Saturday, March 21, 2020

Nikki Haley exits Boeing board, saying she opposes US bailout

Nikki Haley resigned from Boeing's board of directors, saying she was philosophically opposed to company efforts to garner a government bailout

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley resigned from Boeing's board of directors, saying she was philosophically opposed to efforts to win a government bailout, the firm said Thursday.

Haley, a former governor of South Carolina, said she had hoped "to be part of helping" Boeing as it contends with the coronavirus crisis on top of the travails with the 737 MAX.

But Boeing's leaders and board "are going in a direction I cannot support," Haley said in a resignation later included in a Boeing securities filing.

"While I know cash is tight, that is equally true for numerous other industries and for millions of small businesses," she said, adding that she has "long held strong convictions" against government support.

Boeing is seeking at least $60 billion in federal support for the aerospace industry as the grounding of much of the global airline fleet due to coronavirus obliterates nearly term demand for commercial planes.

"I cannot support a move to lean on the federal government for a stimulus or bailout that prioritizes our company over others and relies on taxpayers to guarantee our financial position," she said in her letter, adding that she would remain a "strong supporter of Boeing and its workforce."

Haley, who is seen as a potential Republican party candidate for national office, was named to the board in February 2019, shortly before the MAX was grounded following two deadly plane crashes.

She praised Boeing leadership and expressed confidence in the 737 MAX, which remains grounded following two deadly crashes and still must clear some important regulatory hoops before it will fly again.

A Boeing spokesman said, "We appreciate her service on the board and wish her well."

Nikki Haley quits Boeing board over push for $60B in coronavirus aid

Nikki Haley joined the Boeing board in April 2019 after serving as President Donald Trump's top ambassador to the United Nations. File Photo by Manuel Elias/U.N./UPI | License Photo

March 20 (UPI) -- Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley has resigned from Boeing's board of directors after less than a year, apparently because the aerospace giant is asking for $60 billion in federal aid amid the coronavirus outbreak.

The U.S. airline industry has seen passenger demand plummet in recent weeks as the coronavirus disease has expanded worldwide and nations have temporarily closed their borders. Boeing, also a top defense contractor, said it needs the federal aid to stabilize its operations and those of companies in its supply chain.

In a filing Thursday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Boeing said Haley resigned Monday. She joined the board last April.

"As a matter of philosophical principle, she does not believe that the company should seek support from the federal government, and therefore decided to resign from the board," Boeing told the SEC.

Haley said in her resignation letter she understands Boeing still faces challenges related to the grounding of its 737 Max, but cannot support its decision to ask for public money.

"While I know cash is tight, that is equally true for numerous other industries and for millions of small businesses," Haley wrote. "I cannot support a move to lean on the federal government for a stimulus or bailout that prioritizes our company over others and relies on taxpayers to guarantee our financial position.

"I have long held strong convictions that this is not the role of government."

Haley served as President Donald Trump's chief ambassador to the United Nations for the first two years of his administration. Before that, she was governor of South Carolina for six years.

Boeing warned last month that short-term aircraft deliveries could be affected by the coronavirus outbreak, particularly due to an expected decline in demand in Asia.

Cricket great Warne's gin distillery shifts to hand sanitiser

AFP/File / GEORGES GOBETHand sanitiser is in short supply in many countries battling coronavirus
Australian cricket great Shane Warne has halted production of gin at a distillery he co-owns to make medical-grade hand sanitiser for hospitals in these "challenging times".
The spin legend, who played 145 Tests, responded to Prime Minister Scott Morrison's plea for companies to help wherever they can during the spiralling coronavirus crisis.
"This is a challenging time for Australians and we all need to do what we can to help our healthcare system combat this disease and save lives," Warne said on his Instagram page.
"I am happy SevenZeroEight has the ability to make this shift and encourage others to do the same."
Warne is a co-founder in the company alongside two prominent surgeons with an agreement in place to supply two Western Australian hospitals with hand sanitiser at cost.
The company halted gin production earlier this week and is now pumping out 70-percent alcohol hand sanitiser indefinitely.
"Great work Shane and team. We need leaders in the community to stand up -- you have always been and are one," said one of his social media followers.
It follows a similar move by a distillery in Ireland, with hand sanitiser in short supply in many countries battling the virus.
Australia has so far seen more than 750 confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with seven deaths from the disease.
Panic buying, lockdowns may drive world food inflation: FAO, analysts

SINGAPORE (Reuters) - Lockdowns and panic food buying due to the coronavirus pandemic could ignite world food inflation even though there are ample supplies of staple grains and oilseeds in key exporting nations, a senior economist at FAO and agricultural analysts said.

The world’s richest nations poured unprecedented aid into the global economy as coronavirus cases ballooned across Europe and the United States, with the number of deaths in Italy outstripping those in mainland China, where the virus originated.

With over 270,000 infections and more than 11,000 deaths, the epidemic has stunned the world and drawn comparisons with periods such as World War Two and the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

“All you need is panic buying from big importers such as millers or governments to create a crisis,” said Abdolreza Abbassian, chief economist at the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

“It is not a supply issue, but it is a behavioral change over food security,” he told Reuters by phone from Rome, the FAO headquarters. “What if bulk buyers think they can’t get wheat or rice shipments in May or June? That is what could lead to a global food supply crisis.”

Graphic: Stocks of global crop staples - here

Consumers across the world from Singapore to the United States have queued at super markets in recent weeks to stock up on items ranging from rice and hand sanitizers to toilet paper.

The global benchmark Chicago wheat futures rose more than 6% this week, the biggest weekly gain in nine months, while rice prices in Thailand, the world’s 2nd largest exporter of the grain, have climbed to the highest since August 2013.

France’s grain industry is scrambling to find enough trucks and staff to keep factories and ports running as the panic buying of pasta and flour coincides with a surge in wheat exports.

Restrictions imposed by some European Union countries at their borders with other member states in response to the pandemic are also disrupting food supplies, representatives of the industry and farmers said.

However, global wheat stocks at the end of the crop marketing year in June are projected to rise to 287.14 million tonnes, up from 277.57 million tonnes a year ago, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimates.

Graphic: Stocks of crop and food staples - here

World rice stocks are projected at 182.3 million tonnes as compared with 175.3 million tonnes a year ago.


Logistics are likely to be a major global issue, analysts said.

“There is about 140 million tonnes of corn that goes in ethanol in the United States and some of that can used for food as it won’t be needed for fuel, given the drop in oil prices,” said Ole Houe, director of advisory services at brokerage IKON Commodities

“The concern is having food at the right time in the right place.”

Asian buyers were inactive this week with uncertainty looming in the market.

“We are not sure about the demand. What it is going to look like in June or July?” said one Singapore-based purchasing manager at a flour milling company that has operations across Southeast Asia. “Restaurant business is down, and as a result demand is a bit soft right now.”

Asian wheat importers, including the region’s top importer Indonesia, have been taking a bulk of the cargoes from the Black Sea region amid a global oversupply.

Oil exporting nations in the Middle East, which are also net grain importers, are likely to feel more financial pain with crude losing more than 60% of its value this year.

“Net oil exporters’ capacity to buy grains has dropped given the fall in oil prices and depreciation in currencies,” said FAO’s Abbassian.

“There will be less capacity to take policy actions to boost economies.”

Reporting by Naveen Thukral; Additional reporting by Patpicha Tanakasempipat in BANGKOK Editing by Gavin Maguire and Raju Gopalakrishnan
Canada's stretched hospitals brace for impact

Allison Martell, Moira Warburton


TORONTO (Reuters) - Canada’s health system is preparing for an influx of coronavirus patients in the midst of a long-running bed shortage, calling doctors out of retirement and ramping down any treatment that can wait.
FILE PHOTO: A sign for washing hands is seen during a news media tour of quarantine facilities for treating novel coronavirus at Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, Canada March 2, 2020.  REUTERS/Christinne Muschi

FILE PHOTO: A sign for washing hands is seen during a news media tour of quarantine facilities for treating novel coronavirus at Jewish General Hospital in Montreal, Quebec, Canada March 2, 2020. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi

A shortage of beds during periods of peak demand, like the flu season, is a longstanding problem in the publicly funded system. While health spending has risen gradually in recent years, beds have not kept pace with population growth.

“You’ve got people in broom closets and auditoriums and conference rooms across the country,” said Michael Gardam, chief of staff at one Ontario’s newest hospitals, the 656-bed Humber River Hospital.

Canada has 925 cases of the COVID-19 respiratory illness caused by the coronavirus, and 12 deaths.

A preliminary model published by Canadian researchers this week estimated that if cases increase by 7.5 percent each day, Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, will run out of ICU beds and ventilators in about 37 days.

Between Sunday and Thursday, daily case counts grew an average of 16% a day.

In British Columbia, which has seen the most virus-linked deaths in Canada, the majority of hospitals are running between 110% and 140% of their official capacity, said Christine Sorensen, president of the BC Nurses’ Union.

Most current Canadian hospitals were built between the 1940-1960s, under a federal program. Budget cuts forced closures, and in recent years, growing demand for long-term care has further strained the system.

Canada had 12.9 adult intensive care beds per 100,000 people, according to a study based on 2013-14 data, with variations across the country. British Columbia had only 10.5 beds, and the Atlantic province of Newfoundland and Labrador had 21.8, according to a report from Canadian Institute for Health Information.

Quebec’s government recently said it has 1,000 ICU beds, or 11.8 per 100,000.

In contrast, the United States had 34.7 ICU beds per 100,000 as of 2009, according to the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

With little time left to prepare, officials are moving to make the most of what they have.

British Columbia’s College of Physicians and Surgeons put a call out to doctors who retired in the last two years to re-register under a special emergency class.

Ontario told hospitals this week to ramp down elective surgeries and non-urgent treatment. It also said it would invest C$100 million to increase capacity, but it is not clear how quickly that can be done.

An Ontario committee set up to address the crisis is looking at how to move more patients out of hospitals and into long-term care or home with care, a document obtained by Reuters showed.

Alberta is enabling doctors to bill for phone consultations, in an effort to keep patients at home.

Its College of Physicians and Surgeons told doctors that unregulated technology, like email and texting, may be justified under the “extraordinary circumstances.”

Some hospitals have the capacity to re-open beds that have been closed over the years, said Michael Hurley, president of the Ontario Council of Hospital Unions, but that is not occurring quickly enough.

“So far we haven’t talked about approaching this virus with the intensity that the Chinese have,” said Hurley, citing China’s move to open up thousands of hospital beds in a matter of days to handle the influx of coronavirus patients. China assembled new hospitals in Wuhan using prefabricated buildings.

One top priority will be protecting healthcare workers, for their own safety and so they can continue to see patients.

“It’s going to be a burden on the staff; it’s going to be a burden on the system,” said Paul-Émile Cloutier, president of hospital advocacy group HealthCareCAN.

“The challenges of COVID-19 underscore the challenges that already exist in the system.”

Editing by Amran Abocar and Dan Grebler

Friday, March 20, 2020

Climate change: The rich are to blame, international study finds
By Roger Harrabin
BBC environment analyst
16 March 2020 

The rich are primarily to blame for the global climate crisis, a study by the University of Leeds of 86 countries claims.

The wealthiest tenth of people consume about 20 times more energy overall than the bottom ten, wherever they live.

The gulf is greatest in transport, where the top tenth gobble 187 times more fuel than the poorest tenth, the research says.

That’s because people on the lowest incomes can rarely afford to drive.

The researchers found that the richer people became, the more energy they typically use. And it was replicated across all countries.

And they warn that, unless there's a significant policy change, household energy consumption could double from 2011 levels by 2050. That's even if energy efficiency improves.

Transport gulf

The researchers combined European Union and World Bank data to calculate how different income groups spend their money. They say it’s the first study of its kind.

It found that in transport the richest tenth of consumers use more than half the energy. This reflects previous research showing that 15% of UK travellers take 70% of all flights.

The ultra-rich fly by far furthest, while 57% of the UK population does not fly abroad at all.

The study, published in Nature Energy, showed that energy for cooking and heating is more equitably consumed.

But even then, the top 10% of consumers used roughly one third of the total, presumably reflecting the size of their homes.


Co-author Professor Julia Steinberger, leader of the project at Leeds, asked: “How can we change the vastly unequal distribution of energy to provide a decent life for everyone while protecting the climate and ecosystems?”

The authors say governments could reduce transport demand through better public transport, higher taxes on bigger vehicles and frequent flyer levies for people who take most holidays.

They say another alternative is to electrify vehicles more quickly, although previous studies suggest even then demand for driving must be reduced in order to reduce the strain on resource use and electricity production and distribution.

Rich Brits

The research also examined the relative energy consumption of one nation against another.

It shows that a fifth of UK citizens are in the top 5% of global energy consumers, along with 40% of German citizens, and Luxembourg’s entire population.

Only 2% of Chinese people are in the top global 5% of users, and just 0.02% of people in India.

Even the poorest fifth of Britons consumes over five times as much energy per person as the bottom billion in India.

The study is likely to ignite future UN climate negotiations, where the issue of equity is always bitterly contentious.

In the USA, libertarian politicians have typically portrayed climate change as a harbinger of global socialism.

Normal lives?

But Professor Kevin Anderson, from the Tyndall Centre in Manchester, who was not involved in the study, told BBC News: “This study tells relatively wealthy people like us what we don’t want to hear.

“The climate issue is framed by us high emitters – the politicians, business people, journalists, academics. When we say there’s no appetite for higher taxes on flying, we mean WE don’t want to fly less

“The same is true about our cars and the size our homes. We have convinced ourselves that our lives are normal, yet the numbers tell a very different story,” he said.

The study says transport energy alone could increase 31% by 2050. “If transport continues to rely on fossil fuels, this increase would be disastrous for the climate,” the report says.

It suggests different remedies for different types of energy use. So, flying and driving big cars could face higher taxes, while energy from homes could be reduced by a housing retrofit.

The authors note that the recent Budget declined to increase fuel duty and promised 4,000 miles of new roads. It did not mention home insulation.

The Treasury was contacted to discuss the taxation issues raised in the research, but declined to comment.

Coronavirus: Dow erases Trump presidency gains


The Dow Jones Industrial Average of 30 major American companies fell more than 4.5% on Friday, erasing all the gains it had made since Donald Trump became president in January 2017.

The drop helped to finish the worst week on Wall Street since 2008, with all three indexes down at least 12%.

The falls come as authorities tighten restrictions on activity in an effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

New York state on Friday ordered non-essential businesses to close.

Illinois also made a similar move, while California earlier mandated that its residents shelter in place.

The Dow lost more than 900 points to close at 19,173, while the wider S&P 500 dropped 4.3% to 2,304 and the Nasdaq lost 3.8% to 6,879.5.

They have now fallen more than 30% from their recent records.

Mr Trump has taken credit as the share indexes climbed during his presidency - gaining nearly 50% as of last month. He has written about them on Twitter at least 131 times, according to a tally by the New York Times.

At briefings this week, Mr Trump has said he is not worried about the economy in the long-run, arguing that business will bounce back after the pandemic eases and restrictions can be relaxed.

For now, however, the upheavals are severe.

Unemployment claims in the US surged 30% this week, as thousands of people lost their jobs, while in the restaurant industry alone as many as 7 million jobs could be cut in the next three months, according to estimates by the National Restaurant Association.

Delta Air Lines on Friday said it would lose $10bn in its second quarter, while United Airlines warned that it would cut jobs starting in April if the government does not provide relief funding. Both firms saw share prices fall about 30% this week.

Coca-Cola lost more than 8%, after warning the virus had upended its growth forecast, as sales to theatres, sporting venues and restaurants evaporate.

Earlier, the FTSE 100 index of top UK firms ended up 0.76%, while Germany's Dax and France's CAC 40 gained more than 3%.

'Drastic action'

The market moves came as the state of New York ordered staff at all "non-essential" businesses to remain at home as the number of coronavirus cases continues to rise.

The move expands earlier restrictions and comes as California on the west coast said its nearly 40 million residents should "shelter in place".

The US has confirmed more than 14,000 cases of the coronavirus, including more than 7,000 in New York.

The surge has started to strain its health care system.

"This is the most drastic action we can take," New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said,

New York said pharmacies, grocery stores, banks and shipping firms were among those exempt from the order, which goes into effect on Sunday.


Many places have already been forced to shut, including schools, shopping centres, and theatres.

Mr Cuomo also issued additional rules for the state's 19.5 million citizens, saying healthy people who are not at risk may go outside for exercise and to go grocery shopping, but should otherwise remain at home.

Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, who has been a leader of the national response, said he supported the move.

"Please co-operate with your governor," he said at the White House's daily coronavirus briefing.

The US also said it would bar non-essential travel between the US and Canada, from midnight.

However, US President Donald Trump said he did not think shelter in place orders needed to be expanded nationally, noting that many states have far lower infection rates.

"They're watching it on television but they don't have the same problems," he said.

Restrictions aimed at reducing the spread of the coronavirus have expanded rapidly this week and are already having a devastating economic effect, with the number of Americans seeking unemployment benefits surging more than 30% this week.

Economists are predicting a sharp contraction in economic growth in coming months, and have warned that millions of jobs are at risk.

Congress is working on a more than $1tn relief bill, that is expected to include direct payments of more than $1,000 for each American who earns less than a certain amount. It would also include millions for businesses affected by the pandemic, such as airlines and hotels.

Dow ends worst week since 2008 financial crisis

A worker sweeps the floor of the New York Stock Exchange after the closing bell on Wall Street in New York City on Friday. Photo by John Angelillo/UPI | License Photo

March 20 (UPI) -- Stocks attempted to rally early Friday, but tumbled further throughout the day, ending the worst week in over a decade for the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

The Dow closed at 19,248, down 4.5 percent for the day. The S&P 500 slid 4.4 percent and the Nasdaq Composite fell 3.8 percent, despite a 2 percent jump earlier in the day.

The Dow was down more than 17 percent for the week, its biggest weekly decrease since October 2008, when it dropped 18.2 percent. The S&P 500 lost 13 percent and the Nasdaq 12.6 percent this week.

Stocks attempted to rally with gains early Friday, but sources told CNBC that news that clearing firm Ronin Capital failed to meet its capital requirements dragged trading down toward the end of the day.

Oil prices, which have plummeted in recent weeks, showed some gains Friday but fell back into the negative. Brent crude was trading at $29.44 per barrel.

Friday's losses followed reports that multiple U.S. senators moved to sell off some of their stock weeks ago at the start of the coronavirus outbreak. Among those reported to have dumped shares are Sens. Richard Burr, R-N.C., Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., James Inhofe, R-Okla., and Kelly Loeffler, R-Ga.

NOT REAL NEWS: Another week of false coronavirus content

FILE - In this Friday, March 20, 2020 file photo, a member of the New Jersey National Guard helps direct traffic at COVID-19 drive-through testing center in Paramus, N.J. On Friday, March 20, 2020, The Associated Press reported on stories circulating online incorrectly asserting that within 48-72 hours the president will evoke what is called the Stafford Act, will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation, and that the National Guard will mobilize and martial law will go into effect. The National Security Council knocked down the rumors on Twitter. “As we saw over the wkend, disinfo is being spread online about a supposed national lockdown and grounding flights. Be skeptical of rumors. Make sure you’re getting info from legitimate sources," the council tweeted. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig)

A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked them out. Here are the real facts:
CLAIM: Please be advised that within 48-72 hours the president will evoke what is called the Stafford Act. The president will order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation. The National Guard will mobilize and martial law will go into effect. Stock up on whatever you need to make sure you have an adequate supply of everything.
THE FACTS: Screenshots of text messages are circulating in group chats and on social media warning that the U.S. will go into lockdown and that martial law will go into effect. The texts are often attributed to a friend of a friend or a relative who knows someone working in an official capacity for the U.S. government or a medical institution. They claim the government — sometimes federal, sometimes state or local — is about to put a quarantine in place and people won’t be allowed to leave their homes for weeks. The National Security Council knocked down the rumors on Twitter. “As we saw over the wkend, disinfo is being spread online about a supposed national lockdown and grounding flights. Be skeptical of rumors. Make sure you’re getting info from legitimate sources,” the council tweeted Thursday. The texts first emerged on a local level with messages saying that New York and Washington state would go under lockdown, with later claims suggesting that the whole nation would enforce a lockdown. President Donald Trump said at a briefing Friday that he has no plans for a national lockdown at this time. “I don’t think we’ll ever find that necessary,” he told reporters.
CLAIM: Using a blow dryer to shoot hot air into your sinuses will kill the new coronavirus.
THE FACTS: Medical professionals said taking such action would be dangerous and would not kill the new coronavirus. Social media users are sharing clips from a 6-minute video that suggests that heat kills the coronavirus and applying heat to your nose will help eliminate it. The false claim is one of many around the new virus which doctors are actively trying to debunk. “False! Please don’t. Our nose carries bacteria, as part of normal flora. Those bacteria may get confused,” tweeted Faheem Younus, who specializes in infectious diseases at the University of Maryland. The World Health Organization has said that hand dryers cannot kill the new coronavirus and noted that the virus can still be transmitted in hot and humid climates. Dr. Jen Caudle, a family physician and associate professor at Rowan University in New Jersey, also confirmed that blowing hot air into a nose will not prevent or cure the new coronavirus. “Depending on how hot the blow dryer gets, I would be concerned with some adverse effects,” she said. Doctors like Younus and Caudle are using their social media platforms to debunk myths around the virus that has infected more than 200,000 worldwide.
CLAIM: Research by scientists at the University of Queensland in Australia has proven that bananas bolster the immune system due to the super source of vitamin B-6 and helps prevent coronavirus.
THE FACTS: As researchers rush to develop a vaccine to stop the spread of the coronavirus, a video circulating on social media falsely claimed they had found a tie between preventing the virus and bananas. It’s not true. The 58-second video takes footage from an ABC Australia news segment, which aired in January about research at the Queensland university to create a vaccine for the virus, and combines it with a Wall Street Journal video on research around the vaccine. It then adds images of bananas overlaid with text suggesting the benefits of bananas in combating the virus. The ABC Australia and The Wall Street Journal videos, which are both available online, make no reference to bananas preventing or killing the coronavirus. A University of Queensland spokesperson told The Associated Press in an email that the video is fake and said they strongly recommend people do not share it. The claim spread in the Philippines in March after officials in the country claimed that bananas could kill the virus. While bananas are a good source of nutrients, including vitamin B6, fiber and potassium, there is no evidence that bananas can prevent or kill coronavirus.
CLAIM: The first person to receive an experimental coronavirus vaccine during testing in Seattle is a crisis actor
THE FACTS: All participants who volunteered for vaccine test being led by Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle were screened and had to meet a set list of criteria. They were not hired as actors to simulate a role. After researchers began the first round of testing on an experimental vaccine, posts began circulating on social media claiming the first person tested was a crisis actor. To support the claim, the posts falsely suggested that volunteers were injected with saline and that a needle not used for vaccines was used. Both are false. The AP was granted exclusive access to observe the first injections. No saline shots were given as part of the study and photos taken by the AP confirm that the vaccine was given by intramuscular injection. To find participants, Kaiser Permanente advertised for volunteers in the Seattle area. Subjects were screened by phone, and had to meet a set list of criteria. Those who met the criteria were then medically assessed in person at the Kaiser Permanente facility. Some posts making the false crisis actor claim featured photos of Jennifer Haller, the first person to receive the test vaccine. The AP observed Haller, an operations manager at a small tech company, as she received the injection in an exam room. The testing that began Monday marked just the beginning of a series of studies in people needed to prove whether the shots are safe and could work. Even if the research goes well, a vaccine would not be available for widespread use for 12 to 18 months, said Dr. Anthony Fauci of the U.S. National Institutes of Health.
CLAIM: Coronavirus remains in the throat for four days, drinking water and gargling with warm water mixed with salt or vinegar eliminates the virus.
THE FACTS: Medical officials said there is no evidence that gargling with the mixture will combat the novel coronavirus. False posts containing the claim have been shared widely on social media. One widely shared post states: “Corona virus before it reaches the lungs it remains in the throat for four days and at this time the person begins to cough and have throat pains. If he drinks water a lot and gargling with warm water & salt or vinegar eliminates the virus. Spread this information because you can save someone with this information.” Dr. Robert Legare Atmar, Infectious Disease expert at the Baylor College of Medicine, told the AP while the virus may be detected in the throat for at least a week after the onset of symptoms, the information about gargling is false. “There is no evidence for coronavirus or other respiratory viruses that drinking water or gargling protect against subsequent infection and illness,” he said. “In fact, doing these activities might give people a false sense of security, which would be dangerous if it resulted in behavior that is more risky.” It can be detected in the throat for at least a week after symptom onset, at least in some people, Atmar said.
CLAIM: Parents who can’t find or afford baby formula right now, Enfamil and Gerber will send you a free case of formula.
THE FACTS: As consumers emptied store shelves stocking up on necessities in anticipation of shortages around the novel coronavirus, social media posts claimed that makers of baby formula would help ease any scarcity by sending a case of formula to those in need. “For parents who cannot find formula in stores for their babies right now, grab the can for formula that you do have and call the number on the back and they will send you a whole case during this time,” said one tweet posted just after midnight Monday. By Tuesday afternoon it had more than 21,000 shares and 16,000 likes. Both Gerber and Enfamil said the posts circulating online are not true, and emphasized they are working with retailers to keep shelves stocked.
This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.
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Victor Olaiya: Nigeria's 'evil genius' trumpeter who influenced Fela Kuti




Nigeria has been mourning music legend Victor Olaiya, who created Nigeria's highlife rhythms and influenced a generation of musicians including Fela Anikulapo-Kuti. Nduka Orjinmo looks back at the life of the trumpeter, who died last month at the age of 89.

Just like the well-turned out government filing clerk that he was, Olaiya always carried a pen in his breast pocket. This was not for noting instructions that had to be precisely followed, but rather because he needed to write down the musical notes and phrases as they came to him.

This was at the beginning of the 1950s, his early days as a performer, when the trumpeter was trying to create Nigeria's highlife rhythms.

More musician than bureaucrat

At this stage, music was something he did in his spare time and Olaiya thought he had lost his job in the civil service when his boss saw a newspaper photo of him performing at a nightclub.

Instead, he was told that he was a better musician than a bureaucrat at the survey department of Lagos mainland local government.

He left the job and took on music full time.

Olaiya's family Victor Olaiya

Born to wealthy Yoruba parents in the southern city of Calabar, Olaiya had an early start in music.

His father was a church organist and his mother a folk singer from the western city of Oyo.

He was also influenced by Caribbean calypso and included the popular song Sly Mongoose in his repertoire that he recalled first hearing when he was nine years old.

As a teenager, though, he was taught Western classical music, and played the clarinet and French horn in his school orchestra in eastern Nigeria.

Years later, wielding his gold trumpet and dabbing his face with a white handkerchief, Olaiya would perform a new type of music in Nigeria that would go on to inspire a young Fela Anikulapo-Kuti among others.
Victor Olaiya is hailed as the father of Nigerian highlife music

After his secondary school, Olaiya moved to Lagos where he joined the Lagos City Orchestra and then the band of composer Sammy Akpabot, playing ballroom music for wealthy urban audiences.

But it was as the head of Bobby Benson's Alfa Carnival Group that his talent would be properly nurtured.

Benson took a number of musicians under his wing and it was here that Olaiya polished the skills that would help him form his own band, the Cool Cats.

Listening to the recordings now, the gentle swinging rhythm and the prominence of the horn section, you sense a sepia tinge to Olaiya's songs.
Victor Olaiya rose to fame as Nigeria was moving away from British rule

They evoke memories of the fading British Empire and transition to independence, conjuring up images of afro hair combed into a dome, of middle-class Nigerians appearing overdressed in tuxedos and gowns with a cigarette neatly tucked between the fingers.

By the late 1950s, the colonial administrators were on their way out and a young generation of educated Africans was about to take over.

As the disco bars and ballrooms gradually thinned out of the British and their music, in stepped the elite class of Africans seeking that same high life but fused with their own culture.

And the bands responded to satisfy their new patrons, incorporating local rhythms and melodies into their repertoire.
Image result for Victor Olaiya: Nigeria's 'evil genius' trumpeter
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The songs were romantic and the lyrics, which to today's eyes appear sexist, often used erotic imagery.

Olaiya's 1961 track Adelebo Tonwoku (Single Lady Looking for a Husband) says that if a woman, referred to as "Cinderella shaking her buttocks", finds a husband she should "forgo education".

As a musical term, highlife was first used in Ghana in the 1920s to describe a band playing a fusion of foreign and local instruments driven by multiple guitars and horns.

Olaiya's influence came from Ghana, as he was a keen admirer of the Tempo band of highlife legend ET Mensah, who toured Nigeria multiple times from 1951.

When Olaiya formed his Cool Cats band, he adopted Mensah's style and had Ghanaian Sammy Lartey as saxophonist. Years later, Olaiya and Mensah would release a joint album.

In bombastic style, Olaiya was once described by a newspaper editor as "the evil genius of highlife", perhaps because once someone heard his music it was impossible not to dance.

His music became so popular that in 1960 he played at the party to celebrate Nigeria's independence in front of Queen Elizabeth's sister, Princess Margaret.

Fela comes to Olaiya

Olaiya was a multi-linguist and sang in Twi, Igbo, Efik, Pidgin and Yoruba and his band would go on to serve as a training ground for musicians who would revolutionise music in Africa.

Chief among those that interned with Olaiya was Fela, creator of the Afrobeat genre and arguably Nigeria's most influential musician.

Fresh from secondary school in 1957, Fela spent time playing with Olaiya's Cool Cats in Lagos and headed another of the maestro's bands.

Olaiya recognised a prodigy and gave him a platform, in the same way that he had been supported by Benson.

Fela's drummer, Tony Allen, was also among those who played with Olaiya. Other notable musicians that passed through his band were guitar wizard Victor Uwaifo, juju musician Dele Ojo and saxophonist Yinusa Akinnibosun.
Olaiya collaborated with American soul musician James Brown (R) for the 1970 album Up-To-Date Mover

By 1970, under the influence of James Brown, Olaiya had branched into soul and funk music. His Up-to-Date Mover album of that year included five tracks co-written with Brown.

But Olaiya will forever be associated with highlife, and this gradually faded from the scene until the genre became a stacked collection of dusty vinyl for senior citizens who hung onto the memories of an era when "things were good".

The Cool Cats were no longer cool, as first Fela's Afrobeat and later Afro hop swept succeeding generations off their feet.

Olaiya tried to keep up in later decades by doing things like shooting music videos but he never looked comfortable with the format.

He was used to the disco bars, the big orchestra and the larger-than-life bands performing for dandy crowds.

Recognised by a later generation

There were attempts to introduce his music to a new audience.

In 2013, Tuface Idibia, a music legend in his own right, remixed Olaiya's Baby Jowo. It was a homage to another era but only underlined how things had changed.

A handful of highlife musicians are still scattered in the eastern and western parts of Nigeria but their tunes are now mostly heard at funerals.

When Olaiya is laid to rest, perhaps a band led by an immaculately turned out trumpeter will be at the front of the procession?

And when he is lowered into the ground, it may be more than flesh that is returning to dust. The highlife music he pioneered may just be buried along with him.

Alhaji Alade Odunewu of the Daily Times described him as "The Evil Genius of Highlife." Contents. 1 Early life and career; 2 Personal life; 3 Music; 4 Discography; 5 Further reading; 6 References; 7 External links. Early life and career[edit]. Olaiya was born on 31 December 1930, in Calabar, Cross River ... During the Nigerian Civil War of 1967–70, Olaiya was given the rank of a ...
Image result for Victor Olaiya: Nigeria's 'evil genius' trumpeter
Nigeria’s Victor Olaiya: Trumpeter and ‘evil genius’ of highlife music (1931-2020)
Olaiya revolutionized highlife dance music on the West African coast

Posted 19 February 2020 

Screenshot of a video about Victor Olaiya's history of album covers, by Andrew MusicOdyssey via YouTube.

Editor's note: This essay was written by Dami Ajayi and first published in the Lagos Review. This version was lightly edited and published here with permission by Dami Ajayi.

Victor Abimbola Olaiya, highlife maestro, trumpeter, vocalist and band leader, died in the afternoon of Wednesday February 12, 2020. He was 89 years old.

An accomplished trumpeter, Olaiya was one of the key figures of highlife, the popular dance music that became the rave on the West African Coast from the 50s.

Did this thread in 2018 on Highlife music and I recall it as I do a thread this morning on the Evil Genius of Highlife music himself, Victor “Papingo Devalaya” Olaiya.

Olaiya was born in Calabar to Yoruba parents and was a very brilliant chap growing up, with a love for music.
— Demola Olarewaju (@DemolaRewaju) February 14, 2020

Highlife as a musical form originated from Sierra Leone and Ghana, but it was in Ghana that it gained its name as a ballroom dance enjoyed by the “elitist natives.”

In 1952, Olaiya formed his own band called the Cool Cats, which was later renamed the All Stars Band.

Victor Olaiya's All Stars Soul International (CD digipack + 16 page booklet/Heavy vinyl LP gatefold) Vampisoul, 2009-04-21. Image credit: Paris DJs, used with permission.

Emmanuel Teytey Mensah, a Ghanaian pharmacist — famed to have knocked out his incisors for the greater calling of blowing the trumpet — is often seen as one of the founding fathers of highlife music. Another founding father was Bobby Benson whose Jam Orchestra was the stomping ground for some of the finest highlife musicians Nigeria has ever had.

A young Victor Olaiya played in Bobby Benson’s Jam Orchestra.

Historians are not exact about how highlife music became a Nigerian staple, but by the late 40s and 50s, this music held Nigeria’s nightlife by the scruff of the neck. Hotel dance halls and night clubs had resident bands and Saturday nights were special.

By the 50s, Victor Olaiya was already a highlife music star. A young Fela Kuti had a stint as a trumpeter in Olaiya’s Cool Cats band before his own career as a band leader took off.

Victor Olaiya played at the Independence Ball before important dignitaries.

If there is any music that encapsulates the nostalgia and optimism of Nigeria’s independence, it is highlife music. Imagine the piquant tunes of the trumpet piercing the night as the Union Jack was lowered and Nigeria’s National Flag was hoisted, fluttering bi-colour, triband and proud.

Screenshot of Victor Olaiya's album cover from YouTube video by Andrew MusicOdyssey.

When this optimism was dashed in the ethnic flavoured coup and countercoup that devolved into a civil war, highlife music also tracked this era.

War hardly provided an opportunity for nocturnal pleasures because curfews emptied the streets of people.

There was also the fact that a fine proportion of highlife musicians and instrumentalists were also from eastern Nigerian, hence their relocation behind the tentative territories of Biafra which brutally shrunk in a war that left millions of people dead.

Even though highlife music seemed intertwined with politics, it was in itself, deeply apolitical. It had no pretensions about what it was: it was dance music for dance halls, for socialites, for nocturnal men and women, for wiggling waists, for quivering buttocks and for theatrical leg works.

Victor Olaiya held Lagos down when the city became empty of highlife stars.

He had an honorary army title and his band played for the Nigerian troops to entertain them during the war. In terms of honour, he was also conferred an honorary doctorate degree at the First Jazz International Festival in Prague. By far his most enduring honour was being called the “evil genius” of highlife for his ability to keep people on their feet.

His style of music features a unique way of playing the trumpet and his ability to sing in several Nigerian languages made his highlife a somewhat nationalistic endeavor. The Stadium Hotel in Surulere, Lagos, perhaps so named for its proximity to the National Stadium, was a famous highlife spot during his active years.

Today, it stands in a state of quaint disrepair yet quite functional for the old heads and unusual young oddballs and inquisitive creatures who fancy highlife music.

Since old age and ill-health left Victor Olaiya a shadow of his old self, Bayowa Olaiya, banker by day and son of Victor Olaiya, holds court and renders some of the finest tunes of his now deceased father.

Victor Abimbola Olaiya (born 31 December 1930), also known as Dr Victor Olaiya, is a Nigerian trumpeter who plays in the highlife style. Though extremely famous in Nigeria during the 1950s and early 1960s, Olaiya received little recognition outside his native country. Alhaji Alade Odunewu of the Daily Times described him as "The Evil Genius of Highlife. Olaiya was born on 31 December 1930, in Calabar, Cross River State, the 20th child of a family of 24. His parents, Alfred Omolona Olaiya and Bathsheba Owolabi Motajo, came from Ijesha-Ishu in Ekiti State. Olaiya came from a very rich family. His father's house called Ilọijọs Bar stood on 2 Bamgbose Street, Lagos Island, until it was demolished on September 11, 2016. At an early age he learned to play the Bombardon and the French Horn. After leaving school he moved to Lagos, where he passed the school certificate examination in 1951 and was accepted by Howard University, US, to study civil engineering. Olaiya instead pursued a career as a musician, to the disapproval of his parents. He played with the Sammy Akpabot Band, was leader and trumpeter for the Old Lagos City Orchestra and joined the Bobby Benson Jam Session Orchestra.
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RIP Dr. Catherine Hamlin: Grief in Ethiopia as trailblazing Australian doctor dies

19 March 2020

Dr Catherine Hamlin with staff and cured fistula patients in Addis Ababa in 2008

No-one came to meet Catherine Hamlin the day she arrived at a tiny airport in Ethiopia in 1959.

More than 60 years later, the news of the Australian gynaecologist’s death at the age of 96 was met with an outpouring of grief in the country she had made her home.

That is because of the work Dr Hamlin - along with her late husband, Reginald - did transforming and, in some cases, saving the lives of tens of thousands of women who had been cast out of their communities.

Treating obstetric fistulas - a preventable injury sustained in childbirth that leaves women incontinent and can lead to other infections - would become her life’s work.

"These are the women most to be pitied in the world," Dr Hamlin told the New York Times in 2003.

"They're alone in the world, ashamed of their injuries. For lepers, or Aids victims, there are organisations that help. But nobody knows about these women or helps them."
The 'cursed' women living in shame

Elinor Catherine Nicholson was born in Sydney in 1924, one of six children. She decided to train to be a doctor because she wanted to help women and children.

After she completed her training, she began work at Crown Street Women’s Hospital, where she met a doctor from New Zealand, Reginald Hamlin.

They were married in 1950, and had a son, Richard, two years later.
'We never came back'

But the two wanted to go and work in a developing nation, and one day an advert in British medical journal The Lancet caught their eye.

"It just read 'gynaecologist wanted in Ethiopia, Addis Ababa'," Dr Hamlin told the BBC in 2016. It was enough to pique their interest, and the couple applied.

"We felt we would like to do something to help people in the world, because we had had so many advantages," Dr Hamlin explained.

The idea was to stay for a couple of years. "But we never came back."

So they set off from Sydney, sending a cable from the middle of the Indian Ocean to let their new colleagues know of their imminent arrival. It didn’t quite go according to plan.

"The cable didn’t get there until three weeks after we did, so there was nobody to meet us."
GETTY Reginald (L) and Catherine (R) Hamlin during a visit to Australia in 1971

But they soon settled in, and it wasn’t long before they began to notice a number of women with a condition they had never seen before: obstetric fistula.

"We were touched and appalled by the sadness of our first fistula patient: a beautiful young woman in urine-soaked ragged clothes, sitting alone in our outpatients department away from the other waiting patients," Dr Hamlin later recalled to the Guardian.

"We knew she was more in need than any of the others."

Two million women live with the condition globally, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.

Without help, many die. Those who survive - like the woman in the waiting room - are left with injuries that leave them incontinent, sometimes heavily.

In Ethiopia many were left with a deep sense of shame. They found themselves banished to the outskirts of their communities, abandoned by their husbands. The stigma and social isolation led some to end their lives.
'I felt so happy'

But the Hamlins knew it was both fixable and preventable - as they told Ethiopia's then ruler, Haile Selassie.

"He said, why do my women get this terrible thing where they can’t control their body waste?" Dr Hamlin told the BBC.

"We said, it is nothing to do with your women, it is to do with your lack of doctors in the countryside when they need to have a Caesarian section."

Mamitu Gashe was one of the women who Dr Hamlin and her husband treated in the early days, when they worked at Princess Teshai Hospital.

It was 1962, and Mamitu had suffered a fistula giving birth to her first child. It was a three-day labour, and the baby did not survive.
Dr Hamlin with Mamitu Gashe in 1994

Like so many other women in Ethiopia, she was left incontinent. But she had a sister in the capital, and her family took her to the city to find help.

It was then they discovered the Hamlins’ specialist ward.

"As soon as I arrived there, they treated me with compassion and I started to feel much better," she told the BBC after she was named one of the BBC's 100 Women 2018.

“They told me that I was not the only one suffering from this, that other women had this. As soon as they said that, I felt hopeful, I felt so happy."

But the Hamlins would not only help repair the damage; they also gave Mamitu - who has no formal education - a new career: she is now an internationally respected fistula surgeon, having been taught by the Hamlins.

"I couldn’t read or write," she explained in 2018. "Everything I knew, I knew from the Hamlins."

Mamitu was one of the staff members the Hamlins took to Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital when it opened in 1974.

'She broke our hearts'

In 1993, Dr Hamlin lost her beloved husband. Faced with a choice to stay or leave, she decided her work was not yet done.

In the following years, the Hamlin Foundation opened five rural hospitals offering healthcare to women, as well as a facility for long-term care patients. Then, in 2007, Dr Hamlin saw one of her initial dreams finally fulfilled: the Hamlin College of Midwives opened.

It is thought the organisation has treated more than 60,000 women for obstetric fistulas over the decades.

But in spite of these successes, Dr Hamlin was still disappointed at how little had been achieved,

"We had one little girl not too long ago, who had terrible injuries," she told the UN’s World Food Programme in 2011.

"She had been lying curled up for nine years on the floor on a mat. Her mother had been looking after her, thinking perhaps that the urine would dry up. She was in a state of malnutrition, 22kg (48lb), as she was carried on the back of her poor old mother, coming into the hospital.

"She broke our hearts."
Fighting fistula: Razia's brave recovery from pregnancy nightmare

And so, Dr Hamlin continued her fight for the women of Ethiopia to the end.

Last year, Ethiopia's Nobel Prize-winning Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed handed her a prestigious citizenship award - one of many she was given during her lifetime. Then, in January, she celebrated her 96th birthday. Mamitu was by her side.

“We called Catherine mum, because she is like our mother,” she explained to the BBC last year.

Dr Hamlin died on 18 March at her home in Addis Ababa, the place she made her home. She left behind her son, grandchildren and a dream she wants others to fulfil in her memory.

"My dream is to eradicate obstetric fistula. Forever," she said.

"I won’t do this in my lifetime, but you can in yours."

More on fistula

Occurs as a result of obstructed labour causing a hole in the bladder and/or bowel
Patient is constantly leaking urine and/or faeces
In most cases where it occurs, the baby dies during childbirth
Two million women living with the condition globally, mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia
Up to 100,000 new cases globally each year
Condition is entirely preventable and treatable

Video Fistula: British doctors help sufferers in Africa
10 March 2014

Fighting fistula: Razia's brave recovery from pregnancy nightmare
10 December 2015

The 'cursed' women living in shame
10 March 2014

BBC 100 Women 2018: Who is on the list?
19 November 2018