Thursday, December 01, 2005

CBC vs. CTV Election Blogs

CBC has a blog on its site, covering the blogs covering the election. Its a one man show written by John Bowman. It has no links to any other blog sites nor does it seem interested in adding any other blog comments. John seems to have penchant for ONLY commenting about rightwhingnut bloggers. Do I detect a bias here? Could it be that the CBC long hated for its supposed liberal/left bias by the rightwhingnuts is sucking up to the right?

On the other hand CTV's Election Blog is written and edited, by a collective! Bill Doskoch who has his own very good blog. Also CTV Parlimentary Reporter David Akin, who also has his own blog, and writers Angela Mulholland, Corey Bellamy and the anonymous CTV Election News Editor
. And they are cherry picking comments from the blogosphere and are open to bloggers comments. They have links to the Party Blogs and to the various political blogs; BloggingTories, Liberal Bloggers, Dippers and Progressive bloggers etc.

And the winner is....CTV.

Hey CBC clean up your act or I will take down my I Support CBC banner on my blog (ohh scary threat that).

GST Fall Out

With a bit of cut and paste here is what folks think of the Harpers proposed creation of a 5% GST. While consumption taxes are regressive in principle, they do impact more on the rich than the poor. So consider this another tax break for you know who.....

Speaking at a suburban electronics store near Toronto, Harper said the tax relief will save Canadians a total of $4.5 billion. While he he admitted that will not necessarily stimulate investment, he said "it's more effective in stimulating consumption Heading into the holiday season, the idea of consumers paying less GST is a happy thought for Future Shop salesman Jafra Husein. "As a retailer we love it," he told CTV News. "It motivates the buyer." Among the criticisms levelled at the GST cut is the disportionate 'savings' it would afford people who spend more. Lower-income Canadians, because they're not spending as much, would not realize as much savings. New Brunswick Finance Minister Jeannot Volpe says Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's promise to slash the GST would hurt this province. But party loyalty hasn't stopped Volpe, also a Conservative, from criticizing the plan. He says municipalities that have finally received a piece of the GST will suffer without it. "One per cent is over $90 million for us," said Volpe. "It means that the money will have to come from somewhere else." Finance Minister Ralph Goodale said reducing the GST favours the rich on Thursday.In an interview with CBC Newsworld, Goodale said lowering consumption taxes such as the GST is good for people who spend a lot of money. "The biggest savings will go to the biggest spenders," he said. Herbert Grubel, a senior fellow at the right-wing Fraser Institute and a former Reform MP, Grubel and Harper, also a trained economist, were once caucus colleagues, told the Vancouver Sun last month that "cutting the GST rather than business or personal income taxes may be good politics, but it is definitely very bad economics."Grubel and several other economists say business and personal income taxes are a much stronger drag on the economy because they create a disincentive for consumers. Jim Davies, who teaches economics at the University of Western Ontario in London, "Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid," he said.

Liberals and Organized Crime

Viola! I have discovered the deep undercover investigative journalism source for the Harpers link of the Liberals with Organized Crime. Don't know why the Globe and Mail didn't figure this out.

Harpers Special Prosecutor

More Chretien Funnies

Harper on SM

Canadians didn't know.
The Harper has a kinky side.
As he showed
when he came out this summer
as a Leather Boy.

"When I'm prime minister I will not whip our cabinet,"Harper said.

Decision to hit same-sex unions fast could pay off for Harper

On The Dark Side

Power! Give Me Power!

Tommy Scares Them Still

Election delays Tommy Douglas miniseries

Long after he has passed on, Tommy scares the bejesus out of the political establishment still. The Ghost of Tommy could literally haunt this election campaign as the NDP focus on the privatization of Health Care and how the Liberals and Tories have no plan to stop it. Yep good old Tommy could swing votes to the NDP if the CBC showed this miniseries. Folks would remember when the Left was the New Idea,and that neo-con was just another way of saying Conservative or same old tired ideas. After all Tommy is our Greatest Canadian.

"The [Liberal] federal government's trouble is that they have a wishbone where they should have a backbone."

Tommy Douglas was the most influential politician never to be elected Prime Minister.

Blogging Dippers

Congrats to Robert over at My Bhlag for creating the new Blogging Dippers aggregate newsreader for NDP blogs. No longer just a blog listing site, it actually carries stories. The page looks nice and clean, just in time for the election.

Parental Controls

Adults only? Today’s parents are often shocked by the level of violence depicted in many of the video games...Watchdog group warns parents against offensive video games Uh huh, so who is buying these games for their kids and don't they read the boxes where it says MATURE, Gore and Violence......and do parents really need a watchdog group to tell them the following titles might just be adult, violent, full of blood and gore? Resident Evil 4, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, God of War, Narc, Killer 7, The Warriors, 50 Cent: Bulletproof,Crime Life: Gang Wars, Condemned: Criminal Origins, True Crime: New York City.