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Showing posts sorted by date for query biofuel. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, August 30, 2024


This New Methane Conversion Innovation Could Be Huge for Shale

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Brookhaven National Laboratory and scientists at several collaborating institutions have engineered a highly selective catalyst that can convert methane into methanol in a single, one-step reaction at a temperature lower than required to make tea. This discovery marks a big step forward over more complex traditional conversions that typically require three separate reactions, running at vastly higher temperatures. On an industrial scale, the simplicity of the system could mark a breakthrough in tapping “stranded” natural gas reserves in isolated rural areas, far from chemical refineries and other costly infrastructure, says Brookhaven chemist and study co-author Sanjaya Senanayake. Such local deployments would remove the need to transport high-pressure, flammable liquified natural gas. According to the scientists, such local deployments would remove the need to transport high-pressure, flammable liquified natural gas. Methane is a major component of natural gas and a potent greenhouse gas while methanol is used as an alternative biofuel for internal combustion and other engines.  "We could scale up this technology and deploy it locally to produce methanol that can be used for fuel, electricity, and chemical production," Senanayake said.

Brookhaven Science Associates, which manages Brookhaven Lab on behalf of DOE, and the University of Udine have filed a patent cooperation treaty application on the use of the catalyst for one-step methane conversion and are exploring ways to work with entrepreneurial partners to bring the technology to market. This discovery builds on results from previous studies with the new recipe for the catalyst containing an additional ingredient: a thin layer of "interfacial" carbon between the metal and oxide.

"Carbon is often overlooked as a catalyst. But in this study, we did a host of experiments and theoretical work that revealed that a fine layer of carbon between palladium and cerium oxide really drove the chemistry. It was pretty much the secret sauce. It helps the active metal, palladium, convert methane to methanol," said chemical engineer Juan Jimenez, a Goldhaber postdoctoral fellow in Brookhaven Lab's Chemistry Division and the lead author of the paper published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Also known as wood alcohol, methanol (CH3OH) is considered an alternative fuel under the Energy Policy Act of 1992 with chemical and physical fuel properties similar to ethanol. Methanol was used in the 1990s as an alternative fuel for compatible vehicles; however, current research mainly focuses on its potential use as a sustainable marine fuel.

Lowering Methane Emissions

It’s too early to determine the scalability and economic viability of the one-step catalytic conversion technology. However, if successful, it could prove useful in helping the U.S. shale patch clean up its act by cutting methane emissions. 

The U.S. Oil & Gas sector is producing 8x above the volume of methane many operators have pledged to achieve by 2030 to reach their climate goals, a fresh study by non-profit Environmental Defense Fund recently revealed. The environmental advocacy group conducted ~30 flights between June and October 2023, covering oil and gas basins that account for nearly three-quarters of onshore production. The data collected showed that, on average, around 1.6% of gross gas production is released as methane into the atmosphere, about eight times higher than pledged by producers under the Oil and Gas Climate Initiative and the Oil & Gas Decarbonization Charter

Over the past couple of decades, methane concentrations in the atmosphere have increased sharply, from 1,700 parts per billion (ppb) in 1990 to 1,930 ppb currently. Although methane is much less plentiful in the atmosphere compared to CO2, it’s still able to do plenty of damage at even lower concentrations thanks to being more than 80x more powerful at warming the earth than CO2 over 20 years and 28x more powerful on a 100-year timescale. The fossil fuel sector has been a major contributor to the rapid buildup of methane in the atmosphere, with emissions from venting, leakage, and flaring in the oil and gas sector currently estimated to be responsible for ~25% of global anthropogenic methane emissions. A single gas leak can be quite devastating: Last year, environmental intelligence firm Kayrros SAS deployed National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) to quantify a gas pipeline by the Williams Companies Inc. (NYSE:WMB) spewed about 840 metric tons of methane into the atmosphere after a farmer in Idaho accidentally ruptured it while using an excavator. Currently used for weather forecasts, scientists recently discovered that GOES is effective at detecting large methane emissions of around tens of metric tons an hour or larger. 

Last year, the U.S. pipeline regulator unveiled new rules aimed at lowering methane leaks from the vast network of 2.7 million miles of natural gas pipelines in the country. The proposal could "significantly improve the detection and repair of leaks from gas pipelines... deploy pipeline workers across the country to keep more product in the pipe, and prevent dangerous accidents,"  the Transportation Department's Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration said.

By Alex Kimani for

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


Illinois researchers develop near-infrared spectroscopy models to analyze corn kernels, biomass

University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences
close-up of corn plant 


University of Illinois researchers developed a global model for corn kernel analysis with NIR spectroscopy.

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Credit: College of ACES

URBANA, Ill. – In the agricultural and food industry, determining the chemical composition of raw materials is important for production efficiency, application, and price. Traditional laboratory testing is time-consuming, complicated, and expensive. New research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign demonstrates that near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and machine learning can provide quick, accurate, and cost-effective product analysis.

In two studies, the researchers explore the use of NIR spectroscopy for analyzing characteristics of corn kernels and sorghum biomass.

“NIR spectroscopy has many advantages over traditional methods. It is fast, accurate, and inexpensive. Unlike lab analysis, it does not require the use of chemicals, so it’s more environmentally sustainable. It does not destroy the samples, and you can analyze multiple features at the same time. Once the system is set up, anyone can run it with minimal training,” said Mohammed Kamruzzaman, assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABE), part of the College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences and The Grainger College of Engineering at U. of I. He is a co-author on both papers.

In the first study, the researchers created a global model for corn kernel analysis. Moisture and protein content impact nutritional value, processing efficiency, and price of corn, so the information is crucial for the grain processing industry. 

NIR and other spectroscopic techniques are indirect methods. They measure how a material absorbs or emits light at different wavelengths, then construct a unique spectrum that is translated into product characteristics with machine learning models. Many food and agricultural processing facilities already have NIR equipment, but models need to be trained for specific purposes.

“Corn grown in different locations varies because of soil, environment, management, and other factors. If you train the model with corn from one location, it will not be accurate elsewhere,” Kamruzzaman said.

To address this issue and develop a model that applies in many different locations, the researchers collected corn samples from seven countries – Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Serbia, Tunisia, and the USA. 

“To analyze moisture and protein in the corn kernels, we combined gradient-boosting machines with partial least squares regression. This is a novel approach that yields accurate, reliable results,” said Runyu Zheng, a doctoral student in ABE and lead author on the first study.

While the model is not 100% global, it provides considerable variability in the data and will work in many locations. If needed, it can be updated with additional samples from new locations, Kamruzzaman noted.

In the second study, the researchers focused on sorghum biomass, which can serve as a renewable, cost-effective, and high-yield feedstock for biofuel.

Biomass conversion into biofuels depends on chemical composition, so a rapid and efficient method of sorghum biomass characterization could assist biofuel, breeding, and other relevant industries, the researchers explained.

Using sorghum from the University of Illinois Energy Farm, they were able to accurately and reliably predict moisture, ash, lignin, and other features. 

“We first scanned the samples and obtained NIR spectra as an output. This is like a fingerprint that is unique to different chemical compositions and structural properties. Then we used chemometrics – a mathematical-statistical approach – to develop the prediction models and applications,” said Md Wadud Ahmed, a doctoral student in ABE and lead author on the second paper.

While NIR spectroscopy is not as accurate as lab analysis, it is more than sufficient for practical purposes and can provide fast, efficient screening methods for industrial use, Kamruzzaman said.

“A major advantage of this technology is that you don’t need to remove and destroy products. You can simply take samples for measurement, scan them, and then return them to the production stream. In some cases, you can even scan the samples directly in the production line. NIR spectroscopy provides a lot of flexibility for industrial usage,” he concluded. 

The first paper, “Optimizing feature selection with gradient boosting machines in PLS regression for predicting moisture and protein in multi-country corn kernels via NIR spectroscopy,” is published in Food Chemistry [DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.140062].

The second paper, “Rapid and high-throughput determination of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) biomass composition using near infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics,” is published in Biomass and Bioenergy [DOI:10.1016/j.biombioe.2024.107276]. This work was funded by the DOE Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program under Award Number DE-SC0018420).

Md Wadud Ahmed, a doctoral student at the University of Illinois, used NIR spectroscopy and machine learning to analyze the composition of sorghum biomass.


College of ACES

Friday, August 16, 2024


Ferries to Demonstrate First Green Corridor Operating for a Week on Biogas

Viking Glory ferry
Already eco-friendly, the deluxe ferry Viking Glory and her running mate Viking Grace will demonstrate the Baltic green corridor sailing for one week using only biogas (Viking Line)

Published Aug 15, 2024 7:04 PM by The Maritime Executive



Viking Line, the Baltic ferry operator based in Finland, plans to demonstrate the future Baltic Green Corridor with special operations between Turku, Finland and Stockholm, Sweden later this month. For one week, two of the company’s ferries will operate using only liquified biogas resulting in a 90 percent reduction in harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

“This is a historic moment for us, the Baltic Sea, and maritime transport,” said Viking Line’s Sustainability Manager, Dani Lindberg. “Scheduled service has never before been powered solely by biofuel. We have invested 450 million euros in our climate-smart vessels Viking Grace and Viking Glory, and one of their most important features is that they can run on LNG, biofuel, and future synthetic fuels produced from renewable energy.”

The company is involved in the efforts to develop a green sea corridor in the Baltic targeting the routes between Turku and Stockholm as well as between Helsinki, Finland and Tallinn, Estonia. While these efforts are ongoing and the supply of biogas is yet to be expanded, Viking Line plans to kick off a special celebration for Baltic Sea Day by demonstrating the world’s first green corridor.

From August 29 to September 4, Viking Glory (built in 2022 and 65,000 gross tons) and Viking Grace (built in 2013 and 57,500 gross tons) will only be operating on LBG. The vessels are equipped to run on sustainable fuel and have run on it for limited periods instead of their normal LNG fuel. Viking explains that while biogas is already a part of its fuel mix today, availability and the price put a damper on it currently. According to the company, when it is available it currently costs twice as much as LNG.

The biogas for the special week will be supplied by Gasum. It will be made in Europe entirely of food and agricultural waste and fully certified. The vessels make an approximate 11-hour trip between the two destinations as well as offering passengers the option of a 24-hour cruise. Viking estimates a week of biogas operations will generate about 2,600 fewer tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions. They equate that to the annual average carbon dioxide footprint of 270 Finns.

Viking drew attention a year ago when it began offering passengers and cargo shippers the option of paying a surcharge for their travel to be with biofuel. The base fee for a passenger adds SEK 26 (approximately $2.50) to the fare. Viking reports when it began highlighting the option on its booking system the number of trips using biofuel increased 500 percent.

Viking Line, the Ports of Stockholm, and the Port of Turku signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2024 formalizing the efforts to launch the green corridor. Efforts will phase in with the goal for the corridor to be 100 percent carbon-neutral by 2035.

Ørsted Pulls Plug on Shipping E-Methanol Fuel Project Citing Slower Demand

e-methanol production plant in Sweden
The pioneering FlagshipONE project to produce e-methanol was shelved because Orsted said it could not get a satisfactory price for the fuel (Orsted)

Published Aug 15, 2024 2:44 PM by The Maritime Executive


Renewable energy giant Ørsted further highlighted the problems in the nascent sustainable fuel market for the shipping industry highlighting that it was unable to secure a contract at a reasonable for the offtake from its pioneering plant. The company surprised investors by reporting today that it has decided to defer the program known as FlagshipONE, which was under construction and due to begin production in 2025.

FlagshipONE was hailed as a game-changer in 2022 when Ørsted acquired the project while it was in the design phase from Swedish e-fuels company Liquid Wind. Expected to produce around 50,000 tonnes annually of e-methanol the project was using wind power in northern Sweden along with biogenic carbon from the nearby forestry industry. It was to use renewable energy and captured biogenic carbon dioxide in production while sharing steam, process water, and cooling water with a nearby plant and returning excess heat from production into the regional heating system.

“The liquid e-fuel market in Europe is developing slower than expected, and we have taken the strategic decision to de-prioritize our efforts within the market and cease the development of FlagshipONE,” Mads Nipper, Group President and CEO of Ørsted announced during the company’s half-yearly results announcement. 

FlagshipONE's construction began in May 2023 with reports saying the company was expected to invest $175 million in the development of the pilot project. They said at the time it would signal a new era in green shipping.

Nipper said the company however was unable to secure long-term contracts for the e-methanol at a “viable price.” Based on this, Ørsted reports it has shut down the project and is taking an impairment charge of over $220 million this quarter related to ceasing execution of FlagshipONE.

“We will continue our focus and development efforts within renewable hydrogen, which is essential for decarbonizing key industries in Europe and closer to our core business,” Nipper told investors.

There continue to be discussions across the shipping industry and regulators about the challenges of developing a supply of sustainable fuels for the industry. One of the big concerns is the anticipated high prices far above traditional fuels with repeated calls for establishing surcharges and funds to help bridge the gap and build demand for the new fuels. Maersk, a strong proponent of methanol, recently admitted continuing challenges and confirmed it was looking at other biofuels and LNG as it moves forward this year with a fleet renewal effort for as many as 50 to 60 ships.

Ørsted’s decision to cease the methanol project comes as the company continues to execute a revised strategy after recording significant charges in 2023 including the ending of two planned large offshore windfarm projects in the U.S. It took further charges this quarter revising the value of the leases but reversed a charge for the Sunrise Wind project in the U.S. which it has decided to move forward after it was successful in its rebid with New York State.

In a further development which Nipped called “frustrating and unsatisfactory,” the company cited further problems in the “early stage” U.S. offshore wind energy market. While saying Ørsted’s portfolio overall is performing well, he said they are now experiencing delays related to Revolution Wind, a 704 MW project that has started construction offshore between Connecticut and Rhode Island.

“Despite encouraging progress on our U.S. offshore wind project Revolution Wind, the construction of the onshore substation for the project has been delayed,” Nipper announced today. “This means that we have pushed the commercial operation date from 2025 into 2026, which led to an impairment.”

The company recorded a nearly $309 million impairment charge due to the delays at Revolution Wind as part of an overall impairment charge of $470 million this quarter for all parts of its business. Reuters quotes Nipper as saying that it is no longer a supply chain problem in the U.SD. wind sector but a specific challenge with substation. He said offshore work at Revolution Wind was “going according to plan.”

Overall, he told investors that Ørsted’s operations are performing well and particularly the earnings from its offshore wind farms. He highlighted that it was maintaining EBITDA guidance for the full year, and increasing earnings expectations for Ørsted’s offshore wind business.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024


From Papua to Gaza, military occupation leads to climate catastrophe

Environmental destruction is not an unintended side effect, but a primary objective in wars of occupation.

Smoke rises following Israeli strikes, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip August 8
Smoke rises following Israeli strikes, in Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip August 8, 2024. [Hatem Khaled /Reuters]

Many in the international community are finally coming to accept that the earth’s ecosystem can no longer bear the weight of military occupation. Most have reached this inevitable conclusion, clearly articulated in the environmental movement’s latest slogan “No Climate Justice on Occupied Land”, in light of the horrors we have witnessed in Gaza since October 7.

While the correlation between military occupation and climate sustainability may be a recent discovery for those living their lives in relative peace and security, people living under occupation, and thus constant threat of military violence, have always known any guided missile strike or aerial bombardment campaign by an occupying military is not only an attack on those being targeted but also their land’s ability to sustain life.

A recent hearing on “State and Environmental Violence in West Papua” under the jurisdiction of the Rome-based Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT), for example, heard that Indonesia’s military occupation, spanning more than seven decades, has facilitated a “slow genocide” of the Papuan people through not only political repression and violence, but also the gradual decimation of the forest area – one of the largest and most biodiverse on the planet – that sustains them.

West Papua hosts one of the largest copper and gold mines in the world, is the site of a major BP liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility, and is the fastest-expanding area of palm oil and biofuel plantation in Indonesia. All of these industries leave ecological dead zones in their wake, and every single one of them is secured by military occupation.

At the PPT hearing, prominent Papuan lawyer Yan Christian Warinussy spoke of the connection between human suffering in West Papua and the exploitation of the region’s natural resources. Just one week later, he was shot and injured by an unknown assailant. The PPT Secretariat noted that the attack came after the lawyer depicted “the past and current violence committed against the defenceless civil population and the environment in the region”. What happened to Warinussy reinforced yet again the indivisibility of military occupation and environmental violence.

In total, militaries around the world account for almost 5.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions annually – more than the aviation and shipping industries combined. Our colleagues at Queen Mary University of London recently concluded that emissions from the first 120 days of this latest round of slaughter in Gaza alone were greater than the annual emissions of 26 individual countries; emissions from rebuilding Gaza will be higher than the annual emissions of over 135 countries, equating them to those of Sweden and Portugal.

But even these shocking statistics fail to shed sufficient light on the deep connection between military violence and environmental violence. War and occupation’s impact on the climate is not merely a side effect or unfortunate consequence. We must not reduce our analysis of what is going on in Gaza, for example, to a dualism of consequences: the killing of people on one side and the effect on “the environment” on the other. In reality, the impact on the people is inseparable from the impact on nature. The genocide in Gaza is also an ecocide – as is almost always the case with military campaigns.

In the Vietnam War, the use of toxic chemicals, including Agent Orange, was part of a deliberate strategy to eliminate any capacity for agricultural production, and thus force the people off their land and into “strategic hamlets”. Forests, used by the Vietcong as cover, were also cut by the US military to reduce the population’s capacity for resistance. The anti-war activist and international lawyer Richard Falk coined the phrase “ecocide” to describe this.

In different ways, this is what all military operations do: they tactically reduce or completely eliminate the capacity of the “enemy” population to live sustainably and to retain autonomy over its own water and food supplies.

Since 2014, the bulldozing of Palestinian homes and other essential infrastructure by the Israeli occupation forces has been complemented by chemical warfare, with herbicides aerially sprayed by the Israeli military destroying entire swaths of arable land in Gaza. In other words, Gaza has been subjected to an “ecocide” strategy almost identical to the one used in Vietnam since long before October 7.

The occupying military force has been working to reduce, and eventually completely eliminate, the Palestinian population’s capacity to live sustainably in Gaza for many years. Since October 7, it has been waging a war to make Gaza completely unliveable

As researchers at Forensic Architecture have concluded, at least 50 percent of farmland and orchards in Gaza are now completely wiped out. Many ancient olive groves have also been destroyed. Fields of crops have been uprooted using tanks, tractors and other vehicles. Widespread aerial bombardment reduced the Gaza Strip’s greenhouse production facilities to rubble. All this was done not by mistake, but in a deliberate effort to leave the land unable to sustain life.

The wholesale destruction of the water supply and sanitation facilities and the ongoing threat of starvation across the Gaza Strip are also not unwanted consequences, but deliberate tactics of war. The Israeli military has weaponised food and water access in its unrelenting assault on the population of Gaza. Of course, none of this is new to Palestinians there, or indeed in the West Bank. Israel has been using these same tactics to sustain its occupation, pressure Palestinians into leaving their lands, and expand its illegal settlement enterprise for many years. Since October 7, it has merely intensified its efforts. It is now working with unprecedented urgency to eradicate the little capacity the occupied Palestinian territory has left in it to sustain Palestinian life.

Just as is the case with the occupation of Papua, environmental destruction is not an unintended side effect but a primary objective of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The immediate damage military occupation inflicts on the affected population is never separate from the long-term damage it inflicts on the planet. For this reason, it would be a mistake to try and separate the genocide from the ecocide in Gaza, or anywhere else for that matter. Anyone interested in putting an end to human suffering now, and preventing climate catastrophe in the future, should oppose all wars of occupation, and all forms of militarism that help fuel them.

The views expressed in this article are the authors’ own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Upcycling spent coffee grounds by isolating Mannan-rich Holocellulose nanofibers

Yokohama National University
The mechanical nanofibrillation of holocellulose nanofibers (HCNFs) and the recrystallization of mannan. 


Spent coffee grounds are purified to yield holocellulose, which is then reduced to HCNFs using mechanical nanofibrillation. The HCNFs are 2-3 nm and 0.7-1 mm in length. An AFM (Atomic Force Microscopy) image of the HCNF shows recrystallization of mannan.

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Credit: Noriko Kanai, Graduate School of Information Sciences, Yokohama National University.

Along with all the coffee we drink every day, over 6 million tons of spent coffee grounds are produced annually worldwide. Some of these grounds are reused as biofuel but the rest are disposed of in landfills. Over the last decade, research has focused on how to reuse these grounds. The primary focus has been on the polysaccharides from the cellulose and hemicellulose in the ground up coffee bean’s cell walls. Polysaccharides are used in composites, biopolymers, food packaging, construction materials and cellulose nanofibers (CNFs). CNFs specifically, which are cellulose reduced to nanoparticle size, 3 to 5 nm, have many uses in the food, cosmetic, and coating industries.

Japanese researchers from Yokohama National University pioneered a method that used spent coffee grounds as a new waste material to isolate CNFs using TEMPO-mediated oxidation in 2020. However, that left up to ~40% of the coffee grounds’ hemicellulose unused. So, they turned their attention to holocellulose, the combination of hemicellulose and cellulose, to extract holocellulose nanofibers (HCNFs).

“Chemically unmodified and uniform quality HCNFs from agricultural/food waste are highly desirable for food additives such as emulsifiers. We hypothesized that the high hemicellulose contents in the holocellulose from spent coffee grounds and their unique structure could achieve completed nanofibrillation down to 3–5 nm wide and 1–3 Î¼m long by mechanical disintegration,” said Izuru Kawamura, a professor at the Faculty of Engineering at Yokohama National University. In fact, they not only formed HCNF, but they also discovered a method of preservative-free long-term storage of the HCNF with added benefits for transport and handling, thereby significantly increasing its utility for the food and cosmetic industries.

Their research was published in Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications on June 25.

To form HCNF out of the spent coffee grounds, the researchers removed lignin and lipids and then reduced the rest of the holocellulose fibrils to the nanoscale via nanofibrillation, the process of disintegrating fibril bundles into nanofibrils. The researchers used a jet mill with ultrahigh water pressure to mechanically nanofibrillate the holocellulose to form the HCNF.

The least degraded hemicellulose left in the spent coffee grounds after roasting is mannan. In the grounds, mannan has been shown to form a network between cellulose fibrils. This association is strong enough that even undergoing chemical treatments may not break it and, in some circumstances, mannan may recrystallize. The presence of mannan was essential in the ease of reconstituting the HCNFs after they had been freeze-dried. Generally during dehydration, the physical properties of nanocellulose change and they lose the ability to redisperse in water. However, when freeze-dried HCNFs were placed in room temperature water, a simple shake caused them to redisperse back into the nanoscale.

“The spent coffee grounds-derived HCNFs were completely nanofibrillated to 2–3 nm wide and 0.7–1 Î¼m long, which was finer in width and shorter in length than general CNFs or HCNFs obtained by mechanical nanofibrillation, and desirable morphologies for food additives,” said Noriko Kanai, assistant professor, Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University. Not only did they form finer and shorter HCNFs, but the discovery of the distinctive behavior of the HCNF in its freeze-dried state has many benefits. “The advantages of the once-freeze-dried HCNFs from spent coffee grounds are 1) preservative-free for long-term storage, 2) volume reduction during transportation, and 3) easy handling with only handshaking without solvent change or additional refinement process,” said Kanai.

The research teams next project will move forward with the work they have done with HCNFs. “Dried HCNFs have some advantages for commercial use, such as long-term storage without preservatives and volume reduction for transportation. As a next step, we are exploring the possibility of upcycling spent coffee grounds-derived HCNFs as cosmetic and food additives,” Kawamura said.

Other contributors include Kohei Yamada, Chika Sumida, Miyu Tanzawa, Yuto Ito, Toshiki Saito, Risa Kimura, and Toshiyuki Oyama from the Graduate School of Engineering Science, Yokohama National University; Miwako Saito-Yamazaki from GRACE Co., Ltd, Yokohama; Akira Isogai from the Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo.

This work was supported in part by JSPS KAKENHI and JST COI-NEXT program.


Yokohama National University (YNU or Yokokoku) is a Japanese national university founded in 1949. YNU provides students with a practical education utilizing the wide expertise of its faculty and facilitates engagement with the global community. YNU’s strength in the academic research of practical application sciences leads to high-impact publications and contributes to international scientific research and the global society. For more information, please see: