Thursday, April 15, 2021

French oil giant still bankrolling Myanmar junta

Total, which operates Myanmar’s largest offshore gas field, is continuing to provide a revenue stream for the military regime, say company staff

Myanmar Now
Published on Apr 15, 2021

Caption: Employees from Total E&P Myanmar walk along the offshore platform of the Yadana gas field in May 2017 (Supplied)
French oil company Total is still providing significant revenue to Myanmar’s ruling military council, employees say, despite the French government’s condemnation of both the February 1 coup and the regime’s continued deadly crackdowns on protesters.

At the time of reporting, Total E&P Myanmar was under pressure to suspend its operations in the country, where at least 710 civilians have been killed in less than three months by the junta’s armed forces, according to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners.

Members of Total’s staff spoke to Myanmar Now on the condition of anonymity, and said that income from gas exports continues to be channeled to the state-owned Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise (MOGE), which is controlled by the military.

“There is no suspension [of operations] at all. Natural gas is still being produced and exported for sale, and the generated income has not been seized. It is being transferred to MOGE. It is surely reaching the junta,” an engineer who has been with Total for nearly 15 years said

The company’s local employees have demanded that oil and gas revenue not be paid into the military’s coffers, in accordance with a March 5 appeal put forward by the Committee Representing Pyidaungsu Hluttaw (CRPH), a body made up of elected lawmakers ousted in the coup.

However, employees told Myanmar Now that Total has refused to honour this request

“We demanded that the company’s management stop gas delivery to Thailand– then there would be no income from gas exports for the junta,” a local employee said, referring to natural gas from the Yadana gas field in the Andaman Sea, the country’s largest.

“Another option is to freeze income from gas sales by at least holding it until the democratic government returns. But the company’s management failed to follow our request,” the employee added.

In late February, Australian oil company Woodside Energy announced it would suspend its drilling operations in Myanmar, including in the A6 offshore block in the Rakhine Basin.

Woodside and Total each hold a 40 percent stake in the project, but Total holds a non-operator role.

Total’s Chief Executive Officer Patrick Pouyanné released a statement on April 4 in response to calls for the company to stop funding the junta, announcing that Total would discontinue drilling in the A6 block.

However, a Total employee in Myanmar dismissed the CEO’s declaration, describing it as a “trick.”

“A6 is operated by Woodside– Woodside suspended operations, not Total,” the staff member said.

Apart from the A6 site, Total’s drilling campaign in the Yadana gas field has continued throughout the current crisis. The staff member explained that company management within Myanmar had said that they would stop drilling for additional wells at the site by May, but the employee noted that the decision was not made in response to the lethal crackdowns carried out by the coup regime.

“The truth is, the drilling was already going to be done by this time,” he added.

The employee pointed out that Total is slated to continue extracting and selling gas from the Yadana field, even as the drilling of new wells halts.

In 2019 alone, the company brought in nearly $230 million in revenue to Myanmar, more than three-quarters of which went to the MOGE and the rest paid in taxes, Reuters reported.

“One thing to note about Total is that they came to Myanmar in 1992, just after the 1988 uprising,” a staff member told Myanmar Now, referring to the widespread pro-democracy movement that was brutally crushed by the military regime. “It is operating in war-torn regions and countries where dictators rule, because it is more beneficial for them,” he added.

Staff have also raised questions about their rights as workers being violated. The company employs some 300 people, an estimated 90 percent of whom are locals. One of these employees who spoke to Myanmar Now reported that management had forced at least one staff member to resign after he asked to take unpaid leave amid the ongoing regime crackdown.

“At the moment, we are on four weeks of work and four weeks of rest at home by rotation. One employee couldn’t resume his work due to the current situation in Yangon,” the staff member said, referring to shootings and arrests perpetrated by soldiers and police across the commercial capital. “He requested unpaid leave. But the management didn’t allow it, and instead made him resign. He had to submit his resignation letter voluntarily.”

Leaders of the CRPH have urged workers across all sectors nationwide to join the Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) and refuse to work under the military dictatorship. However, participation in the CDM has yet to catch on among Total’s 300 employees, nearly all of whom are locals, a staff member added.

“In early March, we tried to organise to mainly demand that [Total] suspend paying taxes to the junta, but it didn’t happen. Senior staff who have been in the company for so long went to work instead of joining the CDM,” he said.

The employee remained hopeful that if the staff joined the CDM as a united front, they might be able to stop Total’s operations.

“If we all go into the CDM, the company’s operations could surely be stopped. [We] cannot be replaced easily,” he said, adding that Total would likely try to bring in overseas contractors to take over their jobs. “Each offshore platform has a different nature to it, and requires familiarity with the site. They can’t [learn] that all at once,” he explained.

In addition to operating the Yadana gas field and holding shares in the offshore drilling block A6, Total also works on at least three other deepwater blocks in the Andaman Sea, and the Yetagun West Block.



Young protesters hold a banner that says “Abolish Fascism, Unite against the Common Enemy” at an anti-coup rally in Yangon in February 

Myanmar Now
Published on Apr 15, 2021

Young protesters hold a banner that says “Abolish Fascism, Unite against the Common Enemy” at an anti-coup rally in Yangon in February (Myanmar Now)

Thingyan takes a revolutionary turn, as nation refuses to celebrate under a hated regime

The year’s most important holiday is normally a festive time, but this year, few are in the mood for fun

Myanmar Now
Published on Apr 15, 2021

Demonstrators hold pots with flowers to mark the Thingyan Water Festival as they march during an anti-military coup protest in Mandalay on April 13 (EPA-EFE)

Mandalay should be in full party mode right now. As the city where Myanmar’s last king resided, it has long been seen as a bastion of tradition. And no occasion looms larger on the country’s traditional calendar than the Thingyan water festival that ushers in the Buddhist New Year.

But as the holiday kicked off on Tuesday morning, the city’s streets were littered with broken signboards and power lines brought down by heavy rains and strong winds the night before. It was a scene that served as a reminder of another wave of destruction that has swept through the country, leaving few in any mood for revelry.

For the second year in a row, Thingyan has been put on hold—the first time because of a global pandemic, and now because the country’s people are feeling more defiant than festive in the face of brutal repression that has left more than 700 people dead in the past two and a half months.

“This year, we will mark Thingyan only with revolutionary chants,” said poet and Mandalay resident Kyaw Gyi as he marched with thousands of others to protest the return of military rule after a decade of relative freedom.

To make it clear that this was no ordinary Thingyan, many of the protesters carried clay pots—traditional symbols of the holiday—with pro-democracy slogans painted on them. Some called for the creation of a federal union and a federal army, while others urged Myanmar’s citizens to “Never give up.”

As the protesters passed, their procession was blessed by onlookers with water splashed from the branches of Eugenia bushes—another time-honoured custom repurposed for these revolutionary times.


Protesters launch red paint campaign in Naypyitaw on April 14 (Supplied)

Washing away blood

The march was joined not only by local people, but also by groups such as the All Burma Federation of Student Unions, monastic communities, and others who wanted to show solidarity with a city that has borne heavy casualties in the anti-coup struggle.

The junta had hoped to win over Mandalay’s residents by declaring last month that it would allow Thingyan festivities this year, despite the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic is still far from over.

But as the killings continue, few have shown any interest in the regime’s efforts to use the water festival to wash away the blood it has spilled since seizing power.

Thingyan will be quiet in Mandalay this year, Kyaw Gyi told Myanmar Now, because this should be a time to mourn the dead, not to dignify the regime’s lie that the military takeover is merely a return to normal.

In other cities, too, Thingyan has been muted. In Yangon, which has seen massive crowds gather to demand the restoration of civilian rule, many areas are now eerily quiet. Those who do come out into the streets these days do so to protest, not to celebrate.

Meanwhile, a different kind of silence has settled over Bago, a city that is still reeling from a crackdown that killed at least 80 people in a single day last week.

Witnesses said that last Friday’s killing spree by regime forces was carried out with sophisticated weapons of war, indicating that the regime is likely to continue escalating its use of violence against unarmed civilians after Thingyan, if not sooner.


Police trucks are parked and block the road in front of the City Hall in Yangon on April 13 (EPA-EFE)

‘Revolutionary Thingyan’

While the junta’s use of terrorist tactics has succeeded to some extent in subduing protests, many remain determined to keep up the fight.

Student activists in particular have taken the lead in maintaining the momentum. Two weeks ago, they began calling for a “Revolutionary Thingyan”, both on social media and in new journals designed to keep the pro-democracy message alive as the junta continues to tighten control over the internet.


An activist hands out a copy of Molotov journal at a market on April 6 in Ye, Mon State

Aung Lay, a former member of the Dagon University Student Union, was one of the people who initiated the campaign.

He said that activists came up with the slogan in recognition of the fact that most people would find it impossible to enjoy Thingyan at a time when so many were still giving up their lives for the sake of a better future for their country.

He said that linking the holiday’s significance as a time of renewal to the nation’s desire for radical change has resonated well with the general public.

“The people are with us. There is no water festival in Yangon now, only protests,” he said.

Tuesday’s clay-pot protests were just the start. It was followed on Wednesday with “blood protests”, which had activists using red paint and ink to depict the regime’s deadly attacks on protesters.

On Thursday, there will be car protests, and on Friday a day of silence. Finally, on Saturday, nationwide prayer ceremonies will be held for the heroes who have been killed.

“People’s blood is still flowing due to the extremely brutal shootings. So this year on Thingyan, we will continue with our revolution,” said Mandalay resident Yin Yin.

“We will not recognize anything that the military does. They will never be able to govern us,” she added.

EU agrees to sanction two companies close to Myanmar military, diplomats say

John Irish
Robin Emmott

The European Union has agreed to impose sanctions on another 10 individuals linked to the Feb. 1 coup in Myanmar and to target two businesses run by the armed forces for the first time in protest at the military takeover, two diplomats said.

The measures, which the diplomats said could take effect next week, would target two companies that generate revenue for the Myanmar Armed Forces. Reuters first reported preparations for the measures on March 8. read more

While the EU has an arms embargo on Myanmar and targeted 11 senior military officials last month, the decision to target two companies is the most significant response so far for the bloc since the coup that ousted an elected government led by Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi.

"A list will be adopted. It's been agreed with 10 individuals and two entities. There was a discussion on which entities to add linked to the junta and two were agreed," one European diplomat said.

A second European diplomat confirmed the agreement among the EU's 27 ambassadors.

EU diplomats told Reuters in March that parts of the military's conglomerates, Myanma Economic Holdings Limited (MEHL) (editors: correct) and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC), would be targeted, barring EU investors and banks from doing business with them. Human rights groups have also called for them to be sanctioned.

More details were not immediately available. The EU declined to comment, and no one at Myanmar's mission to the EU in Brussels could be reached for reaction.

The sanctions are expected to be imposed and the names of those targeted made public next week.

The new round of measures follow similar moves by Britain and the United States. The EU sanctioned Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, the armed forces commander-in-chief, and 10 others on March 22.

EU foreign ministers will discuss their strategy on Monday in a regular meeting.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on April that a new round of sanctions, including on companies, were coming.


The conglomerates are spread throughout the economy from mining and manufacturing to food and beverages to hotels, telecoms and banking. They rank among the country's biggest taxpayers and sought partnerships with foreign companies as Myanmar opened up during the democratic liberalization.

A United Nations fact-finding mission in 2019 recommended sanctions against the two companies and their subsidiaries, saying they gave the army extra sources of revenue that could finance human rights violations.

Like several Western powers, the EU has condemned the coup and called for the restoration of civilian rule.

The coup has plunged Myanmar into crisis after 10 years of tentative steps toward democracy, with, in addition to the daily protests, strikes by workers in many sectors that have brought the economy to a standstill.

An activist group, the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, says the security forces have killed 715 protesters since the overthrow of Suu Kyi's government. read more
Myanmar: Security forces arrest prominent anti-coup activist

Junta forces have arrested 25-year-old opposition activist Wai Moe Naing after reportedly hitting him with a car, drawing a swift response from his supporters and the US government.

Wai Moe Naing speaks to demonstrators during a protest in Monywa, northern Myanmar

One of the most high-profile activists protesting against Myanmar's military junta was arrested on Thursday by security forces as a violent crackdown on opposition movement continues.

Wai Moe Naing, a 25-year-old Muslim man, was reportedly hit by an unmarked police car as he led a protest on his motorbike in the northern city of Monywa, and then was detained by the security forces. Twitter users called for his release with the hashtag #FreeWaiMoeNaing.

Security forces have not yet specified under which charges Naing was arrested.

"This appalling act further demonstrates why the people of Myanmar do not accept the military regime," the US Embassy tweeted in response to the arrest.

"We call for the release of the more than 3,000 people detained by the regime, and we support the people striving for democracy."

EU preparing new sanctions against junta leaders

The arrests come as the EU is reportedly preparing new sanctions that will target 10 further individuals linked to the coup, along with two companies run by Myanmar's military, two European diplomats told Reuters news agency.

Military connected conglomerates cover wide swath of sectors, including mining, manufacturing, food, beverages, hotels, telecoms and banking.

The diplomats said the the measures could take effect next week.

Western countries, including the US, UK and Germany, have widely condemned the coup and expressed solidarity with ousted democratically-elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Watch video 01:28  Myanmar's protesters keep on marching for freedom

Former Myanmar ambassador in London calls for help

Myanmar's military has also cracked down on the opposition working in western countries. The junta took over Myanmar's embassy in the UK over critical remarks from ousted ambassador Kyaw Zwar Minn.

Kyaw Zwar Minn is now locked out of the embassy, and called for help from the British government on Thursday, as he is facing eviction from his London residence. He reportedly had to spend a night in his car after the military barred him from his residence.

Speaking from behind the padlocked gates of his residence in northwest London, he told reporters, he is "not going to go today'' and intends to stay despite orders to move out.

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab last week condemned the "bullying actions of the Myanmar regime in London."

wd/wmr (Reuters, AP, dpa)

Environment, best single

The World Press Photo Awards honor the best visual journalism worldwide. The past year was not only marked by the pandemic, but also the climate crisis and forgotten conflicts.

An estimated 129 billion disposable face masks and 65 billion throwaway gloves are being used each month during the pandemic, the BBC reported. With this photo titled "California Sea Lion Plays with Mask," Ralph Pace, a California-based freelance underwater and environmental photographer, illustrates how the waste that lands in nature poses a threat to animals.

11 photos 
The secret world of underwater archaeology

The Cosquer Cave's impressively well-preserved Stone Age paintings were only discovered in 1991. Researchers are always finding new treasures under water.

No GPS under water
The research divers in Germany systematically study coastal regions and inland lakes. They also work around the world, such as in Mexico and Indonesia. Historical sources, like old land and sea maps, or actual eyewitnesses, sometimes lead them to a discovery underwater. Coincidence, however, is the biggest factor in discoveries. GPS cannot help researchers, as it doesn't work underwater. PHOTOS 12345678

When the French diving instructor Henri Cosquer discovered in 1985 the access to a flooded cave at a depth of 37 meters (121 feet), during a diving tour in the Mediterranean off the coast of Marseille, he didn't know that it concealed an archaeological sensation.

He and his companions dived down to the entrance of the cave several times over the next few months. But it wasn't until 1991 that he managed to reach the main cave through a tunnel. It would later bear his name.

The narrow, stone-carved space was completely dry, its walls covered with mysterious prehistoric paintings. 

The world's only underwater Stone Age cave

The archaeologists and scientists who later examined the cave found that the drawings were approximately 19,000 to 27,000 years old. The paintings mainly showed animals — seals, fish, horses, bison, mountain goats, sea birds — that were surprisingly lifelike.

"It's the only underwater Stone Age cave that is known to us to date," explains marine archaeologist Fritz Jürgens from the University of Kiel, who also dives to explore such caves. "There are particularly good conservation conditions there."

Towards the end of an ice age, this cave, which is about 11 kilometers (7 miles) off the coast in southern France, was used and painted by Stone Age people. But as the polar ice caps thawed, the sea level gradually rose, and the cave entrance was at some point deep under water. Yet the higher cave itself remained dry.

"That's how these 20,000-year-old and very unique Stone Age cave paintings survived," researcher Jürgens told DW. "They include a stencil painting of a human hand and the only known Stone Age depiction of a penguin."

The stenciled Stone Age hand in the Cosquer Cave

A replica to secure the prehistoric art

The prehistoric Cosquer Cave is now a protected area open only to researchers.

"The Lascaux caves, for example, were opened to visitors after they were discovered," points out Fritz Jürgens. "But within 50 years, the visitors' torches and breathing had damaged the works of art so badly that they had to be closed."

Scientists and specialists are currently building an exact replica of the Cosquer Cave for a maritime museum in Marseille. It is scheduled to be made public in June 2022. The original cave is threatened by rising sea levels, due to climate change.
Shipwrecks are more common

Underwater archaeologist Florian Huber

Underwater archaeology is a special method taught at the Institute for Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Kiel, where Fritz Jürgens also completed his training. Each year, only 10 to 12 students are trained there, and the job opportunities for graduates are limited.

Jürgens' colleague Florian Huber has been working as a professional research diver for many years and dives in the North and Baltic Seas, as well as in large inland lakes in Germany. "As underwater archaeologists, we actually find all kinds of items that were thrown or got into the water at some point, from the Stone Age to World War II," he told DW. "Of course, there are shipwrecks that we find everywhere — in rivers, lakes and seas. And we find submerged settlements that are now under water due to the rise in sea levels."

Excavation of a boat from the 24th-23th century BC, found in Lake Constance

This is an advantage over conventional archaeology, says Jürgens. "Things are preserved under water that would have long since disappeared on land: all organic materials, for example textiles, leather and wood. On land they only survive in the rarest of cases."
Most finds are accidental

Archaeological research under water also has a clear disadvantage: the GPS system, which has already contributed to spotting many sensational terrestrial finds from the air, does not work at greater water depths. "It only goes a few centimeters below the surface of the water. Then it breaks off," says archaeologist Huber.

"What we use in underwater archaeology to track down finds are side scans or multibeams. We scan the seafloor with acoustic signals. These are reflected, come back to the research vessel and are visualized on the computer as converted signals. And then we can see if there is a wreck on the ocean floor."

Historical nautical charts or logbooks are also used by underwater archaeologists, but most finds are discovered by chance, says Huber. "New discoveries are always being made underwater, for instance, when new port facilities are built, but also by recreational divers who go down and discover shipwrecks, remains of boats or stakes underwater somewhere."

As German law specifies that all finds must be notified to authorities, researchers can usually quickly secure new archaeological sites.

In 2020, Huber found an Enigma machine from World War II

A WWII find while doing environmental work

Underwater archaeologists don't only dive for research purposes. Huber and his company in Kiel often work for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). "Mainly to salvage ghost nets in the Baltic Sea. These are abandoned fishing nets that have been lost but continue to drift in the sea. And fish, birds, whales, seals or turtles can get tangled up in them and die."

It was on one of those missions that Huber's team made a sensational find in 2020, not from the Stone Age, but from the Second World War. "We found an Enigma machine in one of the nets." The special typewriter was developed and used by the Nazis to encode and decipher their encrypted messages during WWII. The find attracted international media attention. For the team of scientists, it was definitely a more valuable discovery than finding ancient gold coins.

Watch video 04:35 Dive in history – underwater tourism as a future trend

This article was translated from German.

Beer from Ancient Egypt to modern Germany

Remains of a 5,000-year-old brewery have been uncovered in Egypt. So, how did beer make its way from the land of the Pharaohs to Germany?

Remains of vats used for beer fermentation were uncovered

Archaeologists from the USA and Egypt have unearthed an ancient brewery on the banks of the Nile. Cairo's tourism ministry says the site, which dates back 5,000 years, would once have been capable of producing 22,400 liters of beer per batch.

In antiquity, the fermented barley juice served as a drink for almost the entire population and was regarded as a staple food. The beer was made from a mixture of water and barley that was heated and then fermented. That mixture was partly seasoned with fruit juice concentrates, filtered and served as a thick, sweet drink.

This find and others in the last 12 months have created hope for new breath of life into Egypt's mummified tourism sector. In 2010, some 14.7 million tourists came to Egypt. Those figures collapsed in 2011 during and after the Arab Spring; and took another blow from Egypt's military coup in 2016. The industry slowly regrew for the next few years, only to be flattened again by the coronavirus pandemic. In 2019, the country had 13.1 million tourists; that had shriveled to just 3.5 million in 2020.

The discovery of what the Egyptian tourism ministry is calling "the oldest high-production brewery in the world," at Abydos, near Luxor, could help build a thirst for Egyptian tourism again.

As the discovery of the "snack bar" in Pompeii in 2020 proved, culinary finds are very popular with the public. Archaeologist and director of the Burg Linn Museum, Dr. Jennifer Morscheiser agrees: "As an archaeologist you know what the press loves: All finds that have to do with sex, alcohol or seasonal holidays."

Saqqara, the necropolis of the city of Memphis, about 30 kilometers south of Cairo, is considered one of most important archaeological sites in Egypt together with the Valley of the Kings and the pyramids of Giza. The settlement struck the headlines this year with yet another spectacular discovery: In September and October, researchers found beautifully decorated wooden coffins.    PHOTOS 123456789

Cooler climate, falling wine production — a beer storm was brewing

In 2011, Morschheiser herself stumbled over the remains of an ancient brewery — in Bonn on the banks of the Rhine — built by the Romans 2,000 years ago.

"It is a credible idea that there was a move to make drinks more preservable and relatively germ-free, especially 2,000 or 5,000 years ago, when wells, sewage systems and rivers were only partially separated from one another," explains Morscheiser.

That might explain why beer brewing became popular thousands of years ago. But how did beer brewing come to be in the area where Germany is today, in Northern and Central Europe?

There are several possible pathways. The Greeks are thought to have learned to brew beer from the Egyptians during the third century BCE, but it's unclear whether the Romans learned from Greeks or from the Egyptians after the Roman conquest in North Africa, in 32 BCE.

The Abydos archaeological site is seen as the oldest high-production beer brewery uncovered to date

In Central Europe, there is evidence that the Celts were fermenting grain to make alcohol around the same time; and it's entirely possible that other European peoples discovered the fermentation process independently.

"Beer and mead were already known to the Celts, but the hype and mass production didn't begin until the middle of the second century AD," explains Morscheiser.
'The aqueducts were left to decay, but not the brewing'

Although the Romans may have regarded it as a second class drink, the Teutonic love for beer has remained ever since.

"As far as I can see, brewing has continued since then," says Morscheiser.

"It even survived the fall of the Roman Empire — the aqueducts were left to decay, but they didn't want to give up brewing beer."

But beer in Europe was still being fermented on a small scale; and that's the way it would stay until the Middle Ages, when Christian monasteries started to brew larger quantities. It was only with the industrial revolution that Europe began brewing on an industrial scale.

Nowadays, beer is a big tourist drawcard for Germany. That point is abundantly clear every September when around six million tourists usually visit Oktoberfest in Munich.

But the brewery which was recently uncovered by archaeologists in Egypt may have been about making beer for a less cheerful occasion. The head of the excavation, Matthew Adams of New York University, believes it's possible that the brewery's purpose was to provide drinks for the funeral rites of the pharaohs.
Fact check: How effective is the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine?

Russia's COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik V, has been approved for use in dozens of countries, and it's also under review by the European Medicines Agency. But the vaccine remains controversial.

Sputnik V is already being used in Venezuela to immunize the first group of people

President Vladimir Putin has touted Sputnik V as "the best vaccine in the world," and the Russian media have regularly touted the vaccine's record exports abroad.

However, is it actually a safe and effective inoculation against COVID-19? DW tries to separate the facts from the propaganda.

What is Sputnik V?

Developed by the state-run Gamaleya Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow and financed by the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF), Gam-COVID-Vac is a viral vector vaccine, similar to those developed by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J). Vector vaccines are easier to manage than mRNA vaccines, which need to be stored at very low temperatures.

In a vector vaccine, harmless viruses, such as inactive cold viruses, deliver the genetic code for spike proteins — which the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen uses to attach itself to human cells — into the body. The body of a vaccinated person will recognize them as alien substances and react by creating antibodies and specific T-cells, which are both important for immunity.

What's unusual about Sputnik V, however, is that two different types of cold virus, or adenovirus, are used for the first and second shots — rAd26 (which J&J also uses) and rAd5, respectively. This combination is supposed to prevent the second shot from neutralizing the immunization effect from the first and preventing the desired booster effect.

How effective is Sputnik V?

In principle, it's possible to use two different vectors because this promises a higher vaccine efficacy. The efficacy of other vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca (76%) and J&J (85.4%), which only use one vector, is much lower than that of the mRNA vaccines by BioNTech-Pfizer (95%) and Moderna (94.1%).

However, it's hard to precisely determine the efficacy of Sputnik V. It was approved for use in Russia last August before the state safety review had been completed. Eight months after the government's fast-track approval, there is still no reliable data on the vaccine. Russia has not yet made crucial primary data available to an independent drug testing authority.

Sputnik V was first approved for use in Russia last Augus

In September, British medical journal The Lancet published partial results from Sputnik V's phase 1 and 2 trials. However, the two studies on safety, tolerability and immunogenicity only included 38 participants each. The findings stated a strong immune response, and said no serious adverse side effects had been detected.

International experts had strong reservations about the results — and not only because of the size of the trial groups. Several researchers pointed out a number of oddities: For example, even though the participants had been given very different forms of the vaccine, the study found that they all had the exact same level of antibodies in their blood on different days. They said that it could not be a coincidence that the participants all had identical levels of T-cells, which fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Some 40 scientists from Europe, the United States, Canada and even Russia signed an open letter raising concerns that data might have been manipulated.

On February 2, Russian scientists published interim results from phase 3 trials in The Lancet. They said that over 18,000 participants had received two doses of the vaccine at an interval of three weeks and claimed that efficacy was at 91.6% with no serious side effects. Once again, their international colleagues responded with skepticism, pointing out that there could not be an independent evaluation if the primary data had not been published.

According to a new study released on April 3, Sputnik V is also effective against the B.1.1.7 variant first detected in the UK and the B.1.351 variant first identified in South Africa. However, this has not been confirmed by a standard peer review process.
What are the risks?

In early April, the EU Observer claimed that four people had died and six others had experienced serious health complications after being vaccinated with Sputnik V. In response, Russia's Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare, Roszdravnadzor, denied there was a direct link with the vaccine.

Roszdravnadzor said that no adverse side effects had been reported apart from typical post-vaccination reactions such as flu-like infections, skin irritations, headaches and fatigue.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) launched a rolling review in early March, looking at data as they become available from ongoing studies, to assess the efficacy and safety of Sputnik V. But if it is to grant approval for its use across the EU, it needs access to a complete dataset. The EMA aims to obtain the information in Russia in an accelerated review process, but Russia's reaction so far has been hesitant.
Where has Sputnik V been approved for use?

According to DW's research, Sputnik V has been approved in 60 states, including India, Mexico, Iran, Ghana, Sri Lanka and Serbia, as well as in the Palestinian territories and Republika Srpska, in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Though Sputnik V has yet to receive EMA approval, the EU member states Hungary and Slovakia have granted emergency national approvals. It is already being used in Hungary to vaccinate citizens, but in Slovakia the authorities have not yet approved use of the 200,000 doses delivered by Russia.

It's difficult to find out for certain which countries have already approved and started using Sputnik V. Argentina, Serbia, Venezuela and San Marino are among them, and of course Russia itself. According to Our World in Data, as of April 12 around 8.8 million people, 6% of the population, had received at least one shot in Russia — a rather low figure by international comparison.

Some countries have already preordered the vaccine and are conducting trials, but they have not yet approved the vaccine. Brazil has already ordered about 76 million doses of Sputnik V in anticipation.

Will the EU start using Sputnik V?

There has been growing interest in the Russian vaccine in Europe, even though the European Commission is not currently negotiating future supply contracts as it did with BioNTech-Pfizer and AstraZeneca late last year. The Czech Republic, Germany and Austria are trying to secure doses of Sputnik V, but have insisted the vaccine will only be used after the EMA gives the go-ahead.

Though the EMA has already launched its rolling review of Sputnik V, it will only be able to begin the approval process after the first results of scientific and clinical trials have been evaluated. This could take weeks, if not months.

Russia is hoping to supply the European Union with 50 million doses from June onwards, and is also planning to build manufacturing sites in Europe. But Thierry Breton, who heads the EU Commission's vaccine task force, remains unconvinced.

"It normally takes many months to build up and ramp up the corresponding production. It is simply too late to use Sputnik V for our goal of having all Europeans vaccinated by the summer," he told the German weekly Der Spiegel last week.

Additional reporting: Uta Steinwehr

  • Date 15.04.2021
  • Author 
  • Ines Eisele, Alexander Freund

This article has been translated from German

How social media is manipulated — and how Russia is involved

Social media posts by Russian lawmaker Leonid Slutsky are being boosted with likes paid for on promotional sites. This also appears to be the case with other Russian political accounts, as DW has discovered.

On social media, it can be hard to tell real from fake interactions

It costs between 1 1/2 and 2 rubles, or around 2 cents, to buy a like or a repost on Facebook. That's also the going rate for retweets when Leonid Slutsky's posts need a little nudging on Twitter.

Slutsky is the head of the foreign affairs committee in the lower house of the Russian parliament, the State Duma. He often writes about such topics as "provocation from Brussels" or the "hellish absurdity" of the Biden administration on his social media accounts.

And as DW has discovered, he uses the Russian promotional site,, to buy likes. The site also charges for reposts, views and to inflate subscriber numbers on all the main social media outlets, including Telegram, YouTube and TikTok, and the popular Russian networks, Odnoklassniki or VKontakte.
Bargain-basement prices for social media boost

The platform gives approximate rates for the purchase of various types of activities on specific social networks. But in the end, everyone decides what they're willing to pay to have their posts promoted. The more they pay, the faster it all works. Theoretically, anyone using the site can buy likes or retweets for Slutsky, or any other post or account — all that's needed is a current email address.

All of Slutsky's posts were listed on when DW began observing the site in mid-March. Within a half hour of appearing online, one of Slutsky's Facebook posts about the situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border also appeared on the site to be promoted. DW asked Slutsky in writing if he or any of his staff were paying for likes or reposts, but so far there hasn't been a reply.

The popularity of many of Leonid Slutsky's social media posts appears to have been given a boost

Slutsky came to the attention of the wider Russian public in 2018 for allegedly sexually harassing several female journalists. But despite the public furor, he was cleared by the State Duma's ethics committee.

The Dossier Center, a nonprofit organization run by the self-exiled Russian businessman Mikhail Khodorkovsky, is an organization which, in its own words, "tracks the criminal activity of various people associated with the Kremlin."

In an analysis published in early April, it said that the so-called Russian Peace Federation, a group headed by Slutsky, was asking US senators in Washington for grant money. At the same time, Slutsky's social media accounts were ruthlessly criticizing the United States and the European Union.

In a recent Twitter post, Slutsky said "it is not Russia that is pulling away from the EU but rather Brussels that is provoking confrontations." To date, he has received at least 170 likes for this tweet. DW looked into the 78 public accounts that liked the tweet and found that all but one came for the same Russian promotion site. The profiles were also filled with retweets of other posts listed on the promotion site, and at least nine accounts have since been flagged and suspended by Twitter due to suspicious activity.
Politicians compete with influencers, startups for recognition

NATO's Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence (NATO StratCom COE) has been looking into the issue of buying social media popularity since 2018. Rolf Fredheim, a researcher with the center, said that several accounts belonging to lesser-known local Russian politicians can be found on such promotional sites. He told DW that other prominent lawmakers in the State Duma are also on the list, but he was reluctant to single out any particular politician.

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However, Fredheim pointed out that politicians remain relatively rare on such platforms. Most often, it's "some new wannabe celebrity on Instagram or Facebook who wants to boost their presence," he said, estimating that politicians make up only around 10% of the clients. "Most common perhaps would be companies," he continued, because they are just starting out, "and they use these services to make it look like they are bigger and more authentic than they actually are."

On one of the promotional sites, DW uncovered a VKontakte profile belonging to Konstantin Malofeev, the Russian media czar and a confidant of President Vladimir Putin. In his posts, Malofeev —a supporter of Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine — lashes out against "the Kyiv junta" or the "godless EU" on a regular basis.

Another figure on the promotional site is Oleksandr Feldman, a current member of the Ukrainian parliament and a former ally of ex-president Viktor Yanukovych, who fled to Russia in 2014. Feldman is now on the campaign trail and hopes to become the mayor of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest city in. Social media likes on his posts are going for more than a cent apiece.
Russia leads when it comes to social media manipulation

According to the NATO StratCom COE, Russian companies dominate the market when it comes to manipulating social media networks. In a report published in late 2020, the organization said that nearly all of the big software and infrastructure providers they had identified were of Russian origin.

It said that between 10% and 30% of all likes, reposts and views on these platforms could be attributed to fake social media activities. The center's director, Janis Sarts, told DW the center only has "snapshots of that data, so [...] the full scale of the manipulation is not possible."