Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Virgin Orbit's first rocket launch fails over Pacific Ocean

The company attributed the failure to an anomaly in the first stage of the flight. Richard Branson hopes to cash in on future commercial satellite launches by launching them from the underside of an airborne jumbo jet.

Virgin Orbit, British billionaire Richard Branson's satellite launch company, confirmed on Monday that its first test launch of a new rocket had failed over the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of the US state of California. The rocket was carrying a test satellite.

The company said that the LauncherOne rocket faced an "anomaly" in the first stage of the flight, right after it was dropped from the refitted carrier Boeing 747 the company calls "Cosmic Girl." Virgin Orbit didn't reveal further details about the anomaly.

The rocket has been in development for five years, as Virgin tries to master sending satellites into earth orbits by launching them on a rocket mounted on the underside of an airborne jumbo jet.

The LauncherOne rocket launches from the bottom of the wing of this 747 while it is in flight

Virgin Orbit said that it would use the data from the launch for future operations. "Our next rocket is waiting. We will learn, adjust and begin preparing for our next test, which is coming up soon", Dan Hart, the company's chief executive, said in a press release.

Virgin Orbit's rocket launch is part of an attempt to gain a market share in the small satellite launch market. The company has already signed up clients such as the UK's Royal Air Force and the US Space Force. The firm is also looking to set up launch bases in the UK and Japan. The venture is separate from, but notably similar to, the company's so-called "space tourism" venture, Virgin Galactic.

Failure at a difficult time

The failure of the rocket launch comes at a time when Richard Branson's broader business empire has been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. Branson's flagship airline, Virgin Atlantic, faces restructuring and possible bailout.

Virgin Atlantic's suggestion in March that its staff voluntarily take eight weeks of unpaid leave prompted fierce criticism in the UK.

Read more: Virgin's Richard Branson accused of double standards during coronavirus crisis

The airline is seeking a financial rescue package of over $611 million (€560 million) after business took a hit following the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The billionaire's other businesses have also taken a hit. On March 14 the Virgin Voyages cruise ship operation postponed the launch of its Scarlet Lady cruise line.

am/msh (dpa, Reuters)


Virgin Galactic plane reaches space, lands back on Earth

A Virgin Galactic aircraft flew high enough to breach the US Air Force-defined boundary of space before landing safely back on Earth. Company owner Richard Branson hopes to fly passengers to space by March 2019. (13.12.2018) 

Virgin Galactic unveils new spaceport mission control

Space tourism takes another step towards reality with Virgin Galactic's mission control center. The facility aims to connect paying customers to the business of space travel before launching them into the final frontier. (16.08.2019) 

Date 26.05.2020


Small satellite launcher Virgin Orbit fails to launch rocket to space during first test flight

The rocket fell from the plane and then some kind of issue occurred

By Loren Grush@lorengrush Updated May 25, 2020
Virgin Orbit’s 747 Cosmic Girl and rocket LauncherOne Image: Virgin Orbit

Update May 25th,  Virgin Orbit’s test flight ended in failure shortly after LauncherOne dropped from under the company’s carrier 747 airplane. Virgin Orbit confirmed that the drop was successful and that the rocket’s main engine ignited. But then it quickly suffered some kind of anomaly at the beginning of the flight. The company says no one was hurt during the test and the team will be digging into the data to learn what went wrong.
I’ll go to bed tonight smarter than I was when I woke up. I’m grateful for that, and proud of the team. Today, we tackled the biggest technical risk of the program. There’s a lot more to learn, but that is huge!!!

— William Pomerantz (@Pomerantz) May 26, 2020

Original Story: Small satellite launcher Virgin Orbit — the sibling company to Richard Branson’s space tourism venture Virgin Galactic — plans to conduct the first test launch of its rocket today. The company has been developing and testing its vehicles for the last six years, but now it’s ready to finally send a rocket to orbit.

Virgin Orbit’s primary rocket is called LauncherOne, capable of launching small to medium payloads, roughly the size of washing machines, to space. And the rocket takes a unique path to get there. Rather than launching upright from the ground — as the majority of rockets do these days — LauncherOne actually takes off from underneath the wing of a Boeing 747 airplane. Nicknamed Cosmic Girl, the 747 is designed to carry LauncherOne up to 35,000 feet. There, the plane pulls up, angling the rocket toward the sky, and then LauncherOne drops away. Its main engine ignites, propelling LauncherOne the rest of the way to orbit.


“We’re a very unique system in that we are air launched,” Dan Hart, the CEO of Virgin Orbit, said during a press conference. “And what that gives us is incredible flexibility. In fact, we have mobility; we can fly to space from any place that can host a 747, which is almost any place, and we can go to any orbit.”

At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Virgin Orbit has yet to actually put LauncherOne in to orbit, though the company has done a fair amount of testing on all of the hardware to make it happen. Engineers at Virgin Orbit have conducted numerous ignition tests with LauncherOne’s engine, called NewtonThree, at the company’s test facility at the Mojave Air and Space Port.

Virgin Orbit’s main pilot, Kelly Latimer, has been routinely flying Cosmic Girl, going through the maneuvers she’ll need to do during an actual launch. And the team has done various tests with LauncherOne in the air, rehearsing everything but the part where the rocket’s engines ignite. The company has carried the rocket underneath the wing of Cosmic Girl a few times, and the team even dropped a dummy LauncherOne from the plane, to see if the rocket fell as they expected.

Getting to this launch has taken slightly more time than Virgin Orbit had anticipated. Originally, the company had hoped to fly LauncherOne as early as last summer, but the team wound up doing more work to develop the rocket. “We did add some tests along the way as we looked at the overall verification program,” Hart said. “And so we adjusted accordingly. The internal focus of the team was really to move through a methodical development process.” Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the company to pause operations briefly this year and rework how people operate in the Virgin Orbit factories in Long Beach.

But now, it’s finally time to fly. LauncherOne is loaded up with a weighted dummy payload that the company has treated like an actual customer’s satellite. That means the team has been handling it with care and even cleaning it, as if it were the real thing. “In itself, it is not a terribly exciting thing,” Will Pomerantz, vice president of special projects at Virgin Orbit, said during the press conference. “You know, it is essentially a nice-looking inert mass that allowed us to practice all those things we really wanted to practice.”

To get this mass into orbit, the plan is for Latimer to take off from the Mojave Air and Space Port with LauncherOne. She’ll then fly Cosmic Girl out over the Pacific and position the plane over the rocket’s drop point. Latimer will release the rocket and a few seconds later, the engines should ignite and start LauncherOne’s trip to space. Virgin Orbit has a four-hour launch window for this mission that begins at 1PM ET on Monday. Originally, the company had hoped to launch Sunday, but had to postpone due to the discovery of a sensor acting funny. The company will only launch if all the weather criteria and other restrictions are met, but so far, Hart says weather is looking good.

Virgin Orbit is prepared to learn from this flight and is realistic about the possibility of something going wrong. “History is not terribly kind necessarily to maiden flights,” Pomerantz said, noting that about half of inaugural launches of new rockets fail. The team is also prepared to do another test launch if necessary after this one.


But if all goes well, the goal is for the company to move rapidly to commercial service. Its first customer flight is for NASA, launching up to 10 small satellites developed mostly by universities on a mission called ELaNa XX. That should be one of a handful that Virgin Orbit does this year. “We expect to get to one or two more flights this year, as we understand and mature the system,” Hart said. That cadence may increase next year.

Once commercial operations get into full swing, Virgin Orbit will become one of just a handful of US companies with an operational rocket dedicated to launching small payloads into orbit. However, the company has a lot of competition coming up quick, with numerous startups developing similar types of launch vehicles to capitalize on the small satellite revolution. And other major players, like SpaceX, are trying to get in on the market too, by offering to pack multiple small satellites on their larger rockets to get numerous tiny vehicles into space at once.

Virgin Orbit is optimistic, though, claiming to have customer contracts from commercial companies, NASA, the Department of Defense, and even international partners, that add up to hundreds of millions of dollars. The company also set its pre-launch price for rides on LauncherOne at $12 million, but the company says that will evolve over time. “Our pricing obviously will follow the market as we get into full operations,” Hart said. “And we’ll adjust accordingly.”

Above all, Hart thinks that launching from a plane instead of a fixed launchpad will make the company more attractive to prospective customers. “We are really completely unique in the field in that we have this flexibility and that we’re not launching out of a congested range,” said Hart.
Hong Kong police fire tear gas on national anthem bill protesters

Demonstrators in Hong Kong are protesting a bill that would make it illegal to abuse the Chinese national anthem. Police have fired tear gas into crowds that had tried to gather near the city-state's legislature.

Hong Kong police on Wednesday fired pepper ball rounds into crowds that had gathered in the city's commercial district to protest a bill that would criminalize mocking the Chinese national anthem in the semi-autonomous city-state.

Demonstrators had gathered for the protest early Wednesday. A few hundred protesters chanted slogans during a lunchtime rally, but dispersed after police fired multiple rounds of the projectiles, which release an irritant similar to pepper spray.

On Tuesday, protesters online had called for demonstrators to create dysfunction in the city in attempt to derail the second reading of the bill, which would apply a prison sentence and financial penalty to anyone who "mocks or misuses" China's national anthem "March of the Volunteers."

A heavy police presence discouraged protesters from surrounding the Legislative Council as planned. Police also reported incidents of obstruction to traffic and certain subway stations. Seven people were arrested, mostly teenagers, who police said were in "possession of instruments fit for unlawful purposes," including petrol bombs, helmets, gas masks, scissors, and screwdrivers.

What is the bill?

If passed into law, the bill would govern when the Chinese national anthem is played and behavior related to it in Hong Kong.

The bill states that "all individuals and organizations" should respect the national anthem and play it and sing it on "appropriate occasions."

Violators would be threatened with up to three years in jail and/or fines of up to HK$50,000 ($6,450, €5,913).

Primary and secondary schools would also be required to teach the song, as well as its history and etiquette.

Why the controversy?

Critics argue that the national anthem bill would curtail freedom in the city.

The bill is also the latest development in in what many in Hong Kong see as increasing attempts by China to interfere in the special administrative region,

Last week, protests erupted again in Hong Kong after Beijing unveiled new national security legislation for the city-state that seeks to address secession, subversion and terrorist activities.

But China has said the security laws do not pose a threat to Hong Kong's autonomy and that the laws will have a narrow focus.

As for the anthem bill, Beijing maintains that the law is intended to boost patriotism and foster the country's socialist values.

The bill is expected to be turned into law next month.

p/aw (dpa, Reuters)

Date 27.05.2020 

Keywords China, Hong Kong, protests 

Hong Kong: Carrie Lam defends mainland security law

Chief Executive Carrie Lam said a controversial security law will not impinge on the city's rights and freedoms. Her comments followed major protests against the draft bill.

China's plan to impose a new security law on Hong Kong will not diminish the city's rights and freedoms, Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam said on Tuesday, as she tried to reassure international investors worried by the proposal.

Lam urged citizens to wait to see the details of the legislation, and said the law would "only target a handful of lawbreakers." However, she did not provide exact details on how the law would be applied or what actions and opinions would be deemed illegal.

Beijing announced plans last week for national security legislation for Hong Kong, that aims to ban secession, subversion, terrorist activities, and foreign interference in the city, after months of pro-democracy protests last year.

Opponents of the legislation fear the proposal, which could see Chinese intelligence agencies set up official bases in the city, could bring the end to Hong Kong passing its own laws.

The draft law is expected to be approved on Thursday, and could be implemented by the summer.

Read more: China's proposed security law: A death sentence for Hong Kong?

'No need to worry'

"There is no need for us to worry," Lam told a weekly news conference.

"In the last 23 years, whenever people worried about Hong Kong's freedom of speech and freedom of expression and protest, time and again, Hong Kong has proven that we uphold and preserve those values."

"Hong Kong's freedoms will be preserved and Hong Kong's vibrancy and the core values in terms of the rule of law, the independence of the judiciary, the various rights and freedoms enjoyed by people, will continue to be there," she added.

The law sparks fears that it could allow for a wider crackdown on those voicing dissent against Beijing, as subversion laws are routinely used against critics of mainland China.

When asked by a reporter whether the law could be used to arrest protesters in Hong Kong, Lam waved off the question as "your imagination," adding that protests could continue if conducted in a "legal way."

Hong Kong markets down, as protests rattle investors

Financial fears

The announcement of the draft law, which will be written by Beijing and bypass Hong Kong's legislature, sparked the biggest drop on the city's stock exchange in five years on Friday, but Lam called the fears over business-related freedoms "totally groundless."

On Monday, Xie Feng, the commissioner of the semi-autonomous city's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also defended the law, telling investors that "there was absolutely no need to panic."

Meanwhile, the United States, Britain and the European Union expressed concerns over the laws, while the US warned that Hong Kong could lose preferential economic treatment if the law took eff

New wave of protests

Thousands protested on Sunday after the law was announced, while police fired tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowd, and arrested almost 200 people.

More protests are expected in the city on Wednesday, against both the national security law and a bill that would criminalize insults to China’s national anthem.

Sunday's demonstrations marked the first major clashes since massive and often-violent pro-democracy protests shook Hong Kong last year over a bid to introduce an extradition law with China.

While the contentious extradition law was scrapped, demonstrations continued over calls for universal suffrage, amnesty for those arrested, and calls for an inquiry into the police force's handling of the demonstrations.

lc/aw (Reuters, AFP)

Date 26.05.2020 

Carrie Lam: Security law will 'only target a handful' in Hong Kong


Protesters burn a sign celebrating the 70th anniversary of China during an anti-government rally in Hong Kong on October 1. File Photo by Thomas Maresca/UPI | License Photo

May 26 (UPI) -- Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam defended a controversial China-proposed national security law from criticism that it will strip the city of its autonomy, stating it will "only target a handful of people" while protecting the majority of citizens in the special administrative region.

During a press conference Tuesday, Lam, the city's chief executive, explained the recently proposed law will "plug the loophole" and protect national security from acts of secession, sedition, subversion and terrorism, as well as from international forces.

"We are protecting the large majority of law-abiding citizens in Hong Kong," she said. "They will continue to enjoy [their] rights and freedoms."

Late last week, China proposed the national security law following nearly a year of pro-democracy protests that Beijing has claimed were at least partially fueled by foreign actors. The protests, which calmed amid the coronavirus protests, reignited over the weekend, resulting in at least 180 arrests.

Critics have warned the law will essentially be the end of the One Country, Two Systems framework Hong Kong has functioned under since it was returned from British to Chinese rule in 1997 and which affords it freedoms the mainland does not have.

The law has attracted widespread international worry and 233 parliamentarians from 26 countries signed a petition calling the law a "flagrant break of the Sino-British Joint Declaration," which promised Hong Kong 50 years of a "high degree of autonomy, rights and freedoms" after returning to Chinese rule.

Lam on Tuesday dismissed these concerns, stating the law will ensure the longevity of the One Country, Two Systems framework while accusing foreign politicians from countries with similar laws of being hypocritical.

"Most countries have their own national security legislation; why is it that in Hong Kong, which is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China, will legislation for national security have a negative impact?" she said.

She dismissed claims it will weaken the city's freedoms as "groundless" and said that the semi-autonomous region's rights will continue.

The press conference came a day after Taiwan President Tsai Ing-Wen promised "necessary assistance" to the people of Hong Kong, calling the law a threat to the city's democratic freedoms and judicial independence.

Hong Kong security law 'needed to tackle terrorism'

Security chiefs in Hong Kong have given their backing to a bill that pro-democracy activists say will end the territory's "one county, two systems" model. Activists are planning more protests, despite coronavirus.

Hong Kong's security and police chiefs rallied on Monday behind China's planned national security law, saying it was needed to combat growing "terrorism" in the city.

Pro-democracy activists in the island nation have warned that Chinas new law could mean the end of the "one county, two systems" principle.

Read more: Beijing says US is pushing China to 'brink of a new Cold War'

But Hong Kong Secretary for Security John Lee said in a statement that the bill would safeguard the city's prosperity and stability.

"Terrorism is growing in the city and activities which harm national security, such as 'Hong Kong independence', become more rampant," Lee said.

"In just a few months, Hong Kong has changed from one of the safest cities in the world to a city shrouded in the shadow of violence," he added.

Beijing announced the new legislation last Friday, which would allow Chinese intelligence agencies would be allowed to set up bases in Hong Kong. It aims to tackle secession, subversion, and terrorist activities.

The US, Australia, Britain, Canada, and others have expressed their concerns about the legislation, widely seen as a potential turning point for China's freest city and one of the world's leading financial hubs.

Pro-democracy protests reignited

Protesters took to the streets on Sunday, despite the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, chanting "Hong Kong independence, the only way out." Police said they arrested more than 180 people when authorities fired tear gas and water cannon to disperse the crowd.

Read more: Hong Kong: Taiwan offers help amid anti-China protests

Another round of protests is expected this Wednesday, as Hong Kong's legislature is expected to give a second reading of a bill that would criminalize abuse of China's national anthem.

Activist Joshua Wong attended the rally and encouraged others to keep up the pressure on the streets.

"Although they won't let us organize protests, we still need to gather," Wong said. "Now is the beginning of the end and time is running out ... the international community must stand with Hong Kong," he added.

jcg/rc (Reuters, dpa, AFP)

Date 25.05.2020

Related Subjects People's Republic of China, Hong Kong

Keywords Hong Kong, China, security, pro-democracy

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


May 22 (UPI) -- A traveler on a highway through the Rocky Mountains in Canada captured video of an unusual local resident -- a white grizzly bear.
Cara Clarkson said she and her family were traveling the Trans-Canada Highway in Banff National Park when they spotted the white bear and its darker-colored sibling.
Clarkson captured video that was posted to Facebook by the Rimrock Resort Hotel, where she works as director of operations.
Parks Canada officials said they have been aware of a white grizzly bear living in the area since 2017, but Clarkson was the first to capture video of the unusual animal.
Experts said the grizzly bear is not albino, but rather has a recessive gene that caused its fur to grow in white. They said the condition is extremely rare in grizzlies.
Pandemic probe: Brazil police raid Rio governor’s residence

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Rio de Janeiro Governor Wilson Witzel speaks to journalists at Laranjerias palace in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Tuesday, May 26, 2020. Brazil's Federal Police searched Witzel's official residence on Tuesday, part of an investigation into the alleged embezzlement of public resources in the state's response to the COVID-19 pandemic. (AP Photo/Silvia Izquierdo)

RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) — Brazilian police targeted a staunch opponent of President Jair Bolsonaro’s push to lift measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 in one of the world’s disease hot spots, searching the residence of the Rio de Janeiro state governor on Tuesday.

The federal prosecutor´s office said in a statement that Gov. Wilson Witzel, a former federal judge, was personally targeted by the 12 search and seizure warrants in Rio and Sao Paulo states. An ongoing investigation pointed to irregularities in contracts awarded for the construction of emergency field hospitals in Rio, and involved health officials, police said in a statement.

Witzel has promised eight emergency field hospitals, but only one, near the Maracaná football stadium, has opened.

Witzel expressed indignation at what he called “an act of violence against the democratic state,” and accused the president of being behind the operation.

“An act of political persecution is beginning in this country,” Witzel told reporters. “What happened to me will happen to other governors considered to be enemies.”

While Brazil becomes the new global epicenter for the pandemic, Brazil’s federal and state governments remain at odds over how best to confront the virus.

Bolsonaro has openly challenged many governors’ measures for containing the virus’ spread, with Witzel a primary target. The Brazilian leader has accused governors of inciting panic among the population with what he claims are excessive stay-at-home recommendations and restrictions on commerce that he says will wreck the economy and produce worse hardship than the virus.

Bolsonaro, for his part, has been accused of attempting to improperly meddle with the federal police for political or personal ends, a claim made by former Justice Minister Sérgio Moro when he resigned last month. Moro has said Bolsonaro told him on multiple occasions that he wanted to replace the head of the federal police with someone who could facilitate access to investigations and intelligence reports — allegations at the heart of an investigation the Supreme Court authorized on April 27.

The president’s communications director, Fábio Wajngarten, said on Twitter that Witzel was trying to misrepresent the facts by accusing Bolsonaro of using federal police against his opponents.

Carla Zambelli, a federal lawmaker who is close to the president, said in an interview Monday with Rádio Gaúcha that the federal police force was investigating governors for crimes related to coronavirus contracts. While she didn’t say which governors were being investigated, Witzel pointed to comments from lawmakers aligned with Bolsonaro as evidence there had been a leak and an attempt to “build a narrative that will never be confirmed.”

Bolsonaro, speaking in the capital Brasilia, denied any prior knowledge of Tuesday’s raid.

“I learned about it now,” Bolsonaro told reporters. “Congratulations to the federal police.”

On May 14, federal prosecutors launched a separate operation looking at the states’ COVID-19 response, serving 25 search and arrest warrants in Rio and neighboring Minas Gerais states.

Federal prosecutors said then that a group of businessmen had sought to take advantage of the new coronavirus pandemic and diverted some 3.95 million reais (over $725,000) in public resources through contracts for the construction of field hospitals.

Rio is one of the states most affected by COVID-19, with more than 4,000 deaths and almost 40,000 confirmed cases. Brazil has recorded nearly 375,000 cases, second only to the United States, and nearly 23,500 deaths, according to a count by Johns Hopkins University.

“The fragility of the health system and trouble implementing quarantine measures have caused many deaths”, said Mauricio Santoro, a political scientist at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. “The political crisis between the federal and state governments only strengthens the human drama in the pandemic” __

AP photographer Eraldo Peres contributed to this report from
Citgo sues Miami firm over millions lost in Venezuela fraud

In this March 4, 2020 file photo, opposition leader Juan Guaido listens during a legislative session being held at a religious, private school in Caracas, Venezuela, an alternative location due to the government continuously blocking their access to National Assembly chambers. Guaidó said Monday, May 11, 2020 that two U.S.-based political advisers have resigned following a failed incursion into Venezuela aimed at capturing President Nicolás Maduro. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos, File)
MIAMI (AP) — When the U.S. recognized Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the nation’s rightful leader last year it did more than just trigger a bitter feud with socialist leader Nicolás Maduro. Increasingly, it’s also unleashing a torrent of lawsuits.

The latest came Tuesday, when the Guaidó-appointed board of Citgo, the U.S. subsidiary of Venezuela’s state oil company, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Houston against a former contractor seeking to recover millions of dollars in damages.

The lawsuit accuses José Manuel González and his Miami-based Petroleum Logistics Service Corp. of providing gifts including cash, jewelry, private artwork, chartered flights and even a handpicked Houston apartment to senior executives at Citgo. In exchange, officials paid González $20 million between 2014 and 2018 to provide goods and services to Citgo’s parent company, PDVSA, at inflated prices.

“Citgo lost millions of dollars as a result,” the lawsuit alleges.

The lawsuit follows a similar complaint filed by Citgo two weeks ago against former Miami congressman David Rivera for allegedly breaking a $50 million consulting contract with PDVSA. The company has also sought a U.S. court order blocking bondholders from exercising collateral rights over the state-owned refiner and invalidating $1.7 billion in debt.

Both lawsuits highlight the increasingly tight relationship between Guaidó and the U.S. Justice Department. As attorneys for the new Citgo board, under subpoena, sift through internal documents trying to get a handle on the company’s legal vulnerabilities it’s found common cause with prosecutors targeting vast corruption in Venezuela’s bankrupt petroleum industry. To date, 28 individuals have been charged as part of the ongoing probe by prosecutors in Houston, Miami and Washington.

Among the many who have pleaded guilty is González, who was arrested arriving to Miami International Airport in 2018 on charges of paying $629,000 in bribes to the former general manager of Bariven, PDVSA’s procurement subsidiary. In pleading guilty to one count of conspiring to violate the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, González also admitted to funneling kickbacks to officials at PDVSA and Citgo.

The latest lawsuit, reflecting the evidence presented in the criminal complaint against González, does not name the five Citgo officials who allegedly took bribes. But all of them were members of a special department charged with procurement efforts on behalf of PDVSA.

Official E, who according to the indictment was a senior executive from 2013 through November 2017 and whose duties included “overseeing all of Citgo’s operations,” appears to have benefited the most, receiving from González original artwork, a flight on a private jet and an apartment to his liking in the Houston area after expressing displeasure with his corporate lodging.

Official E is José Pereira, the former acting president of Citgo, according to two people familiar with the federal investigation on the condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing proceedings.

Pereira is one of the so-called “Citgo 6” who have been detained by Maduro’s government since traveling together to Caracas around Thanksgiving 2017 for a meeting called by Pereira’s predecessor, then Oil Minister Nelson Martinez, that ended up being a trap. They’ve since been charged in Venezuela with corruption stemming from a never executed plan to refinance some $4 billion in Citgo bonds by offering a 50% stake in the company as collateral.

“It’s unfair to accuse someone of corruption when they are unlawfully jailed and unable to even defend themselves,” Pereira’s wife and two sons said in a statement. They questioned the motives for accusing Pereira of wrongdoing and added that he never lived in an apartment since moving to the U.S. in October 2013 and didn’t own any expensive artwork.

All of the men were U.S. citizens except Pereira, who was a permanent resident. There’s no indication that any of the other detained men were involved in the alleged acts of corruption described in the lawsuit or indictment against González. Martinez, who was also imprisoned, died in state custody in 2018.

Venezuela has owned Citgo since the 1980s. It has three refineries in Louisiana, Texas and Illinois in addition to a network of pipelines crisscrossing 23 states that provides around 5% of U.S. gasoline.

Guaidó and his allies took over Citgo’s boardroom shortly after the Trump administration recognized him as Venezuela’s president in January 2019 and tightened sanctions on PDVSA and Maduro, barring Americans from doing business with either.

The takeover of the U.S.′ fifth-largest oil refiner was heralded as a major boost in the opposition’s bid to remove Maduro. But it also made it potentially responsible for paying the company’s — and Venezuela’s — mounting pile of unpaid debts.

This month, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Guaido’s attorneys to protect the refinery from seizure by a Canadian gold firm, Crystallex International Corp., which is trying to collect a $1.4 billion arbitration award stemming from Hugo Chavez’s nationalization of its assets a decade earlier.
Police surround Hong Kong legislature before anthem debate


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Riot police stand guard outside the Legislative Council building in Hong Kong, Wednesday, May 27, 2020. Hong Kong's legislature begins debate on a bill that would criminalize insulting or abusing the Chinese national anthem. Opponents see the proposal as part of growing central government infringement on freedoms in the semi-autonomous territory. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung)

HONG KONG (AP) — Police massed outside Hong Kong’s legislature complex Wednesday before lawmakers debate a bill that would criminalize abuse of the Chinese national anthem in the semi-autonomous city.

Protest calls went out Tuesday night, urging people to surround the legislature buildings and block roads in an attempt to derail the proceedings, but they didn’t materialize.

The police reported small incidents of obstruction of traffic and the city’s subways at certain stations. Seven people, most of them teenagers, were arrested for possession of items fit for unlawful purposes, such as petrol bombs, helmets, gas masks and scissors and screwdrivers.

The bill makes it illegal to insult or abuse the “March of the Volunteers.” Those found guilty could face up to three years in prison and a maximum fine of HK$50,000 (US$6,450).

The anthem bill was first proposed in January 2019, after Hong Kong spectators jeered at the anthem during high-profile, international soccer matches in 2015.

Anti-China sentiment has been on the rise in Hong Kong since 2014 protests, known as the Umbrella Revolution, that stemmed from the Chinese government’s decision to allow direct election of the city leader only after it screened candidates. In the end, the plan for direct elections was dropped.

The move by Beijing was seen as curtailing democracy in Hong Kong, a former British colony that was handed back to China is 1997 under a “one country, two systems” framework that promises the city freedoms not found on the mainland.

The debate over the bill also comes as Beijing moves to enact a national security law for Hong Kong, aimed at forbidding secessionist and subversive activity, as well as foreign interference and terrorism, after a monthslong pro-democracy protest movement last year that have at times resulted in violent clashes between police and protesters.

Critics say that the national anthem bill is a blow to freedom of expression in the city, while Beijing officials previously said that the law would foster a patriotic spirit and the country’s socialist core values.


For trade students, online classes can’t replicate hands-on


In this Friday, May 8, 2020 photo, Christa Schall poses outside her cosmetology school, Casal Aveda Institute, in Austintown, Ohio. More than 8 million students in the U.S. are enrolled in technical colleges, seeking certification in skilled trades like welding, phlebotomy and cosmetology. But unlike students at traditional colleges, their learning can't easily translate into Zoom courses, they learn through hands-on demonstrations. Now, many are eager to get back into the classroom, and some are reeling because they won't get to graduate on time. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

PHOENIX (AP) — Like students across the U.S., Christa Schall was working toward graduation when the coronavirus closed her school. But unlike many, she can’t finish her classes online — her cosmetology program, like the coursework at many technical and trade schools, requires hands-on training.

Schall needs to cut, paint and style hair at the Aveda Institute in Ohio to graduate and get her license to practice, but weeks of closures have put her behind. Her last client, a woman who got her highlights retouched every two weeks, panicked when she learned the salon was closing after her mid-March appointment. Schall had her own moment of panic, realizing her life would be on hold. Now, instead of graduating in September, she must wait until spring.

Traditional students “can take that learning anywhere. For us, we have to do it a certain way,” she said.

For Schall and other students at technical and trade colleges, the coronavirus is disrupting their education in a very different way than that of more traditional college students. Learning how to stick a needle in someone’s vein or mix just the right amount of hair color for the perfect shade doesn’t translate well to Zoom meetings. Those specialized skills, known as career and technical education, require hands-on learning.

About 8.4 million students are seeking postsecondary certificates and associate degrees in career and technical education fields, according to the Association for Career and Technical Education. Many are black or Hispanic and come from low-income households, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce analysis. For many, technical careers are a path out of poverty. Roughly 30 million American jobs that pay a median income of $55,000 require less education than a bachelor’s degree, the ACTE reports.

Across the country, teachers and students in technical training classes have had to adapt to class closures rapidly and creatively.

Butler Tech, which teaches Ohio high school and post-secondary students subjects ranging from police academy to welding, has started slowly reopening campus after being closed for several weeks.

When the pandemic first hit, it had to transition to online learning quickly. Jon Graft, the school’s superintendent and CEO, said Butler has learned some valuable lessons about having to teach in a completely different way.

“There will be a new normal for us because of the lessons we’ve learned being forced upon being online and virtual learning,” Graft said.

In Linda Romano’s New York high school nursing aide class, students at home used frying pans to learn how to use a bedpan on a patient. Romano used a doll she found in her daughter’s old bedroom to demonstrate how to perform a bed bath.

“I think they’re getting a better education because they’re really, really thinking about this skill and the aspects that go along with it,” Romano said. it,” Romano said.

But Romano and her students face many hurdles. Students don’t have the materials they need to learn, and some don’t have access to a computer and have to use their cell phones. They won’t be able to take their state licensing exam to be official nurse’s aids. And they won’t have their traditional pin ceremony, Romano said.

As part of his agriculture courses at a high school near Columbus, Missouri, Scott Stone leads a greenhouse class each year where students grow and tend plants on site. Stone, a teacher for 23 years, had never taught online when students were sent home in March.

Because the students can’t access the greenhouse, they are taking care of plants at home. Stone talks with them about their weekly development, asking them to describe what the plants smell and feel like.

“It’s like being a first-year teacher all over again,” Stone said.

The stakes are higher for postsecondary students like Tara Ferguson, who is studying to become a phlebotomist at Atlanta Technical College. Ferguson was heading into a hands-on area of instruction when schools began to close and shift to online learning.

But, as anyone who has had blood drawn would likely agree, the intricacies of feeling for a vein and poking it with a needle “just can’t be done online,” Ferguson said.

For Ferguson, a pharmacy technician and single mom of a 13-year-old daughter, becoming a phlebotomist would be a bump in pay and more stability.

She was supposed to start the clinical side of her education, when students train at a local medical facility to draw blood from various types of patients, on May 18.

But as the date approached and uncertain whether the class would go forward, she decided to drop it. So instead of completing her studies in August, getting her certification and going into the workforce, she hopes she can finish by early next year.

“This will put it way back. I don’t even know how long,” she said. “When do I get to move on to that next step?”


This story was first published on May 23, 2020. It was updated on May 26, 2020 to make clear that high school teacher Linda Romano also has struggled with online teaching because of a lack of access her students have to necessary materials and because her students won’t be able to take their nurse’s aid exams, among other difficulties.
Big Oil loses appeal, climate suits go to California courts

In this March 9, 2010, file photo a tanker truck passes the Chevron oil refinery in Richmond, Calif. A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday, May 26 against major oil companies in lawsuits brought by California cities and counties seeking damages for the impact of climate change. A panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said state courts are the proper forum for the lawsuits alleging that Big Oil promoted petroleum as environmentally responsible when producers knew it was causing damage. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File)

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Big Oil lost a pair of court battles Tuesday that could lead to trials in lawsuits by California cities and counties seeking damages for the impact of climate change.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected arguments by energy companies and ruled state courts are the proper forum for lawsuits alleging producers promoted petroleum as environmentally responsible when they knew it was contributing to drought, wildfires, and sea level rise associated with global warming.

The lawsuits claim Chevron, Exxon Mobil, ConocoPhillips, BP, Royal Dutch Shell and other companies created a public nuisance and should pay for damage from climate change and help build sea walls and other infrastructure to protect against future impact — construction that could cost tens of billions of dollars.

The ruling overturned a decision by one federal judge, who had tossed out lawsuits brought by the cities of San Francisco and Oakland.

“It is time for these companies to pay their fair share,” San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera said in a statement applauding the ruling. “They should not be able to stick taxpayers with the bill for the damage they knew they were causing. We will continue to hold these companies accountable for their decades-long campaign of public deception about climate change and its consequences.”

While the rulings were victories for the coastal counties and cities — all in the San Francisco Bay Area except for the tiny city of Imperial Beach in San Diego County — and cheered by environmental groups, it could take years before they ever get to a jury, if they make it that far.

The 3-0 rulings are expected to meet continued challenges that could include a review by a larger 9th Circuit panel and, eventually, review by the U.S. Supreme Court.

An appeals court in Virginia ruled that a similar case brought by Baltimore belonged in Maryland courts and lower federal courts in other cities have issued similar decisions.

A group that is a project of the National Association of Manufacturers issued a statement saying climate liability lawsuits should be resolved by the Supreme Court to prevent years of court proceedings.

Chevron did not say how it would proceed but said the cases involve issues of national law and policy and do not belong in state courts.

“In whichever forum the cases are ultimately determined, these factually and legally unsupported claims do nothing to sensibly address the significant national economic, legal and policy issues presented by climate change,” said Sean Comey, a Chevron spokesman.

Ann Carlson, an environmental law professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, said the rulings move the cases closer to the discovery process and requesting potentially damaging documents.

“This means they can depose top executives about what they knew and when they knew it and what oil companies did to fund a campaign to dissuade the American public that climate change was happening,” said Carlson, who has provided free counsel to cities in the cases. “The oil companies’ strategy is to keep the light from shining on their own behavior. This gets closer to allowing plaintiffs to shine that light.”

The ruling written by Judge Sandra Ikuta, picked for the court by President George W. Bush, move the cases back to state courts, where they were initially filed. The other judges on the panel were nominated by Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Oil companies got the cases transferred to San Francisco federal court, where two judges reached different conclusions.

After holding a unique five-hour “tutorial” by top researchers on the science of climate change, U.S. District Judge William Alsup in 2018 threw out the Oakland and San Francisco litigation. He ruled Congress and the president — not the courts —- were best suited to address the contribution of fossil fuels to global warming.

“The problem deserves a solution on a more vast scale than can be supplied by a district judge or jury in a public nuisance case,” Alsup wrote.

In cases brought by the the counties of San Mateo, Marin and Santa Cruz, and the cities of Richmond and Imperial Beach, Judge Vincent Chhabria ruled the cases belonged in state court, but he allowed the oil companies to appeal.

The companies had argued that federal law controls fossil fuel production, and Congress has encouraged oil and gas development. They said the harm claimed was “speculative” and part of a complex chain of events that includes billions of oil and gas users and “environmental phenomena occurring worldwide over many decades.”
Death and denial in Brazil’s Amazon capital


MANAUS, Brazil (AP) — As the white van approached Perfect Love Street, one by one chatting neighbors fell silent, covered their mouths and noses and scattered.

Men in full body suits carried an empty coffin into the small, blue house where Edgar Silva had spent two feverish days gasping for air before drawing his last breath on May 12.

“It wasn’t COVID,” Silva’s daughter, Eliete das Graças insisted to the funerary workers. She swore her 83-year-old father had died of Alzheimer’s disease, not that sickness ravaging the city’s hospitals.

But Silva, like the vast majority of those dying at home, was never tested for the new coronavirus. The doctor who signed his death certificate never saw his body before determining the cause: “cardiorespiratory arrest.”

His death was not counted as one of Brazil’s victims of the pandemic
Eliete das Graças, top right, cries as SOS Funeral workers, wearing protection equipment, close the coffin of her father Edgar Silva, amid the new coronavirus pandemic in Manaus, Brazil, Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Eliete das Graças said her father had Alzheimer's and died at home after two days of fever and difficulty breathing. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

A cat stares at a SOS Funeral worker who will remove the body of a man with pre-existing health conditions who died at his home amid the new coronavirus pandemic in Manaus, Brazil, Saturday, May 9, 2020. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

This story was produced with the support of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting.

Manaus is one of the hardest hit cities in Brazil, which officially has lost more than 23,000 lives to the coronavirus. But in the absence of evidence proving otherwise, relatives like das Graças are quick to deny the possibility that COVID-19 claimed their loved ones, meaning that the toll is likely a vast undercount.

As ambulances zip through Manaus with sirens blaring and backhoes dig rows of new graves, the muggy air in this city by the majestic Amazon River feels thicker than usual with such pervasive denial. Manaus has seen nearly triple the usual number of dead in April and May.

Doctors and psychologists say denial at the grassroots stems from a mixture of misinformation, lack of education, insufficient testing and conflicting messages from the country’s leaders.

Chief among skeptics is President Jair Bolsonaro, who has repeatedly called COVID-19 a “little flu,” and argued that concern over the virus is overblown.

Asked by a reporter about the surging number of deaths on April 20, Bolsonaro responded, “I’m not a gravedigger, OK?”

He has resisted U.S. and European-style lockdowns to contain the virus’ spread, saying such measures aren’t worth the economic wreckage. He fired his first Health Minister for supporting quarantines, accepted the resignation of a second one after less than a month on the job, and said that the interim minister, an army general with no background in health or medicine, will remain in charge of the pandemic response “for a long time.” In a cabinet meeting last month, a visibly enraged Bolsonaro insulted governors and mayors enforcing stay-at-home measures.

The president’s political followers are receptive to his dismissal of the virus, as determined as he is to proceed with life as usual.

On a recent Saturday in Manaus, locals flocked to the bustling riverside market to buy fresh fish, unaware of the need for social distancing, or uninterested. As swamped intensive-care units struggled to accommodate new patients airlifted from the Amazon, the faithful returned to some of the city’s evangelical churches. Coffins arriving by riverboat did nothing to dampen the enthusiasm of young people at clandestine dance parties. And in the streets, masks frequently covered chins and foreheads rather than mouths and noses.

For most people, the coronavirus causes mild or moderate symptoms. But for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause severe illness such as pneumonia and lead to death.

The new sickness made its way to Manaus in March, in the middle of the rainy season. At least that’s when health officials first became aware of it in the capital of Amazonas state, which is at once remote and international. One precarious road connects the city to the rest of Brazil, and other municipalities are hours away by boat. But tropical fauna and flora normally draw tourist cruises up the Amazon, and business people fly in from around the world, to visit its free trade zone. Just last October, Manaus sent a delegation to China looking for investors.

The city’s first virus fatality was reported on March 25 and deaths have surged since then. But due to a lack of testing, just 5% of the more than 4,300 burials performed in April and May were confirmed cases of COVID-19, according to city funeral statistics.
Home wakes are no longer permitted. But workers from SOS Funeral, which provides free coffins and funeral services to those who can’t afford them, have found homes packed with relatives touching the bodies of loved ones, hugging each other and wiping away tears with ungloved hands—a potentially contagious farewell.Home wakes are no longer permitted. But workers from SOS Funeral, which provides free coffins and funeral services to those who can’t afford them, have found homes packed with relatives touching the bodies of loved ones, hugging each other and wiping away tears with ungloved hands—a potentially contagious farewell.

Overwhelmed emergency services have encountered similar reluctance to acknowledge viral risk. Ambulance doctor Sandokan Costa said patients often omit the mention of COVID-19 symptoms, putting him and his colleagues at greater risk. “What has most struck me is people’s belief that the pandemic isn’t real.”

Costa fell ill with the virus in late March but has worked non-stop since recovering and is astonished to see his fellow citizens on the streets acting as though nothing is going on. There is a stigma attached to the new disease, he said. “Coronavirus has become something pejorative.

Health care officials attribute much of that to Bolsonaro’s handling of the pandemic.

Rather than take precautions, Bolsonaro has supported the use of chloroquine, the predecessor of an anti-malaria drug that U.S. President Donald Trump has advocated for treatment of coronavirus and is taking himself to ward it off. Bolsonaro ordered the Army’s Chemical and Pharmaceutical Laboratory to boost its chloroquine production despite a lack of clinical proof that it is effective. A large study recently published in the Lancet medical journal suggests that the malaria drugs not only do not help but are also tied to a greater risk of death in coronavirus patients.

In Manaus, scientists stopped part of a study of chloroquine after heart rhythm problems developed in a quarter of people given the higher of two doses being tested.

Visiting the hard-hit Amazon capital was a priority for Bolsonaro’s second health minister, Nelson Teich, who donned a body suit to tour several hospitals. But he resigned days later after disagreeing with the president’s demand that the ministry recommend chloroquine be prescribed to patients with mild coronavirus symptoms.

But even with vast under-reporting, Amazonas state has the highest number of deaths by COVID-19 per capita in the country with more than 1,700 fatal victims.

Poor and crowded neighborhoods have been particularly affected. Unable to afford private consultations and fearing the chaos of the public health system, many only sought medical help when it was too late. Others preferred to die at home rather than alone at a hospital.

Lima’s administration has come under fire for spending half a million dollars (2.9 million Brazilian reais) to buy 28 ventilators at quadruple the market price from a wine importer and distributor. The breathing machines were deemed inadequate for use on coronavirus patients after inspections by the regional council of medicine and Manaus’ health surveillance office.

Lima denies any wrongdoing. Asked if he would have done anything differently to confront the virus, the governor shook his head.

“Even if I had stopped it (economy), if I had closed the city for 30 days, no one goes in and no one goes out. At some point I would have had to open and at some point the virus would have gotten here,” he said.

The virus has, in the meantime, spread upriver from Manaus, creeping into remote towns and indigenous territories to infect indigenous tribes. The sparsely populated but vast rainforest region is completely unprepared to cope. Some towns can’t get oxygen tanks refilled or don’t have breathing machines, forcing nurses to manually pump air into lungs. When they do have machines, power cuts frequently shut them down.
The riverside Educandos neighborhood is seen from above in Manaus, Brazil, Saturday, May 16, 2020. (AP Photo/Felipe Dana)

Many patients are being airlifted to Manaus, the only place in the state of 4 million people with full intensive care units.

Although health experts warn that the pandemic is far from over in the Amazon region, or the rest of the country, national polls show adherence to lockdowns and quarantines falling, and a growing number of Brazilians are neglecting local leaders’ safety recommendations.

“Every day there are different messages coming from the federal government that clash with measures by the cities and states, and with what science says” said Manaus-based physician Adele Benzaken.

A public health researcher who until last year lead the HIV/AIDS department at the Health Ministry, Benzaken already has lost four colleagues in the pandemic.

Meanwhile, misinformation and disinformation about the virus is swirling, some of it shared by the president himself. On May 11, Instagram labeled one of his posts as fake news after he falsely claimed a state had seen a drop in respiratory disease this year. Facebook also blocked one of his posts in March that showed him praising the healing powers of chloroquine to supporters.

One false claim circulating on social media said the death rate in Manaus plummeted the day after the health minister’s visit. Another purported to show an empty coffin being unearthed at Manaus’ cemetery, implying the city was inflating its death toll. But the photo was taken in Sao Paulo three years ago.

Still, the messages take root and spread like jungle foliage.

“My opinion is that they’re making this up and trying to make money from it” Israel Reis, 54, said outside Manaus’ fish market. He didn’t specify who “they” might be.

Reis, who recently lost his job in an electronics maintenance company due to the pandemic, spoke without a mask and said he “of course” agrees with Bolsonaro the severity of the pandemic is exaggerated and death toll inflated.

He recently advised his nephew against seeking help at the local health clinic for an earache. “Any dizziness and they’ll say it’s that thing,” he said, referring to the virus.

One recent late afternoon, a group of paunchy middle-aged men seated in plastic chairs on the sidewalk debated measures to fight the virus. The street bar, just a few blocks from a police station in downtown Manaus, was operating in violation of state COVID-19 restrictions, yet officers in a passing squad car didn’t even slow down to reprimand them.

Icy beer provided relief from the sweltering heat, and tropical insects had begun sounding their pre-dusk drone. The men, too, were getting worked up.

“Put on your mask!” yelled one friend.

“I don’t need one!” screamed another, Henrique Noronha.

Noronha, 52, argued that only the elderly and those with health problems should stay home – as Bolsonaro affirms -- and the fit should return to normal. Despite his age and full figure, Noronha didn’t believe he’s at risk.

“This virus came to clean things up,” he said. “But I’ll be fine.”
An Immigrant Man In ICE Custody Died After Contracting The Coronavirus

More than 1,000 people detained by ICE have tested positive for the coronavirus so far.


Hamed Aleaziz BuzzFeed News Reporter
May 25, 2020

David Goldman / AP
A detention officer at a facility in Georgia housing ICE detainees, Nov. 15, 2019.

A 34-year-old Guatemalan man who tested positive for COVID-19 died in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody at a Georgia hospital on Sunday, according to an internal government report obtained by BuzzFeed News.

Santiago Baten-Oxlaj, 34, had been in ICE custody at Stewart Detention Center, in Lumpkin, since early March and had been granted a voluntary departure to Guatemala, ICE later confirmed in a press release.

Baten-Oxlaj was arrested on March 2 at a probation office in Marietta, Georgia, "pursuant to his conviction for driving under the influence," ICE said. On March 26, an immigration judge granted him voluntary departure. "At the time of his death, Baten was awaiting departure from the United States," ICE added.

On April 17, he was admitted to a local hospital for treatment of decreased oxygen saturation levels, hospital officials tested the man for COVID-19 and the result was positive.

On Sunday, he died at the hospital, according to the report, which listed his preliminary cause of death as COVID-19.

ICE said it "is undertaking a comprehensive agency-wide review of this incident, as it does in all such cases."

His death comes weeks after a 57-year-old man in ICE custody in San Diego died after testing positive for COVID-19. The San Diego County medical examiner's office said the man, Carlos Ernesto Escobar Mejia, died of acute respiratory failure due to pneumonia resulting from COVID-19. He was the first immigrant in ICE custody to die of the disease.

As of May 16, 1,201 immigrant detainees have tested positive for the disease in ICE custody out of 2,394 who have been tested.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, medical experts and immigrant advocates have warned that the highly contagious coronavirus would put detainees at risk. They have pointed to the inherent problems within jails — like a lack of necessary space to accommodate proper social distancing guidelines — that put people in danger. Advocates have used these arguments as a way to push for more releases.

Agency officials have said that high-level experts are monitoring best practices and issuing guidelines on when to isolate certain detainees and to screen those entering facilities. In many situations, detention officials are separating immigrants who have been exposed to the virus and keeping them isolated.

In March, ICE officials began assessing their inmate population to locate “vulnerable” detainees, including those who are over 60 or pregnant. So far, they have released more than 900 detainees, and detention numbers are the lowest they have been in several years.

Federal judges across the country have ordered the release of nearly 400 ICE detainees since the beginning of the pandemic, citing the preexisting medical conditions of the immigrants released and the potential for life-threatening complications from COVID-19.

"COVID-19 does not respect prison walls. The raging global pandemic outside of Calhoun County Correctional Facility and a confirmed case within the facility pose a serious risk to those inside,” wrote US District Judge Judith E. Levy, according to the Detroit News, in an order releasing two immigrants from custody in one case. “For plaintiffs, the emergence of COVID-19 at the Calhoun County Correctional Facility transforms a generalized yet substantial risk into a specific and immediate risk," Levy added.

"The number of COVID-19 cases in detention facilities nationwide further highlights the stark reality that communal confinement, even with the precautions defendants have employed, creates a significant risk of COVID-19 infection."

Sunday’s death comes also as congressional officials press ICE officials for more details on their efforts to limit the spread of the disease within the local and private jails across the country that hold immigrant detainees.

“Despite our repeated attempts to secure information, ICE has failed to fully respond to our requests, casting serious doubt on its preparedness for this crisis,” wrote Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney and Rep. Jamie Raskin, Democrats on the House oversight committee, in a letter to DHS officials earlier this month. “ICE has failed to take this crisis seriously [...] At each step of the way, the agency has waited rather than acted, prioritizing continued detention of thousands of non-violent detainees regardless of the life-and-death consequences for immigrants, employees, contractors, or their families.”

ICE officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the death.

An Immigrant Who Tested Positive For The Coronavirus Has Died In ICE Custody
Hamed Aleaziz · May 6, 2020
Hamed Aleaziz · April 7, 2020
Hamed Aleaziz · March 31, 2020

Hamed Aleaziz is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in San Francisco.