Monday, March 02, 2020

Logging to start in bushfire-ravaged New Zealand forests this week

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
New South Wales' Forestry Corporation will this week start "selective timber harvesting" from two state forests ravaged by bushfire on the state's south coast.
The state-owned company says the operations will be "strictly managed" and produce  for power poles, bridges, flooring and decking.
Similarly, the Victorian government's logging company VicForests recently celebrated the removal of sawlogs from burnt forests in East Gippsland.
VicForests says it did not cut down the trees—they were cut or pushed over by the army, firefighters or road crews because they blocked the rood or were dangerous. The company said it simply removed the logs to put them "to good use."
However the science on the impacts of post-fire logging is clear: it can significantly impair the recovery of burned ecosystems, badly affect wildlife and, for some animal species, prevent recovery.
We acknowledge that for , some standing and fallen burnt trees must be removed after a fire. But wherever possible, they should remain in place.
Damaging effects
Hollows in fire-damaged trees and logs provide critical habitat for  trying to survive in, or recolonize, burned forests.
Detailed studies around the world over the past 20 years, including in Australia, have demonstrated the damage caused by post-fire logging.
Indeed, the research shows post-fire logging is the most damaging form of logging. Logging large old trees after a fire may make the forests unsuitable habitat for many wildlife species for up to 200 years.
Long-term monitoring data from extensive field surveys shows hollow-dependent mammals, such as the vulnerable greater glider, generally do not survive in areas burned and then logged. Research by the lead author, soon to be published, shows populations are declining rapidly in landscapes dominated by wood production.
Forests logged after a fire have the lowest bird biodiversity relative to other forests, including those that burned at high severity (but which remain unlogged). Critical plants such as tree ferns are all but eradicated from forests that have been burned and then logged.
Soils remain extensively altered for many decades after post-fire logging. This is a major concern because runoff into rivers and streams damages aquatic ecosystems and kills organisms such as fish.
A double disturbance
Fire badly disrupts  ecosystems. Animals and plants then begin recovering, but most forests and the biota they support simply cannot deal with the second intense disturbance of logging so soon after a first one.
For example, young germinating plants are highly vulnerable to being flattened and destroyed by heavy logging machinery. And in an Australian context, post-fire logging makes no sense in the majority of eucalypt-dominated ecosystems where many tree species naturally resprout. This is an essential part of forest recovery.
Logs provide shade, moisture and shelter for plants, and rotting timber is food for insects—which in turn provide food for mammals and birds.
Living and dead trees are also important for fungi—a food source for many animals, including bandicoots and potoroos which have been heavily impacted by the fires.
Similarly on burnt private land, removing damaged and fallen trees will only hinder natural recovery by removing important animal habitat and disturbing the soil. If left, fallen trees will provide refuge for surviving wildlife and enable the natural recovery of forests.
While the sight of burnt timber can be disheartening, landholders should resist the urge to "clean up."
It doesn't add up
Research in North America suggests debris such as tree heads, branches and other vegetation left by post-fire logging not only hinders forest regeneration, but can make forests more prone to fire.
And the economics of logging, particular after a fire, is dubious at best. Many native forest logging operations, such as in Victoria's East Gippsland, are unprofitablelosing millions of taxpayer dollars annually.
Timber is predominantly sold cheaply for use as woodchips and paper pulp and fire-damaged timber is of particularly poor quality. Even before the fires, 87% of all native forest logged in Victoria was for woodchips and paper pulp.
Post-fire  certainly has no place in national parks. But for the reasons we've outlined, it should be avoided even in state forests and on private land. Million hectares of vegetation in Australia was damaged or destroyed this fire season. The last thing our forests need is yet more disturbance.
VicForests response: VicForests told The Conversation that timber currently being removed by VicForests, at the direction of the Chief Fire Officer, is from hazardous trees that were cut or knocked over to enable the Princes Highway to be re-opened.
It said the timber would be used for fence restoration, firewood and to support local mills "protecting jobs, incomes and families. It would otherwise be left in piles on the side of the highway."
"Any further post-fire recovery harvesting will occur in consultation with government including biodiversity specialists and the conservation regulator, following careful assessment and protection of high conservation values," VicForests said.
The company said post-fire recovery harvesting, particularly of fire-killed trees, does not increase fire risk.
"Sensitive harvesting including the retention of habitat trees and active re-seeding is more likely to result in a successfully regenerated forest and a supportive environment for threatened species. This regenerating forest will have the same fire risk as natural regeneration following bushfire."
Forestry Corporation of NSW response: Forestry Corporation of NSW said in a statement that small-scale selective timber harvesting operation will begin on the south coast this week.
The company's senior planning manager Dean Kearney said the Environment Protection Authority, with the input of scientific experts "has provided Forestry Corporation with site-specific conditions for selective timber harvesting operations in designated parts of Mogo and South Brooman State Forests. These areas were previously set aside for timber production this year but have now been impacted by fire."
"Strictly-managed selective timber harvesting will help prevent the loss of some high-quality timber damaged by , including material that will be in high demand for rebuilding, while ensuring the right protections are in place for key environmental values, particularly wildlife habitat, as these forests begin regenerating," he said.
"The harvesting conditions augment the already strict rule set in place for forest operations and include requirements to leave all unburnt forest untouched and establish even more stringent conditions to protect water quality, hollow-bearing  and wildlife habitat."
Wildlife needs fire-damaged and dead trees after fires

Provided by The Conversation 

Transforming potato waste into a new industry for Australia

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Four of the largest potato producers in Australia want to convert 100% of their potato waste into commercial benefit through their partnership with the Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Centre (CRC).

Over the next three years, The Mitolo Group, Zerella Fresh, Thomas Foods International Fresh Produce, The South Australian Potato Company, together with Industry Association; Potatoes South Australia Inc, and The University of Adelaide will invest nearly $1m in this research and development to save up to 100,000 tonnes of potatoes currently going to waste every year.
Chief Executive of Potatoes South Australia Robbie Davis says that this is a fantastic opportunity for Australia, particularly South Australia as it is the largest  growing state.
"We are seeing up to 40% of potatoes rejected because they do not meet retail specifications. At the same time Australia is importing 20,000 tonnes of potato starch each year, and it just doesn't make sense that we're not using these huge volumes of potatoes for alternative purposes," she said.
A large focus of this project is the potential development of an Australian potato starch industry which would provide additional revenue for Australian potato companies; potentially $1000 a tonne for extracted starch instead of the current value of $0-10 a tonne for the waste.
"Potato starch is used broadly across the , from bioplastics and packaging, to coatings and adhesives. We also want to use the waste from the waste, so after extracting the potato starch, there will be further opportunities using the residual waste from this first stage," says Ms Davis.
The four Australian potato companies that have partnered with the Fight Food Waste CRC are leaders in their industry and recognise the opportunity this represents to the industry.
Professor Vincent Bulone from the University of Adelaide is leading this research project from his world-class analytical centre for complex carbohydrate analysis, Adelaide Glycomics. The project is in line with the University's industry engagement priority on agrifood and wine.
"There are different forms of starch in potatoes that can be used in different products. For example, existing research suggests that the less digestible starches in potatoes, the so-called 'resistant starches," can be used to make superior pre-biotics that help prevent infections," says Professor Bulone.
"Another known  component can be used to engineer low GI foods, and the skins of the potatoes themselves contain bioactives that can be used for a range of commercial products like nutraceuticals."
Fight Food Waste CRC CEO Dr. Steven Lapidge is thrilled to have such a transformational project underway so early in the Fight Food Waste CRC's journey and sees the partnership between all of the potato producers as a great example of what CRCs can achieve.
"We're looking to develop new products from current  streams that will deliver additional profit to potato producers through domestic and export sales.
"Through investing in research and development we aim to deliver new high-value commercial opportunities for the participants of this project.
"This  is exactly what the CRC is all about; delivering real benefit for Australian businesses across the whole of the value chain."

Explore further
Summer drought may shrink supplies of French spuds

More information: Fight Food Waste:
Provided by Fight Food Waste CRC

New eggplant varieties resistant to extreme conditions

New eggplant varieties resistant to extreme conditions
Credit: Universitat Politècnica de València
The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), through the Institute of Conservation and Improvement of Valencian Agrodiversity (COMAV), leads EggPreBreed II, an international project that will help in developing new varieties of eggplants more resistant to extreme drought conditions, and to two of the most serious pathologies that affect this crop, such as the Fusarium fungus and nematodes. These phytopathological enemies of eggplant can cause significant crop losses and their incidence is expected to be even greater due to climate change.
Eggplant is one of the thirty-five  considered as most important for world food security and, as such, is included in Annex 1 of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).
The EggPreBreed II project will help to develop new varieties of this crop with better properties. For this, the COMAV team works in new crosses of eggplants grown with related  such as, for example, Solanum incanum and Solanum elaeagnifolium, which have a  to drought. With these crosses EggPreBreed II will allow to obtain genetic material of  that in most of its characters—fruit size, color, composition, etc. - is indistinguishable from a presently cultivated eggplant, but they have fragments of the wild species genome that can confer properties of great value to the market.
"By introducing genes from these wild species we can improve drought tolerance, get higher eggplant production with the same amount of water. But, in addition, we can also take advantage of other characteristics of interest of wild species, for example, their high content in phenolic compounds, of great interest for human health. Therefore, this project opens the door to a new generation of commercial varieties of eggplant that can have greater efficiency in the use of water and with better functional properties," explains Jaime Prohens, director of COMAV-UPV and principal investigator of EggPreBreed II.
Seven years of research
The project is a continuation of research that the COMAV-UPV team has been developing since 2013. In these years, they have obtained different lines of introgression—genetic material of eggplant that includes a fragment of the genome of other donor species, in this case wild relatives.
"The objective now is to refine these materials, improve them to reduce the unfavorable characteristics of wild species, such as the presence of prickles or the intense bitterness of the fruit, obtaining pure lines resistant to stress caused by climate change, Fusarium and nematodes. Having this material will make it easier for seed companies to use and incorporate it into breeding pipelines in order to develop new commercial varieties in a crop as important worldwide as eggplant," says Prohens.
The project is part of the global initiative "Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Wild Relatives", led by the Global Crop Diversity Trust (Crop Trust) and funded by the Norwegian Government.
"In the first phase of this project, Jaime and his team managed to cross domestic varieties of eggplant with 15 different wild relatives, an impressive achievement," indicates Benjamin Kilian, representative of the Crop Trust, who says that "we are pleased to support the scientists of the UPV in this second phase; we are sure that the fruits of this effort will help to adapt our agriculture to ."
The EggpreBreed-II project also involves an Egyptian university (University of Kafrelsheikh), involved in the analysis of resistance to Fusarium and nematodes, as well as several seed companies from the Philippines, Egypt, France and Spain that will test the commercial utility of the plant materials developed in the project and will incorporate them in their breeding programs to develop the new varieties.
All agronomic and  generated throughout this  will be shared in the future on the  Germinate, a database platform that provides a standard and common interface to genetic resources collections.
International project to create climate change-resistant eggplants

More information: Germinate:
International Treaty for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

Machine learning picks out hidden vibrations from earthquake data

Machine learning picks out hidden vibrations from earthquake data
MIT researchers have used a neural network to identify low-frequency seismic waves hidden in earthquake data. The technique may help scientists more accurately map the Earth’s interior. Credit: Christine Daniloff, MIT
Over the last century, scientists have developed methods to map the structures within the Earth's crust, in order to identify resources such as oil reserves, geothermal sources, and, more recently, reservoirs where excess carbon dioxide could potentially be sequestered. They do so by tracking seismic waves that are produced naturally by earthquakes or artificially via explosives or underwater air guns. The way these waves bounce and scatter through the Earth can give scientists an idea of the type of structures that lie beneath the surface.
There is a narrow range of seismic waves—those that occur at low frequencies of around 1 hertz—that could give scientists the clearest picture of underground structures spanning wide distances. But these waves are often drowned out by Earth's noisy seismic hum, and are therefore difficult to pick up with current detectors. Specifically generating low-frequency waves would require pumping in enormous amounts of energy. For these reasons, low-frequency seismic waves have largely gone missing in human-generated seismic data.
Now, MIT researchers have come up with a machine learning workaround to fill in this gap.
In a paper appearing in the journal Geophysics, they describe a method in which they trained a neural network on hundreds of different simulated earthquakes. When the researchers presented the trained network with only the high-frequency seismic waves produced from a new simulated earthquake, the neural network was able to imitate the physics of wave propagation and accurately estimate the quake's missing low-frequency waves.
The new method could allow researchers to artificially synthesize the low-frequency waves that are hidden in seismic data, which can then be used to more accurately map the Earth's internal structures.
"The ultimate dream is to be able to map the whole subsurface, and be able to say, for instance, 'this is exactly what it looks like underneath Iceland, so now you know where to explore for geothermal sources,'" says co-author Laurent Demanet, professor of applied mathematics at MIT. "Now we've shown that  offers a solution to be able to fill in these missing frequencies."
Demanet's co-author is lead author Hongyu Sun, a graduate student in MIT's Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences.
Speaking another frequency
A neural network is a set of algorithms modeled loosely after the neural workings of the human brain. The algorithms are designed to recognize patterns in data that are fed into the network, and to cluster these data into categories, or labels. A common example of a neural network involves ; the model is trained to classify an image as either a cat or a dog, based on the patterns it recognizes between thousands of images that are specifically labeled as cats, dogs, and other objects.
Sun and Demanet adapted a neural network for signal processing, specifically, to recognize patterns in seismic data. They reasoned that if a neural network was fed enough examples of earthquakes, and the ways in which the resulting high- and low-frequency seismic waves travel through a particular composition of the Earth, the network should be able to, as they write in their paper, "mine the hidden correlations among different frequency components" and extrapolate any missing frequencies if the network were only given an earthquake's partial seismic profile.
The researchers looked to train a convolutional neural network, or CNN, a class of deep neural networks that is often used to analyze visual information. A CNN very generally consists of an input and output layer, and multiple hidden layers between, that process inputs to identify correlations between them.
Among their many applications, CNNs have been used as a means of generating visual or auditory "deepfakes"—content that has been extrapolated or manipulated through deep-learning and neural networks, to make it seem, for example, as if a woman were talking with a man's voice.
"If a network has seen enough examples of how to take a male voice and transform it into a female voice or vice versa, you can create a sophisticated box to do that," Demanet says. "Whereas here we make the Earth speak another frequency—one that didn't originally go through it."
Tracking waves
The researchers trained their neural network with inputs that they generated using the Marmousi model, a complex two-dimensional geophysical model that simulates the way seismic waves travel through geological structures of varying density and composition.
In their study, the team used the model to simulate nine "virtual Earths," each with a different subsurface composition. For each Earth model, they simulated 30 different earthquakes, all with the same strength, but different starting locations. In total, the researchers generated hundreds of different seismic scenarios. They fed the information from almost all of these simulations into their neural network and let the network find correlations between seismic signals.
After the , the team introduced to the neural network a new earthquake that they simulated in the Earth model but did not include in the original training data. They only included the high-frequency part of the earthquake's seismic activity, in hopes that the neural network learned enough from the training data to be able to infer the missing low-frequency signals from the new input.
They found that the neural network produced the same low-frequency values that the Marmousi model originally simulated.
"The results are fairly good," Demanet says. "It's impressive to see how far the network can extrapolate to the missing frequencies."
As with all neural networks, the method has its limitations. Specifically, the neural network is only as good as the data that are fed into it. If a new input is wildly different from the bulk of a network's training data, there's no guarantee that the output will be accurate. To contend with this limitation, the researchers say they plan to introduce a wider variety of data to the neural network, such as earthquakes of different strengths, as well as subsurfaces of more varied composition.
As they improve the neural 's predictions, the team hopes to be able to use the method to extrapolate low-frequency signals from actual , which can then be plugged into seismic models to more accurately map the geological structures below the Earth's surface. The , in particular, are a key ingredient for solving the big puzzle of finding the correct physical .
"Using this  will help us find the missing frequencies to ultimately improve the subsurface image and find the composition of the Earth," Demanet says.
Artificial intelligence improves seismic analyses

Meteorite observation network sets out to catch a falling star

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
British scientists are turning their eyes to the skies to track meteorites before they land on UK soil—and they're looking for volunteers to help them recover the space rocks whenever and wherever they fall.
The UK Fireball Network, led by researchers from the University of Glasgow and Imperial College London is setting out to place 10 cameras across the country to catch glimpses of the spectacular natural firework displays caused when meteoroids enter the Earth's atmosphere. It is part of a wider  called the Global Fireball Observatory operated by researchers in Australia at Curtin University
On February 16, the network's cameras in Lincoln and Cambridge both saw their first , which dropped meteorites into the North Sea. While those meteorites are impossible to recover, the network team expect that future sightings that fall on the UK landmass can be properly triangulated to determine a landing area and send out a search party to find the meteorites.
Dr. Luke Daly, of the University of Glasgow's School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, is one of the leaders of the UK Fireball Network. He said: "Meteorites provide scientists with invaluable insights into other planets and our solar system. A good deal of what we know about the surface of Mars, for example, comes from analysis of chunks of the planet which were blasted off its surface by asteroid impacts millions of years ago and drifted in space before falling to Earth.
"Meteorites enter our atmosphere all the time, but the UK hasn't had a great track record of finding them in recent years—in fact, it's been nearly 30 years since one was last seen dropping into a back garden in Glatton in Cambridgeshire, and more than 100 since one was observed in Scotland.
"Camera networks like ours, and those of partner organizations like UKMON and SCAMP, give us a great chance to capture fireballs on multiple cameras. Together we are building an integrated pipeline to use all the data from all the networks to track fireballs called the UK Fireball Alliance. Catching images on more than one  allows us to estimate not just where they land, but calculate the trajectory of their arrival, which allows us to calculate where in space it came from. Pooling all our resources maximizes the chances of capturing these elusive events.
"It was very exciting to capture our first images of a fireball caught by two of our observatories, although it was obviously disappointing that the material it dropped fell into the sea. When we do catch sight of a fireball dropping meteorites on land, we'll need the help of volunteers to help comb the countryside to find them, so anyone interested in making a little bit of history by getting involved can follow us on Twitter at @FireballsUK."
The network's approach to  observation has already been successful in Australia, where the Desert Fireball Network established by Curtin University has observed and recovered numerous meteorite falls in the outback. Initial funding for the UK Fireball Network was supplied by the Desert Fireball Network and the Australian Research Council, along with the University of Glasgow.
Currently the UK Fireball Network has set up six of their 10 cameras at sites in England, Scotland and Wales. Over the next couple of months, the remaining cameras will be placed in other locations, including Northern Ireland.
Meteorite search about to begin

Online STEM demonstrations can be as effective as classroom teaching

Research shows online STEM demonstrations can be as effective as classroom teaching
A "discharging capacitor" demo performed in Physical Sciences 3, taught by Louis Deslauriers. In this demonstration a bank of capacitors are discharged through a thin piano wire causing a powerful explosion. Credit: Department of Physics
YouTube has become the go-to for quick tutorials on almost any topic, from how to replace a zipper to how to install a water heater. But could some of the most memorable parts of a STEM course—live demonstrations—be brought to the screen effectively? In a new paper, Harvard researchers show for the first time that research-based online STEM demonstrations not only can teach students more, but can be just as enjoyable.

Researchers hope these findings will help spur the creation of a catalog of free online STEM video demonstrations to supplement lectures at institutions that cannot conduct their own. "We have an incredible group of scientists who present live demos for our students, but very few schools have these dedicated resources," said co-author Logan McCarty, director of science education in the Department of Physics, who oversees Harvard's Lecture Demonstration team. "With YouTube and other online channels, we can share Harvard's technical and pedagogical expertise with the world."
The research was based on previous literature by Kelly Miller, a lecturer in applied physics and co-author with McCarty. The previous article, published in 2013 by Miller and Eric Mazur, Balkanski Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, showed that students often misunderstand lecture demonstrations. They turned to science demos after hearing time and again that they are students' favorite part of the lecture. After all, who could forget a ball levitating on a sound wave or a laser bending into a tank of water?
"Our research suggests that when live demos are unavailable, videos can provide students with an equally effective—or possibly even more effective—learning experience," said co-author Louis Deslauriers, director of science teaching and learning in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. "Even when live demonstrations are available, it may be helpful to supplement them with high-quality videos."
Their paper in the February issue of Physical Review Physics Education Research was spun into motion by first author Greg Kestin, a preceptor in physics who produces a series with NOVA called "What the Physics?!"

A sample of one of the video demonstrations shown to physics students. “Shoot the Monkey” illustrates gravitational acceleration by releasing a suspended stuffed animal while simultaneously shooting it with a cannon ball. The goal: to determine where to aim in order to hit the falling monkey. Credit: Greg Kestin

"There was already a rich array of findings about how to bring multimedia into education to increase  learning and motivation," said Deslauriers. "What Greg brings which no one else has is a unique combination of expertise in physics, , and cognitive psychology of multimedia presentations."
The investigators identified several ingredients in improving learning through online demonstrations. A number of these advantages relied on the filmmaker's ability to set the demonstrations in , the use of graphics to visualize abstract concepts, and the ability to direct attention to the most important features to prevent information overload.
For the study, they split an introductory  class into two groups. The first watched a video of a short science demonstration in a , while the other group saw the experiment live in the same classroom. They then flipped the groups and performed a second demonstration to reduce bias. Although the demos were virtually identical, the group who first saw the live presentation watched gestures, blackboard illustrations, and physical props, such as large wooden arrows, while the group who viewed video demos followed superimposed graphics, slow-motion video, and animations. In the end, students from both groups who watched the online video scored higher on tests on the material presented, without any reported decrease in enthusiasm.
"Students don't always know where to focus their attention in live demonstrations, even with a chalkboard and props, but in a video format we can highlight and zoom in on particular parts by setting narration at just the right moment to reinforce learning. A video can also present contrasting cases, which is known as a potent learning tool," said Deslauriers.
"Lecture demos have been a core component of STEM courses for over 100 years, but not every school has the resources for them," said Kestin. "We wanted to understand how much students were learning in  demos in the hopes that with the right support we can bring the same excitement to schools everywhere."Study shows students in 'active learning' classrooms learn more than they think

More information: Greg Kestin et al. Comparing the effectiveness of online versus live lecture demonstrations, Physical Review Physics Education Research (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.16.013101

Egg stem cells do not exist, new study shows

Credit: CC0 Public Domain
Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have analyzed all cell types in the human ovary and found that the hotly debated "egg stem cells" do not exist. The results, published in Nature Communications, open the way for research on improved methods of treating involuntary childlessness.
The researchers used single-cell analysis to study more than 24,000  collected from ovarian cortex samples of 21 patients. They also analyzed cells collected from the ovarian medulla, allowing them to present a complete cell map of the human ovary.
One of the aims of the study was to establish the existence or non-existence of egg . "The question is controversial since some research has reported that such cells do exist, while other studies indicate the opposite," says Fredrik Lanner, researcher in obstetrics and gynecology at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet, and one of the study's authors.
The question of whether egg stem cells exist affects issues related to fertility treatment, since stem cells have properties that differ from other cells.
"Involuntary childlessness and female fertility are huge fields of research," says co-author Pauliina Damdimopoulou, researcher in obstetrics and gynecology at the same department. "This has been a controversial issue involving the testing of experimental fertility treatments."
The new study substantiates previously reported findings from animal studies—that egg stem cells do not exist. Instead, these are so-called perivascular cells.
The new comprehensive map of ovarian cells can contribute to the development of improved methods of treating female infertility, says Damdimopoulou.
"The lack of knowledge about what a normal ovary looks like has held back developments," she says. "This study now lays the ground on which to produce new methods that focus on the egg cells that already exist in the ovary. This could involve letting egg cells mature in test tubes or perhaps developing artificial ovaries in a lab."
The results of the new study show that the main  in the  are egg cells, , immune cells, endothelial cells, perivascular cells and stromal cells.
Research could be step toward lab-grown eggs and sperm to treat infertility

More information: "Single-cell analysis of human ovarian cortex identifies distinct cell populations but no oogonial stem cells", Nature Communications (2020). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-

Australian summers grow longer due to climate change: study

The Australia Institute said large swathes of the country were experiencing an additional 31 days of summer temperatures each ye
The Australia Institute said large swathes of the country were experiencing an additional 31 days of summer temperatures each year compared to the 1950s
Australian summers are lengthening by a month or more while winters are getting shorter due to climate change, according to an analysis by a leading think tank released Monday.
The Australia Institute said large swathes of the country were experiencing an additional 31 days of  temperatures each year compared to the 1950s.
While Sydney was just under the average with an extra 28  a year, Melbourne added 38 warmer days since the middle of the 20th century.
In some regional areas ravaged by bushfires in recent months, such as the New South Wales town of Port Macquarie, residents are now experiencing seven more weeks of typical summer temperatures.
"Temperatures which were considered a regular three-month summer in the 1950s now span from early-to-mid-November all the way to mid-March," Australia Institute climate and energy program director Richie Merzian said.
"Summers have grown longer even in recent years, with the last five years facing summers twice as long as their winters."
Australia's capital, Canberra, lost 35 winter days while the city of Brisbane, in the country's east, lost 31 cooler days.
Merzian said global warming was making the country's summers increasingly dangerous, with less time in  to carry out bushfire prevention work and extreme heat causing health and economic impacts.
"Extreme heat events are the most fatal of all natural hazards and have been responsible for more deaths in Australia than all other natural hazards put together," he said.
Australia's latest summer heralded a devastating bushfire disaster in which more than 30 people died, thousands of homes were destroyed and at least a billion animals perished.
The crisis led to renewed calls for the country's conservative government to cut the emissions contributing to global warming.
But while Prime Minister Scott Morrison belatedly acknowledged the link between the  disaster and a warming planet, he has been reluctant to reduce the country's reliance on coal.
Renewables accounted for just six percent of Australia's primary energy mix in 2018, according to government figures, while the country is one of the world's largest fossil fuel exporters.
Australia heatwave renews bushfire worries

© 2020 AFP

Meet Thailand's secret weapon in climate change battle

Architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom made her name showing how the effects of climate change can be mitigated by ensuring the issue is
Architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom made her name showing how the effects of climate change can be mitigated by ensuring the issue is at the heart of city planning
Bangkok's future hangs in the balance.
Rising sea levels, unchecked development, groundwater extraction, and rapid urban population growth has left millions vulnerable to natural disasters—scientists warn the city itself may not survive the century.
New analysis by the Nestpick 2050 Climate Change City Index says the Thai capital could be hardest hit by global warming.
And while it is not alone facing such a threat—Venice, New Orleans, and Jakarta are predicted to be underwater by 2100—it does have a secret weapon in its battle to negate the impact of a hotter planet: renowned architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom who preaches mindful development over mindless construction.
"We are talking life and death in this situation," says the 39-year-old who is hoping to bring Bangkok back from the brink, as scientists warn extreme weather—flooding and droughts—could ravage the city, leaving as much as 40 percent submerged in the next decade.
Kotchakorn says: "I don't want to face it with fear. At this moment we have a chance to make change... We have to do it right now to show the coming generations that this is possible. It is not about sitting and waiting and doing the same thing."
No one can accuse the Harvard graduate of resting on her laurels: She made her name showing how the effects of climate change can be mitigated by ensuring the issue is at the heart of city planning.
Kotchakorn rails against Bangkok's unchecked development
Kotchakorn rails against Bangkok's unchecked development
She and her firm Landprocess created the internationally acclaimed Chulalongkorn University Centenary Park, an 11-acre (4 hectares) space in central Bangkok, which tilts downward at a three-degree angle, allowing rainwater to flow through the flanking grass and wetlands.
Water that's not absorbed by the plants runs down to a pond at the base of the park, where it can be stored and filtered for use during dry spells or released gradually. In cases of severe flooding, the park can hold up to a million gallons of water.
Global rising star
Kotchakorn rails against Bangkok's unchecked development—more than 10 million live in the metropolis packed with skyscrapers, factories, malls and hotels—warning that an "addiction to growth" at all costs is jeopardising its ability to thrive.
"We think about how we're going to have more growth in our annual development... What if we shift the orientation from growth to really consider our actions on the environment, listen to the land more," she says.
"It doesn't mean I am against development but I want it to be very meaningful, very mindful, and at the right pace—so we don't actually kill our future."
Today her ideas have been embraced at home, and abroad—she gave an acclaimed TED talk in 2018, and last year TIME Magazine included her in its "100 Next" list of global rising stars.
Convincing clients, authorities, and other businesses to see the big environmental picture has not been easy in a mega-city obse
Convincing clients, authorities, and other businesses to see the big environmental picture has not been easy in a mega-city obsessed with economic targets and expansion
But convincing clients, authorities, and other businesses to see the big environmental picture has not been easy in a mega-city obsessed with economic targets and expansion.
Driving change as a woman in a patriarchal society has been an additional challenge, but Kotchakorn insists there is "power" in being different, particularly in an industry dominated by older men offering only "conventional ways of thinking".
Many of her ideas were initially dismissed, but she held firm, explaining: "I feel that was based on their fear. But it's not my fear."
"Women offer different kinds of judgement, different kinds of attitude towards problems... We have to bring that diversity to the table and create better decisions," she adds.
Things must change
A turning point came in 2011, when Thailand endured its worst floods in half a century, which left more than 800 dead nationwide with hundreds of thousands displaced. Bangkok, built on once-marshy land and surrounded by natural waterways, was hard hit.
Then came the World Bank warning that 40 percent of it would be inundated by 2030.
Hailing her late mother as her inspiration, and her 11-year-old daughter as her motivation, Kotchakorn  hopes her work will solv
Hailing her late mother as her inspiration, and her 11-year-old daughter as her motivation, Kotchakorn hopes her work will solve problems for generations to come
It was clear then things needed to change, says Voraakhom, who grew up in the capital and says air quality has deteriorated rapidly, as has food quality and security because of the heavy use of pesticides.
In 2018, she created Asia's largest rooftop farm, which mimics the region's famed rice terraces where run-off travels down layers of crops, conserving both water and soil. Winding around the 22,400 square-metre (241,111 square feet) rooftop is a jogging path and a lawn.
Later this year she will unveil plans to transform a vast, unused bridge crossing the Chao Phraya river into a park with bicycle lanes, bringing more green space to a place with precious little of it.
"If you just do a normal building, it's just going to be the same. It's just another building. But if you create (something new), you actually could touch and change their way of living, their way of eating, their way of understanding of sustainability."
Kotchakorn has even greater ambitions for the city she grew up in—she wants to "reclaim" the more than 1,000 canals that snake through Bangkok that are currently used for sewage.
"Canals have so much life, so much potential to be public green space and a skeleton of the whole city," she explains.
Hailing her late mother as her inspiration, and her 11-year-old daughter as her motivation, she hopes her work will solve problems for generations to come.
She says: "Being a mother is really helping to push me to create hope and solutions for the next generation. You see that the things you build will last after your life."
With rising sea levels, Bangkok struggles to stay afloat