Sunday, September 27, 2020

What can we learn from the Salem Witch Trials?

A historical exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum traces the political and religious forces that led to the executions of innocent people

  24th September 2020 

Tompkins Harrison Matteson, Trial of George Jacobs, Sr for Witchcraft (1855) Photo: Mark Sexton and Jeffrey R. Dykes. Courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum

Disinformation and paranoia, made worse by religious politics and fear-mongering: an exhibition at the Peabody Essex Museum traces the history of the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, which led to executions of innocent people, predominantly women, and established a morbid fascination around the development of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. And while some of the manuscripts, paintings, and household items included in the show date back to the 15th century, the historic lessons for visitors are all too applicable today.

The exhibition breaks with traditional folklore and places the murders of the so-called “witches” within the context of social and economic crisis, humanising the people involved and drawing parallels to our current conspiracy-driven political climate. Starting with the European origins of witch-hunting, the show explores how Puritans brought theocratic anxiety to the colonies and shaped their criminal justice system around religious supremacy.

The Salem trials took place in the aftermath of a smallpox outbreak, and its consequences helped bring down a Puritan regime hellbent on “purifying” New England. Dan Lipcan, a co-curator of the show and the museum’s head librarian, believes these insecurities are evergreen.

Tompkins Harrison Matteson, Examination of a Witch (1853) Photo: Mark Sexton and Jeffrey R. Dykes. Courtesy of the Peabody Essex Museum

“Prejudice, injustice, and intolerance are on everybody’s minds now,” Lipcan said. “The trials were driven by fear, harsh weather, disease, supply shortages, and war—which altogether created the conditions for invented crimes and persecution for no good reason.”

Despite Salem’s reputation in the popular imagination, executions for witchcraft charges were commonplace in early modern Europe. More than 50,000 Europeans were burned at the stake between 1560 and 1630 during the Counter-Reformation, when Catholic and Protestant churches competed for market dominance. The exhibition sets Salem’s trials against this historical backdrop, displaying a 1494 copy of the German witch-hunting manual Malleus Maleficarum alongside British diagnostic texts.

Petition of Mary Esty, about 15 September 1692. Phillips Library, on deposit from the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Archives

In Salem, many accused witches were teenagers, refugees fleeing French occupation, or household workers (most famously Tituba, a slave of the disgraced minister Samuel Parris). Judges would convict them using “spectral evidence”, often based on memories from only one witness. Tompkins H. Matteson’s 1855 painting of the George Jacobs trial appears with examination records and the two canes Jacobs used to walk, which accusers said he used in his spectural form to beat them. Another Matteson painting, Examination of a Witch, shows a group of men and women disrobing Mary Fisher in pursuit of identifying the Devil’s mark on her body. Examination records of Elizabeth Proctor and Bridget Bishop are displayed alongside Mary Esty’s petition of innocence and a gold sundial owned by John Proctor; all were convicted of witchcraft, but only Elizabeth avoided execution, because she was pregnant.

The exhibition also includes texts questioning the ethics of the trials, from Cotton Mather’s hardline defense to dissenting opinions by Thomas Maule and Robert Calef, which had to be published outside of Massachusetts, as Governor William Phips banned any texts contradicting Mather’s. Considering the final pardon clearing the names of five people convicted of witchcraft was only issued in 2001, this exhibition is a timely portrayal of how governments can sanction disinformation, and why these events have compelled so many generations since.

• The Salem Witch Trials 1692, Peabody-Essex Museum, 26 September-4 April 2021

Environmental activist confirmed dead in Oregon wildfire

Oregon environmentalist George Atiyeh, 72, was confirmed dead this week after a wildfire in the region burned his home earlier this month. Photo via the Opal Creek Ancient Forest Center/Facebook

Sept. 26 (UPI) -- A well-known Oregon environmentalist who has been missing since Sept. 7 amid wildfires in the region was confirmed dead Friday in the forest he spent much of his life trying to save.

Family members of 72-year-old George Atiyeh said in a Friday night Facebook post that authorities had confirmed that remains found on Atiyeh's burned property belonged to him.

"Although we are saddened that this was the final outcome, we are thankful to finally have closure," wrote his daughter, Aniese Mitchell. "We appreciate all the love and support from family, friends and community."

Atiyeh is believed to be the fifth person killed by the Beachie Creek Fire, a combination of two infernos - one that began in the Opal Creek Wilderness and another that sparked on downed power lines in the Santiam Canyon.

As of Friday, the fire was 50% contained.

Atiyeh was the nephew of former Oregon Gov. Vic Atiyeh, and his family owned a mining operation in the woods near Oregon's Opal Creek.

He started his working life in the family business as a miner, then became a logger -- but he joined the environmental movement when he learned the U.S. Forest Service was considering logging the old-growth forest near his childhood home.

The Opal Creek area was one of the last roadless, uncut forests in the Cascade Foothills, and Atiyeh flew in journalists, politicians and celebrities during what would eventually be dubbed the Timber Wars of the 1980s and 1990s in an effort to save the forest.

Atiyeh's activism cost him friends in the industries he worked in early in life, and he admitted to using a combination of legal and "not-so-legal" tactics.

"I wasn't very nice," Atiyeh said in 2016. "I followed them around and pulled out their survey stakes. I stole their chainsaws and ripped down their flagging. We put snow in their gas tanks and would steal their lunch."

After an episode in which guns were drawn and Atiyeh was arrested, he changed his tactics.

Ultimately, he prevailed: in 1996, Oregon Sen. Mark Hatfield, a Republican, pushed through legislation creating the Opal Creek Wilderness and Scenic Recreation Area, encompassing 34,000 acres.

"Opal Creek's forest would have been cut without George, it's just that simple," friend Michael Donnelly told the Salem Statesman-Journal.
Proud Boys briefly rally in Portland; counter-protesters gather elsewhere

Hundreds of people gather at Peninsula Park Saturday afternoon in Portland at a counter-demonstration to a Proud Boy rally the same day. Image courtesy of KGW/Twitter

Sept. 26 (UPI) -- An estimated collective 2,000 people turned out for demonstrations in Portland Saturday afternoon, with 500 of those turning out for a Proud Boy rally that had promised to draw thousands more.

Three people were cited on weapons violations but otherwise law enforcement and journalists on the scene reported an uneventful end to the demonstrations by early evening.

A permit application from the far-right Proud Boys for a rally this week had promised to draw a crowd of 20,000, but instead just a few hundred turned out for a rally which was billed as retribution for the death of Aaron J. Danielson, who was killed last month in downtown Portland by a self-identified anti-fascist following a pro-Trump caravan through the area.

The suspect in Danielson's death was killed by federal marshals in early September, the same evening an interview aired in which he confessed.

Officials and activists feared the group's presence would escalate civil unrest in the city, which has seen sustained protest activity since the death of George Floyd at the end of May, and Gov. Kate Brown declared a state of emergency in advance of the event, deputizing Oregon State Police to patrol the event and a counter-demonstration scheduled for the same day.

Two counter-demonstrations took place Saturday: one at a historical marker elsewhere in Delta Park, and a second at a different park about three miles away. Each of those events drew hundreds of participants.

Law enforcement said their goal was to keep the two protest groups apart.

The Proud Boy rally dispersed around 1:30 p.m. and by 6 p.m. police had not reported violence in connection with the demonstrations.
Blacks, poor at greater risk for infection, hospitalization with COVID-19

People of color and those living in poverty are at increased risk for infection and hospitalization with COVID-19, according to two new studies. Photo by John Angelillo/UPI | License Photo

Sept. 25 (UPI) -- Black Americans are five times as likely to get COVID-19 than those in other racial and ethnic groups, according to a study published Friday by JAMA Network Open.

The study, based on an evaluation of patients who were tested by a healthcare system in Milwaukee, also found that those living in poverty had a nearly four-fold increased risk for the catching the virus compared to those in middle- and high-income households.

"Milwaukee is one of the most segregated cities in the U.S., [and] race and poverty run in parallel with other factors that may increase person-to-person spread of the virus," study co-author Dr. Silvia Munoz-Price told UPI.

These "other factors" include living in crowded households, being unable to self-isolate because of their role as "essential" workers and the regular use of mass transportation, according to Munoz-Price, a professor of medicine at Froedtert Health and the Medical College of Wisconsin.

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"Additionally, minorities have higher burden of other medical conditions that may increase their risk for more severe COVID-19 disease triggering hospitalization," she said.

A separate analysis also published Friday by JAMA Network Open, highlighted that last point, in that COVID-19 patients with chronic kidney disease were greater than 50% more likely to die from the virus than otherwise healthy individuals.

In addition, obese patients had a roughly 40% higher risk for death from the virus, while patients with heart disease and diabetes prior to getting infected had a 20% higher risk, the data showed.

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Black Americans are at increased risk for all of these health problems compared to other racial and ethnic groups, according Dr. Madhur K. Garg, an oncologist at Montefiore Medical Center.

Through Friday morning, nearly 7 million Americans had been infected with COVID-19, based on estimates from Johns Hopkins University, which has been tracking the global pandemic.

People of color in the United States have been disproportionately affected, with higher rates of infection and hospitalization, research suggests.

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The findings by Munoz-Price and her colleagues were based on an analysis of nearly 2,600 people who came to their Milwaukee-based health system for COVID-19 testing between March 12 and 31.

Fourteen percent tested positive for the virus, and 46% of those infected were Black Americans, the data showed.

In addition, "the location of patients' residences was strongly associated with testing positive for COVID-19," with those living in poorer neighborhoods -- based on household income data for ZIP codes within the city -- at increased risk for "getting admitted to the hospital" because of the virus, Munoz-Price said.

Garg and his colleagues based their findings on nearly 6,000 patients with the virus who were treated at the Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, N.Y., between March 14 and April 15.

Of these patients, 33% were Black American and 32% were Hispanic American, researchers. said.

Although the percentage of COVID-19 patients at the hospital who died from the disease was roughly the same across all racial and ethnic groups -- between 16% and 20% -- Black American and Hispanic American patients were more likely to have at least two chronic health conditions prior to getting infected -- 40% and 34% -- than White American patients, at 28%, the data showed.

Perhaps as a result, Black American patients were more likely to require treatment in the intensive care unit for COVID-19 than their White American counterparts.

"The Bronx was the worst-hit of New York City's five boroughs, and here we saw an increased infection rate and hospitalization rate among ethnic minorities," Garg said.

However, "the fact they had more underlying health conditions is the most important factor," he said.
South Korea tech giants expanding robotics amid COVID-19

South Korean tech firms like LG Electronics are to introduce service robots in the country. File Photo by James Atoa/UPI | License Photo

Sept. 23 (UPI) -- South Korea's biggest tech companies are investing in robotics as a solution to the risks of human contact amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Service robots could soon reduce the number of jobs in restaurants and hotels, however.

LG Electronics is expanding its robot business and introducing new technology in hotels that eliminates the need for human servers, South Korean news service EDaily reported Wednesday.

The company will soon introduce a robot that pours draft beer for guests at the Mayfield Hotel buffet in Seoul, according to the report.

Robots could replace workers in other areas of the hotel, including people who work in outdoor delivery, food and beverage, and even concierge services.

LG Electronics, part of the fourth-biggest conglomerate in South Korea, LG Corp., is positioned to install robots in a variety of locations, including in apartment complexes, on university campuses and playgrounds. An LG affiliate is one of the biggest construction companies in the country.

LG Electronics acquired SB Robotics, a Singaporean company, and U.S. firm Robostar in 2018. In July, the South Korean company launched the Chloe Subbot, an autonomous driving robot, according to EDaily.

Rival Samsung Electronics has also been turning its attention to robotics. Earlier in the week, the company said its GEMS exoskeleton earned a certification from the International Organization for Standardization. The hip exoskeleton is a wearable robot that helps wearers who face challenges walking, running or standing up, according to Yonhap.

Telecom company KT is partnering with restaurant chain Mad for Garlic in Seoul on a pilot program using an artificial intelligence-powered serving robot.

South Korean tech firms are also developing more efficient car batteries that could compete with U.S. firms like Tesla, Newsis reported Wednesday.

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On Tuesday, at its much anticipated Battery Day, Tesla revealed a better, 56% cheaper and more efficient battery that could lower the price of electric cars, according to MarketWatch.

An improved battery may not be enough to make cheaper cars, however, analysts say.
Educational efforts increase use of HIV preventive drug in Africa by 55%

A promotional program increased use of HIV preventive drugs in a hard-hit African nation, a new study has found. Photo by Kim Cloete/NIH

Sept. 23 (UPI) -- A promotional program designed to educate patients on HIV risk and prevention saw use of a preventive drug regimen among at-risk groups in Africa increase by more than 50%, according to a study published Wednesday by the journal Science Translational Medicine.

During the 18-month trial in the small, southern African nation of Eswatini, 34% of those in the study started pre-exposure proplylaxis, or PrEP, which involves giving antiviral drugs to those at risk for HIV before they're exposed to the virus to prevent infection, the researchers said.

A promotional campaign that included an educational booklet and a T-shirt increased participation in PrEP by 55%, they said.

The educational booklet highlighted the importance of PrEP and the HIV risks for pregnant women and sex workers, among others. The T-shirt carried the message, "What if there was a pill that could prevent HIV?" on the front and "Actually there is: Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis. Ask me for more information about PrEP" on the back.

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Although the study focused on the population of one African nation, the approach also could be successful anywhere HIV prevalence is high and use of PrEp remains low, researchers said.

"I think our research applies to countries, and regions within countries, that have a very high HIV incidence in the general population," study co-author Dr. Pascal Geldsetzer told UPI.

"In these settings, PrEP offered at primary care facilities, or in the community, to anyone who is at at least a minimal risk of acquiring HIV ... could have a substantial effect on the course of the epidemic," said Geldsetzer, an assistant professor of medicine at Stanford.

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Eswatini, a small country in southern Africa formerly known as Swaziland, has the world's highest prevalence of HIV among adults and an annual incidence of new infections as high as 3% of the population there, Geldsetzer and his colleagues said.

The promotional program they used was intended to increase trust within the community of clinic workers and boost PrEP participation rates.

The study focused on PrEP participation, retention and retention rates among 1,538 people who received care at six clinics in the nation, researchers said.

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The clinics offered PrEP to anyone over age 16 who had at least a minimal risk of infection, and gradually rolled out a promotional program that included videos, booklets and other materials designed to raise awareness of HIV prevention options.

Eventually, all study participants saw the promotional materials. However, to assess the value for increased PrEP use, participants at three clinics received them earlier than those at the other three.

Over 18 months, 517 of the study participants, or 34%, started PrEP, and about one-third of these participants attended all of their scheduled appointments during their first six months on the regimen, the data showed.

Participants who received the promotional materials were 55% more likely to start PrEP and stick with the regimen than those who did not, the researchers found.

"[Our] promotion package had a small, but significant, positive effect on PrEP uptake," Geldsetzer said.

"Patients, clinicians and policymakers generally felt that PrEP promotion and delivery should be expanded beyond healthcare facilities to the community to reach men, as well as women, who don't frequently attend clinic-based care.

Antarctic Ice Sheet to melt, raise sea levels by 8.5 feet even under Paris Agreement

View of the rift across the Larsen C Ice Shelf as seen from the vantage point of NASA's DC-8 research aircraft on November 10, 2016. Scientists predict that even keeping global warming to a minimum under the Paris Agreement, enough of the Antarctic Ice Shelf will met to raise sea levels by 8.5 feet in the long-term. File Photo by John Sonntag/NASA | License Photo

Sept. 23 (UPI) -- The Antarctic Ice Sheet will suffer irreversible ice loss raising ocean levels by 8.5 feet even if the world meets global warming goals laid out by the Paris Agreement on Climate change, scientists said in a report published Wednesday.

The analysis determined there are a number of temperature thresholds above pre-industrial levels that will ultimately lead to increasing sea levels if the world's nations don't rein in emissions and global warming.

The study, published Wednesday in the journal nature, was conducted by researchers at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and the University of Potsdam in Germany, Columbia University in New York City, and Stockholm University in Sweden.

The researchers determined that if global warming is maintained at 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels -- as laid out by the Paris Agreement -- sea levels would rise by 8.5 feet.

If the climate agreement is not met and global warming rises to between 6 degrees and 9 degrees above pre-industrial levels, sea levels will increase to up to about 138.5 feet. Global warming of 10 degrees above pre-industrial levels would cause Antartica to become "virtually ice-free," the study says.

The impacts won't be immediate, but once global temperatures reach these levels, Antarctic ice will irreversibly melt into the next century.

"Antarctica holds more than half of Earth's fresh water, frozen in a vast ice-sheet which is [more than 3 miles] thick," said Ricarda Winkelmann, lead authors of the study and researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and University of Potsdam.

"As the surrounding ocean water and atmosphere warm due to human greenhouse-gas emissions, the white cap on the South Pole loses mass and eventually becomes unstable. Because of its sheer magnitude, Antarctica's potential for sea-level contribution is enormous: We find that already at 2 degrees of warming, melting and the accelerated ice flow into the ocean will, eventually, entail 2.5 meters of global sea level rise just from Antarctica alone. At 4 degrees, it will be 6.5 meters and at 6 degrees almost 12 meters if these temperature levels would be sustained long enough."

Basically, the warmer Earth gets, the faster the continent loses its ice.

Last month, scientists discovered a new melting spot in East Antarctica, home to most of the ice sheet. An influx of warm seawater into the Lützow-Holm Bay has accelerated melt rates beneath the Shirase Glacier Tongue.
Senate blocks resolution honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg over language about successor

Female members of Congress stand on the steps of the U.S. Capitol as the flag-draped casket of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is carried by a joint services military honor guard after Ginsburg lied in state at the U.S. Capitol on September 25. Pool Photo by Alex Brandon/UPI | License Photo

Sept. 23 (UPI) -- Sen. Ted Cruz on Wednesday blocked a resolution honoring the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg after rejecting language regarding the selection of her successor.

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer attempted to pass the resolution commemorating the life and legacy of Ginsburg by unanimous consent, but Cruz, R-Texas, opposed the measure citing language that her seat not be filled until the next president is inaugurated.

"Republicans came to us with this resolution, but ignored Justice Ginsburg's dying wish, what she called her most 'fervent wish' that she not be replaced until a new president is installed," said Schumer, citing a message relayed by Ginsburg's granddaughter following her death on Friday. "So we simply have added it to the exact same text of the resolution the Republicans gave us."

President Donald Trump said he will announce a nominee to replace Ginsburg by the end of the week and said a confirmation vote in the Senate should be taken before the election on Nov. 3.

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Cruz rejected the language in the resolution, accusing Schumer of attempting to turn the bipartisan resolution into a partisan measure.

"Under the Constitution, members of the judiciary do not appoint their own successors," said Cruz. "She led an extraordinary life. She was one of the finest Supreme Court litigators to have ever practiced. Justice Ginsburg understood full well that the position being put forth by the Democratic leader is not the law and is not the constitution."

He requested that Schumer remove the language and take up a resolution that includes Ginsburg saying she opposed increasing the number of justices beyond the nine currently serving.

"I believe Justice Ginsburg would easily see through the legal sophistry of the argument of the junior senator from Texas. To turn Justice Ginsburg's dying words against her is so, so beneath the dignity of this body," Schumer said in response.

Study: World must adopt CO2-catching science to meet climate goals

Thursday's report said the technology offers a cost-effective pathway for low-carbon hydrogen production and can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. File Photo by Ryan Tong/EPA-EFE

Sept. 24 (UPI) -- A global energy watchdog said in a report Thursday that governments and polluters must quickly embrace carbon capture and storage technologies to have any chance of meeting future climate goals.

The International Energy Agency said carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology must have a key role in trapping global-warming emissions

"Carbon capture, utilization and storage is the only group of technologies that contributes both to reducing emissions in key sectors directly and to removing [carbon dioxide] from the atmosphere to balance the emissions that are the hardest to prevent -- a crucial part of reaching the net-zero emissions goals that a growing number of governments and companies have set for themselves," IEA said in a statement.

The major report, titled "CCUS in Clean Energy Transitions," said the technology can be used with existing energy infrastructure, such as power and industrial plants, and can provide solutions for heavy industries like chemicals and aviation.

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The report said the technology offers a cost-effective pathway for low-carbon hydrogen production in many regions and can remove CO2 from the atmosphere.

"The scale of the climate challenge means we need to act across a wide range of energy technologies," IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said. "Carbon capture is critical for ensuring our transitions to clean energy are secure and sustainable."

Birol noted that world governments buying into the strategy is "essential" to creating a viable market for the technology.

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"But the industry must also embrace the opportunity," he added. "No sector will be unaffected by clean energy transitions -- and for some, including heavy industry, the value of CCUS is inescapable."

The IEA said there are existing plans to build more than 30 CCUS facilities worldwide at a cost of $27 billion, more than twice the total of investments pledged in 2017.

American consumption of sugary drinks declines, study finds

A new study found that American consumption of sugary drinks is declining. Photo by Nica444/Pixabay

Sept. 24 (UPI) -- Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages in the United States declined significantly between 2003 and 2016, according to a report published Thursday by the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The percentage of American children who were "heavy consumers" of the drinks, including sodas and chocolate milk, declined to 3% from 11% over the 14-year period, the data showed.
For adults, the percentage dropped to 9% from 13% over the same period.
"Heavy consumers" were defined as those who drank more than 500 calories of sugar-sweetened beverages -- about 3 1/2 cans of soda -- daily.

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"We found that the percentage of children and adults in the U.S. who are heavy sugar-sweetened beverage drinkers has declined significantly over time," study co-author Kelsey Vercammen told UPI.

"This is promising because we know that excessive sugar-sweetened beverage consumption is related to poor health," said Vercammen, a doctoral student in the Department of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are leading sources of added sugars in the American diet, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Heavy consumption has been linked with weight gain and obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney diseases, non-alcoholic liver disease, tooth decay and cavities and gout, the agency said.

These beverages are widely consumed in the United States, with about 60% of children and 50% of adults drinking at least one during a typical day, Vercammen and her colleagues said.

For their analysis, the researchers analyzed data on sugar-sweetened beverage consumption for more than 20,000 children and 30,000 adults from the National Health Examination and Nutrition Survey.

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Although they noted declines in consumption overall, the percentage of heavy sugar-sweetened beverage drinkers increased slightly among people age 60 and older -- though it remains relatively low -- and little change was observed in consumption among adults aged 40 to 59 years.

"There have also been a number of public health campaigns about the health harms of sugar-sweetened beverages and greater awareness about the health harms of [these drinks] seems to be shifting public preference," Vercammen said.

In addition, "a number of cities and counties have imposed beverage taxes, while others have passed healthy beverage ordinances, which require restaurants to offer only healthy beverages with children's meals instead of sugar-sweetened beverages," she said.