Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Black Arts Poetry Machine: Amiri Baraka and the Umbra Poets

David Grundy
Bloomsbury Publishing, Feb. 7, 2019 - Literary Criticism - 280 pages

A vital hub of poetry readings, performance, publications and radical politics in 1960s New York, the Umbra Workshop was a cornerstone of the African American avant-garde.

Bringing together new archival research and detailed close readings of poetry, A Black Arts Poetry Machine is a groundbreaking study of this important but neglected group of poets. David Grundy explores the work of such poets as Amiri Baraka, Lorenzo Thomas and Calvin Hernton and how their innovative poetic forms engaged with radical political responses to state violence and urban insurrection. Through this examination, the book highlights the continuing relevance of the work of the Umbra Workshop today and is essential reading for anyone interested in 20th-century American poetry.

Themes and Meanings


As a novel of ideas and satirical criticism, Mumbo Jumbo works on a number of levels. Primarily, it is a postmodernist detective novel in the tradition of black detective fiction. It uses altered detective personas, black vernacular, double consciousness, and magic while parodying the detective form. Mumbo Jumbo’s metaphysical central mystery and its revisionist approach to history are additional indications of postmodern detective viewpoints.
On another level, it is a witty indictment of extreme behavior of all types. Characters representing many aspects of the ideological spectrum are shown to be buffoonish and narrow-minded. Abdul Hamid, sounding his clarion call of black power, is ridiculed in the end as a black puritan who burns the sacred text because it is, in his estimation, too lewd and scandalous.
On another level, the book suggests the ancient conflict between Eros and Thanatos. Put in its simplest terms, Mumbo Jumbo reflects humankind’s constant war with itself. On one side lie love and life, affirming revitalization; on the other side lie hate and self-destruction. Reed seems to suggest that the intensity of the conflict heightened as the world moved into the twentieth century.
The social and political structure of Western civilization, based on a death-seeking ethos, is portrayed as contemptible. An example of this occurs when the chief Atonist is overjoyed to see that the watercress darter has become extinct, further proof that the Atonist cause is winning the fight for control of the planet.
The continuous conflict between different ideologies and groups in the novel suggests a society as well as a world in conflict. Berbelang is a black revolutionary fighting the racist practices of institutions such as museums. There is even division among ranks, as the Knights Templar quarrel with the death-dealing Wallflower Order. Amid this chaos, there seem to be few manifestations of sanity and continuity.
A broad condemnation of Western civilization is constructed through the eyes of an educated, sensitive African American. The novel posits a positive approach to African American consciousness based on Afrocentric, not Eurocentric, worldviews. Reed accomplishes this by reinterpreting the entire history of Western civilization, redefining its myths and reconstructing its gods.
“Mumbo jumbo” in common vernacular suggests something unintelligible or mysterious. Reed concentrates instead on the positive aspects of the African mother tongue. Within the text itself, “mumbo jumbo” is defined as coming from the Mandingo language and means a “magician who makes the troubled spirits of ancestors go away.” Reed indicates by this example his intent to reconnect the African American community to African ancestors and to restore the African American identity by redefining the historical past.
Reed does this by creating, in this and other works, his own particular worldview, or Neo-HooDoo aesthetic, based on African American perception. Neo-HooDoo stresses the positive attributes of African American community and value systems. For example, PaPa LaBas is linked to the Haitian voodoo mysteries, since LaBas is a powerful Haitian spirit connected in turn to the ancient mysteries of African religion.
Reed’s revisionist interpretation establishes the Osiris/Set conflict at the very origins of human consciousness. Africa’s Egypt is seen in this sense as the progenitor of humankind, containing the seeds of both destruction and renewal. Jes Grew is Reed’s Neo-HooDoo terminology for the positive revitalization of the African American spirit that possesses the power to save all of humankind from total destruction. The term derives from James Weldon Johnson’s description of ragtime music and of the character of Topsy in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852): Both “jes’ grew.”
Positive attributes of African American culture are stressed through the repeated insertion of real figures from black history, black music, and..

Papa LaBas


Is a major character in Ishmael Reed's novels Mumbo Jumbo (1972) and The Last Days of Louisiana Red (1974). Insofar as these books fit into the detective genre, Papa LaBas is a hoodoo investigator trying to solve crimes; but since these novels also are mysteries in the metaphysical sense, LaBas is, as Gerald Duff notes, a “cultural diagnostician and healer.” Tracing his origins back to the plantation, W. E. B. Du Bois in The Souls of Black Folk (1903) referred to such an individual as “interpreter of the Unknown,” “supernatural avenger of wrong,” and viewed him as the prototype of the preacher, the “most unique personality” developed by African Americans. On another level, Papa LaBas, like his Haitian counterpart Papa Legba, is descended from the West African deity known as Eshu/Elegbara, lord of transitions, conjoining the real with the unreal, a trickster who is also a communicator. This last connection is especially important because, in Mumbo Jumbo and Louisiana Red, it is generally Papa LaBas who “runs the voodoo down” by providing crucial explanations and analyses.
If the Loop Garoo Kid (Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down, 1969) and Raven Quickskill (Flight to Canada, 1976) are the alter egos of a youthful, combative Reed, Papa LaBas may be said to be Reed's imaginative counterpart of himself as spiritual elder statesman, wise but still acquiring wisdom, not impulsive in struggle but settled in for the long haul, resolutely rooted in the ancient traditions of his people.
Robert Elliot Fox Show Less

The Notion of “Critical Race Theory” in Mumbo Jumbo by Ishmael Reed

Critical race theory analyzes literature from a racial perspective. In other words, analyzing an author’s intention to which race of audience members he/she is writing for. The critical race theorist, Toni Morison, argues in her scholarly article, Playing in the Dark;

There seems to be a more or less tacit agreement among literary scholars that because American literature has been clearly the preserve of white male views, genius, and power, those views, genius, and power are removed from and without relationship to the presence of black people in the United States – a population that antedated every American writer of renown and was perhaps the most furtively radical, impinging force on the country’s literature. (Richter 1791).
As a reader reading Morrison’s argument, she is arguing that when analyzing the literary elements American authors use to write novels, they are demonstrating their work of literature to a white American audience. One text, in particular, where Critical Race Theory occurs the most, which also correlates with Morrison’s argument in Playing in the Dark, is Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo.

In the novel, Mumbo Jumbo, Reed describes a black info virus, “Jes Grew,” manifesting throughout America, where people of different races are not only bonding with one another, but also, dancing with one another. This novel not only commemorates “The Harlem Renaissance,” where African Americans from southern regions of North America were moving to New York in large numbers from southern regions, but also describes African Americans in a positive light, by engaging white Americans that they are no different, and that they are equal to African Americans. When analyzing the literary elements of this novel, there are a few lenses of “Critical Race Theory.”
For example, white characters in the novel are not only determined as equal amongst readers, but when reading about their personal history, they are acknowledged as superior beings amongst black characters. In the beginning of Mumbo Jumbo, the mayor of New Orleans, Harry, is described as;

A True sport, the Mayor of New Orleans, spiffy in his patent-leather brown and white shoes, his plaid suit, the Rudolph Valentino parted-down-the-middle hairstyle, sits in his office. (Reed 3).
As a reader reading that specific passage when the Mayor of New Orleans is being described, I think about a white man who is very superior and important. The way that this opening passage also correlates with Morrison’s argument regarding American literature being dominant towards whites, is that this Mayor is being acknowledged already due to his physical appearance. Another example where a white character gets acknowledged, is in chapter thirty, where Reed introduces a character named Biff Muscle White. In Mumbo Jumbo, Reed describes Muscle White when he says:
“The man who tamed the wilderness” and much decorated combat officer of World War 1, now curator of the New York Center of Art Detention and part-time consultant to the Yorktown police. (Reed 107).

The Notion of “Race” in Omeros and Mumbo Jumbo ~ Response paper

Race is a way to classify humans into distinct groups regarding there culture, ethnicity, and socio-economic standings. In the novels, Omeros and Mumbo Jumbo, the notion of race has been something metaphorically visible to a reader’s perception regarding characters life stories, and behaviors that manifest into both novels. As a reader reading Omeros and Mumbo Jumbo, I can personally argue that the notion of race has been something brought into both novels through characters actions and life stories.
In Derek Walcott’s Novel, Omeros, the novel takes place in St. Lucia, and Walcott applies fictional characters like Philoctete, Hector, Ma Kilman, Seven Sea’s, Achille, Helen, Theophile,
and Major Plunkett, who give readers a visual description about daily life that occurs in St. Lucia.
The way that race plays a vital role in Omeros, is in the beginning, when Walcott describes Philoctete being the main attraction for tourists when saying; “Philoctete smiles for the tourists, who try taking his soul with their cameras.” (3, Walcott). The way that race plays a crucial role in those lines, is because tourists, who are obviously American’s, are on an excursion to St. Lucia, and are taking photographs of the native people that currently live in St. Lucia.
The reason why I feel that those lines have a lot to do with race, is because for somebody like myself, who has travelled to Africa, Europe, South America, Central America, Canada, and the Caribbean, where this novel takes place, many tourists have a need to take photographs of the native people. From a notion of race, it can have something to do with demonstrating selfishness, where Foreigners outside of St. Lucia feel the need to take photographs of natives from other country’s, because they never seen a real native individual living in his/her country. Another reason why Foreigners from various parts of the world feel a need to take pictures, is to demonstrate being ethnocentric towards others. In other words, for a white North American to go on vacation, and to take photograph’s of a foreigner would demonstrate being ethnocentric, because what others have a tendency to do, from various parts of the world, is to look at other natives, and say that they are better then a particular native. The novel Omeros, is one novel where race has been a manifestation through characters lives and actions. Other then the beginning of Omeros, the other novel, by Ishmael Reed, Mumbo Jumbo, is a novel that pertains to race through characters lives and actions.

Final Paper

Exploring the Americas Through Race: An Ethnic Study of Ishmael Reed’s, Mumbo Jumbo and Leslie Marmon Silko’s, Ceremony 
An ethnic study analyzes the way racial identity has affected twentieth century American literature. Critical race theorist/ethnic scholar; Toni Morrison, in her publication, “Playing in the Dark,” in relation to Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s publication, “Writing, ‘Race,’ and the Difference It Makes,” not only argues how American Literature is written for a white audience, but also analyzes how “Race” determines a character’s class standing and personality in American literature. Morrison and Gates’ views can be applied throughout any genre or time period of American Literature. Two novels, in particular, where Morrison and Gates’ notion towards race applies itself, is in Mumbo Jumbo and Ceremony.
In Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo, a black information virus called “Jes Grew,” which signifies “Just Grew” A.K.A., “Mumbo Jumbo,” flourishes throughout the St. Louis, Chicago, and New York City district, where individuals of various races and ethnicities are socializing amongst each other. The reasons why Mumbo Jumbo pertains to critical race theory/ethnic studies in many ways, is not only to commemorate “The Harlem Renaissance,” where African Americans were migrating to Northern regions of North America, and demonstrating their teachings to white Americans, but also teaching Anglo Americans about African American culture. In essence to the literary scene of “The Harlem Renaissance,” the goals that many Harlem Renaissance writers like Ismael Reed, creates characters and story lines that pertains to African American struggles towards white supremacy, and names that signifies African American belief’s. The one novel that pertains to African American struggles and beliefs is in Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo.
As for characters in Mumbo Jumbo and pertaining them to race in particular, the black characters; like Papa LaBas, who plays the role of a leading activist in the “Mumbo Jumbo” movement throughout America. Berbelang, who plays the role of LaBas’ former partner in this activist movement, but leaves because he felt as if this movement was not going anywhere. Julius, who plays the role of a doorman, that claims he knows W.E.B. Dubois. Thor Wintergreen, who plays the role of being a part of the “Mumbo Jumbo movement.” And Abdul, who plays the role of an angry militant and alcoholic, and it’s arguable that Abdul is angry because of African Americans being perceived as lower class individuals.


La reinvención de la historia en Terra Nostra, de Carlos Fuentesy Mumbo Jumbo, de Ishmael Reed. Estrategias para la enseñanzade la ficción postmodernista en las Américas

STVDIVM. Revista de Humanidades, 19 (2013) ISSN: 1137-8417, pp. 217-230

Santiago Juan-Navarro*

Florida International University

This essay explores the paradoxes of both Latin American Boom authors’ and U.S.American writers’ penchant for writing what came to be known as “total” novels by looking at two texts that are representative of the postmodern fiction produced in the 1970s: Carlos Fuentes’s Terra Nostra (1974) and Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo (1972). By analyzing one of the most influential late-Boom novels (Terra Nostra) in the context of contemporary historical fiction, students will be able to understand the impact of the Boom beyond its Latin American borders and in connection with other literary traditions. Although the focus of the essay will be on reading the postmodern writers from an inter-American perspective, it will address issues that will be relevant to other pedagogical approaches as well: How does the Latin American Boom relate to the current postmodernism debate? What is its relationship with other subaltern traditions? How have the Boom novels impacted our concepts of history and myth? How can they be perceived from a transnational perspective?Keywords: postmodernism, comparative literature, inter-American fiction, total novel, history, myth, pedagogy of literature.

*Área de Literatura Comparada, Departamento de Lenguas Modernas. Correo electróni-co: Fecha de recepción del artículo: 25 de mayo de 2012. Fecha deaceptación y version final: 26 de julio de 2012.
Detective Techniques Used In Ishmael Reed’s Mumbo Jumbo And Reckless Eyeballing

Dr. R. Krishnaveni
The Criterion: An International Journal in English ISSN (0976-8165) 

In viewing the peripheral world of wild and black folk culture as a passive
spectator of a thematic that does not touch the modernity, rather than as a constitutive
moment of modernity. African American writer views the crises of modernity and the
subsequent post modern critique solely within the white European – North American
moment. Wild, black folk culture and the periphery are the other face, the alterity,
essential to modernity. Ishmael Reed’s novels are modern paradigm and assume
planetary post modernism.

In his novels, Ishmael Reed uses Jazz age and Harlem Renaissance to undermine
instrumental reason and to show how the novel and Western metaphysics are constructs,
and thus why certain issues of heterogeneity, difference, and fluidity and the critique of
closure linearity and absolute truth do not belong exclusively to a European-centered post
modernism. But, unlike other African American writer, Ishmael Reed uses Jazz and other
African American cultural symbols more visibly in the novels. The novels begin like a
film: the action starts in medias res, like a detective story, before the title page. Only after
the initial reports of the spontaneous epidemic one can get the title, publisher, date,
epigraph and dedications. Then, like a film, it returns to the story.

This paper analyses the technique of detective stories, in the linear form of
arrative and intertexuality and also focuses how it resembles a typical dime-store
detective novel or television movie and the adherence to a singular truth supported by the
Western detective story. Ishmael Reed in Mumbo Jumbo writes a detective story that
shows it as a linguistic invention. The novel dramatises the direct confrontation between
European and African Centric thought and culture. As the novel opens, there has erupted
what Ishmael Reed, signifying on Harriet Beecher Stowe, calls a ‘Jes Grew’ epidemic,
which he associates, specifically, with African religious practice and dance. Jes Grew,
writes Ishmael Reed, is “an anti-plague” which enlivens the host; it is as electric as life
and is characterised by ebullience and ecstasy. Establishing, from the outset, the schism
between Western and African sensibilities and recalling Loop Garoo’s Innocent VIII,
Ishmael Reed adds that terrible plagues are due to the wrath of the Christian God; but Jes
Grew is the delight of the African gods.

Chapter 2  Amalgamation of Cultures: Differences Embraced 

 It is my habit as a born-again pagan to lie on the earth in worship -Alice Walker

Ishmael Reed‘s Mumbo Jumbo is about the crisis of culture that refuses to
acknowledge itself, exposing the fallacies and limitations of the Western
monotheistic tradition. The novel also explores as an alternative, the libratory
possibilities of ancient pantheistic nature-based religions. In this polyvocal novel,
the environment speaks through the mythic and contemporary figures of Osiris
and PaPaLaBas, one a deity and the other a houngan, both of whom are affiliated
closely with the natural world. Reed sees affinities between African and native
American tribes in terms of both their systems of belief and their victimizations by
European and American political, cultural and religious imperialism. He asserts
that tribal people could be mutually useful in mounting a counter attack on
western civilization, particularly by empowering themselves through the ancient
stories and practices.

 As an accomplished novelist, Multiculturalism stands out as an integral part
in Reed‘s writing. Reed himself has defined multiculturalism as― an amalgamation of
perspectives, art forms and lifestyles from different cultures, past and present‗‗
(Jesse 5).Papa La Bas begins his reconstruction with ‗well if you must know, it all
began thousands of years ago in Egypt, acceding to a high up, murder in the
Haitian aristocracy‗(160.) Reed delves deep into Egyptian mythology of Osiris,
and Isis. They become the progenitors of multiculture and the Mumbo Jumbo
Cathedral. At the same time, Set becomes the symbol of monoculture and the
Wallflower Order. Gradually, Papa La Bas brings together Moses and Jethro,
unifying Egyptian myth with Biblical mythology. This leads to the Medieval
Knight Templar and takes the reader to the Current Wallflower Order. He presents
Egyptian culture as a unique combination of both monoculture and multiculture.
Moses is portrayed as the incarnation of monoculture and Jethro stands out as the
symbol of multiculture.

 In Mumbo Jumbo, Reed makes reference to Egyptian mythology and Old
Testament. He admits that he is engaged in synthesizing and synchronizing.
He synthesizes by blending similar ones and synchronizes by putting together
disparate elements into the same, which is an excellent example of multiculturalism.
Thus, thematically and structurally Mumbo Jumbo is a telling example of
multiculturalism. Another instance of multiculturalism is to be seen in Reed‘s
highlighting of Jazz and Voodoo as representation of multiculture. Being an
accomplished craftsman, Reed makes his Mumbo Jumbo as the platform for his
multicultural through amalgamation and improvisation. An epidemic called Jes
Grew creeps into U.S.A from Haiti and slowly engulfs the nation. Jes Grew
represents the music, dance and rebellion against the status quo. It is also a
metaphor for multiculturalism. It is born out of the subordinate cultures and
inspires people to participate in the new cultural activities. But the Wallflower
Order is threatened by the new freedom and views it as rebellion. In fact, the
Wallflower Order is a metaphor for any part of the dominant culture that fears new
ideas, or tries to preserve its old ways to the detriment of marginalized culture.

The champions of Wallflower Order preach the virtues of Homer, but reject
the modern black writers. The Wallflower Order tries to contain Jes Grew. It resorts
to censoring and co-opting this cultural phenomenon. Gradually, Jes Grew is
searching for its text or doctrine. Once Jes Grew finds its text, it becomes part and
parcel of American culture. Consequently, all the new ideas symbolized by the
jazz age will be accepted by the mainstream society. Throughout Mumbo Jumbo,
Jes Grew is associated with black expressive cultures such as Voodoo, dance, jazz
and blues, and as such seems to function like the blues which according to
Houston A. Baker, comprises ―a meditational site where familiar antinomies are
resolved (or dissolved) in the office of adequate cultural understanding.

 A glance at the reviews and articles reveal how Reed has challenged
literary critics, some of whom have failed to fully understand the black expressive
culture of Vodun that continues to inform Reed‘s writing.

 In an interview given
after Mumbo Jumbo was published, Reed discusses his concerns in the novel:
I want to go into the mysteries of the American civilization. The
American civilization has finally got its rhythm; looking into the
past you can see the rhythms of this civilization. So, I stepped back
to an age that reminds me of the one I‘m writing in. I stepped back
to the twenties. Instead of Nixon, I invoked Harding. The parallels
between the two are remarkable. (Bellamy 133-34)

 To probe the mysteries of the civilization, it is appropriate that Reed uses the
detective genre, essentially a novel of suspense, to structure the novel. The conventions
of this genre enable Reed to depict a world of conflicting powers which the
detective must investigate and explain.



Santiago Juan-Navarro
Florida International Uniuersity


Throughout his literary career, African American novelist Ishmael
Reed has shown constant concern for historical issues and for their
expression through reflexive narratives. This blend of the historical and
the aesthetic is one of the many amalgamations that are achieved in
his texts. In terms of both form and ideology his work is characterized
by syncretism. In form, all novels he has published to date overstep
the boundaries among genres, as well as the gulf between academic
and popular culture; in ideology, Reed supports multiculturalism as
an expression of the plurality that constitutes US society. This essay
explores how Reed's novels seek to produce a narrative hybrid that
blends fiction and reality, satire and mysticism, the mass media and
the African and Western literary traditions.

Key words: self-reflexivity, metafiction, history, revisionism, NeoHooDoo, aesthetics, satire
Alondra Nelson

We will make our own future Text. —Ishmael Reed, Mumbo Jumbo 

on to post now post new —Amiri Baraka, “Time Factor a Perfect Non-Gap” 

In popular mythology, the early years of the late-1990s digital boom were characterized by the rags-to-riches stories of dot-com millionaires and the promise of a placeless, raceless, bodiless near future enabled by technological progress. As more pragmatic assessments of the industry surfaced, so too did talk of the myriad inequities that were exacerbated by the information economy—most notably, the digital divide, a phrase that has been used to describe gaps in technological access that fall along lines of race, gender, region, and ability but has mostly become a code word for the tech inequities that exist between blacks and whites. Forecasts of a utopian (to some) race-free future and pronouncements of the dystopian digital divide are the predominant discourses of blackness and technology in the public sphere. What matters is less a choice between these two narratives, which fall into conventional libertarian and conservative frameworks, and more what they have in common: namely, the assumption that race is a liability in the twenty-first century—is either negligible or evidence of negligence. In these politics of the future, supposedly novel paradigms for understanding technology smack of old racial ideologies. In each scenario, racial identity, and blackness in particular, is the anti-avatar of digital life. Blackness gets constructed as always oppositional to technologically driven chronicles of progress. That race (and gender) distinctions would be eliminated with technology was perhaps the founding fiction of the digital age. The raceless future paradigm, an adjunct of Marshall McLuhan’s “global village” metaphor, was widely supported by (and made strange bedfellows of) pop visionaries, scholars, and corporations from Timothy Leary to Allucquère Rosanne Stone to MCI. Spurred by “revolutions” in technoscience, social and cultural theorists looked increasingly to information technology, especially the Internet and the World Wide Web, for new paradigms.

Social Text 71, Vol. 20, No. 2, Summer 2002. Copyright © 2002 by Duke University Press


Jason Andrew Jackl
San Francisco, California2018
MA Thesis

This thesis demonstrates the ways in which Ishmael Reed proposes incisive counter narratives to the hegemonic master narratives that perpetuate degrading misportrayals of Afro American culture in the historical record and mainstream news and entertainment media of the United States. Many critics and readers have responded reductively to Reed’s work by hastily dismissing his proposals, thereby disallowingthoughtful critical engagement with Reed’s views as put forth in his fiction and non­fiction writing. The study that follows asserts that Reed’s corpus deserves more thoughtful critical and public recognition than it has received thus far. To that end, Iargue that a critical re-exploration of his fiction and non-fiction writing would yieldprofound contributions to the ongoing national dialogue on race relations in America.