Thursday, November 25, 2021

Rare Roman mosaic depicting The Iliad found in British farm field
Nov. 25 (UPI) -- A rare Roman mosaic depicting Homer's The Iliad has been discovered in a British farm field, marking one of the most remarkable finds of its kind, researchers announced Thursday.

The mosaic found beneath a farmer's field in Rutland is only one of a handful from across Europe, according to the University of Leicester archeologists who unearthed the find.

On Thursday, Historic England recommended the site be temporarily protected by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport.

Jim Irvine, son of landowner Brian Naylor, discovered the site during the lockdown. He used satellite imagery to spot a "clear crop mark." Since then, it's been investigated by the university along with Historic England and Rutland county council.

The villa complex consists of a host of other structures and buildings likely to have been owned by a wealthy person between the third and fourth centuries.

The mosaic itself measures 36 feet by 23 feet on the floor of what's thought to be a dining or entertaining area. Mosaics like that were used in private and public buildings across the Roman empire. The pictures often depict history and mythology.

Human remains were also found in the discovered villa.

"A ramble through the fields with the family turned into an incredible discovery," Irvine told The Guardian. "Finding some unusual pottery among the wheat piqued my interest and prompted some further investigative work."

A North Korean man who smuggled 'Squid Game' into the country is to be executed by firing squad and a high-school student who bought a USB drive with the show will be jailed for life, report says

Huileng Tan
Wed, November 24, 2021, 9:00 PM·3 min read

North Korea appears to have come down hard on people who distribute or watch "Squid Game."

Citing unnamed sources, Radio Free Asia said a man there was sentenced to death for smuggling it.

Seven high-school students received harsh sentences for watching the show, RFA reported.

North Korea appears to have come down hard on people who distribute or watch Netflix's hit show "Squid Game."

A report by Radio Free Asia cited unnamed sources inside North Korea as saying a man who smuggled and sold the dystopian drama had been sentenced to death by firing squad and a high schooler who bought a USB drive containing the show was sentenced to life in prison.

Another six high schoolers who watched the show were said to be sentenced to five years of hard labor, RFA reported. Their supervisors were also said to be punished, with teachers and school administrators fired, possibly to be banished to work in remote mines, RFA said.

RFA is a US government-funded nonprofit news service that serves audiences in Asia. It says its aim is to "provide accurate and timely news and information to Asian countries whose governments prohibit access to a free press."

The South Korean television series "Squid Game" tells the story of 456 debt-laden people competing for 45.6 billion won, or $38.3 million, of prize money in brutal survival games.

A law-enforcement source in North Korea's North Hamgyong province told RFA's Korean service: "This all started last week when a high-school student secretly bought a USB flash drive containing the South Korean drama 'Squid Game' and watched it with one of his best friends in class. The friend told several other students, who became interested, and they shared the flash drive with them." The students were caught by government censors after a tip-off, the source told RFA.

It's the first time the North Korean government has punished minors under a law that penalizes the distribution, watching, or keeping of media from capitalist countries like South Korea and the US, RFA said.

"The government is taking this incident very seriously, saying that the students' education was being neglected," RFA's source said.

A source told the outlet that one of the students got off the hook because they had rich parents who paid a $3,000 bribe.

Last month, a state-run North Korean propaganda website said the Netflix drama highlighted how South Korea was a place where "corruption and immoral scoundrels are commonplace." One of the show's characters was a North Korean defector whose story highlighted her arduous escape from the country.

Despite the threat of retribution, smuggled, illegal copies of "Squid Game" have been making their way into North Korea.

A previous article from Radio Free Asia noted that North Koreans found the financial struggles of the show's characters "relatable."

Netflix has said the massive hit had the highest first-month viewership of any of its originals.
Delhi's choked roads worsen India's toxic smog crisis

New Delhi, the sprawling megacity of 20 million people is regularly ranked the world's most polluted capitals 

Thu, November 25, 2021

After decades commuting on New Delhi's parlous roads, office worker Ashok Kumar spends more time than ever stuck in the gridlock that packs the Indian capital's thoroughfares and pollutes the city.

The sprawling megacity of 20 million people is regularly ranked the world's most polluted capital, with traffic exhaust a main driver of the toxic smog that permeates the skies, especially in winter.

Delhi's patchwork public transport network struggles to cater for a booming population, with long queues snaking outside the city's underground metro stations each evening and overloaded buses inching their way down clogged arterials.

"When I came to Delhi, the air was clean because there were hardly any cars or bikes on the roads," Kumar told AFP while waiting for a ride home outside the city's main bus terminal.

"But now everyone owns a vehicle."

Kumar spends nearly four hours each day in a "gruelling journey" to and from his home on Delhi's far southern outskirts, alternating between commuter buses, private shared taxis and rickshaws.

Even at the age of 61, Kumar is hoping to save enough money to buy his own scooter and spare himself the pain of the daily commute.

"Not many people can afford to waste their time on public transport," he said.

Private vehicle registrations have tripled in the last 15 years -- there are now more than 13 million on the capital's roads, government figures show.

The consequences are felt year-round, with Delhi road users spending 1.5 hours more in traffic than other major Asian cities, according to the Boston Consulting Group.

But come winter the daily inconvenience escalates into a full-blown public health crisis, as prevailing winds slow and the thick blanket of haze settles over the city sees a surge in hospital admissions from residents struggling to breathe.

Vehicle emissions accounted for more than half of the city air's concentration of PM2.5 -- the smallest airborne particles most hazardous to human health -- at the start of November, Delhi's Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) said.

The move to private vehicles has seen Delhi's bus network atrophy, with more than a hundred bus routes culled since 2009 (AFP/Prakash SINGH)

- 'It made more sense' -

A study from the centre last year showed the capital was experiencing a steady decline in public transit ridership.

Infrastructure has improved since the turn of the century, when Delhi inaugurated the first links in an underground rail network that now spans more than 250 stations and stretches into neighbouring satellite cities.

But the CSE said long distances between metro stops and residential areas was pushing commuters to switch to private vehicles.

"The Metro is convenient but I still had to take an auto-rickshaw or shared taxi from the station to my home," Sudeep Mishra, 31, told AFP.

Mishra's daily commute was a 50-kilometre (30-mile) return journey, including the two kilometres he had to navigate between the nearest station and his home -- now all done on a second-hand motorbike.

"It was a hassle and expensive as well," said Mishra, also a white-collar worker. "It made more sense to buy my vehicle to save time and money."

Experts say this poor last mile connectivity is a particular issue for women, who often have to choose between private transport or risking a walk on dark and unsafe streets.

The move to private vehicles has seen Delhi's bus network atrophy, with more than a hundred bus routes culled since 2009.

The state-run Delhi Transport Corporation's fleet has shrunk by nearly half since a decade ago and last ordered new buses in 2008 -- with a planned expansion marred by corruption claims.

- Cosmetic solutions -

There is a direct link between this underinvestment in public transport and the capital's worsening air pollution, said Sunil Dahiya, a New Delhi-based analyst with the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air.

Official campaigns have attempted to lighten the haze in recent years, with the city at one point banning vehicles from the roads using an alternating odd-even system based on licence plate numbers.

Groups of youngsters are paid to stand at busy traffic intersections, waving placards urging drivers to turn off their ignitions while waiting at red lights.

And incentives have been offered for electric vehicle owners, but with only 145 charging stations across the city, take-up has been slow.

Dahiya told AFP that only a huge investment to make public transport more appealing and convenient would start to solve the intractable problem.

"We need aggressive growth in public transport to start seeing an absolute reduction in air pollution levels," he said.

Edmonton park named for Jan Reimer, city's first female  NDP mayor
© CBC The City of Edmonton has named a park after former mayor Jan Reimer, whose community service included working to preserve the North Saskatchewan River valley.

A river-valley park in west Edmonton is being named in honour of Jan Reimer, the first woman elected mayor of Alberta's capital city.

The park will be part of existing river valley parkland close to the Oleskiw neighbourhood, located near the Terwillegar Park footbridge, the city said in a news release Thursday.

The name had been proposed to recognize Reimer's achievements in her service to the community, particularly her work to preserve the river valley.

"A lifelong Edmontonian, during her public-service career she dedicated herself to advancing important civic initiatives," said Erin McDonald, chair of the city's naming committee.

"Through the lens of history, it is clear that Jan Reimer had a significant impact on Edmonton."

Reimer is currently executive director of the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters.

Born in Edmonton in 1952, she was elected to city council as an alderman in 1980. She was re-elected in 1983 and in 1986.

In 1989, she was elected mayor. Reimer won a second term in 1992. In 1995, she ran again but lost narrowly to Bill Smith.

During her time on council, Reimer advocated for changing the title of alderman to councillor. She worked for improvements to the city's waste management system, such as eco stations and the collection of recyclable materials.

She worked on initiatives to improve the water quality of the North Saskatchewan River, to preserve the river valley and extend the trail system.

She helped establish the Edmonton Arts Council and the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.

Reimer was recognized as an Edmontonian of the Century in 2004 and has received the YWCA Women of Distinction Award and the Governor General's Award.
Annalena Baerbock, Germany’s first woman top diplomat with AFP

 In her capacity of Green party (Die Gruenen) co-chairwoman Annalena Baerbock arrives in front of demonstrators of Fridays for Future climate movement prior to the beginning of exploratory talks between the Free Democrats (FDP), The Greens (Die Gruenen) and the Social Democrats (SPD), in Berlin, Germany, 15 October 2021.

A former medal-winning trampolinist, Annalena Baerbock is no stranger to aiming high. But the 40-year-old’s next leap will be her biggest yet as she becomes Germany’s first woman foreign minister.

It’s a remarkable rebound for the Green party co-leader whose election campaign was derailed by a series of missteps that dashed her hopes of replacing Angela Merkel as chancellor.

Nevertheless, voter concerns about climate change and Baerbock’s pledge to bring a “fresh start” to German politics catapulted the ecologists into third place at the September 26 election, with a record score of 15 percent.

The three-way “traffic light” coalition that emerged — consisting of the centre-left Social Democrats, liberal FDP and the Greens — rewarded Baerbock with the powerful foreign ministry portfolio.

An expert in international law, Baerbock has vowed to put human rights at the centre of German diplomacy — promsing a tougher ride for Russia and China after the commerce-driven pragmatism of the Merkel era.


The mother-of-two is described as quick on her feet and tenacious, with a meticulous attention to policy details.

“She keeps asking questions until she has really understood an issue,” a party source told the Handelsblatt daily. “She won’t be fobbed off.”

Critics point out that Baerbock has never held a government role, and was a relatively unknown politician even to many Germans not long ago.

Baerbock’s inexperience was laid bare on the campaign trail when she faced scrutiny over a belated bonus declaration, inaccuracies on her CV and allegations of plagiarism in her new book.

German Greens reject plagiarism allegations

The German Green party has dismissed as “an attempt at character assassination” plagiarism allegations against co-leader and chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock and has called in a specialist media lawyer.

The response came after an Austrian media researcher, Stefan Weber, accused Baerbock …

At one point, after fumbling a speech to a friendly audience, she was caught on microphone uttering an expletive while leaving the stage.

Baerbock admitted to having made mistakes along the way, and later pulled her book from the market.

But the Greens also hit back at the sexist attacks and online hate campaigns they said no other candidate had faced during the race.

Baerbock rode out the storm, with Greens co-leader Robert Habeck, the more charismatic of the duo, loyally rebuffing calls to replace her as chancellor candidate.

Habeck is now poised to head a new “super ministry” grouping the portfolios of economy, climate protection and energy.


Raised on a farm near the northern city of Hanover, Baerbock got an early taste of politics when her parents took her to anti-nuclear demonstrations in the 1980s.

As a teenager she took part in trampoline competitions, winning three bronze medals in German championships. The sport taught her to “be brave”, she has said.

Baerbock studied political science and public law in Hanover before getting a master’s degree in public international law from the London School of Economics.

After trying her hand at journalism, she joined the Greens in 2005 and rose to become head of the party’s Brandenburg branch in 2009.

She entered the Bundestag lower house of parliament as a lawmaker in 2013.

She is married to Daniel Holefleisch, a political consultant. They have two daughters and live in Potsdam near Berlin.

As the Greens’ co-leaders since 2018, Baerbock and Habeck have been credited with completing the party’s transformation from its hippy, peace activist roots to a mainstream force to be reckoned with.

In the 2019 European Parliament elections, the Greens soared to 20.5 percent of the vote in Germany.

Against Nord Stream 2

In a break with tradition, both Baerbock and Habeck represent the “Realo” wing of the Green party, seen as more pragmatic and centrist than the radical “Fundi” camp.

Baerbock will be Germany’s second Green foreign minister, following in the footsteps of party veteran Joschka Fischer who served under Gerhard Schroeder from 1998 to 2005.

Staunchly pro-EU, Baerbock favours greater European responsibility in security and defence matters, and opposes the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with Russia that has Merkel’s backing but irked allies.

Baerbock recently accused Moscow of pushing up Europe’s energy prices by withholding gas supplies until the pipeline is fully certified, and said Germany could not let itself be “blackmailed”.

Signalling a more assertive stance on China, Baerbock has called for “dialogue and toughness” and urged the European Union “not to be naive” in its dealing with the Asian giant.
Thousands of Mexican women march in protest against violence

Issued on: 26/11/2021 -

A woman walks in front of graffiti before a demonstration to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women in Mexico City 

Mexico City (AFP) – Thousands of women marched through the Mexican capital and scuffled with police on Thursday demanding an end to femicide and other gender-based violence in the Latin American country.

"They didn't die. They killed them," read one of the banners carried at the rally to mark International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

Shouting "Not one (woman) less," the crowd, dressed in black with flashes of purple, the color of the women's rights movement, demanded justice for victims of gender violence.

"Femicide Mexico! They're killing us!" one protester cried out during a brief scuffle with the police.

Tensions flared when a small number of hammer-wielding protesters tried to grab shields from police officers, who repelled them with smoke bombs.

Around 10 women are killed every day in Mexico and activists accuse the government of not doing enough to tackle the problem.

More than 10,700 women have been murdered in Mexico since 2019, according to official figures.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has criticized feminist marches on more than one occasion, suggesting that they are promoted by his enemies to undermine his government.

Around 1,500 policewomen were deployed along the route of the march from the Paseo de la Reforma avenue to the city's main square, home to the presidential palace.

Shops and prominent monuments were fenced off to prevent vandalism.

© 2021 AFP
Turkish Activist's Trial Resumes After Diplomatic Bust-up


The trial of jailed civil society leader Osman Kavala resumes on Friday with the first hearing since President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to expel 10 Western ambassadors who called for his release.

The hearing comes with Erdogan facing one of the toughest economic tests of his rule since 2003, with the Turkish lira tumbling to record lows against the dollar.

The 64-year-old civil society leader and businessman, who has been kept in jail without conviction for four years, is accused of financing 2013 anti-government protests and playing a role in the 2016 coup attempt.

If convicted, he could be jailed for life without the possibility of parole.

The philanthropist has become a symbol to his supporters of the sweeping crackdown Erdogan unleashed after the failed coup.

Kavala, who denies the charges, will snub Friday's hearing after his case sparked a diplomatic standoff last month when the 10 embassies -- including the US, France and Germany -- said in a highly unusual declaration that his continued detention "cast a shadow" over Turkey's democracy and judicial system.

Erdogan accused the diplomats of trying to "teach a lesson" to Turkey and threatened to expel them.

Kavala's case could prompt the Council of Europe human rights watchdog to launch its first disciplinary hearings against Turkey at a four-day meeting ending on December 2 -- a procedure that has only been used once before in the court's history.

The watchdog has issued a final warning to Turkey to comply with a 2019 European Court of Human Rights order to release Kavala pending trial.

The diplomatic spat was resolved after the US and several of the other countries issued statements saying they respected the UN convention requiring diplomats not to interfere in a host country's domestic affairs.

Erdogan has often compared Kavala to Hungarian-born US financier George Soros and called him "Soros leftover" in October, which drew sharp rebuke from the Paris-born philanthropist.

Philanthropist Osman Kavala has been kept in jail without conviction for four years Photo: Anadolu Culture Center via AFP / Handout

"The president's insulting and defamatory statements against a person who is not convicted and whose trial is ongoing constitutes an attack on human dignity," Kavala said in a statement.

His lawyer Tolga Aytore told AFP he had requested not to attend the hearing. "Even if he is asked to be present, he will not present a defence."

Kavala, who previously attended the hearings in Istanbul's main court via video-link from his cell in Silivri on the city's outskirts, said he had lost faith in a fair trial.

"Considering a fair trial is no longer possible under these circumstances, I believe it is meaningless for me to attend the upcoming hearings and present a defence," he said.

"It is impossible to predict what will happen in this sham process. Kavala should be released on Friday," said Emma Sinclair-Webb of Human Rights Watch in Turkey.

"If he is not, Turkey faces the prospect of being notified of infringement proceedings, spelling a deepening crisis at the Council of Europe level," she told AFP.

In an interview with AFP this month, presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin refused to speculate on the outcome of the infringement procedures.

"I hope they (the Council of Europe) take all the facts into consideration and respect rule of law in this country... when they make a decision," he said.

Speaking to AFP from his jail cell last month, Kavala said he felt like a tool in Erdogan's attempts to blame a foreign plot for domestic opposition to his nearly two-decade rule.

"I think the real reason behind my continued detention is that it addresses the need of the government to keep alive the fiction that the (2013) Gezi protests were the result of a foreign conspiracy," Kavala said.

He was acquitted of the Gezi charges in February 2020, only to be re-arrested before he could return home and thrown back in jail over alleged links to the coup plot.

Media organizations use last day of interventions in Rogers-Shaw merger to call on CRTC to do more

The hearing into Rogers buying out Shaw saw its last full day of interveners, who called on the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) to ensure the deal isn’t approved as originally presented.
© Provided by MobileSyrup Media organizations use last day of interventions in Rogers-Shaw merger to call on CRTC to do more


Representatives from Unifor said the commission should consider the impacts on employment and local news of this merger, saying it could lead to a loss of funding for various local news channels in Western Canada.

This includes millions of dollars Shaw directs towards Corus through a federal rule mandating broadcaster distributors to direct five percent of revenue towards local content.

“The loss of $13 million in funding for local news provided by Corus television stations could be disastrous,” Katha Fortier, assistant to Unifor’s national president, said on the fourth day of the hearing.

Rogers said it will divert the funds towards CityTV, a channel it runs, through creating programs for Western Canada, competing with larger companies like Bell.

Like many interveners before, Fortier said Corus would likely have to turn to the Independent Local News Fund (ILNF), an initiative created by CRTC in 2016 to support local news by private stations. Doing so would take funds away from smaller independent organizations that rely on this fund to air content in smaller communities.

That’s exactly what representatives from Miracle Channel Association (MCA) said they would suffer from. The company licenses and operates CJIL-DT, a television station serving Lethbridge and Southern Alberta.

“There aren’t enough bandaids in the box to stop the bleeding that’s going to result.” – Robert Malcolmson, executive vice president at Bell Canada

Jeff Thiessen, MCA’s vice president, said the organization is concerned about the future of independent services. If they can’t get funding through the ILNF, they’ll have to shut down.

“That would basically show that our concern, the nightmare that would wake us up at the middle of the night, would have actually happened and the small market fund will have disappeared and be given to the largest markets,” he said.

Representatives from Unifor said local news funding provisions are there to support smaller markets so communities have access to a variety of voices focusing on local issues.

“It’s not just about how much money is in the broadcast system overall, but about how and where the money is spent, and on what,” Fortier said.

Interveners have pointed out Rogers would receive the most financial success out of this deal.

Representatives from the Canadian Media Producers Association (CMPA) said Rogers’ current tangible benefits package is worth $5.7 million. In comparison, shareholders at Rogers will see their value increase by $1 billion every year because of the merger. “The public will only receive a couple of hours’ worth of new television programs — once,” Reynolds Mastin, CMPA’s president and CEO, said.

To right this wrong, the benefits have to be increased to offer value to the public. The way things stand, Rogers is the only one receiving value. “This inconsequential contribution will not yield any measurable improvements to the Canadian broadcasting system as a whole,” he said.

Unifor representatives also raised concerns about employment numbers, pointing to a shrinking workforce in the broadcasting realm. Randy Kitt, the organization’s director in the media sector, said mergers only make things worse because typically finances and staffing are moved away from smaller local markets to large urban centers.

“Unifor, therefore, asks that should the commission approve this sale, Rogers is mandated to continue funding for the Corus stations, until such time as a hearing can be concluded to ensure that ILNF or other such equal funds can be in place to support the need of these Canadian communities,” Kitt said.
Bell’s stance

Representatives from Bell were also present, and like Telus, asked the CRTC to reject the acquisition.

“While Rogers would have you believe there is nothing to see here, this application goes well beyond the narrow issue of one cable company stepping into the shoes of another,” Robert Malcolmson, executive vice president at Bell Canada, said.

If the merger is approved, Rogers will become a gatekeeper, and dominate the English-language market, he said. They’ll effectively be able to decide what is carried because the company will have all the power. Currently, Bell and Shaw each have 27 percent of the English language market share, and Rogers 20 percent.

Bell was in the same shoes as Rogers back in 2012 when the company came to the CRTC to acquire Astral. The request was originally denied because the CRTC didn’t see how the merger would provide “significant and unequivocal” benefits to the broadcasting system. It was eventually approved when a second application was filed reviewing the merger.

Stewart Johnston, the senior vice president of sales and sports at Bell, said if the Rogers-Shaw merger is approved, programmers will only survive if they work with Rogers given its larger market share as the reach it has with the audience will ensure advertisers and secure revenue.

“There aren’t enough bandaids in the box to stop the bleeding that’s going to result,” Malcolmson said.

Representatives from Rogers will be present Friday, the last day of the hearing, to answer questions raised throughout the week.

Image credit: CRTC (screenshot)
Survey commissioned by RCMP union suggests only nine per cent of Albertans think the province needs a provincial police force

Ashley Joannou 

Only nine per cent of Albertans believe the province needs to replace the RCMP with a provincial police force, suggests a survey commissioned by the RCMP’s union.

© Provided by Edmonton Journal The RCMP logo at K Division headquarters in Edmonton.

The online survey of 1,221 Albertans conducted between Oct. 27 and Nov. 4 by Pollara Strategic Insights found that 43 per cent of respondents thought the RCMP should “stay the course” and another 41 per cent said they have concerns about the Mounties but would support them “with improvements.”

“Albertans couldn’t be less interested in this proposal, despite repeated attempts by Premier (Jason) Kenney and others to make a case for a smaller, prohibitively costly and untested provincial police service,” Brian Sauvé, president of the National Police Federation union, said in a statement.

The survey was conducted the same week the Alberta government released a report looking into the idea of a provincial force which found that the change would cost the province hundreds of millions of dollars in start up costs and lost federal funding but could provide better service and increase the number of frontline officers and civilian specialists.

Kenney refused to answer questions about the survey at an unrelated event Thursday. He has repeatedly said that a provincial police force was worth considering because it would encourage more officers from within the communities where they work and more First Nations’ representation.

“I think it is worth taking the time to study the potential benefits, structure and cost of an Alberta provincial police force because of the huge potential of having a strong community police model in this province,” he told the Alberta Municipalities convention last week.

In a statement, Alex Puddifant, press secretary for Justice Minister Kaycee Madu, said the results should be viewed critically considering the source is the RCMP’s union and some of the people were asked before the government’s report came out.

About half of the total respondents came from Edmonton and Calgary — places that are not policed by the RCMP — and the results don’t reflect concerns from municipalities over the millions of dollars in back pay they are being expected to cover under a new collective agreement with the RCMP, he said.

Approximately 80 per cent of those surveyed in communities served by the RCMP said they were either somewhat satisfied or very satisfied with the RCMP’s policing, according to the results. Fifteen per cent said they were not very satisfied or not satisfied at all.

In an interview Thursday, Kevin Halwa, a regional director for the union, said there is always room for improvement but municipal leaders the union has spoken with support the Mounties and want more resources on the ground, which is something the province controls.

He said the survey was conducted by a professional company and even though places like Edmonton and Calgary are not policed by the RCMP those citizens are taxpayers in the province.

“It’s pretty clear that the provincial police service is going to cost a lot more and for that a lot more people are going to get a lot less service which should be concerning,” he said.

In a statement, NDP Opposition Leader Rachel Notley said she is not surprised Albertans rejected the idea.

“The Alberta NDP believes that if the government is prepared to invest hundreds of millions of dollars, it should be for more boots on the ground, more prosecutors in the courtroom, and more support for the social service agencies and non-profits on the frontlines of addressing the root causes of crime: poverty, homelessness and addiction,” she said.

Online surveys cannot be assigned a margin of error because they do not randomly sample the population. If the data were collected through a random sample, the margin of error would be plus or minus 2.7 per cent.
Canada worst on climate of G7: commissioner

Issued on: 25/11/2021 

People dip fake money bags into poured paint and spread it as though it were oil in a protest against the Royal Bank of Canada’s investment in pipelines in Montreal, Canada on October 29, 2021 Andrej Ivanov AFP

Ottawa (AFP) – Canada has failed in its efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions linked to global warning, the environment commissioner said Thursday, ranking it as the "worst performer" among Group of Seven industrialized nations.

A series of reports by independent parliamentary watchdog Jerry DeMarco looked at decades of government climate action that yielded an increase of more than 20 percent in emissions since 1990.

Canada "has become the worst performer of all G7 nations since the landmark Paris Agreement on climate change was adopted in 2015," DeMarco, whose title is environment commissioner, told a news conference.

"We can't continue to go from failure to failure; we need action and results, not just more targets and plans," he said.

DeMarco pointed to, for example, a government fund to help Canada's oil and gas sector slash their CO2 emissions. Some 40 funded projects allowed companies to increase their production and related emissions.

He also said reporting by a dozen government departments on sustainable development was poor. "They did not report results for almost half their actions," he said.

While Canada represents about 1.6 percent of global CO2 emissions, it is among the top 10 largest emitters globally and one of the highest emitters per capita.

The nation is also the world's fourth largest producer and exporter of oil. And Canada's energy regulator projects that, while domestic consumption declines, its fossil fuel production will grow because of exports.

Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault welcomed the reports, but said the commissioner's "retrospective study" doesn't take into account more than 100 recent measures undertaken by Ottawa.

Those include proposed green home retrofits, putting a cap on oil and gas emissions, and ramping up electric vehicle sales.

Guilbeault also pointed to a carbon tax that is set to rise to Can$170 per tonne by 2030.

DeMarco in fact did consider government pledges made this year, but noted that Ottawa has yet to issue an updated climate plan. Also, the most recent emissions data available is for 2019.

The commissioner concluded that a concerted government effort on a grab bag of actions, including the targeting of high-emission industries, is needed to get Canada back on track to meeting its new goal of cutting emissions 40 to 45 percent below 2005 levels by 2030.

© 2021 AFP


David Suzuki apologizes for saying pipelines could be 'blown up'

© CBC Arts Environmentalist David Suzuki issued an apology through his foundation on Thursday, and said he had spoken out of extreme frustration.

Environmentalist David Suzuki has apologized for saying pipelines would be "blown up" if government leaders don't take action on climate change.

Suzuki made the comments during an interview with CHEK News on Saturday, amid a protest in Victoria organized by the environmental group Extinction Rebellion.

"We're in deep, deep doo-doo," Suzuki said at the time.

"And the leading experts have been telling us for over 40 years. This is what we've come to. The next stage after this, there are going to be pipelines blown up if our leaders don't pay attention to what's going on."

The environmentalist issued an apology through his foundation on Thursday, and said he had spoken out of extreme frustration.

"The remarks I made were poorly chosen and I should not have said them," the statement said.

"Any suggestion that violence is inevitable is wrong and will not lead us to a desperately needed solution to the climate crisis. My words were spoken out of extreme frustration and I apologize."
Condemnation in Alberta

Suzuki's remarks prompted swift condemnation from the Alberta government, including Premier Jason Kenney, Energy Minister Sonya Savage and government House Leader Jason Nixon.

Kenney first accused Suzuki of inciting violence Monday on Twitter, and later, at a news conference on Tuesday, when he reiterated that he believed Suzuki was implicitly inciting people to commit eco-terrorism.

"It's like in the gangster movies where they say, 'You know, nice little pipeline you've got there. It'd be a terrible thing if something happened to it.' This is totally irresponsible," Kenney said.

He added that Suzuki has a track record of outrageous comments that should have had him "cancelled."

He cited an example from 2016, when Suzuki opined that former prime minister Stephen Harper should serve prison time for "wilful blindness" to climate change, which was reported by the National Post at the time.

"We resolve differences peacefully and democratically — not by threatening to throw our opponents in jail," Kenney said.

"And now he's basically saying, 'Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, be a terrible thing if something happens to those pipelines.' This is outrageous and should be called out as such."


The premier also criticized the CBC and other organizations for giving Suzuki a platform.

A formal condemnation of Suzuki's comments was moved in the Alberta Legislature on Tuesday.

Members of Alberta's Official Opposition spoke out against Suzuki's remarks as well.

Kathleen Ganley, the NDP representative for Calgary–Mountain View, said both sides of the house can agree that "violence or incitement of violence to make any point" should be condemned.

Before issuing his apology, Suzuki told CBC News he does not condone blowing up pipelines. But he suggested he fears it may happen if groups get fed up with inaction.

"Our leaders are not listening to the urgency that is demanded to meet the issue of climate change. And I was worried that this is just the next step — if it goes on — to people blowing up pipelines," he said.

Many climate-related protests have been examples of "peaceful civic disobedience," Suzuki said, suggesting the violence is coming from government and the RCMP.

"If you look at the people at Fairy Creek, what are they doing? They're fighting to protect Mother Earth, and the violence is all coming from the forces that want to maintain the status quo," said Suzuki, referring to anti-logging protests on Vancouver Island that have continued for more than a year.