Saturday, August 29, 2020

Freud's Vienna private rooms open, bereft of furnitureIssued on: 29/08/2020 -

Sigmund Freud's private rooms in Vienna are open to the public after renovations 

Vienna (AFP)

All of Sigmund Freud's private rooms in Vienna opened to the public on Saturday -- though they are devoid of any furniture since the Jewish founder of psychoanalysis took everything with him when he fled to London during World War II.

"We are dealing with an exhibition showing that there is nothing left here," architect Herman Czech told journalists this week ahead of the Sigmund Freud Museum's re-opening after 18 months of renovations.
"Bringing back the sofa from London would have been a falsification of history," he added, referring to the famous couch, on which Freud diagnosed his patients.

So the rooms -- increasing the exhibition space from 280 to 550 square meters (330 to 660 square yards) in a bourgeois building in Vienna's posh ninth district -- contain only a few personal items.

Those include Freud's books, his tanned satchel and his box of chess and tarot games in light wood.The famous Viennese doctor, theorist, art collector, publisher and writer stayed at Berggasse 19 between 1891 and 1938 with his home on the first floor adjoining his practise.

Only the waiting room, which could already be visited previously, still has its original furniture.

When he left for exile in London in 1938, threatened by the Nazis because he was Jewish, Freud took away most of the other furniture -- the absence of which reflects "the loss of culture and humanity" of the Hitler-annexed Austria, according to Czech.

As part of the permanent exhibitions now open to the public, the fate of Freud's dozens of neighbours deported to concentration camps is also discussed.

Director Monika Pessler says the newly renovated and enlarged museum, tracing Freud's work and life with photos and films and including a library, aims to bring to life his teachings.

Freud died at the age of 83 in 1939.

The museum first opened in 1971 with the blessings of Freud's youngest daughter, Anna.

It welcomed nearly 110,000 visitors -- 90 percent from abroad -- in 2018 before it closed for works.

Its reopening originally planned for earlier this year was delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.

       As a psychological instrument introduced into psychotherapy, Tarot has an uncanny ability to reflect and predict subjective experience.  While beyond the scope of this paper, I have detailed Tarot’s therapeutic assests in the following ways: (1) its essential visuality and nonverbality in the service of envisioning; (2) its economy, complexity, and condensation in the service of brevity;  (3) its multidimensionality and relative simplicity in the service of “depth perception”; (4) its inherent numinosity and evocative powers that stimulate emotional arousal, and  (5) its intentionality and extraordinary versatility in the service of therapeutic utility and efficacy.2   I would add to this list a sixth, namely, its cross-cultural appeal and accessibility, particularly as an “image-net”  it is not burdened by language like virtually all other schools.
           There is a certain historical irony along such party lines, one which I believe has very little to do with Tarot cards per se, but much to do with the modernist dismissal of anything thought to be ‘occult.’  Why should this be?   It is known, for instance, that of the two psychological giants of the 20th century, it was Sigmund Freud who had firsthand experience with Tarot, not Carl Jung.  As a dabbler in Kabbala, the occult dimension of esoteric Judaism believed by many to form the basis of Tarot, Freud apparently regularly experimented with Tarot cards early in his career.  In fact Bakan (1958) suggests this arcane symbolic tool contributed significantly to Freud’s early formulation of the unconscious:
Participation in the B’nai B’rith in Vienna was one of the very few recreations that Freud permitted himself–among his recreations was his weekly game of taroc [sic], a popular card game based on Kaballa.  It was there that he first presented his ideas on dream interpretation.3
   This information however was suppressed, Bakan conjectures, due to the fierce anti-semitism that pervaded Viennese society at the time.  Sigmund Freud and Tarot cards, who would think?  Jung, on the other hand, the accomplished scholar and enthusiast of a great range of esoteric topics, by all indications was never adequately schooled in Tarot.  In fact, throughout his voluminous writings addressing so many related systems, only one mention of Tarot is ever made, to wit in The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious,  [paragraph 81] Jung remarks:

Astrology, Tarot Cards and Psychotherapy
With psychotherapists’ encouragement, troubled people are seeking solace in pseudoscientific practices such as astrology and tarot cards
Anarchy and Communism

Carlo Cafiero
At a congress held in Paris by the Centre region, one speaker, who stood out because of his
fierceness against anarchists, said: “Communism and anarchy would scream to find themselves
Another speaker who also spoke against anarchists, though less harshly, cried out, in speaking
of economic equality:
“How can liberty be violated, if equality exists?”
Well! I think that both speakers are wrong.
There can absolutely be economic equality, without having liberty in the slightest. Certain
religious communities are living proof of this, because the most complete equality exists there as
well as despotism. Complete equality, because the leader dresses himself in the same cloth and
eats at the same table as the others; he distinguishes himself in no other way than by his right to
command. And the supporters of the “Popular state?” If they did not meet obstacles of any sort,
I am certain that they would eventually achieve perfect equality, but at the same time as perfect
despotism, because, let us not forget, the despotism of the present State would augment economic
despotism of all capital that passed through the hands of the State, and all would be multiplied
by all the centralization necessary to this new State. And that is why we, the anarchists, friends
of liberty, propose an all-out attack on them.
Thus, contrary to what was said, we have perfect reason to fear for liberty, even where equality
exists; though there can be no fear for equality anywhere where true liberty exists, that is to say,
Finally, anarchy and communism, far from screaming to find themselves together, would
scream at not finding themselves together, because these two terms, synonyms of liberty and
equality, are the two necessary and indivisible terms of the revolution.
Our ideal revolutionary is very simple, we will see: he is composed, like all of our predecessors,
of these two terms: liberty and equality. Only there is a slight difference.
Educated by the dodging that reactionaries of all sorts and of all times have done of liberty
and equality, we are wise to place next to these two terms an expression of their exact value.
We thus place, next to these two terms: liberty and equality, two equivalents of which the clear
significance cannot give rise to ambiguity, and we say: “We want liberty, that is to say, anarchy,
and equality, that is to say, communism.”
Carlo Cafiero

Anarchy today is an attack, a war against all authority, against all power, against all States. In
future societies, anarchy will be a defense, the prevention brought against the reestablishment
of all authority, of all power, of any State: full and entire liberty of the individual who, freely
and pushed only by his needs, by his tastes and his liking, combines with other individuals in
groups or partnership; free development of partnership which federates itself with others in the
commune or in the neighborhood; free development of communes which federate themselves in
the region – and so on: regions in the nation, nations in humanity.
Communism, the question that occupies us most specifically today, is the second point of our
ideal revolutionary.
Communism today is still an attack; it is not the destruction of authority, but the taking, in
the name of humanity, of all the wealth that exists on the globe. In the society of the future, communism will be the enjoyment of all existing wealth, by all men and according to the principle:
From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs, that is to say: from each to
each according to his will.

It is necessary to remark – and this responds to our adversaries, authoritarian and statist communists – that the taking of possession and the enjoyment of all existing wealth must be, according to us, the doing of the people themselves. The people, humanity, not being individuals

capable of seizing wealth and taking it into their own two hands, we must conclude, it is true,
that it is necessary, for this reason, to institute a ruling class, of representatives and agents of
the common wealth. But we do not share this opinion. No intermediaries, no representatives
who always end up representing nobody but themselves! No moderators of equality, moreover,
no moderators of liberty! No new government, no new state, whether it calls itself popular or
democratic, revolutionary or provisional.
The common wealth being disseminated over the whole world, all rights to it belonging to
the entirety of humanity, those thus who find themselves on the level of this wealth and in a
position to use it will use it in common. People of such a land will use the planet, the machines,
the workshops, the houses, etc., of the land and will serve everyone in common of them. Parts of
humanity, they will exercise here, de facto and directly, their right to a part of the human wealth.
But if a resident of Peking came into this land, he would find himself with the same rights as the
others: he would enjoy with the others all the richness of the country, in the same way that he
did at Peking.
He was thus quite confused, that speaker who denounced anarchists as wanting to set up
property as belonging to corporations. Wouldn’t that be wonderful, if we had destroyed the State to replace it with a multitude of smaller States! To kill the monster with one head to entertain the monster with a thousand heads!
No, we have said it, and we will not stop saying it: no go-betweens, no brokers or helpful
servants who always end up becoming the true masters: we want all the wealth existent to be
taken directly by the people themselves and to be kept by their powerful hands, and that the
people themselves decide the best way to enjoy it, be it for production or consumption.
But people ask us: is communism applicable? Would we have enough products to let everyone
have the right to take as they wished, without demanding from individuals more labor than they
are willing to give?
We respond: yes. Certainly, we can apply this principle: from each according to their ability,
to each according to their need, because, in future societies, production will be so abundant that
there will be no need to limit consumption, or to demand from people more work than they are
willing or able to give.
Right now, we cannot even begin to imagine this immense growth in production, but we can
guess at it by examining the causes that will provoke it. These causes can be summed up in three
1. Harmony of cooperation in the different branches of human activity will replace today’s
fighting that translates into competition.
2. Large-scale introduction of all kinds of machines.
3. The considerable conservation of the forces of labor and of raw materials, facilitated by the
abolition of harmful or useless production.
Competition, fighting, is one of the fundamental principles of capitalist production, which has
as its motto: Mors tua vita mea, your death is my life. The ruin of one makes the fortune of another.
And this relentless fight happens from nation to nation, from region to region, from individual to
individual, between workers as well as between capitalists. It’s a war of the knife, a combat of all
forms: body to body, by groups, by squads, by army corps. A worker finds work where another
has lost it; one industry or many industries prosper where other industries decline.
needs of vanity and corruption!
And when all this force, all these materials, all these tools are used for industry, for the production of objects that themselves will serve to produce, what a prodigious growth in production
we will see appearing!
Yes, communism is applicable! We can of course let everyone take according to their will, since
there will be enough for everyone. We will no longer need to demand more work than anyone
wants to give, because there will always be enough products for tomorrow.
And it’s thanks to this abundance that work will lose the dreadful character of enslavement,
in leaving to it only the charm of a moral and physical need, like that of studying, of living with
This is not just to say that communism is possible; we can affirm that it is necessary. Not only
may we be communist; we must be communist, or else risk missing the point of the revolution.
In effect, after the collectivization of tools and raw materials, if we conserve the individual
appropriation of products of work, we will find ourselves forced to save money, subsequently
an accumulation of greater or lesser wealth, according more or less to merit, or rather, to the
skill, of individuals. Equality would thus have disappeared, because those who had managed
to accumulate more wealth would already have been thus elevated above the level of the others.
There would no longer remain more than one step before counter-revolutionaries could establish
the right of heritage. And, in effect, I heard a renowned socialist, a so-called revolutionary, who
supported the individual attribution of products, finish by saying that he saw no drawbacks of
a society that accepted the passing on of these products by inheritance: this, according to him,
would be unlikely to have any repercussions. For those of us who know closely the results at
which society has arrived with this accumulation of wealth and their passing on by inheritance,
there can be no doubt on this subject.
But the individual attribution of products would re-establish not only inequality among men,
but also inequality among different forms of work. We would almost immediately see the reappearance of “clean” and “dirty” work, of “noble” and “dreadful” work: the former would be done
by the rich, the latter would be the assignment of the poor. So it would no longer be calling and
taste that led a man to dedicate himself to one type of activity as opposed to another: it would be
self-interest, the hope of gaining more in a certain profession. In this way, laziness and diligence,
merit and lack of merit, good and bad, vice and virtue, and, by consequence, “reward” on one
hand and “punishment” on the other, the law, the judge, the henchman, the prison, would all
.There are socialists who cling to supporting the idea of individual attribution of products of
work, arguing the sense of justice.
Strange illusion! With collective work, that imposes upon us the necessity of large-scale production and large-scale implementation of machines, with this ever-growing tendency of modern work to serve itself of the work of preceding generations – how will we be able to determine
which parts of the product belong to whom? It’s absolutely impossible, and our adversaries themselves know this so well that they end up saying “Well, we will use as a basis for distribution the
hours spent working,” but, at the same time, they themselves admit that this would be unjust,
because three hours of work from Pierre might produce as much as five hours of work from
In the old days, we called ourselves “collectivists” because this was the word that distinguished
us from individualists and from authoritarian communists; but, in the end, we were all quite
simply anti-authoritarian communists, and, in calling ourselves “collectivists,” we thought we
were expressing by this name our idea that everything must be pooled, without distinguishing
between the instruments and materials of work and the products of collective work.
But, one day, we saw a new shade of socialists sprout up who, resuscitating the errors of the
past, admiring themselves philosophizing, distinguishing themselves on this question, finished
by making themselves the apostles of the following thesis:
“There exist,” they say, “use value and production value. Use value is that which we use to
satisfy our personal needs: the house we live in, the food we consume, clothing, books, etc., while
production value is that which we use to produce: it is the workshop, the sheds, the cowshed, the
warehouse, the machines and tools of all sorts of work, the sun, raw materials, etc. The former,
which serve to satisfy the needs of the individual,” they say, “must be attributed to the individual,
while the latter, which help everyone to produce, should be commonly owned.”
This is the newly discovered – or rather, renewed as needed – economic theory.
But I ask you, you who give the favorable title of “production value” to the carbon that feeds
machines, to the oil that serves to oil it, to the oil that illuminates its work – why do you refuse
this title to bread, to the meat I eat, to the oil with which I season my salad, to the gas that
illuminates my work, to all that aids the living and working of that most perfect of all machines,
the father of all machines: the man?
You class as production value the meadow and the stable that serve to shelter cows and horses,
and you exclude the houses and the gardens that serve the most noble of all the animals: the
Where is your logic?
Besides, you yourselves who imagine yourselves as the apostles of this theory, you know perfectly well that this demarcation does not exist in reality, and that if it is difficult to draw it today,
it will disappear completely the day that we are all producers as well as being consumers.
Thus, it is not this theory, we see, which could give a new force to the supporters of individual
attributions of the products of labor. This theory has only obtained one result: that of unmasking
the game of these few socialists who would like to limit the range of revolutionary thought; it
has opened our eyes and shown us the necessity of saying straight out that we are communists.
But finally, let’s address the one and only serious objection that our adversaries have brought
against communism.
We all agree that we are necessarily moving towards communism, but we observe that at the
beginning, products will not be abundant enough; it will be necessary to establish rations and to
divide up resources, and that the best part of the products of labor will be based on the quantity
of work that each person has done.
To this we respond that, in a future society, even when we are obligated to ration resources, we
must remain communists: this is to say that the rationing must be done according not to merits,
but to needs.
Take the family, that small model of communism (of an authoritarian communism more than
anarchist, it is true, which, besides, in our example, changes nothing).
In the family, let’s suppose that the father brings home a hundred cents every day, the eldest
son three francs, a younger boy forty cents, and the youngest only five cents a day. Each brings
this money to the mother who keeps the cash and feeds them. Everyone earns different amounts,
but at dinner, everyone serves themselves as they please according to their appetites; there is no
rationing. But the bad days come, and being entirely broke forces the mother to no longer rely
on the appetite and taste of each person for distribution at dinner. It is necessary to ration and,
be it by the initiative of the mother or by the tacit agreement of the whole table, the portions are
reduced. But see, this sharing does not happen according to earnings, because it’s the youngest
children who receive the most generous helpings, and the best piece of the meat is reserved for
the old woman who earns nothing at all. Even during a food shortage, the family operates on
the principle of rationing according to needs. Could it be otherwise in the human family of the
It is obvious that there would be more to say on this subject, if I were not speaking in front of
We cannot be anarchists without being communists. In effect, the slightest idea of limitation
already contains the seeds of authoritarianism. It could not be realized without immediately creating the law, the judge, the policeman.
We must be communists because it is in communism that we will realize true equality. We must
be communists because the people, who do not understand the collectivist sophistry, understand
communism perfectly, as our friends Reclus and Kropotkin have already remarked. We must be
communists, because we are anarchists, because anarchy and communism are the two terms
necessary for the revolution.
Gdansk deal and birth of Poland's Solidarity


Issued on: 29/08/2020 - 12:58

Striking workers at the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk, Poland, on August 20, 1980 

Warsaw (AFP)

Forty years ago, on August 31, 1980, strikers at Poland's Gdansk shipyard and the communist regime signed an historic deal enabling the creation of Solidarnosc (Solidarity), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union.

Unthinkable weeks earlier, the Gdansk agreement followed two months of social unrest across the central European country, which was sparked in July by an increase in meat prices.

Protests intensified on August 14, as 17,000 workers at the Lenin shipyard in Gdansk went on strike to demand, among other things, reinstatement of an employee, Anna Walentynowicz, who had been fired. Their demands for trade union freedom spread.

- Lech Walesa: charismatic orator -

Lech Walesa, a 35-year-old electrician at the yard who had been fired four years earlier for activism, scaled the huge site's outer wall and took the lead of the strikers, emerging as a charismatic speaker.

The management gave in very quickly on several points, but the strikers wanted more, and in particular the creation of free unions.

The strike quickly took on a political dimension with the arrival on site of dissident intellectuals, who adopt an advisory role to the strikers.

The workers had in their minds the bloody repression of the strikes of December 1970 -- the uprising at the Gdansk shipyards had led to the fall of the leader of the Communist Party, Wladyslaw Gomulka.

They were also well aware of the intervention by the Soviet leaders of the communist bloc in 1956 in Hungary and in 1968 in Czechoslovakia.

But they were spurred on by the legendary words "be not afraid" spoken a year earlier by Polish pope, John Paul II, during a visit to Warsaw, capital of the deeply Catholic country.

On August 17, the Interfactory Strike Committee (MKS) led by Walesa said 191 workplaces were on strike. By the end of the protests they would total 700.

Day and night the families and supporters pressed themselves against the closed gates of the shipyard bearing food, drinks, flowers and offering moral support.

Holy images lined the outer walls of the industrial site. Across the country masses were held in support of the strike.

"There was something behind our struggle, something like the will of God, in particular concerning my own role," Walesa, a staunch Catholic, would later say.

On August 22, deputy prime minister Mieczyslaw Jagielski headed a government delegation to Gdansk to negotiate. The talks were broadcast to the shipyard by loudspeakers.

- Accord on independent trades union -

On August 31, an AFP bulletin wrote of "an agreement between the authorities and the strike committee in Gdansk, Walesa announced".

On television Walesa then declared the end of the strike. He burst into the national anthem, with the deputy prime minister singing along with him.

"We have not got everything we wanted. But we have got what was possible in the current situation. And we will get the rest later," Walesa said.

The accord authorised an independent union -- a first in the entire Soviet bloc -- provided for the right to strike, a limit on censorship, salary increases, the broadcast of a Sunday mass on radio-television and the freeing of political prisoners.

"Up to now there was an understanding, in Poland as in all the other socialist countries, that the working class, being itself in power, had no reason to go on strike, nor to set up unions independent of the party it represents," AFP wrote at the time.

Signing of the agreement took place "in the shipyard's big conference room, decorated with a crucifix and a bust of Lenin, under the rattle of flashes and the roaring of television cameras from several countries," AFP reported. Walesa signed the document with a pen bearing the effigy of the pope.

The final negotiations were followed "by workers clumped together around the shipyard's loudspeakers, sitting on a pile of bricks, perched on makeshift benches," AFP wrote.

Some 18 months later, General Wojciech Jaruzelski decreed martial law to ban the union, which had managed to unite 10 million members.

Tens of thousands of union activists were arrested, including Walesa, who was detained for 11 months.

The union continued its activities underground before being legalised in 1989 as the communist bloc crumbled.

In October 1983 Walesa received the Nobel Peace Prize, before being elected president of Poland in 1990 at the country's first democratic election.

© 2020 AFP

Pence Praised A DHS Officer Killed During A Protest. He Didn't Mention He Was Allegedly Killed By A Far-Right Extremist.

Dave Patrick Underwood was allegedly killed by a gunman with ties to right-wing extremists during protests against police violence in Oakland.

Posted on August 27, 2020, at 12:16 a.m. ET

Vice President Mike Pence denounced "rioting and looting" while accepting his nomination during the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, but when he pointed to a federal officer killed in Oakland, he failed to mention that officer was allegedly killed by a far-right extremist.

Pence offered a message of "law and order" Wednesday night even as cities across the US continue to face massive protests against police killings of Black people, and attacked the Democratic nominee Joe Biden for not talking about the violence cities have faced.

"President Trump and I will always support the right of Americans to peaceful protest," Pence said. "Rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. Tearing down statues is not free speech. Those that do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law."

Pence praised law enforcement and then referenced Dave Patrick Underwood, an officer with the Department of Homeland Security's federal protective service who was shot and killed in May.

"He was shot and killed during the riots in Oakland, California," Pence said. "Dave's heroism is emblematic of the heroes that serve in blue every day."

The vice president's claim seemed to insinuate Underwood was killed as a result of or even at the hands of Oakland demonstrators who were marching against police brutality. What Pence didn't acknowledge, however, was that the suspect behind Underwood's killing is believed to have been a member of the right-wing extremist "boogaloo" movement and that, according to federal prosecutors, targeted the federal officer and used the cover of the protest hoping to spark anger, civil unrest, and a second Civil War.

But Pence made no mention of the suspected shooter's ties to right-wing extremists, and instead denounced violence that has erupted during Black Lives Matter protests.

"Last week, Joe Biden didn't say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across the country," Pence said. "Let me be clear: The violence must stop — whether in Minneapolis, Portland, or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died defending our freedoms to see Americans strike each other down."
RNC Video Showing Rioters In “Biden’s America” Is Actually Spain

The video is part of a pattern of Trump and his supporters portraying BLM protests as violent.
Jane LytvynenkoBuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 26, 2020, at 8:27 p.m. ET

Republican National Convention / Via

On the first night of the Republican National Convention, the party aired a segment featuring Catalina and Madeline Lauf warning of dire consequences if Democratic candidate Joe Biden is elected president.

“This is a taste of Biden’s America,” one sister says in a voiceover as images of protests play onscreen. “The rioting, the crime. Freedom is at stake now and this is going to be the most important election of our lifetime.”

The problem is that one of the images in the segment doesn’t show the US at all — it shows Spain.

As first reported by Catalonian public broadcaster CCMA and independently verified by BuzzFeed News, one of the four images of protests was filmed in October 2019 in Barcelona. Protests broke out in the city after Spanish courts sentenced Catalan separatist activists to prison. The image used during the RNC video showed fires burning in the streets. One of those same streets can be seen as being in Barcelona by using Google Street View.

Other images of protests in the segment show footage of a march in Brooklyn, a car on fire in Chicago, and drone footage of a tree on fire in an intersection in New York. The final, and most striking, shot is the one from Barcelona.

Screenshot / Shutterstock / Via

BuzzFeed News was able to find identical footage on Shutterstock, a website that’s a common source for stock images and videos. In this case, the Barcelona footage used in the RNC segment is described as “Young rebel riot revolutionary anarchist.” Although that video doesn’t specify the location it was shot in, another angle shot by Getty Images does.

The Trump campaign did not respond to a request for comment.

Screenshot / Shutterstock / Via

Protests have been raging around the country and the world since May, spurred by the police killing of George Floyd. Protests being portrayed as cities in chaos is a consistent frame from Republicans and the Trump administration, despite people on the ground saying it does not match reality. While some protesters do vandalize property or set fires, people (in Portland, for example) have said that it’s law enforcement exacerbating conflicts.

In some instances, violent actions have been attributed to white supremacists attempting to cause more violence. Yet the portrayal of the protests as violent has also led to armed counterprotesters taking to the streets and resulted in numerous clashes.

In Kenosha, Wisconsin, protests broke out this week after Jacob Blake, a Black man, was shot several times from behind by a police officer while his children watched. During the third night of the Kenosha protests, a gunman carrying a semi-automatic weapon shot three people, two of whom died. The suspect was named as Kyle Howard Rittenhouse, a 17-year-old who supported the pro-police Blue Lives Matter movement and President Donald Trump. In one video, a person believed to be Rittenhouse confirms that he’s holding a lethal weapon. Rittenhouse was sitting in the front row of a Trump rally in January.
'Tips' campaign helped more than 1M in U.S. quit smoking, CDC says

The CDC's 'Tips' campaign has helped inspire more than 1 million smokers to quit, a new analysis found. Photo by StockSnap/Pixabay

Aug. 27 (UPI) -- More than 1 million American adults quit smoking between 2012 and 2018 after seeing messages from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's "Tips From Former Smokers" campaign, according to figures released Wednesday by the agency.

Those who saw public service announcements, or PSAs, created through the initiative were nearly 20% more likely than others to attempt smoking cessation, the data showed.

Up to 40% of smokers attempted to quit after seeing the PSAs, while roughly one-third of smokers who didn't see the messaging attempted to quit during the seven-year periods they aired on television and elsewhere, the agency researchers said.

The findings were published by the CDC's electronic, peer-reviewed journal, Preventing Chronic Diseases.

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"This study reinforces that mass media campaigns can increase quits and quit attempts as part of a comprehensive approach to reducing smoking-related disease and premature death in the United States," Rebecca Murphy-Hoefer, lead evaluator of the CDC campaign, told UPI.

"Research shows that emotionally evocative, evidence-based campaigns are effective in raising awareness about the dangers of smoking and encouraging people who smoke to quit," she said.

The CDC launched the national Tips From Former Smokers -- or Tips -- campaign in 2012 to encourage smokers to quit by showing real-life heath consequences of tobacco use and promoting evidence-based resources for quitting.

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The campaign aired PSAs featuring former smokers and their families on television, as well as online and in print publications.

"Decades of research have demonstrated that more tailored ... promotional messaging will always be more successful than approaches that are less tailored, personalized or relevant to the audience," a spokeswoman for the Truth Initiative, another well-known smoking cessation campaign, told UPI.

"Storytelling and personal narratives are widely regarded as compelling and powerful ways of engaging audiences, [so] it seems natural that testimonials from former smokers could be a meaningful way to persuade others to quit," she said.

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Nearly 70 percent of adult smokers say they want to quit, and more than half make a serious quit attempt each year, according to the Truth Initiative.

Although tobacco use has declined in the United States over the past 40 years, more than 30 million Americans still smoke, the CDC estimates, and recent research shows that as many as one in four teens use e-cigarettes.

To assess the the Tips campaign, Murphy-Hoefer and her colleagues with the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health surveyed nearly 10,000 adults who were current and former smokers. Participants were asked about their smoking history and knowledge of the Tips campaign, the researchers said.

Based on participants' exposure to the campaign, it served as the impetus behind more than 16 million quit attempts nationwide between 2012 and 2018, the data showed.

In the end, the campaign helped inspire 1,005,419 adults nationally to successfully quit smoking during the same period, the researchers said.

When hospital patients are moved to a skilled nursing facility, they are too often given a prescription for a high-dose opioid painkiller, new research suggests.

For the study, researchers at the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy looked at nearly 4,400 hospital patients in Portland sent to nursing facilities to receive either short-term rehabilitative care or long-term care in a residential setting.

The investigators found that seven out of 10 of these patients received an opioid prescription when they left the hospital, and most were for oxycodone, or OxyContin.

Over half of the prescriptions dispensed were high-dose -- equivalent to 90 milligrams of morphine or higher -- a threshold that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises doctors to "avoid" prescribing, according to a university news release.
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Most of the patients who received an opioid prescription were over 65 years of age, an age group that is highly vulnerable to opioid-associated harm, the study authors noted.

The findings were published online recently in the journal Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety.

The results emphasize the need for more attention to be paid to safely managing the pain of this patient group, the researchers concluded.

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"Increased efforts are likely needed to optimize opioid prescribing among patients transitioning from hospitals to skilled nursing facilities," said study author Jon Furuno, an associate professor at the university and the interim chair of the department of pharmacy practice.

Furuno pointed out that patients in nursing facilities may also be undertreated for their pain, showing the complexity of this issue.

"Prescribers and pharmacists need to work together to ensure patients' pain is managed safely, and knowing which patients are most at risk can inform the best use of resources like medication counseling and other interventions," Furuno said.

RELATED 1 in 10 Americans uses a prescription painkiller, CDC says

More information

There's more about opioid safety at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Copyright 2020 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 raised mental health issues for people with financial hardships

The pandemic has raised mental distress among many Americans, particularly service workers who have faced financial hardships. Photo by Jesús Rodríguez/Unsplash

Aug. 27 (UPI) -- COVID-19 has highlighted and worsened the mental health challenges faced by those struggling to make ends meet across the United States, experts said Thursday.

Nearly 70% of hourly workers in a "large U.S." city have lost income since the start of the pandemic, and that roughly 60% have lost their jobs, according to a survey conducted by researchers at Duke University and accepted for publication by the journal Pediatrics.

Concerns over financial well-being were among the reasons why up to one-third of all respondents reported "negative moods" some or all of the time since the start of the pandemic, the data showed.
"Back in 2019, we were already seeing there were regular changes to people's work schedules that happened at the last minute and were completely unanticipated -- [and] those work schedule changes have nearly doubled [during the pandemic]," co-author Anna Gassman-Pines said on a call with reporters.

"When you don't know when you're going to be working or for how long, that's creating a tremendous amount of additional stress for these families [because] for hourly workers, if they don't work, they don't have earnings," said Gassman-Pines, an associate professor of public policy psychology at Duke University.

Concerns over the spread of COVID-19 and its impact on American society compounded the stress, researchers at Johns Hopkins University said during another call with reporters Thursday.

For a study published in July by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers surveyed more than 6,300 adults across the United States between March 10 and 31 -- the early stages of the outbreak in most regions of the country.

Over that three-week period, time spent on social media increased by approximately 50%, from 50 minutes to 76 minutes per day. Survey participants also raised their consumption of "traditional media" print, online and TV news -- by about 33% -- from an average of roughly 2.3 sources to three sources per day, the data showed.

This rise in media consumption was associated with "increased mental distress," the researchers said.

Ongoing research being conducted by the same team has observed an increase in substance abuse generally among American adults since the start of the pandemic, according to Johannes Thrul, an assistant professor in the department of mental health at Johns Hopkins.
Another Johns Hopkins-led study, which will be published in October by the journal Preventive Medicine, found that 15% of nearly 10,000 U.S. adults surveyed in late March had symptoms of "psychological distress," with higher rates reported by those who saw the virus as a "threat" to their personal health and finances.

"This pandemic is impacting our lives in so many ways, socially, financially and in [mental] health," Elizabeth A. Stuart, Bloomberg Professor of American Health at Hopkins, said during the Thursday call.


The Duke researchers surveyed 645 adults working in hourly service-industry positions in retail, food service or hotel industries in an unidentified U.S. city. Nearly half of the participants were Black Americans and 23% were Hispanic Americans, and 83% were women, the researchers said.

The mean annual household income among participants was less than $27,000, the researchers added.

In addition to the disruptions in employment -- and income -- caused by the pandemic, 45% said increased time spent caring for children home from school because closures related to containing the virus were impacting their ability to work and provide for their families, the data showed.
Although some of the "initial spikes" in mental health issues seen at the start of the pandemic have started to flatten, they still haven't returned to pre-COVID levels, said Stuart, of Johns Hopkins. The longer the crisis continues, the more likely it will have an impact on mental health, she said.

All of the researchers agreed some positives emerged, though. The pandemic has highlighted the need to recognize mental distress and address it, either through treatment or by engaging in "self-care," like proper sleep and increased exercise and physical activity, experts said.

In addition, the rise of telemedicine -- consultations with health professionals either by phone or online -- has increased access to mental health services for many people, particularly those in more rural areas, Stuart said.

Access to mental healthcare was an issue for many Americans, particularly the poor, prior to the pandemic, Duke's Gassman-Pines said.

"For low-income folks in the United States in particular, but for all of us, mental health treatment was already difficult to access before the pandemic," she said.

"Can we be thinking about transforming our mental health system [and] long term about really investing in supporting the mental health of the people in our communities?"
Senators call for probe of hydroxychloroquine use in nursing homes

Recent state inspection reports have revealed that nursing homes in Pennsylvania and Texas treated residents with hydroxychloroquine without state authorization and without the informed consent of those it was being administered to. Photo by Caroline Blumberg/EPA-EFE

Aug. 27 (UPI) -- Three Democratic senators on Thursday called for an investigation into the experimental use of hydroxychloroquine in nursing homes to treat COVID-19 patients following reports its was administered to residents without their informed consent and proper approvals.

In a letter sent to Christi Grimm, inspector general of the Department of Health and Human Services, Sens. Bob Casey, D-Pa.; Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., and Ron Wyden, D-Ore.; requested she investigate whether the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services properly monitored the drug's off-label use to treat COVID-19 in nursing homes, whether proper steps were taken to ensure the patients were protected and to see to what extent it was administered without proper approval or consent.

Citing recent state inspector reports, the senators said a Pennsylvania nursing home administered the medicine without proper state approval to 205 of its 435 residents. In Texas, state inspection officials found a nursing home treated a cognitively impaired patient for COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine without the consent of the individual's guardian.

The senators said that with regular inspections suspended and visits restricted by families and the ombudsman due to the pandemic, other such instances of the drug's improper use may have occurred without notice.
"The use of this experimental treatment on patients without proper approval and without their consent is a violation of patient rights," they wrote.

A drug used to treat Lupus and malaria, hydroxychloroquine gained national attention after President Donald Trump mentioned it as a possible medicine to be used to combat COVID-19 in March and in May said that he was taking the experimental treatment.

The senators have called for Grimm to investigate whether nursing homes received informed consent to administer the drug, whether staff tracked and reported adverse effects caused by the drug, whether CMS acted to ensure the nursing homes followed all Medicare and Medicaid requirements and whether

They also sent letters to the heads of the Food and Drug Administration and CMS requesting information concerning hydroxychloroquine.

In the letter, the senators accused the Trump administration of issuing "misleading statements" concerning hydroxychloroquine, stating it is "doubling down" on its promotion of it early in the pandemic despite growing scientific evidence demonstrating it is not an effective treatment against COVID-19.

"This mixed messaging from the administration, coupled with an absence of clear guidance, has led to the drug's continued use, even after the FDA issued warnings about its safety," the letter to Stephen Hahn of the Food and Drug Administration said.
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres urges India to end use of coal

Haze from air pollution is seen in New Delhi, India. Guterres said Friday that investments in clean energy in India can create millions of jobs and expand electricity access to hundreds of millions.

Aug. 28 (UPI) -- United Nations Secretary-general Antonio Guterres called on India Friday to stop using coal as a source of affordable energy, saying it must end the fossil fuel if it truly wants to be a global superpower.

Guterres made his comments virtually during the annual Darbari Seth Memorial Lecture.

The U.N. chief said India needs to cease building any new coal-fired plants after 2020 and begin phasing it out altogether. He said India is in an ideal position to profit economically and fight climate change.

"Investments in renewable energy, clean transport and energy efficiency during the recovery from the [COVID-19] pandemic could extend electricity access to 270 million people worldwide -- fully a third of the people that currently lack it," Guterres said.

"These same investments could help create 9 million jobs annually over the next three years. Investments in renewable energy generate three times more jobs than investments in polluting fossil fuels."

Guterres added that nations like Britain, South Korea and Germany, plus the European Union, have all increased the pace of removing carbon emissions from their economies.

"They are shifting from unsustainable fossil fuels to clean and efficient renewables, and investing in energy storage solutions, such as green hydrogen," he said. "And it is not just developed economies stepping up. Many in the developing world are leading by example -- countries such as Nigeria, which has recently reformed its fossil fuel subsidy framework."
Navroz Dubash, a professor at the Center for Policy Research, said a departure from coal in one of the largest nations on Earth would be difficult.

"Instead of more targets and pledges, India needs to actively plan to hasten and smoothen the path from coal to renewable energy," Dubash said. "This means planning for new livelihood opportunities in coal mining areas to ensure a just transition, ensuring the robustness of the grid, and making sure the costs of transition are not borne by poor consumers."