Friday, June 14, 2019

Detroit police chief faces backlash over neo-Nazi protest at Pride event

James Craig was criticized after officers escorted National Socialist Movement members who carried weapons at Motor City Pride

Tom Perkins in Detroit
Fri 14 Jun 2019

Members of the National Socialist Movement demonstrate against the Motor City Pride festival in Detroit, Michigan, on 8 June. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

Detroit’s black police chief is under fire over his department’s handling of a neo-Nazi group’s protest of a LGBTQ Pride festival, and comments he made in the days after the event that equated counter-protesters with the neo-Nazis.

Chief James Craig told reporters at a press conference this week that “both sides were wrong” and repeated a similar claim to the Detroit city council, which outraged some members of the public and counter-protesters, many of whom are black.

Craig told reporters: “Both groups were taunting our officers with racial epithets” and counter-protesters were “masked-up and referring to our African American officers inappropriately”.

However, Meeko Williams, a black counter-protester, said Craig’s claims were untrue.

“We don’t tolerate racism, and we told [officers]: ‘You’re black. The Nazis will kill you, too. They don’t have any respect for African American police officers,’” Williams said. “They were threatening to shoot cops, calling [officers] monkeys and N-words, and my comrades were trying to get officers to break rank and turn them back against the Nazis.”

Craig’s comments appeared to echo Donald Trump’s remarks after the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in which a far-right protester was convicted of murdering a counter-protester and injuring eight others by driving a car into a crowd. Trump said there were “very fine people” on both sides.

The Motor City Pride festival took place in downtown Detroit’s Hart Plaza last weekend. About 15 members of the neo-Nazi National Socialist Movement marched at the event. They openly carried three rifles, two handguns and other weapons, according to police.

The group tore up a rainbow Pride flag and shouted racist and homophobic abuse. The neo-Nazis also made chimpanzee noises toward black people and police officers, according to multiple witnesses, while photos show one member of the group appearing to urinate on an Israeli flag.

FacebookTwitterPinterest Members of the National Socialist Movement tear apart a Pride flag at in Detroit, Michigan, on 8 June. Photograph: Jim Urquhart/Reuters

About 15 Detroit police officers formed a human barrier around the neo-Nazis and escorted them as they marched. Video shows police, some of whom were wearing rainbow Pride pins, pushing counter-protesters. In one video of the incident, a counter-protester appears to be asking officers: “How come they get protected, but we’re not?”

The police strategy prompted accusations that they were protecting neo-Nazis instead of those attending the event and the public. When asked by reporters on Monday about the department’s strategy, Craig replied: “Everyone has a right to freedom of speech, but you don’t have a right to engage in unlawful conduct.”

He later added: “We kept the distance between both groups, and there was no violence … It could have been a bad situation had it erupted into violence. It did not.”

Craig also told the Detroit city council at its regular Tuesday meeting that officers surrounded the marching neo-Nazis and created a “buffer” to avoid a confrontation between the two sides, adding: “Our strategy worked.”


However, bodycam footage that appears to have come from one of the neo-Nazis shows one of them assaulting a woman. The woman, Jessica Prozinski, posted the video to social media. It shows the neo-Nazi knocking her to the ground as she walks in front of them. She said police witnessed the encounter but took no action.

“They saw what happened, but they weren’t protecting us. They did nothing,” Prozinski said. “It was disgraceful. They provided Nazis with an armed escort up to the gate of Pride where people were in line. I have bruises on my arms, but they’re from the police.”

Police also received criticism for not informing the public that the neo-Nazis would be protesting at the festival. Craig said his department was aware of the plans a week ahead of time, but didn’t inform the public or city council in an effort to prevent large clashes.

“They didn’t just want to do what they did in Charlottesville; they wanted an enhanced version of Charlottesville,” Craig told city council.

Though there’s currently no evidence that Detroit police worked with the neo-Nazis, police in California, Oregon and other states have coordinated or maintained friendly relationships with far-right groups ahead of similar protests. Police at Michigan State University in early 2018 took a much more passive approach when hundreds of protesters blocked neo-Nazis from entering a Richard Spencer event. That broke out in violence that resulted in injured neo-Nazis fleeing campus.

Williams said Detroit police should have been “escorting the Nazis out of downtown, up I-75 … and out of the city.

“The image of black police officers protecting white Nazis in a majority African American city is a bad image,” he said. “This is horrible for Detroit.”

A police spokesperson said Craig was not immediately available for comment.

15 Neo-Nazi protesters disrupt LGBT+ pride march and 'rip up rainbow flags'

LGBT+ pride marches in US interrupted by neo-Nazis and stampede

Posted by Andy Gregory in news

Jim Urquhart/Reuters/Twitter

An armed group of neo-Nazis marched on Detroit’s Motor City Pride festival on Saturday, “escorted” by police who allegedly "bruised those that tried to intervene".

Around 10 supporters of the National Socialist Movement (NSM) made Nazi salutes while holding large shields emblazoned with their logo and waved swastika-adorned flags at the family-friendly LGBT+ celebration.

The white nationalists reportedly yelled “white power” and "sieg heil", ripped up rainbow flags and appeared to urinate on an Israeli flag, with some carrying rifles.

As reported by PinkNews, the hate group’s “commander” wrote on the Russian networking site VK, on which he has eight followers:

“NSM will be armed and counter-protesting the freaks. NSM, lets [sic] put some boots on the ground!!

"I don’t really give a damn about op-sec or Antifa in this situation.

We go in with Swastikas blazing and if people don’t like it, tough shit...

Those there to celebrate Pride could be heard chanting at police: "Who do you protect?"

People were understandably furious.

In the UK, Pride month opened with two homophobic attacks dominating the headlines.

Read more: Homophobe gets taken down for comparing Pride Month to Nazi Germany

LGBT+ pride marches in US interrupted by neo-Nazis and stampede

'Literally f****** Nazis are at Motor City Pride right now, please be safe out there'

Tom Embury-Dennis @tomemburyd
The Independent US

Separate LGBT+ pride marches in the US were disrupted on Saturday, one by a stampede triggered over fears of a shooting and another by one of America’s biggest neo-Nazi groups.

In Washington DC, seven people were taken to hospital after fears of a potential gunman at the pride event sparked panic.

Hundreds of people were gathered at the Dupont Circle for the parade when people started running after hearing what they thought was a gunshot. 

"As the officers were going to the scene, there was a crowd of people going away from it and some of the individuals in the crowd said there was a man with a gun and that someone had fired a shot," said Guillermo Rivera, a commander with the Metropolitan Police Department.

A man was taken into custody and is facing a gun possession charge, he said.

Best photos from Pride 2019 across the world
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Mayor Muriel Bowser tweeted that she had been briefed by police and there were "no shots fired".

Elizabeth Hernandez, 19, was among those celebrating in the city when she said she heard "pop, pop" and suddenly barricades were being thrown over and a crowd of people starting running frantically from the area.

People gather to watch the DC Pride Parade in Washington, DC (EPA)

"Everything fell and everyone said 'Run!"' said Ms Hernandez, of Falls Church, Virginia.

In Detroit, an armed white supremacist group called the National Socialist Movement (NSM) descended on the annual Motor City Pride Festival, where they held placards, gave Nazi salutes and displayed armbands with swastikas.

National Socialist Movement members demonstrate against the LGBT 

event Motor City Pride (REUTERS)
Photos from the event, which was attended by thousands of LGBT+ supporters, showed a group of around 10 neo-Nazis marching surrounded by police officers. 

Dressed in black with a number carrying firearms and shields, the NSM marchers tore apart pride flags and pushed over at least one counter-demonstrator.

National Socialist Movement member stands on Israeli flag (REUTERS)

“Literally f****** Nazis are at Motor City Pride right now, please be safe out there y’all,” one user tweeted on Saturday afternoon. “Even if they deserve it, do not engage. Our safety at our Pride is the most important thing.”

Following Hong Kong unrest, rally set for Saturday in Vancouver

Protest to demand authorities scrap a proposed extradition bill with China, in Hong KongThomas Peter / Reuters

The Chinese Embassy in Canada issued a statement Thursday saying: "People from the Canadian government made irresponsible and erroneous comments."

After days of unrest in Hong Kong, representatives of the Canadian and Chinese governments exchanged sharp words this week, while Vancouver community groups planned a rally to show solidarity with protesters in Asian port city.

Organizers said the rally, set for 11 a.m. Saturday outside Vancouver’s Chinese consulate at 3380 Granville St., has been planned to “condemn the violence” inflicted by Hong Kong police on protesters earlier this week during protests over a proposed law to allow China to demand extradition of suspects from Hong Kong. Saturday’s rally in Vancouver is being organized by the Canadian Friends of Hong Kong, the Vancouver Hong Kong Forum, and the Vancouver Society in Support of Democratic Movement.

Mabel Tung, chair of the Vancouver Society In Support of Democratic Movement, said citizens of both Canada and Hong Kong strongly value human rights, and it has been painful to watch coverage of the violent clashes unfolding in the streets of Hong Kong, which is a special administrative region of China.

“As Canadians, we have our universal values. We understand what human rights really mean,” said Tung, who emigrated from Hong Kong to Vancouver in 1979. “Our Canadian values I really treasure, and also I really treasure the place where I was born. So that’s why I have to speak up and do something about it.”

A rally outside Vancouver’s Chinese consulate last Sunday reportedly drew a crowd of hundreds. Tung expects this Saturday’s rally could draw more than 1,000 people, she said, because “people are very angry.”

Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, issued a statement Wednesday saying Canada has been “closely following” Hong Kong’s proposed extradition bill, adding: “Canada remains concerned about the potential effect these proposals may have on the large number of Canadian citizens in Hong Kong, on business confidence, and on Hong Kong’s international reputation.”

The day after Freeland’s statement, the Chinese Embassy in Canada issued its own message, saying: “Hong Kong affairs are purely China’s internal affairs. No other country, organization or individual has the right to interfere. … Recently, some people from the Canadian government made irresponsible and erroneous comments on the Hong Kong SAR government’s amendment to the ordinance and other Hong Kong affairs. We deplore and firmly oppose this.”

Jenny Kwan, the NDP Member of Parliament for Vancouver East who emigrated from Hong Kong to Canada as a child, issued a statement Thursday condemning both the extradition bill and the Hong Kong police’s response to the protesters.

“The government’s disregard of the protesters’ point of view and its unilateral decision making process has led to the escalation of the demonstrations and the violent confrontations that are now happening on the streets. There is no justification for a government to use such excessive force — tear gas and rubber bullets — against unarmed civilians in a peaceful demonstration,” Kwan said in the written statement. “It breaks my heart to watch so many young people, passionate about the fate of their birthplace, confront fully armoured riot police, and get beaten down and injured.

“It is my hope that the government of Hong Kong will restore peace and political stability to Hong Kong by respecting the wishes of the people and immediately withdraw the extradition bill.”

Hong Kong has deep ties with Canada and particularly Vancouver, said Fenella Sung, convener of the Canadian Friends of Hong Kong society. Immigration from Hong Kong, which ramped up in the 1980s and 1990s, has significantly altered the real estate, culture and business climates in Vancouver, Sung said.

“There is an old joke that Hong Kong is the 16th largest Canadian city,” Sung said, noting an estimated 300,000 Canadian citizens live in Hong Kong, a number that exceeds the population of cities like Burnaby, Saskatoon, and Kitchener, Ont.

“The exodus of the Hong Kong people because of political instability in Hong Kong and China, really, is very much a part of Canadian history,” Sung said.

The Pentagon emits more greenhouse gases than Portugal, study finds
  • "The Pentagon’s emissions were “in any one year … greater than many smaller countries’ greenhouse gas emissions.
    If it were a country, its emissions would make it the world’s 55th largest contributor.
    Global temperatures are on course for a 3C to 5C (5.4F to 9.0F) rise this century, far overshooting a global target of limiting the increase to 2C or less, the UN World Meteorological Organization said in November."

  • 11111111111
A Woman Has Won the ‘Nobel Prize of Math’ for the First Time Ever
Karen Uhlenbeck is the first woman to win the Abel Prize for mathematics.
The prize, according to New York Times, cites “the fundamental impact of her work on analysis, geometry and mathematical physics.” Modeled after the Nobel Prize, it is awarded by the king of Norway to honor outstanding mathematicians who have greatly influenced their field, and includes a cash prize of Norwegian kroner worth about $700,000. The award has been given out since 2003, but all previous winners have been men.
Dr. Uhlenbeck is renowned for her work in geometric partial differential equations, gauge theory, and integrable systems. As the Times reports, she she helped pioneer a field known as geometric analysis, and among her most famous contributions were her theories of predictive mathematics, inspired by soap bubbles.
“She did things nobody thought about doing, and after she did, she laid the foundations of a branch of mathematics,” said Sun-Yung Alice Chang, a mathematician at Princeton University who served on the prize committee.
According to the Times, Dr. Uhlenbeck found out about her history-making award on Sunday morning, via text message, and said that she has yet to decide what to do with the cash prize that comes with it.
“When I came out of church, I noticed that I had a text message from Alice Chang that said, Would I please accept a call from Norway?” she said. “When I got home, I called Norway back and they told me.”


Students barred from talking of climate change in graduation speeches - Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

More than 350 students—typically valedictorians—had wanted to talk about climate change in…

"Schools and colleges across the US have been accused of censoring students who have attempted to use their graduation speeches to speak out on the unfolding climate crisis.

A youth-led movement called Class of 0000 is encouraging students to read out a prepared text at their graduation ceremonies that warns of “catastrophic climate change” and tells elected leaders to “have plan to get to zero emissions, or get zero of our votes.”"

The silence is deafening in most parts of the country.
Loud applause to the Victoria (BC) School District for the declaration of climate emergency!
Many educators say school boards and education groups should speak out on climate inaction, but those calls aren’t always being well-received.




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Andrew Scheer's Senators are working to block the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - just like Stephen Harper tried to do.

Andrew Scheer's Senators are working to block the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - just like Stephen Harper tried to do.

Tell them to stop blocking Indigenous rights - or this well become their legacy.

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