Saturday, July 24, 2021

World’s Largest Oil Trader Pays Billions To Execs, Staff

The coronavirus pandemic was good to the oil trading segment of the energy industry. While oil and gas companies floundered as oil demand tanked and lockdowns ensued, oil traders such as Vitol Group made a killing. And Vitol just shared its spoils with its employees--$2.9 billion of it, anyway.

Vitol Group’s $2.9 billion payment was the most it has ever paid out. A fact that seems fitting given the record results that the commodity trader saw in 2020. Its net profit last year was $3.2 billion, most of which was earned during the horrific Q2 that saw oil prices go negative.

But while the rest of the oil industry was hemorrhaging money, Vitol was raking it in.

Overall, according to Bloomberg, citing annual accounts, Vitol has paid out $19 billion over the paid 17 years to its partners. The money that Vitol Group, a privately held company, distributes is paid out to its 350 top employees through share buybacks.

A Good Time to be a Commodity Trader

If that money were to be spread out evenly across those 350 owner-partners, it would equate to more than $8 million. And this would be on top of the $2 billion payouts they received last year. And this would also be on top of their regular salaries, of course.

Speaking of salaries, Vitol increased that too. In 2020, Vitol saw a 67% increase in its salary bill, to $1.23 billion, which is spread across 2,480 employees.

Vitol’s banner years in 2019 and 2020 were under the leadership of a new CEO, Russell Hardy, who was presented with unique challenges—and volatile oil prices—as 2020 started out with warmer than usual weather, tensions in the Middle East, the oil price war, and the coronavirus lockdowns.

Vitol trades about 7 million barrels of crude oil and products per day.

When asked in February 2020 whether Vitol would be able to make money off this volatility, Hardy replied, “Well, volatility is not our business.”

By Julianne Geiger for

The sunlight that powers solar panels also damages them: 'Gallium doping' is providing a solution

The sunlight that powers solar panels also damages them. 'Gallium doping' is providing a solution
Credit: Shutterstock

Solar power is already the cheapest form of electricity generation, and its cost will continue to fall as more improvements emerge in the technology and its global production. Now, new research is exploring what could be another major turning point in solar cell manufacturing.

In Australia, more than two million rooftops have solar panels (the most per capita in the world). The main material used in panels is silicon. Silicon makes up most of an individual solar cell's components required to convert sunlight into power. But some other elements are also required.

Research from our group at the University of New South Wales's School of Photovoltaics and Renewable Energy Engineering shows that adding gallium to the cell's silicon can lead to very stable solar panels which are much less susceptible to degrading over their lifetime.

This is the long-term goal for the next generation of solar panels: for them to produce more power over their lifespan, which means the  produced by the system will be cheaper in the long run.

As gallium is used more and more to achieve this, our findings provide robust data that could allow manufacturers to make decisions that will ultimately have a global impact.

The process of 'doping' solar cells

A solar cell converts sunlight into electricity by using the energy from sunlight to "break away" negative charges, or electrons, in the silicon. The electrons are then collected as electricity.

However, shining light on a plain piece of silicon doesn't generate electricity, as the electrons that are released from the light do not all flow in the same direction. To make the electricity flow in one direction, we need to create an electric field.

In silicon solar —the kind currently producing power for millions of Australian homes—this is done by adding different impurity atoms to the silicon, to create a region that has more negative charges than normal silicon (n-type silicon) and a region that has fewer  (p-type silicon)

When we put the two parts of silicon together, we form what is called a "p-n junction." This allows the solar cell to operate. And the adding of impurity atoms into silicon is called "doping."

An unfortunate side effect of sunlight

The most commonly used atom to form the p-type part of the silicon, with less negative charge than plain silicon, is

Boron is a great atom to use as it has the exact number of electrons needed for the task. It can also be distributed very uniformly through the silicon during the production of the high-purity crystals required for solar cells.

But in a cruel twist, shining light on boron-filled silicon can make the quality of the silicon degrade. This is often referred to as "light-induced degradation" and has been a hot topic in solar research over the past decade.

The reason for this degradation is relatively well understood: when we make the pure silicon material, we have to purposefully add some impurities such as boron to generate the electric field that drives the electricity. However, other unwanted atoms are also incorporated into the silicon as a result.

One of these atoms is oxygen, which is incorporated into the silicon from the crucible—the big hot pot in which the silicon is refined.

When light shines on silicon that contains both boron and oxygen, they bond together, causing a defect that can trap electricity and reduce the amount of power generated by the solar panel.

Unfortunately, this means the sunlight that powers solar panels also damages them over their lifetime. An element called gallium looks like it could be the solution to this problem.

A smarter approach

Boron isn't the only element we can use to make p-type silicon. A quick perusal of the periodic table shows a whole column of elements that have one less negative charge than silicon.

Adding one of these atoms to silicon upsets the balance between the negative and positive charge, which is needed to make our electric field. Of these atoms, the most suitable is gallium.

Gallium is a very suitable element to make p-type silicon. In fact, multiple studies have shown it doesn't bond together with oxygen to cause degradation. So, you may be wondering, why we haven't been using gallium all along?

Well, the reason we have been stuck using boron instead of gallium over the past 20 years is that the process of doping silicon with gallium was locked under a patent. This prevented manufacturers using this approach.

But these patents finally expired in May 2020. Since then, the industry has rapidly shifted from boron to gallium to make p-type silicon.

In fact, at the start of 2021, leading photovoltaic manufacturer Hanwha Q Cells estimated about 80% of all  manufactured in 2021 used gallium doping rather than boron—a massive transition in such a short time!

Does gallium really boost solar panel stability?

We investigated whether solar cells made with gallium-doped silicon really are more stable than solar cells made with boron-doped silicon.

To find out, we made solar cells using a "silicon heterojunction" design, which is the approach that has led to the highest efficiency silicon solar cells to date. This work was done in collaboration with Hevel Solar in Russia.

We measured the voltage of both boron-doped and gallium-doped solar cells during a light-soaking test for 300,000 seconds. The boron-doped solar cell underwent significant degradation due to the boron bonding with oxygen.

Meanwhile, the gallium-doped solar cell had a much higher voltage. Our result also demonstrated that p-type  made using gallium is very stable and could help unlock savings for this type of solar cell.

To think it might be possible for manufacturers to work at scale with , producing  that are both more stable and potentially cheaper, is a hugely exciting prospect.

The best part is our findings could have a direct impact on industry. And cheaper solar electricity for our homes means a brighter future for our planet, too.

Provided by The Conversation 


Quebec nixes LNG plant that would have carried Western Canadian natural gas to markets overseas

Premier François Legault had initially supported the project, but it was met with widespread opposition

The Quebec government's decision not to approve a LNG facility in the Saguenay region effectively kills a $14-billion project that would have carried natural gas from Western Canada across Quebec to the Saguenay port, then shipped it overseas. (Julia Page/CBC)

The Quebec government has refused to approve construction of a liquified natural gas (LNG) facility in the Saguenay, north of Quebec City, following years of opposition from citizens, Indigenous communities and environmental experts.

The decision, announced Wednesday by Environment Minister Benoit Charette, effectively kills a $14-billion project that would have carried natural gas from Western Canada across Quebec to the Saguenay port, then shipped it to markets overseas.

Premier François Legault's government had initially been a proponent of the project, which it hoped would diversify the economy in a region largely dependent on the aluminum and forestry industries.

But the government also set out three criteria for approving the natural gas facility: it had to help with the transition toward greener forms of energy, lower greenhouse gas emissions and have sufficient public support.

Charette said an analysis by his ministry determined the Énergie Saguenay project couldn't meet the first two criteria. Ministry officials didn't bother analyzing the third.

'It is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages,' Quebec Environment Minister Benoit Charette, seen here in November 2020, said Wednesday. (Paul Chiasson/The Canadian Press)

"It is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages," he said at a news conference in Saguenay.

Legault's cabinet met hours earlier to finalize the decision not to support construction of the facility.

The $14-billion project was composed of a plan to build a 780 -kilometre natural gas pipeline from northern Ontario to Saguenay, and a separate project to build a plant to liquify the gas in Saguenay and load it onto tankers.

Wednesday's decision concerned only the LNG plant, but Charette acknowledged that without the plant it was very unlikely the pipeline would go ahead, too.

GNL Quebec, the company behind Énergie Saguenay project, said in a statement that it was "disappointed and surprised" by the announcement, and was evaluating what to do next.

Charette acknowledges disappointment likely in West

The natural gas would have come from Western Canada, mainly from hydraulic fracturing operations in British Columbia and Alberta. Charette said he expected many there, especially in Alberta, would be disappointed by Quebec's decision.

But he stressed that Quebec wasn't the only jurisdiction in the world to look critically at natural resource projects.

"To our friends from Alberta, we say, let's work together on other kinds of projects, on cleaner projects," he said.

The Quebec government's initial enthusiasm for the project became difficult to maintain as major financial backers withdrew their support and environmental concerns mounted. 

In March, the province's independent environmental review agency issued a report that was critical of the plans to build a plant and marine terminal in the Saguenay.

The project was likely to increase greenhouse gas emissions in Canada by eight million tonnes annually, the agency concluded.

A Greenpeace banner reading 'No GNL' is shown hanging from a building under construction at the University of Montreal in October 2020. Énergie Saguenay, a project by GNL Quebec, had attracted significant opposition from environmental groups. (Graham Hughes/The Canadian Press)

Last month, federal environmental agencies determined the project, which would involve large tankers transiting along the Saguenay River, threatened beluga whales.

And last week, three Innu communities vowed to oppose the project because of the negative impact it would have on the environment.

"We signed a collaboration agreement with the promoter several years ago, but over time we realized the project wasn't that green," Martin Dufour, chief of the Essipit Innu band council, said Wednesday.

"It was an easy decision because the project went against our values about fauna and the environment."

Other investments coming for Saguenay, minister promises

For the Saguenay business community, however, the government's decision was a bitter pill to swallow, especially after it had openly supported the project for so long.

Charette was joined at Wednesday news conference by Andrée Laforest, the minister responsible for the Saguenay area.

"I didn't want to flee from the bad news," said Laforest, who was among Énergie Saguenay's most vocal supporters.

Laforest promised other major investments in the local aluminum and forestry industries would be forthcoming. Along with Charette, she tried to underscore that their government remained receptive to other large development opportunities.

"We believed in the GNL Quebec project. The government was very open to it. We will continue to be open to ambitious projects," she said.

Quebec rejects $14 billion natural gas project in Saguenay over environmental issues
By The Canadian Press
Thursday, July 22, 2021, 
Proposed Energie Saguenay project site Source: GNL Quebec

A $14-billion project that would have seen natural gas from Western Canada exported to Europe and Asia through Quebec has been rejected by the Quebec government.

Environment Minister Benoit Charette told reporters in Saguenay ­– the region where a natural gas plant would have been built – that the provincial government is not convinced the project would lead to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

“The promoter has not succeeded in demonstrating this, on the contrary,'' he said, adding that the government is worried it would discourage natural gas buyers in Europe and Asia from moving to cleaner energy sources.

“This is a project that has more disadvantages than advantages,'' Charette said.

GNL Quebec had proposed building a plant in Port Saguenay about 220 kilometres north of Quebec City, to liquefy natural gas from Western Canada. The project would have also required the construction of a 780-kilometre pipeline to connect the plant to existing natural gas pipelines in Ontario.

The project had initially been greeted positively by the Coalition Avenir Quebec government. Charette said he was predisposed to support the project, but in the end it didn't meet the required environmental conditions.

The company said it was disappointed and surprised by the decision.

“Our board of directors will evaluate the next steps to deal with this difficult decision that will have an impact on our employees, our investors and our stakeholders,'' GNL spokesman Louis-Martin Leclerc said in an emailed statement Wednesday.

GNL had said the plant would be carbon neutral and would encourage an overall reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, because natural gas would replace dirtier fuels such as coal and oil. Quebec's environmental review board, however, concluded in March the estimated reductions were unlikely to occur.

A coalition of environmental groups, including Equiterre, the David Suzuki Foundation and Greenpeace, said the decision was a victory for activists who had opposed the project.

“The Quebec government's announcement of the rejection of the GNL Quebec project demonstrates that there is no future for fossil fuel projects,'' the groups said in a statement. Several Indigenous communities had also opposed the project.

© 2021 The Canadian Press

Here's Why Quebec Cancelled A Controversial Natural Gas Project

Everything you need to know about the failed LNG Project.


Quebec has cancelled the controversial Ã‰nergie Saguenay liquefied natural gas (LNG) project.

The Ministère de l'Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MELCC) put an end to the project due to the findings of a report analyzing the environmental impact of building a natural gas facility in Saguenay.

What was the LNG project?

Énergie Saguenay wanted approval to construct a natural gas processing facility that would "liquefy natural gas in order to export it to world markets," according to its website. In addition to the facility, the idea was to construct an LNG pipeline that would cross into Northern Ontario.

The company said the project's aim is to "support efforts to fight climate change in Europe, Asia and elsewhere in the world, by providing transitional energy that will replace other more polluting energies, such as coal and fuel oil."

Quebec Premier François Legault was reportedly in favour of the project but was met with pushback from environmental and Indigenous groups.

In September 2020, the Bureau d'audiences publiques sur l'environnement (BAPE) began a public hearing as part of its systematic review of the project in consultation with the Innu communities of Mashteuiatsh and Essipit.

Why did Quebec cancel the project?

On July 21, the MELCC announced that the Quebec government had decided not to authorize the project.

It cited the results of BAPE's environmental impact report, which found that the LNG project in Saguenay "could have the long-term consequence of slowing down the energy transition of the project client countries."

In addition, the government established that there was no way the project could "count on a net reduction in [greenhouse gas] emissions on a global scale, since the project initiator cannot guarantee the use of liquefied natural gas as an alternative to sources that emit more GHG, such as coal and fuel oil."

The project's own GHG reduction measures were also found insufficient to offset its own emissions.

"We had to face the facts that the risks of the Énergie Saguenay project outweighed its benefits," said Benoit Charette, Quebec's minister of the environment and the fight against climate change.

"However, we are optimistic that the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region will quickly have the opportunity to enrich itself with other economic projects, such as the Élysis green aluminum project, which will create jobs while actively participating in the Quebec-wide fight against climate change."

World’s Largest Floating Solar Farm Proposed For Indonesia

Sunseap Group plans to build the world’s largest floating solar farm in Indonesia.

Sembcorp Tengeh Floating Solar Farm. Image courtesy of Sembcorp Industries Ltd.

By Steve Hanley

Sunseap Group is a solar energy system developer, owner, and operator in Singapore, with over 2000 megawatts (peak) of solar energy projects contracted across Asia. This week, Frank Phuan, co-founder and chief executive of Sunseap, told Reuters his company plans to build the world’s largest floating solar farm near the city of Batam in Indonesia, about 50 kilometers southeast of Singapore.

The floating photovoltaic system is expected to have a capacity of 2.2 gigawatts (peak). It will cover 1600 hectares (4000 acres) of the Duriangkang Reservoir on Batam Island and cost about $2 billion to construct. An agreement between Sundeap and the Batam Indonesia free zone authority (BP Batam) to move forward with the project was signed on July 19.

“This single project will double our entire portfolio, more importantly build our capability towards hyperscale solar and energy storage projects. Floating solar systems will go a long way to address the land constraints that urbanised parts of Southeast Asia face in tapping renewable energy,” said Phuan. Construction of the project, which will be financed through bank debt and Sunseap capital, is due to begin in 2022 and is planned for completion in 2024, the company said.

According to Sunseap, the energy generated and stored will supply non-intermittent solar energy around the clock. [That implies battery storage will be part of the project, but there is no confirmation of that in the Reuters story.] A portion of the electricity produced will be consumed within Batam, while any excess may be exported to Singapore via an undersea cable. At the present time, Batam has a total power generation capacity of 540 MW from gas, steam, and diesel plants. “This investment by Sunseap will be a timely boost for Batam’s industries as they seek to reduce the carbon footprint of their operations,” Muhammad Rudi, chairman of BP Batam, said in the statement.

In densely populated areas of southeast Asia, authorities would like to have access to more renewable energy but often do not have room available to mount solar farms on land. Floating solar not only solves that problem, but is also somewhat more efficient (about 5%) than land-based systems because the water beneath the panels helps keep them cool when exposed to strong sunlight.

The US Department of Energy says combining floating solar with hydroelectric installations could supply 40% of the world’s electrical energy needs. Floating solar also eliminates the NIMBY problem. People who might object strongly to cutting down trees or converting farmland to solar are apt to be less concerned by plans to cover a local reservoir with solar panels.

Is floating solar the answer to all solar power needs? Of course not. But if it’s more efficient and has fewer siting and permitting issues, it deserves to be a significant part of the renewable energy conversation.

Related story: One Of World’s Largest Floating Solar PV Power Projects Completed In Singapore
Farming and solar power set to combine in Netherlands-based pilot project

Anmar Frangoul


Swedish energy firm Vattenfall has been given a permit to build the project in the Netherlands.
The idea of deploying solar panels on farmland has been around for many years.

Drazen_ | E+ | Getty Images

Swedish energy firm Vattenfall has been given a permit to build a project in the Netherlands that plans to combine solar power with farming, in the latest example of how renewables and agriculture can potentially dovetail with one another.

In a statement earlier this week Annemarie Schouten, Vattenfall’s head of solar development for the Netherlands, explained how the project would “alternate rows of panels with strips where various crops are grown for organic farming.”

The pilot, known as Symbizon, is slated to last four years and be located in Almere, to the east of Amsterdam. Funding has come from the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Schouten said that double-sided solar panels would be used in order to ensure “sufficient light yield.” Such a setup would also enable the panels to “catch the reflected light from the soil, the crops and the adjacent rows and use it to produce solar energy.”

While plans have taken a step forward, Vattenfall has yet to confirm if the project will actually progress. A decision on this is expected by the end of 2021. If it does get the green light, construction work will start in 2022.

A wide range of stakeholders are set to be involved if the scheme is fully realized. These include independent research organization TNO, which would develop a “solar tracking algorithm” to track energy and crop yields, among other things.

The idea of deploying solar panels on farmland has been around for many years. One strand of this is called agrivoltaics, which also goes by the name of agrophotovoltaics.

According to Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, agrivoltaics “enables the dual use of land for harvesting agriculture and solar energy.”

The idea behind the concept traces its roots back to the early 1980s and is attributed to Adolf Goetzberger, founder of Fraunhofer ISE, and his colleague Armin Zastrow.

According to the Institute, agrivoltaic installations grew from around 5 megawatts in 2012 to approximately 2.9 gigawatts in 2018.

Solar panels can also be used to help those working in agriculture with their day-to-day activities. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, for instance, has noted that “solar technologies are becoming a viable option for both large and small-scale farmers.”

In 2020, CNBC’s “Sustainable Energy” reported on how one Zimbabwe based farmer, Cheneso Ndlovu, was using solar tech to help her grow produce.

“We do gardening using a solar powered borehole for watering,” she said.

“We planted tomatoes on a small patch we were watering and we realized it was thriving, so we decided to grow other vegetables,” she added. “We use the water for other domestic needs like washing.”

Thermal coal prices soar as demand for electricity rebounds

Popularity of fossil fuel as a stopgap to generate power reveals difficulties of clean energy transition

Thermal coal is one of this year’s best-performing asset classes  © David Gray/Bloomberg

Supply disruptions, a drought in China and rebounding electricity demand have fired up the market for thermal coal, making the world’s least liked commodity one of this year’s best-performing assets.

Since the start of the year, the price of high energy Australia coal — the benchmark for the vast Asian market — has climbed 86 per cent to above $150 a tonne, its highest level since September 2008.

Its South African equivalent is also trading at its highest level in more than 10 years, rising 44 per cent in 2021, according to the latest weekly assessment by commodity price provider Argus.

That puts the coal benchmarks ahead of two of this year’s best-performing asset classes: real estate, which is up 28 per cent, and financial stocks, up 25 per cent. Only Brent crude, up 44 per cent, boasts comparable gains.

The resurgence of thermal coal, which is burnt in power stations to generate electricity, highlights the difficulties governments face in trying to make the switch to cleaner forms of energy.

Even as renewables such as wind and solar are growing rapidly, they are struggling to keep pace with rising demand for electricity and power, leaving fossil fuels to fill the gap.

Several linked factors are driving up prices, according to traders and analysts.

“Price increases have been primarily driven by robust demand from China, with Chinese buyers willing to secure material at highest prices,” said Dmitry Popov, senior thermal coal analyst at CRU, a consultancy.

A drought earlier this year in southern China, which knocked out hydroelectric dams and boosted demand for coal, has played a significant role in the commodity’s turbocharged run.

China has also struggled to boost domestic supply to meet increased demand for electricity as its economy continues to recovery from pandemic because of tough safety rules.

At the same time, output from Indonesia, China’s biggest overseas coal supplier, has been hampered by persistent rainfall, while rail and port constraints have affected shipments from Russia and South Africa, two other critical coal producers.

China has been unable to buy Australian coal because of a ban, while surging natural gas prices have prompted some utility companies in Japan and Europe to switch to coal, further tightening the market.

“I have never seen China under this sort of pressure before,” said Tom Price, head of commodities strategy at Liberum. “Hydro down, local production struggling and key import options just not there.”

All this has come as electricity demand has picked up with Covid-related lockdowns easing.

How energy transition is driving strong commodities prices

After falling about 1 per cent in 2020, global electricity demand is set to grow close to 5 per cent in 2021 and 4 per cent in 2022, according to the International Energy Agency.

“While renewable energy sources are expected to continue to grow rapidly, they will only be able to serve around half of the net demand increase in 2021 and 2022,” the IEA said in its latest Electricity Market Report.

As a result, the Paris-based agency expects coal-fired electricity to increase almost 5 per cent this year to exceed pre-pandemic levels, and to grow a further 3 per cent in 2022, when it could reach a record high.

But not everyone believes the high prices will hold. Fitch Solutions predicted prices would peak this year as Beijing releases coal from its strategic stockpiles and orders miners to increase production. In addition, fossil power generation in China typically hits its highest level in July and August before falling sharply.

“Consequently, we continue to expect a slowdown in domestic thermal coal demand by the start of September,” said Popov.

Further ahead, the big question for thermal coal is whether environmental polices will result in demand weakening more quickly than supply as banks and insurers refuse to fund new projects.

“I expect supply to fall faster than demand,” said Price at Liberum, who thinks China and India will continue to buy coal in the export market for the next decade. “It is a super tight market. It’s not going to crash in a heap.”

LA man EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN who mocked Covid-19 vaccines dies of virus
Stephen Harmon documented his battle with Covid-19

A California man who mocked Covid-19 vaccines on social media has died after a month-long battle with the virus.

Stephen Harmon, a member of the Hillsong megachurch, had been a vocal opponent of vaccines, making a series of jokes about not having the vaccine.

"Got 99 problems but a vax ain't one," the 34-year-old tweeted to his 7,000 followers in June.

He was treated for pneumonia and Covid-19 in a hospital outside Los Angeles, where he died on Wednesday.

In the days leading up to his death, Mr Harmon documented his fight to stay alive, posting pictures of himself in his hospital bed.

"Please pray y'all, they really want to intubate me and put me on a ventilator," he said.

In his final tweet on Wednesday, Mr Harmon said he had decided to go under intubation.

"Don't know when I'll wake up, please pray," he wrote.

Despite his struggle with the virus, Mr Harmon still said he would reject being jabbed, saying his religious faith would protect him.

Prior to his death, had joked about the pandemic and vaccines, sharing memes saying he trusted the Bible over top US disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci.

Hillsong founder Brian Houston confirmed news of his death in a tweet on Thursday.

"Ben has just passed on to us the devastating news that our beloved friend, Stephen Harmon has passed away from Covid. Heartbreaking," Mr Houston said.

In an Instagram post, he paid tribute to Mr Harmon.

"He was one of the most generous people I know and he had so much in front of him," he wrote on Instagram.

"He would always turn up to our grandkids soccer games and he will be missed by so many. RIP."

He added that the church encourages its members "to follow the guidance of their doctors".

California has seen a rise in Covid-19 cases in recent weeks, with the majority of those being taken to hospital unvaccinated.
NASA Is Launching the Next Test Flight to Space — Here's How to Watch the Boeing Starliner

The OFT-2 mission will send the uncrewed spacecraft to the International Space Station.

JULY 24, 2021

A close-up view of the CST-100 Starliner spacecraft while rolling out from Boeings Commercial Cargo and Processing Facility in the pre-dawn hours at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida on July 17, 2021, ahead of its scheduled launch on July 30. 

July has already been a busy month in spaceflight, but it's not over yet. Following on the heels of the successful test flights by Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin that carried their billionaire founders, Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, respectively, to space, NASA has cleared Boeing for launch next week.

On Friday, Boeing will launch its new Starliner spacecraft on an uncrewed test flight to the International Space Station (ISS). Here's everything you need to know about the mission, including how to watch it live.

What is the Boeing Starliner?

Frequent fliers might be familiar with Boeing's Dreamliner aircraft, otherwise known as the 787, but Starliner is a vastly different vehicle. It's Boeing's CST-100 spacecraft, a seven-passenger capsule designed to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station — and maybe even beyond. The capsule, which resembles NASA's own Apollo vehicle and SpaceX's Crew Dragon vehicle, is being developed as part of NASA's Commercial Crew Program, which allows private companies to develop new crewed spacecraft. Right now, SpaceX is the only company to have begun Commercial Crew operations to the ISS.

How is the Starliner different from Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo and Blue Origin's New Shepard?

Both SpaceShipTwo and New Shepard are suborbital vehicles, meaning they are not designed to circle the Earth in space. Instead, they provide a relatively quick up-and-down flight, which is why they're geared towards space tourism and microgravity research. Starliner, on the other hand, is an orbital-class spacecraft, and it's designed to circle the Earth to rendezvous with the ISS, then remain docked there in low-Earth orbit (LEO) for up to 210 days. NASA will use the vehicle to transport astronauts and cargo to the ISS.

 Meet the Female Astronauts Who Just Went to Space With Virgin Galactic

What is the purpose of this test flight?

The OFT-2 mission is Starliner's second test flight to prove its launch, orbit, docking, and reentry capabilities, and it will be uncrewed, meaning no humans will be on board. Its first test flight in December 2019 (OFT-1, also uncrewed) was a failure; the vehicle did not reach its intended orbit due to technical issues, so it wasn't able to dock at the ISS. It did, however, land safely on Earth. This test flight will be a repeat of the first one — hopefully with a better end result. If all goes well, Boeing could start flying humans on test flights as soon as next year.

Where can I watch the Starliner test flight?

The Starliner test flight is scheduled to launch at 2:53 p.m. EDT on Friday, July 30, from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida atop a ​​United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket. It'll take approximately 31 minutes to reach orbit, after which it'll spend about 24 hours circling the Earth en route to the ISS. Docking is scheduled to occur at 3:06 p.m. EDT on Saturday, July 31.

NASA will stream the launch and docking via NASA TV, which you can watch here, on the NASA app, or via NASA's social media channels. The broadcast will go live at 2 p.m. EDT on Friday and continue through orbital insertion; it will resume for docking at noon EDT on Saturday. NASA hasn't yet announced when Starliner will undock from the ISS and return to Earth, but it'll likely be about one week after arrival.

Stefanie Waldek is a freelance space, travel, and design journalist. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter at @stefaniewaldek.

Europe’s robotic arm and Russian’s Nauka on their way to ISS

Source: ESA

Paris, 23 July 2021. – The European Robotic Arm (ERA) is on its way to the International Space Station (ISS) after its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

The 11-m-long robot is travelling folded and attached to what will be its home base – the Multipurpose Laboratory Module, also called ‘Nauka’, ESA said. The Proton-M booster placed Nauka and ERA into orbit around ten minutes after liftoff, nearly 200 km above Earth, the agency said.

ERA is capable of ‘walking’ around the Russian parts of the orbital complex. It can handle components up to 8000 kg with 5 mm precision, and it will transport astronauts from one working site to another.

The Russian Nauka module (‘nauka’ means ‘science’ in Russian) was delayed for years due to technical problems that Roscosmos, the Russian space agency, finally solved.

Space News quoted Russian sources yesterday that Nauka suffered further problems after reaching orbit. The space agencies – NASA and Roscosmos – did not comment these rumors.

“Walking” robotic arm on its way to ISS

By Anthony Wood
July 22, 2021

Render of the European Robotic Arm (ERA), the first robot able to "walk" around the Russian segment of the ISS

The International Space Station is about to receive its third robotic arm, which will be capable of "walking" around the Russian segment of the orbital outpost all by itself. The new European-made arm is on its way to the ISS after being launched atop a Russian Proton-M rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

Space is an inherently hostile environment for humans, and in order to stay alive we are forced to live inside the pressurized hulls of spacecraft and the cumbersome confines of Extravehicular Mobility Units – commonly known as spacesuits.

In order to help maintain the aging space station, grab incoming spacecraft and help astronauts during their excursions beyond the airlock, the ISS has been fitted with two robotic arms supplied by the Canadian and Japanese space agencies.

Following its launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome at 14.58 CEST on July 21, a third European-made robotic arm is now making its way to the orbital outpost attached to the new Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module.

The European Robotic Arm (ERA) being launched on a Proton rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome

This latest addition will be the first robotic arm to service the Russian segment of the ISS and it will also be the first designed to "walk" across the outpost’s outer surface.

The 11-m (36-ft) European Robotic Arm (ERA) is almost completely symmetrical in design, and is joined in the middle by a flexible "elbow’ joint." On each end of the robot are "wrist" connectors, which are capable of interfacing with various payloads, coupling with the space station and transferring data.

Whilst the new Nauka module is set to be ERA’s primary base of operations, the robotic arm will also be able to "walk" hand-over-hand across the station thanks to the flexibility afforded by its seven motorized joints.

In order to move, ERA reaches out with its "free hand" and anchors itself to one of the grappling fixtures installed across the Russian section of the station’s outer hull. It can then release its initial point of connection with the ISS, and repeat the process to move further across the outpost.

Specs of the ERA

The arm is capable of being controlled from both outside and inside of the station, and can handle loads of up to 8,000 kg (17,637 lb) while moving with a precision of within 5 mm. It will also be capable of transporting astronauts and cosmonauts from one work site directly to another by acting as an orbital cherrypicker.

“Moving hand-over-hand around the Russian parts of the Station, the European Robotic Arm will bring more freedom, more flexibility and more skills to space operations,” says ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration David Parker.

After entering low-Earth orbit shortly after launch, Nauka is now on an eight-day journey that will lift it into a higher orbit to reach the ISS. The new module is set to use its engines to autonomously dock to the Zvezda Service Module of the Russian segment of the ISS on July 29.