Thursday, October 07, 2021


Montreal money launderer set up offshore company while under criminal investigation

From prison, Firoz Patel says corporation was for legitimate business activities

Montrealer Firoz Patel co-founded the internet payment service AlertPay and later ran Payza. He pleaded guilty in the United States to conspiracy to launder money and operating an internet-based unlicenced money service business in July 2020. A company he set up in the United Arab Emirates is among the Pandora Papers files. (Firoz Patel/Facebook)

This story is part of a CBC News collaboration with the Washington-based International Consortium of Investigative Journalists examining the Pandora Papers, a leak of 11.9 million files from 14 firms that provide offshore service, including emails, bank statements, incorporation documents and shareholder registries.

As American and Canadian authorities ramped up investigations into rogue Montreal-based money transfer mogul Firoz Patel in April 2017, he boarded a flight to the United Arab Emirates.

A stamp in Patel's passport shows he entered the UAE on April 8, 2017.

Ten days later, he became the sole shareholder in Argus Ltd., a secret offshore corporation he set up with an office in a building owned by a prominent member of the Emirates' royal family.

The trail of Patel's offshore account is revealed in leaked documents obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as part of the worldwide Pandora Papers investigation and shared exclusively with its Canadian partners, CBC and The Toronto Star

The Pandora Papers is the biggest journalistic collaboration in history. More than 600 journalists in 117 countries and territories worked together to search and analyze millions of records leaked from tax havens. 

Publicly available American court records show Patel, and his younger brother Ferhan, ran Payza and several other unlicensed online money transfer services that processed more than $250 million US in illicit transactions that facilitated criminal activity, including child pornography distribution, Ponzi schemes, gambling and drugs from 2004 until their indictment in 2018. 

WATCH | Pandora Papers leak reveals offshore tax havens for the rich and famous:

‘Pandora Papers’ leak reveals offshore tax havens of the rich and famous

4 days ago
A massive new leak of documents dubbed 'The Pandora Papers' is shedding light on how the rich and famous are hiding their money, and how a world of off-shore tax havens is still thriving. The documents were obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, which includes the CBC. Among the Canadians named in the documents are figure skater Elvis Stojko and race-car driver Jacques Villeneuve. 2:33

The American court documents show that in April 2017, investigators in the U.S. were preparing money laundering charges against the Patel brothers  while revenue authorities in Quebec were investigating tax evasion.

Both men pleaded guilty in Washington, D.C., in July 2020, after accepting a negotiated plea deal in which they admitted conspiracy to launder money.

Firoz Patel was sentenced to a three-year term in a Connecticut prison that he is still serving, while his brother, Ferhan, was sentenced to 18 months. 

Firoz Patel faces an $18.4-million tax bill in Quebec he has yet to pay and is disputing. 

Retired FBI agent Gregory Coleman spent 25 years investigating financial crimes, a high-flying career that included his depiction in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street for his key role in the conviction of stockbroker-turned-fraudster Jordan Belfort.

"I'm sure [investigators] would like to have known during the time of their investigation about that [Argus] account and what was in it, how it was used, who set it up, why it is there and so forth," Coleman told CBC News in an interview. 

Retired FBI agent Gregory Coleman says American investigators likely will want to determine if Patel's UAE corporation is connected to his past prosecution, whether it served a separate fraud or whether it was simply a defunct shell company.  (Submitted by Gregory Coleman)

The documents leaked to the ICIJ do not reveal how Patel used Argus or whether he funnelled any money through it. 

The U.S. Department of Justice declined to respond to questions from the ICIJ about whether Patel had disclosed the existence of Argus Ltd. before his plea agreement or if it had subsequently requested financial information from UAE authorities about the offshore corporation.

Coleman said American investigators likely will want to determine if Patel's UAE corporation is connected to his past prosecution, whether it served a separate fraud or whether it was simply a defunct shell company. 

"Every investigator wants to have as much information as possible and follow as many dollars as possible," he said.

'A wakeup call'

Coleman said the U.S. has no mutual legal assistance treaty for criminal matters with the UAE. If American authorities make a request to their UAE counterparts for assistance, "it would be entirely up to the UAE as to whether they would respond." 

Coleman said the Patel case "is your stereotypical excessive money laundering case." 

But he said it shows the Panama Papers, a previous project by the ICIJ that exposed billions of dollars stashed in offshore accounts, has yet to cause governments to impose regulations on the money transfer and banking industries that facilitate tax evasion and crime all over the world.

"I think it is a wakeup call for a lot of people in the world that this industry is still being used in the same way."

WATCH | Inside the massive leak of offshore financial records:

Pandora Papers: Inside the massive leak of secret offshore financial records

3 days ago
A new leak of financial records from offshore tax havens exposes the ways many of the rich and powerful take advantage of financial wizardry or opaque corporate structures to either shield assets, wriggle out of their tax obligations, or hide wealth entirely. 5:46

Patel used a corporate service provider called SFM Corporate Services to register his shell corporation in the UAE. 

Reporting by the ICIJ revealed SFM was founded in Switzerland in 2006. It now operates in more than two dozen countries, including Canada, Bahamas, Hong Kong, United States, Netherlands, Panama and the United Kingdom.

On its website in 2010, SFM said it served clients "looking to minimize taxes, protect assets and limit liabilities." 

The company provides nominee shareholders and nominee directors. These are people paid to list themselves on public forms but who do not have actual responsibility with the corporation they represent only on paper. 

160 corporations registered at same address

SFM guarantees that its nominee shareholders "work with the highest level of integrity and confidentiality."

The ICIJ found SFM had registered 160 corporations at the same UAE address as Patel's Argus Ltd. 

Coleman said the mass registration of shell corporations is both common and legal, and companies like SFM often do little or no due diligence on clients like Patel. 

"My guess would be that you're not going to find many [offshore registry service providers] who are digging very deep to find out who it is that they are setting up accounts and corporations for," he said. 

The documents leaked to the ICIJ, however, include a background check that shows SFM learned on May 16, 2018, that Patel had been indicted in the U.S. Eight days later, SFM severed its relationship with Argus and Patel.

In an emailed statement to the ICIJ, a lawyer for SFM said it can't confirm any commercial relations because of contractual confidentiality. It stressed that all its activities are legal and insisted it performs proper due diligence before taking on any client. 

Patel says no intent to launder money

Court documents from Quebec obtained by The Toronto Star show a judge ruled in 2017 that Patel had "systematically neglected" to declare his real income. That was the same year Patel flew to the UAE to set up his offshore corporation.

"The sums at stake are so considerable that these omissions can only be part of a planned process with a sole objective, namely to try to avoid the tax obligations imposed by the law," Court of Quebec Judge Gilles Lareau wrote.

Revenue authorities in Quebec said armoured vans transported $45 million in cash for Payza between 2012 and 2018. Millions of dollars also have been transferred from Payza to the Patels' personal bank accounts in the United States and Canada. 

The equivalent of at least $14.3 trillion is held in offshore jurisdictions worldwide, according to a study last year from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. (CBC)

In response to written questions from The Star, Patel from prison said Argus was set up legitimately to do business in Asia and had nothing to do with Payza. He said it was never used and had no associated bank account. 

Patel also said that the charges for which he and his brother pleaded guilty in the U.S. would not be considered money laundering in Canada.

"There needs to be intent to launder funds, and there was no intent to run a [money transfer] company without the requisite licences, therefore the foundation of the money laundering allegation is false," Patel said in an emailed statement.

Numerous warnings

But the American court documents show numerous states warned the Patels they were illegally operating without licences and a consultant they hired told them they should shut down because they were operating illegally, both facts cited by the judge at the brothers' sentencing hearing in July 2020.

During the hearing, the Patels characterized their financial enabling of criminals as mistakes, and suggested they were unwitting pawns in criminal enterprises. 

U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson outright rejected this explanation. 

"When one plays with fire, one eventually gets burned and that is where we are right now," the judge said. 

"This court does not think that either of you, frankly, had a reasonable defence concerning your knowledge or culpability with respect to the seriousness of these offences."

Brown Jackson told the Patels illegal businesses "can't operate unless they have the ability to collect money, and that was your role." 

'You helped schemers'

She wondered if they ever thought about the drug addicts created through their money laundering or the elderly who lost their life savings and would have to forego their retirement "because you helped schemers who were intent upon defrauding them."

Revenue Quebec, meanwhile, told The Star it could neither confirm or deny it was investigating Argus. But it said it has not started any legal proceedings to seize property from a company with that name. 

It has, however, filed a $2-million lien against Firoz Patel's Montreal house.

Patel has filed a lawsuit in England against cryptofirm claiming the London-based company is holding $20 million US of his bitcoin, which it refuses to transfer to him.

In a statement to The Star, Patel's London lawyer, Leo Nabarro, said he "will continue to rigorously protect and pursue the recovery of our client's assets." did not respond to a query from CBC News. 

Energy sector tries to show next generation it's more than pumpjacks

Teenagers are concerned about climate change and can be

 hesitant to pursue a career in energy

A pumpjack pulls oil out of the ground in central Alberta. The Ten Peaks student conference this month will include views on the energy industry's future from leaders in industry, environment and academia. (Kyle Bakx/CBC)

There are a lot of conversations happening in Alberta these days about climate change and the future of energy. Some of them are happening around the kitchen table.

Dagmar Knutson was taken aback when her Grade 9 son came home from school and declared Alberta was the worst in the world.

"What?" she asked.

"Our oilsands, they are the worst in the world," he responded.

"I know our emissions always haven't been the greatest but do you know that they've come down?" she asked.

He hadn't heard that, nor had he heard of how the sector aims to use carbon capture to further reduce emissions.

"But our teachers say that our textbooks are at least five years out of date," he told his mom, who works as an accountant for an oilpatch equipment company in Red Deer.

Knutson is using this exchange with her son two years ago as a launch point to help the next generation learn about the future of the energy sector, from geothermal energy to utility-scale batteries to plastics recycling, as it confronts climate change.

Later this month, she's organizing the 10 Peaks Innovation Xchange, a student conference about the energy transition with more than 30 speakers including oilpatch executives, academics, renewable energy officials and environmental advocates, among others. More than 1,000 students have already signed up.

These are the types of discussions happening around the world, especially in the lead up to the COP26 UN climate conference in Glasgow at the end of the month. U.S. climate envoy John Kerry has described the event as "the last best chance" to avert the worst environmental consequences for the planet, as world leaders will gather to discuss and negotiate how to tackle climate change.

The burning of fossil fuels is always a focal point in the climate discussion. In Alberta, climate change can be a contentious debate as many in the oilpatch feel their livelihoods are under attack.

"We get polarized and that's not what we should be teaching our kids. We should be saying, 'Hey, we have these ideas, we have these great solutions, let's go at it and let's work on it together and let's move forward together,'" said Knutson in an interview.

TransAlta's WindCharger project is the first utility-scale, lithium-ion battery storage facility in Alberta. A wave of battery storage projects are under development, both to backstop renewable energy and help deliver reliable power. (Kyle Bakx/CBC)

Alberta's oilsands reduced the carbon intensity of its oil production by 20 per cent from 2009 to 2020, according to energy research firm IHS Markit.

Still, there is a wide range in performance from one facility to another, as some projects produce 40 kilograms of carbon dioxide per barrel of oil, while the most polluting emit 201 kilograms of carbon dioxide per barrel of oil, according to IHS Markit.

Total emissions are also increasing as more oil is pulled from the ground each year, highlighting one of the key environmental challenges the industry faces.

"Climate change is definitely a topic that we talk a lot about, especially in school when we talk about how to reduce our own carbon footprint," said Stephanie Tan, a Grade 12 student at Notre Dame High School in Calgary.

"It's really important that we're all conscious of climate change."

Many teenagers are hesitant to go into the industry, she said, because they don't know enough about the sector or about all the different forms of energy. She is planning to attend the conference and has encouraged her classmates to join.

Alberta has found success in reducing emissions from phasing out coal power plants in favour of natural gas. So far, emissions from the province's electricity sector are estimated to have fallen nearly 50 per cent from 2015 to 2020. 

Power producer TransAlta says it has reduced its carbon emissions by 25 million tonnes since 2005, which it says represents about eight per cent of Canada's entire needed emissions reductions to reach its 2030 goal. The company expects to be off coal in Alberta by the end of this year.

Chelsea Donelon, TransAlta's senior advisor in carbon policy and technology, remembers being in high school and having few ideas about what careers exist beyond the traditional professions, such as being a doctor, lawyer or mechanic.

"I certainly did not know that the role that I have today would exist," said Donelon, one of the speakers at the conference.

One of the largest energy companies in the country is Suncor, which is a big player in the oilsands, but it's also investing in renewable energy, hydrogen and electric vehicle charging stations across the country, among other projects.

The company expects to be in the oil business for decades to come, since the world still depends heavily on fossil fuels. That could include producing lubricants for wind turbines and plastics for electronics and vehicles. How quickly society transitions to lower-emitting sources of energy is one of the uncertainties facing the oilpatch.

"We don't have it all figured out yet, but this is going to be a hard conversation about what the energy mix will look like in 2050," said Gary Bunio, who focuses on low carbon fuels and offsets at Suncor.

Hydrogen, renewables and carbon sequestration are some of the growing areas at the company, he said, and he hopes students are interested in the exciting and challenging transformation already underway throughout the industry.

"I'm not going to claim for a second that we have enough people in those areas." he said.

The record-breaking heat wave across Western Canada this summer would have been 'virtually impossible' without human influence, climate scientists say. (CBC News)


IEA: Low-Carbon Hydrogen Needs Major Cost Cuts

The use of low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia in fossil fuel plants could be key to ensure security in electricity supply while the world is moving toward cleaner energy sources, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said in a new report. The agency noted, however, that production costs of low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia fuels need to fall significantly in order to be competitive with other forms of energy, including fossil fuels.

Low-carbon fuels can play an especially important role in countries or regions where the thermal fleet is young, or when the availability of low-carbon dispatchable resources is constrained, for example in East and Southeast Asia, the IEA said in its report.

“By 2030 the cost of low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia for use as chemical feedstock becomes comparable to those of unabated production from fossil fuels. However, for use as a fuel, they are expected to remain significantly more expensive than projected prices of coal and natural gas in 2030 in the SDS [Sustainable Development Scenario],” the international agency noted. 

By the end of this decade, low-carbon hydrogen and ammonia are likely to remain expensive energy carriers for power generation, the IEA says.

The agency’s findings also suggest that “a portfolio of policies is required to compensate for cost gaps.”

Decisive government action is necessary to support low-carbon hydrogen, the IEA said in its Global Hydrogen Review 2021 earlier this month.

Investments in hydrogen are growing, and interest is high, but additional supportive policies are needed to reduce production costs and incentivize hydrogen usage in various sectors, the agency said.

“Governments need to take rapid actions to lower the barriers that are holding low-carbon hydrogen back from faster growth, which will be important if the world is to have a chance of reaching net zero emissions by 2050,” the IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said.

By Tsvetana Paraskova for

First Look: CP’s Hydrogen Zero Emissions Locomotive

Written by Marybeth Luczak, Executive Editor

On Oct. 4, CP shared on Twitter: “Introducing CP’s new prototype hydrogen-powered line-haul locomotive: #H20EL or Hydrogen Zero Emissions Locomotive. Each design element conveys CP’s commitment to sustainability & transformational technology.”

Canadian Pacific’s (CP) H20EL, a hydrogen fuel cell-powered linehaul freight locomotive prototype, will be prepped this fall for official painting and launch, the Class I railroad reported.

CP in an Oct. 4 Twitter post provided a video rendering of the H20EL, which stands for Hydrogen Zero Emissions Locomotive (see below). It also included unit details on the “Sustainability Driven” section of its website.

The blue and green paint-scheme colors represent “sustainability, water and technology,” according to the railroad, and the angled typography of H2OEL symbolizes “movement and progress in action.”

CP’s Hydrogen Locomotive Program in December 2020 announced work on the H2OEL, a retrofit of an existing diesel-electric linehaul locomotive. The diesel prime mover and traction alternator are being replaced with hydrogen fuel cell and battery technology to power the unit’s electric traction motors. Ballard is supplying six 200-kilowatt fuel cell modules, which will provide a total of 1.2 megawatts of electricity to power the locomotive.

On March 10, 2021, CP President and CEO Keith Creel told attendees of Railway Age’s Next-Gen Freight Rail conference that the Program locomotive is expected to be operational by the end of 2022. At that time, the railroad has said it “will conduct rail service trials and qualification testing to evaluate the technology’s readiness for the freight-rail sector.”

Keith Creel, CP President and CEO and Railway Age’s 2021 Railroader of the Year.

If the concept is proven reliable, CP could produce two additional locomotives, according to Creel. While the Class I railroad is not looking to become a locomotive manufacturer, he told Railway Age conference attendees, its vision is to partner with an OEM in the future to “benefit CP and the North American [railroad] landscape.”

On the CP website, Creel noted that the project is “globally significant” and “positions CP at the leading edge of decarbonizing the freight transportation sector. CP will continue to focus on finding innovative solutions to transform our operations and implement our Climate Strategy, positioning CP and our industry as leaders for a sustainable future.”

TC Energy (TSX:TRP) and Nikola to produce clean hydrogen

Senior Vice President and President, Power and Storage, Corey Hessen.
Source: TC Energy

TC Energy (TRP) and Nikola have signed a joint development agreement for large-scale clean hydrogen hubs

The U.S. and Canadian facilities will produce 150 tonnes or more of hydrogen per day to supply Nikola's forthcoming electric vehicles

The partnership hopes to jumpstart hydrogen and electric vehicle adoption across industrial sectors
Nikola Corporation designs and manufactures zero-emission battery-electric and hydrogen-electric vehicles and associated components

TC Energy is a leading energy provider across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico

TC Energy (TRP) is up by 0.52 per cent and is currently trading at $61.52 per share

TC Energy (TRP) and Nikola have signed a joint development agreement for large-scale clean hydrogen hubs.

The companies will co-develop, construct, operate and own the low-cost hydrogen production facilities in the U.S. and Canada.

The objective is to produce 150 tonnes or more of hydrogen per day to serve Nikola’s Class 8 fuel cell electric vehicles within the next five years.

The partnership intends to accelerate the adoption of hydrogen and heavy-duty zero-emission FCEVs across industrial sectors.

TC Energy will likely make use of its extensive pipeline, storage and power assets to increase the hubs' efficiency.

Potential avenues to reducing the project's carbon intensity include renewable energy, low-cost natural gas, renewable natural gas and biomass feedstocks paired with carbon capture and storage.

Pablo Koziner, Nikola's President, Energy and Commercial, stated,

"We are excited to have a strategic partnership with a North American energy leader focused on delivering low-carbon and hydrogen-based energy solutions. TC Energy offers pipeline distribution capabilities that will be essential for the cost-efficient movement of hydrogen in the future.

Today marks a major step by Nikola in accordance with its stated energy strategy for the provision of hydrogen fuel solutions to future Nikola FCEV customers and to public network fueling stations."

Corey Hessen, TC Energy’s Senior Vice President and President, Power and Storage, added,

"By leveraging our natural gas and power operations footprint, we see this new partnership as an important first step in facilitating access to affordable low-carbon production of hydrogen for the transportation and industrial sector.

TC Energy is focused on our own decarbonization efforts as well as being the provider of choice for carbon-free energy to the North American industrial, natural gas and oil sectors. Nikola as a partner and as a customer aligns well with that approach."

Nikola Corporation designs and manufactures zero-emission battery-electric and hydrogen-electric vehicles, electric vehicle drivetrains, vehicle components, energy storage systems and hydrogen station infrastructure.

TC Energy is a leading energy provider across Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

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Why the ‘Swiss Army knife’ of climate solutions is so controversial
By Emily Pontecorvo | News | October 5th 2021
#1761 of 1769 articles from the Special Report:RACE AGAINST CLIMATE CHANGE

As countries around the world firm up their commitments to cut carbon emissions, many are turning to an emerging solution with an uncertain future: hydrogen gas. 
Photo by akitada31 / Pixabay

This story was originally published by Grist and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

As countries around the world firm up their commitments to cut carbon emissions, many are turning to an emerging solution with an uncertain future: hydrogen gas. This lesser-known fuel has been called the “Swiss Army knife” of climate solutions. It has the potential to replace fossil fuels in industrial processes, transportation, buildings, and power plants, and does not emit any greenhouse gases when it’s burned.

But this idea of an emissions-free hydrogen-fuelled world is a long way off. Currently, hydrogen is primarily used by oil refineries and in the production of fertilizer. Today, 99 per cent of the world’s supply of hydrogen is made from natural gas and coal, producing annual emissions on par with those of the United Kingdom and Indonesia combined, according to the International Energy Agency.

Scaling up cleaner ways to produce hydrogen and new ways to use it will require significant investments in research and development, and likely subsidies or a price on carbon to make it competitive with fossil fuels. The Biden administration is starting down this path, with a goal to cut the cost of clean hydrogen by 80 per cent by 2030. The bipartisan infrastructure bill that passed the Senate in early August allocates $8 billion to create four “clean hydrogen hubs” that would demonstrate its production and use in four different applications.

But with the clock ticking to prevent climate impacts from getting worse, experts are debating whether chasing after clean hydrogen for every possible use is wise. Some climate advocates are worried that it risks taking attention and resources away from technologies that are already available and could cut emissions more quickly. For example, natural gas utilities say they eventually want to deliver clean hydrogen to people’s homes to power their heaters and stoves, but electric heating and cooking appliances that can be powered by renewable electricity are already on the market now.

“We’re really rooting for hydrogen to work,” said Sasan Saadat, a senior research and policy analyst at the environmental nonprofit Earthjustice. “But we don’t want to be wasting this resource in ways just to ensure there’s a longer life for the business model of combustion-based energy incumbents.” Saadat is one of the authors of a recent report that distinguishes between the most promising, “least-regrets” ways to use clean hydrogen, and areas where policymakers should forget hydrogen and pursue other solutions.

It’s a complicated debate that turns more on politics, money, and time than it does on technology. None of the experts Grist spoke with disagreed that there’s a stronger case for using hydrogen to decarbonize some activities than others. But several said it was too early to rule out its widespread potential.

“It is reasonable to ask how people should spend taxpayer money in the most productive way,” said Julio Friedmann, a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy. “But at the same time, we’re trying to do something so unprecedented and difficult that I think it is premature to amputate emerging ideas and options.”

To wrestle with these arguments, it’s important to understand clean hydrogen’s central challenge. Unlike fossil fuels, it cannot be dug out of the earth. We have to make it. And no matter how it’s made, energy is lost in the process.

Unlike the hydrogen produced with natural gas or coal today, so-called “green hydrogen” is made by zapping a water molecule with renewable electricity, splitting it into hydrogen and oxygen. With existing technology, this results in a loss of 20 to 40 per cent of the initial energy. That loss jacks up the price of green hydrogen, making it harder for it to compete with other sources of energy. It also means that relying on green hydrogen requires building a lot more wind and solar power than we might otherwise have to. Wind and solar projects already face challenges overcoming community opposition, and some countries have limited land availability to support renewables.

Another possibility is to add carbon capture technology to existing, natural gas-based hydrogen production to make so-called “blue hydrogen.” But this method requires additional energy to run the carbon capture and storage machinery. The potential climate benefits of blue hydrogen are also diminished, if not erased, by the fact that the natural gas system is rife with leaks that send the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere. Those leaks would have to be greatly reduced for the emissions math on blue hydrogen to equal “clean.”

Clean hydrogen could replace #FossilFuels for almost everything. But should it? #hydrogen #CleanHydrogen #ClimateChange

So the biggest constraint on what we use clean hydrogen for is supply. But as hard as it will be to produce cleaner varieties of hydrogen, virtually all experts agree that it is necessary for at least one reason: fertilizer. “Our demand for fertilizer isn’t going to go away,” said Rebecca Dell, the director of the industry program at the Climateworks Foundation, a philanthropic group that supports climate solutions. “We need to move that to a clean process in the future, and there isn’t really a substitute process.”

Beyond fertilizer, there’s rough consensus that clean hydrogen is a strong contender to cut emissions from many of the “hard to decarbonize” parts of the economy — activities that cannot easily be powered by clean electricity. These include long-haul trucking, shipping, aviation, and steelmaking. Hydrogen company Air Liquide, which produces both fossil fuel-based and renewable energy-based hydrogen, told Grist that producing it at scale for these uses “will then allow nascent segments to emerge and thrive.”

“Looking at end-uses one by one without considering the entire system would not allow each and any of them to benefit from one another,” spokesperson David Asselin said.

But Sara Gersen, a lawyer for Earthjustice and co-author of the organization’s recent report on the potential for hydrogen technology, said she sees a disconnect between these more clear-cut cases for clean hydrogen and the ones the fossil fuel industry is lobbying for, like burning it in power plants.

“Utilities and project proponents are trying to get approval for new fossil gas plants under the guise of, ‘Oh, maybe one day, this could be converted at some unknown cost to operate on green hydrogen,’” she said. The report mentions Danskammer, an upstate New York energy company that has proposed building a new natural gas-fired power plant and argued that it is in line with climate goals because the plant will be capable of burning a blend of clean hydrogen and natural gas, which would lower emissions and could eventually be converted to run fully on hydrogen. Entergy Texas, an electric utility, recently made a similar proposal.

“We want policymakers to shut that down and say, ‘No, you need to take advantage of the clean energy solutions that are available today,’” said Gersen. Danskammer did not respond to Grist’s request for comment.

A key argument from hydrogen’s proponents is that it can make use of existing fossil fuel infrastructure, and in some cases, utilities are repurposing existing power plants to use hydrogen. In Utah, an old coal plant is being retrofitted to run on a blend of natural gas and clean hydrogen, with a goal of eventually using 100 per cent clean hydrogen. New York State is testing blending at an existing natural gas plant in Long Island.

But blending hydrogen with natural gas is unlikely to significantly reduce carbon emissions in the near term. Jack Brouwer, director of the Advanced Power and Energy Program at the University of California, Irvine, where he conducts research on a broad range of hydrogen applications, told Grist that commercially available power plant technology can currently burn a blend of up to 30 per cent hydrogen gas and 70 per cent methane. According to a peer-reviewed study from 2019, a 30 per cent hydrogen blend would only reduce the emissions from burning natural gas by about 12 per cent.

Gas utilities are also proposing blending hydrogen into the natural gas delivered to homes and buildings. But much of the pipeline system in the U.S. is unable to carry more than about 20 per cent hydrogen, if that much, because it damages the pipes. Higher loads of hydrogen would require utilities to replace their pipelines with different materials, likely passing those costs on to customers. Customers would also need to either modify their current appliances or buy new ones.

For Brouwer, blending green hydrogen into the natural gas system, whether for power plants or homes, is still very much worth doing — not so much for the greenhouse gas benefits, but to create a new market for solar and wind power. Right now, California has a problem where prices for solar energy are getting very low in the middle of the day, at peak generation, which is discouraging the development of more solar in the state. If California set a green hydrogen blending mandate, for example, it would create more demand, since renewable energy is needed to make green hydrogen. But Brouwer said that blending clean hydrogen with natural gas is only a stepping stone. “The gas system has to be either eliminated or completely decarbonized,” he said.

Critics of hydrogen have another concern that has nothing to do with efficiency or economics or even climate change. While burning hydrogen in a power plant or furnace doesn’t emit greenhouse gases, it does emit nitrogen oxides, a pollutant that is harmful to human health. “We have this opportunity as we’re decarbonizing our economy to finally address the deep environmental injustices of burning fuel in power plants in communities that don’t benefit from the costs of low energy, but do bear the health costs of its pollution,” said Saadat.

However, Saadat and Gersen do believe clean hydrogen could be useful to the electricity grid via a different solution: Hydrogen fuel cells. Fuel cells generate electricity through a chemical reaction rather than combustion and do not produce pollution. They are much smaller systems than power plants and could be hooked up to the grid in an array, similar to grid-scale battery projects.

Gniewomir Flis, the hydrogen project manager at the Berlin-based think tank Agora Energiewende, said fuel cells are unlikely to be an option for at least a decade because at this point they are much more expensive than traditional combustion-based power plant technology. He also noted that the companies that build power plant technology are working to lower nitrogen oxide emissions, and that the industry has said it can solve this issue within the decade.

Whether for power plants or fuel cells, hydrogen can be stored underground in large quantities, much like natural gas, so many see it as a key tool to provide clean, long-duration backup electricity during seasons when there is less sun and wind to power the grid.

Perhaps the most controversial potential use for hydrogen is re-making our pipeline system to deliver it into homes and buildings. Flis called the idea of burning 100 per cent hydrogen in buildings a “politically unpalatable solution.” By his analysis, since low-carbon hydrogen is so expensive, it would either mean handing enormous subsidies to utilities or raising customers’ rates by at least five times. Flis also estimates that in Europe, installing an electric heat pump would save a customer about $23,000 to $35,000 over the next 25 years compared to installing a hydrogen boiler.

Others, however, look at the challenge of fully electrifying buildings — and more or less forcing gas utilities to shutter — and find that politically unpalatable. “Yes, electric heating is much more efficient, but we need to consider the reality of abandoning massive infrastructure in place,” said Steve Griffiths, the senior vice president of research and development at Khalifa University in the United Arab Emirates, in an email.

Griffiths stressed that many other reports have looked at the future of clean hydrogen and come to similar conclusions as Earthjustice. But he argued that these analyses lack context. “Techno-economic factors alone are not what will make hydrogen a key fuel for energy transitions,” he said, writing that social, cultural, and political factors also help or hinder energy system changes. Griffiths was the lead author of a recent review paper on hydrogen that took into account these other factors.

Michael Liebreich, an independent energy analyst and advisor, said home heating is the “front line in the hydrogen culture wars.” “There’s enormously heavy lobbying for hydrogen in heating,” he said, “because it would use the gas distribution network, and that’s a very expensive asset we built over many, many decades, and the companies who own it, don’t want to walk away.”

In the U.K., where Liebreich lives, gas utilities have been promoting a full switch to hydrogen since at least 2016, when an industry-sponsored study found that the gas network in the city of Leeds could be converted to carry low-carbon hydrogen to homes at minimal cost to customers. By 2023, a heavily subsidized pilot program in a neighborhood in Scotland will be the first to deliver 100 per cent green hydrogen to a network of about 300 homes. Participants will receive free appliances, and their gas bills will not go up for the duration of the pilot, which is set to run through 2027.

In the U.S., gas utilities in New York, Massachusetts, California, and other states have said that clean hydrogen could be part of a low-carbon fuel mix they could deliver to customers in the future to meet climate goals. They are banking on public acceptance of clean hydrogen and other lower-carbon gases, like biogas, for survival. “We don’t make money on molecules,” Jonathan Peress, the senior director of business strategy and energy policy at SoCalGas, a California gas utility, told Grist. “We make money by providing a transportation and delivery service to our customers.” SoCalGas is engaged in several partnerships to ramp up the use of hydrogen, including an initiative to make Los Angeles a hub for affordable green hydrogen. The company has proposed blending hydrogen into its gas network, but its application to the California Public Utilities Commission was dismissed in July for being incomplete.

Liebreich, who has famously ranked the potential uses of clean hydrogen into a “ladder” based on which he thinks are most likely to succeed, doesn’t see much of a future for hydrogen in buildings. But he also doesn’t see a problem with governments spending some money to support these kinds of trials because a lot of learning will come out of it. “We’ll just come to some point when they’ll say, ‘We have tried to build 67,000 homes heated by hydrogen, we now have a much better understanding of the economics — it makes no sense at all,’” he said. “Or, ‘It makes sense only in these very small numbers of niches.’”

But for Gersen and Saadat, who have watched as companies like SoCalGas have fought policies that would speed up the switch to all-electric buildings, there’s simply no time to wait around and see whether clean hydrogen will work out.

“We are really eager to make sure that the vague promise that hydrogen might be available as a decarbonization technology in the future doesn’t derail the urgent investments that we need today,” said Gersen.

These kinds of tradeoffs are difficult to suss out. There’s no guarantee that the $2 billion or so the U.S. might spend on a residential heating “clean hydrogen hub” would otherwise go to electrification or any other climate solution. Or that it’s possible to get a bill passed in Washington, D.C. right now that doesn’t involve throwing some bones to the fossil fuel industry.

But storms, droughts, wildfires, and other impacts of climate change are already intensifying. Carbon is accumulating in the atmosphere, and the emissions we can avoid today and over the next 10 years may be worth a lot more — in terms of lives lost, communities displaced, damages from natural disasters — than a breakthrough solution to cut emissions in 2030.

Editor’s note: Earthjustice is an advertiser with Grist. Advertisers have no role in Grist’s editorial decisions.
Climate change: Voices from global south muted by climate science

By Matt McGrath
Environment correspondent
Published1 day ago
Issues of concern to African climate researchers are in danger of being ignored

Climate change academics from some of the regions worst hit by warming are struggling to be published, according to a new analysis.

The study looked at 100 of the most highly cited climate research papers over the past five years.

Fewer than 1% of the authors were based in Africa, while only 12 of the papers had a female lead researcher.

The lack of diverse voices means key perspectives are being ignored, says the study's author.

Researchers from the Carbon Brief website examined the backgrounds of around 1,300 authors involved in the 100 most cited climate change research papers from 2016-2020.

They found that some 90% of these scientists were affiliated with academic institutions from North America, Europe or Australia.

The African continent, home to around 16% of the world's population had less than 1% of the authors according to the analysis.

There were also huge differences within regions - of the 10 authors from Africa, eight of them were from South Africa.

When it comes to lead authors, not one of the top 100 papers was led by a scientist from Africa or South America. Of the seven papers led by Asian authors, five were from China.

"If the vast majority of research around climate change is coming from a group of people with a very similar background, for example, male scientists from the global north, then the body of knowledge that we're going to have around climate change is going to be skewed towards their interests, knowledge and scientific training," said Ayesha Tandon from Carbon Brief, who carried out the analysis and says that "systemic bias" is at play here.

"One study noted that a lot of our understanding of climate change is biased towards cooler climates, because it's mainly carried out by scientists who live in the global north in cold climates," she added.

There are a number of other factors at play that limit the opportunities for researchers from the global south. These include a lack of funding for expensive computers to run the computer models, or simulations, that are the bedrock of much climate research.

Other issues include a different academic culture where teaching is prioritised over research, as well as language barriers and a lack of access to expensive libraries and databases.

Most of the leading papers on climate change were published by institutions in the global north

Even where researchers from better-off countries seek to collaborate with colleagues in the developing world, the efforts don't always work out well.

One researcher originally from Tanzania but now working in Mexico explained what can happen.

"The northern scientist often brings his or her own grad students from the north, and they tend to view their local partners as facilitators - logistic, cultural, language, admin - rather than science collaborators," Dr Tuyeni Mwampamba from the Institute of Ecosystems and Sustainability Research in Mexico told Carbon Brief.

Researchers from the north are often seen as wanting to extract resources and data from developing nations without making any contribution to local research, a practice sometimes known as "helicopter science".

For women involved in research in the global south there are added challenges in getting your name on a scientific paper

A scientist at work in Cote D'Ivoire

"Women tend to have a much higher dropout rate than men as they progress through academia," said Ayesha Tandon.

"But then women also have to contend with stereotypes and sexism, and even just cultural norms in their country or from the upbringing that might prevent them from spending as much time on their science or from pursuing it in the way that men do."

The analysis suggests that the lack of voices from women and from the global south is hampering the global understanding of climate change.

Solving the problem is not going to be easy, according to the author.

"This is a systemic problem and it will progress and keep getting worse, because people in positions of power will continue to have those privileges," said Ayesha Tandon.

"It's a problem that will not just go away on its own unless people really work at it."
Cutting methane emissions most impactful way to limit climate change

New report confirms methane responsible for 30% of global temperature rise to date

Kevin O'Sullivan Environment & Science Editor

Fossil fuel operations globally emitted close to 120 million tonnes of methane in 2020, nearly one-third of all methane emissions from human activity. Photograph: iStock

Governments and energy companies have major opportunities to reduce methane emissions, which provides the most impactful way to limit near-term climate change, according an International Energy Agency (IEA) report released on Thursday.

Methane is responsible for around 30 per cent of the global rise in temperatures to date, it confirms. Rapid steps to tackle methane emissions from oil, gas and coal operations would have immediate impacts because of the potent effect of methane on global warming and large scope for cost-effective actions, the report concludes.

It outlines pathways to curtailing methane emissions from fossil fuel operations with a view to a 75 per cent cut by 2030. The largest source of global methane emissions from human activities is agriculture, closely followed by the energy sector, which includes emissions from coal, oil, natural gas and biofuels. Agriculture accounts for a third of Ireland’s overall emissions; most of which are made up to methane.

Fossil fuel operations globally emitted close to 120 million tonnes of methane in 2020, nearly one-third of all methane emissions from human activity, the IEA says. Much of these emissions are simply leakage along the production and supply chain that operators fail to capture or avert.

There are cost-effective ways to limit these emissions, especially in the oil and gas sector. The IEA estimates that more than 70 per cent of current emissions from oil and gas operations are technically feasible to prevent and around 45 per cent could typically be avoided at no net cost because the value of the captured gas is higher than the cost of the abatement measure. This share would be much higher at the moment, given record highs in natural gas prices.

The report provides insights and guidance for governments, regulators and the energy industry in the lead-up to the COP26 global summit and beyond. It identifies and quantifies a range of measures, including policy and regulatory actions, voluntary industry initiatives, and improvements in emissions measurement and reporting.

Waste management to be overhauled as part of move to circular economy, committee told

‘Too many companies playing not to lose rather than to win’

“At a time when we are constantly being reminded of the damaging effects of climate change, it is inexcusable that massive amounts of methane continue to be allowed to just seep into the air from fossil fuel operations,’’ said IEA director Fatih Birol.

“These emissions are avoidable, the solutions are proven and even profitable in many cases. And the benefits in terms of avoided near-term warming are huge,” he added.

He welcomed renewed impetus behind this issue with the global methane pledge announced by the European Union and the United States, and urged all countries and companies to step up their actions.
Additional benefits

The EU and US have agreed to cut methane emission by 30 per cent by 2030 ranging across all sectors generating the greenhouse gas. Methane abatement delivers additional important benefits, including improved public health and agricultural productivity, they acknowledged after brokering the agreement last month.

Actions to be pursued include improved manure management and conversion of agricultural wastes into biofuels through the use of anaerobic digesters.

Quick action was needed because eventual declines in demand for fossil fuels alone would not achieve rapid enough reductions of methane emissions to forestall the worst effects of climate change, Mr Birol said.

Many countries have well-established policy tools, including leak detection and repair requirements, technology standards and a ban on non-emergency flaring and venting. Some have included methane alongside other greenhouse gases in their national net-zero emission pledges.

These governments could also leverage their buying power to incentivise other countries to step up their measures against these emissions, given that more than 40 per cent of the oil and gas produced in countries without strong methane commitments is exported for consumption in countries that do have such commitments, the IEA suggests.

Dr Joeri Rogelj, who is based at the Grantham Institute in Imperial College London, said: “Eliminating methane emissions from fossil fuel operations is a no-brainer. They can strongly limit the rate of global warming over the next decades and are in many cases saving money.”

The 75 per cent cut suggested by the IEA was well in line with pathways outlined by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to contain temperature rise to with 1.5 degrees.

“In those scenarios, methane emissions from the fossil fuel sector are reduced rapidly over the next decade. Cuts in agricultural methane emissions from rice, meat or dairy production are also important, but are harder to achieve,” he added.
Provincial Emergency Operations Centre takes over Saskatchewan’s COVID-19 response

By David Giles Global News
Posted October 7, 2021 

WATCH: Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe announced on Thursday that the province is pivoting it's COVID-19 response strategy. He said the government is enhancing the provincial Emergency Operations Centre and it will become a unified command centre with the Ministry of Health and the Saskatchewan Health Association.

Saskatchewan’s Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC) will now lead the province’s emergency management response to the COVID-19 situation.

PEOC will be responsible for the coordination and deployment of provincial supports for activities across multiple sectors.

It will also handle ongoing inventory management of staffing across the health-care system.

READ MORE: Saskatchewan patients waiting for life-saving surgeries, clarity from health officials

Premier Scott Moe said this will provide a better response to the pandemic.

“This is being done to better coordinate the pandemic response between government ministries and staff, ensure the right resources are in the right place at the right time and provide administrative support so health care workers can focus their efforts on providing the best possible care to patients,” Moe said.

“Responsibility for public health recommendations and orders will continue to be managed by the chief medical health officer, Dr. Shahab.”

PEOC will also disseminate critical updates for the public and establish normalized briefings through media availability.

No new COVID-19 restrictions for Saskatchewan amid 4th wave: Moe

Saskatchewan Public Safety Agency president Marlo Pritchard said this structure has worked well during other provincial emergencies.

“The pressures in our healthcare system as a result of COVID-19 have demanded all the resources of the SHA, and now require the resources of the entire province through provincial command,” he said.

“Our health-care system has been working to support the people of Saskatchewan, and this will ensure that Saskatchewan is supporting our health-care system with every tool we have available.”

Pritchard, Saskatchewan Health Authority CEO Scott Livingstone, and deputy minister of health Max Hendricks will led the provincial command.

The province said it expects the provincial command to be operational throughout the duration of the provincial emergency that was declared on Sept. 13.

READ MORE: Saskatchewan government, opposition, health professionals issue guidance for holiday gatherings

Moe made the announcement as COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations continue to climb.

On Wednesday, Saskatchewan reported 356 people were in hospital due to COVID-19, 76 of whom are in intensive care. Both numbers are record highs for the province.

Officials said nearly 77 per cent of COVID-19 patients in hospital were not fully vaccinated.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has promised to provide any support necessary to help Saskatchewan with its COVID-19 crisis.

Trudeau and Moe spoke on Sept. 29 about cases in the province, increasing vaccination efforts and what the province needs to overcome the fourth wave of the pandemic.

There have been calls for the province to restrict gathering sizes.

On Tuesday, Saskatchewan NDP Leader Ryan Meili called for “a return to indoor gathering limits for both public and private events until cases and hospitalizations stabilize.”

The government rejected the call, saying it will not be making an order limiting gathering sizes.

A spokesperson added that the “vast majority of new cases and hospitalizations are unvaccinated residents and those who are not vaccinated should get vaccinated.”

The City of Saskatoon, the Saskatchewan Medical Association and the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses have also asked the province to restrict gathering sizes.

—with files from Connor O’Donovan

756 Alberta schools reporting cases of COVID-19, 54 declare outbreaks

Dr. Vipond: 'Zero protection' for kids in Alberta

CTV News Edmonton
Published Oct. 7, 2021 


Alberta's first list of schools reporting cases of COVID-19 since resuming the practice shows 54 have declared outbreaks of the virus, while more than 750 have reported at least two cases.

An outbreak is declared when 10 or more cases are reported within a 14-day period.

According to the list, there are 179 schools on alert with two to nine cases in the Edmonton Zone, and 10 more that have declared outbreaks.

Infographics: COVID-19 in Alberta by the numbers

The list also shows 199 Calgary Zone schools have reported between two and nine cases. Eleven Calgary Zone schools have declared outbreaks.

There are a total of 756 Alberta schools reporting at least two cases of COVID-19 on the province's list.

Released on Wednesday, the list was the province's first public disclosure of cases of COVID-19 in schools since announcing its newest plan to deal with the virus in schools on Tuesday.

Contact tracing returns to Alberta schools

Tuesday's announcement was a reversal of the province's decision announced in August, when its back-to-school plan included an end to reporting of COVID-19 cases unless there was a school-wide absence rate of 10 per cent or higher.

Alberta's back-to-school plan: COVID-19 vaccine clinics, masking not required by province

During Tuesday's announcement, the province also said next week school districts will start contact notification to parents if their child is exposed to COVID-19.

Health officials will conduct contact tracing for schools starting in November.

The province also announced it would give rapid tests to K-6 schools with outbreaks as children 12 and under can’t get vaccinated.

Rapid tests will be voluntary and administered by parents at home.

Alberta also recommended school divisions to implement a vaccine mandate for staff.

The shift in policy by the Alberta government came as the public school board in the provincial capital called on the province to implement a "firebreak" lockdown.
 (  Catholic schools in Alberta are considered Public schools as well)

More than 100 schools in the Edmonton Zone have COVID-19 cases


Nearly 200 Edmonton Zone schools have COVID-19 cases on the first day Alberta Health began to report infections in the classroom online.

There are 179 schools on alert with two to nine cases in the Edmonton Zone, and 10 schools with outbreaks — 10+ cases.

Four of the schools in the outbreak category are in Edmonton: Edmonton Islamic Academy, John Paul I Catholic School, Nellie Carlson School and Westglen School.

Alberta reports 1,263 new COVID-19 cases, 26 deaths

On Tuesday, Alberta said it would resume reporting school cases, and next week school districts will start contact notification to parents if their child is exposed to COVID-19. Health officials will conduct contact tracing for schools starting in November.
Contact tracing returns to Alberta schools

The province also announced it would give rapid tests to K-6 schools with outbreaks as children 12 and under can’t get vaccinated.

Rapid tests will be voluntary and administered by parents at home.

Alberta also recommended school divisions to implement a vaccine mandate for staff.