Monday, November 02, 2020

Trump fanning flame of US riots if not elected

Tehran, Nov 1, IRNA – Incumbent president's statement that he will declare vote-rigging if the outcome of the US election on November 3 indicated victory for the rival candidate and the aftermath reaction on New York streets by his supporters gave momentum to prospects of riots in the United States after November 3.

US media are publishing news about security measures being increased. ABC News has said that the security of White House is being improved due to the probable street riots.

Observers and media outlets believe that the US may experience unrest following the elections. On the one hand, some people have bought up guns; and on the other hand, security forces are contemplating how to counter possible riots in the aftermath of the elections.

The election that has affected the US political atmosphere more than ever will be held in three days. But, as it turns out, the determination of the president will not be an end to the campaign. Everything is ready for widespread unrest in the US.

The election is being held with hostility between political parties and social confusion, which according to NBC will make it difficult for the police to keep the order.

The presidential election is being not long after the killing of the two black people – George Floyd and teenage Walter Wallace Jr. – by the US police, which triggered widespread anti-racism protests in the US. US President Donald Trump’s reaction to these protests made the situation to heat up.

Trump’s implication that he will not accept the results of the elections if not elected increases the probability of the unrest.

In a campaign speech in Michigan, Trump even predicted that his opponent Joe Biden will be assassinated after three weeks in presidential office and then Kamala Harris will replace him.

Such evidence shows that the US is like barrel of gunpowder and just a spark is more than enough to blow it up.


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Trade official says JCPOA reduced risk of trade with Iran

Tehran, Nov 2, IRNA – The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action which took effect in 2015 helped improve trade risk with Iran bringing Iran to Group 5 of risk assessment by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Iranian trade official said on Monday.

Arash Shahraeini, a member of the board of directors of the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran, made the remarks in an interview with IRNA correspondent as OECD has recently released a new risk classification of the world countries.

OECD divides world countries into seven different groups in terms of risk of investment, he said, adding that the low-risk countries are put in Group one and as the risk of trade with a country increases, it is placed in the next groups.

The official said that after the end of the Iraqi-imposed war on Iran in 1988, Iran was placed in Group six and its classification even improved at a time to be placed at Group four so that the country attracted a large amount of foreign investment to implement economic development projects.

However, in its next classifications, the OEDC reduced Iran’s position in the list and put the country in Group seven, Shahraeini said.

Although this demotion was compensated after the JCPOA put into practice in 2016 and Iran’s place improved by two steps to be placed in Group 5, the OEDC once again placed Iran in Group seven in its last year risk assessment of world countries after the US unilateral exit from the multilateral accord which made it much difficult for Iran to engage in trade deal with other countries, the official said.

Iran still remains in Group seven in the new OECD classification of the counties which was recently released, he added.

He said that if Iran and the US engage in a fresh round of negotiations and the US decide to come back to the JCPOA in the next six months, Iran’s risk assessment could improve significantly and Iran will be able to regain its place in Group five.

Translated by: Ahmad Mohammadi

Edited by: Safar Sarabi
UN Chief calls for a free press that can play its essential role in peace, justice

Tehran, Nov 2, IRNA – United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his message on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, 2 November 2020, reiterated his call for a free press that can play its essential role in peace, justice, sustainable development and human rights.

According to the United Nations Information Center (UNIC) in Tehran, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres in his message on the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, 2 November 2020, said: On this year’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists, the world, including the media, faces an entirely new challenge: COVID-19.

The full text of his message reads:

The pandemic has highlighted new perils for journalists and media workers, even as the number of attacks on their physical safety has grown. There were at least 21 attacks on journalists covering protests in the first half of 2020 – equal to the number of such attacks in the whole of 2017. There have also been additional constraints on the work of journalists, including threats of prosecution, arrest, imprisonment, denial of journalistic access and failures to investigate and prosecute crimes against them. 

When journalists are targeted, societies as a whole pay a price. If we do not protect journalists, our ability to remain informed and make evidence-based decisions is severely hampered.  When journalists cannot do their jobs in safety, we lose an important defence against the pandemic of misinformation and disinformation that has spread online. 

Fact-based news and analysis depend on the protection and safety of journalists conducting independent reporting, rooted in the fundamental tenet: “journalism without fear or favour”.

As the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic, I reiterate my call for a free press that can play its essential role in peace, justice, sustainable development and human rights.

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Momordica, medicinal herb planted in Orumiyeh, northwestern Iran

Momordica is a genus of about 60 species of annual or perennial climbers herbaceous or rarely small shrubs belonging to the family Cucurbitaceae, natives of tropical and subtropical Africa and Asia and Australia. The medicinal herb is being planted for the first time as a greenhouse in Orumiyeh, northwestern Iran , Nov 1, 2020. IRNA/Nima Saeedi.

Cracking the Dinosaur Egg's Secrets

NEWS Oct 29, 2020 | Original story from the American Chemical Society

Credit: Pixabay.

Since the famous discovery of dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert in the early 1920s, the fossilized remains have captured the imaginations of paleontologists and the public, alike. Although dinosaur eggs have now been found on every continent, it’s not always clear to scientists which species laid them. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Omega have narrowed down the list for an unknown eggshell from Mexico by comparing its microstructure and composition with four known samples.

Because many dinosaur eggs are similar in size and shape, it can be difficult to determine what type of dinosaur laid them. Clues can come from fossilized embryos (which are rare), hatchlings in the same nest or nearby adult remains. Scientists also have identified microscopic features of eggshells that differ among groups of dinosaurs. In addition, researchers have studied the elemental composition of fossil eggshells to learn more about the paleoenvironment and conditions that led to the eggs’ fossilization. Abel Moreno and colleagues wanted to compare the microstructure and composition of five dinosaur eggshells from nests in the El Gallo Formation of Baja California, Mexico. Based on the eggs’ shapes and sizes and the fossil record of the area, the researchers had concluded that three of the eggs were laid by ornithopods (bipedal herbivores) of the hadrosaur family (duck-billed dinosaurs) and one by a theropod (bipedal carnivores) of the troodontidae family (small, bird-like dinosaurs). The remaining sample was too damaged to classify by the naked eye.

Using scanning electron microscopy, the team examined the external and internal surfaces and a cross-section of each eggshell. In contrast to the smooth outer surface of the theropod shell, the shells from the ornithopods and the unknown sample had nodes at different distances across the shell. Images of shell cross-sections from the ornithopods revealed that mammillary cones –– calcite crystals on the inner surface of the shell –– formed thin, elongated columns arranged in parallel, with irregular pores. In contrast, the eggshell from the theropod showed thicker, shorter cones arranged in a bilayer, with wider pores. The unknown sample more closely resembled the ornithopod eggshells, leading the researchers to hypothesize that it was probably also from the hadrosaur family. In addition, the researchers conducted an elemental composition analysis, which they say is the first such analysis on dinosaur eggshells collected in Mexico. They say the findings might help reveal how the fossilization process varied among species and locales.

Elejalde-Cadena N et al. Searching for a Clue to Characterize a Crystalline Dinosaur’s Eggshell of Baja California, Mexico. ACS Omega. Accessed October 29, 2020.

This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.

Credit: Disney

Sep 2, 2020

Before any dinosaurs ever hatched, a proto-reptile scurried across the sand dunes that would eventually be the Grand Canyon, leaving behind tracks that were preserved well enough to survive 313 million years. Then a rock fell and humans found them.

These footprints that seem to take steps through time are not just the oldest vertebrate tracks found on the Grand Canyon (which is a fossil haven), but also some of the oldest tracks left by an animal that is though to have laid shelled eggs. They are also the oldest evidence of a vertebrate walking in sand dunes. Whatever this creature was, its tracks also show a sideways pattern not previously found in the fossilized trackways of prehistoric tetrapods. This is the earliest evidence of this kind of walk in vertebrates—and it’s weird.

"The environment when these animals walked up a sand dune was a coastal plain adjacent to a marine embayment, on the west coast of an island that occupied most of what is now Arizona,” paleontologist Stephen M. Rowland of UNLV, who co-authored a study recently published in PLOS ONE, told SYFY WIRE.

The tracks are evidence of a lateral-sequence gait, which has not previously been seen in the fossilized footprints of tetrapods. When an animal walks this way, the front and hind foot on one side move together, followed by the front and hind foot on the other side, as opposed to how most tetrapods move opposite front and hind feet as they wander around. You can even catch cats and dogs using this gait when they walk very slowly. Gaits are thought to have evolved to minimize the energy needed to travel a certain distance. Walking through sand needs more energy because of the higher resistance, and the Grand Canyon is vast. It must have still been vast even when it was an endless stretch of sand dunes hundreds of millions of years ago.

"The coastal sand dunes provided a good habitat for dune-dwelling animals," Rowland said. "The tracks described in the our paper are the earliest evidence on Earth of vertebrate animals walking in sand dunes. They are among the earliest tracks of amniotes."

What could have left these footprints? The creature that tracks belonged to remains unknown. It is an ichnotaxon, an organism whose bones have never been found but has left behind tracks or some other fossilized imprint as proof of its existence. What can be inferred from the little it gives away about itself is that it was a tetrapod with five toes on each foot. It is being tentatively assumed that the trackmaker belonged to the ichnotaxon Chelichnus, which was probably a proto-reptile with feet similar to a tortoise. It could have also been a therapsid, one of a group that includes ancestral mammals.

The mystery creature is also thought to have laid shelled eggs. That would make it an amniote, or an animal that hatches from eggs that are laid or grows from a fertilized egg inside the body. Tetrapod evolution really took off in what were tropical forests from about 360 to 286 million years ago. Some of the first tetrapods that transitioned from water to land were finally freed from having to lay their eggs in the water, where they would at more risk of exposure to predators. The new trackway is proof that some of them (whether or not they were were reptiles) could adapt to environments that went dry seasonally, which made their descendants capable of adapting to deserts or sand dunes off the coast.

"We don't know for sure that these animals were reptiles," Rowland said. "A few million years before these animals lived, reptiles had diverged from synapsids (who are our ancestors). The feet of early synapsids and early reptiles are very similar, so we can't tell for sure whether the animals that made these tracks were reptiles or synapsids."

The problem until now was that the oldest footprints found in sandstones and similar types of sedimentary rocks are eight million years younger than the ones more recently unearthed. When rocks fell by chance in the Manakacha Formation of the Grand Canyon, two of them revealed vertebrate trackways, with the more obvious one showing a lateral-sequence gait. The trackways may be all that is left of two separate species, since the gaits used to once climb a sloping dune show obvious differences. What they don't give away is what kind of creatures they were.

"If these animals were reptiles, then they could be ancestors of modern snakes, lizards, and crocodiles," said Rowland. "If they are synapsids, then they could be our ancestors."

When studied further, these tracks could whisper from the past about how early reptiles, maybe early tetrapods in general, evolved. Whether one animal was ahead of the other evolutionarily remains unknown.

Just one question. Is this going to attract more tourists?

Contributed by

Elizabeth Rayne
Aug 09, 2020

The tuatara is old. 250 million years old. That was when this bizarre creature shared its last common ancestor with other reptiles before it evolved further and diverged. It used to be one of of several Rhynocephalia species that crawled across the antediluvian continent of Gondwana, but is now the only one that remains. Its genome links it not only to reptiles (which it most obviously resembles), but also birds and yes, mammals like humans. DNA from this living relic could also be the elixir of life.

"We found out when the tuatara diverged with evolutionary dating, using the amount of genetic change that has occurred between tuatara and its nearest relatives," Neil Gemmel, a professor of anatomy at the University of Otago in New Zealand, who led a study recently published in Nature, told SYFY WIRE. We can calibrate the level of change over time against established genetic splits across the tree of life that have been established from the fossil record and key geological events.”

Amniote vertebrates—which either hatch from eggs or develop from an egg in the placenta—are thought to have first appeared 312 million years ago and then branched off into two groups. Synapsids included early mammals and now-extinct reptiles with mammalian characteristics. Sauropsids were once dinosaurs and other reptilian ancestors that have since died out and were replaced with or evolved into birds or lizards, snakes and other extant reptiles. The tuatara has baffled scientists for so long because of synapsid and sauropsid features that could reveal what we never knew about amniote evolution.

Sauropsid and synapsid advantages of tuatara range from extreme night vision to a sense of smell that could identify potential mates just as well as potential prey. It makes you wonder whether this lizard-thing was the result of a superpowered serum.

Tuatara have one of the largest vertebrate genomes ever. There are many repeating elements that are unique to the tuatara, which became an entire phylum of its own after it diverged from snakes and lizards. It shares parts of that genome with turtles, chickens and even humans. Stranger still is that the types of repeating elements in tuatara DNA are closer to mammals than birds or lizards. It has evolved specialized genes for immunity, thermal regulation, odor reception and metabolism.

You can probably see where this is going. Replicating such strong MHC genes in humans could save lives in the future.

Understanding the tuatara’s extremely low metabolism and Methuselan longevity could possibly help us extend the human lifespan. Tuatara can live past a hundred years, which makes them the longest-lived reptiles next to some species of tortoise, and there may be a link to certain proteins in its system along with genes that protect them from free radicals. Major histocompatibility (MHC) genes mean that its tissues are compatible with those of many different individuals without an immune response. Could that make living to at least a hundred a thing for humans?

“What we currently know is that tuatara have a few more genes than others species that are known to be protective against DNA damage and cellular aging from work in other systems," said Gemmel. "It therefore seems possible that these gene products may contribute to tuatara’s longevity, though it would take quite a bit of work to test if these are indeed protective against ageing. Iff they are there, maybe there will be prospects to develop these into supplements of drugs intended to protect against aspects of aging."

Whatever the tuatara is, it is a window into the deep past that could unlock amazing advances for the future


Credit: Tyler Stone

Nov 1, 2020

Many aquatic beasts of primeval Earth's evolving oceans were massive behemoths whose immense weight and ravenous appetites made them the true terrors of prehistoric waters. It took a lot of calories to move those tons of ancient flesh through rough currents and down into murky depths to hunt for unsuspecting prey, so any sort of genetic adaptation to assist in their daily sea foraging was a welcome trait, regardless of their size.

Meet Brevicaudosaurus jiyangshanensis, a new genus and species of two-foot-long, nothosauroid marine reptile that sported cool vampire-like fangs and was equipped with its own private flotation device that would have helped its bigger relatives in their daily buoyancy issues

Paleontologists at the Chinese Academy of Scientists in Beijing and Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa have discovered two practically complete skeletons of this small water-bound lizard that roamed the oceans of what is now modern China.

Credit: Qing-Hua Shang et al.

Existing 240 million years ago during the Middle Triassic, Brevicaudosaurus was a plump creature that utilized its squat, flat tail for balance and floated leisurely near the bottom of shallow waters, snagging dinner with its imposing set of sharp dagger-like teeth. Details of the discovery were published last week in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology.

The rare specimens were unearthed from thin layers of limestone rock in two quarries in southwest China's Fuyuan County, and were investigated by Dr. Qing-Hua Shang from the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology at the Chinese Academy of Sciences and his Canadian colleagues.

“Our analysis of two well-preserved skeletons reveals a reptile with a broad, pachyostotic body (denser boned) and a very short, flattened tail,” they concluded in the paper. “A long tail can be used to flick through the water, generating thrust, but the new species was probably better suited to hanging out near the bottom in shallow sea, using its short, flattened tail for balance, like an underwater float, allowing it to preserve energy while searching for prey.”

Paleontologists revealed another evolutionary factor that would aid Brevicaudosaurus in its below-the-surface scavenging activity, in the form of thick, long stapes, which are bar-shaped bones located in the middle ear. These attributes were employed for sound transmission, and could have vastly improved the reptile's sense of underwater hearing.

Credit: Qing-Hua Shang et al.

Dense bones, called pachyostosis, likely allowed it to be neutrally buoyant in shallow waters. Assisted by the flat tail, this would have helped Brevicaudosaurus to float silently underwater, expending minor energy while still staying horizontal. This neutral buoyancy might have even let the toothy predator stroll along the seabed to track down slow-moving meals.

Its highly dense ribs also indicate that the fearsome-looking reptile had a large lung capacity for prolonged survival dives, but would still need to surface for energizing gulps of oxygen inhaled through snout-mounted nostrils.

"Perhaps this small, slow-swimming marine reptile had to be vigilant for large predators as it floated in the shallows, as well as being a predator itself," said co-author Xiao-Chun Wu, a paleobiologist at the Canadian Museum of Nature.

Ancient skull a new window on human migrations, Denisovan meetings
New sequences also show Denisovans were living at the edge of the Tibetan Plateau.


JOHN TIMMER - 10/29/2020

Enlarge / These excavations identified Denisovan DNA within the sediment.
Dongju Zhang, Lanzhou University

The Denisovans occupy a very weird place in humanity's history. Like the Neanderthals, they are an early branch off the lineage that produced modern humans and later intermingled with modern humans. But we'd known of Neanderthals for roughly 150 years before we got any of their DNA sequence and had identified a set of anatomical features that defined them. By contrast, we had no idea that Denisovans existed until their DNA turned up unexpectedly in a single, tiny piece of finger. And, to this day, we've not identified enough remains to really say anything about what they looked like.

But, over time, we've gotten increasing ancient DNA samples that are providing a clearer picture of our interactions with this enigmatic lineage. Now, two new reports describe ancient DNA that provides some more details. One paper describes a modern human genome from Asia that dates to closer to the time when interbreeding must have taken place. It provides further evidence that there were at least two instances of interbreeding, and it helps clarify how early human populations moved around Asia. The second confirms that Denisovans were living along the Tibetan Plateau and may have adapted to high altitudes.

The Mongolian skull

Back in 2006, mining in Mongolia's Salkhit Valley turned up the top of a skull that was clearly old. But, because it didn't have any definitive features, people argued over whether it might be Neanderthal or Homo erectus. However, preliminary DNA sequencing indicated it belonged to a modern human, with carbon-dating placing its age at roughly 34,000 years old.

That's actually a critical period in humanity's history. At this time, there were distinct East Asian and East Eurasian (or Siberian) populations, with the latter being somewhat related to West Eurasians. Their histories are phenomenally complicated. A 40,000-year-old skeleton from near Beijing is clearly closest to modern East Asians but is most closely related to a skeleton found in Belgium (!??!?). A 45,000-year-old Siberian skeleton doesn't seem to have any modern relatives, while a 24,000-year-old individual from the same region identified with the population that mixed with East Asians to produce the ancestors of Native Americans. But two other Siberian skeletons from roughly the same time period don't show that affinity and just look generally Eurasian.

If you're not confused after that, go back and read it again.

Given that mess, any further DNA from that era and area could be useful. So, the researchers did what has become a standard procedure for handling DNA this old. They first looked for sequences that matched human DNA to pull out all human-like sequences. To eliminate contamination from modern humans, they then searched for signs of the most common damage that occurs as DNA ages. Anything that was clearly human and damaged was used to put together a genome.

The end result was about what you'd expect, given the skull top's age. Most of the variations in the DNA matched those of modern humans, but there were a number of regions that matched Neanderthals and Denisovans. The modern human portions most closely matched East Eurasian and Native American populations, which confirms the earlier results.

So much breeding

But it's still nearly as confusing as it was previously. "The [newly described] Salkhit individual shares as many alleles with the Tianyuan [Beijing] individual as with the ~31,000-year-old Yana individuals from northeastern Siberia," the researchers write, "yet the Tianyuan and Yana individuals share fewer alleles with each other than with the Salkhit individual." Overall, the researchers conclude that, sometime after Western and Eastern Eurasian populations separated, there was some interbreeding between Eastern Eurasians and East Asians.

But of course, the newly described Siberian DNA has a remarkable similarity to the skeleton from Belgium, suggesting that at least some West Eurasian DNA was still being brought back into the lineage.

The other ancients

As far as Neanderthals go, the new Siberian skeleton is pretty typical of modern Asian populations, with about 1.7 percent of its DNA coming from Neanderthals. Denisovan content is harder to judge, but the researchers detected 18 large stretches of DNA that had been inherited from Denisovans. The size of these led researchers to conclude that the interbreeding had gone on roughly 10,000 years earlier. That's consistent with the complete absence of Denisovan DNA in the 45,000-year-old Siberian skeleton. And the Denisovan DNA that is present is more consistent with the amount seen in later East Asian skeletons.

One interesting thing here is that the segments present in the new Salkhit genome have no overlap with the segments found in the genomes of modern people in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The obvious conclusion from this is that modern humans intermingled with Denisovans on at least two distinct occasions. That's something that had been indicated by other results, but modern East Asians have DNA from both of these events. The Salkhit genome provides a clear separation between them.

Meanwhile, a separate paper looks at where the Denisovans were living—specifically at the Baishiya Karst Cave on the edge of the Tibetan Plateau. At well over 3,000 meters (nearly 11,000 feet) above sea level, this was very much a high-altitude environment, which would have been a difficult place to make home during the last glacial period. Yet a portion of a jaw bone had been found there. While it didn't yield any DNA, protein fragments indicated the jaw belonged to a Denisovan.

DNA from dirt

Most ancient DNA samples are heavily contaminated by bacteria, with badly damaged and fragmented DNA. As a result, researchers have developed various procedures to help them separate out human-like DNA and then recognize ancient DNA based on the pattern of damage it accumulates. Gradually, it has been realized that these same techniques can work even where contamination is higher and human sequence even more rare: soil samples. So, while we couldn't get DNA out of the jaw bone, a team decided that there might be some left in the environment it came from.

So, the team dug through the sediments on the cave floor, dating different layers in order to make an estimated chronology. Most of the layers had mammalian DNA that, based on the damage, was quite old. So, the researchers pulled out the human mitochondrial DNA and started sequencing that. It was clearly Denisovan, with a slight possibility of a small fraction of modern human DN

Overall, there are signs of Denisovan occupancy from over 100,000 years ago up to as recently as about 30,000 years ago. That's an extensive history of occupancy, though we can't know whether it was constant, seasonal, or sporadic. Regardless, 70,000 years is certainly enough time, the researchers point out, to adapt to the high altitude. And that turns out to be consistent with another genetic finding: that some of the Tibetan's genetic adaptations to high altitude are inherited from Denisovans.

Science, 2020. DOI: 10.1126/science.abc1166, 10.1126/science.abb6320 (About DOIs).

JOHN TIMMER became Ars Technica's science editor in 2007 after spending 15 years doing biology research at places like Berkeley and Cornell.

New African genomes: Complicated migrations and strong selection
We finally have more African genomes, revealing over 3 million new variations.

JOHN TIMMER - 10/28/2020

Enlarge / A building in a Ndebele village, South Africa. The Ndebele-language speakers, currently about a million strong, arrived in South Africa with the Bantu expansion.

Humanity originated in Africa, and it remained there for tens of thousands of years. To understand our shared genetic history, it's inevitable that we have to look to Africa. Unlike elsewhere on the planet, however, African populations were present throughout our history—they weren't subject to the same sorts of founder effects seen as populations expanded into unoccupied areas. Instead, those populations were scrambled as groups migrated to new areas within the continent.

Sorting out all of this would be a challenge, but it's one that has been made harder by the fact that most genome data comes from people in the industrialized world, leaving the vast populations of Africa poorly sampled. That's starting to change, and a new paper reports on the efforts of a group that has just analyzed over 400 African genomes, many coming from populations that have never participated in genome studies before.
New diversity

New genetic variants arise all the time. As a result, the oldest populations—those in Africa—should have the most novel variations. But identifying these populations can be hard when there are so many; the study mentions that there are over 2,000 ethnolinguistic groups in sub-Saharan Africa, and only a small number of those have been sampled. The new study is a huge step forward, with over 400 complete genome sequences from geographically dispersed populations. But even there, it's limited, adding only 50 new ethnolinguistic groups and two vast regions of the continent represented by people from a single country (Zambia for Central Africa and Botswana for Southern Africa).

That said, the study still picked up more than approximately 3.4 million genetic variants that hadn't been described previously. These are single sites in the genome with a base (A, T, C, or G) that hadn't been seen there in other populations.

To put that in perspective, most of us carry lots of genetic variations. In the typical individual in the new study, these newly identified variants only account for about 2-5 percent of the total variations in their genomes—all the rest had been seen previously. In addition, a large majority of them (88 percent) were only seen in a single individual and so may only represent a variation that had occurred through a mutation within the last few generations. So, while there might be some new variants here that will help us untangle Africa's population history, most of what we've found is the sort of thing you'd expect from looking at random humans elsewhere.

If we were getting close to having a good grip on the genetic variation present in Africa, then we'd expect to see the number of new variants tail off as we add new genome sequences to the analysis, as each new one would add fewer and fewer undiscovered ones. So, the researchers analyzed the genomes one at a time and found no evidence of this happening—we're still nowhere close to fully cataloging human diversity. They do find, however, that looking beyond West African populations would give us the biggest increase in previously undescribed variation.

Population churn

To try to identify what the genomes tell us about population histories, the researchers turned to principal component analysis, which identifies the major sources of difference in a large set of data. The largest difference separated speakers of Niger-Congo languages from all the rest. The second-largest difference mirrored the geographic distance between Niger-Congo speakers in West Africa and those in Southern Africa. This is likely a product of the Bantu migration, which spread a mix of technology, language, and DNA from a source in West-Central Africa, bringing them to the rest of the continent.

The researchers use this data to argue that the Bantu Migration passed through Zambia on its way to Southern and East Africa, but their data includes a lot of people from Zambia, so it's not clear whether that might have biased their results.

FURTHER READING How the Bantu people surged across two-thirds of Africa

The work also identified a number of ethnolinguistic groups that might be worth looking at in more detail. One looked genetically like East Africans but was located in West Africa. Two other populations were clearly associated with known language groups but weren't part of the tight genetic cluster that most other speakers of that language fell within.

Nearly every population on Earth is a mixture of many sources—Native Americans are largely a mixture of East Asian and ancient Siberian populations, for example. Africans are certainly no different, but the fact that they've stayed on the same continent for so long increases the complexity of these interactions. The new data really drives that home when analyzed for the origins of different segments of DNA.

People from the far west of Africa have a large majority of their DNA from what you could call a West African source. But as you move east into Central Africa, there's an increasing amount of what you'd have to call West-Central African DNA, which is then joined and later displaced by Central African and then a smattering of Southern and East African sources. There's a sudden shift to a majority from East African sources as you exit Central Africa moving east, with an increasing contribution from Southern Africa if you turn south a bit.

While geography seems to drive the majority of the differences, in all populations there are contributions from distant areas of the continent. So, while the Bantu migration may have been the largest event in recent African history, it's layered on top of a long history of population interactions.

What’s changing

Most variations in the human genome are completely silent, as they don't affect genes or other functions and so float through populations at random. A few, however, provide evolutionary advantage, and it can be possible to detect the signal of the selection for or against specific variations.

Searching for these signals, the authors found exactly what you'd expect based on past studies of human populations. The strongest pressure on human evolution is disease, and the genes that are subject to the most pressure are involved in immune functions. After disease comes diet, and again, Africans are quite typical, with strong signs of selection on a handful of genes involved with carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. There were some oddball results, however, such as selection for variants of genes involved in DNA repair, kidney disease, and uterine fibroids. Obviously, those will have to be examined in more detail before we can make any sense out of them or see if it's just spurious.

Immune function isn't the only way to handle diseases, as the sickle cell trait's effects on malaria make clear. And, these being African populations, there's evidence of selection for that in some of them. But hemoglobin isn't the only route to malaria resistance, and some populations show evidence of selection for a different gene (G6PD). In some cases, populations that have high frequency of sickle cell trait have ended up right next to others that have high levels of G6PD selection, likely as a result of migration.

Beyond the cases where there are clear signals of selection, there are a number of cases where genes have been disabled by mutation but are still present in multiple individuals in this data set. That has been something that has been seen a number of times before and has been met with a bit of confusion. In many cases, we have no idea what the gene does and so can't tell whether we should be surprised by its loss or not. In others, the gene actually appears to be essential based on studies of its loss in mice. Over time, we'll probably get closer to understanding what's going on, but each of these genes will have to be studied individually in order to do so. 

The start of a story

While this represents a major effort toward understanding humanity's shared genetic history, it's more of a prologue than a complete story. We've gotten closer to capturing the full diversity of African populations but clearly aren't done yet. And we've been able to piece together more information on some of the migrations within Africa that we know about but aren't at the point where we can infer anything about the migrations we don't know about.

That latter point is rather critical. At this stage, we can examine a piece of DNA and determine that it probably originated in, say, a West African population. But we can't say much about how it ended up in West Africa in the first place. There's evidence that, much as Eurasian populations picked up archaic DNA from Neanderthals, African populations picked up DNA from earlier branches from the human family tree. But, without fossil or DNA-based descriptions of those branches, they remain "ghost lineages" that are invisible to us. It's possible that some small percentage of the sequences we currently assign to an African region belong to one of these branches, and we don't have the tools to identify it yet.

Nature, 2020. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2859-7 (About DOIs).

JOHN TIMMER became Ars Technica's science editor in 2007 after spending 15 years doing biology research at places like Berkeley and Cornell.