Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Mike Bloomberg quits 2020 race after spending more than $500m

Billionaire candidate faced controversy over his wealth, stop-and-frisk policy and past remarks against women and minorities

Bloomberg drops out of race – follow live updates

Enjoli Liston and Joanna Walters in New York

Wed 4 Mar 2020  THE GUARDIAN

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3:49 Mike Bloomberg: four issues that hindered his presidential hopes – video

The billionaire Mike Bloomberg has suspended his Democratic presidential campaign after spending more than $500m on a failed attempt to seize the moderate lane from rival Joe Biden.

Mike Bloomberg drops out of 2020 race as Elizabeth Warren 'to assess path forward' – live

Bloomberg, one of the richest people in the world, blitzed the Super Tuesday voting states with an extensive and expensive advertising campaign, after controversially skipping the early primary voting states – with almost nothing to show for his millions of dollars.

The 78-year-old former New York mayor and media mogul was hit by controversy since entering the race in November and put up weak performances in the two televised presidential debates he took part in.

He has also drawn fierce criticism from fellow candidates for his wealth and self-funding his campaign; for the New York police department’s stop-and-frisk policy, which disproportionately targeted men of color during his time in office as mayor; and his history of derogatory comments against women and minorities.

In effectively dropping out on Wednesday morning, Bloomberg endorsed the moderate candidate he had come in to the race expecting to trounce but instead watched rise to unexpected frontrunner status – Joe Biden.

“I’ve always believed that defeating Donald Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. After yesterday’s vote, it is clear that candidate is my friend and a great American, Joe Biden,” he said in an official campaign statement and on Twitter.
Mike Bloomberg(@MikeBloomberg)

Three months ago, I entered the race to defeat Donald Trump. Today, I'm leaving for the same reason. Defeating Trump starts with uniting behind the candidate with the best shot to do it. It's clear that is my friend and a great American, @JoeBiden. 4, 2020

Bloomberg had a disastrous Super Tuesday, when he was officially tested by voters for the first time having begun his campaign late last year but delayed his official entry onto the ballot until after the first four contests had taken place – in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina in February.
As 14 states went to the polls on 3 March, Bloomberg was banking on making a big splash and washing Biden out of the race, to emerge as the savior of the divided centrists and go on to crush the progressive wing of Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and clinch the nomination. He failed spectacularly.

Donald Trump rushed to gloat on Wednesday over an old New York ‘frenemy’.
Donald J. Trump(@realDonaldTrump)

Mini Mike Bloomberg just “quit” the race for President. I could have told him long ago that he didn’t have what it takes, and he would have saved himself a billion dollars, the real cost. Now he will pour money into Sleepy Joe’s campaign, hoping to save face. It won’t work!March 4, 2020

Since entering the race in late November, when others began their runs as early as last spring, Bloomberg splashed the cash on slick television and online advertising and held rallies all across the country, organized by a huge paid staff, but didn’t submit to probing media interviews or the ballot box in early voting states.

He touted his record as a supposed get-things-done mayor of New York who guided the city to improved prosperity and lower crime – even if the path to get there was ruthless gentrification amid a developer-friendly environment, and a racist stop-and-frisk crusade focused chiefly on young men of color in minority neighborhoods that was ultimately ruled unconstitutional.

Moves to ban smoking in bars, restaurants and other public places, tackle obesity via food regulation, and build a nationwide coalition of local leaders and activists campaigning for gun control, made the public safer and healthier – but his autocratic style alienated many.

His jump into the presidential race quickly brought back to the surface a fleet of lawsuits accusing his eponymous financial news and information company of discrimination against women.

Bloomberg had a history of making sexist jokes, allegedly undermining women in his workforce and, some of those suing said, openly discriminating against employees who got pregnant, including a corroborated report of him asking one of his workers who was joyously sharing news of her pregnancy with colleagues if she was going to “kill it”.

And having qualified for a late spot at the Democratic debates, he got on stage for the first time in Las Vegas in late February and was almost immediately speared by a laser-like attack from Elizabeth Warren on his record with female employees.

He lacked charisma and articulacy, and despite improving somewhat in the next debate, struggled to look like a top contender.

Bloomberg spent Super Tuesday in Florida and ended the night with a short speech to subdued supporters, signaling a moribund campaign.

Democratic primary 2020: latest delegate count

He lost badly to Biden and Bernie Sanders in every state and, humiliatingly, had just one victory to brandish – the tiny island territory of American Samoa in the Pacific, where he had sent a clutch of well-paid campaigners to get out the vote.

In his statement on Wednesday, Bloomberg continued: “Three months ago, I entered the race for president to defeat Donald Trump. Today, I am leaving the race for the same reason: to defeat Donald Trump – because it is clear to me that staying in would make achieving that goal more difficult.

“I’m a believer in using data to inform decisions. After yesterday’s results, the delegate math has become virtually impossible – and a viable path to the nomination no longer exists.”

He then followed with his endorsement for Biden.

Ironically, given that he has been obliged to apologize repeatedly for his administration’s long stop-and-frisk campaign in New York, he then said: “I am immensely proud of the plans we proposed – including our Greenwood Initiative to right historic wrongs, fight racial inequality, and make the promise of equal opportunity real for the black communities that have endured centuries of exploitation and discrimination.”

Bloomberg has promised to carry on spending on the Democratic ticket for rest of the election cycle.


The super-rich: another 31,000 people join the ultra-wealthy elite

Ranks of those worth over $30m swell to 513,000 despite global growth slowdown

Rupert Neate Wealth correspondent @RupertNeate

Wed 4 Mar 2020

2019 was a bumper year for the very wealthy, according to an annual wealth report. Photograph: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

More than 31,000 people joined the ranks of the “ultra-wealthy” last year as the fortunes of the already very rich benefitted from rising global stock markets and increased property prices.

The number of ultra-high net worth individuals (UHNWIs) – those with assets of more than $30m (£26.5m) – rose by 6% last year to 513,244, according to a report by the property consultants Knight Frank.

If the rich are getting richer, then where are they hiding it?

That means there are more ultra-wealthy people around the world than the populations of Iceland, Malta or Belize.

The UHNWI population is expected to swell by a further 27% to 650,000 by 2024, the report estimates, as huge fortunes are being made in India, Egypt, Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

Those with slightly more modest fortunes also increased. There are now 50m dollar millionaires (£770,000), up from 46.9m in 2019. That’s more than the population of Spain.

Knight Frank said in its annual wealth report that while 2019 was a “ tumultuous year” for many investors and pension funds, most of the very wealthy reported a bumper year for their personal fortunes.

Gap between rich and poor grows alongside rise in UK's total wealth

“Economically, 2019 was outwardly a tumultuous year, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reducing its forecast for global GDP growth from 3.5% in January 2019 to just 2.9% in January 2020 – a 10-year low,” the report said.

“Despite this, the world’s UHNWI population rose by 6.4% ... This is borne out by the results of our attitudes survey, in which 63% of [wealth managers] said their clients’ wealth had increased in 2019, with only 11% reporting a decrease.”

Liam Bailey, Knight Frank’s global head of research, says while almost half of the UHNWIs were in the US (where there are 240,000 people with more than $30m) the countries with the fastest-growing numbers of ultra-wealthy are in Asia and Africa.Sign up to the daily Business Today email or follow Guardian Business on Twitter at @BusinessDesk

“It’s exciting to see how wealth is developing across Asia and, with the number of ultra-wealthy in India, Vietnam, China and Malaysia outpacing many other markets over the next five years,” Bailey said. “It will be interesting to see how this impacts the global property market.”

The UHNWI population in India is expected to increase by 73% over the next five years, from 6,000 in 2019. Knight Frank expects Egypt, where there are 764, to be the second-fastest growing and increase by 66% by 2024. They are followed by Vietnam, China and Indonesia.

The UK’s UHNWI population increased by 4% to 14,400, putting the UK in sixth-place behind the US, China (61,600), Germany (23,000), France (18,800) and Japan (17,000).

The overall numbers of UHNWI people in Knight Frank’s study sharply increased compared with its 2018 study, after the firm changed its methodology to include the value of individuals’ homes.

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Locals attack journalist reporting on migrant crisis on Greek island and stop people getting off boat

‘My cameras were thrown in the water,’ alleged victim claim

Zoe Tidman

Locals have allegedly beaten up a journalist and stopped migrants from getting off a boat in Lesbos, a Greek island which has seen an influx in refugees arriving on its shores in recent days.

Images show a group of men kicking the reporter on the ground and punching him on top of a ledge.

The locals prevented migrants from leaving a dinghy in the port of Thermi in Lesbos, where hundreds of people have arrived on boats since Turkey re-opened its border with Greece last week.

Michael Trammer, a photojournalist, has claimed that he was the victim of the attack while reporting on the ongoing migrant crisis on the island.

“My cameras were thrown in the water,” he tweeted after the incident on Sunday. “I was beaten and kicked heavily”.

“This lasted a while,” he said, sharing an image of his head bandaged up.

“I am (kinda) ok,” he wrote on the same day as the attack. “The refugees though are still sitting in the boat. Plastic bottles are [being] thrown at them”

The Foreign Press Association of Greece said after the assault that “certain groups on the island of Lesbos move in an organised manner to intimate and attack journalists covering the flow of refugees and migrants arriving from Turkey”.

They said: “At least two colleagues have already suffered such attacks, resulting in grave injury, pursuits and misappropriation or damage of their equipment.”

The island has seen more refugees approaching its shore after Turkey announced that it would open its border with Europe and let migrants leave the country.

Turkey is already home to over 3 million Syrian refugees, and the country fears that renewed violence in Syria’s northwest will see many more crossing over.

Crowds gathered at its border with Greece after people heard the crossing points would open, and Greek authorities fired teargas and stun grenades to try and push them back.

Police said that at least 1,000 migrants had reached Greece’s eastern Aegean islands since Sunday morning, and their arrival has been met with resistance by some residents and authorities.

On Sunday, a group of locals gathered as a migrant boat arrived in Lesbos, shouting at those onboard and pushing their dinghy away from the shore for around an hour.
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Coastguard attacks refugee boat with stick, as child drowns off Greece

Video footage emerged the next day showing Greek coastguards seemingly trying to capsize a boat that had arrived off the shore and hitting the people onboard with sticks.

A Syrian child drowned at sea on Monday while trying to reach Lesbos, officials said, marking the first official casualty since Turkey opened its borders last week. It was unclear if the child was on the same boat in the video.

Over 20,000 asylum seekers are currently living on Lesbos, many forced to stay in one overcrowded camp, Moria, which was originally intended to accommodate fewer than 3,000 people.

Additional reporting by Reuters

White House's 'muzzled' coronavirus messaging is dangerous, experts say

Trump administration’s lack of transparency can make problem worse by sowing mistrust and can ‘endanger the public’

Donald Trump and Anthony Fauci, director of the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases attend a meeting at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, on Tuesday. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Amanda Holpuch and Lauren Aratani in New York
Published on Wed 4 Mar 2020

Two days before Larry Kudlow was announced as a member of the White House taskforce on coronavirus, the director of the National Economic Council declared coronavirus “contained” in the US, despite a plethora of data that suggested it was not.

“I won’t say airtight, but it’s pretty close to airtight,” Kudlow told CNBC, swaddling himself in a comforting narrative that was probably destroyed in his first meeting with the taskforce.

Coronavirus: health experts concerned US hospitals are not prepared
Kudlow’s public statements on the level of threat to the US posed by the virus outbreak sit uneasily in the minds of health experts warning of its severity, but they probably rested far more peacefully in the White House, where the favored message seems to be: there is nothing to see here.

There have been seven deaths from coronavirus in Washington state and many more positive cases are expected in the US, prompting public health experts to warn that honest, measured communication is of the utmost importance.

But that has not been the case with the Trump administration’s response so far, which has been marked by late action, delays, a lack of resourcing on tests, attacks on Democrats for warning of the seriousness of the crisis and, critics say, a politicized emphasis on placating the political concerns of the occupant of the Oval Office, rather than pursuing effective virus containment policy.

Michael Carome, director of the Health Research Group at Public Citizen, a not-for-profit consumer advocacy organization, said if the government’s response was not transparent, it could make the problem worse by sowing mistrust.

“People may do things that undermine the public health response to it because they may not believe what the government is saying, they may not follow instructions for how they protect themselves and respond to disruptions that may result,” Carome said.

Anthony Fauci, center, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, looks on next to Donald Trump during a tour of the National Institutes of Health’s Vaccine Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland, on Tuesday. Photograph: Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images

Carome also drew a line between Trump’s communication style – which is often brash, unreliable and incoherent – to the traditionally measured, fact-based style of health experts.

Last week, a senior health department official alleged that she was retaliated against after raising concerns that staff had been sent to assist Americans evacuated from China because of coronavirus without proper training or appropriate protective gear.

“If efforts are being made to muzzle them, to control messaging so that it suits the political needs of the administration, that’s ultimately going to endanger the public,” Carome said.

The nation’s top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, hinted that publicly discussing facts while keeping the president happy was easier said than done.

“You should never destroy your own credibility,” Fauci, told Politico. “And you don’t want to go to war with a president. But you got to walk the fine balance of making sure you continue to tell the truth.”

For 35 years, Fauci has led the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the National Institutes of Health. He said he was not being muzzled from speaking about the coronavirus outbreak – which he does not expect the US to escape “unscathed” – but that he has been told to run interviews past the vice-president’s office for clearance.

Fauci was one of several top public health officials reportedly told to run their messaging past Pence, after a CDC official warned the spread of coronavirus was inevitable.

An ambulance transports a person from the Life Care Center of Kirkland, a long-term care facility linked to several confirmed coronavirus cases, in Kirkland, Washington, on Tuesday. Photograph: David Ryder/Reuters

The CDC’s announcement triggered a dramatic response from the media and public health officials across the US, but Trump insisted everything was fine.

Last week, Trump tweeted: “Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.” He has repeatedly claimed warmer weather will cause coronavirus to disappear, though it is too early to know if that’s true. The day after the CDC said coronavirus’s spread was inevitable, the president said it wasn’t.

Over the weekend, he said Democrats were politicizing the crisis, and compared it to impeachment as their latest “hoax”.

Political appointees of the Trump administration, and the president’s children, have lined up to defend Trump’s response.

The acting white house chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, told people to turn off the television and ignore media reports about the virus last week.

Mulvaney said the media had started paying attention to coronavirus because “they think this is going to be what brings down the president”. He did not mention the increased attention came days after the CDC declared coronavirus’s spread in the US was inevitable.

“When politics starts to get into the conversation, then people might start to feel they need to take a side and they might start filtering public health information through a partisan lens,” said Nathan Myers, associate professor in the political science department at Indiana State University.

If a health crisis is seen as a political issue, it can affect support for emergency funding to fight the outbreak and policies meant to stem its spread.

Myers highlighted how only Democrats signed on to a congressional letter asking for more information about faulty coronavirus test kits distributed by the CDC, a demonstrable problem that has even been raised by a few conservative media commentators.

“Oversight over something like a public health emergency should very much be a bipartisan thing,” Myers said. “Republicans can ask for information about these kinds of topics without attacking the administration or attacking the president.”

Myers’s book Pandemics and Polarization examined how a Republican-held Congress’s distrust of Barack Obama’s administration affected the government’s response to the Zika virus. Months before the 2016 presidential election, Republicans held up $1.1bn in funding to the outbreak by inserting provisions that would restrict funding to Planned Parenthood and reverse a ban on flying the Confederate flag at veterans’ cemeteries.

“This is why people hate Congress,” Senator Tim Kaine said at the time.

One of the few serious bipartisan efforts to emerge during the coronavirus outbreak is legislation to create automatic funding to respond to public health emergencies, much like existing processes to respond to natural disasters.

“That’s almost saying we don’t think Congress can be bipartisan enough to come together on these supplemental funding bills so we need to have a preparedness fund in place so it takes the politics out of the situation,” Myers said.

Despite a wave of support from Republican lawmakers, there has been pushback to Trump’s subdued messaging in the conservative magazine National Review. The writer Michael Brendan Dougherty said: “The wrong Donald Trump has shown up to deal with the coronavirus.”

Noting that Trump is a germaphobe who has been critical of China, Dougherty writes that instead “we’re getting Trump the market whisperer. We’re getting a Trump who is obviously bothered by the drop in the Dow Jones. We’re getting a Trump who plans to campaign on the conventional measures of success favored by his predecessors. We’re getting a Trump who is downplaying the seriousness of this disease, who is probably acting too late, and who is making promises he can’t keep.”

The National Review editor, Rich Lowry, was also critical of the administration’s decision to downplay the outbreak.

“By pooh-poohing worries about the virus and saying everything is under control, it is setting itself up for the charge, if things get even a little bad, that it was self-deluding and overly complacent,” Lowry wrote. “It will be accused of making mission-accomplished statements before the mission truly began.”

Those articles were missing from a missive the White House sent Monday night to reporters with subject line “Praise for the President’s Coronavirus Response”.

The message linked to tweets from lawmakers and three editorials in two right-leaning newspapers applauding the president.



Putin proposes amending Russia’s constitution to ban same-sex marriage
Raft of conservative changes to country’s founding document would also proclaim Russians’ ‘belief in God’ and stop future governments from handing Crimea back to Ukraine


Vladimir Putin, pictured talking to the Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill
 of Moscow, has proposed constitutional amendments including a mention
 of God and effectively a ban on same-sex marriage ( AP )
Vladimir Putin has submitted a proposal to enshrine a ban on same-sex marriage in Russia‘s constitution.

A draft amendment put forward by the Russian president would alter the country’s founding document to state that marriage is a “union of a man and a woman”.

It is one of several proposed changes that would make the constitution more conservative.

Other amendments include specific mentions of Russians’ “belief in God” and an homage to “ancestors who bequeathed to us their ideals”.

The president first proposed updating the constitution in his state-of-the-nation speech of January. He claimed it was necessary to broaden the powers of parliament and bolster democracy, but opponents say the move is part of his efforts to remain in power at the end of his six-year term in 2024.

The Kremlin-controlled parliament quickly endorsed Mr Putin’s initial draft amendments in the first of three required readings last month.

Following proposals from a Kremlin working group that operates parallel to MPs, he tabled 24 pages of additional amendments on Monday ahead of the second reading on 10 March.
They are likely to get final parliamentary approval next week, setting the stage for a nationwide vote on 22 April.

Other amendments proposed for inclusion in the revised constitution define Russians as a “state-forming” ethnic group.

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After proposals to outlaw disparaging the Soviet role in the Second World War, Mr Putin added an article pledging to protect “historic truth” and forbid “belittling the people’s heroic protection of the Motherland”.​

Another amendment states Russia should never surrender any territory — a change proposed in response to a working group member’s suggestion of measures to prevent any future ruler from giving away Crimea, the region annexed from Ukraine in 2014.

Mr Putin, who has aligned himself with the Russian Orthodox Church and sought to distance his country from liberal Western values, is said to see the constitutional overhaul as an opportunity to enshrine what he sees as his country’s core moral and geopolitical values.

The president vowed last month that Russia would not legalise gay marriage as long as he was in the Kremlin, saying he would not let the traditional notion of a mother and father be subverted by what he called “parent number 1” and “parent number 2”.

Homosexuality in Russia was a criminal offence until 1993 and classed as a mental illness until 1999, and same-sex couples are still banned from adopting children.

Homophobia remains widespread in the country, and western governments and human rights activists have criticised the Russian authorities for their treatment of LGBT+ people.

A law introduced to ban “gay propaganda” in 2013 has been been used to stop pride marches and detain rights activists

Mr Putin was claimed he is not prejudiced against gay people, but says he finds a Western willingness to embrace homosexuality and gender fluidity out of step with traditional Russian values.

‘Only yes means yes’: Spain plans new rape law to put more emphasis on consent

Move follows outcry and protests over gang-rape case

Zoe Tidman
Spain’s rape laws could change to put more emphasis on consent after a high-profile case caused outrage over current legislation.

The government has approved the “only yes is yes” bill, under which victims of sexual assault would no longer have to prove that they were subject to violence or intimidation.

Instead, rape would be defined by an absence of consent.

The move follows public anger and protests over a gang-rape case during the San Fermin bull-running festival in Pamplona in 2016.

Five people were initially found guilty of sexual abuse but not ​rape, as the victim was not deemed to have objected.

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The Sexual Liberties Law will drive home that an “explicit expression of consent” is needed for sexual acts to be considered legal, according to Irene Montero, the equality minister.

According to Amnesty International, only nine of 31 European countries have laws that define rape based on the absence of consent, instead defining it by other measures such as whether violence or the threat of violence was used — as is still the case in Spain.

If passed, the bill will also provide 24-hour centres for victims staffed by specially trained personnel.

Aggravating factors such as physical violence or the use of drugs or alcohol to incapacitate the victim would carry heavier sentences for perpetrators.

Such cases would be heard by special judges in courts dedicated to sexual crimes, as is already done with crimes relating to gender violence.

The bill has been approved by the Spanish government, but still needs to be debated and approved by parliament.

It would take several months for it to become a law.

Additional reporting by agencies
On This Day: Frances Perkins becomes 1st female Cabinet member
On March 4, 1933, Frances Perkins was sworn in as U.S. labor secretary, becoming the first female member of the Cabinet.

By UPI Staff

President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Social Security Act into law at the White House on August 14, 1935. On March 4, 1933, Frances Perkins, standing behind FDR, was sworn in as U.S. labor secretary, becoming the first female member of the Cabinet. File photo by ACME Newspictures

March 4 (UPI) -- On this date in HERSTORY

In 1917, Jeanette Rankin, a Montana Republican, was sworn in as a member of the House of Representatives. She was the first woman to serve in Congress.

In 2005, homemaking guru Martha Stewart returned home after serving five months in a federal prison for conspiracy, obstruction of an agency proceeding and making false statements to federal investigators.


In 1958, the U.S. atomic submarine Nautilus reached the North Pole by passing beneath the Arctic ice cap. It would become the first submarine to pass underneath the North Pole later that year.

In 1966, John Lennon told Britain's Evening Standard that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus." The comments sparked condemnation and protests the following summer.

UPI File Photo

In 1987, U.S. President Ronald Reagan acknowledged his administration swapped arms to Iran for U.S. hostages and said, "It was a mistake."

In 2015, a report released by the Department of Justice found that the Ferguson Police Department routinely performed "suspicionless, legally unsupportable stops" against the African-American residents of the Missouri city.

Mansplaining, explained in one simple chart 


Mansplaining is, at its core, a very specific thing. It's what occurs when a man talks condescendingly to someone (especially a woman) about something he has incomplete knowledge of, with the mistaken assumption that he knows more about it than the person he's talking to does.
Although mansplain is most likely the coinage of a LiveJournal user (thanks, Know Your Meme), no discussion of mansplain is complete without mention of Rebecca Solnit's 2008 essay "Men Explain Things to Me," now also the title of her 2014 collection of essays. (The essay was published first at and later in the Los Angeles Times. It was reprinted in Guernica with a new introduction by Solnit in 2012.) Although Solnit didn't use the word mansplain in her essay, she described what might be the most mansplainiest of experiences anyone has ever had. Solnit and a friend were at a party where the host (a wealthy and imposing older man), upon learning that Solnit had recently published a book on 19th century photographer Eadweard Muybridge, proceeded to tell her all about a very important book on the same photographer that had just come out. The book, of course, was Solnit's, but the man had to be interrupted several times by Solnit's friend before he'd absorbed that knowledge and added it to the knowledge he'd absorbed from reading the New York Times review of the book.

Mansplaining gained traction at first on feminist blogs, as writers and activists finally had a catchall way to talk about a specific, albeit insidious, dynamic experienced by qualified women in male-dominated fields. When I heard it for the first time, the term helped to instantly describe so many interactions I had with men over the years that left me feeling annoyed and bad about myself. Mansplaining encapsulates the sexist, condescending tendency men can exhibit in classrooms, at work, and in casual conversation to assume that they know more about a topic than a woman, no matter what it is or what her credentials are.
But as it’s become a household phrase on the internet in the last few years, mansplaining has been used to characterize an ever-growing variety of unpleasant or uncomfortable interactions between a man and a woman, even those that aren’t actually marked by sexist aggression. Maloney’s apology to Hill for the mansplaining she “endured,” for example, belies the fact that members of Congress have castigated both male and female witnesses at the impeachment hearings (as they often do at most hearings, really). Solnit herself has said that mansplaining is applied too broadly; part of this is because of how viral moments in politics and otherwise travel now, quickly and without context — something pithy and broad like mansplaining acts like a stamp, telling us how to react and share.
Which is the much more worrisome implication of mansplaining’s ballooning definition: that some people, many of whom actually oppose the goals of feminism, have figured out how to use it as a political attack, to deflect engagement with the contents of their positions.
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