Tuesday, June 08, 2021


Innovative batteries put flying cars on the horizon


Research News




Jet packs, robot maids and flying cars were all promises for the 21st century. We got mechanized, autonomous vacuum cleaners instead. Now a team of Penn State researchers are exploring the requirements for electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles and designing and testing potential battery power sources.

"I think flying cars have the potential to eliminate a lot of time and increase productivity and open the sky corridors to transportation," said Chao-Yang Wang, holder of the William E. Diefender Chair of Mechanical Engineering and director of the Electrochemical Engine Center, Penn State. "But electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicles are very challenging technology for the batteries."

The researchers define the technical requirements for flying car batteries and report on a prototype battery today (June 7) in Joule.

"Batteries for flying cars need very high energy density so that you can stay in the air," said Wang. "And they also need very high power during take-off and landing. It requires a lot of power to go vertically up and down."

Wang notes that the batteries will also need to be rapidly recharged so that there could be high revenue during rush hours. He sees these vehicles having frequent take-offs and landings and recharging quickly and often.

"Commercially, I would expect these vehicles to make 15 trips, twice a day during rush hour to justify the cost of the vehicles," said Wang. "The first use will probably be from a city to an airport carrying three to four people about 50 miles."

Weight is also a consideration for these batteries as the vehicle will have to lift and land the batteries. Once the eVTOL takes off, on short trips the average speed would be 100 miles per hour and long trips would average 200 miles per hour, according to Wang.

The researchers experimentally tested two energy-dense lithium-ion batteries that can recharge with enough energy for a 50-mile eVTOL trip in five to ten minutes. These batteries could sustain more than 2,000 fast-charges over their lifetime.

Wang and his team used technology they have been working on for electric vehicle batteries. The key is to heat the battery to allow rapid charging without the formation of lithium spikes that damage the battery and are dangerous. It turns out that heating the battery also allows rapid discharge of the energy held in the battery to allow for take offs and landings.

The researchers heat the batteries by incorporating a nickel foil that brings the battery rapidly to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Under normal circumstances, the three attributes necessary for an eVTOL battery work against each other," said Wang. "High energy density reduces fast charging and fast charging usually reduces the number of possible recharge cycles. But we are able to do all three in a single battery."

One entirely unique aspect of flying cars is that the batteries must always retain some charge. Unlike cellphone batteries, for example, that work best if fully discharged and recharged, a flying car battery can never be allowed to completely discharge in the air because power is needed to stay in the air and to land. There always needs to be a margin of safety in a flying car battery.

When a battery is empty, internal resistance to charging is low, but the higher the remaining charge, the more difficult it is to push more energy into the battery. Typically, recharging slows as the battery fills. However, by heating the battery, recharging can remain in the five- to ten-minute range.

"I hope that the work we have done in this paper will give people a solid idea that we don't need another 20 years to finally get these vehicles," said Wang. "I believe we have demonstrated that the eVTOL is commercially viable."


Also working on this project were Xiao-Guang Yang and Shanhai Ge, both assistant research professors in mechanical engineering, and Teng Liu, doctoral student in mechanical engineering, all at Penn State; and Eric Roundtree, EC Power, State College, Pennsylvania.

The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the U.S. Air Force Small Business Technology Transfer program and the William E. Diefenderfer Endowment funded this research.

Turning off lights can save migrating

birds from crashing into buildings

Decades-long case study of Chicago's McCormick Place shows how lights, weather, and migration conditions combine to affect how many birds die flying through a city


Research News




Every night during the spring and fall migration seasons, thousands of birds are killed when they crash into illuminated windows, disoriented by the light. But a new study in PNAS shows that darkening just half of a building's windows can make a big difference for birds. Using decades' worth of data and birds collected by Field Museum scientists at Chicago's McCormick Place convention center, the researchers found that on nights when half the windows were darkened, there were 11 times fewer bird collisions during spring migration and 6 times fewer collisions during fall migration than when all the windows were lit.

"Our research provides the best evidence yet that migrating birds are attracted to building lights, often causing them to collide with windows and die," says Benjamin Van Doren, a postdoctoral associate at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the paper's lead author. "These insights were only possible thanks to over 40 years of work by David Willard at the Field Museum, who led collisions and light monitoring efforts."

In 1978, Willard, the museum's collections manager emeritus, heard an offhand remark about birds hitting the McCormick Place, North America's largest convention center that happens to be just a mile south of the museum. So, he investigated.

"I went down early one morning, just out of curiosity, and wandered around and actually found four or five dead birds," says Willard. "I might not have gone back if I hadn't found anything that first day, and now here we are, 40 years later and 40,000 birds later."

Willard and his colleagues, including Field Museum co-author Mary Hennen and other Field staff and volunteers, have visited the site every day before sunrise during migration season, sometimes as early as 3:30 in the morning. Some days there are no birds; other times, there are as many as 200. Willard collects the dead birds and brings them back to the museum, where he records each one in a ledger and adds them to the museum's collection.

Around twenty years ago, Willard began to notice a pattern-- on nights when the lights were out at McCormick Place, around holidays or construction work, there were fewer birds on the ground the next morning. As the building's lighting patterns began to vary more, he began gathering data on which windows were illuminated each night, in addition to collecting the birds he found on the pavement.

The new PNAS study is the most in-depth use of the data on lighting patterns to date, combining Willard's specimens and lighting observations with other conditions that might play a role in bird mortality, including weather records and radar data revealing the number of birds in the sky on a given night. "We developed a statistical model based on the number of windows illuminated at McCormick Place, weather conditions, migratory passage, and time of season. This allowed us to isolate the relationship between window lighting and collisions while accounting for these other factors," says Van Doren. "By joining these different sources of data, we were able to understand how lights, weather, and migration each contribute to collision mortality."

The team found that the total number of birds in the sky on a given night and the direction of the wind both play a role in mortality, but the biggest determining factor was light: when more windows were darkened, fewer birds died. "The sheer strength of the link between lighting and collisions was surprising," says Van Doren. "It speaks to the exciting potential to save birds simply by reducing light pollution."


A drawer of birds killed crashing into the city's windows in the Field Museum's collection.


Ben Marks, Field Museum

The researchers were able to quantify that bird-saving potential: they predict that halving the lighted window area could decrease collision counts by 11 times in spring and 6 times in fall. By turning out half the lights during migration seasons, bird mortality at McCormick Place could be reduced by 59%.

The researchers note that McCormick Place is far from unique-- it's been monitored for longer than any other Chicago building, but, Willard says, "There's hardly an address in downtown Chicago that doesn't have a bird in the Field Museum's collection, thanks to the efforts of the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors." However, there are a few factors that make the McCormick Center especially dangerous for birds, including its massive size, its isolation from other buildings, and its proximity to Lake Michigan, which birds are sometimes hesitant to fly over.

"Buildings all across North America, all across the world, are killing birds, and those add up," says Doug Stotz, a senior conservation ecologist at the Field. "What we've learned in the past 20 years about lights being on has caused the city of Chicago to create its Lights Out program, which requires buildings' external lights to be turned off during peak migration. I hope this paper will show why it's important to turn off internal lighting as well, especially in Chicago, which is the country's deadliest city for migrating birds."

Van Doren is also eager to see the project's findings applied. "Our study contains a hopeful message: we can save birds simply by turning off lights during a handful of high-risk days each spring and fall," he says. "By adapting our existing public migration forecasts to identify nights with high collision risk, we will be able to issue targeted lights-out advisories several days in advance."

In addition to the study's implications for bird conservation, it also speaks to the importance of natural history collections in documenting global change. "These collision data are even more valuable because they are backed up by specimens that are available for study in the Field Museum," says Ben Winger, one of the paper's senior authors, an assistant professor and curator at the University of Michigan and a Field Museum graduate student alumnus . "This will allow future scientists to go a step further and study the connections between many aspects of avian biology and conservation relevant questions."

"It's a classic museum data set," agrees Stotz. "We do a lot of collecting without knowing exactly what the specimens will be used for. But down the line, when people say, 'I wish we had information on X, Y, or Z,' we do-- it's in the museum."


Dave Willard's ledger of birds added to the museum's collections, with a measuring tool and a Tennessee Warbler specimen.


Kate Golembiewski, Field Museum

Study shows cities can consider race and income in household energy efficiency programs


Research News

Climate change and social inequality are two pressing issues that often overlap. A new study led by Princeton researchers offers a roadmap for cities to address inequalities in energy use by providing fine-grained methods for measuring both income and racial disparities in energy use intensity. Energy use intensity, the amount of energy used per unit floor area, is often used as a proxy for assessing the efficiency of buildings and the upgrades they receive over time. The work could guide the equitable distribution of rebates and other measures that decrease energy costs and increase efficiency.

Examining inequality in cities has been hampered by a lack of energy use data at fine spatial scales within cities. Until now, only Los Angeles has been able to use a data-driven approach to shine a light on where energy use inequalities exist, focusing specifically on the effect of income disparities. But according to new results reported in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, to truly understand and fully address energy use inequality, cities must take an even more nuanced approach--one that unpacks race-related disparities from income. As the authors report, examining the issue solely through the lens of income risks missing significant race-related inequalities that exist beyond income effects.

"Often, in discussions about social justice, people sometimes ask, 'Oh, how do you know it's a race effect and not 'just' an income effect?'" said co-author Anu Ramaswami, a professor of civil and environmental engineering and the High Meadows Environmental Institute at Princeton University. "This paper actually shows you the data, that there's a structurally linked income-race effect, and an additional race effect even within the same income group."

Ramaswami and her colleagues arrived at their findings by studying two cities, Tallahassee, Florida, and St. Paul, Minnesota. The findings showed that when evaluating annual energy use, homes in the lowest income neighborhoods on average used 25-60% higher energy use per square foot compared to the highest income neighborhoods. What was more surprising was that within the income groups, predominantly non-white neighborhoods had higher energy use intensity compared to predominantly white neighborhoods.

"We were struck when we first saw these patterns," said Ramaswami, who also is Princeton's Sanjay Swani '87 Professor of India Studies and director of the Chadha Center for Global India.

The results were even starker considering seasonal energy use in summer and winter. Focusing on seasonal energy use intensity, the study uncovered disparities by income, and disparities by race within the lowest-income group, that can be greater than 150%, which are five times larger than the 25% disparity previously known in U.S. cities, based on the limited data availability in prior studies. The study found that households in low-income non-white neighborhoods report higher energy use intensity, reflective of lower energy efficiency of the buildings, as well as lower participation in rebate programs.

The method she and her colleagues developed can be applied in other cities and utility sectors (mobility, water, etc.) and is available now for adoption by cities interested in addressing racial inequalities. "We don't think it's only these two cities," Ramaswami said. "These effects are probably happening everywhere."

Inequalities surrounding income and race in the U.S. tend to be conflated because lower income communities often have higher non-white populations, while higher income areas tend to be predominantly white. To untangle these variables, Ramaswami and her co-authors worked with city officials and utility companies to obtain detailed energy use data.

"Part of the problem is that race and income are so intertwined, you need fine-scale data to actually unpack inequality," Ramaswami said. "Typically, cities get energy use data at the zip code level, which is very coarse, but we got data at the level of census blocks through a unique collaboration with our partner cities and utilities, who are committed to understanding baseline inequalities in their neighborhoods."

In total, the researchers obtained anonymized and aggregated data from utilities covering all 90,000 households in Tallahassee, and all 110,000 in St. Paul. They divided total household energy use in a neighborhood by the total square footage of the dwellings to compute the average energy use intensity for that neighborhood. They then compared energy use intensity across different neighborhood groups partitioned into five income brackets, and further by the racial composition of the neighborhoods within each income bracket.

The results revealed a number of surprises. In St. Paul, for example, the lowest income group had a 27% higher annual energy use intensity (use per square foot) compared to the highest income group. St Paul's result is comparable to the 25% disparity by income seen in Los Angeles. However, Tallahassee's disparity in annual electricity use intensity by income was found to be more than double at 66%. Furthermore, when the researchers further partitioned the income groups by racial composition of the census block groups, they found substantial additional disparities by race even within the same income groups. For example, in St. Paul, the poorest predominantly non-white neighborhoods had a 40% higher energy use intensity compared to poorest predominantly white neighborhoods. Such racial disparity was seen within all income brackets except for the very wealthiest block groups, which were majority white to begin with.

When the team took a closer look at seasonal energy use, -- i.e. energy used for heating and cooling in winter and summer--they found an up to 167% disparity in electricity use intensity between the lowest and highest -earning households in St. Paul, with the lowest-earning households footing that outsized energy burden. In Tallahassee, seasonal energy use showed large racial disparities within the lowest income group of the order of 156%.

"To my knowledge, this is the first study to show inequalities in urban energy use by race, and to show that it's different from energy use inequality by income," says Karen Seto, the Frederick C. Hixon Professor of Geography and Urbanization Science at Yale University, who was not involved in the research. "The study corroborates other studies that show significant within-city inequalities" by both race and income, she said, "whether it's exposure to heat or green space."

The researchers also examined household participation in several types of rebate programs designed to increase energy use efficiency and decrease costs. They found that homes in wealthier predominantly white neighborhoods were more likely to participate in rebate programs, while poorer predominantly non-white ones tended to slip through the cracks.

"Making this type of data visible is helpful for making people understand that infrastructure-related racial disparities are not just some abstract thing--it's real and you can see it in the data," Ramaswami said. "We all say we want social justice, but to get to that, it helps to be quantitative."

Ramaswami and her colleagues hope that cities across the country adopt their method to better understand their own energy equity dynamic. They are already working with officials in Austin, Texas, to apply this new approach.

Ultimately, they also hope to follow up on their findings to determine what is actually driving disparities in energy use intensity and rebate participation, so cities can use that information to further close the gap on inequalities.

"The new understanding gained from this study is already quite a lot," said Kangkang Tong, first author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher in civil and environmental engineering at Princeton University. "But it will take another several studies to really understand the reasons behind our findings, to help communities improve their energy use efficiency."

The study also addresses fundamental questions about the geographical scale researchers can use to measure social inequality in urban areas. The researchers found that choosing to study social inequality across city blocks as the unit of analysis provides different results than studying inequality across larger block groups or even larger census tracts. This is part of a fundamental question that scholars from many disciplines -- including geography, public health, computer science, mathematics, and political science -- are grappling with, called the modifiable areal unit problem. The problem is that measures of dispersion and inequality change as the spatial unit area of observation is modified - whether it is a city block, block group, census tract, or zip code. Ramaswami said the PNAS paper is the first to characterize the modifiable areal unit problem for the issue of energy use inequality in cities by exploring multiple metrics for energy use inequality across a range of scales. These findings are highly policy relevant because it means measuring disparity ratios from data aggregated at the block-level could give very different results from computing them from block-group or census tract-level data.

"This is also another area for further research, wherein policy-relevant questions can trigger fundamental scientific discoveries." Tong said.


The research paper, "Measuring social equity in urban energy use and interventions using fine-scale data" was published June 7 by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In addition to Ramaswami and Tong, co-authors include Richard Feiock and Corey (Kewei) Xu, of Florida State University; Michael Ohlsen of Florida State University and the City of Tallahassee; and Patrick Schmitz (formerly) of Xcel Energy, Minnesota. The research was funded in part by the National Science Foundation.



Last September CUPE member Cihan Erdal went to Turkey to conduct research.  Employed by Carleton University in Ottawa, Cihan is a PhD student, a sociologist, an academic, youth researcher, peace and LGBTI+ activist, and a member of CUPE 4600.
And he has been a prisoner in a Turkish jail for 10 months.  Think about that for a second.
If you have heard Cihan’s story and want to help by sending a protest message to the Turkish government just click HERE.  Otherwise please read on.
Cihan is imprisoned because he was, 7 years ago, a member of the People's Democratic Party in Turkey (HDP in Turkish). The HDP was and is a legal political party that opposes many of the policies of the current Turkish government. The evidence against him? 2 social media posts.
CUPE and LabourStart are working to get him home to Canada.  Cihan’s union has been pressuring the Canadian government to do more to get him released.  LabourStart (this is where you come in) is trying to ensure that the Turkish government knows that its actions are being watched and that Cihan knows that he has not been forgotten.  At CUPE's request we are running THIS campaign.
At this point I could appeal to all the CUPE members on our mailing list.  Or to all the university workers.  Or to everyone who can imagine what it must be like to spend 10 months and counting in a Turkish prison.  But really, do I need to?
Take just a few seconds and send a protest message in solidarity with Cihan.  Help get him back to Omer, his partner, and their home in Ottawa.  And tell Cihan that he hasn’t been forgotten and that thousands of Canadians want him released.
Please.  Click HERE, Send some solidarity his way.

To learn more about Cihan's situation listen to this RadioLabour interview with his partner Omer Ongun  HERE.

In Solidarity,

Derek Blackadder
LabourStart Canada
Turkish mafia boss dishes dirt, becomes YouTube phenomenon

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) — From alleged drug trafficking and a murder cover-up to weapons transfers to Islamic militants, a convicted crime ringleader has been dishing the dirt on members of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party through a series of tell-all videos that have captivated the nation and turned him into an unlikely social media phenomenon.
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Sedat Peker, a 49-year-old fugitive crime boss, who once openly supported Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party, has been releasing nearly 90-minute long videos from his stated base in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, making scandalous but yet-unproven drip-by-drip allegations, in an apparent bid to settle scores with political figures.

The weekly YouTube videos have been viewed more than 75 million times, causing an uproar, heightening concerns over Turkish state corruption and putting officials on the defensive. They have also exposed alleged rifts between rival factions within the ruling party and added to Erdogan’s troubles as he battles an economic downturn and the coronavirus pandemic.

On Sunday morning, a couple in Istanbul were absorbed while watching Peker’s latest release. They were among millions in Turkey who tuned in.

“I’ve added (Peker's videos) to the category of TV series I watch every week,” Gulistan Atas said. “Just like a TV episode, I wait in excitement, and every week on Sunday, we prepare our breakfast when we get up and watch them along with our breakfast.”

Clad in a waistcoat or a half-buttoned shirt displaying a medallion, Peker taunts his opponents from behind a desk with neatly arranged notes, prayer beads and books, promising to bring their downfall using nothing more than a “tripod and a camera.”

His initial videos targeted former Interior Minister Mehmet Agar and his son, Tolga, a ruling party lawmaker, whom he accused of raping a young Kazakh journalism student and later covering up her murder as a suicide. Mehmet Agar, Peker suggested, misappropriated a luxury marina that may have been used in drug trafficking operations. Agar later resigned from the marina's board.

Subsequent videos leveled accusations against business people and media figures close to the government, as well as former Prime Minister Binali Yildirim's son, claiming he was involved in drug smuggling from Venezuela. But the target of Peker's most vitriolic and mocking attacks is Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu, whom he accuses of abuse of power and corruption while aiming to become Turkey's president. Peker justifies the tell-all by saying Soylu betrayed him despite the crime leader's help to defeat a rival faction within the ruling party.

All those implicated have rejected Peker's accusations.

In an explosive claim with international dimensions, the mob boss said that a former security advisor to Erdogan accused of leading a paramilitary force had sent weapons to Al-Qaida-linked militants in Syria. Erdogan hasn't yet addressed those claims although the government has in the past denied allegations that it had armed jihadis.

Erdogan ignored the Peker videos for weeks, but broke his silence on May 26, when he dismissed earlier allegations by the mafia leader as a conspiracy against Turkey.

“We will spoil these games, these plots. No one should doubt that we will disrupt this devious operation,” Erdogan said. “We pursue members of criminal gangs wherever in the world they flee to ... We will not leave these criminals alone until we bring them back to our country and hand them over to the judiciary.”

Peker responded to Erdogan that week and suggested that the Turkish strongman could be the focus of future videos. He later said he would speak about Erdogan after his meeting with U.S. President Joe Biden on June 14 so as not to “weaken his hand.” In his latest video Sunday, he said his revelations would be conducted with respect and wouldn't hurt the state itself.

“Will finding and bringing me (to Turkey) change the reality,” he said.

Opposition parties, meanwhile, have seized on the allegations to demand the resignations of implicated figures as well as parliamentary and judiciary inquiries.

The ruling party and its nationalist allies have blocked opposition bids to launch parliamentary inquiries into Peker’s claims as well as into the arms smuggling allegations.

Authorities have issued a new warrant for Peker’s arrest.

Can Selcuki, the director of polling and analysis platform Turkiye Raporu, said of Peker: “We shouldn’t forget that he’s a criminal," but explained the videos' popularity as a need for information.

“It seems to me people are asking this illegal operator these questions because they can’t get answers elsewhere. And this tells me there’s a growing demand in Turkish society for more transparency," Selcuki said.

Peker addresses his viewers, especially people under age 40, as the real owners of Turkey who have the power of demanding accountability and change.

A nationalist who advocates unity between Turkic-speaking nations, Peker has been in and out of prison since age 17 for his involvement in organized crime and other offenses. After his last release from prison in 2014, he held rallies to support Erdogan’s party and leveled threats against his opponents. His 2015 wedding to Ozge Peker, who was his lawyer, drew a host of celebrity guests.

In April, an operation was launched against Peker's group, leading to the arrest of around 60 of his associates.

His home in Istanbul was also searched. Peker maintains that he was forced to speak out after his wife and two daughters were allegedly mistreated and humiliated during the police raid.

“They ask me why I am doing it,” Peker said in the latest video. “I swear to God that at first I did it out of anger, I expected an apology ... Now, I don’t know why I am doing it ... I feel like doing it.”

Gulistan Atas' husband Alparslan Atas said Peker's videos were like the movies “The Godfather” and “Scarface,” to be forever etched in people's memories.

“I like that the state’s dirty laundry has come to light and spread around because knowing that the people who are in politics with their hands on the Quran can at the same time do cocaine business gives me interesting information,” he said.


Robert Badendieck, Zeynep Bilginsoy, Mehmet Guzel and Ayse Wieting contributed to this report from Istanbul.

Suzan Fraser, The Associated Press

Greenpeace wins Australian court case against power company

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Australia’s largest electricity generator on Tuesday largely lost its court case alleging that the environmental group Greenpeace had breached copyright and trademark laws by using its logo in a campaign that described the company as the nation’s “biggest climate polluter.”
© Provided by The Canadian Press

Justice Stephen Burley ruled that AGL Energy had failed in its trademark infringement claim and failed in its copyright infringement claim for all of the uses of the logo except for three social media posts as well as some photographs and placards.

Burley denied AGL's request for damages.

Greenpeace had argued the Federal Court case had significant implications for charities and advocacy groups. Greenpeace also described AGL as the latest fossil fuel corporation to seek to stifle dissent through litigation.

In the online advertising campaign, Greenpeace Australia Pacific accused AGL, which predominantly generates coal-fired electricity, of “greenwashing” by promoting itself as a leading investor in renewable energy. The campaign used the AGL logo and featured the slogan, “AGL – Australia’s Greatest Liability.”

Greenpeace lawyer Katrina Bullock said Tuesday's decision was a win for freedom of expression and set an important legal precedent in copyright law.

“Today’s legal victory is good news for charities, advocacy organisations, satirists and anyone else who seeks to rely on the ‘fair dealing’ freedom of speech safeguard in the Copyright Act to criticise, review, satirise or parody powerful corporations,” Bullock said in a statement.

Greenpeace plans to continue its campaign to pressure AGL to close its three coal-burning power stations by 2030.

AGL released a statement welcoming the parts of the case decided in its favor.

“As we’ve always made clear, this legal action was about the integrity of how our brand is used,” AGL said.

“AGL understands its role as Australia’s largest integrated energy generator to lead the energy transition while continuing to deliver reliable and affordable energy,” AGL added.

AGL unsuccessfully applied for an interim court order in early May that would have forced Greenpeace to stop using the logo.

Greenpeace argued during a one-day hearing last week that Australian trademark law allows for the logo to be used for satire, parody and criticism.

AGL lawyer Megan Evetts told the court there was a “clear intention to harm the brand” through the Greenpeace campaign.

Greenpeace lawyer Neil Murray told the court the campaign did not breach the law because it did not use the AGL trademark in a trade context and its motives were “pure.”

AGL accepted in its latest annual report that it was Australia’s largest greenhouse gas emitter with plans to continue generating electricity by burning coal until 2048, Murray said.

The campaign was aimed at ending Australian reliance on coal-fired power by 2030 as recommended by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

Australia’s Clean Energy Regulator confirms that AGL is the nation’s largest greenhouse gas polluter, accounting for 8% of the nation’s total emissions.

Greenpeace and AGL must return to court on Wednesday to offer wording for orders to give the judge’s verdict effect.

Rod Mcguirk, The Associated Press
Scientists saving endangered salmon get help from gene-slicing tool

By Nathan Frandino 1

Video: 'Sherlock' tool identifies endangered fish (Reuters)

© Reuters/NATHAN FRANDINO Emily Funk, an associate specialist at the University of California Davis, collects a mucus sample from a Chinook salmon to determine its exact species while on a research vessel on the San Joaquin River off Antioch

ANTIOCH, California (Reuters) - A gene-editing tool that has led to new cancer therapies and a rapid test for COVID-19 is now helping scientists find endangered species of salmon in the San Francisco Bay.

The CRISPR-based Sherlock tool can identify four types of Chinook salmon, including Sacramento winter-run and Central Valley spring-run, which are both protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.

"The Chinook are a great fit actually because all of the runs, more or less, look the same," said Andrea Schreier, an adjunct associate professor at the University of California Davis and coauthor of a study

published last year in Molecular Ecology Resources that examined using this genetic identification on the endangered Delta smelt.

"They're visually very similar and the current method we have to identify the different types is based on what length they are at a particular age and it's not very accurate."

Sherlock, which stands for Specific High-sensitivity Enzymatic Reporter Unlocking, identifies the fish using their genomic sequence. Researchers begin by taking swabs of mucus from the fish and combining with reagents that will glow if certain snippets of DNA are present. The battery-powered fluorescent reader gives results in 30 minutes, ideal for field research.

© Reuters/NATHAN FRANDINO Emily Funk, an associate specialist at the University of California Davis, waits for a fluorescent reader to finish running a SHERLOCK test, on a research vessel on the San Joaquin River off Antioch

By identifying the species, researchers believe they can better monitor population sizes and habitats.

With extreme drought
gripping California, some rivers are too warm for the salmon to survive, forcing the state to truck 17 million young fish to the San Francisco Bay from hatcheries.

Emily Funk, an associate specialist who joined the team in July 2020, said the conservation angle drew her to the project.

"I think it's important to preserve our ecosystems," she said. "I hope we can save the fish in our oceans."

Melinda Baerwald, an environmental program manager with the California Department of Water Resources and coauthor of the study, plans to deploy the technology at water pumping stations, which can impact endangered species.

"You don't have to wait for weeks or in some cases months to find out the answer to if you're impacting an endangered or threatened species," she said, adding that they currently have to drive an hour and a half to a lab to confirm the identity of a species. "Instead, you can find out at the moment that you're actually interacting with that species if you are affecting it."
MPs call on Nav Canada to give up $7M in bonuses paid out during pandemic

Ashley Burke
© The Associated Press 

Nav Canada confirms that bonuses amounting to $7 million were given to management in 2020 for their work between Sept. 2019 and August 2020.

Politicians are calling on executives and management at Nav Canada to pay back $7 million in bonuses they received last year during the pandemic, while the private non-profit was tapping into government aid and warning of possible layoffs.

Opposition MPs told CBC News they want the company — which owns and operates Canada's air traffic control system — to follow Air Canada's lead. The airline announced yesterday its senior executives will give back their 2020 bonuses in response to "public disappointment."

"It's very frustrating," said Conservative MP Michael Kram, who sits on the House of Commons' transport committee.

"If the Air Canada executives can make the right steps in the right direction to pay back some of their bonuses, I don't see why Nav Canada can't pay back their bonuses as well."

Public outrage flared last week after the Globe and Mail reported Air Canada gave corporate executives and managers $10 million in "COVID-19 Pandemic Mitigation bonuses" — along with other stock awards — while the company negotiated with the federal government for a multi-billion-dollar pandemic aid package.

Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland increased the pressure on Air Canada Wednesday by calling the bonuses "inappropriate."

Nav Canada said it won't decide until the fall whether it will hand out bonuses for 2021.

When asked repeatedly by CBC News if company executives will pay back the bonuses from 2020, Nav Canada refused to answer directly. Instead, the company's spokesperson Brian Boudreau defended the "management incentive program," saying it was "reduced significantly" last year by 20 per cent.

"Last year, cuts were made to our management compensation, pension plan and incentive programs as well as a significant reduction to overall management staffing numbers, including the executive management team, to reflect the challenging financial environment," Boudreau said in a media statement sent to CBC News.
© Sean Kilpatrick/The Canadian Press 
Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland blasted Air Canada for paying $10 million in executive bonuses while negotiating for federal aid.

Nav Canada rescinded layoff notices

Bloc Quebecois MP Xavier Barsalou-Duval called the bonuses "selfish." He said not paying back the money shows a "lack of sensitivity" in a hard-hit sector.

"I don't understand how you can think it's a good thing to give bonuses to bosses when everything is going wrong around you," said Barsalou-Duval, who is the vice-chair of the transport committee.

NDP MP Brian Masse called it "shameful and a dereliction of leadership during a crisis."

Nav Canada said the bonuses handed out last year to 558 managers at all levels of the organization were for their work prior to the pandemic.

But MPs said that in the same year the bonuses were granted, Nav Canada was tapping into the federal government's Canadian Emergency Wage Subsidy to help cover its payroll as the pandemic crippled air travel. At the time, the company also was looking at closing flight control towers at several locations across the country and issuing potential layoff notices.

The company announced on Friday it was cancelling 41 surplus notices affecting workers in Gander, Moncton, Montreal and Edmonton who were slated to lose their jobs in just days. The company also previously called off 87 other layoff notices and committed to keeping air traffic control towers open.

"Increased vaccination rates, anticipated reductions in travel restrictions and growing travel demand are expected to drive the aviation sector recovery," said Boudreau in a media statement.

NDP MP Taylor Bachrach said MPs demanded answers from the president and CEO of Nav Canada during a parliamentary committee hearing in February, but nothing changed.

"We've been clear that organizations receiving massive amounts of government aid should not be giving their executives bonuses," he said. "That applies to Nav Canada just as it applies to companies like Air Canada and others."

Bachrach said it's the government's responsibility to create rules that prevent this kind of behaviour.

Union concerned about 'poor quality of decisions'

Doug Best, president of the Canadian Air Traffic Control Association, told CBC News his organization is concerned about the "poor quality of decisions being made and the bad faith environment in which they are being made."

"The original decision to pay bonuses was done in bad faith," said Best in an email to CBC News Monday. "Whether the decision is made to give the money back like Air Canada or not does not change the fact they were paid at the same time they were laying off employees, all the while taking government handouts."

In a memo to staff, the union's executive board said that while it's happy Nav Canada workers will not be losing their jobs, that's not good enough.

"Rescinding the letters provides relief for our members but does not make amends for the treatment they have received for the last six months at the hands of the company," said the memo, dated June 4.
U.S. recovers millions from pipeline ransom because of hackers' mistake

 Colonial Pipeline paid nearly $5 million ransom to hackers (NBC News)

Kevin Collier and Pete Williams and Ken Dilanian 

The U.S. has recovered much of the ransom payment that the Russian hacker group DarkSide extorted from Colonial Pipeline earlier this year, the Justice Department said Monday.  
Provided by NBC News

The announcement details a rare disruption of the cryptocurrency payment systems favored by hackers, which have enabled ransomware efforts around the world.

The FBI was able to seize control of DarkSide's proceeds by gaining access to a central bitcoin account holding about 63.7 bitcoin, worth around $2.3 million, FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate said. A court document detailed that then seizure took place in Northern California, putting it within reach of U.S. law. It was unclear why the hackers didn't immediately move their funds to make them more difficult for the U.S. government to seize, as most cybercriminals do.

DarkSide hacked into Colonial in April as part of a months-long crime spree, leading the company to shut down operations. The group demanded a $4.4 million ransom, which the company quickly paid.

The pipeline's systems came back online five days after the initial hack.

"Today we turned the tables on DarkSide," Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in a press conference.

"Ransomware attacks are always unacceptable, but when they target critical infrastructure we will spare no effort in our response," she saiid.

Ransomware gangs are responsible for more than 1,000 hacks worldwide this year, mostly in the U.S., according to figures prepared for NBC News by Allan Liska, an analyst at the cybersecurity company Recorded Future.

Most attacks are on smaller targets, but the Colonial hack was the first to have direct effect on everyday American life. The threat of a major pipeline shutdown led to the U.S. issuing an emergency order for truckers to work overtime delivering fuel, and some gas stations reported shortages as drivers rushed to the pumps.

Jen Ellis, a coauthor of a landmark Ransomware Task Force report studying how to slow the pace of ransomware attacks, praised the DOJ’s announcement as “fantastic news.”

"This kind of collaboration between victims and law enforcement is exactly what we need to see," Ellis said.

"Hopefully if we see actions like this continue, it will encourage other victims to disclose attacks to law enforcement, and also make it harder for ransomware attackers to realize a pay day," she said.

The recovered payment that the Justice Department announced Monday is still a small fraction of what DarkSide has been able to steal since the gang became active around October 2020, said Tom Robinson, CEO of Elliptic, a British company that tracks bitcoin payments. The gang had been paid at least $90 million since it became active, Robinson said in an email.
Analysis: Peru markets and miners fear Castillo, see silver lining in split vote

By Marco Aquino, Fabian Cambero and Rodrigo Campos 

 Reuters/ALESSANDRO CINQUE FILE PHOTO: Peruvians vote to elect president

LIMA/SANTIAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Peru's market and mining watchers are wary of a presidential election victory for socialist Pedro Castillo, who was building a narrow lead on Monday, but see a potential silver lining: a sharply split vote could hinder his plans for dramatic reforms.

The leftist candidate has rattled miners and investors since a surprise win in the first-round vote in April, pledging to tear up Peru's decades-old constitution and take up to 70% of profits from firms mining in the country's copper-rich Andes.

On Monday the former teacher and union leader held a razor-thin, though growing, lead https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/peru-awakes-uncertain-future-with-polarized-vote-knife-edge-2021-06-07 over his market-friendly conservative rival Keiko Fujimori in the run-off vote. The country's sol currency and equities sank https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/peru-could-face-capital-flight-if-castillo-clinches-presidency-jpmorgan-2021-06-07.

A final tally may take days to arrive and there could be challenges to the results.

"The only positive factor - even if Castillo wins - is that the result of the election shows you that the country is very divided," said Guillaume Tresca, senior emerging market strategist at Generali Asset Management.

"And with a divided congress it will be very hard for him to implement structural and disruptive reforms."

Whoever wins the presidential vote, Peru will have a deeply fragmented legislature with ten diverse political parties, none of whom hold a majority. Castillo's Free Peru socialists will have the largest bloc, followed by Fujimori's conservatives.

Peru's congress has relished clashing with the presidency in the past. Last year, it pushed through a controversial impeachment process against then-President Martin Vizcarra that forced him to step down and sparked deadly protests.

Mining firm executives in the country stayed mostly quiet on Monday as they waited for the final outcome.

Roque Benavides, chief executive of local miner Buenaventura, told Reuters that miners could agree to things like voluntary contributions to finance local infrastructure projects but more drastic measures like nationalizations would derail investments.

"I think that neither of the two candidates can impose their position and therefore I think that the idea of them making dramatic, drastic changes is very debatable," he said.

Francisco Acuña, a Santiago-based analyst at mining consultancy CRU, said it was quite likely the new government would need to negotiate and reach consensus with companies.

"It is evident that the country is torn. Whoever wins, the margin will be minimal," he said.

Graphics : Peru's stocks, currency rattled by election - 


Gustavo Medeiros, deputy head of research at emerging market-focused fund manager Ashmore Group, said that a Fujimori presidency would bring less risks of "populism" than Castillo, though there was much still unknown about the leftist.

"Whoever wins is going to have to govern with a very fragmented congress and that is going to complicate any radical structural legislative changes," he said, adding that market weakness from a Castillo win could create a buying opportunity.

Castillo said in a statement on Monday evening that if confirmed as president he would respect the central bank's authority and that he was not planning nationalizations or expropriations, but added a tax overhaul on mining was needed to help pay for planned healthcare and education reforms.

Julio Ruiz, chief economist for Mexico and Peru at Brazilian bank Itau, said a win for Fujimori - who has pledged to keep in place market-friendly policies that underpinned Peru's economic growth in recent decades - would be more positive for markets.

A win for Castillo, said Ruiz, could lead to pressure on the exchange rate and raise the probability that the central bank would hike rates before the end of the year to avoid inflationary pressures.

Alejo Czerwonko, Chief Investment Officer for Emerging Markets Americas at UBS Global Wealth Management, said a Castillo win would lead to a sell-off in Peruvian assets, though he faced challenges turning his rhetoric into reality.

"Whether he manages to deliver will depend on how well he navigates the institutional constraints he will face given his party only enjoys 42 out of the 130 seats in congress," he said.

"Key to watch is whether he is successful in his attempt to push for a constitutional reform."

(Reporting by Marco Aquino, Fabian Cambero, Rodrigo Campos, Stefanie Eschenbacher, Marc Jones, Tom Arnold and Karin Strohecker; Writing by Adam Jourdan; Editing by Rosalba O'Brien)