or Bengal. All of this means that the circumstances and admirable distinctiveness of the Zana Malata people has very little to teach us about politics or the economy in the present, although worth relating.

Turning to Parekh’s Black Enlightenment, one of the consequences of the establishment of commercial empire was, as we all know, racism, war and grotesque violence justified by the pursuit of profit. An attempt was made in the 1780s to abolish empire, turning the entire globe into (small) communities of pacific free states. I am interested in ideas that contemporaries felt directly solved problems and how they changed their views after their ideas were perceived to have failed. Strategies for enlightenment had to face the problem that the combination of Britain as a free state with commercial empire seemed to be fostering fanaticism everywhere, including fanatic ideas about liberty turning xenophobic. Enlightenment ended because contemporaries felt they had not solved these problems. I do not think we have either.

Daniel Falcone: Why is it important to see The Enlightenment as something that changes in meaning historically? How can it?

Richard Whatmore: I hope it is clear from The End of Enlightenment that if you define enlightenment as any strategy intended to prevent fanaticism and superstition from breaking out there are both multiple enlightenments and issues concerning the relationship between a particular enlightenment and, for example, liberty, equality, and commerce. Enlightenment was different in distinct contexts. Montesquieu’s view was correct that strategies for enlightenment in one set of circumstances had to be utterly different to enlightenment in an alternative context. Strategies had to be different if reform was going to be successful in one place rather than in another. The rise of Britain as a free state and the attempt to create a new kind of Republic during the French Revolution led to what I call the end of enlightenment; wars of religion broke out in secular guise. Maintaining enlightenment became much more difficult.

Whether you were a republican, monarchist, ancient or a modern, everyone considered themselves to have failed. The 18th century ended with a war to the death between the newly free state of France and Britain. The French Republic put an end to the liberty of historic republics from the Swiss cantons to the Dutch Republic and independent republics such as Venice Genoa and Geneva. If you loved liberty, the choice appeared to be between a grotesque commercial empire sustained by corrupt trade with a xenophobic populace or fanatic French republicanism likely to descend into war-driven empire. During the end of enlightenment era historical actors were certain that the world had to change – what existed could not be sustained – and they lost all faith in contemporary ideological solutions to the problems they faced. They sound like us.

Daniel Falcone: Is there room, in your opinion, for interpretations of the Enlightenment to be firmly rooted in leftist opposition to abuses set forth by organized capital? For example, Noam Chomsky reads the Enlightenment as such.

Richard Whatmore: Noam Chomsky says that the defenders of enlightenment were anarchists, giving the example of the division of labor and its effects in making individuals lead meaningless lives characterized by what was later called alienation (Adam Smith famously makes the point without using the term). Although there is little point in seeking the origins of anarchist philosophy in the eighteenth century, Chomsky does recognize that contemporaries saw commerce as an anarchic force, turning social relations and relations between states upside down. What we have recently experienced and may be surprised at today – the rapid rise of China so soon after declarations were made at the turn of the century that the United States could be expected to be the sole global superpower – would not have surprised observers of trade in the enlightenment era. Rich countries became poor, and poor became rich, meaning that neither international relations nor domestic politics could be expected ever to be stable in conditions of the commercialization of societies. I think that it is accurate to draw parallels between portrayals of the effects of John Law’s Mississippi scheme (and the resulting South Sea Bubble), for example, and Chomsky’s description of capitalism. When Adam Smith coins the term ‘mercantile system’ to describe cabals of merchants bribing politicians to pass legislation for their profit against the public interest, I think this too is an origin point for many subsequent critiques of Britain’s version of commercial society. And it was natural in the eighteenth century to rail against private corruption in the provision of state-funded products, with self-enrichment rife from the dockyards to the army to tax collection. In a sense then, we still live in their world and I’ve no doubt that they would find the notion of self-regulating markets to be ridiculous.

I think what we have lost, and the left has lost, is the critique of certain economic practices as fanatic, being the equivalent of unleashing religious warfare upon the world. Enlightenment fears about wars of religion breaking out anew, I’ve argued, encompassed tyrants and liberty, commerce and poverty, democracy, and empire. Avoiding a world where religious fanatics rule was the core enlightenment goal, and by the end of the century, almost all the luminaries see themselves to have failed. The world was ruled by empire-builders, warmongers, money men and crooked politicians, in addition to being buffeted by the establishment of new churches both secular and religious. The eighteenth century is full of projects to abolish commerce, create purely agricultural societies and closed commercial states.

But there are also highly practical schemes to abolish empire and combat the manifest evils of commercial society, for example by establishing moderate wealth everywhere. I suppose what I’m saying is that their critiques of organized capital – for example, they would never have contemplated the control of domestic politics by individuals who had no stake in the state, being able to liquidate their assets and move across borders at a time of crisis – are even richer than the Chomskyan perspective.

Daniel Falcone is a teacher, journalist, and PhD student in the World History program at St. John’s University in Jamaica, NY as well as a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. He resides in New York City.