Thursday, February 17, 2022

Neolithic fisherman who died 5,000 years ago 'drowned in saltwater'

Ryan Morrison For Dailymail.Com 

A neolithic fisherman who died 5,000 years ago, and had been buried in a mass grave in Northern Chile, 'drowned in saltwater', a new advanced forensic test found.

Researchers from Southampton University in England used a modern forensics technique, used to determine the cause of death, on the ancient remains.

They confirmed saltwater drowning as the cause of death for the fisherman, closing a 5,000-year-old cold case, and opening up new possibilities for assessing the remains of our prehistoric ancestors using modern techniques.

The technique tests for diatoms, a group of algae found in oceans, freshwater and soils, inside the bones of victims.

Finding them suggests the person drowned. This is because if they had died before entering the water, they would not have swallowed any saltwater.

The team hope it will help archaeologists understand more about past civilisations in coastal regions, and the human stories behind the remains they discover.

© Provided by Daily Mail The Neolithic fisherman in burial site. A neolithic fisherman who died 5,000 years ago, and had been buried in a mass grave in Northern Chile, 'drowned in saltwater', a new advanced forensic test found

This is the first time diatom tests have been used to determine drowning in saltwater on prehistoric human remains, the team explained.

As well as those tests, the researchers carried out a range of microscopic analysis of the bone marrow they expected from the 5,000-year-old remains.

This allowed them to search for a greater range of microscopic particles that could provide more insight into the cause of his death.

Through the more detailed study, they found a variety of different marine particles, including fossilised algae, parasite eggs and sediment, which would not have been detected by the standard diatom test.

Professor James Goff, who led the study said: 'mass burials have often been necessary after natural disasters such as tsunamis, floods or large storms.

'However we know very little about whether prehistoric mass burial sites near coastlines could be the result of natural disasters or other causes such as war, famine and disease.

© Provided by Daily Mail Genevieve Cain, Prof Pedro Andrade and the fisherman. Researchers from Southampton University in England used a modern forensics technique, used to determine the cause of death, on the ancient remains


Researchers applied modern techniques used to determine the cause of death in forensic science, to study a 5,000-year-old skeleton.

They found the fisherman, between the age of 35 and 45, died in a fishing accident, drowning in salt water.


Skeletal remains of a 5,000 year old fisherman in a coastal mass burial.

Modified ‘Diatom Test’ performed on bone marrow of large bones.

Exogenous microscopic material indicates death by drowning.

Microscopic mineral grain size range indicates no contamination of bone marrow.

Combined archaeological and geological data indicated nearshore drowning.

'This gave us our light bulb moment of developing an enhanced version of a modern forensic test to use on ancient bones.'

At the start of the study, Prof Goff and Professor Pedro Andrade of the Universidad de ConcepciĆ³n in Chile, looked through archaeological papers for records of mass burial sites near coastlines.

Prof Andrade had previously studied an archaeological site known as Copaca 1, which is 18 miles south of Tocopilla on the Chilean coastline, containing a grave with three well preserved skeletons.

They selected this site, and the individual they studied out of the three was a male hunter-gather aged between 35 and 45.

The condition of his bones suggested he was a fisherman as there were signs of frequent harpooning, rowing and harvesting of shellfish.

This made him the ideal candidate to study for signs of drowning and for evidence of the event that led to his death.

'By looking at what we found in his bone marrow, we know that he drowned in shallow saltwater,' Prof Goff said.

'We could see that the man swallowed sediment in his final moments and sediment does not tend to float around in sufficient concentrations in deeper waters.'

The team believe that the man died in a simple maritime accident, rather than a major catastrophic event, such as a tsunami or mass flood, due to the fact the bones of the other people in the grave didn't contain marine particles.

The team said that if they tested other human remains on the site, outside of these three, as well as look for geological evidence of natural disasters in the area, they'd be able to shed more light on his cause of death.

© Provided by Daily Mail Prof James Goff and the fisherman. They confirmed saltwater drowning as the cause of death for the fisherman, closing a 5,000-year-old cold case, and opening up new possibilities for assessing the remains of our prehistoric ancestors using modern techniques

Most importantly, the scientist believe this new technique can be used for ancient mass burial sites around the world to get a richer picture of the lives of people in coastal communities throughout history.

'In taking more time over the forensic technique and testing for a broader range of beasties inside the prehistoric bones, we've cracked open a whole new way to do things,' Prof Goff explained.

'This can help us understand much more about how tough it was living by the coast in pre-historic days – and how people there were affected by catastrophic events, just as we are today.'

'There are many coastal mass burial sites around the world where excellent archaeological studies have been carried out but the fundamental question of what caused so many deaths has not been addressed. Now we can take this new technique out around the world and potentially re-write prehistory.'

The findings were published in the Journal of Archaeological Science.

Rocket poised to hit moon is Chinese, not SpaceX Falcon 9, student observations confirm
Elizabeth Howell - Space

A group of students has confirmed that a rocket stage poised to hit the moon next month is from a Chinese Long March launcher, not a SpaceX Falcon 9 as originally thought.

The rocket body, from the Chang'e 5-T1 mission, is set to slam into the moon's far side on March 4, more than seven years after its October 2014 launch. The object was originally misidentified as the upper stage of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that launched the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite in February 2015.

"We took a spectrum, which can reveal the material makeup of an object, and compared it with Chinese and SpaceX rockets of similar types ... it matches the Chinese rocket," University of Arizona supervisor and associate professor Vishnu Reddy, who also co-leads the school's Space Domain Awareness lab, said in a statement Tuesday (Feb. 15).

"This is the best match, and we have the best possible evidence at this point," Reddy added of the new observations, which match independent work made public a few days ago. Students on the Arizona team include Grace Halferty, Adam Battle and Tanner Campbell.

Video: Rocket stage to slam into moon, seen by Virtual Telescope Project

Related: The greatest moon crashes of all time

The original, mistaken identification of the rocket body as a Falcon 9 upper stage came from Bill Gray, who manages the Project Pluto software used to track near-Earth objects.

He published an explanation Saturday (Feb. 12) about his rationale for originally identifying the rocket as part of a Falcon 9.

"I and others came to accept the identification with the second stage [of Falcon 9] as correct," Gray wrote. "The object had about the brightness we would expect and had showed up at the expected time and moving in a reasonable orbit."

Gray added, however, that the original evidence was not conclusive. And on Saturday, he said, he received a note from Jon Giorgini, an engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California, pointing out that DSCOVR's postlaunch trajectory didn't take it all that close to the moon. After conducting further research, Gray wrote, he became convinced that the moon-bound rocket stage is actually from China's Chang'e 5-T1 mission, a precursor to the more famous Chang'e 5 mission that brought a sample of the moon back to Earth in 2020.

The University of Arizona students confirmed this newer work of Gray and others using the RAPTORS system, a telescope on top of the school's Kuiper Space Sciences building.

The group, however, performed their observations on the nights of Jan. 21 and Feb. 7, before Gray published his correction notice. "They estimate that it will hit somewhere in or near the Hertzsprung crater on the moon's far side," the university noted of the students' work.

"We don't often get a chance to track something we know is going to hit the moon ahead of time," Campbell added in the statement. Campbell is an aerospace and mechanical engineering graduate student who has worked with Reddy since 2017.

"There is particular interest in seeing how impacts produce craters. It's also interesting from an orbital prediction perspective, because it's traveling between the Earth and moon unpropelled," Campbell added. "It's just an inert rocket body tossed around by its own energy and by solar radiation pressure, so we can evaluate our models and see how good our predictions are."

The University of Arizona team has also tracked other space objects over the years, including the now-defunct Chinese space station Tiangong 1 that deorbited in 2018, a piece of an Atlas rocket that launched the NASA Surveyor 2 moon mission in 1966, and the 22-ton Chinese Long March 5B rocket that fell uncontrolled back to Earth in 2021.

Follow Elizabeth Howell on Twitter @howellspace. Follow us on Twitter @Spacedotcom or on Facebook.
Despite battlefield success, small killer drones slow to spread in Southeast Asia

(Reuters) - Small, cheap, deadly drones caught the attention of military planners in 2020 when used to devastating effect in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan, but political sensitivities may keep them out of Southeast Asia, a regional defence expert said.

© Reuters/Brenda Goh

A drone model is seen on display at Israel Aerospace Industries' booth at the Singapore Airshow

Some armed models were among the drones on display at the Singapore Airshow this week, though none matched the precise features of the so-called "loitering munitions" used in the fighting two years ago - flying quietly overhead until diving down to destroy a target.

Yet many regional governments are interested in that capability, said Collin Koh, a research fellow at Singapore's Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies.

"Killer drones were well emphasized during that conflict... and there is certainly growing interest," Koh said.

"Some even argued that killer drones are a gamechanger to the future of conflict. All these lessons are being paid attention to in the region."

However, he said, with relative stability prevailing, acquiring such an offensive capability might alarm one's neighbours.

"Some countries might just see it as an additional expense ... or see acquiring such a system as provocative," he said.

Last year, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) said it had sold its Harop loitering munition, used in the 2020 fighting, to two unnamed Asian customers.

Such a deal would typically fall in the range of about $100 million for many drones, compared with roughly $90 million for a single F-35 combat aircraft.

Lockheed Martin is involved with producing the MORFIUS drone, a small, reusable autonomous aircraft designed to electronically disrupt or destroy swarms of enemy drones.

The system is not planned for international sale, however, said Tim Cahill, Lockheed Martin's senior vice president for global business.

"It will go out ... and go past an unmanned aerial vehicle that is flying at you and take it out," he said.

In general, there is high interest in unmanned systems in Asia and Southeast Asia for different roles, he said, including patrols of oceans, borders and coastlines.

Elbit Systems, an Israeli company, displayed a small, long-endurance drone that uses both an electric and a conventional fuel-powered motor.

Boeing separately touted its Loyal Wingman drone, meant to fly alongside and support a crewed fighter, which it is developing in Australia, as well as its MQ-25 uncrewed tanker aircraft.

Although no major drone deals were announced at the show, as countries recover slowly from the economic woes brought by COVID-19, some of their military spending will surely go toward unmanned systems, Koh said.

"Drones are an evergreen area to look at," he said. "Armed drones, and drones that are optimised for maritime surveillance."

(Reporting by Gerry Doyle; Editing by Clarence Fernandez)
Psychosis Risk Rises When People Abuse 'Speed'

Consumer news - 

TUESDAY, Feb. 15, 2022 (HealthDay News) -- Amphetamines can pull people into a vicious cycle of addiction, but new research now shows that people who abuse these stimulants are also five times more likely to develop psychosis than non-users.

© Provided by HealthDayPsychosis Risk Rises When People Abuse 'Speed'

The effect of "speed" on neurotransmitter signaling in the brain often causes psychosis symptoms such as paranoia, voices and hallucinations. These typically resolve after a few days, but may persist for years in up to 15% of users.

While the link between amphetamine abuse and psychosis is known, the degree of psychosis risk or the effectiveness of drug rehabilitation therapy has been unclear.

To learn more, the researchers analyzed data on more than 74,600 illicit amphetamine users in Taiwan and a comparison group of more than 298,000 non-users matched for age and sex.

Compared with non-users, amphetamine users had higher rates of: depression (2% versus 0.4%); anxiety (0.9% versus 0.3%); ischemic heart disease (1.3% versus 0.8%); cardiovascular disease (0.8% versus 0.45%); and stroke (1.3% versus 0.7%).

By the end of 10 years of follow-up, speed users were far more likely to have psychosis than non-users. Rates were 468 per 100,000 people among speed users and 77 per 100,000 among non-users, according to the study published online Feb. 14 in the journal Evidence-Based Mental Health.

Among speed users, psychosis was more common among those 45 and older, and also among those with a longer arrest record. Those who had been arrested five or more times had a more than six times greater risk of psychosis, the researchers noted in a journal news release.

The study also found that speed users who went to drug rehab during deferred prosecution were 26% less likely to develop psychosis than those who didn't. This suggests that rehab may help lower the risk of psychosis, the study authors said.

"The relation of an induced paranoid psychosis with amphetamine abuse has been known for many decades. Nonetheless, our findings are from a detailed and comparative analysis using a comprehensive and large population dataset," according to Cynthia Wei-Sheng Lee, of the Centre for Drug Abuse and Addiction at China Medical University Hospital in Taiwan, and colleagues.

"Furthermore, it would be worthwhile to investigate the health benefits and cost effectiveness of deferred prosecution for drug crime offenders by providing appropriate therapy for drug addiction," the authors concluded.

The estimated worldwide rate of amphetamine use is less than 1%, but about one in 10 users become addicted.

More information

There's more on amphetamines at the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration.

SOURCE: Evidence-Based Mental Health, news release, Feb. 14, 2022
A stitch in time: University student maps Edmonton's changing climate — on a quilt

Kashmala Fida Mohatarem 

Working toward a certificate in sustainability, University of Alberta student Emilia Housch spent 60 hours working on a visual demonstration of climate change in Edmonton.

© Submitted by Emilia Housch
Emilia Housch, a University of Alberta grad, created this temperature quilt as her final project to earn a certificate in sustainability.

Her final product: a temperature quilt.

"I wanted to do something cool," Housch told CBC's Edmonton AM on Tuesday.

"Originally, I was going to do an infographic, and then I was like, no that's boring. Temperature quilt time!"

Temperature blankets are crocheted, quilted or knitted records of the temperature throughout a certain time period.

Housch's king-size quilt is checkered with 15 different colour patches from reds, blues to green and yellow, showing daily high and low temperatures for the month of February in Edmonton.

Rows stretching from left to right across the quilt show February in 10-year increments, from 1920 to 2020. The columns — from top to bottom — show each day of the month.

Housch used red to depict the warmest temperatures; the coldest are represented with dark blue.

The lowest temperature she recorded was –36.2 C on Feb. 23, 1940.

The highest was 11.2 C on Feb. 28, 1990.

The graph on Housch's quilt depicts extreme changes in temperatures, addressing a common misconception about how climate change only means a rise in temperatures.

"It's getting warmer, but it's also getting colder," she said.

The quilt shows rows of homogenous colours at the top that become progressively colourful by the bottom.

"The bottom is just very variable and it doesn't seem like the days are connected to each other," Housch said.

She got the idea for the quilt from social media last year.

"I kept seeing people on TikTok making temperature blankets, but they were doing crochet and I thought they looked really cool but I cannot crochet to save my life," she said.

On Facebook, however, she came across temperature quilts and decided to get started.

She expected some pushback when she pitched the idea, but received an incredibly positive response from her superiors.

"Scientifically, I'm happy with it," she said. "It may seem a little crooked, or some of the squares a little different size … but that's the cool thing. Nothing's perfect."

Students interested in studying climate change, food security, renewable energy, biodiversity and social inequality can earn a certificate in sustainability at the U of A.

Showtime Donates $100,000 to Seneca-Iroquois National Museum

Sasha Urban - Variety

Showtime announced today that it is donating $100,000 to the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum, which is located on the Allegany Territory of the Seneca Nation, where the network’s series “Dexter: New Blood” is set.

The donation will fund the museum’s efforts to digitize its archives and record the history of the Seneca Nation, including footage, music, oral histories, print news and other media passed down from elders in the community. The contribution will also help fund the museum’s OnƶhsagwĆ«:de’ Cultural Center, which educates visitors on the tribal history of Western New York state.

“I’m excited to receive this gift from Showtime, which demonstrates its commitment to the preservation of heritage,” said Dr. Joe Stahlman, director of the Seneca-Iroquois National Museum. “We can’t wait to begin the digitization of media – some of which has not been viewed in decades.”

The Seneca Nation of New York is one of three federally recognized Seneca entities, with more than 8,000 citizens globally. “Dexter: New Blood” is filmed in Massachusetts, but the series is set in the fictional town of Iron Lake, N.Y. in the Seneca Nation.

“We’re honored to support the legacy of the Seneca Nation of Indians, whose people and rich culture are ingrained within the narrative of ‘Dexter: New Blood,’” said Puja Vohra, executive vice president of marketing and strategy at Showtime. “The team at Showtime is dedicated to helping make a meaningful difference that both commemorates the Seneca Nation’s history and strengthens its future.”

“Dexter: New Blood,” is the most-watched series in Showtime history. The drama stars Michael C. Hall as the infamous serial killer Dexter Morgan. The series picks up 10 years after the finale of “Dexter” which premiered in 2006 and quickly became one of the most acclaimed series on television. “Dexter: New Blood” is executive produced by Clyde Phillips, Hall, Scott Reynolds, Marcos Siega, Bill Carraro, John Goldwyn and Sara Colleton.
Yellen acknowledges 'some global fallout' from any Russia sanctions

Agence France-Presse
February 17, 2022

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen (AFP)

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says "some global fallout" would result if the West moves ahead with the punishing, coordinated sanctions threatened against Russia, should it attack Ukraine.

If the penalties are imposed, "of course, we want the largest cost to fall on Russia," Yellen said in an interview.

"But we recognize that there will be some global fallout from sanctions," she told AFP.

Her comments echoed President Joe Biden's warning on Tuesday that an escalation of the conflict would not be "painless" for Americans.

With Russian troops massed on the border with Ukraine, Biden continues to work with US allies on a diplomatic solution to the crisis, but has repeatedly warned Moscow of the dire consequences it will face if it moves against its neighbor.

Biden and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Wednesday urged Moscow to take real steps to defuse tensions.

The president "has made clear that we intend to impose very significant costs on Russia, if they invade Ukraine," Yellen said.

Treasury is crafting a set of financial sanctions together with European allies that could target Russian "individuals or companies" and "certainly could involve export controls," she said.

Yellen described them as a "very substantial package of sanctions that will have severe consequences for the Russian economy."

But she acknowledged worries about the "potential impacts on energy markets, given the importance of Russia's role as a supplier of oil to the world market and of natural gas to Europe."

Washington is "working with our European allies to try to, as best as possible, shield them from undue impact," by ensuring that "supplies that are available, that come from other parts of the world" and to "try to make sure that oil and natural gas continue to flow to Europe."

European Union officials said Wednesday they have secured alternate sources of natural gas and could survive a supply squeeze by Russia.

Amid the prospects of armed conflict, and threats Russia could cut off energy supplies, oil prices have risen sharply in recent weeks, hitting $96 a barrel on Wednesday, the highest level since 2014.

Natural gas prices have been more volatile, but also increased in the past week after dipping earlier in the month.
Ukraine passes law criminalizing antisemitism

By LAHAV HARKOV - The Jerusalem Post
© (photo credit: GLEB GARANICH/REUTERS)

Ukraine’s parliament passed a law on Wednesday criminalizing antisemitism.

As defined by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, antisemitism when committed by an individual is punishable by a fine or a prison sentence of up to five years.

Public officials would also be fined or imprisoned for up to five years, and banned from holding certain offices for up to three years.

Organized groups committing acts of antisemitism, or acts with severe consequences, are punishable with prison sentences of up to eight years.

The new legislation amended an existing law passed in 2021, “On Preventing and Countering Antisemitism in Ukraine,” to add criminal liability.

© Provided by The Jerusalem PostUkraine's biggest national flag on the country's highest flagpole and the giant 'Motherland' monument (credit: REUTERS/VALENTYN OGIRENKO)

The IHRA definition states that “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

Jewish Confederation of Ukraine President Boris Lozhkin wrote in September, when the first law passed, that it “brought Ukraine closer to Europe and the civilized world. Together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, JCU has been conducting joint monitoring of manifestations of antisemitism for a long time, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs promptly responds to all cases of physical or online antisemitism.

“However, for an effective fight against these manifestations, the legal component was missing... A real tool has appeared now for combating a phenomenon that has a much broader meaning than hatred toward Jews.”

Ukraine asks U.N. Security Council to discuss Russian bid to recognize separatists

By Michelle Nichols - 

UNITED NATIONS/KYIV (Reuters) - Ukraine has asked the United Nations Security Council to discuss on Thursday a bid by Russia's parliament to recognize self-proclaimed separatists in eastern Ukraine.

The 15-member council was already due to meet on Ukraine's crisis and discuss the Minsk agreements, which it endorsed in 2015, that are designed to end the separatist war. The meeting comes amid high tensions after Russia massed more than 100,000 troops near Ukraine's borders in recent weeks, though Russia denies planning an attack.

In a letter to Security Council members seen by Reuters, Ukraine's Ambassador Sergiy Kyslytsya said the move by the Russian parliament on Tuesday "further aggravated the threats to both Ukraine's territorial integrity and global security architecture following the ongoing military build-up by the Russian Federation in the vicinity of the borders with Ukraine."

Russian-backed separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions - collectively known as the Donbass - broke away from Ukrainian government control in 2014 and proclaimed themselves independent, sparking a conflict with the Ukrainian army.

Russia's lower house of parliament voted on Tuesday to ask President Vladimir Putin to recognise Donetsk and Luhansk as independent. Putin declined to be drawn out on how he plans to respond.

Kyslytsya said the decision undermines the Minsk agreements and asked the U.N. Security Council to consider the development during Thursday's meeting in New York.

The U.N. Security Council has met dozens of times to discuss the Ukraine crisis since Russia annexed Ukraine's Crimea region in 2014. It cannot take any action because Russia is a veto-power along with France, Britain, China and the United States.

(Reporting by Michelle Nichols and Matthias Williams; Editing by Chris Reese and Cynthia Osterman)

Russia 'likely' to launch 'limited' military attack against Ukraine, says Estonian intelligence

By Andrius Sytas

(Reuters) -Russia is continuing to move troops to the Ukrainian border and will likely launch a "limited" military attack against the country, the head of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service said on Wednesday.

The attack would include missile bombardment and the occupation of "key terrain" in Ukraine, said Mikk Marran, director general of the Estonian Foreign Intelligence Service.

"Right now, our assessment is that they would avoid cities with large populations, as it takes a lot of troops to control those areas. But there is no clear understanding of what avenue the Russian troops might exploit," he told a media briefing held to introduce the service's annual report.

Another possibility could be intensified fighting out of the two Russian-backed breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine, according to Estonian intelligence. Such escalation is "highly likely," and this way “Russia likely gets plausible deniability and avoids sanctions,” said Marran.

“If Russia is successful in Ukraine, it would encourage it to increase pressure on the Baltics in the coming years," he said. “The threat of war has become main policy tool for Putin.”

Estonian intelligence is aware of approximately 10 battle groups of Russian troops moving toward the Ukrainian border, where 100 Russian military battle groups, or about 170,000 soldiers, are already deployed, the intelligence chief said.

The numbers include soldiers usually deployed in regions around Ukraine, but also troops in Belarus which Russia sent for a military exercise near Ukrainian border.

Some of the soldiers are likely to stay in Belarus beyond the Feb. 20 end of the exercise, a significant worry for the NATO alliance which the Baltics belong to, said Marran. "That would reduce preparation time for an attack against the Baltics.”

(Reporting by Andrius Sytas in RigaEditing by Chizu Nomiyama and Leslie Adler)

The International Olympic Committee and China are using politics to obscure human rights abuses

MacIntosh Ross, Assistant Professor, Kinesiology, Western University
Biao Teng, Pozen Visiting Professor, Human Rights Scholar, University of Chicago 

China is using yet another Olympic Games as a political tool to reinforce its position as a global power and sportwash its dismal human rights record.

This was first seen in 2008, when China and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) made opaque promises about the Olympic Games improving human rights in the authoritarian regime. But since then, the situation has worsened and continues to deteriorate.

The IOC continues to claim it is an apolitical organization, while allowing China to host and use the Olympics as a distraction from its industrial scale human rights abuses. Few nations know how to politicize the Olympics quite like China.
A new sort of Cold War

In the United States, critiques of China have started to feel more like hypocritical warmongering, leveraged for domestic political pandering, rather than a sincere desire to improve human rights in China, or the United States for that matter.

What is needed, as sportswriter Dave Zirin and political scientist Jules Boykoff aptly observed in The Nation, is:

“a mass independent current that can stand with the oppressed in the United States and in China, and that refuses to paper over structural inequalities on either side in order to win political points.”

Those familiar with Teng Biao (one of the authors of this piece) know that he has experienced both the politics and physical brutality of the Chinese state first hand.

As a vocal human rights lawyer, Teng resisted the authoritarian regime’s crackdowns on the freedoms of speech and expression, resulting in three forced disappearances and a physical beating by authorities prior to the 2008 Olympic Games. He knows the stakes, and the costs, of standing up for human rights in China.
Boycott, boycott, boycott

For much of its existence, Communist China has boycotted the Olympic Games. After the Chinese Civil War, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) made its debut at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, leading the Republic of China (ROC) to withdraw in protest, furious that the Communist mainland was permitted to enter under the name of “China.”

Read more: Why is Taiwan competing in the Olympics under 'Chinese Taipei'?

This two-China debate was a recurring theme at the Olympics until the 1980s. At the 1956 Melbourne Olympics, the the ROC competed while the PRC stayed home. And in 1958, the PRC formally withdrew from the Olympic Movement, rejoining in 1979. They only participated in the 1980 Winter Olympics however, joining the U.S.-led boycott of the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics.

The PRC’s politicization of the Games worked. The IOC has made the ROC — now more commonly known as Taiwan — compete as Chinese Taipei since the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, under an Olympic flag rather than the flag of Taiwan.

This has remained the Olympic status quo for over thirty years, despite the obvious fact that Taiwan functions as an independent, democratic nation.

© (AP Photo/File)The Taiwan delegation parades during the opening ceremonies for the Olympic Games in Los Angeles.

Beijing 2008 as a boon to high-tech totalitarianism

The 2008 Beijing Olympics has a grim legacy. In Public Seminar, Teng Biao convincingly argued that China governs through “high-tech totalitarianism,” using artificial intelligence and other technologies to maintain “total control of Chinese society.”

Although Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben’s “states of exception” theory has typically been applied to disasters and other emergencies, political scientist Jules Boykoff has made a strong case for the extension of Agamben’s work to moments of jubilation and euphoria, particularly the Olympic Games.

A “state of exception” is similar to a state of emergency, except instead of the state’s ability to transcend the rule of law being invoked in an emergency, it is done in the name of public good.

It can open the door to a legally sanctioned eradication of not just political opponents, but anyone living on the margins of society. For Tibetans and Uyghurs, this rings all too true. In Tibet in particular, the Chinese government used the Olympic Games as an excuse to dramatically escalate its suppression of language, religion, speech and peaceful protest.

As international relations scholar Sean R. Roberts has shown, the Chinese government leveraged both the 9/11 attacks in the U.S. and the 2008 Olympics to re-frame peaceful Uyghur cultural protests — typically labelled as separatism — as a terrorist threat to justify their mass incarceration.

Since 2008, Tibet has been closed off to foreigners, but details of boarding schools, arbitrary detentions, restrictions on religion and a general assault on Tibetan culture are well-documented. For some, the situation has become too untenable to bear.

© (AP Photo/Altaf Qadri)Exiled Tibetans burn a Chinese flag during a protest against Beijing Winter Olympic Games in New Delhi, India on Feb. 4.

A total of 157 Tibetan monks and nuns have self-immolated in protest since 2009.
The IOC, politics and human rights

Despite China’s history of using the Olympics for political gain, the IOC has refused to intervene, going so far as to cut off talks with human rights groups concerned with the possibility that official merchandise for the Beijing Olympics was being made with forced labour in the Uyghur Region.

Both the IOC and China have started framing all criticism as political matters, unfit for discussion at a so-called apolitical event like the Olympic Games.

Criticism of the disappearance, silencing and carefully choreographed re-emergence of Peng Shuai is “just politics.” Criticism of policies aimed at the cultural eradication of Uyghurs and Tibetans, as well as China’s decision to have a Uyghur light the Olympic cauldron, are more “politics.”

But there must be a line drawn between politics and human rights. While the definition of politics depends on the context, the United Nations is quite clear when it comes to what is, and what is not, a human right. Violations of these rights are not merely political wranglings of foreign diplomacy, but rather real, tangible assaults on people and their cultures.

But the two — politics and human rights violations — are obviously intertwined. The former can be used to hide the latter. Unfortunately, that’s precisely what the IOC and China have done with Beijing 2022.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news site dedicated to sharing ideas from academic experts.

Read more:

Trudeau should have withdrawn Canada from the 2022 Beijing Olympics after reports of Chinese residential schools

Slovak youth hockey team erupts as country defeats U.S. to advance in Beijing Games

Olivier Neven - Yahoo Sports Canada

A youth hockey team in Slovakia provided one of the most wholesome moments of the Beijing Winter Games.

Few things are as thrilling as an underdog story on the Olympic stage, as we were once again reminded on Wednesday.

Slovakia’s men’s hockey team defeated the United States 3-2 in a tense shootout to upset one of the tournament's favourites and advance to the semifinals.

As his countrymen celebrated the big win, former NHLer Miroslav Satan shared a video of a young Slovak hockey team on the ice for practice back home, watching goaltender Patrik Rybar make the decisive final save before absolutely erupting in euphoric cheer along with their heroes in China.

The adorable clip made the rounds on Twitter, warming hearts and even comforting disappointed American hockey fans, who had high expectations for a team that entered Wednesday's contest undefeated and with a win over Canada already in the records.

Slovakia forced overtime in dramatic fashion on Wednesday, with Marek Hrivik scoring the equalizer with under a minute of play left and their net empty after his team trailed for most of the game. Peter Cehlarik scored the sole goal of the shootout and Rybar sealed the win with a save heard 'round the world.

This is the first time that the Slovaks has reached the semifinals in men’s Olympic hockey since the 2010 Vancouver games, when the late Pavol Demitra led the tournament in points on the way to Slovakia’s fourth place finish.

This is the second-straight time Team USA's men have failed to make it past the quarterfinals in the Winter Games. Four years ago in Pyeongchang, the Americans lost their quarterfinal game to the Czech Republic. The U.S. hasn't medalled in the men's event since their runner-up finish in the 2010 Vancouver Winter Games.

Slovakia will take on the Russian Olympic Committee in the semifinals on Thursday.