Saturday, September 25, 2021

David Staples: COVID threatens to take out Jason Kenney and his greatest political achievement, the UCP

It's no easy thing to hold on to the job of premier of Alberta. The previous four premiers, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Jim Prentice and Rachel Notley, were all turfed before winning a first or second term

Author of the article:David Staples • Edmonton Journal
Publishing date:Sep 24, 2021 • 
Premier Jason Kenney standing in front of Jason Copping the newly appointed Minister of Health during a news conference in Edmonton, September 21, 2021. 

UCP members face a few big questions in deciding Kenney’s fate: How much of the problem is simply COVID presenting a unique political challenge to all conservative parties? And how much of the UCP’s problem comes from Kenney’s own blunders?

There’s no doubt COVID presents a nasty political dilemma for conservatives. Kenney himself is well aware of it. On Tuesday, he pointed out how COVID cut into Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole’s vote in the federal election. In Alberta, 7.4 per cent of voters went for the one anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine party, the People’s Party of Canada. “It was a largely a statement against public health restrictions and the vaccine program,” Kenney said, noting this group is “very angry.”

As for his own UCP, Kenney said: “It’s no secret that there are a lot of supporters of my party who don’t like public health restrictions. There are others who don’t like our very focused efforts to increase vaccination.”

But along with COVID’s tricky politics for conservatives, Kenney’s leadership has been hammered by his own mistakes and shortcomings.

I go by the “nine lives rule” when it comes to assessing leaders in highly contested arenas, from professional sports to big league politics. After a leader makes nine major mistakes — errors that many of his own supporters admit were errors or are widely perceived by a majority of the general public as errors — he or she is in big trouble.

As I see it, Kenney has used up his nine lives.

1. His government invested in the Keystone XL pipeline in April 2020, essentially making a bet that pro-pipeline U.S. president Donald Trump would be re-elected. It was a poor bet.

2. The UCP put forward a K-6 curriculum with a social studies curriculum that had sections deemed offensive by a great many Albertans. If this wasn’t bad enough, the controversy undermined the entire curriculum rewrite project, even as the new UCP curriculum will bring in excellent improvements to huge problem areas in Alberta education, K-6 teaching in math, computer sciences and reading and writing.

3. Kenney was slow to recognize how poorly having his staff and MLAs travel at Christmas played with the public, especially with that faction of his supporters who hated strict lockdown measures. They blamed Kenney for imposing restrictions and were gobsmacked that his own people would travel to places such as Hawaii and England.

4 & 5. When major COVID waves brewed up in Alberta in November and this past month, Kenney was slow both times to bring in strict measures to help slow the outbreak. Nor did he do a strong job explaining the nature of his COVID policy dilemma. Those of us who recognize the grave harms of lockdowns give credit to Kenney for mentioning them as much as any premier, but he hasn’t effectively sold that message to Albertans, many of whom still act as if there are no dire consequences to lockdown and still believe his slowness to act comes down to “ideology,” instead of this complicated balancing of harms.

6. In early June, photos were taken of Kenney and his ministers on the Sky Palace patio relaxing with drinks, and not properly social distancing. It blew up big, but mainly because Kenney was slow to apologize for a relatively minor social distancing infraction.

7. Kenney’s base firmly supports investigating the foreign funding of environmental groups, but how many of them support the years it’s taking for the Allan Inquiry to issue a report?

8. Alberta’s “Open for Summer” policy turned out to be an over-reach, but that mistake was greatly compounded by Kenney’s over-enthusiastic messaging this summer about the pandemic being over once and for all.

9. At the start of the pandemic, Kenney continued to have a cold attitude towards health-care workers over ongoing pay disputes. It was no time to engage in such fights but, again, Kenney was slow to realize it.

It’s no easy thing to hold on to the job of premier of Alberta. The previous four premiers, Ed Stelmach, Alison Redford, Jim Prentice and Rachel Notley, were all turfed before winning a first or second term.

Adding COVID to the mix increased the degree of difficulty for Kenney from a double to a quadruple jump.

The only thing that might save him? COVID ICU rates dropping fast pronto and not coming back, taking COVID off the table as a major issue.

I don’t like those odds.

And if the virus continues to roll over us, the UCP is likely to formally fracture into warring camps.

Carson Jerema: Jason Kenney was never in danger of being overthrown by the party he created

But the premier remains unpopular and the health system is still in crisis

Author of the article: Carson Jerema
Publishing date:Sep 24, 2021 •

Jason Kenney greets supporters at the United Conservative Party 2019 election headquarters in Calgary on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. 
Article content

To call Alberta’s would-be rebels disorganized would be a compliment. The handful of MLAs who reportedly spoke against Premier Jason Kenney’s leadership at a Calgary caucus meeting on Wednesday had complaints ranging from too many COIVD restrictions, to not enough, to personal grievances, to concerns over the United Conservative Party’s electability. Yet after days of agitating for the premier to resign, they dropped their knives as soon as they drew them.

This is how it was always destined to end. Kenney bears responsibility for a crashing health-care system when his “open for good” plan backfired after a wave of unvaccinated COVID-19 patients filled the province’s already-expanded intensive care spaces. But the UCP is Kenney’s party. It isn’t that much of an exaggeration to say he willed it into existence. Who on earth would this disparate group replace him with? Who would even want the job?

After the province introduced a vaccine passport last week, the group of malcontents succeeded in leaving the impression that there was a crisis of leadership to match the crisis in Alberta’s overflowing hospitals. The push to remove Kenney was, we now know, either an exaggeration or embarrassingly haphazard. Enough MLAs supported the UCP leader at the meeting, or as the Calgary Sun’s Rick Bell put it, were “willing to kiss the premier’s ring.” An anticipated motion of non-confidence was dropped.

That proposal was brought by R.J. Sigurdson, a southern Alberta MLA who’s opposed to restrictions. The others who spoke against Kenney haven’t been publicly confirmed, but unruly MLAs haven’t exactly been quiet. Sigurdson was among 15 members who signed a letter criticizing health measures back in April. The signatories also included Angela Pitt, who advises her constituents to “do their own research” on vaccines, and Jason Stephan, one of the MLAs caught up in the travel controversy over Christmas.

Former culture minister Leela Aheer told the Calgary Herald’s Don Braid after Health Minister Tyler Shandro was shuffled to a new post Tuesday, that, “The only thing that should have happened today is that the premier says he had failed and is stepping down.” Aheer, unlike the others, has been an advocate for stronger health measures, but she may hold a grudge after being kicked out of cabinet earlier this year. Richard Gottfried, one of the few members left over from the former Progressive Conservative party, also favours more restrictions and has been complaining publicly.

Never mind Alberta, is there anyone on the planet who could satisfy this group if they succeeded in turfing Kenney? What appeared to be a caucus in turmoil seems no more than the consequence of Kenney allowing MLAs a freer hand to say what they want, which is novel in Canada, where parties tend to whip their members into compliance.

Carson Jerema: Alberta travel controversy makes Jason Kenney even more vulnerable on the right

Whatever one’s opinions of the Alberta NDP’s policies, former premier Rachel Notley’s four years in government were relatively drama free thanks to party discipline — a trait that has also made it effective in opposition. The NDP has been relentless in highlighting every COVID failure and has mobilized an army of supporters on social media. Notley always appears in control.

Even if Kenney has subdued this most recent challenge, and even if he survives a leadership review in the spring, he remains unpopular in Alberta. A Leger survey from late July had the NDP leading, with 45 per cent support among decided voters, compared to 33 per cent for the UCP. The lead holds in all areas of the province and among most age groups.

A more recent poll from Maru Public Opinion has Kenney’s approval rating at 32 per cent, the lowest among provincial premiers, and over 20 points below his rating after winning the 2019 election. Speculation abounds about whether the premier will step down on his own terms to save the party.

Alberta’s handling of the pandemic has ranged from disappointing to truly tragic. Just this week, the head of Alberta Health Services said that beds freeing up from dying patients is partly what’s keeping hospitals from overloading entirely. Restrictions were lowered or eliminated as quickly as possible and the government resisted bringing them back until it was forced to impose stricter rules than it otherwise might have. This was the case last fall, and is the case again today.

Kenney has tried to govern as if there was no pandemic, bringing in an aggressive legislative agenda throughout 2020, introducing a controversial school curriculum overhaul and scheduling a referendum on equalization for later this fall.

He kept his promise to cut corporate taxes by 40 per cent, which made sense before the pandemic,  IT DID NOT MAKE SENSE EVEN THEN
but has failed to attract the investment it might have under normal circumstances. The removal of restrictions over the summer seemed as much foolish optimism as an attempt to fix rifts within his party and the province.

Kenney is now losing support to the left and the right, with a newly formed independence party garnering eight per cent support, despite having almost no profile.

The premier spent years campaigning in Alberta, first winning the Progressive Conservative leadership despite much hostility from within that party, then merging it with the Wildrose and finally winning government. All the while, Kenney preached the gospel of free markets, limited government, low taxes, good jobs and personal choice. He was often angry, but he had a clear vision. He presented himself as a rebel, despite being a career politician.

The rebels that have now come for Kenney definitely lack his drive. Will the voting public prove more determined?

Don Martin: Jason Kenney's political fate is in the ICU - and failing fast

Don Martin Contributor
 September 24, 2021 

OTTAWA -- All that was missing were pitchforks and torches when the United Conservative government MLAs gathered this week to decide the fate of their dead-premier-walking.

The caucus was seething - and fearing for their political lives – as fourth-wave case counts went tsunami, forcing the province to go bended-knee to the feds to help with ICUs filled to cattle-car capacity by the ventilated and the unvaccinated.

But then came a sign you should probably never underestimate Jason Kenney.

The premier pre-empted the kill-Kenney mood in the room by offering a leadership review next year so he could build the party back from the grave. If that vote tilted against him, he pledged to quit quietly and leave the party in recovery mode for his successor.

And then sources say a strange thing happened - Kenney stayed mostly silent for about five hours as MLAs vented at his failed coronavirus containment measures, which have made Alberta’s viral spread the worst in the country.

This is not normal Kenney behaviour. He’s a lousy listener, particularly in his caucus, and reacts harshly when challenged.

But despite slipping the noose until next year, a reprieve where he will no doubt use next month’s provincial referendum on ending equalization (which will never happen) to whip up anti-Ottawa hysteria, his reign as premier is in extreme peril.

Voters dump political leaders for strange reasons; be it dithering (Paul Martin), poor House of Commons attendance (Michael Ignatieff), botched TV interviews (Stephane Dion) or simply because they’re tired of them (Stephen Harper).

But Kenney is confronting a full-throated justification for a pink slip thanks to his chronic tone-deafness during the pandemic, incredulously topped off by taking a two-week vacation in Europe this month as Albertans were dying from the consequences of his policies.

He’s lurched from pathetically bribing the vacillating unvaccinated with $100 to get their shot to now unleashing his Restriction Exemption Program, which is essentially the vaccine passport he promised to never introduce.

He’s shown more enthusiasm in funding a $30-million Ministry of Truth to attack those who tarnish the oil industry’s halo than he has refuting the epidemic of fake news driving vaccine hesitancy in Alberta.

And he couldn’t contain his own out-of-step ideology early in the pandemic by taking on doctors over their compensation scheme, triggering some to exit the province in its hour of greatest need.

If his leadership survives the party membership vote - a huge IF in my view - Kenney has two years to resurrect the UPC fortunes before facing the voters.

Now, lest we forget, Jason Kenney can change a lot in two years.

Kenney performed his version of Ralph Klein’s Miracle on the Prairie when he quit being an MP to claim the Alberta PC leadership, to merge that party with the Wild Rose Party, to clinch the leadership of the reunited Conservatives to winning a legislature seat to becoming premier, all of that in under three years.

But it’s now almost a given Kenney will enter the Alberta history books as a one-term blunder.

This week his negative influence was partly blamed for giving federal Liberals and the NDP a combined four-seat stake in their Alberta dead zones.

And there are concerns his raging unpopularity could contagion into Saskatchewan, Ontario and even New Brunswick if all conservative premiers are unfairly tarred as vaccine-hesitant and passport-adverse.

Jason Kenney, one of the most successful federal cabinet ministers under Stephen Harper, has become the Canadian textbook on how to do things wrong in a pandemic.

It’s been almost 30 years since Kenney’s star first started to shine as the anti-tax advocate who confronted then-premier Klein over the province’s lucrative MP pension plan.

Klein smelled a political threat from the articulate youngster, admitted it was too rich and cancelled the MP pension plan outright while asking voters to forgive him for being human.

The pugnacious Kenney, who dodges blame for his many mistakes and delivers cold shoulders better than empathy, would never consider going full reverse-thrust into such drastic change - and couldn’t successfully sell it even if he did.

That’s why the un-Klein of Alberta is in rapid decline with no Miracle on the Prairie repeat in sight.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney answers questions at a news conference where the provincial government announced new restrictions because of the surging COVID cases in the province, in Calgary, Alta., Friday, Sept. 3, 2021.


Braid: Tears, grief and anger over the UCP's epic COVID-19 collapse

Author of the article: Don Braid • Calgary Herald
Publishing date: Sep 24, 2021 
Calgary ICU staff working on patients in a crowded ICU. 

Mount Royal University political scientist Duane Bratt choked up while doing an interview. Dr. Verna Yiu, the head of Alberta Health Services, looked like she was about to cry as she said deaths are keeping the ICUs below capacity.

Coun. Jeff Davison, a candidate for mayor, told council that his six-year-old daughter had her vital kidney surgery postponed by AHS.

It’s unthinkable — a little child, denied crucial treatment because COVID-19 is spreading havoc through the whole health-care system.

So dire is the crisis that very sick patients may soon be “triaged” — a cold euphemism that means they will not get care.

A year ago, worried as we were by the pandemic, nobody would have dreamed the collapse could be so complete.

The government vowed then that its key goal was to protect the hospitals and health system, so that no Albertans would be denied service.

That promise — the very heart of the UCP’s whole pandemic policy — lies shattered, along with nearly every other health initiative.

The UCP backed away from a three per cent pay cut for nurses, but still wants a two per cent reduction, even as Quebec will give nurses a $15,000 bonus to stay on the job.

The government is locked in animosity with doctors 17 months after unilaterally cancelling their pay agreement.

The entire health system is filled with people who see the government that claims to support them as their sworn enemy.

It’s a toxic environment that I don’t believe can ever be cleared by this government, under this premier.

The UCP has inflicted on Albertans the worst policy and political failure since conservatives were first elected in this province in 1971.

I have some personal knowledge of Alberta government bungles going back to 1978 and can confidently say that no problem — not one political, social or economic uproar — comes close to this disaster that is killing people and wrecking a health-care system.
Calgary ICU team check a screen to help intubate a patient. 

The government caused the crisis through ideological rigidity, political influence on pandemic measures and the arrogant belief that men of power can simply declare COVID-19 over (“The pandemic is ending. Accept it.”) when scientists everywhere warned that it was not

The usual political scandals — ex-premier Alison Redford’s travels, for instance — can be highly emotional, but they rarely touch people’s lives at a deep level.

Most of all, they don’t cost lives. Today, death, misery and primal fear of a failed health system are making grown people of genuine empathy (a quality that seems lacking in leadership) weep with sadness and anger.

It is maddening, frankly, to hear Premier Jason Kenney try to diminish this crisis by stating Alberta has done well by national standards.

There was some truth to the claim through the third wave. But now Alberta is rivalled only by Saskatchewan, distantly, in the depth of defeat by the fourth wave.

When Kenney and his cabinet committee declared the pandemic over and done, there seemed to be no thought to the consequences of being wrong — lives lost, families grieving, medical staff exhausted to the point of collapse.

Kenney even managed to tie Open for Summer to the start of Stampede. This annoyed people elsewhere in the province who thought health care was being usurped by a Calgary rodeo.

Then the politicians went on holiday. The government started transferring people from COVID-19 duties to other areas. They were stripping staff even as the virus was gathering strength in plain sight.

One UCP insider told me that when Kenney was away (very likely in Europe, although he has never confirmed that), there was no place to go for advice or direction. Ministers and staffers just froze in place or went on vacation themselves.

The top leaders are like wartime generals who send the troops home on leave, and then watch helplessly as the enemy pours across the borders.

It’s tragic. And one day this government, when it finally faces the voters, may also come to tears.

Don Braid’s column appears regularly in the Calgary Herald.

How Alberta's Jason Kenney survived a possible caucus revolt — and what's next

'The premier is still a shrewd political operator'

Author of the article:Tyler Dawson
Publishing date:Sep 24, 2021 • 
Premier Jason Kenney speaks at the daily COVID-19 update with Alberta's chief medical officer of health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw, on March 13, 2020.
 PHOTO BY ED KAISER /Postmedia, file
Article content

EDMONTON — Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, having survived the possibility of a caucus revolt, now has roughly six months to prepare for a spring leadership review that has the potential to throw the United Conservative party into chaos prior to the next election.

In recent weeks, Kenney’s position has looked increasingly tenuous, while progressive Albertans, including the Opposition New Democrats, hammer the government for its handling of the pandemic.

But with no election immediately on the horizon, the most pressing threat to Kenney’s leadership has come from within his own party. With rumours swirling that Kenney could face removal by his caucus, sources floated names to reporters about potential replacements as UCP leader and premier, such as Finance Minister Travis Toews or Ric McIver, the transportation minister, and news reports detailed unhappiness within the ranks.

Alberta is no stranger to palace coups — similar plotting plagued premiers Ralph Klein, Ed Stelmach and Alison Redford — and political circles were aflame with gossip this week that yet another was about to unfold.

For now, though, Kenney has secured a stay on his political future.

“Going into that meeting, it was unclear whether or not we would see him come out as the leader of a united caucus or whether or not there would be some kind of move to express non-confidence in the leadership, and perhaps departures from caucus, either ejections or voluntarily,” said Matt Solberg, with New West Public Affairs, who also worked on the creation of the UCP. “The fact that none of that happened, I think is a demonstration that, first off, the premier is still a shrewd political operator.”

On Wednesday, when the caucus met in Calgary and over video link from Edmonton, an expected no-confidence motion on Kenney’s leadership never materialized.

Later in the evening, a letter was sent out to the party brass: Kenney had requested a review of his leadership to take place in the spring of 2022, at the party’s annual general meeting.

In a letter obtained by the National Post, Ryan Becker, the president of the UCP, said that would be the best way for the party’s grassroots to have their say about Kenney’s leadership.

“We are all aware that recent government decisions on responding to the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic have caused anger and frustration among some party members and there is a growing desire to hold a leadership review,” Becker’s letter said.

Kevin Wilson, the president of the Airdrie Cochrane constituency association, said this move “absolutely” takes some of the wind out of the sails of angry grassroots Albertans and members of the legislature.

“We’re in the fourth wave of the pandemic, it’s the worst we’ve ever seen it, do we want to change captains now? I don’t think so,” Wilson said. “The leadership review in the spring, I think, is the right move.”

For both sides — those who support Kenney, and those who do not, both inside and outside government — the leadership review “gives people a date to work towards,” Solberg said.


Kenney has made no secret of the fact that there are people within his caucus, and people who voted for his party, that have been angry about public-health restrictions and, more recently, the province’s vaccine passport system.

Wilson said any time the UCP does something, they’re looking at 80 per cent in favour to 20 per cent opposed within the party, and the pandemic has been no different. Nor has the internal fight over Kenney’s future.

“That 20 per cent seem to have the most noise,” Wilson said. “So what you’re hearing is ‘Yup, we want him to be removed as leader,’ but, again, that’s the 20 per cent.”

When reporters asked about his leadership, Kenney has said his focus is on the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and not internal politics. On Tuesday, Kenney shuffled Tyler Shandro from the health portfolio, moving Jason Copping from labour into the role.

“Right now, 100 per cent of my attention and that of my team and the whole government has to be focus on a life and death crisis that we’re facing,” Kenney told reporters after the shuffle.

On Thursday, a Kenney spokesman reiterated in an email that the premier remains focused on dealing with the fourth wave, and not internal politics.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney during a news conference regarding the surging COVID cases in the province on Sept. 15.

Within caucus, there has been a small, but noisy, contingent in opposition to pandemic restrictions. Their activities culminated in April with a letter, signed by 16 UCP MLAs, that said they did not support reintroduced restrictions in the third wave.

Roughly a month later, two UCP MLAs, Todd Loewen and Drew Barnes, were kicked out of caucus for “undermin(ing) government leadership,” according to caucus whip Mike Ellis. Loewen had called on Kenney to resign, and Barnes has been a persistent critic of the government’s public-health restrictions throughout the pandemic.

But they were far from the only UCP MLAs who desire fewer restrictions.

There are also caucus members who have criticized Kenney’s approach for being too lax. Among them are Calgary MLA Richard Gotfried and Chestermere MLA Leela Aheer. Last week, Gotfried wrote in a Facebook post that he was “deeply apologetic” for the government’s sloth in introducing fourth wave restrictions.

“Nothing was done while we lacked any leadership at the helm,” Gotfried wrote. “It will cost us lives and I am gutted by the lack of responsiveness to unequivocal advocacy and clear warning signs.”

The day before Wednesday’s caucus meeting, Aheer told the Calgary Herald that Kenney should resign. “We need leadership that cares deeply about the human beings in this province,” she said.

Gotfried declined to comment and the National Post was unable to reach Aheer.

Prior to Wednesday’s meeting, sources close to Kenney, while seemingly frustrated with the agitating, seemed fairly confident the whole affair was going to blow over — and that’s what happened.

At Wednesday’s meeting, out of the 60-member UCP caucus, only around seven spoke up against Kenney’s leadership, a source with knowledge of the meeting told the National Post.

“The cabal was small, and then they … were nowhere near as aggressive as they were building up,” the source said.

“Jason was just like, ‘Cool, you know, let’s go around the room, let’s have a conversation, like, to be quite honest, I’m not afraid of this conversation.'”

“I think he actually believes he’s got to see Alberta through COVID and there’s nothing more politically important than that,” the source said.

Around 40 MLAs spoke in favour of the premier’s continued leadership, two sources told the Post, and the premier and cabinet ministers had to stop some of them from going after detractors, one source said.

It quickly became clear, sources said, there wasn’t enough momentum in the room to unseat Kenney, with just a few bullish and isolated anti-Kenney MLAs pushing the idea that Kenney needed to go. Once everyone spoke, it became clear that a silent majority were still backing Kenney, and that going forward with such a move would just end up destabilizing the party and province.

But caucus infighting is just one side of the story.

The other: the restive grassroots membership. And that’s where the leadership review comes into play.

Samantha Steinke, president of the Central Peace-Notley constituency association, said the local groups aren’t giving up — they want the review prior to March 1, 2022. Her board, she said, asked for an immediate review, back in spring 2021, to be held at the November 2021 convention.

“I think that the premier needs to resign,” Steinke said. “I’ve supported this party from the beginning, and I know that we’re founded on great things, but I don’t think Jason Kenney’s the guy that moves this conservative movement forward.”


While different people have different starting points for their discontent with Kenney’s leadership, much of the recent anger stems from a June 18 announcement: “On July 1, Alberta isn’t just open for summer, but I believe we will be open for good,” said Kenney.

Obviously, that hasn’t happened.

In fact, there has been considerable backtracking on that openness, and the severity of the fourth wave led the Kenney government to break one of its firmest promises: that there would be no vaccine passport. Paul Hinman, who’s now the leader of the Wildrose Independence Party, left in July 2020. Vaccine passports may have been the “straw that broke the camel’s back,” he said.

“But the camel has been kicking and biting for a long time,” Hinman said.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney and Minister of Health Tyler Shandro update Albertans on a new lottery to help encourage everyone to get full COVID-19 vaccinations,

Steinke said her board was done with Kenney long before vaccine passports, but the flip-flop was still critical.

“When your premier comes out and says ‘No, there’s no way we’ll ever do that, it’s illegal, we don’t support that,’ and then all of a sudden it’s like, ‘Actually we are going to do that,’ I mean, it makes people upset and it’s just another nail in the coffin for him of things he’s gone back on and another reason people don’t trust anything he says,” said Steinke.

Some, like Loewen, had called for Kenney’s resignation prior to the announcement of vaccine passports; an April letter circulated among party members sought signatures in a call for Kenney to resign.

In the case of Brian Hildebrand, who resigned from the constituency association in Taber Warner, one of the most conservative areas of the province, this was because of the perception there had been a centralization of power and the rejection of grassroots input.

Still, said Hildebrand, for many, the passports were the last straw.

“I’ve been very amazed at how compliant the population has been, at least up to this point. People have been very patient, in a lot of ways, (but) people’s patience does have an end,” Hildebrand said. “For there to be a demand to show your barista your vaccination papers, yet the premier refuses to disclose where he went on vacation, is a bizarre inconsistency for a lot of people.”

In August, COVID-19 case counts began to rise, rapidly outpacing any other Canadian jurisdiction in their severity.

As cases and hospitalizations climbed, Kenney was on holidays. Shandro, then the health minister, hadn’t been seen since July, and Dr. Deena Hinshaw, the province’s chief medical officer of health, had given just one press appearance since July. In other words, there was the widespread perception in Alberta that the government simply wasn’t doing anything.

When the leaders did actually finally return to the public eye on Sept. 3, it was as the crisis was reaching a critical point. By Sept. 22, Alberta had more than 20,000 active cases, and is adding roughly 1,500 cases per day. There are more than 1,040 people in hospital, including 230 in intensive care; over roughly the past week, Alberta has logged, on average, just shy of 14 deaths per day.

New health measures were announced on Sept. 3, including a mask mandate, and a $100 gift card for those who got their vaccinations — a policy proposal meant to encourage the vaccine hesitant, but that was perceived by some as rewarding people for not doing the right thing earlier.

Among a number of constituency associations, there have been calls for a leadership review. As it stands, said Steinke, if 22 constituency associations call for an earlier leadership review, they should get it. Meetings are ongoing this week about that question.

If the ongoing push among constituency associations to have an earlier leadership review fails, there’s plenty of time between now and the spring. The perception is that it’s still Kenney’s race to lose — if he even still wants to stay on as leader.

“There’s a safe assumption that the premier will put together a strong campaign and a strong pitch for the membership for why he should continue to lead the party and lead it into that next election,” said Solberg. “He will put every ounce of his energy into trying to secure his leadership, I think that’s just who he is, that’s what has made him incredibly successful in his career to date.”

With files from the Calgary Herald and Edmonton Journal

• Email: | Twitter: tylerrdawson

 From Twitter

Raffi Cavoukian
Alberta friends on my mind. when will @jkenney resign? he’s broken the province’s health system, caused many preventable deaths. friends consider him criminally negligent. grounds for removal. #vaccinated #WearAMask
Jesse Hawken
I wonder sometimes what Jason Kenney's long game was on reopening the province for July 1...did he truly think Alberta was the only place in North America where the pandemic had been conquered? Was there really not one medical health expert to emphatically tell him he was wrong?
Joe Ceci
Well done, @jkenney, your catastrophic decisions have made it into the New York Times. "Alberta’s ‘Best Summer Ever’ Ends With an Overwhelmed Medical System." The UCP: Disastrous for our province. Disastrous for our reputation. #ableg #COVID19AB
Rachel Notley
Jason Kenney declared over and over that Alberta was “Open For Summer” and “Open For Good.” Then, in July, it became obvious his declaration was wrong and the data was indicating a very bad fourth wave of COVD-19 was coming. 1/3 #ableg #abhealth

Documentary 'Ghosts of Afghanistan' exposes broken hopes

The timely film, which portrays divisions in Afghan society, as well as the government's false claims, was screened at the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin.

Searching for traces of the ghosts of Afghanistan: Canadian journalist Graeme Smith in a Kandahar graveyard

The documentary Ghosts of Afghanistan, shown at the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin, follows Canadian war correspondent Graeme Smith as he returns to Afghanistan and visits various people who were involved in rebuilding the country or who can offer an insider's perspective on the social and political context.

The deep divisions in Afghanistan are particularly evident through the perspective of the different women interviewed in the film. Among them is Shaharzad Akbar, the country's top human rights investigator, who denounces abuse by both the Taliban and the government.

Smith also meets outspoken students from Kabul University who discuss how the Taliban may threaten their hard-won rights and liberties.

A particularly striking contrast is revealed through one meeting with a group of burqa-clad women in Kandahar who live in compliance with the Taliban's expectations, as opposed to another person interviewed, Farahnaz Forotan, who is one of the country's most outspoken feminists.

Her home, decorated with large Frida Kahlo self-portraits revealing her breasts, would shock many conservatives.

Provocative art in an Afghan woman's office: Feminist Farahnaz Forotan is featured in "Ghosts of Afghanistan"

Hindsight revelations

Current developments in Afghanistan make the film very timely, but, as it was filmed in 2019, it provides background on the structures that allowed the Taliban to retake Afghanistan.

As Smith explained at the Berlin festival, the initial version of the film offered an ending that was hopeful about a political settlement: "We didn't expect the Taliban to make a full military takeover of the country, so it involved very-last-minute edits," he said. "We had hoped that the process in Doha could lead to a compromise between the Taliban and their enemies."

In the film, these women say they do not feel threatened by the Taliban

The hindsight provided by the documentary is particularly revealing. Director Julian Sher told DW: "A major point of our movie is that the Taliban is much, much stronger than the Afghan government or the Western armies were willing to admit."
Warnings about the Taliban were dismissed

Two interviews in the film express this idea particularly well. In one scene, Rahmatullah Amiri, one of Afghanistan's most respected political analysts, warns that in 2019 the Taliban had a major part of the country "under their full control."

That statement is followed by an optimistic claim by National Security Adviser Hamdullah Mohib, who says: "We have broken the back of the Taliban." He adds: "We have a military path to victory in this conflict."

"That's not true at all," is Amiri's reaction to the information. "If the back of the Taliban could be broken, that would be from 2009 to 2014, where hundreds of thousands of international troops where there and billions of dollars were poured into the construction and nation-building and everything." Amiri goes on to correctly predict that the Taliban "haven't reached their peak yet."
Broken trust

Many people were inclined to believe and put their hopes in the country's 38-year-old Western-educated national security adviser, Hamdullah Mohib, who had served as the former Afghan ambassador to the US and was seen as one of the most trusted aides of President Ashraf Ghani. They both fled the country on August 15.

National security adviser Hamdullah Mohib being interviewed by Smith in "Ghosts of Afghanistan"

Afghan journalist Khwaga Ghani, who worked as a fixer on Ghosts of Afghanistan, was among those who were deeply disappointed by Mohib, a figure she had found particularly inspiring during the filming of the documentary in 2019.

"I had a totally different perspective and idea on what he was going to do for the country. I thought he could bring changes in society, in the security situation," she told DW. "But at the end, he really broke not just my trust but everybody's trust."
Leaving Afghanistan

Like many others, Khwaga Ghani was forced to leave Afghanistan after the Taliban took over. As she was also working for different media outlets, including The New York Times, NPR, Vice and National Geographic, she managed to escape Kabul with her family thanks to the intervention of her US colleagues.

It was a complicated process. After four days spent hiding at a hotel after the Taliban's takeover of Kabul, her family was escorted to the airport. Ghani said they had to spend two nights close to the runway before being admitted into a plane that was filled with more than 400 people.

Their first stop was in Qatar, where they spent seven hours stuck in the plane, waiting for the buses that would take them to the military base. "Children were fainting inside the plane, there was no oxygen," she said.

Confronting the ghosts

After a second halt at the US airbase in Ramstein, Germany, they were finally sent to the Fort McCoy base in Wisconsin, where they are still waiting. Even though Ghani has contacts in the area, she is not allowed to leave the US army installation, where they have been kept for 21 days already. They do not exactly know when they will be allowed to leave, as investigations into the different refugees have to be completed.

Ghani and her family plan to eventually go to California, where her brother is already living. She has been granted a scholarship to pursue her studies in journalism and human rights.

Like many other Afghans, she intends to confront the ghosts of Afghanistan in the future. "I hope for my country to get better, so I can go back," she said. Meanwhile, she added, "I want to learn things here that will help bring some changes in my country."
Familial Forestry in India: Caring for trees like they're family

Trees are good for both biodiversity and people, helping to guard against drought. Which is why Shyam Sunder Jyani encourages communities in Rajasthan, India to nurture them like loved ones.

Watch video05:56

India: Trees as family members

In summer, temperatures in Rajasthan — one of India's driest regions — often climb above 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). The climatic conditions are hard on people, and the little vegetation that survives here.

Shyam Sunder Jyani is a professor of sociology, but for the last 15 years he's dedicated himself to planting trees. To guard against desertification and provide both shade and fruit, Jyani has personally funded the planting of over 2.5 million saplings.

Jyani is investing in seedlings now for the future of the land, climate and people

But putting young trees into the ground isn't enough. They need care to grow and thrive, which is why he goes village to village, teaching locals how to nurture trees that will make the landscape more hospitable for future generations.

In June, Familial Forestry, as Jyani's project is called, won the Land for Life Award from the United Nations Convention To Combat Desertification. Jyani is pleased to have his efforts recognized, but what he really wants is many more trees in Rajasthan. He even has plans to bring more fruit trees to the state's big cities.

A film by Manish Mehta and Tabea Mergenthaler
Guatemala's Fuego volcano quiets after eruption

Issued on: 25/09/2021 - 
Guatemala's Fuego volcano wrapped up a 32-hour phase of strong eruption, seen in this Septempber 23, 2021 image from Alotenango 

Guatemala City (AFP)

Guatemala's Fuego volcano on Friday has quieted after a 32-hour long eruption, authorities said Friday.

The volcano, located some 35 kilometers (22 miles) southwest of the capital Guatemala City, began spewing lava and ash high into the sky on Thursday.

No damages or injuries have been reported and Emilio Barrillas, spokesman for National Volcanology Institute, told journalists that ash eruptions eased and lava emissions stopped on Friday.

"The seismic, acoustic and field observation parameters have shown that in the last hours this (eruptive) activity has remained in a progressive decline, which translates into low effusive activity," Barrillas said.

Fuego, 3.7 kilometers (12,240 feet) high, is one of three active volcanoes in Guatemala.

Though some areas on its eastern flank saw a bit of ash fall, there were no evacuations, the official said.

The current activity is the strongest since June 2018, when Fuego unleashed a torrent of mud and ash that wiped the village of San Miguel Los Lotes from the map, said Barillas.

More than 200 people were killed.

© 2021 AFP

US power company charged over deadly California forest fire

Issued on: 25/09/2021
The Zogg Fire burned 56,000 acres and killed four people after it was sparked by a power line in September 2020 
Allison Dinner AFP/File

Los Angeles (AFP)

A US power company whose cables sparked a devastating California fire that killed four people has been charged with manslaughter, prosecutors said Friday.

More than 56,000 acres (22,000 hectares) were set ablaze when power lines operated by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) came into contact with a tree in September 2020, igniting what became known as the Zogg Fire.

Prosecutors said the company knew the tree in Shasta County was dangerously close to a powerline and should have removed it three years earlier.

"We have sufficient evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the Pacific Gas and Electric Company is criminally liable for their reckless ignition of the Zogg Fire and the deaths and destruction that it caused," the county's district attorney Stephanie Bridgett said.

"Their failure was reckless and was criminally negligent, and it resulted in the death of four people" including an eight-year-old girl.

The county also levelled charges over three other fires.

PG&E is one of California's biggest power companies, and is responsible for maintaining large swathes of the state's creaking electricity infrastructure.

That includes keeping trees away from powerlines, especially at a time when the region is suffering through a prolonged drought that has left its forests dry and vulnerable to wildfires.

The company on Friday denied it was criminally culpable for the blaze.

"We've accepted (the fire department's) determination, reached earlier this year, that a tree contacted our electric line and started the Zogg Fire. But we did not commit a crime," said chief executive Patti Poppe.

"We've already resolved many victim claims arising from the Zogg Fire... and we are working hard to resolve the remaining claims."

PG&E has already been found guilty of causing the Camp Fire in 2018, the deadliest fire in recent California history.

That fire virtually wiped the small town of Paradise off the map and killed 86 people.

This year the company said it would bury 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) of powerlines in an effort to keep them away from vegetation.

The western United States is suffering through yet another terrible wildfire season.

Scientists say human-caused global warming is making the region hotter, drier and more vulnerable to fire.

© 2021 AFP
Huawei CFO strikes agreement with U.S. over fraud charges, allowing her to leave Canada

Karen Freifeld and Kenneth Li
Fri, September 24, 2021, 


Huawei CFO strikes agreement with U.S. over fraud charges, allowing her to leave Canada
Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou arrives to attend court in Vancouver


Huawei CFO strikes agreement with U.S. over fraud charges, allowing her to leave Canada
Huawei Technologies Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou arrives to attend court in Vancouver


Huawei CFO strikes agreement with U.S. over fraud charges, allowing her to leave Canada
General view of the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse in New York City


Huawei CFO strikes agreement with U.S. over fraud charges, allowing her to leave Canada
Assistant United States Attorneys arrive for a hearing for Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou CFO at the Brooklyn Federal District Courthouse in Brooklyn, New York

By Karen Freifeld and Kenneth Li

(Reuters) - Huawei Chief Financial Officer Meng Wanzhou has reached an agreement with U.S. prosecutors to end the bank fraud case against her, officials said on Friday, a move that should allow her to leave Canada and relieve a point of tension between China and the United States.

Meng was arrested at Vancouver International Airport in December 2018 on a U.S. warrant, and was indicted on bank and wire fraud charges for allegedly misleading HSBC in 2013 about the telecommunications equipment giant’s business dealings in Iran. The bank questioned her following stories by Reuters in 2012 and 2013 about those dealings.

Her arrest sparked a political storm between the two countries, and drew Canada into the fray when China arrested a Canadian businessman and a former diplomat shortly after Meng was taken into custody.

In an exclusive on Friday, Reuters reported that the United States had reached a deferred prosecution agreement with Meng. Nicole Boeckmann, the acting U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn, said that in entering into the agreement, "Meng has taken responsibility for her principal role in perpetrating a scheme to defraud a global financial institution.”

The agreement pertains only to Meng, and the U.S. Justice Department said it is preparing for trial against Huawei and looks forward to proving its case in court.

A spokeswoman for Huawei declined to comment.

At a hearing in Brooklyn federal court on Friday, which Meng attended virtually from Canada, Assistant U.S. Attorney David Kessler said the government will move to dismiss the charges against her if she complies with all of her obligations under the agreement, which ends in December 2022. He added that Meng will be released on a personal recognizance bond, and that the United States plans to withdraw its request to Canada for her extradition.

Meng - the daughter of Huawei founder, Ren Zhengfei - pleaded not guilty to the charges in the hearing. William Taylor III, an attorney representing Meng, said he was "very pleased" with the agreement, adding "we fully expect the indictment will be dismissed with prejudice after fourteen months. Now, she will be free to return home to be with her family."

Beyond solving a dispute between the United States and China, the agreement could also pave the way for the release of the two Canadians, businessman Michael Spavor and former diplomat Michael Kovrig, who have been held in China. In August, a Chinese court sentenced Spavor to 11 years in prison for espionage.

Meng, who has also used the English first names "Cathy" and "Sabrina," is confined to Vancouver and monitored 24/7 by private security that she pays for as part of her bail agreement.


Articles published by Reuters in 2012 and 2013 about Huawei, Hong Kong-registered company Skycom and Meng figured prominently in the U.S. criminal case against her. Reuters reported that Skycom had offered to sell at least 1.3 million euros worth of embargoed Hewlett-Packard computer equipment to Iran's largest mobile-phone operator in 2010. At least 13 pages of the proposal were marked "Huawei confidential" and carried Huawei's logo.

Reuters also reported numerous financial and personnel links between Huawei and Skycom, including that Meng had served on Skycom’s board of directors between February 2008 and April 2009. The stories prompted HSBC to question Meng about Reuters findings.

Huawei was placed on a U.S. trade blacklist in 2019 that restricts sales to the company for activities contrary to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. The restrictions have hobbled the company, which suffered its biggest ever revenue drop in the first half of 2021, after the U.S. supply restrictions drove it to sell a chunk of its once-dominant handset business and before new growth areas have matured.

The criminal case against Meng and Huawei is cited in the blacklisting. Huawei is charged with operating as a criminal enterprise, stealing trade secrets and defrauding financial institutions. It has pleaded not guilty.

Judicial hearings in her extradition case in Vancouver wrapped up in August, with the date for a ruling to be set on Oct. 21.

A Canadian government official said Ottawa would be making no comments until the U.S. court proceedings were over. ​Kovrig’s wife declined to comment. Representatives for Spavor could not be reached immediately for comment.


Huawei has become a dirty word in Washington, with a knee-jerk reaction by China hawks in Congress to any news that could be construed as the United States as being soft despite Huawei's struggles under the trade restrictions.

Then-President Donald Trump politicized the case when he told Reuters soon after her 2018 arrest that he would intervene if it would serve national security or help secure a trade deal. Meng's lawyers have said she was a pawn in the political battle between the two super powers.

Senior U.S. officials have said that Meng's case was being handled solely by the Justice Department and the case had no bearing on the U.S. approach to ties with China.

During U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman’s July trip to China, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Xie Feng insisted that the United States drop its extradition case against Meng.

U.S. officials have acknowledged that Beijing had linked Meng's case to the case of the two detained Canadians, but insisted that Washington would not be draw into viewing them as bargaining chips.

(Reporting by Karen Freifeld, Kenneth Li, Jonathan Stempel, David Shpardson and Michael Martina; editing by Chris Sanders and Edward Tobin)

Michael Kovrig, Michael Spavor freed from China after Meng Wanzhou released: Trudeau


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor are on their way back to Canada after spending over 1,000 days in detention in China.

Trudeau said the two Canadians boarded a plane Friday night with Canada's ambassador to China Dominic Barton. The plane is expected to land in Canada Saturday morning.

"These two men have gone through an unbelievably difficult ordeal," Trudeau said.

"It is good news for all of us that they are on their way home to their families."

Read more: Meng Wanzhou to fly to China Friday night after being released by B.C. court

Trudeau made the announcement hours after Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was released from house arrest in Vancouver and allowed to return home to China after securing a deal to drop U.S. charges against her.

As part of the new deferred prosecution agreement, Meng plead not guilty to charges that she committed fraud by misleading the HSBC bank about the company's business dealings in Iran.

Kovrig, a former diplomat, and businessman Spavor were detained in China days after Wanzhou was arrested at Vancouver's airport in December 2018 on behalf of the United States.

The two men were convicted on espionage charges in separate trials earlier this year. Spavor was later sentenced to 11 years in prison, while a sentence has yet to be issued for Kovrig.

Canada has repeatedly demanded China release the pair, saying they were arbitrarily detained on bogus charges.

Video: China releases ‘Two Michaels’ just hours after Meng Wanzhou plea deal

China has publicly maintained that there is no connection between Meng's case and the men's imprisonment. But Beijing has also dropped broad hints that if she were allowed to go free, that could benefit the two Canadians.

Experts say the timing of the pair's release has made the link with Meng's arrest explicit.

"We always knew that they were linked, it's just that no one wanted to say it out loud," said Yves Tiberghien, a political science professor at the University of British Columbia who specializes in Canada-China relations.

"What this also shows, however, is how hard diplomats have been working behind closed doors. That's I think why we see Ambassador Barton is on the plane."

Trudeau would not give further details about how Kovrig and Spavor's freedom was secured.
Catholic Church apologizes to Canada indigenous peoples for school abuses

Issued on: 25/09/2021 - 
People look at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School where flowers and cards were left in June 2021 as part of a memorial to children whose remains were discovered buried near the facility

Ottawa (AFP)

The Catholic Church apologized "unequivocally" on Friday to Canada's indigenous peoples for a century of abuses at church-run residential schools set up by the government to assimilate children into the mainstream.

But indigenous leaders are still awaiting a mea culpa from the pope himself.

"We, the Catholic Bishops of Canada, express our profound remorse and apologize unequivocally," read a statement, in which they said they were "fully committed" to reconciliation.

The move follows recent discoveries, which convulsed Canada, of some 1,200 unmarked graves at three sites where indigenous children were forced to attend the schools.

In total, some 150,000 Indian, Metis and Inuit children were enrolled from the late 1800s to the 1990s in 139 of the residential schools across Canada, spending months or years isolated from the families.

It also comes less than a week before Canadians mark the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30.

The solemn commemoration for the thousands of indigenous children who died or went missing from the schools was set by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who said in June that Canadians were "horrified and ashamed of how our country behaved."

In the statement, the bishops said they "acknowledge the suffering experienced" by indigenous students and the "grave abuses" inflicted upon them, including "physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, cultural, and sexual" mistreatment at the hands of headmasters and teachers.

"Many Catholic religious communities and dioceses participated in this system, which led to the suppression of Indigenous languages, culture and spirituality, failing to respect the rich history, traditions and wisdom of Indigenous Peoples," they said.

A man holds his head as he attends an impromptu vigil at an anti-Canada Day event titled "No Pride in Genocide" in Toronto in July 2021 
Cole Burston AFP/File

"We also sorrowfully acknowledge the historical and ongoing trauma and the legacy of suffering and challenges faced by Indigenous Peoples that continue to this day."

- 'Cultural genocide' -

A truth and reconciliation commission concluded the failed government policy amounted to "cultural genocide."

Today, the residential school experiences are blamed for a high incidence of poverty, alcoholism and domestic violence, as well as high suicide rates, in Canada's indigenous communities.

Searches for more possible grave sites using ground penetrating radar continue after discoveries in British Columbia and Saskatchewan provinces.

Meanwhile, tribes are trying to piece together old documents that might help identify the deceased in the unmarked graves and shed light on the fate of others who never returned home.

The bishops committed to "providing documentation or records (requested by tribes) that will assist in the memorialization of those buried in unmarked graves."

Indigenous groups and leaders have also called for a papal apology for the Church's role in the residential schools, with backing from Trudeau who has said he personally implored Pope Francis to "make an apology to indigenous Canadians on Canadian soil."

Solar lights and flags mark where 751 human remains were discovered in unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School in Saskatchewan, Canada in June 2021 
Geoff Robins AFP/File

Indigenous leaders have said an apology from the church is welcomed, but it would be more meaningful coming from the pope himself.

A delegation of Canadian indigenous peoples is scheduled to travel to the Vatican in December to meet with the pope.

In the meantime, the bishops said they would work with the Vatican and indigenous leaders to try to schedule a papal visit to Canada "as part of this healing journey."

© 2021 AFP
Abbas gives Israel 'one year' to quit Palestinian territory

Issued on: 24/09/2021 - 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, via video link, at UN headquarters on September 24, 2021 in New York 

United Nations (United States) (AFP)

Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas gave Israel one year to withdraw from occupied territory Friday or he said he would no long recognize the Jewish state based on pre-1967 borders.

In a virtual address to the United Nations General Assembly, Abbas called on Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to "convene an international peace conference."

But along with that request he also issued an ultimatum.

"We must state that Israel, the occupying power, has one year to withdraw from the Palestinian territory it occupied in 1967, including East Jerusalem," he said.

Abbas added that the Palestinians were ready "to work throughout the year" on solving the final status of the states of Israel and Palestine "in accordance with United Nations resolutions."

But "if this is not achieved, why maintain recognition of Israel based on the 1967 borders?" he said.

Abbas added that the Palestinians would also go to the International Court of Justice "on the issue of the legality of the occupation of the land of the Palestinian state."

The peace process to achieve a two-state solution between in the Middle East has been deadlocked for years.

Israel immediately brushed aside the Palestinian leader's demands.

Abbas "proved once again that he is no longer relevant," said the Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan.

"Those who truly support peace and negotiations do not threaten delusional ultimatums from the UN platform as he did in his speech," he added.

© 2021 AFP