Saturday, February 26, 2022


Against Russian imperialism, hands off Ukraine!

Putin has just finished his speech to the people of Russia. The man who calls himself president began his speech with an anti-communist eulogy, claiming that Vladimir Ilyich Lenin was the creator of Ukraine and that its existence in its present form is the result of the Bolsheviks' national policy. By accusing the Bolsheviks of "feeding the nationalists", Putin is covering up the worst and most repugnant form of nationalism - Great Russian chauvinism.

In this context, Putin threatened to show Ukrainians what "de-communisation" means. Given the context of his speech, these words could be seen as nothing less than a threat of direct intervention in Ukraine. Not surprisingly, while criticising Leninist national policies, Putin threw stones at the planned economy, nationalisations and praised Stalinism.

The persecution of the opposition, corruption, rising prices for goods and services, the lack of independent courts and everything Putin said about Ukraine gives the impression that he was talking about Russia. We don't deny that the reforms underway in Ukraine are leading to monstrous social inequalities, impoverishment, unemployment and other problems. But we firmly believe that the fate of Ukraine must be decided by the workers and all the oppressed in that country, not by Russian military hardware and pro-Russian lobbyists. Ukraine's debts to the Russian Federation, which Putin reminded us of, are no reason for a military invasion. The Ukrainian people have not become indebted to Russia; let the Russian government claim these debts from those to whom it has given them, including Viktor Yanukovych, who resides safely on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The violation of the Minsk agreements is the work not only of Kiev, but also of Moscow, which has no intention of ceasing to support its imperialist enclaves in the so-called "People's Republics".

We stand for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops, an end to all military support for the armed formations in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts, a ceasefire and the right of Ukrainian citizens to decide the fate of their country without the imperialists of the East and West!

21 February 2022

Translated for

Same author

NATO mobilizes troops as UK MPs, US congressmen call for air war against Russia

Three days into the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the conflict is showing dangerous signs of spiraling into a much wider war.

Members of the 82nd Airborne Division of the U.S. Army prepare for deployment to Poland from Fort Bragg, N.C. on Monday, Feb. 14, 2022. They are among soldiers the Department of Defense is sending in a demonstration of American commitment to NATO allies worried at the prospect of Russia invading Ukraine. (AP Photo/Nathan Posner)

As Russian forces entered the capital city of Kiev, Ukraine, the Ukrainian defense minister estimated that hundreds of Russian soldiers had died in the conflict so far. Ukraine has reported over 137 casualties, including civilians. A first attempt at holding talks between Kiev and Moscow failed on Friday. Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has since appealed to Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to mediate in the conflict.

On Friday, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg announced the deployment, for the first time, of NATO’s 40,000-troop-strong rapid response force, created in 2003.

“Yesterday, NATO Allies activated our defense plans,” Stoltenberg said on Friday, adding that the alliance’s forces would be positioned “on land, at sea, and in the air.”

“The United States, Canada and European Allies have deployed thousands more troops to the eastern part of the Alliance,” Stoltenberg continued. “We have over 100 jets at high alert operating in over 30 different locations. And over 120 ships from the High North to the Mediterranean. Including three strike carrier groups.”

Stoltenberg added, “We speak about thousands of troops. We speak about air and maritime capabilities. They are only actually part of the standing naval groups. We have many planes operating in the eastern part of the Alliance. And then, several Allies have partly already assigned troops and forces to the NATO Response Force.”

Stoltenberg called Russia’s actions “the gravest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades,” declaring, “We will do whatever it takes to defend every ally and every inch of NATO territory.”

The announcement was hailed by advocates of confrontation with Russia. “Hearing now that NATO’s Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) has been activated. Excellent news,” tweeted former US Ambassador to Russia and arch-warmonger Michael McFaul.

UK Defense Minister James Heappey announced that the UK would send armed forces to Estonia “earlier than planned,” with the Royal Welsh battle group arriving in the country shortly. A further 1,000 UK troops will be on standby “to support Hungary, Slovakia, Romania and Poland,” Heappey said.

But the defense minister warned of the dangers of an open engagement between NATO and Russia, observing that the conflict could quickly become “existential.”

Both in the UK and the US, significant forces within the political establishment are advocating for just such an “existential” conflict.

Heappey’s warnings were directed to MPs advocating for an establishment of a no-fly zone over Ukraine, meaning that NATO surface-to-air missiles and aircraft would engage and attempt to shoot down Russian combat planes.

The imposition of a no-fly zone “would be a significant and real help for the people of Ukraine,” said Tory MP Peter Bone.

In the United States, Congressman Adam Kinzinger demanded that the United States take this measure. “Declare a #NoFlyZone over Ukraine,” Kinzinger tweeted. “History teaches that taking a stand is inevitable and gets more costly with time. We own the skies, Russia cannot hold a candle to our Air power.  Do this. Putin is too dangerous to hope he is satisfied with ‘just Ukraine.’”

The claim that the United States “own(s) the skies” in Eastern Europe is false. Russia operates what is arguably the world’s most advanced Anti-Access and Area Denial (A2/AD) system, which would inflict significant losses on NATO aircraft that sought to engage Russian air forces. If Moscow’s aircraft were to come under attack from sites within NATO territory, Russia could respond with cruise missile strikes on the batteries, triggering NATO Article 5 and starting a world war.

This insane demand won support on both sides of the aisle, with Democratic Party operative Jon Cooper demanding, “The U.S. must declare a no-fly zone in Ukraine—NOW!!”

In an exchange on BBC’s Radio 4 Today, UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said that the imposition of a no-fly zone would be an act of war against Russia.

“To do a no-fly zone I would have to put British fighter jets against Russian; NATO would have to declare war on Russia.” This would “trigger a European war,” he said.

Any such war threatens the use of nuclear weapons. As CNN military analyst James “Spider” Marks said on live television Thursday, “I would hate to think that [Vladimir Putin] might think that he can get away with a tactical nuke, and that there wouldn’t be a concomitant response. That then begins the cascading effect of the end of times.”

On Thursday, US President Joe Biden said that 7,000 US troops would deploy to Germany. But the Pentagon clarified that some of them could be forward deployed to Russia’s borders as part of a NATO rapid response force. reported, “The U.S. has already deployed about 12,000 troops and equipment such as F-35 Lightning II fighter jets and Apache attack helicopters to Germany, Poland, Romania and the Baltic states. The Pentagon has said more than 11,000 troops have been put on heightened alert for deployment since January, but it could not provide exact figures on Friday of those who remain on alert or have been deployed.”

These developments come as further measures have been taken to shut the Russian population off from the world economy. On Friday, Poland closed its airspace to Russian airlines, while British Airways and Virgin Atlantic have stopped using Russian airspace, Kommersant reported. S&P just downgraded the credit ratings of both Ukraine and Russia.

On Friday, California Democrat Eric Swalwell said that “kicking every Russian student out of the United States … should … be on the table.”

While the United States and NATO governments hope to benefit, for both domestic and geopolitical reasons, from a Russian invasion of Ukraine, the war threatens to have massive and incalculable consequences not only for the populations of that region but for all of humanity.

As the International Committee of the Fourth International said in its statement yesterday, the opposition among the people of Ukraine, Russia, and the whole world must “be developed as a conscious political movement for socialism. This means the building of the International Committee of the Fourth International and its affiliated Socialist Equality Parties in every country.”

No to war with Ukraine! Against Russian military intervention!

The Marxist Tendency (Russia)24 February 2022

The following is a statement by Russian comrades of the International Marxist Tendency, denouncing the invasion of Ukraine that began in the early hours of today. Against military intervention! Against chauvinism! No war between the peoples, no peace between the classes! Read the original in Russian here. Also, this statement should be read in conjunction with the previous one by our Russian comrades, and the latest analysis by editor Alan Woods.

In the early morning of 24 February, the Russian army launched a military operation against Ukraine, inflicting airstrikes on military units, air defence systems and ammunition depots. In a video message to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin justified the operation by citing an appeal from the people's republics of the Donbas requesting military protection. He said that the objective of the operation is not the occupation of Ukraine, but its demilitarisation and denazification. He called on the servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to lay down their arms and not obey the “anti-people junta that is robbing the people.”

In our previous articles, we, the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), assessed the likelihood of a direct military clash between Russia and Ukraine as extremely small. This was due to the fact that our analysis focused on the interests of Russian imperialism, its capabilities and past behaviour. A full-scale war in Ukraine was then seen as an extremely dangerous adventure for the Putin regime with an uncertain outcome, which would be accompanied by enormous costs for Russia. The situation, however, consistently developed from bad to worse, and eventually spiralled towards this catastrophic scenario. Putin chose the adventure, apparently counting on the Ukrainian state to crumble under his first blows, after which it would only be necessary to carry out a blitzkrieg and put a new loyal government in power. As with the recognition of the people's republics, one cannot speak of a “last-minute decision based on the circumstances”, because the video message about the start of the operation, as it turned out, was recorded on 21 February.

A significant part of Russian society and the Russian left justified both the recognition of the republics and the entry of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine by saying that this would stop the shelling of the Donbas and end the eight-year-long hell of bombing for millions of people. This contained a certain amount of truth, although in our previous statement we stressed the negative consequences of the recognition of independence, condemning both recognition and intervention. But now that the missiles have flown into Ukraine, it will not be possible to talk about bringing in troops for the sake of “ending the war”.

It is hard to find anything more hypocritical than the statements issued by Putin and other Russian officials about ‘denazification’. Contrary to their rhetorical appeal to the memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and the sacrifices of the Soviet people in the fight against Nazism, the historical model of the Putin regime is not the Soviet Union. Rather, Putin’s model is the Russian Empire, as he has directly and repeatedly explained. His long speech on 21 February regarding the introduction of troops into the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic) and DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) was emphatically anti-communist. It was based on the stance of Russian chauvinism, and not Soviet internationalism. In Russia, Nazi collaborators are also regularly honoured, although by no means on the same scale as in Ukraine. The White movement is glorified and communists are persecuted, including functionaries of the Communist Party. The communist parties in the people’s republics of Donbas still operate illegally. The policy of the Russian authorities is one of national chauvinism, anti-communism, anti-democracy and the robbery of the workers. Under such conditions, only extremely naive people can perceive Russia as an ‘anti-fascist’ force.

Regardless of the outcome of the war, Ukrainian and Russian chauvinism will rise to new heights. The fierce struggle against chauvinism of all stripes, is the duty and urgent task of communist internationalists today / Image:

Even if Putin's blitzkrieg succeeds and the existing government of Ukraine is dispersed, whatever it is replaced with by force of Russian bayonets will be just as reactionary, only with a different colouration. It cannot be otherwise. We only need to consider the forces that the Russian regime has nurtured in Donbas for the past eight years; how it has killed objectionable field commanders; and the motivations that have guided Ukrainian politicians in the same period. Given the curtailment of bourgeois democracy in Russia itself, one cannot expect that Putin will contribute to its construction in Ukraine. We will not see ‘denazification’, but ‘nazification’ under another flag.

War is the most difficult subject to analyse. Of course, we cannot predict the outcome of a military operation. But despite the huge material and technological superiority of the Russian Army over the Armed Forces of Ukraine, there is a chance that the Ukrainian army and state will not simply be defeated within a couple of days. Under those circumstances, the most nightmarish scenario for the working people of Russia and Ukraine will come to life: a protracted, bloody slaughterhouse, in which the workers are the livestock. But regardless of the outcome of the war, Ukrainian and Russian chauvinism will rise to new heights and a deep wound will have been inflicted on the relations between Ukrainian and Russian working people that will last for many decades to come. Therefore, the struggle for the reconciliation of peoples, the fierce struggle against chauvinism of all stripes, is the duty and urgent task of communist internationalists today.

The most important task of honest Russian communists is to directly oppose Russia’s military intervention. The sanctioning of this operation under the pretext of “protecting the Russian population”, “fighting against Nazism”, and so on is a direct betrayal of the principles of internationalism. The position of the leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which formally offered Putin their recognition of the people’s republics of the Donbas, and then approved the introduction of troops and the military operation, has caused the greatest harm in this respect. It is noteworthy that this is happening at the very moment when members of the Communist Party itself, from Moscow to Vladivostok, are facing repression. We believe that consistent communists in the ranks of this party should strongly protest against the fact that the leadership has not only capitulated to Russian chauvinism, but is leading its procession. The time has come for all loyal communists to remember the lessons of the collapse of the Second International; to remember Lenin's struggle against the social chauvinists and the principles on which the Communist International was founded!

We call on all communists in Ukraine, Russia and Donbas to oppose the war. We urge the military personnel of the Russian Federation not to carry out criminal orders. We call for the fight against chauvinism of all stripes – for the international brotherhood of peoples.





Imperialist hypocrisy and the invasion of Ukraine

Alan Woods
24 February 2022

So, it has started. Russian forces have unleashed a massive attack on Ukraine. In the early hours of the morning, in a short televised address, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a “special military operation” at dawn. Within minutes of the broadcast, at about 5am Ukrainian time, explosions were heard near major Ukrainian cities, including the capital Kiev.

In previous weeks, Putin built up an estimated 190,000 troops close to Ukraine’s borders, while European leaders shuttled between Kiev and Moscow, seeking a diplomatic solution. But one does not mobilise such a huge number of troops, tanks and guns just in order to dance a diplomatic minuet.

In the immediate fog of war, with only scraps of information at our disposal, it is impossible to give an accurate appraisal of the military situation. But the scope of the Russian attack appears to be massive. To cite one report:

"Ukraine’s interior ministry reported that the country was under attack from cruise and ballistic missiles, with Russia appearing to target infrastructure near major cities such as Kiev, Kharkiv, Mariupol and Dnipro.

"Explosions from artillery rockets lit up the night sky as shelling began near Mariupol, as videos showed. A senior adviser to Ukraine’s interior ministry said that it appeared Russian troops may soon move on Kharkiv, which is about 20 miles from the border. Locals in Kiev sought safety in bomb shelters as explosions were heard outside the city."

And another:

"Some of the first explosions after Putin announced the operation were heard near Kramatorsk, the headquarters of the Ukrainian army’s operations centre near the Russian-controlled territories in south-east Ukraine. Explosions were also reported at military headquarters, and at military warehouses."

There have also been reports of an amphibious assault on the key port city of Mariupol and ground forces moving in from Belarus, Crimea and from Russia. The Russian military claimed it was not targeting population centres. “High-precision weapons are disabling the military infrastructure, air defence facilities, military airfields and aviation of the Ukrainian army,” the Russian Defence Ministry said in a statement carried by state-owned news agency Ria Novosti.
Putin’s speech

The stage for the offensive was set on Wednesday night, after the leaders of the two Russian-controlled territories in east Ukraine sent an official request to Moscow for military aid to “help repel the aggression of the Ukrainian armed forces in order to avoid civilian casualties and a humanitarian catastrophe in the Donbas”.

An examination of Putin’s speech from this morning tells us something about his aims and intentions. Every war must have some justification and, in this case, Putin mentioned: “A hostile anti-Russia is being created on our historic lands.”

Putin’s speech was really a declaration of war, but he studiously avoided mentioning it / Image:

This claim is constantly rubbished by the West as mere propaganda. “How can poor little Ukraine pose a threat to Russia?” they snort. That is of course, a question that is supposed to answer itself. On its own, clearly Ukraine does not represent much of a threat. But as part of an imperialist military bloc led by the United States, planted on Russia’s doorstep, it most certainly would.

At the heart of the present dispute is, therefore, Ukraine’s future membership of NATO. Guaranteeing against this was a central Russian demand, which has been repeatedly refused by Washington – a refusal that was all the more absurd because the West acknowledges that Ukraine does not meet the minimum requirements for NATO membership at this point in time. It is not quite clear whether acceptance of this demand would, in itself, have prevented an invasion. But continually rejecting it out of hand made it inevitable.

The second requirement in any war is to gain the element of surprise and to put the blame on the other side. In this case, it was the shelling of the Donbas region. But that has gone on uninterruptedly for some years.

However, the immediate excuse is really a secondary consideration, since once the war becomes necessary, any excuse can be found. And as far as the element of surprise is concerned, that has been achieved very effectively, with the active assistance of messrs Biden and Johnson. They have behaved like the little boy who cried “Wolf!” so often that, when the wolf finally appeared at the door, nobody believed him.

Putin’s speech was really a declaration of war, but he studiously avoided mentioning it. This man, who is the nearest thing I know to an Egyptian Sphinx, likes to keep everyone guessing. “We have taken the decision to conduct a special military operation,” he said, without even hinting on just how special it would be.

And what would be the aim of this “special military operation”? He claimed it was for the “demilitarisation and denazification” of Ukraine. “We do not intend to occupy Ukraine,” he said, but at the same time, he had a warning for other nations who might be tempted to get involved:

“To anyone who would consider interfering from the outside: if you do, you will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. All relevant decisions have been taken. I hope you hear me,” he said.

A fairly clear message, I think.

Can Ukraine resist?

The immediate reaction of the Kiev government was words of defiance:

“Putin has just launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine,” said Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba. “Peaceful Ukrainian cities are under strikes. This is a war of aggression. Ukraine will defend itself and will win. The world can and must stop Putin. The time to act is now.”

President Volodymyr Zelensky used a video address to appeal to the Russian public for help after an attempt to speak to Putin was unsuccessful. “Do Russians want wars? I would very much like to answer this question. But the answer is up to you,” he said.

He also vowed to defend the country, saying: “If someone attempts to take away our land, our freedom, our lives, the lives of our children, we will defend ourselves. By attacking, you will see our faces, not our backs, but our faces.”

He announced that martial law was now being imposed across all of Ukraine.

“No panic. We're strong. We're ready for anything. We'll defeat everyone, because we are Ukraine,” the Ukrainian leader said. Ahead of Russia's attack, he had made a last-ditch attempt to avert war, warning that Russia could start “a major war in Europe” and urging Russian citizens to oppose it.

Brave words! But this is just so much empty bravado. The Ukrainian army is in disarray, being taken hopelessly off guard by the suddenness of the attack. In any case, it was in no position to resist the might of the Russian army. The moment the West announced that it did not intend to send troops to defend Ukraine, the matter was settled in advance.

The assertion that there is no panic in the capital is belied by television pictures that show long lines of cars fleeing Kiev.

From the very start, the Kiev government has been a picture of helplessness. By stubbornly insisting on its right to join NATO – a clear provocation to Moscow – it threw itself unto the arms of the West as its only hope for survival. That was a very foolish mistake.

For all their public displays of bravado, the imperialists have not the slightest interest in the people of Ukraine. They are regarded as mere pawns in a cynical game of Great Power politics.

The Russian military claimed that all of Ukraine’s aviation bases were disabled in the barrage of missiles that began the Russian invasion. Smoke has been seen rising from near major airfields outside of Kharkiv and other cities in the east, and as far west as Ivano-Frankivsk, which is nearer to the border with Poland.

Thursday’s attack was preceded by a massive, continuous cyber-attack that targeted Ukraine’s ministries and banks, a form of hybrid warfare to sow confusion.

There have also been reports indicating that Russian forces have entered Ukraine, claiming that Ukraine’s border forces “are not putting up any resistance to Russian units”.

In a recent Facebook post, Dmitri Kovalevich a commentator based in Kiev paints a picture of Ukrainian forces in disarray:

“Unconfirmed messages on the Ukrainian web suggest that some 70 percent of recent western arms supplies for Ukraine were destroyed directly on arms depots. Our military is lamenting the fact that the depots were run by officers who turned out to be Russian agents, and simply blew them up.

“Update: all Turkish Bayractar drones were also destroyed right on the air fields.

"Donetsk rebels seized the city of Marioupol. Almost no resistance there from Ukraine’s army – they just walked into the city.

"Missiles that hit Ukraine’s military bases in Odessa were launched by underwater submarines.

“Reportedly, Ukraine’s border control checkpoints were captured in the Sumy region [north-east Ukraine]. Russian marines landed in Odessa region. Kiev anti-aircraft base was hit by ballistic missiles – within an hour Ukraine lost almost all its anti-aircraft systems.

“Mass fire from rocket-launchers along the entire frontline in Donbass. A Russian military column crossed the border in the Kharkov region.

“People from various regions of Ukraine report loud explosions, which happened simultaneously in Odessa, Kiev, Kramatorsk, Marioupol, Kharkov and Dnipro-city. This looks like large, timed explosives, detonated at once throughout the country.

“US intelligence drones left the airspace over Ukraine.

“Update: explosions hitting Ukraine's arms depots.

“Airspace over Ukraine is completely closed. Some jets flying to Kiev were ordered to turn back.”

It is clear that these reports, based on confused and partial information during the heat of the fighting, must be treated with some caution. But if only half of this is true, it shows that the Russians made sure that the military capabilities of Ukraine’s defences were destroyed, or at least severely impaired, before the invasion started.

It also paints a picture of demoralisation and lack of motivation in at least part of the Ukrainian forces, which contradicts the picture that has been peddled by western propaganda. Russia now has every incentive to move as fast as possible to seize the capital.

Military analysts have said they expect that Putin would send his forces in order to capture or surround Kiev. US Senator Marco Rubio, a member of the Senate’s select committee on intelligence, claims that “Russia’s airborne forces are attempting to take control of the airport in Kiev to… fly in forces to occupy the city.”

There were reports on Thursday evening on Russian state media that airborne troops had captured the airport in Boryspil near Kiev. Whether these reports are true or false, it is only a matter of time before the Ukrainian capital is in Russian hands. The war will then, to all intents and purposes, be over.
“Shock and horror”

Western leaders have fallen over themselves in their haste to condemn the invasion, which, if we are to believe them, will lead to something approaching Armageddon, with millions (sic!) of people killed and a bloody all-European war threatening the very existence of human civilization as we know it.

Joe Biden issued a written statement saying:

“The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces.”

“President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering,” Biden said. “Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.”

“I am appalled by the horrific events in Ukraine and I have spoken to President Zelenskyy to discuss next steps. President Putin has chosen a path of bloodshed and destruction by launching this unprovoked attack on Ukraine.”

“We will hold the Kremlin accountable,” wrote Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU Commission, which had announced new sanctions against Moscow just hours before the attack.

Biden and co. never had the slightest intention of providing military support to Kiev. Their only contribution to the present crisis was a never-ending series of bellicose statements / Image: Gage Skidmore, Flickr

All of these fine, defiant words are contrasted with the fact that Biden and co. never had the slightest intention of providing military support to Kiev. Their only contribution to the present crisis was a never-ending series of bellicose statements, accompanied by dire threats of “severe” (but unspecified) consequences that would allegedly follow a Russian attack. These remarks, backed up by an obstinate intransigence to even consider Russia’s demands, helped to make an invasion inevitable.

In short, all these ladies and gentlemen were quite prepared to fight to the last drop of the blood – specifically, that of the Ukrainians.

Even more despicable was the rabid ranting that was coming out of London. If incendiary speeches could win wars, the stupid rhetoric delivered on the floor of the House of Commons would have had the Russian army scurrying back to barracks as fast as their boots could carry them.

“The UK and our allies will respond decisively,” growled Prime Minister Boris Johnson, more to impress his own Tory backbenchers, who have attacked him for his timid response to the man in the Kremlin.

Unfortunately, the historical record tells us that wars have never been won by words. Putin must have had a good laugh at this circus that passes for a parliament. That is, if he paid any attention to it at all, which we doubt very much.

And what are we to say about Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer? The most earnest desire of this right-wing Blairite is to make the Labour Party look as similar to the Tories as possible. His dream is to see it waving the Union Jack and the Stars and Stripes instead of the Red Flag.

So, it was no surprise to see him enthusiastically competing with Boris Johnson to prove who was the most ferocious enemy of Russia and the most ardent supporter of NATO.
The pot should not call the kettle black

All these words stink of hypocrisy. Where was the chorus of condemnation when the Americans and their “allies” (read: lackeys) launched a criminal and bloody war against Iraq? And what about their lying propaganda about non-existent “weapons of mass destruction”, that were supposed to be ‘proved’ by fake documents, and served as a cynical cover for an act of blatant aggression against a sovereign state?

That disgusting act – as well as the equally criminal invasion of Afghanistan and the imperialist rape of Syria – led to the deaths of at least one million people. But why let the facts ruin a good story?

Parading on TV for the world to see, in their tailor-made suits and polished smiles, the western leaders are made to appear as the voice of reason and humanism. But scratch that surface, and you will find nothing but filth. There is no force on earth as reactionary and as drenched in blood as US imperialism and its puppets in the west.
The “United” Nations

As always, when war breaks out, our ears are suddenly assailed by a strange noise. It strongly resembles the bleating of frightened sheep, but in fact it is the Voice of Sanity, the True Voice of Humanity, or so we are led to believe.

I refer to the bleating of the pacifists: those pleasant, well-meaning souls who inform us that peace is good and war is bad. But wars have never been halted by sentimental appeals to decency and common sense. On the contrary, common sense tells us that throughout the ages, all serious matters have always been resolved by force of arms.

One of the most remarkable features of pacifists is their seemingly endless capacity for self-deception. They eagerly cling to each and any speech by a leader fervently declaring his or her attachment to peace. Or this or that empty resolution passed by a government or institution repeating the same banal sentiments. A naïve belief in the efficacy of such things make the pacifists useful dupes of the warmongers, since they lull people into a false sense of security.

Such speeches and resolutions merely serve as a convenient smokescreen to conceal the real, aggressive intentions that lie behind them. And the biggest fraud of all is the comically misnamed United Nations. This body was set up following the Second World War, supposedly to prevent new wars in the future.

And every time there is a danger of war, the pacifists and left reformists call on the UN to intervene. That is a stupid illusion and a deception of the people.

This is not the place to repeat the sorry history of that institution. Suffice it to say that the UN has never prevented any war, and has in fact been involved in more than one, as the case of Korea shows.

Between 1945 and 1989 there have been more than 300 wars internationally. Since WW2 and until today, the United States alone has waged 30 major military operations. The United Nations had no impact whatsoever on any of these events.

And today is no different. At the very time when Putin’s words were being broadcast, the UN security council was holding an emergency session, chaired by Russia itself, which holds the rotating presidency.

It was begun by the UN secretary general, António Guterres, who made a direct appeal: “President Putin – stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died.”

But no sooner had these words left his lips, the first detonations were being reported. The final epitaph on the grave of pacifism and the United Nations can be left to the Bible: “crying peace, peace, when there is no peace.” (Jeremiah, 6: 14)

Lenin once said that capitalism is horror without end. It is a system with war and reactionary national chauvinism baked into its foundations, as a part of the international competition for markets and spheres of influence. How many millions of workers and poor have been marched onto the battlefields and sacrificed in the name of the ‘nation’, which is merely another word for the interests of the capitalist class?

As long as capitalism remains, war will remain a permanent feature, and there can be no talk of ‘united nations’, just like there can be no talk of a united nation. The only unity that is possible is international class unity.

It is the task of Marxists and socialists to expose the illusion that the interests of the workers and poor can be reconciled with those of the ruling class. The only way to fight war is to fight against the system which causes war.
What now?

While it is too early to say that the war is over, nobody can doubt that the Russians will achieve all their declared objectives in a very short time. It is not easy to determine the precise mood of the Ukrainian people. In any case, it will be different in the eastern region, where there are many Russian speakers; and the western part, which has always been more inclined to nationalism.

But the prevailing mood will be one of despair, pessimism and, above all, war-weariness and a strong desire for peace and some kind of stability. This may provide Putin the basis for setting up a pro-Russian government in Kiev.

While it is too early to say that the war is over, nobody can doubt that the Russians will achieve all their declared objectives in a very short time / Image: Igor Rudenko, Wikimedia Commons

It seems to me that a man like Poroshenko might fit the bill nicely as a replacement for Zelensky. True, he has made some very sharp speeches lately, condemning Putin. But that was to be expected, and behind the scenes, negotiations will be taking place, the outcome of which may yet surprise everyone. But that is just my guess…

Obviously, the question of Ukrainian membership of NATO will be off the agenda. Under the declared banner of denazification, there will be a purge of right-wing and ultra-nationalist organisations.

It is self-evident that the Russian occupying forces will want to rid themselves of actual or potential enemies, and this will certainly include the fascist and ultra-nationalist armed militias.

When Putin says he does not intend to occupy Ukraine, there is no reason to doubt his word. To be more accurate, he will not occupy it for long. That would be too difficult and very expensive.

No. He will withdraw, having made his point. And that is to show both to the Ukrainians and the rest of the world that Russia is not to be trifled with, that NATO’s expansion to the east must stop, that Ukraine and Georgia must never join it and that NATO must not place large concentrations of forces near Russia’s borders or hold provocative manoeuvres in the vicinity.

He keeps repeating that he is open to negotiate, and that is also the case. But he will now be negotiating from a position that is far stronger than before. He will press his demand for the removal of medium-range nuclear weapons from Eastern Europe and the effective reinstatement of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty, which, you will recall, was unilaterally ditched by Mr. Trump.

Before withdrawing, just to make things absolutely clear, he may well pocket a few more pieces of Ukrainian territory, namely by expanding the newly recognised People’s Republics to include the whole of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

That, by the way, would be a purely defensive move, designed to create a buffer zone on Russia’s southern border. That would underline the impotence of Ukraine and remove it altogether from the list of possible future threats to Russia’s security – which was exactly what Putin did in the case of Georgia.

Incidentally, on re-reading what I wrote at that time, I think it fits the present situation very well, so I will quote it here:

“Yes, we recognise the right of the people of Georgia to self-determination, but not unconditionally. We do not defend their right to oppress other small nations, such as the Ossetians and the Abkhazians. Do we defend the right of the Abkhazian and Ossetians to self-determination? Yes, we do. But what kind of self-determination is it that depends entirely on subsidies from Moscow and allows itself to be used as the small change in the diplomatic intrigues of the latter to subvert and oppress the Georgians? In what way does this further the cause of socialism and the working class? In no way! This kind of ‘self-determination’ is a fraud and a lie. It is merely a convenient smokescreen to disguise the ambitions and greed of a larger power, namely Russia, which wants to take back its old possessions in the Caucasus. The absorption of these peoples into Russia will give them about the same ‘self-determination’ as that enjoyed by the Chechens – that is, none at all, just as there is no real self-determination in North Ossetia, Dagestan, or any other region in Russia.

“On the basis of capitalism no lasting solution can be found for the national question, whether in the Caucasus, the Balkans or the Middle East. Any attempt to ‘solve’ the national question on the basis of capitalism can only lead to new wars, terrorism, ‘ethnic cleansing’ and new waves of refugees, in a vicious spiral of violence and oppression. The question of the right to return for all refugees can never be solved on a capitalist basis. It would inevitably mean increased competition for scarce resources, jobs, houses, medical assistance, education, and other services. If there are not enough jobs and houses for all, it would inevitably fuel the fires of national or religious tensions. Partial reforms will not solve the problem. A root-and-branch solution is necessary. One cannot cure cancer with an aspirin!”

If we replace the word Georgia with Ukraine, and the Russian-speaking people of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions for the Ossetians and the Abkhazians, it fits like a glove. There is really nothing more to add to it.

The US will likely announce new sanctions against Russia on Monday, using tools to punish Russian banks and its larger financial system that Washington had so far held in reserve.

The sanctions imposed by the West will do nothing to alter Russia’s position, since Putin has taken steps to drastically reduce Russia’s dependence on the West. True, as an immediate reaction to the invasion, the Russian ruble fell to a record-low level since 2016, and trading was halted on the Russian stock market. But those effects will only be temporary. On the other hand, if sanctions lead to the cutting off of Russian gas supplies to Europe, it would have catastrophic effects and we would then expect a further rise in food and fuel prices.

What attitude should we take?

The present situation has inevitably been met by an intensified barrage of propaganda in the prostitute media. The aim of this is not at all to promote the interests and well-being of the people of Ukraine. On the contrary, their interests have been cynically sacrificed on the altar of imperialism.

It is imperative that we maintain a firm class position and do not allow ourselves to be dragged along by the lying imperialist propaganda machine.

Do we support Vladimir Putin and the Russian oligarchy whose interests he backs? No, Putin is no friend of the working class, either in Russia, Ukraine or anywhere else. The invasion of Ukraine is merely a continuation of his own cynical and reactionary agenda.

But that is not the question we should ask ourselves at this time. The question is: can we in any shape or form appear to be in the same camp as US and British imperialism? Can we associate ourselves, directly or indirectly with NATO, that reactionary imperialist gang? Or with Boris Johnson and the war-monger Liz Truss, or that Blairite traitor Starmer?

It is the task of the Russian working class to deal with Putin. Our fight is against imperialism, NATO and our own reactionary Tory government and those miserable so-called Labour leaders who are its partners in crime. As Lenin always insisted: the main enemy is at home. It is high time we reminded ourselves of that fact.

London, 24 February, 2022

A California professor says he spotted Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Google Maps hours before Putin announced the attack
Radar imagery showed a large Russian military unit south of Belgorod before it moved toward the border with Ukraine. Capella Space/Middlebury Institute of International Studies

A California professor noticed Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Google Maps hours before the attack.

Jeffrey Lewis called it "incredible" to come to the conclusion with radar imaging and Google Maps.

A "traffic jam" on Google Maps and a satellite image of a Russian armored unit showed the beginning of the invasion.

A California professor and arms control expert says he noticed Russia's invasion of Ukraine on Google Maps in real time hours before Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the attack in a televised address.

Jeffrey Lewis, a nonproliferation professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, had been monitoring Google Maps with a small team of research assistants and graduate students when they spotted a "traffic jam" on a road from Belgorod, Russia, to the Ukrainian border at around 3:15 a.m. local time in the Russian city on Thursday.

Lewis told Insider on Friday that the "unusual" early morning backup started exactly where a radar image taken a day earlier showed a newly arrived "large Russian military unit with a lot of armor," such as tanks and armored personnel carriers.

"What was important about that image is that they were not set up in a camp — they were lined up in columns along roads, which is what you do when you're about to pounce," Lewis said.

As Lewis and his team saw the gridlock just outside of Belgorod on Google Maps they quickly realized what was unfolding before their eyes as they stood more than 6,000 miles away in California — a Russian armored unit was on the move toward the border with Ukraine.

"It was immediately clear," Lewis said. "The traffic jam began where that extremely large unit was found. So it was very easy at that point to conclude that they had gotten on the road."

"We watched the traffic jam move south along the highway," he continued. "So they were on the road, and they were driving toward Ukraine."

Putin announced to the nation that Russia launched its assault on Ukraine just before 6 a.m. local time on Thursday.

Later that day, US President Joe Biden said that the Russian military began "a brutal assault on the people of Ukraine without provocation, without justification, without necessity."
Technological capabilities that didn't exist a decade ago

Lewis said he and his team "think we were the first people to identify that the invasion was underway."

"Over the past few weeks, we, like I think a lot of other groups, had been looking at deployments of Russian forces on the border near Ukraine," he said.

Russian forces deployed in and around the western outskirts of Belgorod, Russia, seen in a satellite image taken on February 24, 2022, with artillery and multiple rocket launchers approximately 10 miles north of the border with Ukraine. 
Satellite image ©2022 Maxar Technologies

Google collects real-time traffic data from smartphones using the Google Maps app, but Lewis said that it's highly unlikely that the traffic pattern his team saw was from Russian forces carrying their cellphones.

"Russian troops would absolutely have been told to keep their phones off," Lewis said, adding, "In general, what I think was happening was people, civilians, were either trying to get down the road or on the road … and they were probably hitting roadblocks."

Lewis called it "incredible" to come to the conclusion he and his team did thanks to radar imaging and Google Maps.

"These are capabilities that either only the intelligence community had a decade ago or didn't exist at all," Lewis said.

Lewis added, "When you have a radar image, and you can see through clouds, and when you can then tie that to a traffic disruption, it makes you feel ever so, for just a moment, a little bit like a superhero."

In the aftermath of Russia invading Ukraine, traffic data on Google Maps showed how Ukrainians were trying to flee the capital city of Kyiv, which was under siege by Russian forces on Friday.

On Friday, Google Maps showed how roads headed west outside of Kyiv were either blocked or clogged with traffic as Russian forces advanced on the city.
Moscow newspaper condemns Putin over invasion: ‘Russia. Bombs. Ukraine.’

In an act of rebellion against the Putin government, Russian daily Novaya Gazeta, the Russian daily, said it would publish editions in Russian and Ukrainian

By Graham Keeley
February 25, 2022 11:27 am(Updated 11:35 am)

Newspapers in Britain and around the world – even in Russia – condemned Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

In an act of rebellion against the Putin government, Russian daily Novaya Gazeta said it would publish editions in Russian and Ukrainian. Its front page on Friday read: “Russia. Bombs. Ukraine.”

Editor Dmitri Murátov, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021, wrote: “Together with pain, we feel a sense of shame. What is the next step? A nuclear war? Only a Russian opposition movement against the war can save the life of this planet.”

In contrast, the state-supporting Komsomolskaya Pravda supported the invasion, as did many sections of the Russian media.

In Britain, the Daily Telegraph said the invasion meant a return of the Cold War with the headline: “New cold war as Putin strikes”.
The Guardian put it simply with the headline, “Putin invades“, and the picture of 52-year-old teacher Olena Kurilo with a bandaged head, one of the most confronting and memorable images of the conflict so far.

Ms Kurilo, speaking outside her smashed home in Chuguev, in the hard-hit region of Kharkiv, said that she was “very lucky” and must have a “guardian angel”, adding that she “never thought that this would truly happen in my lifetime”.

With a picture of her bloodied face, The Sun’s headline was “Her blood on his hands” – a reference to Putin. The paper’s Twitter feed has the headline: “We love Ukraine.”

The New York Times illustrates its report with a picture of a plume of smoke coming from Kyiv and the headline: “War in Ukraine”. Below, another headline reads, “Russians wake up to discover they didn’t really know Putin” while another asserts that, “US intelligence strengthens Biden’s hand in uniting allies”.

France’s Le Monde says in a damning editorial by its foreign editor Jerome Fenoglio that Russia’s invasion was the result of “Vladimir Putin’s obsession with the democratic development of neighbouring countries”.

In Germany, the conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine daily headlined its report Russia attacks Ukraine, with an editorial which says the invasion represented an, “Attack on everything”.

In an editorial, Spain’s El Pais newspaper called for a halt to ‘Russian aggression’

“The Russian government has behaved like bullying mafia groups and big crime, first threatening then lying and then unleashing truly barbaric violence that endangers the lives of millions of citizens, ruins economies, including Russia’s and sows disorder on an international scale,” it read.

In Ukraine, the English-language Kyiv Post reports that Russia intends to “decapitate Ukraine”.

In India, The Hindu newspaper leads with the headline, “World shocked by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine,” illustrating the story with a picture of the building where the injured teacher lived.

In Brazil, the newspaper Fohla de S. Paulo has a powerful image of a grieving Ukrainian man above the body of the victim of the fighting.

 Anonymous leaks database of the Russian Ministry of Defence

by Jurgita Lapienytė
25 February 2022

Thursday evening, the Anonymous collective declared a cyberwar against Russia as Putin's forces closed in on the Ukrainian capital. And it looks like they were serious.

On Friday evening, Anonymous claimed they managed to breach the database belonging to the Russian Ministry of Defence.

Anonymous posted the database online and made it accessible to anyone. "Hackers all around the world: target Russia in the name of #Anonymous let them know we do not forgive, we do not forget. Anonymous owns fascists, always," the group tweeted.

It seems that the database contains officials' phone numbers, emails, and passwords. Twitter users seem excited about the news and continue discussing how they could use them to harm Putin's regime.

"Sign them up for GOP and Trump fundraising emails. That will be enough to drive them all crazy," one user suggested.

Many encouraged each other to send spam and malware to Russians. The original tweet announcing the leak and containing the link to the database was taken down because it "violated the Twitter Rules". Anonymous updated their tweet by removing the link.

Many activists took Ukraine's calls on the hacker underground to defend against Russia to heart. Earlier today, Anonymous claimed responsibility for taking down Russia's most prominent websites used to spread Kremlin propaganda. Even Pornhub had its say by blocking Russian users and greeting them with the Ukrainian flag and a message of support.

Meanwhile, Russia has also opened a cyber front. Ukraine's Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) said the hackers were using password-stealing emails to break into Ukrainian soldiers' email accounts and using the compromised address books to send further malicious messages.

According to Reuters, a Russia-based cybercrime group Conti, known for using ransomware to extort millions of dollars from US and European companies, vowed on Friday to attack enemies of the Kremlin if they respond to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

In a blog post, the Conti group said it was announcing its "full support" for the government of President Vladimir Putin.

"If anybody will decide to organize a cyberattack or any war activities against Russia, we are going to use our all possible resources to strike back at the critical infrastructures of an enemy," the Conti blog post read.

Ukrainian activists release personal data of more than 100 thousands of Russian soldiers

on 02/26/2022 | | News | Russian-Ukrainian war 

On February 18, before the start of the Russian invasion, the US intelligence warned that Russia had compiled long lists of Ukrainians who would resist the invasion using military or non-violent means and who are targeted to be killed or tortured to death in concentration camps, if Russia’s invasion plans succeed. 

Today is the third day of Russian artillery and rocket strikes on the peaceful cities of Ukraine. The first strikes came at 5am on February 24th and resulted in casualties among both the military and civilians. And while the whole world is hesitating, trying to figure out if they should be afraid of Russia, or apply personal sanctions to the Russian leaders, or cut off Russia from SWIFT, Ukrainians are bravely standing against the army of the largest country in the world. The international volunteer community InformNapalm believes that the world needs to have as much information as possible to help investigate in the future the multitudes of Russian war crimes. We do not judge; we only make public the data that has immense public value for meeting today’s challenges.

Earlier this year, the E_N_I_G_M_A hacker group published the first part of a large-scale leak of the personal data of Russian soldiers, totaling 22,713 individuals.

InformNapalm volunteers compared the data in this leak with our database of OSINT investigations that contains over 2630 soldiers that have participated in the Russian aggression since 2014. We found 8 people in the leak that have also been identified in our investigations. In particular there are soldiers of the following units: 02511 (138th Motorized Infantry Brigade), 06017 (336th Marine Brigade), 32406 (53th Air Defense Brigade – the one that shot down the flight MH17), 12102 (20th Chemical Defense Regiment), 54046 (3rd Motorized Infantry Division).

This match suggests that the leaked list may include many other Russian soldiers who are connected to the aggression against Ukraine in 2014-2021 or to the current invasion.

Here is the leaked data, with our addition of a separate list of the 8 soldiers found in both lists. Table of 22,713 Russian soldiers

Recently the hackers released the second part of the list that contains 97,266 individuals, including their passport data, military ranks, units, etc. It is available here.

Considering that following the order of the dictator and the war criminal Putin, the Russian Army has begun a massive invasion against Ukraine and that we now don’t have the time to verify every person on the list, we are publishing the data as is since it is important for the public as a tool for future investigation of war crimes of the Russian Army in Ichkeria, Georgia, Syria, and Ukraine. 

Please save this data, we will need it to find every single war criminal and judge them based on their actions in those wars. 

Glory to Ukraine!

Read more related material from InformNapalm:

Proofs of the Russian Aggression: InformNapalm releases extensive database of evidence

Volunteers gathered evidence of 35 Russian military units taking part in the invasion of Crimea

Advanced Russian artillery reconnaissance system Navodchik-2 spotted in Donbas for the first time

By end of year, Russia plans to set up twenty new military units near its western borders

Hactivist Group Anonymous Has Declared ‘Cyber War’ Against Russia

 (And They’re Reportedly Scoring Direct Hits)


The Russian invasion and deadly bombing of Ukraine has left a lot of people staring at their TV and computer screens and wondering what, if anything, can be done to help. There’s not much direct action for most of us to take, unfortunately, although Chris Evans has called attention to how a former Ukrainian president was poisoned and disfigured while running against a pro-Russia candidate.

 That’s more than a few other prominent social media users and TV/WWE stars have done. However, the Anonymous collective group of hackers claims to be doing a lot from behind their own screens.

Anonymous, of course, doesn’t exist behind verified accounts on Twitter, given the nature of their anonymity, but they’re apparently standing with Ukraine. One purported Twitter account declared that they’re intending to “change the world” and “stand up against anything.” The account also called for the Russian people to take a stand against this war as well.

The customary “We are Anonymous. We are Legion. Expect us” mantra does not bode well for Russia so far. The group claimed to have breached (and subsequently leaked) database information from the Russian Ministry of Defence.

In addition, the group announced that they took down the RT News website that corresponds to the Russian state (propaganda) TV station of the same name.

The RT News editor-in-chief confirmed (via Twitter) that the site was attacked but that “RT has been able to repel the hit on their servers.”

The decentralized collective can be found across many Twitter handles, but one account in particular is expressing a lot of the group’s apparent rationale. “When the world turns to chaos because of fools leading other fools to violence, we may feel powerless,” they wrote. “Understand together we are not powerless. Even a singular voice of reason in the darkness can be a beacon of light for many. Speak out. Be heard. Be righteous in all that you do.”

And if anyone wants to thank Anonymous, they’re not having it. “No need to thank us, seriously,” they wrote. “We’re just doing what we think is right because if no one stands up against oppression, who will? Everyone should be standing up at this point. We’re in 2022, not 1922.”


Facebook bans Russia state media from running adverts, monetising

Move comes hours after Moscow said it was limiting access to Facebook amid fact-checking dispute and invasion of Ukraine.

Facebook logo

Facebook says it has restricted Russian state media’s ability to earn money on the social media platform as Moscow’s invasion of neighbouring Ukraine reached the streets of Kyiv.

“We are now prohibiting Russian state media from running ads or monetising on our platform anywhere in the world,” Nathaniel Gleicher, the social media giant’s security policy head, said on Twitter on Friday.

He added that Facebook would “continue to apply labels to additional Russian state media”.

Facebook’s parent company Meta said earlier on Friday that Russia would hit its services with restrictions after it refused authorities’ order to stop using fact checkers and content warning labels on its platforms

Social media networks have become one of the fronts in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, home to sometimes misleading information but also real-time monitoring of a quickly developing conflict that marks Europe’s biggest geopolitical crisis in decades.

“Yesterday, Russian authorities ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labelling of content posted on Facebook by four Russian state-owned media organisations,” Meta’s Nick Clegg said in a statement. “We refused.”

His statement came hours after Russia’s media regulator said it was limiting access to Facebook, accusing the American tech giant of censorship and violating the rights of Russian citizens.

On Wednesday, Facebook also released a feature in Ukraine that allows people to lock their profiles for increased security, using a tool the company also deployed after Afghanistan fell to the Taliban last year.

Gleicher said Facebook had set up a special operations centre to monitor the situation in Ukraine “in response to the unfolding military conflict”.

Ukraine invasion: Russians get limited access to Facebook, others

February 26, 2022 Editor World Stage 

Kyiv city

Russia has limited access to Facebook over the platform’s stance on the accounts of several Moscow-backed news outlets amid the invasion of Ukraine.

Russia’s communications regulator Roskomnadzor accused the network of “censorship” and violating “the rights and freedoms of Russian citizens”.

Facebook said it had refused to stop fact-checking and labelling content from state-owned news organisations.

The move came a day after Russia launched its attack on Ukraine.

It is unclear what the regulator restrictions mean, or to what extent Facebook’s parent company Meta’s other platforms – WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Instagram – are affected.

The regulator had demanded Facebook lift the restrictions it placed on Thursday on state news agency RIA, state TV channel Zvezda, and pro-Kremlin news sites Lenta.Ru and Gazeta.Ru.

It said that Meta had “ignored” these requests.

Sir Nick Clegg, vice-president of global affairs at Meta, said Russian authorities “ordered us to stop the independent fact-checking and labelling” the outlets’ content.

“We refused,” he said.

But he made clear he wanted Russians to continue to use Meta’s platforms.

“Ordinary Russians are using our apps to express themselves and organise for action”, Sir Nick said, and the company wants “them to continue to make their voices heard”.

Many state-owned media outlets in Russia have painted a largely positive picture of Russian military advances in Ukraine, calling the invasion a “special military operation” that had been forced on Moscow.

On Thursday Meta said it had set up a “special operations centre” to monitor content about the conflict in Ukraine.

Russia has its own Facebook equivalents, VK and Odnoklassniki, but Facebook is also popular in the country – as is Meta-owned Instagram.

On Friday, US Senator Mark Warner said Facebook, YouTube and other social media services had “a clear responsibility to ensure that your products are not used to facilitate human rights abuses”.

Meta, has been under pressure to label misinformation – and has been working with outside fact-checkers, including Reuters.

Moscow has also increased pressure on domestic media, threatening to block reports that contain what it describes as “false information” regarding its invasion of Ukraine.

Twitter also told the BBC that its safety and integrity teams were “disrupting attempts to amplify false and misleading information and to advance the speed and scale of our enforcement”.