Monday, February 10, 2020

Warren raises "corruption" alarm after Trump, Zuckerberg, and Thiel hold secret White House meeting

"This is how the government keeps working for giant corporations and the wealthy and well-connected."

NOVEMBER 22, 2019 12:30PM (UTC)
This article originally appeared at Common Dreams. It is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License. Feel free to republish and share widely.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren issued warnings of corruption Thursday morning after it was reported that Facebook founder and CEO, along with company board member and right-wing billionaire Peter Thiel, enjoyed a recent secret White House meeting with President Donald Trump.
NBC News broke the story late Wednesday, reporting that Facebook confirmed the meeting took place in October while Zuckerberg was in Washington, D.C. to testify before Congress. Facebook board member Peter Thiel, a major Trump donor and the recipient of numerous government contracts for his company's data-mining workunder the Trump administration, also attended the dinner.
Warren seized on the news, accusing Zuckerberg of "going on a charm offensive with Republican lawmakers" as law enforcement agencies investigate whether Facebook has violated antitrust laws.
"This is corruption, plain and simple," Warren tweeted.
The senator pointed to the dinner as an example of the kind of corporate activities with the federal government she wouldn't allow as president should she win the 2020 presidential election.
"I won't cozy up to Facebook when I'm president," Warren tweeted. "It's time to root out corruption in Washington. Until we do, we won't be able to make any progress on any of the issues that matter to us."
A Facebook spokesperson told NBC that the dinner was a "normal" occurrence for the CEO of a major company, but Buzzfeed technology reporter Alex Kantrowitz tweeted that the secretive presidential dinner with two Silicon Valley billionaires who largely control a media platform used by about 70 percent of Americans should raise doubts about Facebook's claims of commitment to "political transparency." 
"It's normal for CEOs and heads of state to meet, yes," Kantroqitz wrote. "But given Facebook's political power, this one should've been easy: Just disclose it."
The meeting between Zuckerberg, Thiel, and Trump took place when the Facebook CEO was in Washington to testify about a number of issues related to the company, including its decision to allow political ads to be posted on its platform without imposing rigorous fact-checking standards.
The dinner "took place right as Zuck defended Facebook's decision to let politicians buy the right to lie on its platform," tweeted journalist Caroline Orr.
Entrepreneur Elizabeth McLaughlin noted that amid the attention Zuckerberg's talks with Trump have gotten, the potential significance of Thiel's involvement shouldn't be disregarded. Thiel is a co-founder of Palantir, which provided profiling tools to the government last year as ICE was ramping up raids in immigrant communities and deportations.
"Palantir is engaged in tracking of people and populations the Trump administration despises and when you put Palantir and Facebook together, you've got a data operation the Nazis would have adored," McLaughlin tweeted.
The meeting took place as Facebook is facing scrutiny over its partnerships with far-right news outlets including Breitbart News and The Daily Caller, prompting Mashabletechnology reporter Matt Binder to call Facebook "the right wing's social network" in an article he re-posted in response to NBC's report.
"It's impossible to give Facebook the benefit of the doubt over its recent choices," Binder wrote. "Zuckerberg appears to have made calculated decisions and, with that, the transformation of Facebook is complete. The right wing has its own social network now."


Julia Conley is a staff writer for Common Dreams.

Scientists pinpoint mysterious repeating radio signal from outside our galaxy

Hale-Bopp Comet behind the Very Large Array (VLA) Radio Telescope near Socorro, New Mexico. (Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

Scientists pinpoint mysterious repeating radio signal from outside our galaxy

Only two fast radio bursts have been detected that actually repeat. What they are is still unknown

FEBRUARY 10, 2020 11:03PM (UTC)

Nearly 500 million light years away, a mysterious radio signal is repeating itself.
It's a new piece in the puzzle of fast radio bursts (FRBs) — short bursts of radio waves that are so powerful that scientists are able to detect them on Earth, despite their extragalactic origins. Fast radio bursts are hard to study because of how brief they are, meaning telescopes can't often focus on them in time to get a good look.
Hence, the new discovery of a fast radio burst that repeats once every 16 days is a major clue, and marks the first time scientists have documented a predictable pattern among these mysterious repeating signals that are originating deep in space.
"We conclude that this is the first detected periodicity of any kind in an FRB source," the researchers said in the paper. "The discovery of a 16.35-day periodicity in a repeating FRB source is an important clue to the nature of this object." The repeating FRB has been dubbed FRB 180916.J0158+65. 
The specific astrophysical event that causes FRBs is still unknown, although all observed FRBs are from galaxies outside our own. Such signals were first spotted in 2007. It was previously thought that such pulses were random, but according to the aforementioned paper published on the server arXiv in late January, researchers studying FRBs discovered that FRB 180916.J0158+65 is a "repeater," meaning it emits bursts repeatedly and follows a regular pattern.
Scientists have only discovered two repeating FRBs, including the one mentioned above. FRB 180916.J0158+65 was probed using the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME radio telescope) in British Columbia. Using CHIME, researchers found that between September 2018 and October 2019, FRB 180916.J0158+65's bursts clustered into a period of four days, and then stopped for the next 12 days, before emitting a signal again on the 16th day. The authors of the paper posit one possible explanation could be orbital motion, meaning when an object is moving forward while being pulled by gravity toward another object at the same time.
"Given the source's location in the outskirts of a massive spiral galaxy, a supermassive black hole companion seems unlikely, although lower-mass black holes are viable," the researchers further explained. "Future observations, both intensity and polarimetric, and at all wavebands, could distinguish among models and are strongly encouraged, as are searches for periodicities in other repeaters, to see if the phenomenon is generic."
Up until this observation, FRBs seemed to be random. Overall, less than 70 FRBs have been documented

There are competing theories as to what FRBs could be. One explanation posits that that FRBs are the result of a binary system containing a massive star and a neutron star, according to a separate paper published on arXiv that looked at the same data from FRB 180916.J0158+65. In this theory, the neutron star could be emitting radio bursts which are sometimes blocked by an opaque wind.

These latest findings are indicative of how humans may be closer to understanding these cosmic puzzles.

Though our civilization communicates frequently with radio waves, these mysterious signals are probably not coming from an alien civilization, as Salon has previously reported.
"It is unlikely that all FRBs are from alien civilizations due to the power requirements at cosmological distances, but possible," Avi Loeb, chair of Harvard's astronomy department, previously told Salon. "We worked out the numbers in a paper with my postdoc, Manasvi Lingam, two years ago."

"One needs to use all the power intercepted by the Earth from the Sun" to create an FRB of comparable intensity to the ones we've detected on Earth, Loeb said. However, Loeb did posit that "a small fraction of nearby FRBs could be artificial radio beams sweeping across the sky."