Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Belarus' Lukashenko outlaws protests, arrests opponents

Belarus has seen a spark in protests since President Alexander Lukashenko confirmed he will run for a sixth term in office. He said he won’t allow a "color revolution" after his main political opponent was jailed.

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Monday that authorities will outlaw protests until the upcoming election and he will never allow a revolution to occur. Local media reported that prominent opposition figures were arrested following anti-government demonstrations in Minsk at the weekend.

"We will never allow destabilization of the situation in our country," Lukashenko said. "We don't want any 'color revolutions' here," he added, referring to a sweep of revolutions in the Balkans and worldwide in the early 2000s.

The strongman leader has led the former Soviet state for 25 years and has been described as Europe's last dictator owing to his tight hold on power and allegations of widespread corruption at the highest levels of government.

Read more: Minsk and Moscow: Dependency has its price

Lukashenko is seeking re-election to a sixth term as president on August 9. Presidential term limits were abolished in a 2004 referendum. Opponents say he should be banned from running; Lukashenko described opposition groups as "bands of criminals."

Arrest of opposition leader

Demonstrations have been ongoing for several weeks since Lukashenko confirmed he will be running for another term. Independent media reported Sunday that prominent opposition leader Mikola Statkevich was arrested at a demonstration.

Statkevich was sentenced to 15 days in police detention, as dozens more activists were held across the country, charged on a variety of counts.

Statkevich was found guilty of organizing an unauthorized rally, AFP reported. He was jailed for six years in 2010 after opposing Lukashenko in presidential elections.

Rights groups have also denounced the arrest of popular political video blogger Sergei Tikhanovsky on Friday. He was accused of violence against a police officer, which supporters say was police persecution.

'No Pashinyans or Zelenskiys'

Lukashenko said it would be impossible for a revolution like in Armenia or Ukraine to overthrow the existing government.

"We don't have any Pashinyans or Zenskiys," he said Monday, referring to Armenia's Nikol Pashinyan and Ukraine'' Volodymyr Zelenskiy, claiming that Belarus' opposition lacked such caliber. "I've become closely acquainted with them. They're talented people."

Read more: Belarus: How death squads targeted opposition politicians

The president also dismissed the idea of a female president last week, telling a crowd "We'll have a man for president."

Belarus has hit headlines globally during the coronavirus pandemic as one of the few countries not to introduce any kind of restrictions on public life. Lukashenko dismissed coronavirus as a "psychosis" and has said that fresh air and hard work are the best cures.

The Eastern European country has reported over 43,000 confirmed cases with 230 people dead, though health experts say they believe that cases may have been under-reported.

ed/rc (AFP, dpa)


Journalists under pressure in Belarus as Lukashenko runs for presidency

The start of the presidential elections campaign in Belarus was marked by a harsh crackdown on journalists and bloggers. Analysts and human rights activists believe that the authorities will go on with repressions. (15.05.2020)

Thousands on the streets of Belarus to mark Victory Day despite pandemic

Russia and other former Soviet states have marked 75 years since the end of World War II. Ceremonies were subdued — with one exception. Belarus pushed ahead with a huge military parade in Minsk. (09.05.2020)

Date 01.06.2020
Related Subjects Alexander Lukashenko, Belarus
Keywords Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, protests, Minsk

Permalink https://p.dw.com/p/3d7Id

In the press 'America is suffocating': Country at tipping point as protests spread


Facebook staff attack Zuckerberg over company stance not to act on Trump posts


Facebook employees critical of CEO Mark Zuckerberg's decision not to act on President Donald Trump's inflammatory comments about U.S. protests went public on Twitter, praising the rival social media company for acting, and rebuking their own employer.

Many tech workers at companies - including Facebook Inc, Alphabet Inc's Google, and Amazon.com Inc - have actively pursued social justice issues in recent years, urging their employers to take action and change policies.

Even so, the weekend criticism marked a rare case of high-level employees publicly taking their chief executive to task, with at least three of the seven critical posts seen by Reuters coming from people who identified themselves as senior managers.

"Mark is wrong, and I will endeavor in the loudest possible way to change his mind," wrote Ryan Freitas, whose Twitter account identifies him as director of product design for Facebook's News Feed. He added he had mobilized "50+ likeminded folks" to lobby for internal change.

Jason Toff, identified as director of product management, wrote in a tweet: "I work at Facebook and I am not proud of how we’re showing up. The majority of coworkers I’ve spoken to feel the same way. We are making our voice heard.”


"We recognize the pain many of our people are feeling right now, especially our Black community," Facebook spokesman Andy Stone wrote in a text, referring to company employees.

"We encourage employees to speak openly when they disagree with leadership. As we face additional difficult decisions around content ahead, we'll continue seeking their honest feedback.”

Warning label

Twitter Inc on Friday affixed a warning label to a tweet from Trump in which he had included the phrase "when the looting starts, the shooting starts." Twitter said the tweet violated its rules against glorifying violence but was being left up as a public service exception.

Nationwide unrest erupted after the death of a black man, George Floyd, in police custody in Minneapolis last Monday. Video footage showed a white officer kneeling on Floyd's neck for nearly nine minutes before he died.

Facebook declined to take action on the same message, with Zuckerberg saying in a Facebook post on Friday that while he found the remarks "deeply offensive," they did not violate company policy against incitements to violence and people should know whether the government was planning to deploy force.

In the post, Zuckerberg, who last week took pains to distance his company from the fight between the president and Twitter, also said Facebook had been in touch with the White House on Friday to explain its policies. Facebook later confirmed reporting by news website Axios that Zuckerberg had a call with Trump.

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But some of the dissenting employees directly praised Twitter's response.

"Respect to @Twitter’s integrity team for making the enforcement call," wrote David Gillis, identified as a director of product design. In a long Twitter thread he said he understood the logic of Facebook's decision, but: "I think it would have been right for us to make a 'spirit of the policy' exception that took more context into account.”

Jason Toff was one of several Facebook employees who were organizing fundraisers for racial justice groups in Minnesota. Zuckerberg said in a Facebook post on Monday that the company would contribute an additional $10 million to social justice causes.

"Giving a platform to incite violence and spread disinformation is unacceptable, regardless who you are or if it’s newsworthy," wrote another Facebook manager, Andrew Crow, head of design for the company's Portal product. "I disagree with Mark’s position and will work to make change happen.”



African refugees in Minneapolis join protestors in their adopted homeland


Art and posters can be seen at a memorial for George Floyd that has been created at the place where he was taken into police custody and later died in Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S., June 1, 2020. © REUTERS/Leah Millis

African refugees living in Minneapolis were already struggling with their "American dream" when George Floyd died in police custody.

Now their dream is in tatters and they have joined their African American "brothers" in the streets to protest racism in their adopted homeland.

"I came here for freedom. My country was at war," said Tiha Jibi, who arrived from South Sudan at age 15.

"I end up having two boys, 10 and six, who are afraid because we are not white," she said, full of rage.

Leaving her family and her country was hard, as was the journey to get to the United States, but she was determined to pursue her own American dream of peace, equality and democracy.

Now, she realises, "it's all a lie. Now we have to face that reality."

That's why she has been marching to protest the death at the hands of a white police officer of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American man whose killing has sparked nationwide protests and clashes with police.

"I came here as a refugee but not as a white refugee," she said. "My permanent home is the US and my permanent color is black. I have to protest."

The state of Minnesota, where Minneapolis is located, has the highest percentage of refugees per inhabitant in the whole country, with two percent of the US population but 13 percent of its refugees, according to the most recent census.

Among them are a large number of people from the Horn of Africa -- Ethiopians and Somalis -- whose presence in the marches was noticeable because of the colorful robes worn by the women.


Deka Jama, a 24-year-old woman who came to the United States from Somalia in 2007, showed up with friends, all of them veiled, to protest the discrimination that met them in their new homeland.

"We thought that everyone would be equal, that we would not be judged by religion, by color, by our dresses. That's not how we were welcomed," she told AFP.

She feels a close affinity to African Americans, many of them descended from slaves and who have been Americans for generations.

There is "something connects us," she said. "We are all dehumanized, regardless of our cultural differences. We have to be here for them."

Minnesota's Somali community has a source of pride, though, in Ilhan Omar, a 37-year-old born in Mogadishu who was elected to Congress in 2018.

But she too has been the target of racial abuse, death threats and slander. Last summer, President Donald Trump said that she and three other women of color in Congress should "go back" to their countries of origin.

For the past week, Omar has often been asked to comment on the situation. She has not held back from telling people that, beyond acts of police violence, Americans have to address the core issue of inequality in the country.


"So many people know a social and economic neglect," Omar said on Sunday.

According to Minnesota Compass, a website that tracks the state's demographics, families from Africa are particularly hard hit.

In 2016, 12 percent of the population of Minnesota was living under the poverty line, but that number rose to 31 percent among the Ethiopian community and 55 percent among Somalis.

That has meant that for many refugees, an important facet of the American dream -- social mobility -- has broken down over time.

And the riots that have followed some protests have not helped their plight, since some of the looted businesses were immigrant-owned.

"I am very disappointed, very disappointed," Ahmed, a 42-year-old who arrived from Ethiopia a decade ago, said as he took in the blackened ruins of a burned building.

For him and many others, the major concern is for their children.

One Ethiopian woman, who asked not to be named, said she has four sons and worries that, when they grow up, they too could be subjected to the type of police brutality that took the life of George Floyd.

"This could happen to our children," she said, encouraging protesters marching below on a highway.

You have to support this movement, she said, "to stop racism, for the future."


A week after George Floyd died at the hands of the police in Minneapolis, protests across the US

are still going strong. But at the very scene where he died, members of the African-American community on Monday peacefully gathered to pay their tributes, and to be reminded of their constant struggle against systematic racism. FRANCE 24’s Kethevane Gorjestani reports.

Hundreds of people on Monday gathered at the scene where Floyd, an unarmed African American, was killed at the hands of a white police officer a week earlier. Although the gathering was largely about paying tribute, with flowers, prayers and chants, it also served as a painful reminder of the daily struggles of African-Americans against systematic racism.

“It’s sad for the African Americans around here because we already question where our place is in America. And with things like this, if we don’t stand up, we’re showing them that we’re allowing this stuff [to happen]. We’ve been allowing it for too long now,” Tommy Macbrayer, who organised the gathering, told FRANCE 24.

Since 2014, at least 100 African-Americans, including Trayyon Martin, Michael Brown, Sandra Bland and Eric Garner, have died at the hands of the police. And their deaths have stoked very real fears in the African-American community.

“Every single night I worry about my sons. I track their locations. And I have predominantly good children, do you know what I mean?,” said an African-American mother who did not want to give her name.

“The fear of just not knowing. That if you don’t raise your hands or if you get pulled over, this could be your very last day living here. It’s overwhelming.”

Monday, June 01, 2020

The Coronavirus Was an Emergency Until Trump Found Out Who Was Dying

The pandemic has exposed the bitter terms of our racial contract, which deems certain lives of greater value than others.

MAY 8, 2020

Adam Serwer

 May 9, 2020.

Six weeks ago, ahmaud arbery went out and never came home. Gregory and Travis McMichael, who saw Arbery running through their neighborhood just outside of Brunswick, Georgia, and who told authorities they thought he was a burglary suspect, armed themselves, pursued Arbery, and then shot him dead.

The local prosecutor, George E. Barnhill, concluded that no crime had been committed. Arbery had tried to wrest a shotgun from Travis McMichael before being shot, Barnhill wrote in a letter to the police chief. The two men who had seen a stranger running, and decided to pick up their firearms and chase him, had therefore acted in self-defense when they confronted and shot him, Barnhill concluded. On Tuesday, as video of the shooting emerged on social media, a different Georgia prosecutor announced that the case would be put to a grand jury; the two men were arrested and charged with murder yesterday evening after video of the incident sparked national outrage across the political spectrum.

To see the sequence of events that led to Arbery’s death as benign requires a cascade of assumptions. One must assume that two men arming themselves and chasing down a stranger running through their neighborhood is a normal occurrence. One must assume that the two armed white men had a right to self-defense, and that the black man suddenly confronted by armed strangers did not. One must assume that state laws are meant to justify an encounter in which two people can decide of their own volition to chase, confront, and kill a person they’ve never met.


Trump’s Warped Definition of Free Speech ADAM SERWER

Birtherism of a Nation ADAM SERWER

The Sinister Logic of Trump’s Immigration Freeze ADAM SERWER

Ibram X. Kendi: Ahmaud Arbery could have been me

But Barnhill’s leniency is selective—as The Appeal’s Josie Duffy Rice notes, Barnhill attempted to prosecute Olivia Pearson, a black woman, for helping another black voter use an electronic voting machine. A crime does not occur when white men stalk and kill a black stranger. A crime does occur when black people vote.

The underlying assumptions of white innocence and black guilt are all part of what the philosopher Charles Mills calls the “racial contract.” If the social contract is the implicit agreement among members of a society to follow the rules—for example, acting lawfully, adhering to the results of elections, and contesting the agreed-upon rules by nonviolent means—then the racial contract is a codicil rendered in invisible ink, one stating that the rules as written do not apply to nonwhite people in the same way. The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created equal; the racial contract limits this to white men with property. The law says murder is illegal; the racial contract says it’s fine for white people to chase and murder black people if they have decided that those black people scare them. “The terms of the Racial Contract,” Mills wrote, “mean that nonwhite subpersonhood is enshrined simultaneously with white personhood.”

The racial contract is not partisan—it guides staunch conservatives and sensitive liberals alike—but it works most effectively when it remains imperceptible to its beneficiaries. As long as it is invisible, members of society can proceed as though the provisions of the social contract apply equally to everyone. But when an injustice pushes the racial contract into the open, it forces people to choose whether to embrace, contest, or deny its existence. Video evidence of unjustified shootings of black people is so jarring in part because it exposes the terms of the racial contract so vividly. But as the process in the Arbery case shows, the racial contract most often operates unnoticed, relying on Americans to have an implicit understanding of who is bound by the rules, and who is exempt from them.

The implied terms of the racial contract are visible everywhere for those willing to see them. A 12-year-old with a toy gun is a dangerous threat who must be met with lethal force; armed militias drawing beads on federal agents are heroes of liberty. Struggling white farmers in Iowa taking billions in federal assistance are hardworking Americans down on their luck; struggling single parents in cities using food stamps are welfare queens. Black Americans struggling in the cocaine epidemic are a “bio-underclass” created by a pathological culture; white Americans struggling with opioid addiction are a national tragedy. Poor European immigrants who flocked to an America with virtually no immigration restrictions came “the right way”; poor Central American immigrants evading a baroque and unforgiving system are gang members and terrorists.

The coronavirus epidemic has rendered the racial contract visible in multiple ways. Once the disproportionate impact of the epidemic was revealed to the American political and financial elite, many began to regard the rising death toll less as a national emergency than as an inconvenience. Temporary measures meant to prevent the spread of the disease by restricting movement, mandating the wearing of masks, or barring large social gatherings have become the foulest tyranny. The lives of workers at the front lines of the pandemic—such as meatpackers, transportation workers, and grocery clerks—have been deemed so worthless that legislators want to immunize their employers from liability even as they force them to work under unsafe conditions. In East New York, police assault black residents for violating social-distancing rules; in Lower Manhattan, they dole out masks and smiles to white pedestrians.

Donald Trump’s 2016 election campaign, with its vows to enforce state violence against Mexican immigrants, Muslims, and black Americans, was built on a promise to enforce terms of the racial contract that Barack Obama had ostensibly neglected, or violated by his presence. Trump’s administration, in carrying out an explicitly discriminatory agenda that valorizes cruelty, war crimes, and the entrenchment of white political power, represents a revitalized commitment to the racial contract.

Adam Serwer: White nationalism’s deep American roots

But the pandemic has introduced a new clause to the racial contract. The lives of disproportionately black and brown workers are being sacrificed to fuel the engine of a faltering economy, by a president who disdains them. This is the COVID contract.

As the first cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed in the United States, in late January and early February, the Trump administration and Fox News were eager to play down the risk it posed. But those early cases, tied to international travel, ensnared many members of the global elite: American celebrities, world leaders, and those with close ties to Trump himself. By March 16, the president had reversed course, declaring a national emergency and asking Americans to avoid social gatherings.

The purpose of the restrictions was to flatten the curve of infections, to keep the spread of the virus from overwhelming the nation’s medical infrastructure, and to allow the federal government time to build a system of testing and tracing that could contain the outbreak. Although testing capacity is improving, the president has very publicly resisted investing the necessary resources, because testing would reveal more infections; in his words, “by doing all of this testing, we make ourselves look bad.”

Over the weeks that followed the declaration of an emergency, the pandemic worsened and the death toll mounted. Yet by mid-April, conservative broadcasters were decrying the restrictions, small bands of armed protesters were descending on state capitols, and the president was pressing to lift the constraints.

In the interim, data about the demographics of COVID-19 victims began to trickle out. On April 7, major outlets began reporting that preliminary data showed that black and Latino Americans were being disproportionately felled by the coronavirus. That afternoon, Rush Limbaugh complained, “If you dare criticize the mobilization to deal with this, you’re going to be immediately tagged as a racist.” That night, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson announced, “It hasn’t been the disaster that we feared.” His colleague Brit Hume mused that “the disease turned out not to be quite as dangerous as we thought.” The nationwide death toll that day was just 13,000 people; it now stands above 70,000, a mere month later.

As Matt Gertz writes, some of these premature celebrations may have been an overreaction to the changes in the prominent coronavirus model designed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington, which had recently revised its estimates down to about 60,000 deaths by August. But even as the mounting death toll proved that estimate wildly optimistic, the chorus of right-wing elites demanding that the economy reopen grew louder. By April 16, the day the first anti-lockdown protests began, deaths had more than doubled, to more than 30,000.

That more and more Americans were dying was less important than who was dying.

The disease is now “infecting people who cannot afford to miss work or telecommute—grocery store employees, delivery drivers and construction workers,” The Washington Post reported. Air travel has largely shut down, and many of the new clusters are in nursing homes, jails and prisons, and factories tied to essential industries. Containing the outbreak was no longer a question of social responsibility, but of personal responsibility. From the White House podium, Surgeon General Jerome Adams told “communities of color” that “we need you to step up and help stop the spread.”

Public-health restrictions designed to contain the outbreak were deemed absurd. They seemed, in Carlson’s words, “mindless and authoritarian,” a “weird kind of arbitrary fascism.” To restrict the freedom of white Americans, just because nonwhite Americans are dying, is an egregious violation of the racial contract. The wealthy luminaries of conservative media have sought to couch their opposition to restrictions as advocacy on behalf of workers, but polling shows that those most vulnerable to both the disease and economic catastrophe want the outbreak contained before they return to work.

Read: What the ‘liberate’ protests really mean for Republicans

Although the full picture remains unclear, researchers have found that disproportionately black counties “account for more than half of coronavirus cases and nearly 60 percent of deaths.”* The disproportionate burden that black and Latino Americans are bearing is in part a direct result of their overrepresentation in professions where they risk exposure, and of a racial gap in wealth and income that has left them more vulnerable to being laid off. Black and Latino workers are overrepresented among the essential, the unemployed, and the dead.

This is a very old and recognizable story—political and financial elites displaying a callous disregard for the workers of any race who make their lives of comfort possible. But in America, where labor and race are so often intertwined, the racial contract has enabled the wealthy to dismiss workers as both undeserving and expendable. White Americans are also suffering, but the perception that the coronavirus is largely a black and brown problem licenses elites to dismiss its impact. In America, the racial contract has shaped the terms of class war for centuries; the COVID contract shapes it here.

This tangled dynamic played out on Tuesday, during oral arguments over Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers’s statewide stay-at-home order before the state Supreme Court, held remotely. Chief Justice Patience Roggensack was listening to Wisconsin Assistant Attorney General Colin Roth defend the order.

“When you see a virus like this one that does not respect county boundaries, this started out predominantly in Madison and Milwaukee; then we just had this outbreak in Brown County very recently in the meatpacking plants,” Roth explained. “The cases in Brown County in a span of two weeks surged over tenfold, from 60 to almost 800—”

“Due to the meatpacking, though, that’s where Brown County got the flare,” Roggensack interrupted to clarify. “It wasn’t just the regular folks in Brown County.”

Perhaps Roggensack did not mean that the largely Latino workers in Brown County’s meatpacking plants—who have told reporters that they have been forced to work in proximity with one another, often without masks or hand sanitizer, and without being notified that their colleagues are infected—are not “regular folks” like the other residents of the state. Perhaps she merely meant that their line of work puts them at greater risk, and so the outbreaks in the meatpacking plants, seen as essential to the nation’s food supply, are not rationally related to the governor’s stay-at-home order, from which they would be exempt.

Eric Schlosser: The essentials

Yet either way, Roggensack was drawing a line between “regular folks” and the workers who keep them fed, mobile, safe, and connected. And America’s leaders have treated those workers as largely expendable, praising their valor while disregarding their safety.

“There were no masks. There was no distancing inside the plant, only [in the] break room. We worked really close to each other,” Raquel Sanchez Alvarado, a worker with American Foods, a Wisconsin meatpacking company, told local reporters in mid-April. “People are scared that they will be fired and that they will not find a job at another company if they express their concerns.”

In Colorado, hundreds of workers in meatpacking plants have contracted the coronavirus. In South Dakota, where a Smithfield plant became the site of an outbreak infecting more than 700 workers, a spokesperson told BuzzFeed News that the issue was their “large immigrant population.” On Tuesday, when Iowa reported that thousands of workers at meat-processing plants had become infected, Governor Kim Reynolds was bragging in The Washington Post about how well her approach to the coronavirus had worked.

Although, by the official tally, more than 70,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus, many governors are rushing to reopen their states without sufficient testing to contain their outbreaks. (Statistical analyses of excess deaths in comparison with years past suggest that COVID-19 casualties are approaching and may soon exceed 100,000.) Yet the Trump administration is poised to declare “mission accomplished,” engaging in the doublespeak of treating the pandemic as though the major risks have passed, while rhetorically preparing the country for thousands more deaths. The worst-case scenarios may not come to pass. But federal policy reflects the president’s belief that he has little to lose by gambling with the lives of those Americans most likely to be affected.

“We can’t keep our country closed down for years,” Trump said Wednesday. But that was no one’s plan. The plan was to buy time to take the necessary steps to open the country safely. But the Trump administration did not do that, because it did not consider the lives of the people dying worth the effort or money required to save them.

The economic devastation wrought by the pandemic, and the Trump administration’s failure to prepare for it even as it crippled the world’s richest nations, cannot be overstated. Tens of millions of Americans are unemployed. Tens of thousands line up outside food banks and food pantries each week to obtain sustenance they cannot pay for. Businesses across the country are struggling and failing. The economy cannot be held in stasis indefinitely—the longer it is, the more people will suffer.

Annie Lowrey: The small business die-off is here

Yet the only tension between stopping the virus and reviving the economy is one the Trump administration and its propaganda apparatus have invented. Economists are in near-unanimous agreement that the safest path requires building the capacity to contain the virus before reopening the economy—precisely because new waves of deaths will drive Americans back into self-imposed isolation, destroying the consumer spending that powers economic growth. The federal government can afford the necessary health infrastructure and financial aid; it already shelled out hundreds of billions of dollars in tax cuts to wealthy Americans. But the people in charge do not consider doing so to be worthwhile—Republicans have already dismissed aid to struggling state governments that laid off a million workers this month alone as a “blue-state bailout,” while pushing for more tax cuts for the rich.

“The people of our country are warriors,” Trump told reporters Tuesday. “I’m not saying anything is perfect, and will some people be affected? Yes. Will some people be affected badly? Yes. But we have to get our country open and we have to get it open soon.”

The frame of war allows the president to call for the collective sacrifice of laborers without taking the measures necessary to ensure their safety, while the upper classes remain secure at home. But the workers who signed up to harvest food, deliver packages, stack groceries, drive trains and buses, and care for the sick did not sign up for war, and the unwillingness of America’s political leadership to protect them is a policy decision, not an inevitability. Trump is acting in accordance with the terms of the racial contract, which values the lives of those most likely to be affected less than the inconveniences necessary to preserve them. The president’s language of wartime unity is a veil draped over a federal response that offers little more than contempt for those whose lives are at risk. To this administration, they are simply fuel to keep the glorious Trump economy burning.

Collective solidarity in response to the coronavirus remains largely intact—most Americans support the restrictions and are not eager to sacrifice their lives or those of their loved ones for a few points of gross domestic product. The consistency across incomes and backgrounds is striking in an era of severe partisan polarization. But solidarity with the rest of the nation among elite Republicans—those whose lives and self-conceptions are intertwined with the success of the Trump presidency—began eroding as soon as the disproportionate impact of the outbreak started to emerge.

The president’s cavalier attitude is at least in part a reflection of his fear that the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus will doom his political fortunes in November. But what connects the rise of the anti-lockdown protests, the president’s dismissal of the carnage predicted by his own administration, and the eagerness of governors all over the country to reopen the economy before developing the capacity to do so safely is the sense that those they consider “regular folks” will be fine.

Many of them will be. People like Ahmaud Arbery, whose lives are depreciated by the terms of the racial contract, will not.
Related Podcast

Listen to Adam Serwer talk about this story on Social Distance, The Atlantic’s podcast about life in the pandemic:

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*Correction: An earlier version of this piece misdescribed a study showing disproportionately black counties were responsible for more than half of coronavirus cases in the United States by describing those counties as “majority black.”

ADAM SERWER is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where he covers politics.
Christo Found Beauty in Realizing the Impossible

The conceptual artist, who died yesterday at 84, made constructing quixotic, monumental projects his life’s work.

Christo and Jeanne-Claude looking for a possible site for The Mastaba for the United Arab Emirates in February 1982 WOLFGANG VOLZ

It takes a truly unique eye to see beauty in bureaucracy, to look at a snarl of planning regulations and NIMBYism and red tape and to convert it, through sheer imaginative alchemy, into art itself. And yet that quality is exactly what defined the work of Christo, who died on Sunday at the age of 84, and his partner, Jeanne-Claude, over the course of a 60-year career. “For me, the excitement begins when I leave the studio,” Christo says in Christo’s Valley Curtain, a 1974 documentary by the Maysles Brothers that captured the artists’ temporary installation of a 1,300-foot orange drape over a valley in the Rocky Mountains. The “real-life experience” of creation, he explains, the “engineering problems, dealing with construction workers, the blueprints, permission from governments … all of these things give me what I can never imagine.” Like no other artist, Christo saw the obstacles in his way as part of his life’s work, vital elements that affirmed the significance of what he managed to achieve.

Photos: The works of Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, who died in 2009, also redefined what—and who—art is supposed to be for. Their signature works couldn’t be commodified because they existed for only weeks or months at a time, free for anyone to behold and funded by the artists themselves. They were, in Christo’s own words, “absolutely irrational, with no justification to exist.” Whimsical and intrinsically useless, the immense installations—which included wrapping the Berlin Reichstag in 1.1 million square feet of polypropylene fabric in 1995 and erecting more than 7,500 saffron-colored cloth gates in Central Park in 2005—served as temporary monuments to beauty, and to the triumph of vision.Demonstrating his wrap-it art in 1963, Christo applies a polythene sheet to an ancient sculpture in Rome. With the plastic sheet and some string, Christo explains, "The sculpture takes on the loving form of mystery." (Bettmann / Getty)

Christo’s philosophy that his art should have no purpose was in part a rejection of his training. Born in Bulgaria in 1935 to an activist and the manager of a fabric factory, he attended the Sofia Academy of Fine Arts in the early 1950s, when the country was under Soviet rule and students were expected to produce propaganda. As a student, Christo was sent to help farmers arrange their fields to appear well tended to any Western visitors passing through on the Orient Express. The experience, he said in 2005, crystallized his determination to create freely, but also gave him an early sense of what might be possible working in open spaces. In 1956, he stowed away on a train to Vienna, deserting his military service and seeking asylum as a stateless person. He later moved to Paris on a French visa and met Jeanne-Claude when he was commissioned to paint a portrait of her mother. Their partnership, which lasted more than five decades, was spiritual and practical—when they traveled internationally, they reportedly flew on separate planes so one could continue to finish the pair’s work in the event of a crash.

Starting in the early 1960s, Christo and Jeanne-Claude explored ways to transform the feel and the meaning of objects and spaces. Christo described their works as “gentle disturbances” that rejected political or financial constraints. The couple’s shared ability to sweet-talk naysayers became a crucial part of their process. In 1962, when they constructed a blockade out of oil barrels on Paris’s Rue Visconti, Jeanne-Claude argued forcefully with policemen on the scene until they agreed to let the work stay up for a few more hours. For the 1976 installation of Running Fence, a 25-mile gate of white nylon that ran through private land in California, the couple had to persuade skeptical ranchers to let the artists temporarily co-opt their land for a project that was difficult to explain. After one complained to Jeanne-Claude that the work had no purpose, she replied that the purpose was simply beauty itself, and pointed to the flowers he’d planted in his front stoop instead of more useful vegetables. The pair were so successful at defending and self-funding their work (which they paid for by selling sketches and models of desired projects) that the Harvard Business Review published a book about them titled The Art of the Entrepreneur.Left: Christo and Jeanne-Claude in Ibaraki, Japan, in 1988 (Wolfgang Volz / laif / Redux). Right: Christo and others dragging yards of plastic to be used in the construction of his balloon sculpture entitled 5600 Cubicmeter Package (Carlo Bavagnoli / The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty)

For Christo, the process of negotiating his way to an eventual win—no matter how long it took or how many times he was initially rejected—became its own affirmation of artistic freedom. And the same process of bureaucratic delay changed the context of the works in ways he found irresistible. A project to wrap the Reichstag took 24 years, three official refusals, and the fall of communism before it was completed in 1995. Although Christo rejected political readings of his work, covering the German parliament building in chalk-colored fabric and rope seemed to some to symbolize a blank slate for the country after the fall of the Berlin Wall, rather than the decades-long stifling of a city by a foreign power. A plan to wrap the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, initially scheduled for this year, was twice delayed, once because of the coronavirus pandemic and once to protect kestrel falcons who nest on the structure in the springtime. (Throughout their careers, Christo and Jeanne-Claude tried to prioritize sustainability, commissioning environmental-impact reports for projects in development and making sure that components could be recycled and reused after works were dismantled.)Left: Surrounded Islands in Biscayne Bay, Florida. Right: Wrapped Reichstag in Berlin (Wolfgang Volz)

The transient nature of the works Christo and Jeanne-Claude made also underscored the importance of process to them. Projects that might be in inception for several decades and cost tens of millions of dollars would be installed for just a couple of weeks, long enough for hundreds of thousands of people to witness the transformation of their shared landscape, but fleeting enough to convey a distinctly human vulnerability. “Our works are temporary in order to endow the works of art with a feeling of urgency to be seen, and the love and tenderness brought by the fact that they will not last,” the artists explained in a brochure for The Gates in 2005. That installation in New York City was championed by Michael Bloomberg, and heavily mocked by comedians and commentators at the time, who saw it as an unsightly boondoggle in Manhattan’s most visible public space. And yet the work feels like an astonishing feat in retrospect: a huge, ephemeral, self-funded construction in one of the most expensive and bureaucratically knotty cities in the world, where art and architecture tend to be inextricably entwined with commerce and power. “The reason we don’t like the projects to stay is no one can charge for tickets, nobody can buy this project,” Christo said in a lecture in 2016. “It is freedom. Freedom is the enemy of possession, and possession is permanence.”Left: Wrapped Trees in Fondation Beyeler and Berower Park in Riehen, Switzerland (Wolfgang Volz / laif / Redux). Right: The Floating Piers in Lake Iseo, Italy (Wolfgang Volz)

Christo and Jeanne-Claude weren’t always successful in pushing their work to completion. Over 50 years, Christo told an interviewer in 2014, they realized 22 projects but failed to get permission for 37 more. Some they eventually abandoned; others, they kept fighting for, shifting to new locations in search of a more favorable reception. (2016’s Floating Piers, in which 200,000 bright-yellow polyethylene cubes arranged in Italy’s Lake Iseo allowed spectators to briefly walk on water, was initially denied as a project in Argentina and Japan.) Over the River, a project that was designed to suspend almost six miles of fabric over the Arkansas River in Colorado, was finally canceled in 2017, after 20 years and almost $15 million in expenditures. The reason Christo cited at the time, unusually, was that the government overseeing the federal land had changed. Like many artists, he didn’t believe Donald Trump would be elected president, he told The New York Times then. “I can’t do a project that benefits this landlord.”

Still, Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s list of failures is as much a part of their body of work as the art they managed to physically create. The point of their vision wasn’t to make things that could stand grandly outside of museums or in the marble atria of office buildings; it was to prove instead that colossal, difficult, complicated schemes could be realized for no other reason than to make the world more beautiful. The amount of time that it takes to achieve the finished product—and how much work and investment is required—is inevitably forgotten when you get to see for a moment the sheer magnitude of what’s possible.


SOPHIE GILBERT is a staff writer at The Atlantic, where she covers culture.