Friday, May 22, 2020


HEROES Act Includes Utility Shutoff Ban, $4 Billion For Broadband Access
By: Jaisal Noor | May 15, 2020

Millions of struggling Americans affected by the coronavirus pandemic could see relief under the HEROES Act proposed by House Democrats. The $3.3 trillion proposal features a $1200 stimulus check per person, along with increased funding for states and businesses, and increased testing for COVID-19.

The HEROES Act includes a moratorium on utility shut offs such as water, electricity, and internet services. It would also create a $4 billion Emergency Broadband Connectivity Fund to expand high speed internet access to those who can’t afford it and provide another $1.5 billion dollars to expand internet access for schools and libraries.

On a national livestream hosted by the Center for Biological Diversity on May 12, Alissa Weinman, Associate Campaign Director of the watchdog group Corporate Accountability, detailed the economic effects of COVID-19.

“22 million in the last month and low-paying jobs in the retail, service and hospitality sectors are being hit the hardest—industries that disproportionately employ people of color,” Weinman said. “As millions of people have been laid off, furloughed, or simply aren’t being scheduled to work, they face the threat of losing access to electricity, water, or broadband services due to an inability to pay their utility bills.”

The legislation, proposed on May 12, is expected to be voted on by the House on May 15. Supporters acknowledge it faces major hurdles in passing the Republican-controlled Senate.

“We really need to push the Senate hard,” Sen. Jeff Merkley said on the livestream. “The Senate leadership doesn’t think about the world through main street America or ordinary families. They think about the world through Wall Street and mega corporations and how you help out the most powerful.”

830 groups signed a joint letter to Congress in support of the mortarium, and have launched a social media campaign with the hashtag #NoShutoff to pressure legislators to retain provisions that protect access to water, power, and broadband.

“It’s more important than ever that Congressional leadership fights hard to keep these provisions in the final bill,” said Rianna Eckel, Senior Organizer at Food & Water Action. “It shouldn’t have taken a public health disaster, but we’re eager to see a newfound commitment from our leaders on water and other crucial utilities.”

Sen. Lindsay Graham said Republicans opposed HEROES Act provisions “unrelated” to the COVID-19 outbreak. However, a lack of high speed internet access has emerged as the key obstacle preventing students from low income families in rural and urban communities from participating in online learning during the pandemic. Educators warn the continued lack of access will amplify long standing disparities between the haves and the haves not.

On May 12, Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, warned Congress of “unintended deleterious consequences of having children out of school,” and said it was too early to determine if it will be safe to reopen schools in the fall.

The HEROES Act could be especially important in cities like Baltimore, where public policy has created a massive wealth and opportunity gap across racial and class lines. Residents of majority-Black jurisdictions account for the 58% of COVID-19 fatalities nationally, a new study shows.

Over 40% of Baltimore City households lack broadband internet access, and one in three didn’t have access to a computer at home, a May 2020 Abell Foundation report found. Some 200,000 Baltimore households with school-aged children lack access to high speed internet or a computer. Baltimore ranked 29th out of 32 cities in terms of students’ access to technology. Nationally, approximately 4 in 10 low income African American and Latino households lack broadband access, Pew Research found.

“The internet is essential for students,” Baltimore City College High School Senior Aliyah Abid said on the livestream. “Students who have AP exams, people like myself who have projects due this week are taking time away from school to demand these measures are included in the [HEROES Act],” she said.

Abid, a member of the student-led group Students Organizing a Multicultural and Open Society (SOMOS), said that many students have difficulty completing assignments due to insufficient access, or because they are forced to share a device with family members. Teachers across the country report donating or fundraising for laptops and technology to students.

Natasha Escobar teaches Spanish at Benjamin Franklin High School, which was able to distribute hundreds of laptops to its students. But she says some students lack broadband at home which remains a barrier.

“[Online learning] is going to amplify deficits,” Escobar said. “I think the question is if folks are going to work to address those, both in the moment of crisis and on long term scale.”

Abid and Escobar are part of a coalition of groups that successfully lobbied the Baltimore City council to allocate $3 million towards expanding broadband access and purchasing laptops for Baltimore City school students.

Some experts say far more needs to be done to equitably distribute resources to those who need them.

“Even the United Nations recognizes internet access is a basic human right,” said Abid, “that it’s necessary for people to achieve their full potential and improve quality of life. This is not being met in the U.S.”

McConnell calls on Barr to investigate Planned Parenthood loans

The Republican complaints about the Planned Parenthood loans add a new dynamic of conservative outrage around the small business rescue.

Attorney General William Barr. | Alex Wong/Getty Images

05/21/2020 POLITICO

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republicans are demanding that Attorney General William Barr investigate Planned Parenthood centers that got emergency small business loans under a government program intended to avert layoffs.

In a letter Thursday to Barr, 27 GOP senators led by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and McConnell said Planned Parenthood affiliates received about $80 million in loans under the so-called Paycheck Protection Program but should have been ineligible — a claim that Planned Parenthood disputes.

"It was not designed to give government funds to politicized, partisan abortion providers like Planned Parenthood," the senators wrote. "The funds in the program are not unlimited and were depleted once already because of high demand."

The Republican complaints about the Planned Parenthood loans add a new dynamic of conservative outrage around the small business rescue, following a public uproar over large, well-financed companies like Shake Shack and the Los Angeles Lakers receiving the aid.

The GOP lawmakers are homing in on a warning that the Small Business Administration made to Planned Parenthood representatives in recent days. In a letter seen by POLITICO, the SBA told one Planned Parenthood affiliate that it was ineligible under the Paycheck Protection Program's size standards and that its loan should be returned.

The loans are generally targeted at businesses and nonprofits with no more than 500 employees, though Congress allowed flexibility for larger employers to apply.

The SBA also has restrictions governing how affiliates of the same organization qualify for the aid. In the case of Planned Parenthood, the agency appears to have taken the position that the group's affiliates around the country are subject to enough discretion from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America that they're ineligible for the loans. A spokesperson for the SBA declined to comment on individual borrowers.


Planned Parenthood argues that the "independent" Planned Parenthood 501(c)(3) organizations that were awarded the loans complied with the rules of the program.

Jacqueline Ayers, Planned Parenthood Federation of America vice president of government relations and public policy, said the pressure was a "clear political attack on Planned Parenthood health centers and access to reproductive health care."

"It has nothing to do with Planned Parenthood health care organizations’ eligibility for Covid-19 relief efforts, and everything to do with the Trump administration using a public health crisis to advance a political agenda and distract from their own failures in protecting the American public from the spread of Covid-19," she said. "It is also just the latest salvo in the Trump administration's long history of targeting Planned Parenthood, and trying to severely limit access to sexual and reproductive health care."

The Justice Department acknowledged receiving the senators' request to investigate the matter but didn't elaborate.

"We have received and are reviewing the letter," department spokesperson Peter Carr said.

Checkpoint Closure By South Dakota Governor An Attack On Tribal Sovereignty

By: Jen Deerinwater | May 16, 2020

South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem publicly issued a letter to the Cheyenne River (CRST) and Oglala Sioux Tribes (OST) on May 8 ordering them to remove health checkpoints on roads crossing their reservations but did not directly deliver it to OST—“a sign of “disrespect,” according to OST President Julian Bear Runner.

The letter, which was dated May 8, was never actually received by Bear Runner, he explained during a recorded response to Noem. He learned of Noem’s letter through news reports and social media.

He went on to say that it’s abnormal for the state to not notify the tribe and called it “a sign of disrespect for a sovereign nation or another government agency.”

A Bureau of Indian Affairs April 8 memorandum explained that state and U.S. roads couldn’t be closed on the reservations. Those not residing on the Pine Ridge reservation who aren’t providing essential services are advised to pass straight through, Bear Runner explained. No roads have been closed.

The checkpoints were put in place as a way to control and track the spread of COVID-19 on the reservation. Everybody who works at the checkpoints on the CRST reservation are deputized under the tribal government. They ask anyone entering and exiting the reservation a series of health related questions. All essential business is permitted to cross the reservation.

CRST Chairman Harold Frazier stated in a letter in response to Noem “we will not apologize for being an island of safety in a sea of uncertainty and death.”

The Rosebud Sioux Tribe have also instituted checkpoints on their roads. They’re currently under tribal government enforced lockdown until 6:00 a.m. CST on May 17. The OST ended a three day lockdown on May 13.

Noem has claimed the checkpoints on state and federal highways prevent essential services from making their way to areas in need. The South Dakota Retailers Association also claims that some retailers were turned away at the CRST checkpoints. The CRST has denied this.

Only those not providing essential services were asked to go around the CRST reservation.

“Well over 90% of commercial businesses with truckers or supplies coming in, most of them already have travel permits,” Joye Braun, member of the CRST and an organizer with the Indigenous Environmental Network, told TRNN. “They show their card and they’re waved through.”

Under the Fort Laramie Treaties of 1851 and 1868 the CRST and OST have the right to restrict who passes through their lands. These are the same treaties that the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe cited when fighting the construction and flow of oil in the Dakota Access Pipeline. The U.S. government has broken every treaty it has signed with tribal nations, but a 1990 8th Circuit Court of Appeals case ruled that no state has jurisdiction over highways running through Native lands without tribal consent.

On May 10, a bipartisan group of seventeen South Dakota legislators sent a letter to Noem challenging the governor’s claims regarding the checkpoints and sovereignty.

“Your statement that Tribal governments do not possess the ability to establish checkpoints within the boundaries of their homelands is not accurate,” the letter said. “The Legislature has not passed any bill stating as such, nor does the State of South Dakota have the authority to enforce State law within the boundaries of a Reservation.”

The letter went on to say “We do not wish to be party of another lawsuit that will ultimately cost the people of South Dakota more money.”

A representative from Governor Noem’s office told TRNN they haven’t initiated any legal action at this time, but hopes that the CRST and OST are “amenable” to the plans laid out in letters sent to the CRST on May 12 and OST on May 13. They state that tribal checkpoints should be removed from U.S. and state highways, but checkpoints on tribal or Bureau of Indian Affairs roads are acceptable: “tribal interaction with these travelers at checkpoints is unlawful and could actually increase the risk of spreading the virus.” Noem continued, “to be clear, the state has no objection to tribal checkpoints on BIA/tribal roads.

The governor’s office told TRNN that they believe the U.S. government has jurisdiction over the state and U.S. highways that cross the reservation and that OST and CRST need to work with the federal government and the state to create a plan that is amenable to both sides. Both CRST and OST state that they sent letters to Noem’s office explaining their checkpoint system when it began, but they never received a reply.

Regarding the RST checkpoints, Noem has been in contact with the RST, but gave TRNN no other information.

Former U. S. Senator Byron Dorgan defended tribal sovereignty in a May 13 press release from the Center for Native American Youth, where he serves as a founder and chairman for the CNAY Advisory Board.

“In the absence of an effective national testing program in the U.S., I believe the tribes have every right to be concerned about people coming to their reservation who could spread the deadly virus,” Dorgan wrote. “As a former U.S. Senator, I’ve seen firsthand that state and federal governments have not demonstrated a willingness to spend the time or resources to protect tribal communities. Tribal officials have a right to do things that are necessary to protect themselves.”

South Dakota is one of only a few states that did not issue a stay-at-home order. Since non-essential businesses have reopened there has been a spike in confirmed COVID-19 infection rates. As of May 14, The New York Times reports that South Dakota had 3,792 confirmed COVID-19 cases and 43 deaths. May 7-9 saw a large spike in contraction rates. Pennington County, directly north of Oglala Country and home of the OST, and near the CRST reservation, has been especially hard hit with cases doubling every six days.

The rates of infections and deaths within tribal nations have skyrocketed due to the ongoing legacy of settler colonialism and racism. The U.S. government has a trust and treaty responsibility to provide a variety of services, such as the Indian Health Services, to Native nations and people. However, chronic underfunding has led to astronomically high rates of preventable illnesses and deaths. While the well being of Native people varies across tribal nations and communities, the situation is particularly dire for the OST; 97% of those on the Pine Ridge reservation live in poverty. The life expectancy is only 48 for men and 52 for women.

The Navajo Nation resides on the largest reservation and is larger than West Virginia. Much of the reservation lacks basic infrastructure such as roads and running, clean water. They now have the third highest per capita rates of confirmed COVID-19 infections in the U.S.

The first confirmed deaths in Alaska and Oklahoma were Native people and the first death in the Bureau of Prisons, Andrea Circle Bear, was a Native woman who gave birth while on a ventilator. Coupled with the lack of tests, many Native people with COVID-19 aren’t even being counted as American Indian or Alaska Native and are instead are counted as “other”, leaving the community without the actual rates of contractions and deaths across the U.S., as 71% of AI and AN people live in urban areas making data collection outside of Native healthcare of particular concern.

These deaths represent the over five hundred years of genocide that the Indigenous people of these lands still suffer. Being no stranger to pandemics, many Native ancestors didn’t survive the smallpox blankets or the 1918 Spanish flu. In an April press release the Zuni Pueblo said they’re facing extinction due to COVID-19. The state and federal governments lack of appropriate response to the COVID-19 crisis is a form of genocide.

In March, the Seattle Indian Health Board requested COVID-19 tests, supplies, and personal protective equipment, but were instead sent body bags and toe tags.

Poverty is a substantial barrier to many of the activities, such as social distancing and hand washing, to control the rates of contraction for Native people. In March, the federal government gave two $40 million payments to the Center for Disease Control to distribute for Indian Health Services, tribal-run health centers, and urban Indian health centers. The CDC sat on the money instead of immediately disbursing it. The federal government only just began this month releasing some of the $8 billion appropriated to tribal nations under the CARES Act.

In a press conference on May 14, South Dakota Secretary Malsam-Rysdon announced the state would begin mass testing that would include tribal governments. Testing will begin with the Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate nation whose reservation is in both North and South Dakota. Despite this, some tribal members don’t trust Noem.

“It’s really important to go back and look at the history of Kristi Noem,” Braun stated. “She doesn’t like Indian people…she wants to get rid of the reservations.”

At the heart of this situation is the inherent right to tribal sovereignty and for tribal nations and their people to quite literally, survive: Tribal nations are attempting to defend their people and save lives. Tribal nations are not merely tribes, but are sovereign nations with the inherent right to self-governance and should have total jurisdiction over matters on their lands. They don’t truly exist in America, but rather are their own nations, their own countries. The U.S. is a foreign entity.

“The Oglala Band is ready to stand against foreign intrusion into our daily lives,” Bear Runner said.

This story is made possible by a grant from the R&M Lang Foundation in support of reporting by and for indigenous communities.
America's Largest Public Utility To Outsource Hundreds Of Jobs Amid Covid-19

Despite Trump's 'America First' policy, the Tennessee Valley Authority is outsourcing hundreds of federal jobs overseas.
As Oil Price Plummets, Call to Nationalize Industry Rises

The price of oil dropped below zero, prompting new subsidies from the Federal Reserve. Progressive voices in the U.S. and Canada have a different idea: nationalization as a way to wind down the sector, tackle the climate crisis and create a just economic transition.

California And Trump Push Geoengineering—A Fraught Climate Crisis Fix

California has endorsed the use of direct air capture to reverse engineer the climate crisis with technology. The controversial method already has Big Oil’s support—and the Trump administration’s

May 6, 2020

A Just Reopening Prioritizes People Over Profits
May 20, 2020

As Trump's "reopening" endangers lives, Democrats must advance policy that gives working people something to fight for, argues In These Times' Sarah Lazare.

X: Malcolm’s Final Years
May 19, 2020
On Malcolm X's 95th birthday, TRNN revisits this documentary, including interviews with Angela Davis and Danny Glover.

US Sanctions On Iran Fueled By Hate And Money
May 19, 2020
John Bolton brought Richard Goldberg from the neoconservative Foundation for Defense of Democracies to serve as a senior advisor for the National Security Council, ensuring that sanctions against Iran will intensify even as Iran is wracked by COVID-19.

Trump’s praise of an anti-Semite’s ‘good bloodlines’ triggers furious backlash

May 22, 2020 By David Badash, The New Civil Rights Movement
- Commentary

President Donald Trump once again is dog-whistling to his base. While delivering a campaign-style speech at a Michigan Ford auto plant that’s been retooled to manufacture personal protective gear, Trump decided to take a walk into history and praise the company’s founder, the infamous anti-Semite Henry Ford.

Henry Ford gave America the Model T, mass production, and after death, the non-profit Ford Foundation, but he also was an anti-Semite who reportedly blamed Jewish people for World War I and World War II, published anti-Semitic propaganda, and was a Nazi sympathizer.

“Ford is the only American mentioned by name in Hitler’s notorious ‘Mein Kampf,’” according to Religion News Service.
President Trump has repeatedly called Ford “legendary.”

On Thursday, Trump praised the anti-Semitic Nazi sympathizer for having “good bloodlines.”

The President says the founder of Ford has good bloodlines.. If you’re not familiar with Henry Ford, I would encourage you to read more about him and specifically his actions during WW2

— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) May 21, 2020

Social media users grew furious.

You know who also believed in “good bloodlines”? Adolf Hitler. That’s who.
— PTM (@portugaltheman) May 21, 2020

Henry Ford was a Nazi sympathizer who wrote “The International Jew, the World’s Foremost Problem.”
Hitler called Ford an “inspiration” & gave him the highest Nazi medal for foreigners.
Trump praising Ford’s “good bloodlines” = a dog-whistle to antisemites & white nationalists.
— Bend the Arc: Jewish Action (@jewishaction) May 21, 2020

Trump talked about “good bloodlines” while at the Ford factory…
Know who else talked about “good bloodlines”?
— Red, Noble Committee Marketing Director (@Redpainter1) May 21, 2020
The president just described nazi sympathizer Henry Ford as a man with “Good bloodlines.”

— Molly Jong-Fast
(@MollyJongFast) May 21, 2020

“Henry Ford, good bloodlines, good bloodlines. If you believe in that stuff, he had good blood.”
Ford hated Jews to the point that Hitler literally once said “I regard Henry Ford as my greatest inspiration.”
Our Pres is a white supremacist
— Matt Braunger (@Braunger) May 21, 2020

Folks, he does this a lot. He really is a miseducated eugenicist, with bad blood lines.
— Joan Walsh (@joanwalsh) May 21, 2020

Surprising NO ONE, @realDonaldTrump says that the virulent anti-Semite and Nazi-sympathizer, Henry Ford, has “good bloodlines.”
#RacistInChief #RacistGOP
— Dr. Dena Grayson (@DrDenaGrayson) May 21, 2020

Talking about Ford and his good bloodlines is seriously f’ed up. This is anti-semitic and pro-Nazi.
— Janet Johnson (@JJohnsonLaw) May 21, 2020

Henry Ford definitely believed in that stuff
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) May 21, 2020

This isn’t one of those “what the fuck is he saying” Trump rambles. He specifically calls out Henry Ford with eugenics terminology. This is blatant signaling to his fascist base.
The President is a fucking NAZI.
— Gareth M. Skarka 
(@gmskarka) May 21, 2020

Trump ‘should apologize’ for praising ‘antisemite’ Henry Ford: 


The CEO of the Anti-Defamation League suggested President Donald Trump to apologize for comments made during a tour of a Ford factory in Michigan.
Trump praised the “good bloodlines” of Henry Ford, resulting in harsh criticism online.
ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt responded to Trump’s comments on Twitter.
“Henry Ford was an antisemite and one of America’s staunchest proponents of eugenics,” Greenblatt noted.
“The President should apologize,” he counseled.
In case Trump “doesn’t know why” he should apology, Greenblatt include a link to ADL’s briefing on Ford.

Henry Ford was an antisemite and one of America's staunchest proponents of eugenics.
The President should apologize.
If he doesn't know why, our backgrounder on Ford's legacy will help:
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) May 22, 2020

Rearview Mirror: The colossal failure of the Ford Edsel | DrivingEdsel Ford - Wikipedia
Ford Edsel Stock Pictures, Royalty-free Photos & Images - Getty Images