Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Egerton Ryerson: Racist philosophy of residential schools also shaped public education

Hunter Knight, PhD Candidate, Social Justice Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto 

Conservative leader Erin O'Toole issued a public apology in December: “I said that the residential school system was intended to try and ‘provide education.’ It was not. The system was intended to remove children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures.” He was referring to comments he made in a meeting with a Conservative club at Ryerson University, where he defended Egerton Ryerson in response to substantial debate and protest surrounding Ryerson’s legacy.© THE CANADIAN PRESS/Carlos Osorio Black Lives Matter protesters threw pink paint on a statue of Egerton Ryerson at Ryerson University in Toronto on July 18, 2020.

O'Toole’s apology gives us an opportunity to think about Ryerson’s understanding of education and the purposes of schooling in a settler colonial society. As critics rightly noted, it is true that the primary objectives of residential schools were not to educate children. It is also true that these institutions were part of Ryerson’s broader conception of schooling as key to what he foresaw as the evolution of Canada into a “civilized” white and culturally British nation.

Ryerson designed a model for residential schools that was influential in shaping a system that amounted to cultural genocide. He is also credited for founding public schooling in Ontario.

These developments were not contradictory. As writer and cultural theorist Sylvia Wynter notes, western educational systems are inextricable from colonialism. The development of both residential schools and public schooling are the organic outcome of Ryerson’s educational philosophy.
Dramatic social shift

Schooling existed in a variety of forms in what would become Ontario before the middle of the 19th century, but the rise of mass public education in the latter half of the century marked a dramatic social shift.

As chief superintendent of schools in Canada West starting in 1844, Ryerson presided over this shift. He either wrote or directed many foundational educational laws over the next 30 years.

Ryerson promoted the development of mass public education by saying state-run schools were where every child belonged. The Common Schools Act, with the term “common” supposedly meaning universal, was passed in 1846. But the movement of “universal” education did not give rise to equality of opportunity in schooling.

What followed were proposals or legislation pertaining to the exclusion of at least four constructed categories of children.

In 1847, the Department of Indian Affairs asked for Ryerson’s suggestions for a model for industrial schools for Indigenous children. His recommendations would influence the development of residential schools throughout Canada.

In 1850, under the same act that established separate schools for Catholics and Protestants, he legislated separate schools for Black children. Black families were soon forced into separate schools even when they wished to attend common schools.

Read more: Black History: How racism in Ontario schools today is connected to a history of segregation

In 1862, he outlined plans for schools for the “vagrant and neglected” children of the poor. His plans describe many of the characteristics of what later developed as industrial schools, designed to divert working class children from an imagined future as criminals.

In 1868, he published a report on recommendations for schools for deaf or blind children.

These separate schooling systems had a long-reaching legacy. The last residential school in Canada was open until 1996. Segregated schools for Black students existed in Ontario until 1965. Industrial schools were phased out in the 1930s.

Today, racism in mainstream schooling is an ongoing urgent problem as is school equity or inclusion for Black, Indigenous, low-income and disabled people
© (Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County/Flickr) A photograph of Common School No. 2 in Belleville, Ont., around 1900.

Project of national development

Before he passed any major legislation, Ryerson’s first initiative in his tenure was a report that served as a basis for the Common Schools Act of 1846. It illuminates the philosophy behind Ryerson’s vision.

Ryerson set up the project of schooling as one of national development. This vision was understood in deeply colonial, racialized and hierarchical terms. He wrote:

“We should judge, not by what has been, or is, but what ought to be, and what must be, if we are not to be distanced by other countries in the race of civilization.”

Public schooling was understood as a venue through which children could do necessary work for their country’s “forward development.”

The framework for development here was as an extension of Enlightenment European philosophies of the world and humanity, which were posited as universal while being structured by ideologies of pseudo-scientific racism and evolutionary thought. As Wynter explains, these philosophies emerged amidst efforts to rationalize and justify colonial practices and transatlantic slavery.

Through this lens, advocates of colonial expansion argued that individual humans and races of people progressively develop from irrational, malleable subjects towards higher rationality and advanced scientific capabilities. As such, the state is an ultimate reflection of how advanced, or “civilized,” its people are. In this pseudo-scientific evolutionary philosophy, the “rational, advanced, civilized” subjects who deserve more power — and are justified in inflicting colonial rule, violence and genocide on others — are white European men.
© (Government of Ontario Art Collection, AC622107/Archives of Ontario) The Rev. Dr. Adolphus Egerton Ryerson, DD, LL D (Chief Superintendent of Education, Canada West, Ont., 1844-76), portrait ca. 1850-51 by Theophile Hamel.

Justifying colonial violence, hierarchies

For Ryerson, creating a framework for public schooling and also for residential schools was part of the same project of furthering Canada’s development. The differentiated schooling he proposed was intended to serve those explicit aims, and the contrast in schooling methods and what Ryerson advocated (or did not advocate) for is stark.

Ryerson described education in common schools as a “charming passage,” in which students were inspired towards lifelong learning and growth.

In contrast, for industrial schools for Indigenous children, the model which the residential school system emerged from, Ryerson argued that “a state of civilization” could only be achieved with eight to 12 hours a day of heavy agricultural labour, starting at the age of four. He mused there would likely be little time for academics.

Read more: Residential school literature can teach the colonial present and imagine better futures

For deaf and/or blind children, he believed that only an intensive focus on manual trades would be able to combat what he saw as their natural idleness.

For segregated schools for Black students, he refused to support Black parents and advocates when school boards (that answered to him) denied them adequate funds, arguing he had no power to help.

And he suggested that industrial schools for “vagrant and neglected children” be structured similarly to prisons.

Ryerson’s legacy is rightly criticized for his role in creating the model for residential schools. How Canadians choose to memorialize him and understand the systems he developed has wide-ranging implications.

Let’s not ignore how the same racist and colonial philosophy behind residential schools was also foundational to mainstream public education.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

Hunter Knight receives funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Cloud computing is helping to keep NASA's Perseverance Mars rover on track

Amazon Web Services touts space credentials from Earth-bound cloud infrastr

Panorama, taken on 20 February, 2021, by the Navcams aboard NASA's Perseverance Mars rover.

Image: NASA

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has explained the role of cloud computing in processing data sent back from NASA's Perseverance explorer on Mars.

During Perseverance's mission on Mars, the science and engineering data will be processed and hosted in AWS. The Mars Rover team is receiving hundreds of images from Mars each day from a record number of cameras, resulting in thousands of images over Perseverance's time on the planet; using the cloud helps NASA Jet Propulsion Lab to store, process, and distribute this high volume of data, according to AWS.

AWS is processing data from Mars on behalf of NASA, helping inform how the Mars rover handles the terrain. 

"The rover requires visibility to drive, so it is important for the team to be able to send the next batch of instructions back to the rover within a specific timeframe. The increased efficiency will allow Mars 2020 to accomplish its ambitious goal of collecting more samples and driving longer distances during the prime mission, compared to previous rovers," AWS expained

The Mars 2020 Perseverance rover is scoping out the geology of the red plant and is looking for signs of ancient life. The mission launched on July 30 and will collect and store rock and soil samples that could be returned to Earth in the future. 

Besides collecting physical samples, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory Perseverance mission is a roving smartphone packed with sensors, such as a cameras and microphones, to collect data. 

But why would the NASA mission need microphones on Mars?

"The sensors will gather scientific data like atmospheric information, wind speeds, and weather. The microphones will collect the sounds of the planet. This data will be processed by JPL and made publicly available so viewers can explore Mars alongside NASA JPL," AWS states. AWS is also providing a 3D view of Mars from the perspective of Perseverance. 

Cloud computing is far from the only technology being used by the project; there is also a significant role for Linux and open-source technologies.

The AWS contribution to NASA's mission matches up with Amazon's former CEO Jeff Bezos' space ambitions with his rocket company, Blue Origin. 

Texas turtles 'shellebrate' as they dive back home after recovering from cold snap | ITV News

  • Tuesday 23 February 2021

Video report by ITV News Reporter Sally Biddulph

Dozens of sea turtles have been returned to the sea after thousands were left stunned by freakishly cold weather in the United States.

A cold snap in Texas sparked a rescue operation for the planet's oldest creatures, who were frozen in the water and unable to move their flippers.

But after an estimated 4,500 were saved by residents in the southern state, some have recovered enough to head out to open waters once again.

Crew members of the US coast guard were recorded lifting the turtles and pushing them back home.

It is hoped others will soon follow.

'Dare mighty things': hidden message found on Nasa Mars rover parachute

Social media users say message is encoded in red-and-white pattern on parachute

Nasa’s Perseverance rover took this photo of the parachute as it
 was lowered to the surface of Mars. 
Photograph: NASA/UPI/Rex/Shutterstock

Martin Belam
Tue 23 Feb 2021 

Internet sleuths claim to have decoded a hidden message displayed on the parachute that helped Nasa’s Perseverance Rover land safely on Mars last week. They claim that the phrase “Dare mighty things” – used as a motto by Nasa’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory – was encoded on the parachute using a pattern representing letters as binary computer code.

Reddit users and social media posters on Twitter noticed that the red-and-white pattern on the parachute looked deliberate, and arrived at the result by using the red to represent the figure one, and the white to represent zero.


Each of the concentric rings in the parachute’s pattern represents one of the words. The zeroes and ones need to be split up into chunks of 10 characters, and from that, adding 64 gives you the computer ASCII code representing a letter. For example, seven white stripes, a red stripe and then two more white stripes represents 0000000100, the binary for four. Adding 64 to that gives 68, the ASCII code for the letter D.

The pattern on the outer-edge of the parachute is additionally believed to represent 34°11’58” N 118°10’31” W, the geolocation code for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which carried out much of the work on Perseverance.

The origins of the phrase are an 1899 speech by Theodore Roosevelt, in which he said: “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”

The challenge had been set by Nasa itself. While the pattern has a scientific purpose – it allows mission control to see the angle the parachute has deployed at and whether it has got twisted – during a live stream discussing the landing, one Nasa commentator said: “Sometimes we leave messages in our work for others to find. So we invite you all to give it a shot and show your work.”

Nasa has previously used the phrase in association with its Mars missions. In 2013 it issued a trailer video of the Curiosity rover mission entitled “Dare mighty things”. The current mission has also used the phrase in tweets marking the successful landing.

The hi-tech fabric making up the parachute was created in Devon, emphasising the international nature of the effort to get Perseverance to the red planet. Heathcoat Fabrics of Tiverton said it was “very, very proud of the achievement”, with the director of the company’s woven fabric department, Peter Hill, saying it represented 15 years’ work.

The company’s technical director, Richard Crane, told the BBC: “It is an incredibly emotional moment, when you know that millions of people around the world are holding their breath, waiting for news of a successful touchdown, and that part of that success is down to the efforts of our fantastic team here in Tiverton.”

This isn’t the only hidden message carried on the Perseverance Rover. Among the “Easter eggs” Nasa put on the vehicle there are special microchips carrying 10.9 million names and 155 essays sent to the space agency as part of competitions to send names to Mars or to name the rover itself.

The vehicle also carries a reference to the Covid pandemic, which has affected the preparations and running of the mission here on Earth. An aluminium plate on the rover carries an image of the Rod of Asclepius, the ancient Greek symbol for healing and medicine, supporting the Earth, in honour of the work of frontline medical workers during the pandemic.

Nord Stream 2: Twists and turns of a controversial gas pipeline

Charlotte Nijhuis
23 Feb 2021, 11:11 

Photo: Nord Stream AG

The pipeline Nord Stream 2 would connect Germany directly to Russian gas supply, but it has split opinions in Europe and beyond for years. The tube's construction in the Baltic Sea is well advanced, but the project dampens efforts to rekindle good transatlantic relations, as the US is strongly opposed to the project and has imposed sanctions on the companies involved. This article provides a chronological overview of the twists and turns surrounding the project and will be updated regularly. [UPDATES to 23 February]

For background on the project, including arguments from proponents and opponents of the pipeline, see our factsheet.

Recent developments

German, U.S. and international media such as Handelsblatt, Wall Street Journal and the Financial Times reported in mid-February that the administration of new President Joe Biden might be willing to make a deal with Germany on Nord Stream 2, according to government sources. It remained unclear whether Biden would even consider to do so in the face of clear bipartisan opposition in the U.S. Congress. A deal could involve waiving sanctions in turn for an agreement that Germany would shut off future natural gas deliveries through the pipeline, for example in case Russia put pressure on Ukraine.

After more than a year of threatening to do so, the U.S. had introduced first sanctions on 19 January, former president Donald Trump’s final full day in office. The administration sanctioned the Russian ship Fortuna, which later resumed pipe-laying in Danish waters on 6 February.

The pipeline was originally scheduled for completion by the end of 2019. About 2,300 km out of approximately 2,460 km had been laid by December 2019, when Swiss pipelaying company Allseas suspended activity following the introduction of U.S. sanctions legislation. By mid-February 2021, about 150 km – 75 km per strand of the twin pipeline – still had to be completed, mostly in Danish and to some extent in German waters.



23 February: Eighteen European companies have withdrawn or are in the process of withdrawing from the pipeline project following U.S. sanctions threats, according to a U.S. state department report for Congress submitted on Friday (19 February). "This shows that the legislative goals and our actions have been successful," U.S. state department spokesman Ned Price said. "We continue to monitor companies involved in potentially sanctionable acts."

22 February 2021: Polish foreign minister Zbigniew Rau and Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba call for an end to Nord Stream 2, as it damages the “strong, vibrant and resilient West”, the ministers write in an opinion piece published by Politico. The United States can play an important role in preventing the completion of the pipeline, the ministers say.

20 February 2021: The Biden administration singles out a Russian ship for violating U.S. sanctions on the construction of the pipeline, Bloomberg reports. Like in the first round, the U.S. sanctions the ship Fortuna. Not sanctioning German entities involved can be seen as reflecting reported decisions by the new administration not to challenge Germany over its support for the pipeline, in an effort not to antagonise a key European ally.

19 February 2021: The U.S. might hold off on sanctioning German companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 project, as the Biden administration seeks to halt the project without antagonizing a close European ally, Bloomberg reports. It would instead put only a small number of Russia-linked entities on the list.

16 February 2021: The Biden administration might be willing to make a deal with Berlin on Nord Stream 2, according to German media sources. However, it remains unclear whether Biden would even consider doing so in the face of clear bipartisan opposition in the U.S. Congress. A deal could involve waiving sanctions in exchange for an agreement that Germany would stop future natural gas deliveries through the pipeline, for example in case Russia puts pressure on Ukraine.

9 February 2021: German environmental NGO Umwelthilfe publishes a letter written by German finance minister Olaf Scholz to former U.S. counterpart Steven Mnuchin. In the letter, dated 7 August 2020 and reported by Zeit in September 2020, Germany offers financial support for German liquid natural gas (LNG) importers to enable them to directly import U.S. LNG in a bid to prevent the U.S. from imposing sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

9 February 2021: German president Frank-Walter Steinmeier defends the pipeline by pointing at the "bigger picture", including Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during WWII, in an interview with German newspaper Rheinische Post. The presidents' comments leave Ukraine angry as they ignore the Ukrainian victims of the war. The Ukrainian ambassador says the president's stance was met with "surprise and indignation" in Kyiv.

6 February 2021: The construction of the pipeline with the Russian vessel Fortuna restarts in Danish waters despite U.S. sanctions.

1 February 2021: France urges Germany to drop the Nord Stream 2 project in light of the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

21 January 2021: The European Parliament calls for a halt to Nord Stream 2 after the arrest of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. On the same day, Merkel reaffirms her support for Nord Stream 2, despite growing opposition in Germany and the EU. “My basic attitude has not yet changed to the point where I say the project should not exist,” Merkel says at a press conference in Berlin.

19 January 2021: The U.S. announces sanctions for the first time – on the Russian pipe laying vessel Fortuna. The German government says it “notes” the decision “with regret.” Previously, there had only been a threat of sanctions.

15 January 2021: Nord Stream 2 receives a renewed construction permit from Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH) for a short stretch in German waters after the original permit had run out. Rresearchers from the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) question whether Germany needs the pipeline for its natural gas supply.

6 January 2021: The parliament of the German federal state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where the Nord Stream 2 pipeline would land, sets up a “climate” foundation in an effort to circumvent the threat of U.S. sanctions. To justify its purpose of finalising Nord Stream 2, the pipeline is highlighted as a special contribution to energy security and a source of natural gas, the energy transition’s "bridging technology.” Environmentalists criticise the plans and say they will fuel the climate crisis. German political analyst Thomas O'Donnell of the Hertie School of Governance says the plan is unlikely to work, as “no company […] will sell equipment to this foundation.”

1 January 2021: The U.S. Congress authorises new sanctions against companies involved in the construction of the pipeline.


28 December 2020: The Russian pipe laying vessel Fortuna leaves the Nord Stream 2 construction site in the Baltic Sea, indicating that the construction in German waters may have been completed.

11 December 2020: The pipeline’s construction continues with the Russian pipe laying vessel Fortuna, which completes a short 2.6 km stretch in German waters.

30 November 2020: Certification company DNV-GL suspends certification work for vessels involved in the pipeline project citing possible sanctions under the Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act (PEESA) as the reason.

23 November 2020: The U.S. increases pressure on people and companies associated with the construction of the pipeline and its leaders make several direct phone calls. "We are making these calls to warn them and give them time to get out," said a U.S. administration representative.

4 September 2020: Several members of the European Parliament call on EU and member state officials to "do whatever they can to stop the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline now."

3 September 2020: German politicians call for halt to the Nord Stream 2 project following the poisoning of Alexei Navalny. Norbert Röttgen, a lawmaker with German chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU), calls for a “clear European response” and says “diplomatic rituals” would no longer suffice as a reaction to Russia’s “inhumane politics.”

28 August 2020: The poisoning of Alexei Navalny and the completion of the natural gas pipeline are “separate issues,” and linking them would “not be appropriate,” German chancellor Angela Merkel says during her annual press conference in Berlin. Navalny was treated a hospital in Germany earlier in the month after being poisoned in Russia.

12 August 2020: Utility company Uniper, one of the investors in the Nord Stream 2 project, publishes a report saying the pipeline could be delayed or even fail altogether due to the threat of U.S. sanctions.

7 August 2020: Three Republican senators threaten that the U.S. will impose "crushing legal and economic sanctions" on the port of Sassnitz on the German Baltic Sea, a key hub for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

5 August 2020: Environmental Action Germany (DUH) says it is suing to stop Nord Stream 2 from going into operation over methane leakage concerns.

30 July 2020: The companies involved in Nord Stream 2 call for political support against the possibility of U.S. sanctions.

15 July 2020: The U.S. threatens investors to ditch Nord Stream 2. It is meant as a “clear warning” to companies that aiding the project would not be tolerated by Washington. “Get out now, or risk the consequences,” secretary of state Mike Pompeo said.

18 June 2020: All parties in the German parliament reject the economic sanctions threatened by the U.S. In a statement released by parliament's economy and energy committee, the MPs said that "there has been solid cross-party unanimity that these extraterritorial sanctions are in violation of international law and cannot be accepted."

8 June 2020: German officials condemn U.S. plans to expand NS2 sanctions, shortly after several U.S. senators, including Ted Cruz (Republican) and Jeanne Shaheen (Democrat) presented a bill that would expand existing sanctions and penalise all companies involved in the project.

May 2020: Russia defies threats from the U.S. and deploys a new vessel to finish the construction of Nord Stream 2. The vessel, Akademik Cherskiy, replaces a ship provided by Swiss company Allseas, which was withdrawn from the construction in December 2019 following U.S. threats.

19 February 2020: German economy minister Peter Altmaier criticises the Nord Stream 2 sanctions and says the importance of Russian gas for Germany is set to grow further amid the German energy transition. Altmaier says he regrets the decision by the U.S. to impose sanctions and stresses that Germany is going to "need more natural gas, not less" as it phases out coal-fired power production over the next years.

11 January 2020: Nord Stream 2 could be finished by the end of 2020 or the first quarter of 2021, Russian president Vladimir Putin says during a press conference, following a meeting with German chancellor Angela Merkel in Moscow.


30 December 2019: Russian and Ukrainian companies sign a final five-year agreement safeguarding Russian gas transit to Europe via Ukraine.

21 December 2019: The Swiss offshore contractor Allseas suspends its Nord Stream 2 pipe-laying activities, anticipating the enactment of the U.S. sanctions as President Donald Trump signs legislation. The move effectively halts construction for about a year.

19 December 2019: German chancellor Angela Merkel criticises the U.S. sanctions to be imposed on companies working on Nord Stream 2, shortly after the relevant legislation was approved by the U.S. Senate. “We are opposed to extraterritorial sanctions,” Merkel said during question time in the national parliament.

8 February 2019: EU member states agree to a last-ditch deal struck by France and Germany that introduces tougher requirements for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, but does not endanger the project as a whole.

January 2019: The U.S. ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, writes letters to companies involved in the construction of Nord Stream 2, urging them to stop working on the project and threatening them with the possibility of sanctions.


4 December 2018: German foreign minister Heiko Maas says Germany will not withdraw its political support for Nord Stream 2, despite tensions between Ukraine and Russia.

14 November 2018: The U.S. ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland, threatens sanctions on Nord Stream 2 and says the U.S. has “not deployed the full set of tools yet” to thwart the completion of the pipeline.

24 October 2018: Polish president Andrzej Duda calls for a stop to Nord Stream 2 during a visit to Germany, arguing that it would upset the “energy balance.”

19 September 2018: Germany says it will choose a location for its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal by the end of the year as a gesture to the U.S., which wants to ship more gas to Europe. (By February 2021, there was still no final investment decision on a domestic German LNG terminal)

30 August 2018: Construction of Nord Stream 2 begins in German waters.

21 August 2018: Russia says it is ready to defy “illegal” U.S. sanctions against Nord Stream 2, as the U.S. administration reiterates its threat to impose sanctions on companies involved in the project.

18 August 2018: Russian President Vladimir Putin and German chancellor Angela Merkel meet near Berlin to discuss issues surrounding Nord Stream 2, including the possible disadvantages for Ukraine. Merkel reiterates that “Ukraine has to play a role also with Nord Stream 2 in place.”

17 July 2018: Ministerial discussions between Ukraine, Russia and the EU regarding the future delivery of Russian gas to Western Europe via Nord Stream 2 begin in Berlin.

11 July 2018: US president Donald Trump lashes out at Nord Stream 2 and says Germany is “totally controlled by” and “captive of” Russia, as the natural gas pipeline will increase Germany’s reliance on Russian energy resources.

18 May 2018: Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko says the Nord Stream 2 project would empower Moscow to “attack our common values” and the pipeline would be “a tragic historic mistake.”

15 May 2018: German economy and energy minister Peter Altmaier calls on Russia to guarantee the continued transmission of natural gas via Ukraine after the completion of Nord Stream 2.

11 April 2018: German chancellor Merkel says that Ukraine must not be excluded from Nord Stream 2, thereby intervening in the dispute between Russia and Ukraine.

28 March 2018: With the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH), the last German authority approves the construction and operation of Nord Stream 2.

31 January 2018: Germany grants Nord Stream 2 a permit for construction and operation in German waters and landfall areas near Lubmin.


15 December 2017: German authorities issue the first partial permit for Nord Stream 2 construction in the Baltic Sea.

25 April 2017: To find an alternative way to get the project going, Uniper, Wintershall, ENGIE, OMV and Royal Dutch Shell sign a financing agreement with Nord Stream 2 AG, a subsidiary of Gazprom responsible for the development of the Nord Stream 2 project.


12 August 2016: Gazprom’s partners ENGIE, Gazprom, OMV, Shell, Uniper and Wintershall withdraw their application for merger approval from the Polish competition authority for Nord Stream 2. Gazprom says the withdrawal will not affect the construction of the pipeline.

7 March 2016: Eight EU leaders sign a letter objecting to Nord Stream 2 citing geopolitical reasons.


June 2015: Gazprom, Royal Dutch Shell, E.ON, OMV and ENGIE sign an agreement to build Nord Stream 2.

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Worldwide renewables growth rate must rise to meet climate targets – German engineers

23 Feb 2021, 11:56
Julian Wettengel

Clean Energy Wire / Spiegel

Renewables expansion in Germany and across the world is insufficient to help keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C, a key goal of the Paris Climate Agreementsaid the Association of German Engineers (VDI). In a renewable energies development status report for 2019, VDI says that use of clean energy sources worldwide showed the strongest growth in the power sector, with solar power in the lead of fastest growing green generation sources. However, renewables in heating stagnated – dominated by biomass – and there was only limited expansion in the transport sector.

The report is published as the German government enters the critical phase of negotiations about more ambitious renewables expansion targets. The Social Democrats (SPD) plan to present proposals this week to the conservative coalition partners CDU and CSU on how to speed up the development of new installations, reported Der Spiegel. The coalition had agreed to raise expansion targets by the end of March and speed up permitting procedures, but there are still major open questions, the magazine wrote.

Germany’s renewables expansion has been lagging in recent years, especially in onshore wind power. The country is facing a green power gap, as demand will increase with the electrification of sectors such as heating and transport. The government has set itself the goal of reaching a renewables share of 65 percent of power consumption by 2030 – and has said it would increase this target should new EU goals command this.


US contractors call on Biden to cut tariffs on construction materials

23 February 2021 | By GCR Staff |

The Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) has written an open letter to US president Joe Biden warning of the effects of recent increases in materials prices.

According to the AGC, the cost of materials such as lumber and steel have reached “record-setting levels”, partly as a result of tariff levels.

press release from the trade body added that contractors were facing long delivery times for materials, exacerbating the disruption caused by illness and Covid-19 site restrictions.

The price for non-residential materials and services increased 2.5% between December and January, and 10.7% since April last year.

Stephen Sandherr, the AGC’s chief executive, said: “Left unchecked, these rising materials prices threaten to undermine the economic recovery by inflating the cost of infrastructure and economic development projects.

“Widespread harm is caused by maintaining tariffs on products that so many Americans need to improve their houses, modernise their infrastructure and revitalise their economy.”

Ken Simonson, the AGC’s chief economist, said: “While contractors have kept bids nearly flat until now, project owners and budget officials should anticipate the prospect that contractors will have to pass along their higher costs in upcoming bids.

“The framing lumber composite price compiled by the publication Random Lengths hit an all-time high last week. Several steel product prices are also reported at record levels, and copper futures are at an eight-year peak. Meanwhile, delivery delays are affecting both imports and domestically sourced construction inputs.”

Image: Construction in New York (Elisa No Kim/Dreamstime)

Further Reading:


AstraZeneca expected to fall short again and deliver half of contracted doses to EU during second quarter

Reuters quoted an EU official in reporting the latest shortfall today.

Image: Sasko Lazarov/RollingNews.ie

TAOISEACH (PM) MICHEÁL MARTIN has said that an expected reduction in the number of vaccines which AstraZeneca will deliver to the EU next quarter has been accounted for as part of the Government’s vaccination plan.

An EU official told Reuters today that the pharmaceutical company expects to deliver less than half of the vaccines it was contracted to supply during the second quarter of 2021.

The official, whom Reuters have said is “directly involved in talks” with the company, said AstraZeneca would deliver less than 90 million doses to the EU next quarter.

The new development follows a huge row between Europe and AstraZeneca last month, when the company announced it would deliver fewer vaccines than planned during the first quarter.

A contract between the company and the EU which was leaked last week committed to the delivery of 180 million doses between April and June.

Ireland receives about 1.1% of all vaccines allocated to the EU based on its population size, and would have originally expected almost 2 million doses from AstraZeneca. 

However, it is now expected that the EU will receive around half of this instead, and that Ireland will only receive roughly 1 million doses from the company.

But speaking to reporters this evening, Martin said the latest shortfall from AstraZeneca has been factored into the government’s vaccine rollout plan.

“I think we will have a sufficiency of vaccines,” the Taoiseach said.

“The big challenge for us in Q2 and Q3 will be the administration of the vaccines, because it will be unprecedented.”

Martin said other vaccines could “come on stream” before the end of the second quarter that the government had not factored in, which may make up for the AstraZeneca shortfall.

He referenced the vaccine being developed by German company CureVac, which could give Ireland “significant additional doses” if it is approved by the European Medicines Agency

Last week, pharmaceutical firm Janssen also applied for conditional authorisation for its Covid-19 vaccine, which is being developed by US firm Johnson & Johnson.

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly also sought to reassure the public about the latest development this evening.

“I’m glad to be able to assure everyone that there is no change to our forecast of 1 million Covid vaccine doses a month from April on for Ireland,” he tweeted.

“Shortfalls in AstraZeneca supply for Q2 were already factored in by our Vaccine Taskforce and our programme continues as planned.”