Thursday, February 27, 2020

No Email. No WhatsApp. No Internet. This Is Now Normal Life In Kashmir.

Normal life has ground to a halt in the region as businesses lay off workers, hospitals struggle to care for patients, and ordinary people despair.

Pranav Dixit BuzzFeed News Reporting From New Delhi February 26, 2020

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A Kashmiri vendor walks past closed shops during the shutdown in Srinagar.

Like the snowcapped mountains and grassy meadows, men with guns are part of the landscape in Kashmir. Some are cops, some are from the Indian army, and some belong to a counterinsurgency force. Only locals, who have grown up with these men patrolling their streets for generations, can tell who is who.

On a cold winter morning in late January, a dozen of these armed men stood atop the roof of a one-story restaurant in Srinagar, Kashmir’s largest city and the region’s summer capital, and gazed down at the traffic below. I watched them watching my car, their bodies silhouetted against a steel sky. Blocks of snow lined the road, and as my car trundled into the heart of the city, my breath came out in misty puffs. When I instinctively pulled out my phone to check the weather, however, it was useless: Since August 5, Indian authorities have kept the people of Kashmir in a digital blackout, restricting most internet access. At 205 days and counting, it’s the longest-running internet shutdown in any democracy so far, seven months in March. That means no email. No WhatsApp. No maps. And no weather.

On August 5, India’s government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, revoked Article 370 of the Indian constitution, which granted the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir a measure of autonomy. The government split the state, a region disputed between India and Pakistan, into two territories. Supporters of Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party hailed the move, while Kashmiris, many of whom want to see Kashmir join Pakistan or become independent, were angered. To prevent public opposition from turning into open rebellion, India’s government detained Kashmiri politicians, arrested thousands of activists and academics, and imposed a complete communications blackout. Overnight, mobile phones and landlines stopped working, broadband lines were frozen, and text messaging stopped.

Over the last six months, the government has relaxed some of these restrictions: Landline phones came back after five weeks, and in October, people who had postpaid mobile connections found they could make calls again. Last month, texting was allowed again, and eventually large swathes of Kashmir were able to access, at glacial speeds, a few hundred government-approved websites — which excluded social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, and messaging apps like WhatsApp. The lockdown continues despite India’s Supreme Court in January deeming “indefinite” suspension of internet services illegal.

“This internet shutdown is a human rights violation,” said Irfan Mehraj, a researcher at the Jammu Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society, a federation of human rights organizations in Kashmir that releases an annual report of Kashmir’s human rights situation each year. “It’s to break the will of the Kashmiri people.”

So, I went to see what the shutdown has done — the business people begging the police to restore access, the students clandestinely sharing videos, the doctors unable to do their jobs, and everywhere, the men with guns.

Almost every week since August, Isma Salaria has made the six-mile journey from her home in Srinagar to the Jammu and Kashmir police headquarters. The heavily guarded police department operates out of a sprawling, modern building fronted by panes of shiny blue glass and a sloping blue roof. During each visit, men frisk her half a dozen times.

She endures for a simple reason: Without internet access, her business, a center where students across the valley take online exams like the TOEFL, has nearly closed down. Unable to meet payroll, she’s had to lay off 20 of her 23 employees. One of the few women who owns a technology firm in the region, she’s grown desperate.

“I’ve pleaded so many times before [the authorities],” she says behind a wooden desk in a cramped room that has been her office for the last eight years. “I told them to give it to us on just one laptop. I told them, ‘Track the usage on that computer if you want.’ But no. They haven’t budged. This is the worst thing that could have happened to my business.”

“I was flying to New Delhi from Srinagar twice a week just to check my email.”

Internet access in Kashmir shows where you stand in the social hierarchy: If you’re powerful, you have it; if you’re not, you don’t. When I interviewed a senior police officer in Kupwara, he paused our conversation midway to talk to his dad in another part of the country on a WhatsApp video call — because law enforcement officials are among those at the top.

According to a Jammu and Kashmir government order, the government has 844 “e-terminals” and 69 special counters for tourists — relatively high in the pecking order — across the region to book train and flight tickets. But nobody seemed to know where to find one; when I finally do, it’s unstaffed and unusable.

Salaria's office is located in Rangreth, an area on the outskirts of Srinagar that locals refer to as Kashmir’s Silicon Valley. It’s a stretch of land a few miles long on a sloping hillside that is home to more than 30 software companies — everything from internet service providers to consulting firms that make bespoke software for international clients — which collectively employ around 1,200 people and bring in tens of millions of dollars yearly.

In December, a report released by the Kashmir Chamber of Commerce and Industry said that the lockdown had cost Kashmir’s economy more than $2.4 billion — and many of its leaders are frightened to speak out, facing economic losses, layoffs, and uncertainty.

“They have cut our throats,” says the CEO of a large Kashmiri IT company and internet service provider who declined to be identified because he was scared of police retaliation. “They’ve set us back 15 years.”

In August, immediately after the internet was shut down, Kashmiri law enforcement detained a senior official of his company for eight days in a cell 6 feet long and 6 feet wide for keeping communication lines open for an hour after an official shutdown was ordered. “I can’t tell you how worried his family was,” the CEO says.

Another CEO says his company received limited access after he petitioned the police more than 20 times to restore access. The agreement that he had to sign with the police before he got it states that his employees would not use social media or VPN software, send or receive encrypted files, and would use the internet strictly for business reasons.

“It was necessary,” he says. “I was flying to New Delhi from Srinagar twice a week just to check my email.”

But the company still lost millions of dollars in revenue from international clients and had to lay off nearly two-thirds of its 370 employees.

Dozens of IT companies in Srinagar have been signing these agreements with the police, but only a few of them have been allowed back online. Salaria is one of those who has yet to receive access, which has put her business on the brink of insolvency. In a November letter to the inspector general of the police in Kashmir, she pleaded with them to reactivate her connection. “We have suffered an unbearable loss,” she wrote.

When she spoke to me, she was a lot more blunt.

“Shutting down leased lines that are used by businesses is the stupidest thing you can do!” she says. “It’s a blot on democracy.”

Salaria has been to the police headquarters so often that officers there are now familiar with her. They scoff when they see her. “Oh look, these internet people are back,” she says. “They treat us like untouchables.”

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Kashmiri journalists protest against the continuous internet blockade for the 100th day outside the Kashmir Press Club in Srinagar.

For hundreds of years, religion and politics have been intertwined in Kashmir.

In 1339, the first Muslim ruler conquered the region, beginning a period of Islamic rule that lasted for some five centuries. By the time the area came under British rule in 1846, the vast majority of the inhabitants practiced Islam — though not its titular Hindu rulers. At the time of partition in 1947, Maharaja Hari Singh dithered between joining Pakistan or India or remaining independent — until the issue was forced by an invasion by tribal forces from Pakistan. Singh appealed to India for troops, and the country agreed on the condition that he join his territories to theirs. He did, setting off the first Pakistan–India war, which lasted until the following year.

Although the United Nations called in for a plebiscite to determine which country Kashmir should join, no vote has ever taken place. Armed conflicts broke out again in 1965, 1971, and 1999.

In the ’90s, when the insurgency in Kashmir was at its peak, the Kupwara district, which lies on the border between the two countries, and which was one of the first two districts of Kashmir where access to government-approved websites over 2G speeds was approved in the middle of January, had some of the highest numbers of violent incidents in the region. Just over a hundred thousand people live in Kupwara. Most Indians wouldn't be able to find it on a map. The heavily militarized border between India and Pakistan known as the Line of Control, which US president Bill Clinton called "the most dangerous place in the world" lies on its west. Insurgency in Kupwara has calmed down in the last two decades, but as recently as 2018, Indian security forces killed 52 militants trying to infiltrate into Kupwara from across the border.

It’s here that Mir Hanan is waiting, desperate to speak. The 17-year-old Kashmiri medical student had been texting with me all day, but the inexpensive mobile plan that he used caps at 100 texts a day. “Can you call me?” he texts. “My SMS pack is almost exhausted.”

Hanan wasn’t yet born in the ’90s, but he’s grown up hearing stories of the insurgency. Right now, he’s worried about the future. “I don’t know what my future is,” he says.

When the current communications shutdown started in August, Hanan didn’t think much of it. Most Kashmiris, he says, are used to internet bans. “We are numbed to them,” he says. Young Kashmiris like Hanan grew up believing the internet would set them free. But unlike their peers around the world, regular shutdowns meant they learned to never take it for granted.

Since 2012, Indian authorities have shut down the internet in Kashmir 180 times, according to the Software Freedom Law Centre, a legal services organization in New Delhi that keeps a track of internet shutdowns. In 2017, for instance, the Kashmiri government abruptly blocked 22 social media platforms for a month to prevent them from “being misused by anti-national and anti-social elements.” At the time, Mohammed Faysal, founder of, a blogging platform for Kashmiris, told me how important social media was to Kashmiris. “Social media has allowed Kashmiris to humanize their struggles through photos and videos,” he said. “In a region torn by violence, platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter are 90% of our social lives. That’s what you’re taking away when you block them.”

The blackout has also spawned a medical emergency that could use the skills of someone like Hanan, as pharmacies run out of medicine and hospitals struggle to function. Last September, a month into the blackout, Javid Parsa, a restaurateur in New Delhi, told me about a bootleg network he had created to ship medicine into the region after communications were cut, using his popular Instagram page as a hub.

“Each day, I get three or four people traveling to Kashmir messaging me and offering to carry and deliver medicines and other essentials to people's families who are stuck there unable to ask anyone for help. Just yesterday, we found five patients in Southern Kashmir who urgently needed blood pressure medication,” he said in September.

People outside of Kashmir use his page as a place to organize shipments of medicine to family members in the region, creating a logistical network that spans some 550 kilometers by road.

“Thanks to my Instagram, we were able to find a guy driving there from Delhi who was able to carry the medicines and deliver them,” he said. “Unfortunately, thanks to the blackout, the people who do receive these medicines have no way of letting me know right now.”

In September, Al Jazeera reported from Srinagar on patients running out of money and doctors improvising surgeries. The following month, the New York Times reported that at least a dozen patients had died as a consequence. The British Medical Journal ran an editorial with the headline “Kashmir Communications Blackout Is Putting Patients at Risk, Doctors Warn.”

On a freezing Friday morning, I head to Kupwara to meet Hanan and his friends. Vast paddy fields smothered by snow and sprawling orchards dotted with trees, their branches bare and bony, flash by on either side of the winding road.

Halfway through the journey, outside the town of Sopore, two men in Indian Army fatigues and rifles slung across their chests flag us down and ask us to open our trunk. “They’re looking for guns,” says my traveling companion.

But it’s not just guns that the authorities are searching for. To enforce an internet blackout, the government has to ferret out all the ways people try to circumvent it, and stop them.

“When they question you in Kashmir, refusing is never an option.”
Last week, after a video went viral of an ailing, 90-year-old separatist leader named Syed Ali Geelani stating where he wished to be buried after his death, authorities filed complaints against people using VPN software to access social media under a law that lets the government imprison anyone it suspects belongs to “unlawful associations, terrorist gangs or terrorist organizations” for up to seven years.

A 32-year-old government contractor, who asked to remain anonymous to protect his safety, told me how members of the Indian Army stopped his car at a military checkpoint in Srinagar as he was driving home. “They made me get down from the car and unlock my phone,” he says. “Then they asked me if I had any VPN apps installed on my device.

“They stood there and watched over my shoulder to make sure I deleted those apps,” he says. “Refusing to show them your phone is never an option,” he added. “When they question you in Kashmir, refusing is never an option.”

Hanan and his friends meet us shortly before noon at Grand Resort, a small restaurant tucked away on a snow-covered lane in downtown Kupwara. We sit at a large table near a window at the back, trying to be inconspicuous, and order coffees and warm buttered toast, a popular snack in Kashmir. Nobody looks at their phones — there’s nothing to see on them.

The most obvious effects of the blackout are economic. Sofi Musaib, a high school senior who was preparing for the med school entrance exam when the shutdown began, says he’s decided to sit out a year because he’s simply not prepared. “Academic books and study material are expensive. But a mobile data plan is 149 rupees ($2) a month, so I used to rely on YouTube for watching lectures related to my course,” he says. “I don’t have Wi-Fi at home and I am not rich enough to move out of Kashmir to study somewhere else in the country.”

Zahid Ul-Aslam, a 17-year-old high school senior, calls the last six months a “black time.” Most of what we do on our phones is low stakes, and it’s no different for him. Ul-Aslam spent hours with friends, family, and college professors in a dozen WhatsApp groups, playing PUBG, an online multiplayer game, tracking cricket updates, catching up on news, and swiping through TikTok videos. “I don’t know what’s going on in the world anymore,” he says.

“I feel like there’s an iron curtain between the rest of the world and us,” says Khushgufter Afimed Shah-Pirzada, a 20-year-old linguistics undergrad. “We can move around, but we can’t see, feel, or breathe.”

“I thought it was bad enough when Burhan was martyred,” says Hanan, “but this is worse.”

In 2016, Indian security forces gunned down Burhan Wani, the leader of the Hizbul Mujahideen, Kashmir’s largest insurgent group, which wants the territory to become part of Pakistan. A handsome young man with a close-cropped beard, Wani differed from many militants because his claim to fame was social media.

Pictures and videos of Wani and his cohort wearing combat fatigues and cradling automatic weapons went viral on Facebook and WhatsApp across the valley. Wani not only threatened Indian security forces, but called upon young Kashmiris to revolt. To the Indians who killed him, Wani was a terrorist, but for the young Kashmiris sitting at the table with me, he was a symbol of resistance.

After Wani’s death, thousands of Kashmiris attended his funeral in the town of Tral, where he was born. One attendee called it a “carnival of martyrdom.” In the wake of violent protests following his death, in which more than 40 people died, authorities shut down the internet and mobile services for nearly six months.

Long before internet-enabled smartphones emerged as tools of dissent in India, and long before Wani, Kashmiris have used them to resist the Indian government. As a journalist based in Srinagar who didn’t want to be named for fear of retaliation said, “We had an Arab Spring in Kashmir long before the Arab Spring.”

Since Kashmir’s internet blackouts have made streaming services practically impossible to access, Kashmir has become a thriving black market for content. The current favorite is a Turkish historical epic called Resurrection: Ertugrul, which locals describe as a “Muslim Game of Thrones.” Kashmiris swap content over ShareIt, an app that zaps video and audio files, documents, and apps from phone to phone at high speeds without internet access, like AirDrop, but for Android. When Ul-Aslam opens the app, it shows that he has traded nearly a terabyte of content — as much as 15 full days of streaming Netflix would use — in the last six months.

His phone’s home screen is littered with VPN apps, which he’s gotten through ShareIt after the 2G network was restored in Kupwara. VPN software typically hides a user’s real location and encrypts data, which means that someone based in Kashmir could use a VPN to make it seem like they were located somewhere else in the country, bypassing local restrictions. The government bans people from using VPN during the shutdown, but enforcement is spotty.

When 2G-speed services were restored to Kupwara, Ul-Aslam fired them up one by one to see if he could bypass the restrictions and access the full internet, but nothing worked. “Now I just keep them on my phone,” he says with a rueful smile, “for hope.”

Hindustan Times / Getty Images
Journalists use internet facilities at the designated media center of the government's information department in Srinagar, Jan. 15.

The shutdown has also hampered the work of some members of Indian law enforcement.

At the end of January, Jammu and Kashmir police seized nearly $10 million in narcotics from two people in Kupwara. According to reports, the drugs were brought in through a network of smugglers from Pakistan-controlled Kashmir.

“The narco trade fuels a lot of the valley’s militancy because it brings in money,” a senior intelligence officer, who requested anonymity to speak freely, tells me at an Indian army camp near Kupwara. “Once the channel to bring in the drugs is set, they switch to bringing in weapons and, eventually, militants from across the border.”

To bust these operations, intelligence officials rely on tracking the cellphones of the people involved in them and intercepting calls and messages. But the shutdown put an end to that.

“The quality of intelligence has gone down drastically since the shutdown started,” the officer says. “Sure, it’s impacted militant networks too, but they don’t just rely on phones. Their physical networks and infrastructure are well established as well.”

The lack of mobile internet, especially, has made it harder for informants to reach out to Indian intelligence officials, he says.

“Whistleblowers would rarely call or text us,” he says, “because those things aren’t encrypted. They would either message or call over an encrypted app like WhatsApp or come and meet us in person.”

Since August, this officer says, he’s been unable to connect with any of his sources over WhatsApp. He now meets them only in person and has had to reestablish most of his network.

“The official reasons for shutting down the internet such as to prevent anti-national activities are true,” he says. “But shutting down the internet also impacts your ability to track the bad guys.”

Just off Residency Road, a wide, sycamore-lined street in the heart of Srinagar, sits a series of low-slung buildings with sloping green tin roofs inside a barbed wire fence.

Inside, two bored-looking security guards wave me through a metal detector. One of them has an automatic rifle casually slung across his chest. Directly across me is a thick, black curtain, which I brush aside to enter a space about the size of a small hotel room.

The air is stuffy, and it’s tough to move around without bumping into someone. Against a wall is a row of cubicles where groups of hassled men stare into flatscreen monitors. Some people sit on wooden chairs and tap on laptops connected to snaking ethernet cables. Someone trips across one, grabs my shoulder to steady themselves, and mutters an apology.

This is Kashmir’s Media Facilitation Center, a makeshift facility set up by the government for journalists, and one of the few places in Kashmir with unrestricted internet access. The center is segregated by gender — the space for women journalists is down a long corridor that leads to filthy restrooms — and has become the nerve center for local, national, and international media. There are nine desktop computers and a handful of ethernet cables to serve the approximately 300 journalists who work in Srinagar — though I doubt they could all fit in here at once. There’s no Wi-Fi, but Connectify, a crafty piece of software that lets you turn a laptop attached to an ethernet cable into a Wi-Fi hotspot that other devices around it can connect to, is all the rage.

“It’s not allowed, it’s restricted by the government,” a reporter tells me with a wink as he punches in the password. “But we do it anyway.”

When I check the laptop I’m mooching off, I discover there are 26 other people connected. “It can’t handle so many people using it at once” laughs the owner. In the corner, someone is downloading nursery rhymes from ChuChu TV, India’s largest YouTube channel for kids, on an iPad.

Few professions in Kashmir have been hit as badly by the internet shutdown as the region’s press. Newspapers and websites, unable to get in touch with their reporters, stopped publishing for weeks. Since August 5, the day the blackout was imposed, the government has detained dozens, withdrawn all-important government advertising from local newspapers, and stopped journalists at military checkpoints as they moved around the region. Official information comes in a trickle via anodyne press briefings.

“We’re not doing journalism anymore,” says Sajjad Haider, editor-in-chief of the Kashmir Observer, one of the region’s largest publications and the first to launch an online edition in 1997. “We’re putting out trash. We’re afraid of our readers. If they had a choice, they would stop reading Kashmiri newspapers.”

“We’re not doing journalism anymore. We’re putting out trash.”

Like most other publications in the region, a major source of Haider’s revenue source was ads in his newspaper taken out by the government. But since the shutdown, government advertising has dropped by half, he says. Private advertising from local businesses such as handicrafts and tourism, which have already been hit due to the shutdown, has disappeared almost completely. Nearly a dozen Kashmir Observer staffers lost their jobs because the paper couldn’t afford their salaries.

Haider has approached authorities multiple times since the shutdown but says that they have “absolutely not” been responsive to his pleas to restore access. “Every time, they just feign ignorance. You have to go higher and higher, and ultimately, we are told that the buck stops at New Delhi.”

Greater Kashmir, the region’s oldest and the largest newspaper, put more than half its newsroom on “standby” — leave without pay — according to executive editor Arif Wani. It last updated its website in December, for which a staff member had to travel outside the region to upload stories. That proved to be too expensive and unfeasible, and so it now sits frozen.

When I ask Haider, a grizzled news veteran, how he manages to keep up with the news, his eyes bulge and his hands fly up into the air. “I don’t!” he shouts. “I read old books! Old books on my bookshelves!”

Later that evening, I catch an auto rickshaw from Haider’s office to the center of the city, to attend a press conference by Ravi Shankar Prasad, India’s Information and Technology and Communications minister, who is in town to inaugurate a post office staffed exclusively by women. A throng of journalists waits for nearly 45 minutes watching dozens of heavily armed Indian Army personnel standing outside the gates.

Finally, Prasad draws up in an enormous black car, bulletproof windows shielded with dark film, followed by a convoy. We try to follow him, but the way is blocked: Only a few media outlets have been handpicked to attend the press conference. The rest of us trudge home.

A day later, India’s largest news agency publishes two paragraphs about Shankar’s visit to Srinagar. “Ravi Shankar Prasad interacts with locals,” reads the headline. It doesn’t mention the shutdown.

“You have to understand that the internet here is not just a utility,” a journalist who works for a national news website and who wished to remain unnamed tells me. “It’s now a tool for a new social hierarchy. At the top is the ruling class, the politicians. At the bottom — below the rest of the people, below the boat owners, below the auto rickshaw drivers — are the journalists. We are at the bottom, the wretched of the earth.”

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A Kashmiri man installs a VPN application on his mobile phone in Srinagar.

On Republic Day, India marks the adoption of its constitution, which states that the country is a “sovereign socialist secular democratic republic”. Across the nation, people hoist the tricolor in public places. Patriotic songs blare from speakers, and members of the Indian Armed Forces showcase their might while marching down Rajpath, a ceremonial boulevard in New Delhi that leads to the official residence of the Indian president.

In Kashmir — which the constitution had, up until August, granted a degree of autonomy — Republic Day means lockdown. Mobile phones are shut off entirely. Roads are barricaded and concertina wire strung everywhere. Men clasping automatic rifles and bulletproof vests patrol every few feet. Stores and businesses close down, and most people stay indoors.

On my last day in Kashmir, hours before boarding my flight back to Delhi, I am finally plunged into the total communications blackout that Kashmiris lived through for weeks in August.

On the TV, every news channel is tuned in live to the Republic Day parade in New Delhi. On the screen, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wears a bright saffron turban and gives a firm handshake to India’s official Republic Day guest, Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

I crack my window open and gaze down at the empty street below. Nothing moves. Five minutes later, a dozen army men wearing metal helmets and carrying ballistic shields walk past. One of them detaches himself from the group and positions himself directly across the street. Once in a while, he looks up and stares at me staring down at him and our eyes meet in an unblinking gaze that he doesn’t break for a long time. I shut the window and draw the curtain.

Shortly after 10 a.m., I step out of the front door of the hotel and walk out into the empty streets of Srinagar. “Don’t go out if you don’t have to,” warns the man at the front desk, noting that I might be stopped and frisked and asked for ID.

Lal Chowk, Srinagar’s main city square, is a site of historical significance. In 1948, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first prime minister, unfurled the Indian flag and promised Kashmiris a referendum to choose their political future. Four decades later, members of the Hindu nationalist BJP hoisted the tricolor a short distance away.

On this Republic Day, dozens of gun-toting men in army uniforms surround the tower. A small 5-year-old girl wearing pink, rabbit-shaped ear muffs holds her mother's hand and skips past the men. When I pass them again, I see a lanky young man with a camera clicking freely. He says he’s a photographer with an international wire service. “Don’t they get bothered when you do that?” I ask. “They do,” he shrugs. “Sometimes, they trash you.”

Shortly after lunchtime, I set off for the airport. My flight back home isn’t scheduled to take off before evening, but security is tight around the city on Republic Day and I don’t want to take any chances. In the eight-mile drive to the airport, army personnel stop my car twice, make me and the driver get off, and demand ID. When I tell them I have a flight to catch, they ask me to show my ticket. Half a mile before we reach the airport, I am stopped again, and this time, one of the men with guns pats me down and runs a wand over my bag.

As the cab pulls into the airport, a huge billboard with Modi’s face on it looms large beneath half a dozen tall sycamores. “Digital India, Developed India,” it says, name-checking one of the prime minister's flagship campaigns.

Moments before I board the flight, the Republic Day mobile ban is lifted, and backed up text messages start streaming in. It reminds of something Hanan told me in Kupwara. “They’ve made their point,” he had said. “Even if they give us the internet back, they can take it away any time again whenever they want, and as long as they want.” ●

Smartphones Transformed India. Now Indians Are Turning Them Against The Modi Government. Pranav Dixit · Dec. 26, 2019 

Scaachi Koul · Dec. 18, 2019

Kashmiris Are Disappearing From WhatsApp Pranav Dixit · Dec. 4, 2019

Pranav Dixit is a tech reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Delhi.
Clearview’s Facial Recognition App Has Been Used By The Justice Department, ICE, Macy’s, Walmart, And The NBA

A BuzzFeed News review of Clearview AI documents has revealed the company is working with more than 2,200 law enforcement agencies, companies, and individuals around the world.

BuzzFeed Staff February 27, 2020

Rob Dobi for BuzzFeed News

The United States’ main immigration enforcement agency, the Department of Justice, retailers including Best Buy and Macy’s, and a sovereign wealth fund in the United Arab Emirates are among the thousands of government entities and private businesses around the world listed as clients of the controversial facial recognition startup with a database of billions of photos scraped from social media and the web.

The startup, Clearview AI, is facing legal threats from Facebook, Google, and Twitter, as well as calls for regulation and scrutiny in the United States. But new documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News reveal that it has already shared or sold its technology to thousands of organizations around the world.

In its quest to create a global biometric identification system to span both public and private sectors, Clearview has signed paid contracts with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the US Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York, and Macy’s, according to the document obtained by BuzzFeed News. The company has credentialed users at the FBI, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), Interpol, and hundreds of local police departments. In doing so, Clearview has taken a flood-the-zone approach to seeking out new clients, providing access not just to organizations, but to individuals within those organizations — sometimes with little or no oversight or awareness from their own management.

Clearview’s software, which claims to match photos of persons of interest to online images culled from millions of sites, has been used by people in more than 2,200 law enforcement departments, government agencies, and companies across 27 countries, according to the documents. This data provides the most complete picture to date of who has used the controversial technology and reveals what some observers have previously feared: Clearview AI’s facial recognition has been deployed at every level of American society and is making its way around the world.

The New York–based startup has claimed its controversial technology is intended as a tool for police and that it was prioritizing business in North America. “It’s strictly for law enforcement,” Clearview CEO Hoan Ton-That said on Fox Business earlier this month, while noting in a Feb. 5 statement to BuzzFeed News that his company was “focused on doing business in USA and Canada.” But in reality, Clearview AI has also been aggressively pursuing clients in industries such as law, retail, banking, and gaming, and pushing into international markets in Europe, South America, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East.
Got a tip? Email one of the reporters of this story at or, or contact us here.

In reply to an extensive list of questions, Clearview attorney Tor Ekeland said, "There are numerous inaccuracies in this illegally obtained information. As there is an ongoing Federal investigation, we have no further comment."

Clearview has attracted a whirlwind of attention for claiming that it had built unprecedented facial recognition trained on an ever-increasing database of more than 3 billion photos ripped from Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other websites. In a January interview with the New York Times, Ton-That said the company was working with 600 law enforcement agencies across the country and had provided the software, which can be used on a desktop computer or through a mobile app, to the FBI and Department of Homeland Security.

AMR ALFIKY/The New York Times/ReduxClearview AI CEO Hoan Ton-That in New York, Jan. 10, 2019.

The internal documents, which were uncovered by a source who declined to be named for fear of retribution from the company or the government agencies named in them, detail just how far Clearview has been able to distribute its technology, providing it to people everywhere from college security departments to attorneys general offices, and in countries from Australia to Saudi Arabia. BuzzFeed News authenticated the logs, which list about 2,900 institutions and include details such as the number of log-ins, the number of searches, and the date of the last search. Some organizations did not have log-ins or did not run searches, according to the documents, and BuzzFeed News is only disclosing the entities that have established at least one account and performed at least one search.

Even with that criteria, the numbers are staggering and illustrate how Clearview AI, a small startup founded three years ago, has been able to get its software to employees at some of the world’s most powerful organizations. According to documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News, in the last year alone, people associated with 2,228 law enforcement agencies, companies, and institutions created accounts and collectively performed nearly 500,000 searches — all of them tracked and logged by the company.

While some of these entities have formal contracts with Clearview, many do not. A majority of Clearview’s clients are using the tool via free trials, most of which last 30 days. In some cases, when BuzzFeed News reached out to organizations from the documents, officials at a number of those places initially had no idea that their employees were using the software or denied that they had ever tried the facial recognition tool. Some of those people later admitted that Clearview accounts did exist within their organizations after follow-up questions from BuzzFeed News led them to query their workers.

“This is completely crazy,” Clare Garvie, a senior associate at the Center on Privacy and Technology at Georgetown Law School, told BuzzFeed News. “Here’s why it’s concerning to me: There is no clear line between who is permitted access to this incredibly powerful and incredibly risky tool and who doesn’t have access. There is not a clear line between law enforcement and non-law enforcement.”

“This is completely crazy. ... There is not a clear line between law enforcement and non-law enforcement.”

There are currently no federal laws regulating the use of facial recognition, though several elected officials have proposed bills, states including Illinois have developed regulations on the corporate use of biometric data, and some cities have outright banned the technology. In that regulatory vacuum, Clearview has thrived, doling out free trials seemingly at will, and encouraging law enforcement officers and officials to invite their colleagues and perform as many searches as possible.

On Wednesday, Clearview AI told the Daily Beast that an intruder had “gained unauthorized access to its list” of customers. "Unfortunately, data breaches are part of life in the 21st century. Our servers were never accessed," Ekeland told the Daily Beast. "We patched the flaw, and continue to work to strengthen our security.”

The explanation did not sit well with some lawmakers, including Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden.

“Shrugging and saying data breaches happen is cold comfort for Americans who could have their information spilled out to hackers without their consent or knowledge,” he told BuzzFeed News. “Companies that scoop up and market vast troves of information, including facial recognition products, should be held accountable if they don’t keep that information safe.”

Clearview CEO Ton-That has been coy about his company’s relationships with the federal government, but documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News suggest his startup has deeply penetrated multiple departments and agencies there. Among them is the Department of Homeland Security, where employees at CBP, the country’s main border security organization, are listed in the documents as having registered nearly 280 accounts. In total, those accounts have run almost 7,500 searches, the most of any federal agency that did not have some type of paid relationship.

A spokesperson for CBP said Clearview was not used for the agency’s biometric entry-exit programs and declined further comment.

Agents at ICE have also used Clearview, according to company documents, running more than 8,000 searches from about 60 different accounts associated with a Homeland Security Investigations field office in El Paso, Texas, an ICE office in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, and a Border Enforcement Security Task Force at New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport. The documents also indicate employees of ICE’s Enforcement and Removal Operations, the body responsible for the arrest and deportation of those in the country without authorization, have tried Clearview.

A spokesperson for ICE told BuzzFeed News that HSI began a paid pilot program in June 2019 through its Child Exploitation Investigations Unit and noted that a formal contract has yet not been signed.

“ICE’s use of facial recognition technology is primarily used by Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) special agents investigating child exploitation and other cybercrime cases,” the spokesperson said. “ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers have also occasionally used the technology, as task force officers with HSI and the Department of Justice, and through training, on human trafficking investigations.”

Jacinta González, a senior campaign director at Mijente, a Latinx advocacy group, told BuzzFeed News that ICE’s use of Clearview in the absence of a regulatory framework is troubling. “This tool goes way beyond anything that is legal, and there is literally no accountability for how they're going to use this tool,” she said. “They could walk into a supermarket, scan people, see if matches up, and deport them immediately.”
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The documents also show that employees at 10 fusion centers, intelligence intake facilities that are recognized by DHS, are deploying Clearview across the country and in the US Virgin Islands. One of those fusion centers in Louisiana was listed as a paying customer.

“They could walk into a supermarket, scan people, see if matches up, and deport them immediately.”

Clearview has also been used inside the Department of Justice where the list of government organizations trialing the company’s facial recognition software include multiples offices at the US Secret Service (some 5,600 searches); the Drug Enforcement Administration (about 2,000 searches); the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (more than 2,100 searches); and the FBI (5,700 searches across at least 20 different field offices). Spokespeople for all these agencies either declined comment or did not respond to a request for comment.

Two DOJ organizations — the criminal intelligence branch of the US Marshals and the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York — are paying to use Clearview. A spokesperson for the US Marshals said the organization “cannot confirm the use of any specific, sensitive equipment and techniques that may be deployed by law enforcement,” while the US Attorney’s Office in SDNY did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

“Government agents should not be running our faces against a shadily assembled database of billions of our photos in secret and with no safeguards against abuse,” Nathan Freed Wessler, a staff attorney with the ACLU, said to BuzzFeed News. “More fundamentally, that so many law and immigration enforcement agencies were hoodwinked into using this error-prone and privacy-invading technology peddled by a company that can't even keep its client list secure further demonstrates why lawmakers must halt use of face recognition technology, as communities nationwide are demanding."

Clearview’s technology may have even made it to the White House. Documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News include an entry for “White House Tech Office” with a single user, who logged in back in September 2019 to perform six searches.

The White House did not confirm or deny if that was the case. “If a current or former staff member attempted to access more information about this product, it was not an official inquiry and was not sanctioned by the White House,” a senior White House official told BuzzFeed News.

Beyond the federal government, Clearview AI’s free trials have inspired facial recognition usage in hundreds of regional, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies. The Miami Police Department, for example, has run over 3,000 Clearview searches, according to the documents. The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office has run about 2,000 searches, as has the Philadelphia Police Department. The Indiana State Police, identified in the startup’s documents as a paying agency, has run more than 5,700 scans.

The New York State Police, which has several users that have run dozens of searches, said that Clearview is one of many tools that the agency uses. The agency paid $15,000 for Clearview licenses, according to federal spending database GovSpend.

“The Clearview AI facial recognition software is used to generate potential leads in criminal investigations as well as homeland security cases involving a clearly identified public safety issue,” a New York State Police representative said to BuzzFeed News.

The bulk of Clearview’s paying customers are local and state police departments, like the Atlanta Police Department, which paid $6,000 for three licenses last year, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News, and officers in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, which paid $1,000 for a license, according to federal spending database GovSpend.

Clearview AI can be a powerful tool for local police. A representative for the Chicago Police Department — which paid $49,875 for two-year Clearview log-ins for 30 people — told BuzzFeed News that it is one of two types of facial recognition software the department uses. The first, DataWorks, uses an internal library of mugshots taken in and around the Chicago area. Clearview, meanwhile, employs more than 3 billion pictures from social media and “millions of websites,” according to its CEO, creating a dragnet that could encompass the world. Users with the Chicago PD, whose contract with Clearview runs through 2021, have collectively run over 1,500 searches.

“If there’s no match [on DataWorks], we try Clearview,” a representative with Chicago PD said. “DataWorks is a closed system, so it only looks at photos we have. But Clearview uses open source media.”

Jason Ercole, a captain with the Senoia Police Department, which is about 40 miles south of Atlanta, said he started with a free trial of Clearview before converting to a paid license and has since made one positive identification of a suspect who was allegedly cashing fake checks. He said he did not have to go through any training to obtain or use the software and noted that he never uses a Clearview match as the sole basis for obtaining a warrant for arrest.

“It’s just like you giving a weapon to a police officer,” Ercole said. “You would hope that he uses it properly and doesn’t use it improperly and remembers his training. It’s a good tool if used appropriately and with caution.”

“It’s just like you giving a weapon to a police officer. You would hope that he uses it properly."

Clearview’s propensity to hand out free trials to officers using police department or government email addresses has sometimes created situations in which law enforcement agencies appear to have no idea the tool is being used by their employees. While the nation’s largest police department, the NYPD, previously denied that it had any formal relationship with Clearview, the document shows that officers there have run more than 11,000 searches, the most of any entity on the document. More than 30 officers have Clearview accounts, according to the logs.

An NYPD spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that while it does not have any contract or agreement with Clearview, its “established practices did not authorize the use of services such as Clearview AI nor did they specifically prohibit it.”

“Technology developments are happening rapidly and law enforcement works to keep up with this technology in real time,” the spokesperson said in a statement. “We are in the process of updating the NYPD’s policy on Facial Recognition practices to address emerging issues.”

Garvie said that these rogue uses of facial recognition are very concerning and that the public has no way of knowing whether all of the searches served a law enforcement purpose.

“Not only are these officers operating completely outside of the established outside procedures set up by the NYPD to run these face recognition searches, but they’re vastly expanding the types of cases to which face recognition is actually being applied,” Garvie said.

Even when a police department decides Clearview is not the right fit, it can be hard to prevent officers from using it. The Raleigh Police Department in North Carolina was a paying client, but later discontinued its relationship with the startup and put a moratorium on the use of its app after it was unable to get the company to fully comply with an audit.

Despite the severing of that relationship, Raleigh police officers continued to use Clearview beyond the ban on Feb. 11 and signed up with free trials, according to a department spokesperson.

Clearview isn’t only targeting police departments at the state level. Multiple state government agencies are working with the company, according to its logs, including the Illinois secretary of state. Behind the NYPD, it’s run the most searches of any entity on the list, clocking nearly 9,000 scans. A representative for the secretary’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Clearview’s client list also extends to the American education system, with more than 50 educational institutions across 24 states named in the log. Among them are two high schools.

Those two, Central Montco Technical High School in Pennsylvania and Somerset Berkley Regional High School in Massachusetts, did not respond to a request for comment. Somerset Police Department, which appears on the list with Somerset Berkley Regional, initially denied ever using Clearview or any facial recognition software, but later stated that a detective had received a 30-day free trial. The documents show that each school was only associated with one account. Neither had run more than five searches.

While most universities listed on the documents showed low search counts like the University of Alabama (about 30 searches) or the police at Florida International University (more than 200 searches), the fact that it was being used by officers or officials on campuses at all alarmed activists. In some cases, school officials had no idea it was being used.

“This is exactly why we’ve been calling for administrators to enact a ban,” said Evan Greer, deputy director of Fight for the Future, a digital rights advocacy group. “So much of this happens in secrecy. A security officer shouldn’t be able to use this to stalk students around campus.”

A spokesperson for New York’s Columbia University, which had one account listed that performed over 30 searches on the list and has similarly committed to not using facial recognition, told BuzzFeed News that "Columbia’s Public Safety has never tested facial recognition technology and there are no plans to use it." They declined to say why someone associated with the university had tried Clearview.

Southern Methodist University first said that campus police were not using the software, but after multiple follow-ups from BuzzFeed News admitted that Clearview provided an employee with a test account. “SMU decided not to go forward with it,” an official said, declining to answer further questions about why documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News showed multiple accounts tied to the university.

The University of Minnesota, which had previously committed to not using facial recognition, seemed to have a similar problem after documents showed that employees associated with the campus police department had used Clearview. The university told BuzzFeed News that its police department “does not have a contract with Clearview AI.”

“While some individual officers may have been offered trials of the software in the past, use of the program was not and is not part of regular business operations,” said a university spokesperson.

Rob Dobi for BuzzFeed News

More than 200 companies have Clearview accounts according to the documents, including major stores like Kohl’s and Walmart and banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. While some of these entities have formal contracts with Clearview, the majority — as with public sector entities — appear to have only used the facial recognition software on free trials

Greer said that if people focus conversations about facial recognition only on government or law enforcement uses, they are “missing the bigger picture.”

“The fact that their client list includes all these major corporations shows that private entities can also use this type of invasive technology in incredibly abusive ways,” she said.

For a company that maintains its tools are for law enforcement, Clearview’s client list includes a startling number of private companies in industries like entertainment (Madison Square Garden and Eventbrite), gaming (Las Vegas Sands and Pechanga Resort Casino), sports (the National Basketball Association), fitness (Equinox), and even cryptocurrency (Coinbase). The logs also show that the startup is particularly interested in banking and finance, with 46 financial institutions trying the facial recognition tool in the 12 months.

A Bank of America spokesperson confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it’s not a paying customer, but declined to explain why Clearview’s logs list it as having conducted more than 1,900 searches. “We’re not a client of Clearview,” a Bank of America spokesperson said. “We haven’t been a client, we didn’t stop being a client, and we never were a client.”

Employees at big-box retailers, supermarkets, pharmacy chains, and department stores have also trialed Clearview. Company logs reviewed by BuzzFeed News include Walmart (nearly 300 searches), Best Buy (more than 200 searches), grocer Albertsons (more than 40 searches), and Rite Aid (about 35 searches). Kohl’s, which has run more than 2,000 searches across 11 different accounts, and Macy’s, a paying customer that has completed more than 6,000, are among the private companies with the most searches.

Employees at mobile carriers like AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile also appear in the Clearview documents. None of these companies appear to be paying customers, but their employees are listed as having collectively run hundreds of Clearview searches. AT&T, which searched for some 200 people, confirmed to BuzzFeed News that the company did not pay for the service, but declined further comment.

Clearview’s code of conduct states that individual users must be “authorized by their employer” to use the tool, but that seems to be more of a guiding principle than an enforceable rule. Clearview’s documents show that at Home Depot, five accounts ran nearly 100 searches.

“We don’t use Clearview AI,” a Home Depot representative told BuzzFeed News, when asked for comment. “Curious why you thought we’re a client.”

Garvie was alarmed by Clearview’s application to retail settings, noting that it could lead to the profiling of customers for shoplifting or theft.

“We don’t use Clearview AI. Curious why you thought we’re a client.”

“That to me is a concerning premise because not only is there a complete absence of transparency into who gets suspected of shoplifting, and whether there’s any redress provided to an individual,” she said.

The documents reviewed by BuzzFeed News also indicate that the company has provided its software to private investigators and security firms. Among them is Gavin de Becker and Associates, a private security agency, which appears as a paid Clearview customer with more than 3,600 searches, and SilverSEAL Global Security, a New York firm that engages in private investigation and surveillance, according to its website. Neither firm responded to requests for comment.

When BuzzFeed News reported earlier this month that Clearview AI had used marketing materials that suggested it was pursuing a “rapid international expansion,” the company was dismissive, noting that it was focused on the US and Canada.

The company’s client list suggests otherwise. It shows that Clearview AI has expanded to at least 26 countries outside the US, engaging national law enforcement agencies, government bodies, and police forces in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, India, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

The log also has an entry for Interpol, which ran more than 320 searches. Reached for comment, the worldwide policing agency confirmed that “a small number of officers” in its Crimes Against Children unit had used Clearview’s facial recognition app with a 30-day free trial account. That trial has now ended and “there is no formal relationship between Interpol and Clearview,” the Interpol General Secretariat said in a statement.

It’s unclear how Clearview is vetting potential international clients, particularly in countries with records of human rights violations or authoritarian regimes. In an interview with PBS, Ton-That said that Clearview would never sell to countries “adverse to the US,” including China, Iran, and North Korea. Asked by PBS if he would sell to countries where being gay is a crime, he didn’t answer, stating once again that the company’s focus is on the US and Canada.

Clearview, however, has already provided its software to organizations in countries that have laws against LGBTQ individuals, according to its documents. In Saudi Arabia, for example, the documents indicate that Clearview gave access to the Thakaa Center, also known as the AI Center of Advanced Studies, a Riyadh-based research center whose clients include Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment. Thakaa, which did not respond to a request for comment, was given access to the software earlier this month, according to the documents.

In the UAE, which criminalizes homosexuality, the company’s logs show that Clearview has provided its software to two entities, including Mubadala Investment Company, the country’s sovereign wealth fund, which has run more than 100 searches. The facial recognition software has also been used by UAE police, according to the documents, which indicate that it’s specifically used for the Ministry of Interior’s Child Protection Center in Abu Dhabi.

Outside of the US, Clearview’s largest market is Canada, where company logs show access to its app has been given to both public and private entities. There are more than 30 law enforcement agencies in the country with access to the software.

Just as in the US, some law enforcement agencies around the world seemed unaware that their officers or employees had signed up and used Clearview. The Australian Federal Police said in a statement that it does not use it, but declined to comment on why Clearview’s records show that employees associated with the organization have run more than 100 searches — some as recently as January 2020. In the UK, London’s Metropolitan Police only told BuzzFeed News that Clearview was not being used in its recently deployed live facial recognition tool, but declined comment on the more than 170 searches noted in Clearview’s logs.

Some responses were more ominous. In India, the only entity that has signed up for Clearview’s software was the Vadodara City Police in the western state of Gujarat. The startup’s records show that the department only signed up last month and had only run a handful of searches. When asked by a BuzzFeed News reporter if police in the city were still using the facial recognition technology, Police Commissioner Anupam Singh Gahlaut responded with a short text and did not respond to further questions.

“We have not started yet.” ●

With reporting from Hannah Ryan in Sydney, Emily Ashton in the United Kingdom, and Pranav Dixit in Delhi.


Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State Plot

While Donald Trump has tasked Mike Pence with leading the country to safety.

Ryan BroderickBuzzFeed News Reporter February 26, 2020 

Eric Baradat / Getty Images
Trump speaks at a news conference on the coronavirus 

outbreak at the White House, Feb. 26.

The World Health Organization is still declining to call the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, but the number of infections and deaths continue to climb as the disease spreads. Public health authorities are split about whether containing or mitigating the virus is the best option — but both depend on whether President Donald Trump and his most conspiracy-addled followers can be convinced to go along with it.

At a press conference on Wednesday night, Trump praised his administration’s decision to restrict travel of people from countries where infections have been diagnosed, claimed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was trying to create a panic for political purposes, and announced that Vice President Mike Pence would lead the official coronavirus response. “Because of all we've done, the risk to the American people remains very low,” Trump said. “The level that we've had in our country is very low and those people are getting very better.”

Trump at the press conference said he agreed with claims that Rush Limbaugh (upon whom he bestowed the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union speech) made during his radio show this week, that the deep state had created the coronavirus as a political weapon to “to bring down Trump.”

When a reporter asked Wednesday night if he was minimizing the deadly potential of the outbreak, Trump laughed and joked that it was no different than the flu. "You don't have to necessarily grab any handrail if you don't have to,” he said.

It’s true that the number of cases in the United States is still low, with 14 cases diagnosed. This is in addition to 39 cases repatriated from high-risk settings — a current total of 53 cases. Still, preparations are being made for things to worsen.

There are currently 81,000 cases worldwide, 2,700 deaths, the majority in China. But with outbreaks in Iran, Italy, and South Korea, the CDC’s director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, Nancy Messonnier, suggested on Friday it might be only a matter of weeks before US officials start talking about school and business closings. As authorities get ready, the president, some administration officials, and allies are either baselessly bragging about how prepared we are to contain the disease or spreading conspiracy theories about it — and there’s a ready audience for those fevered narratives.

On Monday, while in India on his first state visit, Trump tweeted, “the Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries.” Two days later, the president doubled down, railing against the media for spreading hysteria.

“Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC [sic] (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus [sic] look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible,” he wrote.

Echoing the message, hyperpartisan news sites, conspiracy theorists, and scammers have sown panic. In the last two weeks, a narrative has solidified among his base: The virus is a deep state plot, possibly created by the Chinese government, to hurt Trump’s reelection chances.

Infowars ran a video claiming the Department of Homeland Security was buying up emergency food provisions; the site's sidebar advertised food rations on its online store. Jordan Sather, a YouTuber aligned with the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory, has told followers that coronavirus is a “new fad disease,” the release of which was “planned.” Sather has also promoted the idea that QAnon followers can protect themselves from COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, by drinking chlorine dioxide — otherwise known as bleach. Limbaugh and other pro-Trump media sites have also attacked Messonnier, the sister of Rod Rosenstein — a longtime Trump punching bag and former deputy attorney general.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow claimed the US had an “airtight containment” of the virus. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, during an interview last month with Fox Business, said the coronavirus’s toll on mainland China could boost US employment. Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro claimed that vaccine development will be on "Trump time" and said to expect a faster release to the public. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told BuzzFeed News that a vaccine will only be safe and available for limited distribution to doctors and the most vulnerable patients, those who are elderly or have a compromised immune system, within two years. Republican Arkansas Sen. Tom Cotton, while speaking on Fox News last week, claimed the virus could be a lab-made bioweapon, a hoax popular among QAnon followers.

Nurphoto / Getty Images
Trump rally attendees hold up QAnon signs in Tampa, Florida, July 31, 2018.

The only part of the pro-Trump ecosystem that has been quiet about the outbreak has been Trump’s 2020 team. Neither Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, nor the Trump War Room Twitter account have tweeted about the coronavirus. BuzzFeed News has reached out to the campaign for comment.

Brandon J. Brown, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Riverside, told BuzzFeed News there are many examples of the real-world effect of spreading medical misinformation during an outbreak, including the measles outbreak in Disneyland, which was due to anti-vaxxers, and the polio vaccination campaign in Pakistan, where misinformation was spread that claimed the vaccine would harm children.

“Anytime you have lots of people congregated in one location, there is a higher risk of transmission,” Brown said. “So, large gatherings such as presidential rallies with hundreds or thousands of people without too much personal space always can exacerbate the spread of any infection, such as flu or COVID-19.”

In addition, the surge of pro-Trump digital chaos shows exactly how unprepared American tech platforms are for an outbreak, regardless of the safeguards they’ve scrambled to put in place.

“Large gatherings such as presidential rallies with hundreds or thousands of people without too much personal space always can exacerbate the spread of any infection”

Last month, Facebook said it would be removing “content with false claims or conspiracy theories that have been flagged by leading global health organizations and local health authorities that could cause harm to people who believe them.” And the platform told Business Insider this week that it would ban ads that "create a sense of urgency" around the virus or promise to cure it.

Other platforms have also put up safety rails. Twitter is prompting users who search for the coronavirus to visit official channels like the CDC for more information. Searching “coronavirus” on YouTube returns a CDC warning, a live blog about the outbreak from a trusted news source, and hundreds of videos from verified channels. And Amazon has removed listings for products that made false claims about the virus and cracked down on price gouging on face masks.

But Facebook and Twitter are still full of hoaxes and rumors about COVID-19.

Travis View, a QAnon researcher and cohost of the QAnon Anonymous podcast, told BuzzFeed News he believes many pro-Trump conspiracy theorists believe they’re safe from the outbreak: “Many QAnon followers feel that they're safe from serious disasters, including global pandemics, because ‘patriots are in control.’ This stems from their belief that serious disasters are engineered by the evil ‘cabal,’ rather than being natural and unpredictable.”

“It’s not so much of a question of if [an outbreak in the US] will happen anymore, but rather more of a question of exactly when this will happen,” Messonnier said at a briefing Wednesday. As a consequence, it could be a battle between ideology and nature. And when that happens, as was demonstrated in South Korea recently, nature wins.

Jung Yeon-je / Getty Images
A worker wearing protective gear sprays disinfectant as part of a preventive measure against the spread of the coronavirus at a railway station in Daegu, South Korea, Feb. 26.

More than 450 followers of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, a religious organization described by the South China Morning Post as a “doomsday cult,” contracted the coronavirus. On Monday, the head of the Infection Preventive Medicine Department in the city of Daegu tested positive for the virus and subsequently identified himself as a member of the church.

At least 681 of the 833 infections confirmed in South Korea have been in Daegu, the majority of them linked to the Shincheonji Church. The outbreak within the Shincheonji community started on Feb. 7, when a 61-year-old woman known as “Patient No. 31” checked into a Daegu hospital following a traffic accident and complained of a sore throat. She left the hospital twice to attend church services, exposing thousands of others to the virus in the process. Members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus believe the 88-year-old founder Lee Man-hee to be the second coming of Christ.

In comments not dissimilar to what Trump tweeted about the “Caronavirus,” Lee claimed the disease was the “devil’s deed” to stop the church’s growth.

In the US, similar claims could be found in QAnon circles.

On Tuesday, @Inevitable_ET went viral with a tweet in which they claimed to have found a post from Q from two years ago that proved that Q knew about the coronavirus years before — and that if everyone trusted Trump, they would be fine.

“We have assurance of safety and no justification to panic,” another user responded.


"Smoking Doesn't Kill" And Other Great Old Op-Eds From Mike Pence

The Indiana governor who is at the center of the debate surrounding the recently signed Religious Freedom Restoration Act in his state wrote some interesting op-eds 15 years ago. **Trump, according to multiple reports, was expected to announce he had chosen Pence as his running mate at a now-cancelled event in New York City on Friday.

Andrew Kaczynski BuzzFeed News Reporter March 31, 2015

"Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn't kill."


Pence explains why Titanic was a popular movie, calling it a "metaphor before our eyes."


On climate change, Pence says CO2 from burning fuels can't be the cause of increased global temperatures because it "is a naturally occurring phenomenon in nature..." not an unnatural one. He also mixes up India and Indonesia.


Pence says George Washington was a Republican: "Republicans, from George Washington to George W. Bush just have better ideas." Washington didn't belong to any political party and famously warned against them in his farewell address.


In 1991, when Pence lost his campaign for Congress, he wrote an article about how he ran a negative campaign.


Pence wrote that Clinton must resign or be impeached.


Andrew Kaczynski is a political reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in New York.
Trump Put Mike Pence In Charge Of The Coronavirus Response. Public Health Experts Aren't Having It. 

The vice president was widely criticized for his handling of Indiana's HIV outbreak in 2016.

Brianna Sacks BuzzFeed News Reporter Posted on February 27, 2020

Andrew Caballero-reynolds / Getty Images
President Trump on Wednesday appointed Vice President Mike Pence to lead the administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak, assuring the public that officials were "very, very ready" to quash a flare up in the US.

At the White House, the president touted Pence as an "expert" in public health who has "a certain talent for this," citing his experience as the governor of Indiana. Public health experts, however, quickly balked at Trump's praise and immediately recalled Pence's widely admonished handling of his state's HIV outbreak in 201

During his time as governor, Pence came under fire for resisting the CDC's urging to allow clean needles to be distributed because of his conservative, religious beliefs. At the time, needle exchanges were illegal in Indiana. But after mounting pressure from health officials and praying on it, the Republican eventually lifted the ban.

Eugene Gu, MD@eugenegu

As Governor of Indiana, Mike Pence was so slow to start a clean needle exchange for IV drug abusers that by the time he finally did it, up to 215 people were infected with HIV in a population of just 24,000 people in Scott County. Trump naming him Coronavirus Czar is ludicrous.12:23 AM - 27 Feb 2020

Trump, however, credited Pence with establishing a "great" health care system.

“When Mike was governor, Mike Pence of Indiana, they have established great health care, they have a great system there," Trump said. "A system that a lot of the other states have really looked to and changed their systems. They wanted to base it on the Indiana system. It’s very good. And I think he is really very expert in the field."

Pence's appointment comes as the Trump administration works to bolster its response to the coronavirus amid criticism from both parties that it has so far been disjointed, late, and inadequate.

The president has continued to underplay the severity of the outbreak's threat to the US, again reiterating Wednesday that the risk to Americans is “very low." However, on Tuesday, CDC officials issued a more dire warning, saying in a press briefing that the virus's spread in American communities was "inevitable."

Earlier Wednesday, federal health officials said they had documented a patient in Northern California who somehow contracted the coronavirus without traveling to a foreign country or having been in contact with a confirmed case. According to the CDC, there are 60 total confirmed cases in the US.

In accepting his role, Pence said he understood the "vital role of partnerships of state and local governments and health authorities in responding to the potential threat of dangerous infectious diseases."

Public health experts have said otherwise.

"My first take on this is that if you’re choosing someone who’s going to lead a response for a major epidemic that has the potential to become a pandemic…then you choose somebody who has a lot of experience, maybe with a medical degree, or at least someone who has a long track record dealing with infectious disease outbreaks, global health, pandemic preparedness, or biosecurity. I don’t put those kinds of skills on Pence’s CV," Steffanie Strathdee, associate dean of global health at UCSD School of Medicine, told BuzzFeed News.

Strathdee, a trained infectious disease epidemiologist, called the move "hasty" and a politically-motivated decision given that the vice president will "follow the party line." Like many other leaders in her field, she pointed to Pence's handling of Indiana's HIV outbreak.

"Based on Pence’s response to the HIV outbreak in Indiana — 200 infections in that outbreak could have been prevented if that response had been earlier — that concerns me," she said. "We’re already getting a lot of mixed signals. The public really needs to be reassured right now."

Other public health advocates and critics of the administration's coronavirus response also cited Pence's op-ed in 2000 declaring that "smoking does not kill," the fact that he does not believe in climate change, and his distrust in the effectiveness of condoms.

Lawrence Gostin@LawrenceGostin

Wow. @POTUS appts VP Pence as lead on #COVIDー19. Praises him for health policy in Indiana. We all remember Pence allowing #AIDS to spread, against needle exchange, reproductive rights gone. Shouldn’t lead be a PH leader at @CDCgov @NIH @HHSGov11:52 PM - 26 Feb 2020
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Senator Jeff Merkley@SenJeffMerkley

As governor, Mike Pence put ideology over science & contributed to one of the worst HIV crises his state had ever seen. In 2000, he wrote an op-ed arguing “smoking doesn’t kill.” We need competence & science driving our response—that’s not the VP’s record. AM - 27 Feb 2020
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In response to Trump's comments about the virus, the Infectious Diseases Society of America said that US "leadership of comprehensive and evidence-based actions will be critical to reducing the spread and impacts of the disease" and that the challenges "must be met with appropriate resources."

"We urge the president to address this crisis in ways that unify Americans in the face of the shared challenges ahead," the group said.

As of Wednesday, the coronavirus, which first emerged in China, has killed more than 2,700 people and has been detected in 37 countries. The US has taken "unprecedented steps" to contain the outbreak, according to the CDC, such as travel restrictions, mass quarantines, and declaring a public health emergency.

Azeen Ghorayshi contributed reporting.

Trump's Biggest Supporters Think The Coronavirus Is A Deep State PlotRyan Broderick · Feb. 26, 2020
A Coronavirus Pandemic Is Looking A Lot More Likely. Here's What That Means.Dan Vergano · Feb. 24, 2020
I Fled China 8 Months Pregnant During The Coronavirus Outbreak. Here's Why I Think You Shouldn't Panic.Anonymous Scientist · Feb. 26, 2020

Brianna Sacks is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in Los Angeles.

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White Supremacists Targeted Journalists and a Trump Official, F.B.I. Says

Mike Baker, Adam Goldman and Neil MacFarquhar

SEATTLE — Federal prosecutors have charged five people tied to a neo-Nazi group with engaging in a campaign to intimidate and harass journalists and others, including a member of President Trump’s cabinet, a university and a church.
© Grant Hindsley for The New York Times Brian Moran, the United States attorney for the Western District of Washington, speaking on Wednesday in Seattle about the arrest of members of Atomwoffen, a neo-Nazi group.

The charges, announced on Wednesday in Virginia and Washington State, are part of a broader recent crackdown by federal law enforcement on violent white supremacists in the United States. Authorities said the individuals were associated with the Atomwaffen Division, a small but violent paramilitary neo-Nazi group.

In the Virginia case, prosecutors accused John Cameron Denton, 26, whom they described as a former Atomwaffen leader, of harassment through a tactic known as “swatting” — calling the police and falsely describing an imminent threat at a specific location, causing the authorities to respond in force.

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In one instance, prosecutors said, Mr. Denton targeted an investigative journalist at ProPublica because he was angry that the news organization had named him in its reporting on Atomwaffen. In other cases in 2018 and 2019, Mr. Denton and others placed swatting calls that targeted Old Dominion University and Alfred Street Baptist Church, prosecutors said.

According to a person familiar with the investigation who was not authorized to speak publicly, Kirstjen Nielsen, then the secretary of homeland security, was the cabinet official targeted by Atomwaffen. In January 2019, the police responded to her home in Alexandria, Va., after a swatting call.

Last month, prosecutors said, Mr. Denton met with an undercover F.B.I. agent and described his efforts.

“Denton said that if he was ‘raided’ for swatting ProPublica then it would be good for Atomwaffen Division because the swatting would be seen as a top-tier crime,” Jonathan Myles Lund, an F.B.I. agent, wrote in an affidavit. The affidavit named 134 law enforcement agencies that investigators believe received swatting calls from Mr. Denton and others.

Authorities said Mr. Denton operated with others, including two foreign nationals who live outside the United States, and another man, John William Kirby Kelley, who was arrested earlier and accused of playing a role in the swatting incidents. Mr. Kelley was a student at Old Dominion University.

In Seattle on Wednesday, prosecutors unsealed a conspiracy charge against Kaleb James Cole, 24, a leader of Atomwaffen’s chapter in Washington, accusing him of sending threatening mail and cyberstalking. The others charged were Cameron Brandon Shea, 24, of Redmond, Wash., described as a high-level recruiter for the group; Taylor Ashley Parker-Dipeppe, 20, of Spring Hill, Fla.; and Johnny Roman Garza, 20, of Queen Creek, Ariz.

Authorities said the men took part in an operation called Erste Saule, or “first pillar” in German, which Mr. Shea described in an encrypted chat room as an effort to target “journalists houses and media buildings to send a clear message.”

The goal, Mr. Shea said, was to “erode the media/states air of legitimacy by showing people that they have names and addresses, and hopefully embolden others to act.”

Prosecutors said Mr. Cole and Mr. Shea were the primary organizers. When members of Atomwaffen suggested Jewish or black journalists as possible targets, Mr. Shea and Mr. Cole offered praise. Mr. Shea said he wanted his victims to feel “terrorized.” Mr. Cole suggested buying rag dolls and sticking knives through their heads and leaving them at the locations of their targets, according to the charges.
© Mira/Alamy Prosecutors said that John Cameron Denton and others placed calls to law enforcement that targeted Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., and other institutions.

Authorities said Mr. Cole and Mr. Shea created posters that included Nazi symbols, threatening language and masked figures with guns and Molotov cocktails, then printed and delivered or mailed the posters to their targets.

Among the recipients were a broadcast journalist in Seattle who had reported on Atomwaffen and two people associated with the Anti-Defamation League. In Tampa, Fla., the group targeted a journalist but delivered the poster to the wrong address, and in Phoenix, a poster was sent to a magazine journalist, according to the Justice Department.

Chris Ingalls, an investigative reporter with KING-TV in Seattle, said he was among the people targeted. Federal agents contacted him last month to warn him that Atomwaffen members might visit him in person, so he moved his family out of their home, he said.

After returning, he said, he received a letter in the mail that included a depiction of a person with a press badge, his personal information and the words “Death to Pigs.”

“I’ll be looking over my shoulder for a long time,” Mr. Ingalls said.

Raymond Duda, the top agent in the F.B.I.’s Seattle office, said Atomwaffen surfaced on law enforcement’s radar in 2018, and members have gone on to participate in military-style training camps and “hate camps.”

He said F.B.I. agents were continuing to investigate the group around the country and that others could be charged. “The network is clearly throughout the United States,” Mr. Duda said. “We have investigative activity from the East Coast to the West Coast ongoing.”

Members of the Atomwaffen Division, which has been linked to a series of killings, have come under increased scrutiny from federal officials in recent months. Late last year, authorities in King County, Wash., charged Mr. Cole with unlawful possession of a gun after he was stopped by the police in Texas. Previously, authorities in Washington State had sought to take away Mr. Cole’s guns under a “red flag” law that allows a court to confiscate weapons from someone who is deemed to be a threat.

Another member of Atomwaffen, Aiden Bruce-Umbaugh, who was traveling with Mr. Cole in Texas, pleaded guilty this month to possession of a firearm and ammunition by a prohibited person. Mr. Bruce-Umbaugh is also from Washington.

The two complaints filed in Virginia and Washington State offer the most detailed official documents to date describing the group’s operating methods.

The Atomwaffen Division is sometimes referred to as an “accelerationist” group, meaning it wants to instigate the collapse of the United States by sparking a race war that will eventually lead to the creation of a white ethnostate. Atomwaffen is German for “atomic weapons,” a particular interest of its founder.

The fringe group is similar in its racist ideology to the Base, seven of whose members were arrested in an F.B.I. operation across several states last month.

Atomwaffen first came into public view in May 2017 when a Florida teenager, Devon Arthurs, told the police that he had shot dead two of his roommates. The three had all been members of a neo-Nazi group founded by a fourth roommate, Brandon Russell, Mr. Arthurs told the police.

Police officers found a cache of explosives, weapons and neo-Nazi and white supremacist paraphernalia in their apartment and garage. Mr. Arthurs said the group had planned to use the stockpile to attack the nation’s power grid, nuclear reactors and synagogues.

In 2018, Mr. Russell, a member of the Florida National Guard, was sentenced to five years in prison for stockpiling the explosives. Mr. Denton then took over running the group, investigators said.

Mr. Russell first announced the existence of Atomwaffen in October 2015 on a now-defunct online forum that emerged from Russia called Iron March, which is popular with neo-Nazis.

“We are a fanatical, ideological band of comrades who do both activism and militant training,” he wrote at the time. “No keyboard warriorism.”

Mike Baker reported from Seattle, Adam Goldman from Washington and Neil MacFarquhar from New York.