Sunday, November 28, 2021

Electricity exports to New York from Quebec will happen as early as 2025: Hydro-Quebec

The Canadian Press

Thursday, November 25, 2021 

MONTREAL -- Hydro-Quebec announced Thursday it has chosen the route for the Hertel-New York interconnection line, which will begin construction in the spring of 2023 in Quebec.

The project will deliver 1,250 megawatts of Quebec hydroelectricity to New York City starting in 2025.

It's a 25-year contract for Hydro-Quebec, the largest export contract for the province-owned company.

The Crown corporation has not disclosed potential revenues from the project, but Premier François Legault mentioned on social media last September that a deal in principle worth more than $20 billion over 25 years was in the works.

The route includes a 56.1-kilometre underground and a 1.6-kilometre underwater section.

Eight municipalities in the Montérégie region will be affected: La Prairie, Saint-Philippe, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, Saint-Édouard, Saint-Patrice-de-Sherrington, Saint-Cyprien-de-Napierville, Saint-Bernard-de-Lacolle and Lacolle.

The last part of the route will run along Fairbanks Creek to the Richelieu River, where it will connect with the American network.

Further south, there will be a 545-kilometre link between the Canada-U.S. border and New York City.

Hydro-Quebec is holding two consultations on the project, on Dec. 8 in Lacolle and Dec. 9 in Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur.

Once the route is in service, the Quebec line will be subject to a partnership between Hydro-Quebec and the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, which will benefit from economic remunerations for 40 years.

-- This report by The Canadian Press was first published in French on Nov. 25, 2021

Hydro-Québec announces route of electric corridor to New York

Construction will begin in 2023.

Author of the article:
La Presse Canadienne
Publishing date:Nov 25, 2021
A Hydro-Québec substation.
 PHOTO BY JOHN MAHONEY /Montreal Gazette files

Hydro-Québec on Thursday unveiled the route of its Hertel-New York interconnection line , whose construction will begin in the spring of 2023 southeast of Montreal.

The project will see 1,250 megawatts of Quebec hydroelectricity exported to New York City as of 2025.

The 25-year contract is Hydro-Québec’s largest export contract. The company has not published revenue projections, but Quebec Premier François Legault said in September it was worth $20 billion.

The route runs 56 kilometres underground through the Montérégie municipalities of La Prairie, St-Philippe, St-Jacques-le-Mineur, St-Édouard, St-Patrice-de-Sherrington, St-Cyprien-de-Napierville, St-Bernard-de-Lacolle and Lacolle. It includes a 24-kilometre segment along Highway 15.

At the border is a 1.6-kilometre underwater segment where the Richelieu River meets Lake Champlain, and then a 545-kilometre line toward New York City.

“Over the past few months, Hydro-Québec has carried out technical and environmental studies and spoken with community representatives, environmental groups, Indigenous communities, property owners potentially affected by the project, and residents of the study area,” the utility said. “Throughout the many discussions held, the project and the line routes under study were presented and concerns were taken into consideration. The public consultation process resulted in a better project and one that is tailored to the realities of the host communities.”

Two open-house meetings are scheduled to allow Quebecers to ask questions about the project:

Dec. 8, 4 to 8 p.m. at 10 Ste-Marie St. in Lacolle
Dec. 9, 3 to 8 p.m. at 263 Route Édouard-VII in St-Jacques-le-Mineur

Once put into service, the project will be a partnership between Hydro-Québec and the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake, which will see economic spinoffs over 40 years, the utility said.
Korea to greenlight self-service hydrogen charging stations, replace coal with ammonia

By Kim Byung-wook
Published : Nov 26, 2021 

South Korea on Friday unveiled a pangovernmental hydrogen blueprint that laid out detailed plans to realize the nation’s hydrogen economy, from authorizing self-service hydrogen fueling stations to replacing coal with ammonia at power plants.

The blueprint aims to address the key weaknesses of Korea’s hydrogen ambition -- heavy reliance on foreign-made hydrogen, concerns over safety, lack of demand and price competitiveness in the hydrogen mobility sector and infrastructure, the government said.

One of the key takeaways is the review of self-service hydrogen filling stations. For safety concerns, hydrogen vehicles can only be refilled with the assistance of trained employees at the stations. As this drives up costs significantly, the government will launch a feasibility test of a self-service station next month and establish safety standards by next year.

Also, the government plans to improve the lifespan and driving range of hydrogen vehicles, which remain too short at the moment. The lifespan and driving range of a hydrogen truck stand at 250,000 kilometers and 400 kilometers, respectively.

The goal is to achieve the same performance of an internal combustion engine truck, which can run over 800,000 kilometers and 1,000 kilometers by 2030.

As for a hydrogen passenger car, the target is to reach over 300,000 kilometers by 2023. The driving range is already equivalent to 600 kilometers of an ICE car.

To drive up hydrogen demand, the government will order public power companies to use a fuel mix of 20 percent ammonia and 80 percent fossil fuel when generating electricity by 2030. The aim is to gradually upgrade coal plants and have them produce electricity with 100 percent ammonia by 2050.

Above all, Korea will build 40 overseas clean hydrogen production bases by 2050 to ensure a stable supply of translucent gas. In 2050, Korea’s hydrogen demand will spike to 27.9 million metric tons from the current 220,000 tons. The global production bases will allow Korea to source 60 percent of the 27.9 million tons on its own.

Clean hydrogen refers to blue or green hydrogen. Though colorless, hydrogen is given color descriptors depending on its feedstock and production method.

Blue hydrogen is extracted from natural gas and captures carbon emitted during the process. Green hydrogen is made by passing electricity generated by renewables through the water. Korea lacks a domestic source of natural gas and adequate natural conditions for renewable energy and therefore has to import most of its clean hydrogen.

As for infrastructure, the government will test whether existing underground natural gas pipelines can also be used to transport hydrogen. By upgrading gas and LPG stations, the government will increase the number of hydrogen stations to more than 2,000 by 2050 from the current 70.

Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum, who announced the hydrogen blueprint, said that the plan will create accumulated economic effects of 1,319 trillion won ($1.1 trillion) and 567,000 jobs by 2050.

By Kim Byung-wook (

S. Korea aims to become first mover in hydrogen economy, shift 100% to clean hydrogen energy by 2050

While hydrogen itself produces zero emissions, some ways of making it can produce greenhouse gases. That's why South Korea plans to get 100 percent of its hydrogen energy from clean sources by 2050,... as part of its blueprint in becoming a first mover in the hydrogen economy. Kim Sung-min starts us off. By 2050,... South Korea aims for its hydrogen fuel energy to come from 100-percent "clean hydrogen energy." There are three main categories of hydrogen: gray, blue and green... depending on how they are made. Only green, which comes entirely from renewable energy... and blue produced from natural gas with carbon capture and storage... are considered clean hydrogen energy. Currently,... South Korea produces only gray hydrogen, made using fossil fuels like natural gas,... but in the coming three decades,... it will shift completely to clean hydrogen,... with 60 percent self sufficiency. This is only part of the country's hydrogen economy blueprint announced on Friday, as South Korea aims to become a first mover in the field. "The journey towards the hydrogen economy, which no one has been on yet, will be very challenging. To make such challenge a turning point for the country in becoming a leader,... the government has come up with the first basic plan in achieving a hydrogen economy. With the plan,... by 2050, around 33% of energy needs will be powered by hydrogen fuel, making it the biggest single source of energy in the country. More than 23 percent of energy generation will come from hydrogen by that period,... helping the country shift away from fossil fuels. The plan will make vehicles greener too. From ordinary cars to taxis and trucks to buses,... it will be possible to power some 5-point-3 million vehicles by hydrogen. The country aims to create facilities to support this expansion,... by placing some 2-thousand hydrogen fuel chargers across the country. Combined,... the government's hydrogen economy roadmap is expected to generate economic benefits worth some 1-point-1 trillion U.S. dollars,... and create more than 5-hundred-60-thousand jobs. Most importantly,... it will contribute to the nation's carbon neutral goal,... by reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 2-hundred-million tons. The government has also pledged to train more skilled personnel to push for this goal while cooperating with private firms.
Kim Sung-min, Arirang News.

Living With A Hydrogen Car (Toyota Mirai) Did NOT Go As Expected: Here's What Happened
Nov 26, 2021 The Fast Lane Car ( ) Check out our new spot to find ALL our content, from news to videos and our podcasts! Hydrogen cars offer a lot of great benefits, but what is it like to actually live with hydrogen on a daily basis? Tommy finds out by trying to refuel the 2021 Toyota Mirai...with unexpected results. In this video I try seeing what it would be like to live with a car powered entirely by hydrogen, the new Toyota Mirai!


Korea's Cutting-Edge Fusion Reactor Just Broke Its Own Record For Containing Plasma

26 NOVEMBER 2021

Barely a year after the Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) broke one record for fusion, it's smashed it again, this time holding onto a churning whirlpool of 100 million degree plasma for a whole 30 seconds.

Though it's well short of the 101 seconds set by the Chinese Academy of Sciences earlier this year, it remains a significant milestone on the road to cleaner, near-limitless energy that could transform how we power our society.

Here's why it's so important.

Deep inside stars like our Sun, gravity and high temperatures give simple elements such as hydrogen the energy they need to overcome the repulsion of their nuclei and force them to squeeze into bigger atoms.

The result of this nuclear fusion is heavier elements, a few stray neutrons, and a whole lot of heat.

On Earth, scooping together a Sun's worth of gravity isn't possible. But we can achieve similar results by swapping the crunch of gravity for some extra punch in the form of heat. At some point we can even squeeze enough heat from the fusing atoms to keep the nuclear reaction going, with enough left over to siphon off for power.

That's the theory. But getting that insanely hot plasma to stay in place long enough to tap into its heat supply for a sustained, reliable source of energy requires some clever thinking.

The KSTAR is just one of a handful of test facilities around the world attempting to iron the kinks out of a plasma-wrangling technology called a tokamak.

Tokamaks are essentially large metal loops designed to contain clouds of hot, charged particles. Being charged, the moving cloud generates a strong magnetic field, allowing it to be pushed into place by a counter-field.

The KSTAR Tokamak (National Fusion Research Institute)

The trick with tokamaks is to fine-tune the current in such a way that it doesn't slip free of its magnetic confines. This is easier said than done, as heated pulses of plasma aren't so much tornadoes of particles, as unstable, churning maelstroms of chaos.

Try to contain a loop of jelly inside a ring of rubber bands to get a sense of the challenge.

There are various other ways to achieve similar results. Stellerators, like Germany's Wendelstein 7-X test-device, flip the script and use a highly complex, AI-designed tunnel of magnetic coils to keep its churning loop of plasma in place, for example. This promises a longer hang-time, but makes it a little harder to heat the plasma.

Tokamaks, on the other hand, have been hitting bigger and bigger temperatures the past few years.

China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) reactor in Hefei became the first to hit a significant temperature landmark of 100 million degrees Celsius back in 2018, a temperature that's still out of reach of stellerators (for now).

This year, EAST heated plasma to 120 million degrees Celsius, holding it for more than a minute and a half.

Those temperatures, however, were a measure of the energy shared among its electrons. Hot, no question, but getting the temperature of the much heavier ions to increase is also important. Not to mention harder.

The KSTAR hit 100 million for its ion temperature last year, maintaining the pulse for 20 seconds.

The fact it's just hit 30 seconds – a little over 12 months later – is incredibly encouraging.

Every test facility does things a little differently, using variations on the technology to push the limits on anything from pulse duration to stability to electron or plasma temperature.

While it's tempting to see each record as a competition, it's important to celebrate every milestone as one more lesson learned.

Every achievement shows others ways to deal with the hurdles we still face in harnessing the Sun's engine into a powerhouse on Earth.

(Andriy Onufriyenko/Moment/Getty Images)

Why the Energy Transition Will Be So Complicated

To appreciate the complexities of the competing demands between climate action and the continued need for energy, consider the story of an award—one that the recipient very much did not want and, indeed, did not bother to pick up.

It began when Innovex Downhole Solutions, a Texas-based company that provides technical services to the oil and gas industry, ordered 400 jackets from North Face with its corporate logo. But the iconic outdoor-clothing company refused to fulfill the order. North Face describes itself as a “politically aware” brand that will not share its logo with companies that are in “tobacco, sex (including gentlemen’s clubs) and pornography.” And as far as North Face is concerned, the oil and gas industry fell into that same category—providing jackets to a company in that industry would go against its values. Such a sale would, it said, be counter to its “goals and commitments surrounding sustainability and environmental protection,” which includes a plan to use increasing amounts of recycled and renewable materials in its garments in future years.

But, as it turns out, North Face’s business depends not only on people who like the outdoors, but also on oil and gas: At least 90 percent of the materials in its jackets are made from petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas. Moreover, many of its jackets and the materials that go into them are made in countries such as China, Vietnam, and Bangladesh, and then shipped to the United States in vessels that are powered by oil. To muddy matters further, not long before North Face rejected the request, its corporate owner had built a new hangar at a Denver airport for its corporate jets, all of which run on jet fuel. To spotlight the obvious contradiction, the Colorado Oil and Gas Association presented its first ever Customer Appreciation Award to North Face for being “an extraordinary oil and gas customer.” That’s the award North Face spurned.

Different people will draw different conclusions from this episode. Central to the response to climate change is the transition from carbon fuels to renewables and hydrogen, augmented by carbon capture. This was highlighted at the historic COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, which emphasized the need for urgency and a greater ambition on climate backed by a host of significant initiatives, including on carbon markets, and country pledges of carbon neutrality by 2050 or a decade or two thereafter. The North Face story, however, offers a difficult reminder that the energy transition is a whole lot more complicated than may be recognized.

A New Energy Crisis

As if to remind us of the complexities, a most unwelcome guest appeared on the doorstep of the Glasgow conference: an energy crisis that has gripped Europe and Asia. Energy crises traditionally begin with oil, but this recent one has been driven by shortages of coal and liquefied natural gas (LNG). That sent prices spiking, disrupting electricity supplies in China, which then led to the rationing of electricity there, the closing of factories, and further disruptions of the supply chains that send goods to America.

In Europe, the energy shortages were made worse by low wind speeds in the North Sea, which for a time drastically reduced the electricity produced by offshore wind turbines for Britain and Northern Europe. Gas, coal, and power prices shot up—as much as seven times in the case of LNG. Factories, unable to afford the suddenly high energy costs, stopped production, among them plants in Britain and Europe making fertilizers needed for next spring’s agricultural season.

Trailing the other fuels, oil prices reached the $80 range. With a tightening balance between supply and demand, some were warning that oil could exceed $100 a barrel. Gasoline prices have hit levels in the United States that alarm politicians, who know that such increases are bad for incumbents. That—along with worsening inflation—is why the Biden administration asked Saudi Arabia and Russia to put more oil into the market, so far to no avail. The administration then announced, on the eve of Thanksgiving, the largest-ever release of oil from the U.S. government’s strategic petroleum reserve, in coordination with other countries, to temper prices.

Is this energy shock a one-off resulting from a unique conjunction of circumstances? Or is it the first of what will be several crises resulting from straining too hard to bring 2050 carbon-reduction goals rapidly forward—potentially prematurely choking off investment in hydrocarbons, thus triggering future shocks? If it’s a onetime event, then the world will move on in a few months. But if it is followed by further energy shortages, governments could be forced to rethink the timing and approach to their climate goals. The current shock offered just such an example: Although Britain is calling for an end to coal, it was nevertheless forced to restart a mothballed coal-powered plant to help make up for the electricity shortage.

Jean Pisani-Ferry, a French economist and sometime adviser to French President Emmanuel Macron, is among the most prominent voices pointing to the consequences that could result from trying to move too fast. In August, before the current energy crisis began, he warned that going into overdrive on transitioning away from fossil fuels would lead to major economic shocks similar to the oil crises that rocked the global economy in the 1970s. “Policymakers,” he wrote, “should get ready for tough choices.”

A Different Energy Transition

The term energy transition somehow sounds like it is a well-lubricated slide from one reality to another. In fact, it will be far more complex: Throughout history, energy transitions have been difficult, and this one is even more challenging than any previous shift. In my book The New Map, I peg the beginning of the first energy transition to January 1709, when an English metalworker named Abraham Darby figured out that he could make better iron by using coal rather than wood for heat. But that first transition was hardly swift. The 19th century is known as the “century of coal,” but, as the technology scholar Vaclav Smil has noted, not until the beginning of the 20th century did coal actually overtake wood as the world’s No. 1 energy source. Moreover, past energy transitions have also been “energy additions”—one source atop another. Oil, discovered in 1859, did not surpass coal as the world’s primary energy source until the 1960s, yet today the world uses almost three times as much coal as it did in the ’60s.

The coming energy transition is meant to be totally different. Rather than an energy addition, it is supposed to be an almost complete switch from the energy basis of today’s $86 trillion world economy, which gets 80 percent of its energy from hydrocarbons. In its place is intended to be a net-carbon-free energy system, albeit one with carbon capture, for what could be a $185 trillion economy in 2050. To do that in less than 30 years—and accomplish much of the change in the next nine—is a very tall order.

Here is where the complexities become clear. Beyond outerwear, the degree to which the world depends on oil and gas is often not understood. It’s not just a matter of shifting from gasoline-powered cars to electric ones, which themselves, by the way, are about 20 percent plastic. It’s about shifting away from all the other ways we use plastics and other oil and gas derivatives. Plastics are used in wind towers and solar panels, and oil is necessary to lubricate wind turbines. The casing of your cellphone is plastic, and the frames of your glasses likely are too, as well as many of the tools in a hospital operating room. The air frames of the Boeing 787, Airbus A350, and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jet are all made out of high-strength, petroleum-derived carbon fiber. The number of passenger planes is expected to double in the next two decades. They are also unlikely to fly on batteries.

Oil products have been crucial for dealing with the pandemic too, from protective gear for emergency staff to the lipids that are part of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Have a headache? Acetaminophen—including such brands as Tylenol and Panadol—is a petroleum-derived product. In other words, oil and natural-gas products are deeply embedded throughout modern life.

A New “North–South Divide”?

There’s another complexity beyond the technical challenge. Call it a new “North–South divide.” The original divide emerged as an economic struggle in the 1970s between the developed countries of the Northern Hemisphere and the developing countries (and former colonies) of the Southern Hemisphere. That was the decade when OPEC burst onto the global scene, with the price of oil very much at the center of the battle. The rancor of that divide was reduced over time with the advance of globalization, the rise of emerging markets, and increased economic integration.

A different divide is beginning to develop today around differing perspectives on how to tackle climate change. It once again pits the developed world against developing countries, but the contours are different. For the developed world, as Glasgow demonstrated, climate is an overwhelming imperative—often described by political leaders as the “existential” question. While also deeply concerned about climate, developing countries face other existential questions as well. In addition to climate, they struggle with recovering from COVID-19, reducing poverty, promoting economic growth, improving health, and maintaining social stability.

For India, it’s a question of “energy transitions”—plural—which reflects the fact that its per capita income is only one-tenth that of the United States. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has announced very ambitious goals for wind, solar, and hydrogen, and has set a net-zero target for 2070. Yet at the same time, it has said it will continue to use hydrocarbons to achieve its immediate priorities. As the government put it in an official report, “Energy is the mainstay of the development process of any country.”

“Our energy requirements are vast and robust. Mixing all exploitable energy resources is the only feasible way forward in our context,” Dharmendra Pradhan, until recently the minister of petroleum and natural gas and now the minister of education, told me. “India will pursue the energy transition in our own way.”

So while the European Union debates whether natural gas has any appropriate role in its own future energy program, India is building a $60 billion natural-gas infrastructure system to reduce its reliance on coal, thereby reducing stifling pollution for its urban population and bringing down carbon-dioxide emissions. It is also delivering propane to villagers so that they don’t have to cook with wood and waste any longer, and suffer resulting illnesses and premature death from indoor air pollution.

A similar point was made by Nigeria’s vice president, Yemi Osinbajo, when I spoke with him this year. “The term energy transition itself is a curious one,” he began. “We sometimes tend to focus on one element of the transition. But in fact, that energy transition itself is multidimensional” and must take “into account the different realities of various economies and accommodat[e] various pathways to net zero.”

Osinbajo is particularly worried about European banks and international financial institutions “banning” the financing of hydrocarbon development, especially natural gas, owing to climate concerns. “Limiting the development of gas projects poses big challenges for African nations, while they would make an insignificant dent in global emissions,” he said. Natural gas and natural gas liquids, he continued, are “already replacing the huge amounts of charcoal and kerosene cookstoves that are most widely used for cooking, and thus saving millions of lives otherwise lost to indoor air pollution annually.”

Aissatou Sophie Gladima, the energy minister of Senegal, put it more pithily: Restricting lending for oil and gas development, she said, “is like removing the ladder and asking us to jump or fly.”

Moreover, a number of energy-producing developing countries depend on exports of oil and gas for their budgets and social spending. It is not obvious what would replace those revenues. In October, a top U.S. government official warned American companies of “regulatory actions” and other potential penalties if they made new investments in African oil and gas resources. Yet there’s no ready alternative for Nigeria, with a population of more than 200 million and a per capita income that’s one-12th of the United States’, and which depends on oil and gas exports for 70 percent of its budget and 40 percent of its GDP.

“Africa did not cause climate change, and its role in emissions is very small,” says Hakeem Belo-Osagie, a senior lecturer at Harvard Business School focusing on the business and economy of Africa. “Covid has wrecked [the] finances of many African countries, and African countries cannot be expected to cut fossil-fuel production, as it is essential to the finances of several African countries.”

Will a new North–South divide lead to a fracturing in global policies? For an early indicator, look at what happens in the next two years on global trade. The growth of trade and the opportunities it presented to developing countries have done much to ease the original divide. But signs of the new tensions are certainly there. Europe is moving to establish a “carbon border adjustment mechanism,” which is a complicated name for what is essentially a carbon tariff. It will be assessed according to “carbon intensity”—that is, the amount of carbon expended in making a product. Europe sees these tariffs as a way to ensure that its policies and values on climate change are adopted globally, while providing protection to European industries that face higher costs because of carbon pricing. The EU is starting with tariffs on a limited number of goods but is expected to expand the list. The Biden administration is also mulling carbon tariffs. Yet developing countries regard the moves as discriminatory and an effort to impose Europe’s policies on them.

The 2015 Paris climate conference established the “what”—the goal of carbon neutrality. COP26 in Glasgow resulted in major steps forward on the “how”—achieving the goal. But when it comes to the energy transition itself, we may still have much to learn about the complexities that lie ahead.

The post Why the Energy Transition Will Be So Complicated appeared first on The Atlantic.

Scientists improve technique for conversion of CO2 emissions into fuel feedstock

MINING.COM Staff Writer | November 24, 2021 

Power plant. (Reference image by Benita5, Pixabay).

In a new paper in the journal Nature Energy, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report that they have improved the selectivity of a process known as electrochemical reduction, which allows the conversion of CO2 emissions into a fuel feedstock.

According to the scientists, the improvement was achieved by developing a new approach to modify the surface of the copper catalysts used to assist the reaction.

“Although we know copper is the best catalyst for this reaction, it doesn’t give high selectivity to the desired products,” Alexis Bell, one of the study’s co-authors, said in a media statement. “Our group has found that you can do various tricks with the local environment of the catalyst to provide that selectivity.”

Bell pointed out that previous studies had established the precise conditions that gave the best electrical and chemical environment for creating commercially interesting carbon-rich products. However, those conditions are contrary to those that naturally occur in a typical fuel cell, which uses a water-based conductive material.
Schematic of a two-layer coating of films, called ionomers, on top of a copper surface. The negatively charged ionomer, Nafion, raises the pH near the surface. The positively charged ionomer, Sustainion, more strongly attracts CO2. These effects combined with a pulsed voltage result in substantially enhanced rates of CO2 conversion to valuable carbon-rich products. 

(Graph courtesy of the Berkeley Lab).

To pinpoint a design that could be used in the aqueous environment of fuel cells, Bell and his team turned to thin layers of ionomers, polymers that allow certain charged molecules (ions) to pass through while excluding others. As a result of their highly selective chemistry, they are uniquely suited to have a strong influence on the microenvironment.

Following a proposal by Chanyeon Kim, lead author of the paper, the researchers decided to apply a thin layer of two common ionomers, Nafion and Sustainion, as well as a bilayer of both ionomers on the surface of the copper catalyst supported by a polymer material, thus forming membranes that they could insert near one end of a hand-sized electrochemical cell.

While feeding CO2 into the cell and applying a voltage, they measured the total current flowing through the cell. Then they measured the gasses and liquids that were collected in adjoining reservoirs during the reaction. For the two-layer case, they found that carbon-rich products accounted for 80% of the energy consumed by the reaction—up from 60% in the uncoated scenario.

“This sandwich coating gives the best of both worlds: high product selectivity and high activity,” Bell said. The bilayered surface favoured not only carbon-rich products but also generated a strong electrical current, indicating increased activity.

The researchers concluded that the improved reaction was a consequence of the high CO2 concentration that built up in the coating layer immediately on top of the copper. Additionally, negatively-charged molecules that piled up in the region between the two ionomers created a low local acidity. That combination countered the concentration trade-off that tends to occur in the absence of the ionomer films.

To increase the reaction efficiency even further, the researchers turned to a technique that had been demonstrated before, without ionomer films, as another way to increase CO2 and pH: pulsing the voltage. By using a pulsed voltage with the bilayer ionomer coating, they achieved a 250% increase in carbon-rich products compared to uncoated copper and a static voltage.

These findings led them to realize that while some scientists have focused their work on developing new catalysts, catalyst discovery does not consider the operating conditions. Controlling the environment at the catalyst’s surface is a new and different approach.

“Rather than coming up with a brand new catalyst, we’ve taken what we know about the kinetics of a reaction and used that knowledge to guide our thinking about how to change the environment at the catalyst site,” said co-author Adam Weber.

New Electrocatalyst Produces Liquid Fuels From Carbon Dioxide

Advanced Energy Concept

Electrocatalyst converts CO2 into multicarbon products.

A new electrocatalyst called a-CuTi@Cu converts carbon dioxide (CO) into liquid fuels. As reported by a team of Chinese researchers in the journal Angewandte Chemie, active copper centered on an amorphous copper/titanium alloy produces ethanol, acetone, and n-butanol with high efficiency.

Most of our global energy demands are still being met by burning fossil fuels, which contributes to the greenhouse effect through the release of CO2. To reduce global warming, we must look for opportunities to use COas a raw material for basic chemicals. Through electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 using renewable energy, a climate-neutral, artificial carbon cycle could be established. Excess energy produced by photovoltaics and wind energy could be stored through the electrocatalytic production of fuels from CO2. These could then be burned as needed. Conversion into liquid fuels would be advantageous because they have high energy density and are safe to store and transport. However, the electrocatalytic formation of products with two or more carbon atoms (C2+) is very challenging.

A team from Foshan University (Foshan, Guangdong), the University of Science and Technology of China (Hefei, Anhui), and Xi’an Shiyou University (Xi’an, Shaanxi), led by Fei Hu, Tingting Kong, Jun Jiang, and Yujie Xiong has now developed a novel electrocatalyst that efficiently converts CO2 to liquid fuels with multiple carbon atoms (C2–4). The primary products are ethanol, acetone, and n-butanol.

To make the electrocatalyst, thin ribbons of a copper/titanium alloy are etched with hydrofluoric acid to remove the titanium from the surface. This results in a material named a-CuTi@Cu, with a porous copper surface on an amorphous CuTi alloy. It has catalytically active copper centers with remarkably high activity, selectivity, and stability for the reduction of CO2 to C2+ products (total faradaic efficiency of about 49 % at 0.8 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode for C2–4, and it is stable for at least three months). In contrast, pure copper foil produces C1 products but hardly any C2+ products.

The reaction involves a multistep electron-transfer process via various intermediates. In the new electrocatalyst, the inactive titanium atoms below the surface actually play an important role; they increase the electron density of the Cu atoms on the surface. This stabilizes the adsorption of *CO, the key intermediate in the formation of multicarbon products, allows for high coverage of the surface with *CO, and lowers the energy barrier for di- and trimerization of the *CO as new carbon–carbon bonds are formed.

Reference: “Ultrastable Cu Catalyst for CO2 Electroreduction to Multicarbon Liquid Fuels by Tuning C–C Coupling with CuTi Subsurface” by Prof. Fei Hu, Dr. Li Yang, Yawen Jiang, Dr. Chongxiong Duan, Dr. Xiaonong Wang, Longjiao Zeng, Xuefeng Lv, Delong Duan, Qi Liu, Prof. Tingting Kong, Prof. Jun Jiang, Ran Long and Prof. Yujie Xiong, 1 October 2021, Angewandte Chemie.
DOI: 10.1002/anie.202110303

Dr. Yujie Xiong is the Chair Professor of Chemistry at the University of Science and Technology of China. His main specialty is the artificial carbon cycle.


Setting ‘net-zero’ goals will not help us rein in global warming.


Demonstrators hold up signs during a protest as the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) takes place, in Glasgow, Scotland on November 6, 2021 [Reuters/Hannah McKay]

Earlier this month, the world’s leaders got together to small talk about the weather and to big talk about the climate at the 26th edition of the UN’s climate change conference (COP26) in Glasgow. On the sidelines, activists (myself included) campaigned to persuade governments to replace platitudes with attitude, inaction with action.

Nevertheless, the hot air and greenwashing were plentiful, with delegates with ties to fossil fuel companies outnumbering even the largest country delegation. In the pavilion section, greenwashing came from the nuclear industry, representatives of which in banana suits claimed that living near nuclear power stations was as safe as eating a banana, as well as from major coal producers like Australia, and major oil producers such as the Gulf states, each of whom had a gigantic stand.

In the closing plenary, minister after minister urged consensus and collective action for the sake of their children or grandchildren and the future of humanity. However, despite the platitudes, rich countries, from the United States to EU states, showed little appetite to downscale their lifestyles and emerging economic powerhouses, such as China and India, exhibited little willingness to clean up their reliance on coal and other dirty fossil fuels.

This left low-income countries and island states feeling a profound sense of betrayal. This was eloquently expressed by Shauna Aminath, the environment minister of the low-lying Maldives, which could become uninhabitable by 2050 and possibly vanish from the map by the turn of the century, while its vital coral reef is dying off at an alarming rate.

“[This is] yet another conversation where we put our homes on the line, while those who have other options decide how quickly they want to act,” she told her fellow ministers in the final session of the conference. “The difference between 1.5 and 2C is a death sentence for us.”

Beyond kicking the hot potato of meaningful climate action down the road to mid-century for future generations to deal with, another favoured tactic of countries and corporations is to make vague net-zero emission pledges. More than 140 countries have promised to be net zero mostly by 2050, with some countries aiming for sooner and others for later. China has set 2060 as its target date and India is aiming for 2070.

Businesses, from giant multinationals to local steakhouses in Glasgow, have also been falling over themselves to announce net-zero pledges. At least a fifth of the world’s 2,000 largest corporations had already made such promises before COP26.

This is great news, right?

Well, not really. There are indeed a few countries and companies that have seriously committed to lowering their carbon (and ecological) footprint through an ambitious strategy to reduce their emissions and pursue sustainable production and consumption models.

But, for many, climate strategies amount to little more than a PR exercise. Possibly the most ludicrous net-zero claims are the ones being made about fossil fuel products. One flagrant example of this was Shell’s “Drive Carbon Neutral” campaign in the Netherlands, which claimed that consumers could offset their petrol emissions by paying just one euro cent  ($0.012) extra per litre at the pump.

To my mind, this is akin to a modern reincarnation of the indulgences sold by the medieval church. But, here, instead of “sinners”, polluters pay a token amount to absolve themselves of guilt but without making any meaningful change to their destructive behaviour.

Although these indulgences may help Shell executives sleep better at night and motorists feel less guilty about their gas-guzzling vehicles, this stunt does next to nothing for the climate. For that reason, the Dutch advertising standards agency asked Shell to remove the ad after nine law students filed a complaint accusing the oil giant of greenwashing.

Unfortunately, Shell is not alone in making these preposterous claims. There is a troubling new trend among fossil fuel companies of marketing gas and oil which they claim is carbon neutral. A recent investigation we conducted at Carbon Market Watch found that such claims currently being made by oil and gas companies amount to brazen greenwashing.

To the untrained ear, net zero (also known as carbon neutrality) sounds deceptively like zero – and therein lies the marketing genius behind this term and its rapidly gaining popularity. It gives the impression that emissions will be (largely) eliminated.

However, while one factor in this equation relates to cutting down the level of greenhouse gas emissions, the other involves so-called offsetting, i.e. balancing emissions in one place against reductions in another. Offsetting can be achieved through natural solutions that enhance nature’s carbon absorption capacity (such as afforestation or restoring wetlands), investing in renewable energy elsewhere, by buying someone else’s emissions reductions, or by using largely unproven technologies in the future to capture carbon from industrial processes or the air.

If we were to attempt to offset all our emissions by planting trees, this would require at least 1.6 billion hectares (4 billion acres) of new forests, Oxfam estimates. This afforested land would cover five Indias or more than all the farmland on the planet. This would not only lead to mass hunger, it is impractical and impossible. We would need a Planet B to offset this Planet A.

The “net-zero” mantra can distort reality and present as equal yet wildly different realities. For instance, a serious country or company may have a carbon-neutrality plan which relies on slashing emissions by 90 percent and neutralising the remaining 10 percent through offsets. A company or country looking for easy solutions or to greenwash its image could aim for the inverse: 10 percent reductions and 90 percent offsets.

Even though these two hypothetical cases are both theoretically “net zero” or “carbon neutral”, they are not equivalent nor equal. The first is about taking meaningful action to clean up the atmosphere, while the second is about atmospherics and cleaning up one’s image.

The cover provided by the fig leaf of net zero allows the unscrupulous to dress up inaction as determined action. This helps explain why emissions on paper can appear to be falling while in the air, where it really matters, they continue to rise.

After the temporary blip due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world is on course to return to pre-pandemic emissions levels and, without radical action, emissions will continue to rise steadily in the coming years.

In the vital near term, when we need to massively roll back emissions this decade if we are to keep global heating below or near the critical 1.5C threshold, ambition is severely wanting. When totted up, the combined commitments of world governments will shave a measly 7.5 percent off global emissions by 2030 compared with 2010 levels, according to a UN assessment of national plans, rather than the 65 percent scientific research says is imperative.

To make matters even direr, governments appear to have been underreporting their countries’ emissions, partly thanks to creative “net” accounting that unrealistically exploits natural carbon sinks. The gap between actual and reported global emissions could be as high as 13.3bn tonnes a year, the equivalent of the exhaust of nearly 3 billion cars, a new Washington Post investigation estimates.

What all this reveals is that reporting net emissions and aiming for “net zero” is befogging the road ahead and leading to dangerous levels of procrastination and complacency on the part of governments and corporations.

To properly illuminate the challenges on the horizon, we must abandon talk of “net zero” and speak about emissions and offsets separately. While offsetting can be used to compensate for essential and unavoidable economic activities, climate action must be overwhelmingly focused on reining in real emissions by 65 percent this decade. What we desperately need are climate heroes, not greenwashing zeroes.

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.