Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Swine flu strain with human pandemic potential increasingly found in pigs in China

Nasal swabs from more than 30,000 pigs in China over 7 years found an increase in an avian like influenza virus that has swapped genes from several strains. HONGLEI SUN

By Jon Cohen Jun. 29, 2020

What the world doesn’t need now is a pandemic on top of a pandemic. So a new finding that pigs in hina are more and more frequently becoming infected with a strain of influenza that has the potential to jump to humans has infectious disease researchers worldwide taking serious notice. Robert Webster, an influenza investigator who recently retired from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, says it’s a “guessing game” as to whether this strain will mutate to readily transmit between humans, which it has not done yet. “We just do not know a pandemic is going to occur until the damn thing occurs,” Webster says, noting that China has the largest pig population in the world. “Will this one do it? God knows.”

When multiple strains of influenza viruses infect the same pig, they can easily swap genes, a process known as “reassortment.” The new study, published today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, focuses on an influenza virus dubbed G4. The virus is a unique blend of three lineages: one similar to strains found in European and Asian birds, the H1N1 strain that caused the 2009 pandemic, and a North American H1N1 that has genes from avian, human, and pig influenza viruses.

The G4 variant is especially concerning because its core is an avian influenza virus—to which humans have no immunity—with bits of mammalian strains mixed in. “From the data presented, it appears that this is a swine influenza virus that is poised to emerge in humans,” says Edward Holmes, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Sydney who studies pathogens. “Clearly this situation needs to be monitored very closely>

As part of a project to identify potential pandemic influenza strains, a team led by Liu Jinhua from the China Agricultural University (CAU) analyzed nearly 30,000 nasal swabs taken from pigs at slaughterhouses in 10 Chinese provinces, and another 1000 swabs from pigs with respiratory symptoms seen at their school’s veterinary teaching hospital. The swabs, collected between 2011 and 2018, yielded 179 swine influenza viruses, the vast majority of which were G4 or one of five other G strains from the Eurasian avianlike lineage. “G4 virus has shown a sharp increase since 2016, and is the predominant genotype in circulation in pigs detected across at least 10 provinces,” they write.

Sun Honglei, the paper’s first author, says G4’s inclusion of genes from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic “may promote the virus adaptation” that leads to human-to-human transmission. Therefore, “It’s necessary to strengthen the surveillance” of pigs in China for influenza viruses, says Sun, also at CAU.
Influenza viruses frequently jump from pigs to humans, but most do not then transmit between humans. Two cases of G4 infections of humans have been documented and both were dead-end infections that did not transmit to other people. “The likelihood that this particular variant is going to cause a pandemic is low,” says Martha Nelson, an evolutionary biologist at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s Fogarty International Center who studies pig influenza viruses in the United States and their spread to humans. But Nelson notes that no one knew about the pandemic H1N1 strain, which jumped from pigs to people, until the first human cases surfaced in 2009. “Influenza can surprise us,” Nelson says. “And there’s a risk that we neglect influenza and other threats at this time” of COVID-19.
The new study offers but a tiny glimpse into swine influenza strains in China, which has 500 million pigs. While Nelson thinks the predominance of G4 in their analysis is an interesting finding, she says it’s hard to know whether its spread is a growing problem, given the relatively small sample size. “You’re really not getting a good snapshot of what is dominant in pigs in China,” she adds, stressing the need for more sampling in the nation's pigs.

In the paper, Sun and colleagues—including George Gao, head of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention—describe lab dish studies that show how G4s have become adept at infecting and copying themselves in human airway epithelial cells. The viruses also readily infected and transmitted between ferrets, a popular animal model used to study human influenza. The researchers found antibodies to the G4 strain in 4.4% of 230 people studied in a household survey—and the rate more than doubled in swine workers.

In addition to stepping up surveillance, Sun says it makes sense to develop a vaccine against G4 for both pigs and humans. Webster says at the very least, the seed stock to make a human vaccine—variants of a strain that grow rapidly in the eggs used to make a flu vaccine—should be produced now. “Making the seed stock is not a big deal, and we should have it ready,” Webster says.

China rarely uses influenza vaccines in swine. Nelson says U.S. farms commonly do, but the vaccine has little effect because it’s often outdated and doesn’t match circulating strains.

Ideally, Nelson says, we would produce a human G4 vaccine and have it in the stockpile, but that’s an involved process that requires substantial funding. “We need to be vigilant about other infectious disease threats even as COVID is going on because viruses have no interest in whether we’re already having another pandemic,” Nelson says.

EPA gives up on barring grantees from science advisory panels

A federal judge ruled earlier this year that Scott Pruitt, the former head of the Environmental Protection Agency, had failed to properly justify policy that barred agency grantees from science advisory panels. AP PHOTO/ANDREW HARNIK

EPA gives up on barring grantees from science advisory panels

By Sean Reilly, E&E News Jun. 25, 2020 , 2:15 PM

Originally published by E&E News

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will not fight a judge's February decision to throw out its ban on advisory committee service by agency grant recipients, meaning the heavily litigated 2017 policy is legally dead for now.

In a carefully couched statement released late yesterday, agency lawyers said they would not appeal the opinion by U.S. District Judge Denise Cote, which found that EPA had failed to provide a "reasoned explanation" for the ban (Greenwire, 11 February).

While not ruling out a future attempt to revive the prohibition, EPA would do so only through a supplemental ethics regulation with a signoff from the Office of Government Ethics, the statement said. Three years ago, by contrast, then-Administrator Scott Pruitt imposed the ban with no advance notice or a chance for the public to first weigh in.
Cote, a judge for the Southern District of New York, issued the opinion in a lawsuit brought by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Because current EPA chief Andrew Wheeler retains broad discretion to name advisory committee members, the immediate impact of the agency's retreat is likely to be limited at best.

While the return to the pre-2017 status quo is good news, "the reality is that many distinguished scientists were dismissed from EPA's advisory committees because of this unlawful directive," said NRDC attorney Vivian Wang in a prepared statement.

At the Union of Concerned Scientists, which had unsuccessfully challenged the policy in a separate suit, Michael Halpern acknowledged that Wheeler can still pick whom he wants but added that the prohibition had kept well-qualified, independent scientists from even applying for advisory panel positions.

In terms of the reversal's practical effect, Halpern said in an interview, "it forces them to consider the best available experts, which is a good thing."

How quickly the agency will reopen the door to those experts is unclear, however. One of its premier panels, the Science Advisory Board, announced this spring that it would accept nominations for fiscal 2021 appointments. An EPA spokeswoman could not immediately say this morning whether current grant recipients will now be eligible for consideration.

In announcing the policy in October 2017, Pruitt had said he wanted to avoid the "appearance of conflict" that would come from officially taking advice from scientists who were also receiving EPA research money. But he never offered concrete evidence that agency funding imperiled their independence or objectivity.

There was also little sign that EPA sought to apply the prohibition even-handedly across all of its 22 federal advisory committees (Greenwire, 21 September 2018).

Instead, Pruitt targeted just three: the Board of Scientific Counselors, SAB and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee. Coupled with his decision to end an informal tradition of automatically reappointing first-term panel members to a second term, the ban cleared the way to oust many academic researchers in favor of industry-affiliated members.

The impact was most pronounced on the seven-member Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, charged with providing outside expertise during statutorily required reviews of ambient air quality standards for lead, ozone and four other common pollutants. Until 2017, the committee was made up mostly of researchers at colleges and universities.

Now the panel is chaired by a consultant who has done work for the American Petroleum Institute and other industry groups. The bulk of the other members come from state and local regulatory agencies; some have acknowledged that they cumulatively lack the full range of expertise needed to carry out their duties. Last year, a majority of the committee voted to override the conclusions of EPA career staff and recommended leaving national standards for fine particles unchanged. Wheeler, a former lobbyist whose clients included the nation's largest privately owned coal company, has now incorporated that status quo recommendation into a proposal scheduled to be made final by year's end.

At the same time, Wheeler has clashed with the SAB, even though he has appointed or reappointed many of its 44 members. After the SAB challenged the agency's handling of several major deregulatory initiatives, Wheeler this year stripped rank-and-file members of their role in deciding which proposed rules to review and instead concentrated that authority in the chair (E&E News PM, 26 February).

Among those forced off the board as a result of the 2017 policy was Robyn Wilson, an Ohio State University professor of risk analysis who was a plaintiff in another unsuccessful legal challenge (Greenwire, 19 January 2018).

In an email this morning, Wilson said she would "definitely" serve again. Because her EPA grant ended in January, Wilson added, "I am not currently affected by the directive regardless."

Reprinted from Greenwire with permission from E&E News. Copyright 2020. E&E provides essential news for energy and environment professionals at www.eenews.net

Posted in:
Science and Policy

Sean Reilly, E&E News

Sean writes about air quality policy and regulations for E&E News.
Government of Canada publishes new regulations to prevent harassment and violence in federal workplaces

Employment and Social Development Canada

GATINEAU, QC, June 24, 2020 /CNW/ - All Canadians deserve a workplace free from harassment and violence. That is why the Government of Canada took action through Bill C-65, the federal anti-harassment and violence legislation, to help keep Canadian workers in federally regulated workplaces, including the most vulnerable, safe.

Today, the Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister of Labour, is announcing an important step toward a strengthened federal framework that protects workers, while also supporting employers. The Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations (the Regulations) are now published in Part II of the Canada Gazette and will come into force, along with the legislation, on January 1, 2021.

The Regulations outline the essential elements of a workplace harassment and violence prevention policy, as well as the procedures that must be in place to respond to incidents of harassment and violence if they do occur. This includes:
timeframes for resolution to better support the complainant and alleged individual;
confidentiality of all parties involved, including witnesses, throughout the investigation;
protection for employees victimized by a third party (for example, an employee harassed by a client);
the qualifications of a competent person to investigate and provide recommendations;
employer obligations to implement corrective measures in response to the investigation report of a competent person;
clearly outlining the existing and new roles of the workplace committee; and
support to be provided for employees who have experienced workplace harassment and violence.

These regulations will support federal employers in their efforts to ensure comprehensive policies and procedures that workers both expect and deserve are in place in advance of the coming into force date. The Government worked closely with Canadians and stakeholders—including employers and employees, unions, and health and safety representatives in federally regulated industries, as well as subject matter experts, advocacy groups and Indigenous partners—on the Regulations and will continue this important work as we move toward implementation.


"Today, we're taking an important step forward to ensure that federally regulated workplaces—including the federally regulated private sector, the federal public service and parliamentary workplaces—are free from harassment and violence, including sexual harassment and sexual violence. Every worker deserves a safe workplace, and by working together, we can make that a reality."
– The Honourable Filomena Tassi, Minister of Labour

"Every Canadian has the right to work in a healthy, respectful and safe environment. The Government of Canada is committed to ensuring that all federally regulated workplaces, including the public service, are free from harassment and violence of any kind. The new Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations announced today will thereby enable employees and employers to more readily know their rights and duties and will strengthen the measures to prevent and address all forms of misconduct in the workplace."
– The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, President of the Treasury Board of Canada

Quick Facts
Bill C-65 defines harassment and violence as "any action, conduct or comment, including of a sexual nature, that can reasonably be expected to cause offence, humiliation or other physical or psychological injury or illness to an employee, including any prescribed action, conduct or comment."
Through Budget 2018, the Government committed $34.9 million over five years, starting in 2018–19, with $7.4 million per year ongoing, to support Bill C-65, of which $3.5 million annually is dedicated to grants and contributions through the Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Fund. There are seven projects receiving funding through the new fund, which was announced last year on International Women's Day.
On September 1, 2019, a number of changes to Part III (Standard Hours, Wages, Vacations and Holidays) of the Canada Labour Code came into force and include new leaves such as leave for victims of family violence of up to 10 days (first 5 days paid for employees with at least 3 months of service). Offering a leave for family violence also advances the Government's commitment to address gender-based violence.
International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 190 concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work was adopted by the ILO in June 2019. The Government is now consulting with the provinces and territories on ratifying ILO Convention 190.

Associated Links

Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations
Requirements for employers to prevent harassment and violence in federally regulated workplaces
Federal anti-harassment and violence legislation receives Royal Assent
Government of Canada announces program to provide $3.5 million in annual funding to prevent workplace harassment and violence

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SOURCE Employment and Social Development Canada

For further information: For media enquiries, please contact: Dustin Fitzpatrick, Press Secretary, Office of the Honourable Filomena Tassi, P.C., M.P., Minister of Labour, 819-654-5611, dustin.fitzpatrick@labour-travail.gc.ca; Media Relations Office, Employment and Social Development Canada, 819-994-5559, media@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca
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Investing in Wildland Fire Research to Protect Canadians

Natural Resources Canada

EDMONTON, AB, June 24, 2020 /CNW/ - The health of Canada's forests keeps our economy strong, sustains good jobs, and preserves our environment. That is why the Government of Canada is making investments to reduce wildland fire risks and protect Canadians living in or near forests and grasslands communities.

The Honourable Seamus O'Regan, Canada's Minister of Natural Resources, today announced an investment of $5 million towards the development of a Wildland Fire Research Network in Canada in collaboration with the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). They will work closely with the Canadian Partnership for Wildland Fire Science, based at the University of Alberta.

To increase Canada's expertise in wildland fire science, this network will invest in the development of 68 wildland fire professionals in master's, PhD and post-doctoral fellowship programs. Through the network, they will have the opportunity to innovate in fire management to reduce the risks of Canada's wildland fire and protect Canadians.

This project is part of a $151.23 million federal investment in the Emergency Management Strategy (EMS) for Canada announced in Budget 2019, to strengthen Canadians' ability to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters and climate-related emergencies. This network was also one of the 15 recommendations outlined in the Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada to increase capacity for research in wildland fire science. This investment responds to provincial and territorial calls for increased federal investment in wildfire science and innovation.

The Government of Canada is investing in our natural resource sectors to boost innovation and increase our expertise while protecting our communities and forests.


"With climate change, wildfires are increasing in frequency and magnitude so we must learn to live with them and better manage them. That is precisely what this network will do by harnessing diverse scientific expertise across Canada, enabling us to better understand wildfire and develop new fire management knowledge and tools to address this very complex issue. The University of Alberta is very proud and honoured to have been chosen to host this vital network, and I thank the federal government for investing in such a very important initiative."

Walter Dixon
University of Alberta Interim Vice-President Research and Innovation

"NSERC is proud to partner with the Canadian Forest Service and support this multidisciplinary network of researchers and partners working together to address the increasing challenges that Canada faces from wildland fires. The diverse and complementary expertise of this R&D collaboration is generating new knowledge and providing valuable training opportunities, which will help increase Canada's national research capacity in fire science."

Marc Fortin
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Vice-President of Research Partnerships

"Climate change is increasing wildland fires in Canada. Our fire seasons are now longer, more severe, and more dangerous than ever. We have to continue to reduce the risk that fires pose to people, communities, and infrastructure. That is exactly what this investment will do."

The Honourable Seamus O'Regan
Canada's Minister of Natural Resources

Associated Links

Emergency Management Strategy for Canada

Blueprint for Wildland Fire Science in Canada

Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy

Follow us on Twitter: @NRCan (http://twitter.com/nrcan)

NRCan's news releases and backgrounders are available at www.news.gc.ca.

SOURCE Natural Resources Canada

For further information: Ian Cameron, Press Secretary, Office of the Minister of Natural Resources, 343-292-6837, Ian.Cameron@canada.ca; Media Relations, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, 343-292-6100, NRCan.media.RNCan@canada.ca
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Discovering an exoplanet the size of Neptune Espace pour la vie

Astrophysicists detect the orb hidden in the dust and gas debris around the young star AU Microscopii

MONTRÉAL, June 25, 2020 /CNW Telbec/ - An exoplanet the size of Neptune has been discovered around the young star AU Microscopii, thanks in part to the work of Jonathan Gagné, a former iREx Banting postdoctoral researcher who is now a scientific advisor at the Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan.

Astrophysicists have been searching for exoplanets in this system, a unique laboratory for studying planetary formation, for more than a decade. The breakthrough, announced today in Nature, was made possible in part by NASA's TESS and Spitzer space telescopes.

Artist’s representation of the planet (foreground) and its star (background). Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. (CNW Group/Espace pour la vie)

Jonathan Gagné at the summit of Mauna Kea, where astrophysicists have been making observations since 2010 at the NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) to find planets around AU Mic. Credit: Jonathan Gagné. (CNW Group/Espace pour la vie)

Artist’s rendition of AU Mic b, a planet similar in size to Neptune, but possibly more massive (at most 3.4 times the size of Neptune, according to ground observations). Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. (CNW Group/Espace pour la vie)

The surface of small stars like AU Mic is often covered with sunspots and stellar flares, making the detection of planets around them very challenging. Credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. (CNW Group/Espace pour la vie)

Located about 32 light-years from Earth, AU Microscopii, or AU Mic, is a young star between 20 and 30 million years old, which is about 180 times younger than our own Sun. In the 2000s, it was found to still be surrounded by a large disc of debris, a remnant of its formation. Since then, astrophysicists have been actively searching for planets around AU Mic, since it is within such discs of dust and gas that they form.

"AU Mic is a small star, with only about 50 per cent of the Sun's mass," said Gagné, who participated in the observations and data processing. These stars generally have very strong magnetic fields, which make them very active. This explains in part why it took nearly 15 years to detect the exoplanet, called AU Mic b. The numerous spots and eruptions on the surface of AU Mic hampered its detection, which was already complicated by the presence of the disc."

In 2010, a team led by Peter Plavchan, now an assistant professor at George Mason University, began observing AU Mic from the ground using NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF).
The telescope operates in the infrared, where the team hoped to see the signal of the planet better, since the star's activity is less intense in this type of light.

For his part, Gagné made numerous observational trips to the IRFT during his doctoral studies. That is when he became involved in the project.

"A few years after I joined the team, we noticed a possible periodic variation in the radial velocity of AU Mic," he recalled. "We were thus made aware of the plausible presence of a planet around it."

As a planet orbits, its gravity tugs on its host star, which moves slightly in response. Sensitive spectrographs such as the one on the IRTF can detect the star's radial velocity, its motion to-and-fro along our line of sight.

Space telescopes to the rescue
The accuracy of the data obtained on the ground was unfortunately not sufficient to confirm without a doubt that the signal was due to an exoplanet. It's thanks to the transit method, a different detection technique, that the team was finally able to confirm the presence of AU Mic b.

A transit occurs when a planet passes directly between its host star and the viewer, periodically hiding a small fraction of its light. Astronomers observed two transits of AU Mic b during NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) first mission, in the summer of 2018. They then observed two more with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope in 2019.

Since the amount of light blocked depends on the size of the exoplanet and its distance from its star, these observations allowed scientists to determine that AU Mic b is about the size of Neptune, and that it passes in front of its star every 8.5 days.

Thanks to previous ground-based observations, the team also has a partial constraint on the mass of AU Mic b. Combining IRTF's observations with data obtained at the European Southern Observatory in Chile and the W. M. Keck Observatory in Hawai'i, they concluded that its mass is less than about 3.4 times the mass of Neptune (or 58 times that of Earth).

A unique laboratory
AU Mic provides a unique laboratory to determine how exoplanets and their atmospheres form, and how they interact with the disc of debris and gas from which they are born.

Scientists are excited about their latest discovery, as very few systems like AU Mic are known. Not only is the detection of exoplanets difficult in these systems, but they are also very rare because a system's period of planetary formation is relatively short compared to the life of a star.

The AU Mic system is close to Earth and therefore appears brighter, allowing astrophysicists to observe it with a range of instruments, such as the SPIRou spectrograph.

"This instrument, with its polarimetric capabilities, will allow us to better distinguish the effects of stellar activity, which are often confused with the signal from the planets," said Étienne Artigau, a project scientist at Université de Montréal. "This will allow us to determine the mass of AU Mic b accurately and to know if this exoplanet is more like a large Earth or a Neptune twin."

Other iREx astronomers are enthusiastic about trying to detect the planet's atmosphere, and see the effect of the active star on it. These observations can also be accomplished with SPIRou.

AU Mic is part of an association of young stars that formed at about the same time in the same place. Beta Pictoris, the star that gives its name to this association, also has a disc and two known planets. Both the star and the planets are however considerably more massive (1.75 times the mass of the Sun, and 11 and nine times the mass of Jupiter, respectively), but they do not appear to have evolved in the same way as AU Mic and its planet. Studying these two systems, which have many characteristics in common, scientists can compare two very different scenarios of planetary formation.

Many surprises undoubtedly still hide within AU Mic's system, the iREX researchers believe. Will further observations of the system with TESS confirm the existence of other planets? Is the atmosphere of the planet outgassing because of the strong stellar activity? How does this system compare to others of the same age? Those are all questions for future study.

This video presents the discovery of AU Mic b. Credit NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre.

About this study
"A planet within the debris disk around the pre-main-sequence star AU Microscopii" was published on June 25, 2020 in Nature. In addition to Jonathan Gagné (iREx, Université de Montréal, Space for Life), the research team includes first author Peter Plavchan from George Mason University; second author Thomas Barclay, an associate research scientist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and an associate project scientist for TESS at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; and 82 other co-authors, including former iREx member David Berardo, now a PhD student at MIT.

Espace pour la vie is made up of four attractions on the same site: the Biodôme, Insectarium,
Jardin botanique and Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan. These four prestigious municipal institutions form Canada's largest natural science museum complex. Together, they are launching a daring, creative urban movement, encouraging all of us to rethink the connection between humankind and nature and cultivate a new way of living.

Press kit and visuals: https://bit.ly/étoileAUMicroscopii

SOURCE Espace pour la vie

For further information: MEDIA CONTACTS: Marie-Eve Naud, Scientific and EPO Coordinator, Institute for research on exoplanets, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 514-279-3222 naud@astro.umontreal.ca; Nathalie Ouellette, Coordinator, Institute for Research on Exoplanets, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada, 613-531-1762 nathalie@astro.umontreal.ca; Pamela Daoust, Communications Officer, Montréal Space for Life, Montréal, Canada, 514-250-7753 pamela.daoust@montreal.ca; SCIENTIFIC CONTACT: Jonathan Gagné, Scientific Advisor, Planétarium Rio Tinto Alcan | Montréal Space for Life, Montréal, Canada
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CAPSA releases new agreement on multi-jurisdictional pension plans

Morneau Shepell Inc.

An in-depth look at this and other subjects are covered in the current issue of the Morneau Shepell News & Views.

TORONTO, June 25, 2020 /CNW/ - Morneau Shepell released the June 2020 issue of its monthly newsletter, News & Views, in which the company looks at the following topics:
CAPSA revises multi-jurisdictional pension plans agreement – The Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) has revised its Agreement Respecting Multi-Jurisdictional Pension Plans. The revised agreement includes new funding rules, asset allocation requirements and annuity purchase rules. Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and the federal government have signed the new multi-jurisdictional agreement, which comes into effect on July 1, 2020.
FSRA sets rules for commuted value transfers – The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) has issued new guidance on commuted value transfers and annuity purchases for Ontario-registered defined benefit pension plans. FSRA sets out two processes for approval of commuted value payouts, specifically an expedited review process for qualifying plans and an in-depth review process. FSRA also indicates its expectations where a plan administrator chooses not to apply for permission to make commuted value transfers, and sets out criteria for when a pension plan may resume making commuted value transfers.
Federal government introduces moratorium on special payments – The federal government has adopted a regulation to provide temporary, short-term solvency funding relief for federally regulated defined benefit pension plans. Under the new regulation, no solvency special payment instalments are required from May 27, 2020 until December 30, 2020. Relief is also available for employers who made special payments from April 1, 2020 to May 27, 2020.
OSFI eases requirements for commuted value transfers – The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has revised its Directives of the Superintendent to ease the restrictions on portability transfers for members who are retirement eligible. OSFI will provide automatic consent to portability transfers to locked-in retirement savings vehicles for members who are eligible to retire, subject to certain conditions.
Tracking the funded status of pension plans as at May 31, 2020 – Morneau Shepell describes the funded status of pension plans since December 31, 2019 based on three typical investment portfolios. A graph shows the changes in the financial position of a typical defined benefit plan since the end of 2019. A table shows the impact of past returns on plan assets and the effect of interest rate changes on solvency liabilities of a medium duration pension plan.
The impact of pension expense under international accounting as at May 31, 2020 – Morneau Shepell has shown the evolution of the pension expense for a typical defined benefit pension plan. Since the beginning of the year, the pension expense has remained quite stable, despite the financial markets turmoil.

About Morneau Shepell
Morneau Shepell is a leading provider of technology-enabled HR services that deliver an integrated approach to employee wellbeing through our cloud-based platform. Our focus is providing world-class solutions to our clients to support the mental, physical, social and financial wellbeing of their people. By improving lives, we improve business. Our approach spans services in employee and family assistance, health and wellness, recognition, pension and benefits administration, retirement consulting, actuarial and investment services. Morneau Shepell employs approximately 6,000 employees who work with some 24,000 client organizations that use our services in 162 countries. Morneau Shepell is a publicly traded company on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX: MSI). For more information, visit morneaushepell.com.

SOURCE Morneau Shepell Inc.

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HempFusion® Participates and Sponsors Industry Leading Study on CBD and Human Health

Hemp Fusion

DENVER, Colo., June 25, 2020 /CNW/ - HempFusion® ("the Company"), a leading dietary supplements company focused on products that contain Hemp/CBD in the United States with distribution of its family of brands to approximately 4,000 retailers across 47 states, is pleased to announce the sponsorship and participation in ValidCare's scientific study that addresses the Food and Drug Administration's ("FDA") previous questions about CBD products. ValidCare will be conducting a human trial and study to determine if daily use of full-spectrum hemp-derived CBD or CBD isolate has any impact on the human liver. HempFusion is one of ten select CBD companies sponsoring and participating in ValidCare's ground breaking study.

"We are excited that HempFusion is one of the select companies participating in this study as they have demonstrated leadership in regulatory compliance and concern for consumer safety," stated Patrick McCarthy, CEO of ValidCare. "What makes this study unique is we are capturing real world evidence from real consumers, specifically on how they use CBD products and how their bodies react to those products, particularly with respect to liver safety. We believe this real world evidence is important to the FDA and could be used to guide policy moving forward," continued McCarthy.

ValidCare expects the study to begin in the third quarter of 2020 and targets completion by the end of the year. The third-party scientific data generated from the companies participating in this study is intended to address some of the FDA's specific requests about CBD products.

"We are incredibly proud to participate in ValidCare's study and help advance scientific research surrounding CBD", stated Jason Mitchell, N.D., Co-CEO of HempFusion. "As a Company, we are built on a foundation of regulatory compliance as well as consumer safety and participation in this study helps establish HempFusion as a leader in the global CBD industry", continued Mitchell.


HempFusion is a premium wellness company featuring dietary supplements including hemp-based cannabidiol ("CBD") with distribution of its family of brands to approximately 4,000 retailers across 47 US states. The Company strives to maintain the highest level of compliance in the industry. HempFusion's wide variety of 25+ CBD products with a full spectrum of cannabinoids and other constituents are sourced from quality phytocompounds manufactured under cGMP standards designed to attain efficacy and safety. HempFusion's primary focus is formulating and marketing premium consumer-specific product lines with various delivery methods, across multiple distribution platforms. The Company's CBD products are based on a proprietary Whole Food Panoramic Full-Spectrum Hemp Complex™ and are available through independently owned and national chain health food stores, or by visiting www.hempfusion.com.


Validcare provides clinical research outsourcing (CRO) and consumer intelligence solutions for the consumer packaged goods (CPG) and life sciences industries. Validcare's proprietary platform supports virtual research powered by real world evidence (RWE). This includes self reported consumer data to deliver insights that help improve research, regulations, product development and consumer health. For more information, visit http://www.validcare.com or call 844-825-4322.

SOURCE Hemp Fusion

For further information: Investor Relations, Email: ir@hempfusion.com, Phone: 416-803-5638, Web: https://www.hempfusion.com/corporate-information/
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Hemp Fusion

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2020 Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada announced by 
Corporate Knights Inc. 

Clean revenues growing twice as fast as regular revenues

TORONTO, June 25, 2020 /CNW/ - Corporate Knights Inc. today released the 19th annual Best 50 Corporate Citizens 

Canada ranking. Selected from a pool of 273 Canadian companies, including all those with revenues over $1 billion – each evaluated on a set of up to 21 environmental, social and governance indicators, relative to their industry peers and using publicly available information – the Best 50 companies set the standard for sustainability leadership in Canada.

The top-ranked company in this year's Best 50 was Mountain Equipment Co-op. The outdoor good retailer earned the top spot due to a strong mix of environmentally friendly and fair-trade-certified products (representing 12% of its overall revenues). Mountain Equipment Co-op also had a leading CEO-to-average-worker pay ratio (15:1, about 20 times lower than its average peer) and strong executive gender diversity with women making up 50% of its senior management team.

This year, Corporate Knights completed additional analysis of revenue growth. It found that clean revenues tied to sustainable solutions, which reached $92 billion this year, were growing twice as fast as regular revenues. On a year-over-year basis, clean revenues shot up 14% versus 7% for revenues in general.

"The Best 50 Corporate Citizens have shown their mettle this year, providing needed relief for workers and communities during the pandemic and now stepping up to build back better post-COVID," said Toby Heaps, CEO of Corporate Knights.

On average, the Best 50 Corporate Citizens earned five times more clean revenue, were three times as likely to link executive pay to sustainability outcomes, had 50% more female executives and had a CEO-average-worker pay ratio half that of their large-company peers.


2020 Best 50

Avg. Large Company*
2020 Best 50
Avg. Large Company*
CEO-to-worker pay ratio
Women on board of directors %
Women among senior executives %
Exec. compensation link to sustainability % (y/n)
Clean revenue %

*All Canadian companies with more than $1 billion in FY2018 revenue excluding Best 50

This year's Best 50 Corporate Citizens will be recognized in Toronto at a virtual gala hosted by Corporate Knights. Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau will welcome attendees with opening remarks, to be followed by a discussion on how we can build back better post-COVID, featuring some of Canada's leading CEOs.

For full list and methodology, go to https://www.corporateknights.com/reports/best-50/

About Corporate Knights: Corporate Knights Inc. includes the sustainable business magazine Corporate Knights and a research division that produces rankings and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance. Corporate Knights was named Magazine of the Year at the National Magazine Awards in 2013 and won the SABEW Canada Silver Award for Investigative Reporting in 2019.

SOURCE Corporate Knights Inc.

For further information: Toby Heaps, CEO, Corporate Knights Phone: +1 (416) 274-1432, Email: toby@corporateknights.com
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Corporate Knights Inc.

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Impact investing, employee satisfaction and sustainable revenue sources earn The Co-operators a spot among the Top 5 corporate citizens in Canada 

For the eleventh consecutive year, the financial services co-operative has been recognized as a Corporate Knights Best 50 Corporate Citizen in Canada


The Co-operators

GUELPH, ON, June 25, 2020 /CNW/ - In an annual ranking issued by Corporate Knights that measures companies' environmental, social, and governance–related performance, The Co-operators was recognized for leadership in sustainability, earning the #4 spot. 2020 marks the eleventh consecutive year The Co-operators has been included in this national ranking, including holding the #1 spot in 2019 and 2011.

"This recognition as a meaningful contributor to a sustainable economy is an important reflection of our commitment to helping to build more resilient communities," says Rob Wesseling, President and CEO of The Co-operators. "At a time when many people are experiencing significant challenges and uncertainty, the case for sustainability is clear. It enables us to navigate complexity and crises guided by a collaborative, long-term view of success – not only for our co-operative, but for all Canadians."

Highlights of The Co-operators 2019 sustainability performance include:
Products and services that enable a sustainable, low-carbon, resilient society (including its overland flood product, Comprehensive Water)
Leadership in impact investing, with $2.07 billion invested at the end of 2019, representing 19.4% of its invested assets
Strong employee retention rate of 91%

More details about The Co-operators sustainability, governance and financial performance can be found in its 2019 Integrated Annual Report. New this year, The Co-operators has also issued its inaugural Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Report, Managing Climate-related Risks and Opportunities available online at cooperators.ca/reports.

About The Co-operators:
The Co-operators Group Limited is a Canadian co-operative with more than $47.3 billion in assets under administration. Through its group of companies, it offers home, auto, life, group, travel, commercial and farm insurance, as well as investment products. The Co-operators is well known for its community involvement and its commitment to sustainability. The Co-operators is ranked as a Corporate Knights' Best 50 Corporate Citizen in Canada and listed among the Best Employers in Canada by Kincentric (formerly AON). For more information, visit www.cooperators.ca.

SOURCE The Co-operators

For further information: media@cooperators.ca
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New report outlines structural barriers and opportunities for Indigenous Peoples
Diversity Institute at Ryerson University

TORONTO, June 25, 2020 /CNW/ - A new report - Mapping the Landscape: Indigenous Skills Training and Jobs in Canada - from the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and the Diversity Institute reveals gaps in employment for Indigenous peoples. Gaps that are being amplified by COVID 19. Indigenous youth are the fastest growing segment of the population - more than 350,000 will come of age by 2026. A focus on quality, targeted, and culturally appropriate education, skills and training targeting Indigenous people, could boost the country's economy by $27.7 billion annually.

The report is part of the Skills Next Project, a collaboration of the Public Policy Forum and the Diversity Institute at Ryerson's Ted Rogers School of Management —supported by the Future Skills Centre, which explores a number of the most important issues currently impacting the skills and employment ecosystem in Canada.

Systemic barriers and discrimination facing Indigenous people have been well- documented: even at higher numeracy and literacy skill levels, First Nations people still have a significantly lower probability of employment (75 percent) than Métis (87 percent) or non-Indigenous (90 percent) people. Notably, even lower-skilled non-Indigenous people have a higher probability of employment than First Nations people (87 percent). Workplace bullying and discrimination causes some Indigenous peoples to leave employment. Other studies have shown that the likelihood of success increases when training is culturally appropriate, engaging in land-based training and including wrap-around supports.

"COVID 19 has exacerbated existing disparities in the employment and skills ecosystem and Indigenous communities are among the hardest hit which lack much of the essential infrastructure to respond – including educational supports, broadband infrastructure and the social and economic resources to adapt," said Andrew Avgerinos, Research Associate, Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business and report co-author.

Despite the challenges, there are many bright spots. With earlier intervention and pre-employment training; culturally appropriate programming to upgrade essential skills as well as wrap-around services such as transportation support and affordable, accessible childcare, rates of employment and success can be significantly improved.

Indigenous businesses are growing and — importantly — creating employment for others. Self-employment and entrepreneurship are increasing, in fact, Indigenous women are starting businesses at twice the rate of non-Indigenous women. If there is an opportunity for the next generation, and for current adult workers, to leapfrog into the future of Canadian work, it may very well be through Indigenous-led business. At the same time, they are also disproportionately affected by COVID. They tend to be in services industries, smaller and under-financed making them far more vulnerable.

"We need to take action to ensure we do not lose the gains that have been made, " said Ashley Richard, Indigenous Partnership Coordinator for the Women's Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub at the Diversity Institute. "We need more granularity on the data on Indigenous peoples skills and employment and experience as entrepreneurs in order to steer evidence-driven policy. A better understanding of the nature of Indigenous labour market data gaps, what works to close them and the many untold success stories can improve opportunities for Indigenous peoples and boost Canada's economic and social development."

SOURCE Diversity Institute at Ryerson University

For further information: Diversity Institute, Kathleen Powderley, Email: kathleen@responsiblecomm.ca

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Diversity Institute at Ryerson University