Sunday, January 31, 2021

Medicaid expansion in New York has improved maternal health, study finds

Policy intervention is particularly beneficial to low-income and minority women


Research News

January 29, 2021 -- A study at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Irving Medical Center has found that Medicaid expansion in 2014 in New York State was associated with a statistically significant reduction in severe maternal morbidity in low-income women during delivery hospitalizations compared with high-income women. The decrease was even more pronounced in racial and ethnic minority women than in White women. Until now there was little research on the link between ACA Medicaid expansion and maternal health outcomes. The findings are published online in the journal of the International Anesthesia Research Society, Anesthesia & Analgesia.

"Our findings indicate that the 2014 Medicaid expansion under the ACA in New York has contributed to reducing severe maternal morbidity in low- income women. These findings are of public health importance given the ongoing increase in maternal morbidity and mortality on the national level," said Jean Guglielminotti, MD, PhD, in the Department of Anesthesiology, Columbia Medical Center.

The researchers analyzed data from the 2006-2016 New York State Inpatient Database, a census of discharge records from community hospitals. They compared the changes in the incidence of severe maternal morbidity (SMM) as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during delivery hospitalizations and discharges between low- and high-income women associated with the 2014 Medicaid expansion in New York State from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016.

For each year of the study period, the researchers calculated the volume of deliveries and delivery-related discharges, cesarean delivery rate, percent admission during a weekend, percent non-White women (i.e, racial and ethnic minority women), and percent Medicaid beneficiaries.

Of 2,286,975 delivery-related discharges in 173 hospitals, 611,020 were among low-income women (27 percent). Compared with high-income women, low- income women had a higher incidence of SMM (2.6% vs 1.9%, respectively).

Medicaid beneficiaries increased from 43 percent in the pre-expansion study period to 48 percent in the post-expansion study period. The proportion of the uninsured decreased 5 percent and by a decline of 9 percent among privately insured women. The 2014 New York State Medicaid expansion increased the income eligibility threshold for pregnant women from 200 percent to 223 percent of the Federal Poverty Level. According to earlier Columbia research, even though half of pregnant women are covered by Medicaid nationwide, up to 13 percent are uninsured in the month of delivery.

"We hypothesized that the introduction of Medicaid expansion in January 2014 would not be associated with an abrupt change in the incidence of SMM immediately after its introduction but rather with a gradual decrease over time," said Guglielminotti. "We based this on the fact that a pregnancy lasts 3 quarter-years and that the beneficial effect of health insurance coverage on maternal health outcomes during delivery hospitalizations is thought to be mediated by earlier prenatal care during pregnancy and a better quality of prenatal care."

While insured women may receive earlier and better care throughout pregnancy and postpartum, an earlier and higher utilization of prenatal care is also associated with better maternal and neonatal outcomes, according to the researchers. Secondly, insured women might seek earlier care if symptomatic of a complication without worrying about financial implications. In addition, care during hospitalization can be influenced by insurance type by removing financial barriers to care delivery such as the utilization of expensive procedures.

"Excess maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States, particularly in low-income and racial/ethnic minority women, is a growing public health concern," said Guohua Li, MD, DrPH, professor of Anesthesiology and Epidemiology at Columbia Mailman School of Public Health. "Our study suggests that Medicaid expansion under the ACA is an effective policy intervention to improve maternal health outcomes and reduce health disparities. "


A co-author of the study is Ruth Landau, MD, Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health

Founded in 1922, the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health pursues an agenda of research, education, and service to address the critical and complex public health 


Social & structural factors influence racial disparities in COVID-19 mortality

Rutgers study finds counties with higher percentage of adults without a high school diploma and households without internet access were strong predictors of COVID-19 mortality


Research News

COVID-19 mortality racial disparities in the U.S. are associated with social factors like income, education and internet access, according to a Rutgers study.

The study, published in the Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, highlights the need for public health policies that address structural racism.

The researchers investigated the association between COVID-19 cases and deaths in 2,026 U.S. counties from January to October 2020 and social determinants of health, which can raise the risk for infection and death.

They also looked at factors known or thought to impact COVID-19 outcomes, including the counties' population density, days since the first COVID-19 death and percent of residents who are over age 65, are smokers or who have chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or high blood pressure.

The study found that a 1 percentage point increase in a county's percent of Black residents, uninsured adults, low birthweight infants, adults without a high school diploma, incarceration rate and households without internet increased that county's COVID-19 death rates during the time period examined.

Counties that were the most deprived socioeconomically had a 67 percent increase in the COVID-19 death rate

Michelle DallaPiazza, lead author and an associate professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, said the percent of households without internet, which provides updated knowledge of the pandemic and allows remote working and learning, and the percentage of adults without a high school diploma were the factors most associated with a county's COVID-19 death rate.

"The findings are consistent with historical health inequities in marginalized populations, particularly Black Americans," DallaPiazza said. "This adds to the extensive literature on racial health disparities that demonstrate that social and structural factors greatly influence health outcomes, and this is particularly true when it comes to COVID-19."


Other authors include Ankur K. Dalsania, Matthew J. Fastiggi, Aaron Kahlam and Krishan Patel at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School; Rajvi Shah at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School; and Stephanie Shiau and Slawa Rokicki at Rutgers School of Public Health.

A third of Americans say they are unlikely or hesitant to get COVID-19 vaccine

UC Davis nationwide survey


Research News

News reports indicate COVID-19 vaccines are not getting out soon enough nor in adequate supplies to most regions, but there may be a larger underlying problem than shortages. A University of California, Davis, study found that more than a third of people nationwide are either unlikely or at least hesitant to get a COVID-19 vaccine when it becomes available to them.

The results are from public polling of more than 800 English-speaking adults nationwide in a study published online earlier this month in the journal Vaccine.

"Our research indicates that vaccine uptake will be suboptimal ... with 14.8 percent of respondents being unlikely to get vaccinated and another 23 percent unsure," said Jeanette B. Ruiz, assistant professor of teaching communication at UC Davis and lead author of the study.

"Even though vaccination remains one of the most effective public health initiatives, some still doubt the efficacy and safety of vaccines. Unfortunately, the seemingly rushed process of the COVID-19 vaccine may have further fueled these doubts."

Co-author is Robert Bell, emeritus professor of communication, UC Davis.

Respondents cited vaccine safety and effectiveness assessments as the primary basis for hesitancy, authors said.

In the study, compensated participants were recruited from the United States through an Internet survey panel of 2.5 million residents developed by a commercial survey firm. Recruitment was based on quota sampling to produce a U.S. census-matched sample representative of the nation, and was representative of the U.S. population in terms of region of residence, sex and age, but also diverse with regard to all demographic variables assessed.

Researchers measured the respondents' intention to vaccinate; demographic and health status profile of individuals least likely to vaccinate; general vaccine knowledge and vaccine conspiracy beliefs; and the role of media and partisan politics played in their resistance to vaccination.

Political party, health risk factors, media contribute to attitudes

Authors indicated demographic characteristics, vaccine knowledge, perceived vulnerability to COVID-19, risk factors for COVID-19, and politics likely contribute to vaccination hesitancy. The study was conducted relatively early in the pandemic outbreak during two days in June 2020.

Demographic predictors of likelihood of being vaccinated against COVID-19 included having an income of $120,000 or higher, or being a Democrat (in comparison to the reference category Republican). The members of three political groups -- Democrat, Republican or Independent -- did not differ in their reported vaccine knowledge, however. One fourth of those identifying with no political party reported they were not likely to get vaccinated.

Media had an effect too. Respondents relying primarily on social media for information about COVID-19 anticipated a lower likelihood of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance. Those reporting getting their information from various other media did not show significant differences in vaccine acceptance, but viewers of Fox News did report being more hesitant than viewers of other broadcast news, the research showed. Authors noted that it is possible that individuals gravitate toward the cable news networks that present a view on the pandemic that is aligned with their own opinions.

Media reports have regularly noted that men, adults age 65 and over, and individuals with pre-existing conditions are most vulnerable to COVID-19, and respondents from these groups said they were more likely to accept a future vaccine in this survey. A majority of the least-educated respondents did not expect to get vaccinated against COVID-19, researchers said.

The top four reasons given for vaccination hesitancy were as follows: concerns about vaccine side effects, worries about allergic responses to the vaccine, doubts about vaccine effectiveness and a preference for developing immunity through infection. Other reasons were less frequently cited -- including being healthy, fear of needles, being immune from past infection, being young and lack of concern about developing a serious illness.

Unfortunately, the health disparities present in the spread and treatment of COVID-19 were reflected in survey participants' vaccination hesitancy estimations," researchers said in the paper. "The pandemic has especially burdened the African American, Latino and Native American communities, who account for a disproportionate number of COVID-19 cases and deaths. Greater likelihood of COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was associated with more knowledge about vaccines, less acceptance of vaccine conspiracies, elevated COVID-19 threat appraisals and being current with influenza immunization."

Primary Findings Summary

  • Male, older, white, married, and those from higher-income households more likely to vaccinate.
  • Republicans and Fox News viewers were less likely to vaccinate.
  • Being currently immunized against influenza predicted COVID-19 vaccination intent.
  • A better understanding of COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy is needed.


Link to study:

Additional Media Resources

  • Vaccine Myths in Social Media Can Be Effectively Reduced

  • UC Davis Live: Combating Vaccine Misinformation
  • By changing their shape, some bacteria can grow more resilient to antibiotics


    Research News




    New research led by Carnegie Mellon University Assistant Professor of Physics Shiladitya Banerjee demonstrates how certain types of bacteria can adapt to long-term exposure to antibiotics by changing their shape. The work was published this month in the journal Nature Physics.

    Adaptation is a fundamental biological process driving organisms to change their traits and behavior to better fit their environment, whether it be the famed diversity of finches observed by pioneering biologist Charles Darwin or the many varieties of bacteria that humans coexist with. While antibiotics have long helped people prevent and cure bacterial infections, many species of bacteria have increasingly been able to adapt to resist antibiotic treatments.

    Banerjee's research at Carnegie Mellon and in his previous position at the University College London (UCL) has focused on the mechanics and physics behind various cellular processes, and a common theme in his work has been that the shape of a cell can have major effects on its reproduction and survival. Along with researchers at the University of Chicago, he decided to dig into how exposure to antibiotics affects the growth and morphologies of the bacterium Caulobacter crescentus, a commonly used model organism.

    "Using single-cell experiments and theoretical modelling, we demonstrate that cell shape changes act as a feedback strategy to make bacteria more adaptive to surviving antibiotics," Banerjee said of what he and his collaborators found.

    When exposed to less than lethal doses of the antibiotic chloramphenicol over multiple generations, the researchers found that the bacteria dramatically changed their shape by becoming wider and more curved.

    "These shape changes enable bacteria to overcome the stress of antibiotics and resume fast growth," Banerjee said. The researchers came to this conclusion by developing a theoretical model to show how these physical changes allow the bacteria to attain a higher curvature and lower surface-to-volume ratio, which would allow fewer antibiotic particles to pass through their cellular surfaces as they grow.

    "This insight is of great consequence to human health and will likely stimulate numerous further molecular studies into the role of cell shape on bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance," Banerjee said.


    Other authors on the study included Aaron R. Dinner, Klevin Lo and Norbert F. Scherer from the University of Chicago; and Nikola Ojkic and Roisin Stephens, previous members of the Banerjee research group at UCL.

    Funding for the research was provided by grants from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the United Kingdom (EP/R029822/1), the Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF/R1/180187), the Royal Society (RGF/EA/181044) and the National Science Foundation (NSF PHY-2020295, NSF PHY-1305542, NSF DMR-1420709, MCB-1953402).

    Tiny E&P Share Price Spikes 959% 
    on Reddit Mention
    by Bloomberg
    |Michael Tobin
    |Friday, January 29, 2021

    An obscure company that employs five people and appears to 
    produce from some wells in Appalachia became the latest Reddit-fueled day-trading craze.

    (Bloomberg) -- An obscure company that employs five people and appears to produce negligible amounts of oil and natural gas from some wells in Appalachia became the latest Reddit-fueled day-trading craze, soaring nearly 1,000% to become a $128 million company in a matter of hours.

    New Concept Energy Inc. got a mention by retail traders on the WallStreetBets forum on Reddit on a day when brokerages including Robinhood Markets clamped down on trading in shares such as GameStop Corp. after some of the wildest stock swings the markets have seen in recent years.

    For a company that produces a mere 70 barrels of oil equivalent a day and has a board whose average age is 74, that was still enough to send its shares up by a whopping 959% to $25, the highest since 2000.

    Short interest in New Concept Energy has fallen to 0.3% of its float from 13% earlier this month, according to data from S3 Partners.

    The company didn’t immediately respond to a request for a comment on Thursday’s meteroric stock performance.

    At the end of 2019, New Concept Energy had 153 producing gas wells and 44 non-producing wells, with mineral leases across 20,000 acres, according to regulatory filings.

    The company lost 46 cents a share on revenue of $590,000 in 2019, according to its annual report.

    © 2021 Bloomberg

    Social media platform Reddit hit by outages in the U.S.

    Reddit users reported outages in the U.S. and Canada for a short time on Saturday.

    Akarsh Verma
    New Delhi
    January 31, 2021

    Several Reddit users reported problems logging in to Reddit on Saturday.
    Reddit has been at the center of controversy this week after users from the r/WallStreetBets subreddit kicked off a stock-buying frenzy.
    The stock buying frenzy has led to a fierce debate with many on Wall Street calling it market manipulation.

    Users in both the US and Canada reported outages on Reddit for a short period on Saturday, with the company admitting there have been “higher error rates” this week amidst newfound attention on the r/WallStreetBets subreddit.

    A map on the Downdetector website showed customers reporting issues logging in to Reddit and sending messages, according to Reuters. Regions such as New York, Boston, and Washington, D.C., were affected, as was Toronto.

    We did have some issues with higher error rates this week...It meant slower load times for some users but we were never hard down,” a spokesperson for Reddit told Reuters about the latest wave of issues.

    Reddit has been at the center of controversy this week after users from the r/WallStreetBets subreddit kicked off a stock-buying frenzy, significantly adding to the value of companies like GameStop and AMC, which had been struggling in the marketplace. The subreddit has approximately six million members.

    Empty seas: Oceanic shark populations dropped 71% since 1970

    Scientists have known for decades that individual shark species are declining, but a new study drawing on 57 global datasets underscores just how dramatically worldwide populations have collapsed in the past half-century.

    Associated Press Washington January 28, 2021
    This 2001 photo provided by Dr. Greg Skomal shows a shortfin mako shark off the coast of Massachusetts. (Photo: AP)

    When marine biologist Stuart Sandin talks about sharks, it sounds like he's describing Jedis of the ocean. "They are terrific predators, fast swimmers and they have amazing senses - they can detect any disturbance in the ocean from great distance," such as smells or tiny changes in water currents.

    Their ability to quickly sense anything outside the norm in their environment helps them find prey in the vastness of the open ocean. But it also makes them especially vulnerable in the face of increased international fishing pressure, as global fishing fleets have doubled since 1950

    "You drop a fishing line in the open ocean, and often it's sharks that are there first - whether or not they're the primary target," said Sandin, who works at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.

    Scientists have known for decades that individual shark species are declining, but a new study drawing on 57 global datasets underscores just how dramatically worldwide populations have collapsed in the past half-century.

    Globally, the abundance of oceanic sharks and rays dropped more than 70% between 1970 and 2018, according to a study published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

    And 24 of the 31 species of sharks and rays are threatened with extinction, while three species - oceanic whitetip sharks, scalloped hammerhead sharks and great hammerhead sharks - are considered critically endangered.

    "The last 50 years have been pretty devastating for global shark populations," said Nathan Pacoureau, a biologist at Simon Fraser University in Canada and a co-author of the study.

    Sometimes sharks are intentionally caught by fishing fleets, but more often they are reeled in incidentally as " bycatch," in the course of fishing for other species such as tuna and swordfish.

    Sharks and rays are both fish with skeletons made of cartilage, not bone. In contrast to most other kinds of fish, they generally take several years to reach sexual maturity, and they produce fewer offspring.

    "In terms of timing, they reproduce more like mammals - and that makes them especially vulnerable," said Pacoureau. "Their populations cannot replenish as quickly as many other kinds of fish."

    The number of fishing vessels trolling the open ocean has risen steeply since the 1950s, as engine power expanded ships' range. And while climate change and pollution also imperil shark survival, increased fishing pressure is the greatest threat for every oceanic shark species.

    "When you remove top predators of the ocean, it impacts every part of the marine food web," said Stuart Pimm, an ecologist at Duke University, who was not involved in the study. "Sharks are like the lions, tigers and bears of the ocean world, and they help keep the rest of the ecosystem in balance."

    SpaceX Eyes Gas Wells Near South Texas Launchpad

    SpaceX Eyes Gas Wells Near South Texas Launchpad
    SpaceX plans to drill wells close to its Boca Chica launchpad, it was revealed during a Friday hearing before the Railroad Commission of Texas.

    (Bloomberg) -- Elon Musk recently moved to Texas, where he launches some of his rockets and is building a battery factory. Now, for good measure, he plans to drill for natural gas in the state.

    The billionaire’s SpaceX intends to drill wells close to the company’s Boca Chica launchpad, it was revealed during a Friday hearing before the Railroad Commission of Texas, the state’s energy regulator.

    Production has yet to start because of a legal dispute between the SpaceX subsidiary Lone Star Mineral Development and another energy company. Tim George, an attorney representing Lone Star, said at the hearing that SpaceX plans to use the methane it extracts from the ground “in connection with their rocket facility operations.”

    While it’s unclear what exactly the gas would be used for, SpaceX plans to utilize super-chilled liquid methane and liquid oxygen as fuel for its Raptor engines. The company’s Starship and Super Heavy vehicles are tested at Boca Chica, and orbital launches are planned for the site.

    George declined to answer further questions and hung up when called for comment. SpaceX didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Musk said in December he relocated to Texas to focus on SpaceX’s Starship vehicle and Tesla Inc.’s new Gigafactory, which is being built near Austin. On Thursday, the billionaire tweeted that he plans to donate $100 million toward a prize for the best carbon-capture technology. His past comments have suggested that he wants to use the tech to produce synthetic carbon-neutral rocket fuel. Until then, fossil fuels will power SpaceX rockets.

    Formed in June 2020, Lone Star bought the 806-acre (326-hectare) La Pita oil lease from Houston-based Sanchez Energy, which was later renamed Mesquite Energy Inc. after exiting bankruptcy. Financial terms for the deal weren’t disclosed, but the SpaceX subsidiary’s drilling plans have been called into question amid a dispute with Dallas Petroleum Group, which claims ownership of some inactive wells sitting on the same land.

    Dallas Petroleum took the dispute to the Railroad Commission in August. Two months later, it sued three companies -- Sanchez Midstream Partners LP, Sanchez Midstream Partners GP LLC and Sanchez Oil & Gas Corp. -- in state court in Brownsville, Texas.

    That lawsuit prompted SpaceX’s land-acquisition arm Dogleg Park LLC to intervene in November. In a filing to the court, Dogleg said Dallas Petroleum locked SpaceX out of the property and asserted ownership claims for the “sole purpose of extorting money from SpaceX.”

    Dallas Petroleum Group denies the allegations and maintains it has ownership of both the wells and the 24 surrounding acres.

    During Friday’s hearing, Dallas Petroleum CEO Matt Williams shared aerial photos that he said showed company equipment near the wells had been disconnected, while drilling and hydraulic-fracturing gear it doesn’t own had been moved onto the property. His company, he added, was also given a trespass warning.

    “Our signs are all over these tanks and the well head,” he said. “Any operation that went on there, we were very much liable for any problems that could have happened.”

    The Brownsville court is due to hear the lawsuit on Feb. 9 while Railroad Commission Administrative Law Judge Jennifer Cook is likely to take months to propose a decision that will later be voted on by the agency’s three commissioners in a public hearing. Cook is expected to scrutinize Dallas Petroleum’s claims against property and tax records, which list Sanchez as owner of the disputed land.

    The area around the SpaceX facility has seen limited oil and gas development. There are almost a nearby dozen wells classified as either abandoned or dry holes, Railroad Commission Records show. Canadian company Enbridge Inc. owns and operates the nearby Valley Crossing Pipeline, which moves 2.6 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day from the Eagle Ford Shale of South Texas to customers in Mexico.

    The Brownsville region may see more energy investment in the years ahead. There are separate plans for three liquefied natural gas export terminals about 5 miles (8 kilometers) west of the launch site. Environmental reports for those projects say they could safely coexist with SpaceX, although some activists dispute those claims.

    --With assistance from Akshat Rathi and Rachel Adams-Heard.

    © 2021 Bloomberg L.P.

    Woman who lived at Chicago church for over 3 years goes home after Biden administration suspends deportations

    JAN 23, 2021 

    Francisca Lino hands luggage to her husband, Diego Lino, outside Adalberto Memorial United Methodist Church, 2716 W. Division St., as they head home to Romeoville on Jan. 23, 2021, in Chicago. Lino lived above the church since August 2017 to seek sanctuary because of her undocumented status. President Joe Biden issued a 100-day moratorium on deportations on Friday, in keeping with a pledge during his campaign to work on immigration policy reform. 
    (John J. Kim / Chicago Tribune)

    A woman who has lived in a Humboldt Park church for three and a half years to avoid deportation returned home Saturday night to live with her family after President Joe Biden’s 100-day moratorium on deportations went into effect Friday.

    Francisca Lino took sanctuary in an apartment above the same Chicago church that protected immigration activist Elvira Arellano, Adalberto United Methodist Church, at 2716 W. Division St., after she defied a court order in August 2017 mandating that she leave the country.

    Saturday, she was headed back to her Romeoville home.

    Lino, a mother of six, is one of many immigrants who the government knew were living in the country illegally and allowed to stay, provided they check in with immigration officials every six months to a year. Under President Barack Obama’s administration, this population was not considered a priority for deportation because of their clean criminal records or sympathetic cases.

    But they felt fear under President Donald Trump’s administration. Lino, the church and Democratic politicians held a news conference in July 2019 where they pledged to fight back against what they said were merciless immigration enforcement policies from the Trump administration. Trump had announced that year that federal officials would begin large-scale deportations in major U.S. cities, including Chicago.

    Now, the Biden administration has already made moves to assist immigrants. The Homeland Security Department announced a 100-day moratorium on deportations “for certain noncitizens” that started Friday, according to The Associated Press. It was after Biden revoked one of Trump’s earliest executive orders making anyone in the country illegally a priority for deportations.

    The three and a half years in sanctuary was very difficult, Lino said, translated by Chicago immigration activist Emma Lozano, a pastor of Lincoln United Methodist Church, during a news conference Saturday.

    Francisca Lino prays with supporters outside the Adalberto Memorial United Methodist Church, 2716 W. Division St., before heading home to Romeoville on Jan. 23, 2021, in Chicago.
     (John J. Kim / Chicago Tribune)

    Lino couldn’t be there for her daughter when she gave birth to her grandson or for another child who had surgery, Lozano translated for Lino. But now, Lino can enjoy the remainder of the 100 days with them.

    “She said, ‘I’m so happy,’ and that she feels that she can walk out of here without fear, where that wasn’t like that a year ago,” Lozano said, translating for Lino. “And she says that now that she can go home — and it’s been a long time — where she feels free to go home and hug her children.”

    After the 100 days, Lino said, “We’ll have to see,” Lozano translated.

    Lozano also spoke about how activists are calling on Biden to support and pass the American Right to Family Act, which was introduced by Rep. Bobby Rush, D-Ill., in October. If passed, it would direct the secretary of Homeland Security to grant lawful temporary residence to the parents of citizens if they’ve lived in the United States for 10 years.

    “Family is a human right, and they’ve been separating our families for years by deportation because of documents,” Lozano said. “When these hundred days run out, we will be ready to see the future of our people.”

    Francisca Lino packs her belongings in a second floor apartment above the Adalberto Memorial United Methodist Church, 2716 W. Division St., before heading home to Romeoville on Jan. 23, 2021, in Chicago. Lino lived above the church since August of 2017 to seek sanctuary because of her undocumented status. President Joe Biden issued a 100-day moratorium on deportations on Friday, in keeping with a pledge during his campaign to work on immigration policy reform.
     (John J. Kim/Chicago Tribune)

    Lino illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border in 1999 but was caught, fingerprinted and released after a few hours. After a few days, she made a second attempt and successfully crossed. She eventually settled in Bolingbrook with her husband, Diego Lino.

    Francisca Lino was arrested in 2005 during an interview to obtain her green card because her application did not disclose that she had previously been arrested at the border, her attorney Christopher Bergin previously said. He said Lino was the victim of notary fraud and that she had been honest with immigration officials from the start.

    She was handed a deportation notice in March 2017 during a scheduled Immigration and Customs Enforcement check-in and was told to return to the immigration office Aug. 23 with a plane ticket. Instead she asked her husband to drive her to the Humboldt Park church, where she had been a member for 15 years.

    Bergin showed up to Lino’s final appointment with ICE and delivered a letter to immigration officials explaining that she had decided against self-deportation.

    Lino later filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against federal officials including Trump, alleging her right to due process was violated during her 1999 expedited removal. They voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit in 2018, six months after filing it.

    After the news conference Saturday, Lino went back inside to grab a black suitcase.

    She stood on Division Street as her husband drove a gray Honda Pilot up to the curb, where three and a half years ago he dropped her off. Lino entered the front passenger seat, and they finally went home.

    Paige Fry
    Chicago Tribune
    Paige Fry is an overnight crime reporter for the Chicago Tribune. She graduated from the University of Florida, where she was the editor-in-chief of the student-run paper The Independent Florida Alligator. She has also previously written for the Tampa Bay Times, The Palm Beach Post and The Gainesville Sun.

    As Philippines seeks Covid-19 vaccines, ghost of Dengvaxia controversy lingers

    In 1990, nine in 10 Filipinos believed in the importance of vaccines – a trend that’s reversed in recent years following controversy over a dengue vaccine

    As Covid-19 cases rise in one of the region’s worst-hit nations, low public trust in vaccines will be a huge hurdle in the government’s vaccination bid

    A health worker conducts a mock Covid-19 vaccination during a simulation exercise in Manila. Photo: Reuters

    “Vaccination? Not me, I don’t want it,” said Carlito Cristo Niniado, 68, a carpenter in Manila.
    He said he had read that 23 people abroad died after receiving Pfizer’s
    coronavirus vaccine. “If I don’t die of Covid, I’ll die of vaccination. It’s better not to take chances.”
    Niniado is far from a lone voice in the
    Philippines, where public trust in immunisations has for several years been at an all-time low, after a controversy over a dengue vaccine sparked widespread panic and a loss of faith in immunisation.

    The challenge of convincing Filipinos to take the Covid-19 shots will be a huge hurdle for the Philippine government, which is already plagued by accusations of disorganisation, delay and corruption, as it readies vaccine orders to inoculate 108 million people.

    Delays and missteps: how Duterte’s Philippines struggled against Covid-19
    31 Dec 2020

    In November, a poll conducted by Pulse Asia Research Inc showed that only 32 per cent of respondents in the Philippines were willing to receive a Covid-19 vaccine.

    Almost half of the 2,400 people surveyed said they would skip immunisation, while 21 per cent could not say what their decision was. Many of those who didn’t want to get inoculated said the main reason was they were not certain of the vaccine’s safety.

    In 2019, the World Health Organization listed vaccine hesitancy – the refusal to take vaccines – as one of the top 10 threats to global health.

    Filipinos were not always hostile to vaccines: in the 2015 Global Vaccine Confidence Index, 93 per cent of Filipinos surveyed agreed that vaccines were important.

    It was a confidence decades old, an expert said.

    “Way back in 1990, we had the highest vaccine confidence in the maps of the world,” said Dr Lulu Bravo, executive director of the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination. “We had 5 to 8 million children vaccinated from 1981 to 1993. There was no problem at all – we were able to eradicate polio.”

    Then in 2019, trust in immunisation “plummeted”, she said.

    What happened was what Health Secretary Francisco Duque III called a “very unfortunate experience”.

    Why the Philippines suspended a world-first dengue vaccine
    20 Jul 2018

    In 2015, the administration of then-President Benigno Aquino III started a major 3 billion peso (US$151 million) campaign against dengue with Dengvaxia, a vaccine made by the French company Sanofi. In 2017, Sanofi made a shock announcement that its vaccine could be dangerous if administered to people who had never been exposed to dengue.

    By then, some 700,000 children had been inoculated, said Dr Anthony Leachon, a health reform advocate and a former senior adviser to the country’s Covid-19 task force.

    The news triggered outrage in the Philippines, prompting congressional investigations which were played out in a series of hearings that mixed medical facts, hysteria, political posturing and melodrama.

    Families stepped forward to claim their children had died after receiving a Dengvaxia jab, an unsubstantiated narrative which spread online like wildfire, and one that the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO) pushed during the hearings. There were reports health officials advocated the use of Dengvaxia in exchange for commissions and kickbacks.

    A medical worker displays vials of Sanofi’s dengue vaccine Dengvaxia. File photo: AFP

    “Every day, there would be news of another death from Dengvaxia, and the PAO would get a lot of media exposure that they had been asked by parents for autopsies of children who died,” said Bravo, who was sceptical of the claim that many people died. “If you were to ask me, no one died. PAO would say hundreds.”

    Medical professionals became a public enemy. “The scientists were vilified, trolled, insulted. I got my own share of that,” she said.

    After one congressional hearing in 2018, a mother screamed “you killed my child” and attempted to attack former Health Secretary Janette Garin. The woman later admitted her child had not actually died.

    Are Philippine children’s deaths linked to dengue vaccine?
    22 Apr 2019

    Critics of the proceedings said the Duterte administration used the hearings as a pretext to jail Aquino. But Leachon, a former medical director at Pfizer, said the backlash against Dengvaxia was justified.

    He referred to a 2018 letter written by a group of Filipino doctors that pointed out the errors the authorities had made in handling Dengvaxia: multisectoral stakeholders were not consulted, there was no public education and the project was rushed.

    “The programme was too hasty. Usually there’s a playbook; you need to prepare the community for three to six months before launching a national vaccination programme,” Leachon said.

    He added that while it could not be determined if Dengvaxia had directly caused any deaths, “we can say there was proximate cause” – at least two people who were vaccinated later died.

    I am sure we have the highest level of vaccine hesitancy in the Asia-Pacific region because of the Dengvaxia issue
    Dr Lulu Bravo, Philippine Foundation for Vaccination

    At the end of the hearings, Aquino and some officials faced cases of plunder and graft because the Dengvaxia programme allegedly didn’t follow government procurement rules and there was “unseemly haste” in implementing it, while cases of negligence resulting in homicide were filed against other executives, including those involved in the vaccine clinical trials.

    But beyond that, it also caused a mass distrust of vaccines that led to a spike in preventable deaths. Some fearful parents all but barricaded their children, refusing to have them inoculated. Diseases that had been eradicated began reappearing.

    “In 2000, the Philippines was declared polio-free. In September 2019, we got the first report of polio followed by other cases,” Bravo said.

    “We had a measles outbreak in January 2019. By April, there were about 500 deaths from measles,” she added. In comparison, “starting 2005 there were zero deaths from measles”.

    The Philippines on dengue fever alert as 2019 outbreak death toll nears 500

    “I am sure we have the highest level of vaccine hesitancy in the Asia-Pacific region because of the Dengvaxia issue,” Bravo said.

    She acknowledged, however, that “a lot of scientists may also have been at fault, by not communicating well” the benefits and risks of Dengvaxia.

    Now, with Covid-19 infections rising in one of Southeast Asia’s worst-hit countries, reaching some 511,000 cases on Saturday, the shadow of Dengvaxia hangs heavily over the proposed immunisation effort. Bravo called it “the elephant in the room”.

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    18 Jan 2021

    To reduce vaccine resistance, Leachon said the government should consult the ground and take residents’ concerns into account.

    “They need to survey people and ask them, are you willing to be vaccinated? If yes, what are the reasons, and also, what particular vaccine do you want? Some local governments are already doing this,” he said

    In the city of Cainta in Rizal province, residents indicated they did not want Chinese-made vaccines, said Leachon.

    In early January, Health Secretary Duque told senators in a hearing that there would be a “massive social marketing campaign” to convince Filipinos to immunise themselves against Covid-19.

    Senate President Vicente Sotto III had earlier warned Duque that the government was losing the information battle on social media. “You’re being defeated by those [messages claiming that people] are being vaccinated and they speak Chinese afterwards,” he was quoted by GMA News as saying.

    Health workers check the temperature and blood pressure of a woman during a simulation exercise for Covid-19 vaccination efforts in Manila. Photo: Reuters

    Bravo said the vaccination effort this time should involve medical societies, the private sector, non-government organisations, communities and academics.

    The Dengvaxia controversy continues to take its toll on her. A staunch advocate of vaccines, she has been among the doctors pilloried and accused of being in the pocket of drug companies.

    “When facing the media I have to pray, I have to pray a lot,” she said. “That has been the curse of Dengvaxia”.